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- <%@ LANGUAGE = VBScript %>
- <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Future Value Calculation</TITLE>
- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
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- </script>
- <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000"><font face="Verdana,Arial,Helvetica">
- <%
- ' Check whether an Annual Percentage Rate
- ' was entered
- If IsNumeric(Request("APR")) Then
- ' Ensure proper form.
- If Request("APR") > 1 Then
- APR = Request("APR") / 100
- Else
- APR = Request("APR")
- End If
- Else
- APR = 0
- End If
- ' Check whether a value for Total Payments
- ' was entered
- If IsNumeric(Request("TotPmts")) Then
- TotPmts = Request("TotPmts")
- Else
- TotPmts = 0
- End If
- ' Check whether a value for Payment Amount
- ' was entered
- If IsNumeric(Request("Payment")) Then
- Payment = Request("Payment")
- Else
- Payment = 0
- End If
- ' Check whether a value for Account Present Value
- ' was entered
- If IsNumeric(Request("PVal")) Then
- PVal = Request("PVal")
- Else
- PVal = 0
- End If
- 'Check whether user wants to make payments at the beginning or end of month.
- If Request("PayType") = "Beginning" Then
- PayType = 1 ' BeginPeriod
- Else
- PayType = 0 ' EndPeriod
- End If
- ' Create an instance of the Finance object
- Set Finance = Server.CreateObject("MS.Finance")
- ' Use your instance of the Finance object to
- ' calculate the future value of the submitted
- ' savings plan using the HTML form and the
- ' CalcFV method
- FVal = Finance.CalcFV(APR / 12, TotPmts, -Payment, -PVal, PayType)
- %>
- <h3><A NAME="H3_37661593"></A>Your savings will be worth <%= FormatCurrency(FVal )%>.</h3>
- </FONT>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>