home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*++
- Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
- Module Name: formdump.cpp
- Abstract:
- ISAPI Extension sample illustrating how to obtain data from a web browser
- and how to build a reply to the form.
- --*/
- #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // the bare essential Win32 API
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <ctype.h> // for isprint()
- #include <httpext.h>
- #include "keys.h"
- #include "html.h"
- //
- // local prototypes
- //
- void SendVariables( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pECB );
- void HexDumper( EXTENSION_CONTROL_BLOCK * pECB, LPBYTE lpbyBuf, DWORD dwLength );
- GetExtensionVersion(
- )
- /*++
- Purpose:
- This is required ISAPI Extension DLL entry point.
- Arguments:
- pVer - poins to extension version info structure
- Returns:
- always returns TRUE
- --*/
- {
- //
- // set version to httpext.h version constants
- //
- lstrcpyn((LPSTR) pVer->lpszExtensionDesc,
- "FORMDUMP - A Form Decoder and Dumper",
- return TRUE;
- }
- HttpExtensionProc(
- )
- /*++
- Purpose:
- Pull in all inbound data. Build a reply page
- so the user can see how forms appear in our key list.
- Arguments:
- pECB - pointer to the extenstion control block
- Returns:
- HSE_STATUS_SUCCESS on successful completion
- HSE_STATUS_ERROR on failure
- --*/
- {
- HKEYLIST hKeyList;
- char szMsg[128];
- //
- // Get the keys sent by the client
- //
- hKeyList = GetKeyList( pECB );
- //
- // Send HTTP headers
- //
- SendHttpHeaders( pECB, "200 OK", "Content-type: text/html\r\n\r\n" );
- //
- // Create a basic HTML page
- //
- HtmlCreatePage( pECB, "FormDump.dll Reply" );
- HtmlHeading( pECB, 1, "Data Available via ISAPI" );
- HtmlHorizontalRule( pECB );
- //
- // Send each form field
- //
- HtmlHeading( pECB, 2, "Form Fields" );
- if ( !hKeyList ) {
- //
- // Report no data/error
- //
- HtmlBold( pECB, "No form fields sent" );
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, " (or error decoding keys)" );
- HtmlEndParagraph( pECB );
- } else {
- //
- // Print a quick overview
- //
- HtmlWriteTextLine( pECB, "The form you submitted data to just called" );
- HtmlWriteTextLine( pECB, "the Internet Information Server extension" );
- HtmlWriteTextLine( pECB, "FormDump.dll. Here is a listing of what was" );
- HtmlWriteTextLine( pECB, "received and what variables inside FormDump" );
- HtmlWriteTextLine( pECB, "have the data." );
- HtmlEndParagraph( pECB );
- //
- // Loop through all of the keys
- //
- hKey = hKeyList;
- while ( hKey ) {
- //
- // Details about the key
- //
- LPCTSTR lpszKeyName;
- DWORD dwLength;
- BOOL bHasCtrlChars;
- int nInstance;
- HKEYLIST hLastKey;
- //
- // We get info, and hKey points to next key in list
- //
- hLastKey = hKey; // keep this for later
- hKey = GetKeyInfo( hKey, &lpszKeyName, &dwLength,
- &bHasCtrlChars, &nInstance );
- //
- // Build web page
- //
- HtmlBold( pECB, "Form Field Name (lpszKeyName): " );
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, lpszKeyName );
- HtmlLineBreak( pECB );
- HtmlBold( pECB, "Length of Data (dwLength): " );
- wsprintf( szMsg, "%u", dwLength );
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, szMsg );
- HtmlLineBreak( pECB );
- HtmlBold( pECB, "Data Has Control Characters (bHasCtrlChars): " );
- wsprintf( szMsg, "%u", bHasCtrlChars );
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, szMsg );
- HtmlLineBreak( pECB );
- HtmlBold( pECB, "Instance of Form Field (nInstance): " );
- wsprintf( szMsg, "%u", nInstance );
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, szMsg );
- if ( dwLength ) {
- HtmlLineBreak( pECB );
- HtmlBold( pECB, "Data Sent for Field:" );
- HtmlLineBreak( pECB );
- HexDumper( pECB, GetKeyBuffer( hLastKey ), dwLength );
- }
- HtmlEndParagraph( pECB );
- }
- //
- // Clean up
- //
- FreeKeyList( hKeyList );
- }
- HtmlHorizontalRule( pECB );
- //
- // Get user name from SID and return it in the page
- //
- HtmlHeading( pECB, 2, "Security Context for HttpExtensionProc Thread" );
- WhoAmI( pECB );
- HtmlHorizontalRule( pECB );
- //
- // Display all server variables
- //
- HtmlHeading( pECB, 2, "Server Variables" );
- HtmlWriteTextLine( pECB,
- "Below is a list of all variables available via" );
- HtmlWriteTextLine( pECB, "GetServerVariable ISAPI API. Much of this" );
- HtmlWriteTextLine( pECB,
- "information comes from the browser HTTP header." );
- HtmlEndParagraph( pECB );
- //
- // Send server variables obtained from the HTTP header
- //
- SendVariables( pECB );
- //
- // Finish up...
