home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <%
- DIM L_Guestbook, count, CursorType, intMID,objConn ,rst, strProvider, strQuery, StrSort
- L_Guestbook = "Ksi╣┐ka go£ci"
- ' $Date: 10/20/97 4:17p $
- ' $ModTime: $
- ' $Revision: 17 $
- ' $Workfile: guestbk.asp $
- If request.QueryString("message") <> "" Then
- intMID = request.QueryString("message")
- End If
- If request.Form("MessageID") <> "" Then
- intMID = request.Form("MessageID")
- End If
- If request.Form("next") <> "" OR request.Form("prev") <> "" Then
- Set rst = Session("rst")
- If request.Form("next") <> "" Then
- rst.MoveNext
- intMID = rst("MessageID")
- ElseIf request.Form("prev") <> "" Then
- rst.MovePrevious
- intMID = rst("MessageID")
- End If
- Else
- If intMID <> "" Then
- count = request.Querystring("Count") - 1
- Set rst = Session("rst")
- rst.MoveFirst
- rst.Move count
- Else
- call setVariables
- strProvider="Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("\iisadmin") & "\website\messages.mdb;"
- Set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
- rst.CursorType = 3
- rst.CursorLocation = 3
- rst.LockType = 3
- rst.Open strQuery, strProvider
- Set Session("rst") = rst
- End If
- End If
- %>
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>Ksi╣┐ka go£ci</TITLE>
- <!--#include virtual ="/iissamples/homepage/sub.inc"-->
- <%
- call stylesheet
- Function Title( n)
- DIM strTitle
- If n <> "" AND Len(n) > 6 then
- H = 2
- Else
- H = 1
- End If
- strTitle = "<H" & H & ">"
- If n <> "" Then
- strTitle = strTitle & MyInfo.Name & ""
- If right(myInfo.Name, 1) <> "s" then
- strTitle = strTitle & " "
- End If
- End If
- strTitle = strTitle & "- " & L_Guestbook
- strTitle = strTitle & "</H" & H & ">"
- Title = strTitle
- End Function
- Sub Build_Table
- Dim strTable, num, field(), fieldname(5), sort(3)
- fieldname(0) = "Data:"
- fieldname(1) = "Nazwa:"
- fieldname(2) = "Adres e-mail:"
- fieldname(3) = "Strona g│≤wna:"
- fieldname(4) = "Temat:"
- fieldname(5) = "Wiadomo£µ:"
- num=0
- strTable = "<TR>"
- If rst.EOF Then
- response.Write "<TR><TD Align='center' VAlign='middle' ColSpan=3 class='bg0' BGColor='#FFFFFF'>Brak wpis≤w w ksi╣┐ce go£ci</TD></TR>"
- ElseIf intMID <> "" Then
- REDIM field(6)
- field(0) = rst("MessageDate")
- field(1) = rst("MessageFrom")
- field(2) = rst("Email")
- field(3) = rst("URL")
- field(4) = rst("MessageSubject")
- field(5) = rst("MessageBody")
- field(6) = rst("MessageID")
- Dim cell_left, cell_right, row_break
- cell_left = "<TD ColSpan=2 BGColor='#FFFFFF' ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP><FONT SIZE='-1' FACE='arial','Arial'>"
- cell_right = "<TR><TD BGColor='#FFFFFF' ALIGN=RIGHT VALIGN=TOP><FONT SIZE='-1' FACE='arial','Arial'>"
- row_break = "<TR><TD height=1 Colspan=3></TD></TR>"
- For num = 0 to 5
- strTable = strTable & cell_right & "<B>" & fieldname(num) & "</B></FONT></TD>"
- If num = 2 then
- strTable = strTable & cell_left & "<A HREF=""" & "mailto:" & field(num) & """>" & field(num) & "</A></TD></TR>" & row_break
- Else
- strTable = strTable & cell_left & field(num) & "</TD></TR>" & row_break
- End If
- Next
- num=0
- Else
- sort(0) = "sortuj wed│ug daty"
- sort(1) = "sortuj wed│ug autora"
- sort(2) = "sortuj wed│ug tematu"
- For num = 0 to 2
