home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Internet Data Query File | 1998-04-27 | 4.1 KB | 123 lines |
- #
- # This is the query file for the search.asp query form.
- #
- [Query]
- # The CiCatalog variable must point to where the catalog (index) files
- # are stored on your system. You will probably have to change this
- # value. If this value is not specified, a default value is read from
- # the registry from:
- # HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ContentIndex\IsapiDefaultCatalogDirectory
- # CiCatalog=c:\index <= COMMENTED OUT - default registry value used
- # These are the columns that are referenced in the .htx files
- # when formatting output for each hit.
- CiColumns=filename,size,rank,characterization,vpath,DocTitle,write
- # Do a recursive search (ie all directories under CiScope).
- # The opposite is SHALLOW
- CiFlags=DEEP
- # The CiRestriction is the query. Here, it's just pass in from the
- # form in the .htm file.
- CiRestriction=%CiRestriction%
- # Don't allow more than 300 total hits in the result set. It can be
- # expensive for the server to allow this value to get too large.
- CiMaxRecordsInResultSet=300
- # Display CiMaxRecordsPerPage hits on each page of output
- CiMaxRecordsPerPage=%CiMaxRecordsPerPage%
- # CiScope is the directory (virtual or real) under which results are
- # returned. If a file matches the query but is not in a directory beneath
- # CiScope, it is not returned in the result set.
- # A scope of / means all hits matching the query are returned.
- CiScope=%CiScope%
- # This is the .htx file to use for formatting the results of the query.
- CiTemplate=/iissamples/ExAir/Search/%TemplateName%.htx
- # This is the list of property names to use in sorting the results.
- # Append [a] or [d] to the property name to specify ascending or
- # descending. Separate keys in multi-key sorts with commas.
- # For example, to sort on file write date ascending, then file size
- # descending, use CiSort=write[a],filesize[d]
- CiSort=%CiSort%
- # Setting CiForceUseCi to true means that the index is assumed to be
- # up to date, so queries that might otherwise force a walk of the
- # directory structure (find files older than X), will instead use
- # the index and run more quickly. Of course, that means that the results
- # might miss files that match the query.
- CiForceUseCi=false
- #
- # Setting CiLocale allows the web master to override the locale sent from
- # the browser. Supported locals include (from ISO 639:1988 language codes
- # and ISO 3166 country codes):
- #
- # BG Bulgarian
- # ZH Chinese
- # ZH-CN Chinese/china
- # ZH-TW Chinese/taiwan
- # HR Croatian
- # CS Czech
- # DA Danish
- # NL Dutch
- # EN English
- # EN-GB English-United kingdom
- # EN-US English-United States
- # FI Finnish
- # FR French
- # FR-CA French-Canadian
- # FR-FR French-France
- # DE German
- # EL Greek
- # IS Icelandic
- # IT Italian
- # JA Japanese
- # KO Korean
- # NO Norwegian
- # PL Polish
- # PT Portuguese
- # PT-BR Portuguese-Brazil
- # RO Romanian
- # RU Russian
- # SK Slovak
- # SL Slovenian
- # ES Spanish
- # ES-ES Spanish-Spain
- # SV Swedish
- # TR Turkish
- #
- # The locale effects the formatting of dates, times, and numbers. Currency
- # is formatted according to the locale of the web server. Locale is also
- # used to select the word breaker, and the stop word list.
- #
- # The web master may want to allow the browser to send the locale when
- # attempting to query for text in variety of languages. For example,
- # given a single HTML page, one query couold be for German text (CiLocale=De)
- # and another could be for Spanish text (CiLocale=Es). If CiLocale is
- # not found in the IDQ file the locale send by the web browser is used. If
- # no locale is send from the browser, the locale of the web server is used.
- #
- # The web browser sends its locale via the HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE parameter
- #
- #CiLocale=En-US <== specified by the web master
- #CiLocale=%CiLocale% <== send from the HTML page
- #CiLocale= <== value used from the web browser