- //
- HtmlEndPage( pECB );
- }
- TerminateExtension(
- DWORD dwFlags
- )
- /*++
- Purpose:
- This is optional ISAPI extension DLL entry point.
- If present, it will be called before unloading the DLL,
- giving it a chance to perform any shutdown procedures.
- Arguments:
- dwFlags - specifies whether the DLL can refuse to unload or not
- Returns:
- TRUE, if the DLL can be unloaded
- --*/
- {
- return TRUE;
- }
- void
- HexDumper(
- IN LPBYTE lpbyBuf,
- IN DWORD dwLength
- )
- /*++
- Purpose:
- Put the inbound data in a hex dump format
- Arguments:
- pECB - points to the extension control block
- lpbyByf - bytes to dump
- dwLength - specifies the number of bytes to dump
- --*/
- {
- DWORD dwSize;
- char szLine[80];
- char szHex[3];
- DWORD i;
- DWORD dwPos = 0;
- HtmlBeginPreformattedText( pECB );
- while (dwLength) {
- //
- // Take min of 16 or dwLength
- //
- dwSize = min(16, dwLength );
- //
- // Build text line
- //
- wsprintf(szLine, " %04X ", dwPos );
- for (i = 0; i < dwSize; i++) {
- wsprintf(szHex, "%02X", lpbyBuf[i] );
- lstrcat(szLine, szHex );
- lstrcat(szLine, " " );
- }
- //
- // Add spaces for short lines
- //
- while (i < 16) {
- lstrcat(szLine, " " );
- i++;
- }
- //
- // Add ASCII chars
- //
- for (i = 0; i < dwSize; i++) {
- if (isprint(lpbyBuf[i])) {
- wsprintf(szHex, "%c", lpbyBuf[i] );
- lstrcat(szLine, szHex );
- } else {
- lstrcat(szLine, "." );
- }
- }
- //
- // Write data to web page
- //
- HtmlWriteTextLine( pECB, szLine );
- //
- // Advance positions
- //
- dwLength -= dwSize;
- dwPos += dwSize;
- lpbyBuf += dwSize;
- }
- HtmlEndPreformattedText( pECB );
- }
- void
- DumpVariable(
- )
- /*++
- Purpose:
- Dump a server variable
- Arguments:
- pECB - points to the extension control block
- lpbyByf - points to ASCIIZ name of the server variable to dump
- --*/
- {
- DWORD dwBufferSize;
- char szBuffer[4096];
- BOOL bReturn;
- dwBufferSize = sizeof szBuffer;
- bReturn = pECB->GetServerVariable( pECB->ConnID,
- (LPSTR) szName,
- szBuffer,
- &dwBufferSize );
- if ( !bReturn || !szBuffer[0] )
- return;
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, szName );
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, "=" );
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, szBuffer );
- HtmlLineBreak( pECB );
- }
- SendHttpHeaders(
- LPCSTR pszStatus,
- LPCSTR pszHeaders
- )
- /*++
- Purpose:
- Send specified HTTP status string and any additional header strings
- using new ServerSupportFunction() request HSE_SEND_HEADER_EX_INFO
- Arguments:
- pECB - pointer to the extension control block
- pszStatus - HTTP status string (e.g. "200 OK")
- pszHeaders - any additional headers, separated by CRLFs and
- terminated by empty line
- Returns:
- TRUE if headers were successfully sent
- FALSE otherwise
- --*/
- {
- HSE_SEND_HEADER_EX_INFO header_ex_info;
- BOOL success;
- header_ex_info.pszStatus = pszStatus;
- header_ex_info.pszHeader = pszHeaders;
- header_ex_info.cchStatus = strlen( pszStatus );
- header_ex_info.cchHeader = strlen( pszHeaders );
- header_ex_info.fKeepConn = FALSE;
- success = pECB->ServerSupportFunction(
- pECB->ConnID,
- &header_ex_info,
- );
- return success;
- }
- void
- SendVariables(
- )
- /*++
- Purpose:
- Send all server variables (they came in the HTTP header)
- Arguments:
- pECB - pointer to the extension control block
- --*/
- {
- char *pChar, *pOpts, *pEnd;
- DWORD dwBufferSize;
- char szBuffer[4096];
- BOOL bReturn;
- //
- // Dump the standard variables
- //