- strTable = strTable & "<TD BGColor='#FFFFFF' WIDTH=125 Height='30' Align='LEFT' Valign='TOP'><INPUT NAME=sort value=""" & sort(num) & """ type=submit></TD>"
- Next
- num = 0
- strTable = strTable & "</TR><TR><TD HEIGHT=1 Colspan=3></TD></TR>"
- count = 1
- Do UNTIL rst.EOF
- strTable = strTable & "<TR>"
- strTable = strTable & "<TD ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP BGColor='#FFFFFF'><FONT SIZE='-1' FACE='arial','Arial'>" & rst("MessageDate") & "</FONT></TD>"
- strTable = strTable & "<TD ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP BGColor='#FFFFFF'><FONT SIZE='-1' FACE='arial','Arial'><A HREF=""" & "guestbk.asp?message=" & rst("MessageID") & "&count=" & count & """>" & rst("MessageFrom") & "</A></FONT></TD>"
- strTable = strTable & "<TD ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP BGColor='#FFFFFF'><FONT SIZE='-1' FACE='arial','Arial'><A HREF=""" & "guestbk.asp?message=" & rst("MessageID") & "&count=" & count & """>" & rst("MessageSubject") & "</A></FONT></TD>"
- num = 0
- strTable = strTable & "</TR><TR><TD HEIGHT=1 Colspan=3></TD></TR>" 'break the row
- rst.MoveNext
- count = count + 1
- Loop
- End If
- response.write strTable
- End Sub
- ' *** Creates input buttons.
- Function FormSubmit( t, name, value )
- Dim btnSubmit
- btnSubmit = "<INPUT TYPE=""" & t & """ NAME=""" & name & """ VALUE=""" & value & """>"
- FormSubmit = btnSubmit
- End Function
- Sub navigationButtons
- If intMID <> "" Then
- response.write "<TR><TD ALIGN='center' Width='50%'>"
- rst.MovePrevious
- If not rst.BOF Then
- response.write FormSubmit("SUBMIT", "prev", "<<")
- Else
- response.write " "
- End If
- rst.MoveNext
- response.write "</TD><TD ALIGN='center'> </TD><TD ALIGN='center' Width='50%'>"
- rst.MoveNext
- If not rst.EOF Then
- response.write FormSubmit("SUBMIT", "next", ">>")
- Else
- response.write " "
- End If
- rst.MovePrevious
- response.write FormSubmit("HIDDEN", "MessageID", rst("MessageID"))_
- & "</TD></TR><TR><TD Colspan=3><B>"_
- & "<A HREF=""" & "guestbk.asp" & """>Powr≤t do ksi╣┐ki go£ci</A><BR>"
- Else
- response.write "<TR><TD Colspan=3 height=50 rowspan=2><B>"
- End If
- response.write "<A HREF=""" & "Signbook.asp" & """>Kliknij tutaj, aby siΩ wpisaµ do ksi╣┐ki go£ci</A><BR>"_
- & "<A HREF=""" & "/" & """>Powr≤t do strony g│≤wnej</A>"_
- & "</TD></TR>"
- End Sub
- Sub setVariables
- strQuery ="SELECT * FROM messages WHERE MessagePrivate = 0"
- StrSort = request.form("sort")
- Select Case StrSort
- Case "sortuj wed│ug autora"
- StrSort = "MessageFrom"
- Case "sortuj wed│ug tematu"
- StrSort = "MessageSubject"
- Case Else
- StrSort = "MessageDate DESC"
- End Select
- strQuery= strquery & " ORDER BY " & StrSort
- End Sub
- %>
- </HEAD>
- <BODY TopMargin=0 Leftmargin="0" BGColor="#FFFFFF">
- <FORM ACTION=guestbk.asp method=post>
- <TABLE BORDER="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding=5 width="100%" height="100%" class="bg0">
- <TR><TD class=bg2 Rowspan="4" Width="5%" Height="100%"> </TD>
- <TD Width="95%" Height="15%" class=bg3 Colspan=3><H1>
- <%
- response.write Title(myinfo.Name)
- %>
- </H1></TD></TR>
- <TR><TD Align="left" VAlign="top" Colspan=3>
- <TABLE BORDER="0" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 Width="100%">
- <%
- call Build_Table
- %>
- </TABLE></TD></TR>
- <% call navigationButtons %>
- </TABLE>
- </FORM>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>