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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <!--META TAGS ARE RECOMMENDED FOR THE SEARCH ENGINE--> <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Exploration Air's sitemap outlining technologies and tools used"> <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="help, how it works, code, sitemap, location, specifications, plans"> <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Microsoft Visual InterDev 1.0"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso8859-1"> <!--END META TAGS--> <TITLE>Exploration Air's Site View</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF TOPMARGIN=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 ALINK=#23238E VLINK=#228B22 LINK=#23238E> <BASEFONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA" SIZE=2> <!--Change link color on mouseover Only if running Internet Explorer 4.0 or later --> <!--#include file=libHighlight.inc--> <!--#include file=libGlobalFuncs.inc--> <% Dim strFFBase, strBizBase If UseSSLOnFreqFlyer() Then strFFBase = GetSecurePrefixValue() Else strFFBase = GetPrefixValue() End If If UseSSLOnBusinessPartners() Then strBizBase = GetSecurePrefixValue() Else strBizBase = GetPrefixValue() End If %> <!--COLOR BANNER_START--> <TABLE WIDTH=100% CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="#C71585" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=20> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!--COLOR BANNER_END--> <!--BEGIN TABLE CONTAINING LOGO, TITLE AND NAVIGATIONAL LINK--> <TABLE WIDTH=100% CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD VALIGN=TOP WIDTH=415> <A HREF="<%=HomePage("")%>"><IMG SRC="images/logo_sm.gif" WIDTH=200 HEIGHT=100 ALT="Return to Exploration Air Home Page" BORDER=0></A> <BR> </TD> <TD><FONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA" COLOR="#0000FF" SIZE="5">Site View</FONT> </TD> <TD ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=MIDDLE> <A HREF="HowItWorks/HIWSiteView.asp"><IMG SRC="images/btssmall.gif" WIDTH="115" HEIGHT="52" ALT="Click here to learn how this page works" BORDER=0></A> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!--END TABLE CONTAINING LOGO, TITLE AND NAVIGATIONAL LINK --> <BR> <!--BEGIN MASTER SITEVIEW TABLE--> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 BORDER=0 ALIGN=CENTER> <TR> <TD> <!--BEGIN ICONIC SITEVIEW SUBTABLE--> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=2 WIDTH=320 BORDER=0 ALIGN=LEFT> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=4 ALIGN=CENTER HEIGHT=60 VALIGN=TOP> <A HREF="default.asp" OnMouseOver="overHomepage()"> <IMG SRC="images/SM_Home.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 VSPACE="5" ALT="Exploration Air Home Page" BORDER=1> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP> <FONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA" SIZE="3"> <STRONG>Intranet Scenario</STRONG></FONT> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP> <FONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA" SIZE="3"> <STRONG>Extranet Scenario</STRONG></FONT> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP> <FONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA" SIZE="3"> <STRONG>Secure Scenario</STRONG></FONT> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=TOP> <FONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA" SIZE="3"> <STRONG>Internet Scenario</STRONG></FONT> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD> <A HREF="Benefits\Default.asp" OnMouseOver="overIntraBenefits()"> <IMG SRC="images/SM_IntraBenefits.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Benefits" BORDER=1> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="<%=strBizBase & "/BusinessPartners/Default.asp"%>" OnMouseOver="overBPartUpload()"> <IMG SRC="images/SM_BPartUpload.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Business Partner Upload" BORDER=1> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="<%=strFFBase & "/FreqFlyer/Login.asp"%>" OnMouseOver="overFFLogon()"> <IMG SRC="images/Sm_FFLogon.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Frequent Flyer Logon" BORDER=1> </TD> <TD> <A HREF="IEPush/Channel.asp" OnMouseOver="overChannels()"> <IMG SRC="images/SM_Channels.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Internet Explorer 4.0 Channels" BORDER=1> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> <A HREF="SiteAdmin\Default.asp" OnMouseOver="overIntraAdmin()"> <IMG SRC="images/SM_IntraAdmin.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Site Administration" BORDER=1> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> <A HREF="<%=strFFBase & "/FreqFlyer/Profile.asp?UpdateUser=0"%>" OnMouseOver="overFFJoin()"> <IMG SRC="images/Sm_FFJoin.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Join Frequent Flyer Club" BORDER=1> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> <A HREF="FunNGames\FunNGames.asp" OnMouseOver="overFun()"> <IMG SRC="images/SM_Fun.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Fun 'n' Games" BORDER=1> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> <A HREF="<%=strFFBase & "/FreqFlyer/Profile.asp?UpdateUser=1"%>" OnMouseOver="overFFChange()"> <IMG SRC="images/Sm_FFChange.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Change User Details" BORDER=1> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> <A HREF="HowToReachUs.asp" OnMouseOver="overCorp()"> <IMG SRC="images/SM_Corp.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Corporate Data" BORDER=1> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> <A HREF="<%=strFFBase & "/FreqFlyer/Week.asp"%>" OnMouseOver="overFFDest()"> <IMG SRC="images/Sm_FFDest.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Destination for the Week" BORDER=1> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> <A HREF="Catalog/Catalog.asp" OnMouseOver="overCatalog()"> <IMG SRC="images/SM_Catalog.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Product Catalog" BORDER=1> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> </TD> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> <A HREF="<%=strFFBase & "/FreqFlyer/BookFlight.asp"%>" OnMouseOver="overFFBookFlight()"> <IMG SRC="images/Sm_FFBook.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Book Flight" BORDER=1> </TD> <% If IsIndexServerInstalled() Then %> <TD WIDTH=80 ALIGN=CENTER> <A HREF="Search/Search.asp" OnMouseOver="overSearch()"> <IMG SRC="images/SM_Search.gif" WIDTH=80 HEIGHT=40 ALT="Search the Site" BORDER=1> </TD> <% End If %> </TR> </TABLE> <!--END ICONIC SITEVIEW SUBTABLE--> <!