home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <!-- VSS generated file data
- $Modtime: 10/22/97 4:35p $
- $Revision: 29 $
- $Workfile: finish.inc $
- -->
- <%
- '--------------------------------------------------------------------
- ' Functions and Subs to complete Publisher Wizard actions on publish.mdb
- ' and \\Inetpub\webpub
- '--------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function AddAttrib(BigStr, SmallStr, Attrib)
- Dim leftStr, rightStr
- BigStr = Trim(BigStr)
- SmallStr = Trim(SmallStr)
- Attrib = Trim(Attrib)
- leftStr = Left(BigStr, instr(instr(BigStr, SmallStr), BigStr, semiColon) -1)
- rightStr = Right(BigStr, len(BigStr) - instr(instr(BigStr, SmallStr), BigStr, semiColon))
- AddAttrib = leftStr + " " + Attrib + semiColon + rightStr
- End Function
- Function GetG()
- Dim root, g
- root = server.mappath(bckSlash)
- root = Trim(Left(root, instrRev(root, bckSlash)))
- root = root + "webpub"
- g = FileSystem.GetAbsolutePathName(root)
- g = g + bckSlash
- GetG = g
- End Function
- Sub remFiles(Records, NumberRecords)
- Dim strFull, ChkDelstrFull, strAllLeft, strRec, strDelSQL, g, _
- filespec, FileName, neg, negComment, loops, rs, posSemiRt, posSemiLt, _
- i, Record, ChkDelstrFullLt, ChkDelstrFullRt, objparam, word, comma, _
- posloops, negloops, isFile, NonFile
- strFull= Myinfo.strFull
- If strFull = "" Then
- negComment1 = locProb + locRemProb1 + locSolu + locRemSolu1
- resetVar
- Exit Sub
- End If
- For i = 1 to NumberRecords
- 'Parse Record out of Records
- posSemiRt=instrRev(Records, semiColon)
- posSemiLt=(instrRev(Left(Records, instrRev(Records, semiColon)-1), semiColon) + 1)
- Record=Trim(mid(Records, posSemiLt, posSemiRt))
- Record = Left(Record, len(Record)-1)
- If instr(Record, semiColon) <> 0 Then
- Record = Trim(Left(Record, instr(Record, semiColon)- 1))
- End If
- If instr(strFull, Record) <> 0 Then
- strFull = AddAttrib(strFull, Record, "DELETE")
- Else
- NonFile = Trim(Left(Record, instr(Record, period) + 3))
- negComment1 = locProb + NonFile + locRemProb2 + locSolu + locRemSolu2
- End If
- Records = Trim(Left(Records, posSemiLt - 1))
- Next
- ChkDelstrFull = strFull
- ChkDelstrFull = semiColon + ChkDelstrFull
- cm.CommandText = "DELETE FROM FileList WHERE FileList.FileName = ? "
- set objparam=cm.createparameter(, 200, , 255)
- cm.parameters.append objparam
- Do Until instr(ChkDelstrFull, "DELETE;") = 0
- strAllLeft = Trim(Left(ChkDelstrFull, instrRev(ChkDelstrFull, "DELETE") + 5))
- strRec = mid(strAllLeft, (instrRev(strAllLeft, semiColon) + 1), ((instrRev(ChkDelstrFull, "DELETE") + 5) - (instrRev(strAllLeft, semiColon) + 1)) - 5)
- FileName = Left(strRec, (instr(strRec, period) + 3))
- g = GetG()
- filespec = g + FileName
- isFile = FileSystem.FileExists(filespec)
- If isFile = "True" Then
- Set f = FileSystem.GetFile(filespec)
- If f.attributes and 1 Then
- f.attributes = f.attributes - 1
- End If
- FileSystem.DeleteFile g + FileName
- 'Run delete sequence
- cm.parameters(0) = FileName
- set rs = cm.Execute
- posloops = posloops + 1
- showNames = FileName + " " + showNames
- Else
- negloops = negloops + 1
- If negComment1 = "" Then
- negComment1 = locProb + FileName + locRemProb3 + locSolu + locRemSolu3
- Else
- negComment2 = locProb + FileName + locRemProb3 + locSolu + locRemSolu3
- End If
- End If
- ChkDelstrFullLt = Trim(Left(ChkDelstrFull, instr(ChkDelstrFull, strRec) - 1))
- ChkDelstrFullRt = Trim(Right(ChkDelstrFull, (len(ChkDelstrFull) - instrRev(ChkDelstrFull, strRec)) - (len(strRec) + 5)))
- ChkDelstrFull = ChkDelstrFullLt + ChkDelstrFullRt
- Loop
- If posloops => 1 Then
- ShowNames = locRemResult + ShowNames
- End If
- resetVar
- posloops = 0
- negloops = 0
- End Sub
- Sub insertFiles
- Dim ChkInsstrFull, strAllLeft, strRec, FileName, FilePath, FileDescription, _
- g, ChkPath, objparam, posloops, negloops, rs, strFull, filespec, _
- isFile, comma, word, DrivePath, DriveTest, drvType, d, PathRt
- strFull = Myinfo.strFull
- 'Search strFull for INSERT attribute indicators
- ChkInsstrFull = strFull
- ChkInsstrFull = semiColon + ChkInsstrFull
- cm.CommandText = "INSERT INTO FileList (FileName, FileDescription, FilePath)VALUES(?, ?, ?)"
