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- <!--#include file="adovbs.inc"-->
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- <TITLE>Add/Delete Database Sample</TITLE>
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- <font size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica">
- <b>Add/Delete Database Sample</b></font><br>
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- <%
- Dim oConn
- Dim oRs
- Dim curDir
- ' Map authors database to physical path
- curDir = Server.MapPath("\iissamples\sdk\asp\database\authors.mdb")
- ' Create ADO Connection Component to connect with sample database
- Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
- oConn.Open "DBQ="& curDir &";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DriverId=25;FIL=MS Access;"
- ' Create ADO Recordset Component, and associate it
- ' with ADO connection
- Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
- Set oRs.ActiveConnection = oConn
- ' Get empty recordset
- oRs.Source = "SELECT * FROM authors Where 1=2"
- oRs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
- oRs.LockType = adLockOptimistic
- oRs.Open
- ' Add New Record
- oRs.Addnew
- oRs("Author").Value = "Paul Enfield"
- oRs("YearBorn").Value = 1967
- oRs.Update
- ' Output Result
- Response.Write("<p>Inserted Author: " & oRs("Author") & "," & oRs("YearBorn"))
- ' Close Recordset
- oRs.Close
- ' Create Recordset Component for deletion operation
- Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
- Set oRs.ActiveConnection = oConn
- ' Create Recordset
- oRs.Source = "SELECT * FROM authors WHERE YearBorn=1967 and Author='Paul Enfield'"
- oRs.CursorType = adOpenForwardOnly
- oRs.LockType = adLockOptimistic ' use a locktype permitting deletions
- oRs.Open
- ' Delete record matching query
- oRs.Delete
- oRs.Update
- ' Output Status Result
- Response.Write("<p>Deleted Author: Paul Enfield, 1967")
- %>
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