-- BEGIN TEXT AREA FOR EACH PART OF THE SITE --> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=1 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD HEIGHT=60> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD HEIGHT=60> </TD> <TD> <FONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA" SIZE="2"> <STRONG> <FORM NAME="InfoData"> Comment: <BR> <TEXTAREA NAME="PageComment" ROWS=3 COLS=35 WRAP=VIRTUAL></TEXTAREA> <BR> Technology used: <BR> <TEXTAREA NAME="PageTech" ROWS=3 COLS=35 WRAP=VIRTUAL></TEXTAREA> <BR> Security: <BR> <TEXTAREA NAME="PageSecurity" ROWS=3 COLS=35 WRAP=VIRTUAL></TEXTAREA> </FORM> </STRONG> </FONT> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!-- END TEXT AREA FOR EACH PART OF THE SITE --> <!--END MASTER SITEVIEW TABLE--> <P> <HR=400> <P> <CENTER> <!--BEGIN LEGAL INFORMATION--> <FONT FACE="VERDANA, ARIAL, HELVETICA" SIZE="1"><A HREF="legal.htm">©1997 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of Use.</A></FONT> <!--END LEGAL INFORMATION--> </CENTER> <P> <!--COLOR BANNER_START--> <TABLE WIDTH=100% CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0 BORDER=0> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="#C71585" WIDTH=100% HEIGHT=20> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <!--COLOR BANNER_END--> </BODY> </HTML> <!-- THE SITEVIEW SCRIPTS. EACH ONE OF THESE UPDATES TEXT ASSOCIATED WITH AN IMAGE IN THE TABLE ABOVE --> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Homepage function overHomepage() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="The Exploration Air Home Page. The main entry point to this sample Web site."; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="Many ASP components, a Java applet and Internet Explorer 4.0 DHTML."; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="None. It is available to all users." } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Intranet scenarios function overIntraBenefits() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="Employees can change or review their benefits choices and personal information"; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="Remote Data Services, Dynamic HTML, Microsoft Transaction Server, transactional Visual Basic components, Windows NT security"; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="Very high. Requires Windows NT Challenge/Response authentication." } function overIntraAdmin() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="An administrator on the corporate intranet can set security permissions used at this site."; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="Windows NT security, ASP Permission Checker component and the IIS Admin Objects."; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="Very high. Requires Windows NT Challenge/Response authentication and to be a Windows NT Administrator." } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Secure Internet scenarios function overFFLogon() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="Allows a Frequent Flyer Club member to log on."; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="Microsoft Transaction Server and transactional Visual Basic components"; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="High. Uses an encrypted SSL session and server certificates." } function overFFJoin() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="Users can apply for membership to the Frequent Flyer program from here."; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="Microsoft Transaction Server and transactional Visual Basic components"; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="High. Uses an encrypted SSL session and server certificates." } function overFFChange() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="Users can change their Frequent Flyer membership details from here after they join."; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="Microsoft Transaction Server and transactional Visual Basic components"; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="High. Uses an encrypted SSL session and server certificates." } function overFFBookFlight() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="Users can use their Frequent Flyer points to book flights."; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="Microsoft Transaction Server and transactional Visual Basic components"; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="High. Uses an encrypted SSL session and server certificates." } function overFFDest() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="Frequent Flyers can take advantage of special weekly destinations specials."; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="Microsoft NetShow."; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="High. Uses an encrypted SSL session and server certificates." } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extranet scenario function overBPartUpload() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="Business partners can upload their latest schedules and rates."; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="RFC 1867 File Upload"; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="Very high. Uses SSL client and server certificates. It is available only to business partners." } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internet scenarios function overChannels() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="Set up personalized Internet Explorer 4.0 Channels"; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="A combination of ASP and Channel Definition Format technologies called CDX."; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="None. It is available to all users." } function overCorp() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="View corporate information such as locations, maps, and so on."; document.InfoData.PageTech.value =""; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="None. It is available to all users." } function overFun() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="Fun and Games - a simple word search puzzle."; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="Server component written in Java accessed through COM."; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="None. It is available to all users." } function overCatalog() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="Look at a new product catalog developed in conjunction with AdventureWorks."; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="Out-of-process components which are protected from crashing the server."; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="None. It is available to all users." } <% If IsIndexServerInstalled() Then %> function overSearch() { document.InfoData.PageComment.value ="Search the Exploration Air site."; document.InfoData.PageTech.value ="Index Server and Index Server SQL component."; document.InfoData.PageSecurity.value="None. It is available to all users." } <% End If %> </SCRIPT>