- set objparam=cm.createparameter(, 200, , 255)
- cm.parameters.append objparam
- set objparam=cm.createparameter(, 200, , 255)
- cm.parameters.append objparam
- set objparam=cm.createparameter(, 200, , 255)
- cm.parameters.append objparam
- Do Until instr(ChkInsstrFull, "INSERT;") = 0
- strAllLeft = Left(ChkInsstrFull, instrRev(ChkInsstrFull, "INSERT") + 5)
- strRec = Trim(mid(strAllLeft, (instrRev(strAllLeft, semiColon) + 1), ((instrRev(ChkInsstrFull, "INSERT") + 5) - (instrRev(strAllLeft, semiColon) + 1)) - 5))
- FileName = trim(Left(strRec, (instr(strRec, period) + 3)))
- If instr(strRec, bckSlash + bckSlash) <> 0 Then
- FilePath = Trim(mid(strRec, (instr(strRec, bckSlash + bckSlash) - 1), (len(strRec) - (instr(strRec, colon + bckSlash) - 1)) + 2))
- Else
- FilePath = Trim(mid(strRec, (instr(strRec, colon + bckSlash) - 1), (len(strRec) - (instr(strRec, colon + bckSlash) - 1)) + 2))
- End If
- FileDescription = Trim(mid(strRec, (instr(strRec, period) + 3) + 1, (len(strRec) -len(FilePath)) - len(FileName) - 1))
- ChkInsstrFull = Trim(Left(ChkInsstrFull, (len(ChkInsstrFull) - len(strRec))-8))
- If instr(FilePath, bckSlash + bckSlash) <> 0 Then
- PathRt =Trim(Right(FilePath, len(FilePath) - instr(FilePath, bckSlash + bckSlash) - 1))
- DrivePath = bckSlash + bckSlash + Trim(Left(PathRt, instr(PathRt, bckSlash)))
- Else
- DrivePath = Trim(Left(FilePath, instr(FilePath, colon)))
- End If
- d = FileSystem.DriveExists(DrivePath)
- If d = "True" Then
- Set f = FileSystem.GetDrive(DrivePath) 'is the file on a valid drive
- Select Case f.DriveType
- Case 0 'Unknown
- DriveTest = locFail
- drvType = locDrvUnk
- Case 1 'Removable
- DriveTest = locFail
- drvType = locDrvRem
- Case 2 'Fixed
- DriveTest = locPass
- Case 3 'Network
- DriveTest = locFail
- drvType = locDrvNet
- Case 4 'CD-ROM
- DriveTest = locFail
- drvType = locDrvCD
- Case 5 'RAM Disk
- DriveTest = locFail
- drvType = locDrvRAM
- End Select
- Else
- negloops = negloops + 1
- If instr(DrivePath, bckSlash + bckSlash) = 0 Then
- If negComment1 = "" Then
- negComment1 = locProb + FileName + locInsProb1a + Ucase(DrivePath) + locInsProb1b + locSolu + locInsSolu1
- Else
- negComment2 = locProb + FileName + locInsProb1a + Ucase(DrivePath) + locInsProb1b + locSolu + locInsSolu1
- End If
- Else
- If negComment1 = "" Then
- negComment1 = locProb + FileName + locInsProb2a + Ucase(DrivePath) + locInsProb2b + locSolu + locInsSolu2
- Else
- negComment2 = locProb + FileName + locInsProb2a + Ucase(DrivePath) + locInsProb2b + locSolu + locInsSolu2
- End If
- End If
- End If
- If DriveTest = locPass Then
- isFile = FileSystem.FileExists(FilePath) 'does new file really exist
- If isFile = "True" Then
- g = GetG()
- ChkPath = g + FileName
- isFile = FileSystem.FileExists(ChkPath)
- If isFile = "False" Then 'new file is not already in webpub
- FileSystem.CopyFile FilePath, g
- filespec = g + FileName
- Set f = FileSystem.GetFile(filespec)
- If f.attributes and 2 Then
- f.attributes = f.attributes - 2
- End If
- If f.attributes and 4 Then
- f.attributes = f.attributes - 4
- End If
- If not f.attributes and 1 Then
- f.attributes = f.attributes + 1
- End If
- 'Run Insert statement
- cm.parameters(0) = FileName