- DumpVariable( pECB, "AUTH_TYPE" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "CONTENT_LENGTH" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "CONTENT_TYPE" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "GATEWAY_INTERFACE" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "PATH_INFO" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "PATH_TRANSLATED" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "QUERY_STRING" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "REMOTE_ADDR" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "REMOTE_HOST" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "REMOTE_USER" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "REQUEST_METHOD" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "SCRIPT_NAME" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "SERVER_NAME" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "SERVER_PORT" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "SERVER_PROTOCOL" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "SERVER_SOFTWARE" );
- DumpVariable( pECB, "AUTH_PASS" );
- //
- // Dump any others (in ALL_HTTP)
- //
- dwBufferSize = sizeof szBuffer;
- bReturn = pECB->GetServerVariable( pECB->ConnID,
- szBuffer,
- &dwBufferSize );
- if ( bReturn ) {
- //
- // Find lines, split key/data pair and write them as output
- //
- pChar = szBuffer;
- while ( *pChar ) {
- if ( *pChar == '\r' || *pChar == '\n' ) {
- pChar++;
- continue;
- }
- pOpts = strchr( pChar, ':' ); // look for separator
- if ( !pOpts )
- break;
- if ( !*pOpts )
- break;
- pEnd = pOpts;
- while ( *pEnd && *pEnd != '\r' && *pEnd != '\n' )
- pEnd++;
- *pOpts = 0; // split strings
- *pEnd = 0;
- //
- // pChar points to variable name, pOpts + 1 points to variable
- // val
- //
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, pChar );
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, "=" );
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, pOpts + 1 );
- HtmlLineBreak( pECB );
- pChar = pEnd + 1;
- }
- }
- HtmlEndParagraph( pECB );
- HtmlHorizontalRule( pECB );
- }
- void
- WhoAmI(
- )
- /*++
- Purpose:
- Get the user SID, lookup the account name and display it
- Arguments:
- pECB - pointer to the extension control block
- --*/
- {
- HANDLE hToken;
- PTOKEN_USER pTokenUser;
- BYTE byBuf[1024];
- DWORD dwLen;
- char szName[256], szDomain[256];
- DWORD dwNameLen, dwDomainLen;
- if ( !OpenThreadToken(
- GetCurrentThread( ), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &hToken ) ) {
- DWORD dwError = GetLastError( );
- HtmlBold( pECB, "OpenThreadToken failed. " );
- HtmlPrintf( pECB, "Error code=%u", dwError );
- HtmlEndParagraph( pECB );
- return;
- }
- pTokenUser = (PTOKEN_USER) byBuf;
- if ( !GetTokenInformation(
- hToken, TokenUser, pTokenUser, sizeof byBuf, &dwLen ) ) {
- DWORD dwError = GetLastError( );
- CloseHandle( hToken );
- HtmlBold( pECB, "GetTokenInformation failed. " );
- HtmlPrintf( pECB, "Error code=%u dwLen=%u", dwError, dwLen );
- HtmlEndParagraph( pECB );
- return;
- }
- dwNameLen = sizeof szName;
- dwDomainLen = sizeof szDomain;
- if ( !LookupAccountSid( NULL, pTokenUser->User.Sid,
- szName, &dwNameLen,
- szDomain, &dwDomainLen, &eUse )) {
- DWORD dwError = GetLastError( );
- CloseHandle( hToken );
- HtmlBold( pECB, "LookupAccountSid failed. " );
- HtmlPrintf( pECB, "Error code=%u dwNameLen=%u dwDomainLen=%u",
- dwError, dwNameLen, dwDomainLen );
- HtmlEndParagraph( pECB );
- return;
- }
- HtmlBold( pECB, "Domain: " );
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, szDomain );
- HtmlLineBreak( pECB );
- HtmlBold( pECB, "User: " );
- HtmlWriteText( pECB, szName );
- HtmlEndParagraph( pECB );
- CloseHandle( hToken );
- }