home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- cls
- @echo off
- echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- echo Exploration Air Benefits Sample Site SQL Server BCP OUT script
- echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- echo.
- echo This batch file BCPs OUT the SQL Server database for Exploration Air Benefits.
- echo.
- echo Usage is OutputExAirBenefits.cmd {server} where {server} is the name of the computer where
- echo SQL Server 6.5 resides.
- echo.
- echo Note there are some assumptions:
- echo 1) SQL Server is located in c:\mssql\
- echo 2) The admin account is SA with no password
- echo 3) The data is in database ExAirBenefits
- echo.
- pause
- if '%1' == '' goto oops
- echo Outputting database
- bcp ExAirBenefits..BenefitStatus out BenefitStatus.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..EBDStatus out EBDStatus.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..EDStatus out EDStatus.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..EmployeeStatus out EmployeeStatus.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..PlanStatus out PlanStatus.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..QualifierStatus out QualifierStatus.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..Benefit out Benefit.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..DependentType out DependentType.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..Field out Field.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..Gender out Gender.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..GeoArea out GeoArea.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..Physician out Physician.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..Plans out Plans.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..QualifierClass out QualifierClass.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..TaxStatus out TaxStatus.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..BenefitPlan out BenefitPlan.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..BenefitTaxStatus out BenefitTaxStatus.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..Dependent out Dependent.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..Employee out Employee.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..PlanField out PlanField.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..PlanGeoArea out PlanGeoArea.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..Qualifier out Qualifier.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..BenefitQualifier out BenefitQualifier.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..EmployeeBenefit out EmployeeBenefit.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..EmployeeDependent out EmployeeDependent.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..EmployeeQualifier out EmployeeQualifier.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- bcp ExAirBenefits..EmployeeBenefitDependent out EmployeeBenefitDependent.bcp -S%1 -Usa -P -n
- goto outta_here
- :oops
- echo Usage is: BuildExAirBenefits.cmd {server} please provide the name of your server
- Please try again
- :outta_here
- Echo Done!