- cm.parameters(1) = FileDescription
- cm.parameters(2) = FilePath
- set rs = cm.Execute
- posloops = posloops + 1
- showNames = FileName + " " + showNames
- Else
- negloops = negloops + 1
- If negComment1 = "" Then
- negComment1 = locProb + FileName + locInsProb3 + locSolu + locInsSolu3
- Else
- negComment2 = locProb + FileName + locInsProb3 + locSolu + locInsSolu3
- End If
- End If
- Else
- negloops = negloops + 1
- If negComment1 = "" Then
- negComment1 = locProb + FileName + locInsProb4 + locSolu + locInsSolu4
- Else
- negComment2 = locProb + FileName + locInsProb4 + locSolu + locInsSolu4
- End If
- End If
- End If
- If DriveTest = locFail Then
- negloops = negloops + 1
- If negComment1 = "" Then
- negComment1 = locProb + FileName + locInsProb5a + drvType + locInsProb5b + locSolu + locInsSolu5
- Else
- negComment2 = locProb + FileName + locInsProb5a + drvType + locInsProb5b + locSolu + locInsSolu5
- End If
- End If
- Loop
- If posloops => 1 Then
- ShowNames = locInsResult + ShowNames
- End If
- resetVar
- posloops = 0
- negloops = 0
- End Sub
- Sub refreshFiles(Records, NumberRecords)
- Dim rightStrRec, strRec, FileName, FilePath, FileDescription, _
- g, i, filespec, objparam, strFull, Record, isTargetFile, _
- isSourceFile, posSemiRt, posSemiLt, word, comma, negloops, _
- posloops, NonFile
- strFull=Myinfo.strFull
- If strFull = "" Then
- negComment1 = locProb + locRefProb1 + locSolu + locRefSolu1
- resetVar
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Records = Trim(Records)
- For i = 1 to NumberRecords
- 'Parse Record out of Records
- posSemiRt=instrRev(Records, semiColon)
- posSemiLt=(instrRev(Left(Records, instrRev(Records, semiColon)-1), semiColon) + 1)
- Record=Trim(mid(Records, posSemiLt, posSemiRt - 1))
- If instr(Record, semiColon) <> 0 Then
- Record = Trim(Left(Record, instr(Record, semiColon)- 1))
- End If
- If instr(strFull, Record) <> 0 Then
- rightStrRec = Trim(Right(strFull, (len(strFull) - (instr(strFull, Left(Record, instr(Record, period) + 3)))) +1))
- strRec = Trim(Left(rightStrRec, instr(rightStrRec, semiColon)))
- FileName = trim(Left(strRec, (instr(strRec, period) + 3)))
- FilePath = Trim(mid(strRec, (instr(strRec, colon + bckSlash) - 1), (len(strRec) - (instr(strRec, colon + bckSlash) - 1)) + 2))
- FilePath = Trim(Left(FilePath, instr(FilePath, semiColon) - 1))
- FileDescription = Trim(mid(strRec, (instr(strRec, period) + 3) + 1, (len(strRec) -len(FilePath)) - len(FileName) - 2))
- g = GetG()
- filespec = g + FileName
- isTargetFile = FileSystem.FileExists(filespec)
- isSourceFile = FileSystem.FileExists(FilePath)
- If isSourceFile = "True" Then
- If isTargetFile = "True" Then
- Set f = FileSystem.GetFile(filespec)
- If f.attributes and 1 Then
- f.attributes = f.attributes - 1
- End If
- If FilePath <> filespec Then
- FileSystem.CopyFile FilePath, g
- If f.attributes and 2 Then
- f.attributes = f.attributes - 2
- End If
- If f.attributes and 4 Then
- f.attributes = f.attributes - 4
- End If
- If not f.attributes and 1 Then
- f.attributes = f.attributes + 1 'set file to read only
- End If
- posloops = posloops + 1
- showNames = FileName + " " + showNames
- Else
- negloops = negloops + 1
- If negComment1 = "" Then
- negComment1 = locProb + FileName + locRefProb2 + locSolu + locRefSolu2
- Else
- negComment2 = locProb + FileName + locRefProb2 + locSolu + locRefSolu2
- End If
- End If
- Else
- negloops = negloops + 1
- If negComment1 = "" Then
- negComment1 = locProb + FileName + locRefProb3 + locSolu + locRefSolu3
- Else
- negComment2 = locProb + FileName + locRefProb3 + locSolu + locRefSolu3
- End If
- End If
- Else
- negloops = negloops + 1
- If negComment1 = "" Then
- negComment1 = locProb + FileName + locRefProb4 + FilePath + locSolu + FileName + locRefSolu4 + FilePath
- Else
- negComment2 = locProb + FileName + locRefProb4 + FilePath + locSolu + FileName + locRefSolu4 + FilePath
- End If
- End If
- Records = Left(Records, len(Records)-len(Record))
- Else
- negloops = negloops + 1
- NonFile = Trim(Left(Record, instr(Record, period) + 3))
- negComment1 = locProb + locRefProb5 + NonFile + locSolu + locRefSolu5
- Records = Left(Records, len(Records)-len(Record))
- End If
- Next
- If posloops => 1 Then
- ShowNames = locRefResult + ShowNames
- End If
- resetVar
- posloops = 0
- negloops = 0
- End Sub
- Sub updFiles
- Dim ChkInsstrFull, ChkInsstrFullLt, ChkInsstrFullRt, objparam, _
- rs, strAllRight, newDescription, strAllLeft, strRec, _
- FileName, FilePath, FileDescription, strFull, word, comma, _
- negloops, posloops, g, filespec, isfile
- strFull = Myinfo.strFull
- ChkInsstrFull = strFull
- ChkInsstrFull = semiColon + ChkInsstrFull
- cm.CommandText = "UPDATE FileList SET FileDescription = ? WHERE FileName = ?"
- set objparam=cm.createparameter(, 200, , 255)
- cm.parameters.append objparam
- set objparam=cm.createparameter(, 200, , 255)
- cm.parameters.append objparam
- Do Until instr(ChkInsstrFull, "UPDATE") = 0
- strAllLeft = Trim(Left(ChkInsstrFull, instrRev(ChkInsstrFull, "UPDATE") + 5))
- strAllRight = Trim(Right(ChkInsstrFull, len(ChkInsstrFull) - len(strAllLeft)))
- newDescription = Trim(Left(strAllRight, instr(strAllRight, semiColon) - 1))
- strRec = mid(strAllLeft, (instrRev(strAllLeft, semiColon) + 1), ((instrRev(ChkInsstrFull, "UPDATE") + 5) - (instrRev(strAllLeft, semiColon) + 1)) - 5)
- FileName = trim(Left(strRec, (instr(strRec, period) + 3)))
- 'Run Update statement
- g = GetG()
- filespec = g + FileName
- isFile = FileSystem.FileExists(filespec)
- If isFile = "True" Then
- cm.parameters(0) = newDescription
- cm.parameters(1) = FileName
- cm.Execute
- posloops = posloops + 1
- showNames = FileName + " " + showNames
- Else
- negloops = negloops + 1
- If negComment1 = "" Then
- negComment1 = locProb + FileName + locUpdProb1 + locSolu + FileName + locUpdSolu1
- Else
- negComment2 = locProb + FileName + locUpdProb1 + locSolu + FileName + locUpdSolu1
- End If
- End If
- ChkInsstrFullLt = Trim(Left(ChkInsstrFull, instr(ChkInsstrFull, strRec) - 1))
- ChkInsstrFullRt = Trim(Right(ChkInsstrFull, (len(ChkInsstrFull) - instrRev(ChkInsstrFull, strRec)) - (len(strRec) + 5)))
- ChkInsstrFull = ChkInsstrFullLt + ChkInsstrFullRt
- Loop
- If posloops => 1 Then
- ShowNames = locUpdResult + ShowNames
- End If
- resetVar
- posloops = 0
- negloops = 0
- End Sub
- If Err.number <> 0 then
- negComment1 = locProb + locUnexpectProb + locSolu + locUnexpectSolu
- End If
- %>