; Localized 12/05/1997 02:01 (GMT) 4:3.0.406 A infoctrs.ini
INFO_COUNTER_OBJECT_009_NAME=Internet Information Services Global
INFO_COUNTER_OBJECT_009_HELP=The Internet Information Services Global object includes counters that monitor Internet Information Services (the Web service and the FTP service) as a whole.
INFO_COUNTER_OBJECT_015_NAME=Us│ugi globalne Internet Information Services
INFO_COUNTER_OBJECT_015_HELP=Us│ugi globalne Internet Information Services zawieraj╣ liczniki, kt≤re monitoruj╣ us│ugi Internet Information Services jako jedn╣ ca│o£µ (us│uga sieci Web i us│uga FTP).
INFO_CACHE_OPEN_FILES_COUNTER_009_HELP=Cached File Handles is the number of open file handles cached by all of the Internet Information Services.
INFO_CACHE_OPEN_FILES_COUNTER_015_NAME=Zbuforowane doj£cia do plik≤w
INFO_CACHE_OPEN_FILES_COUNTER_015_HELP=Zbuforowane doj£cia plik≤w jest liczb╣ otwartych doj£µ do plik≤w buforowanych przez wszystkie us│ugi Internet Information Services.
INFO_CACHE_DIR_LISTS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Directory Listings is the number of cached directory listings cached by all of the Internet Information Services.
INFO_CACHE_DIR_LISTS_COUNTER_015_HELP=Licznik Listy katalog≤w jest liczb╣ buforowanych list katalog≤w przez wszystkie us│ugi Internet Information Services.
INFO_CACHE_OBJECTS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Objects is the number of cached objects cached by all of the Internet Information Services. The objects include file handle tracking objects, directory listing objects and service specific objects.
INFO_CACHE_OBJECTS_COUNTER_015_HELP=Licznik Obiekty jest liczb╣ obiekt≤w buforowanych przez wszystkie us│ugi Internet Information Services. Zawiera on obiekty £ledzenia doj£µ do plik≤w, obiekty listy katalog≤w i inne obiekty specyficzne dla us│ugi.
INFO_CACHE_FLUSHES_COUNTER_009_HELP=Cache Flushes is the number of times a portion of the memory cache has been expired due to file or directory changes in an Internet Information Services directory tree.
INFO_CACHE_FLUSHES_COUNTER_015_HELP=Opr≤┐nianie pamiΩci podrΩcznej to liczba przypadk≤w, gdy porcja pamiΩci podrΩcznej wygas│a z powodu zmian plik≤w lub katalog≤w w strukturze katalog≤w us│ug Internet Information Services.
INFO_CACHE_HITS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Cache Hits is the total number of times a file open, directory listing or service-specific object request was found in the cache.
INFO_CACHE_HITS_COUNTER_015_HELP=Trafienia pamiΩci podrΩcznej to suma otwarµ plik≤w, wykona± list katalog≤w lub obiekt≤w specyficznych dla us│ugi znalezionych w pamiΩci podrΩcznej.
INFO_CACHE_MISSES_COUNTER_009_HELP=Cache Misses is the total number of times a file open, directory listing or service-specific object request was not found in the cache.
INFO_CACHE_MISSES_COUNTER_015_HELP=Chybienia pamiΩci podrΩcznej to suma otwarµ plik≤w, wykona± list katalog≤w lub obiekt≤w specyficznych dla us│ugi nie znalezionych w pamiΩci podrΩcznej.
INFO_CACHE_RATIO_COUNTER_009_HELP=Cache Hits % is the ratio of cache hits to all cache requests.
INFO_ATQ_TOTAL_BLOCKED_REQUESTS_COUNTER_009_HELP=Total requests temporarily blocked due to bandwidth throttling settings (counted since service startup).
INFO_ATQ_MEASURED_BANDWIDTH_COUNTER_015_HELP=Zmierzona przepustowo£µ pasma asynchronicznego We/Wy; £rednia warto£µ na minutΩ.
INFO_COUNTER_OBJECT_000_NAME=Internet Information Services Global
INFO_COUNTER_OBJECT_000_HELP=The Internet Information Services Global object includes counters that monitor Internet Information Services (the Web service and the FTP service) as a whole.
INFO_COUNTER_OBJECT_015_NAME=Us│ugi globalne Internet Information Services
INFO_COUNTER_OBJECT_015_HELP=Us│ugi globalne Internet Information Services zawieraj╣ liczniki, kt≤re monitoruj╣ us│ugi Internet Information Services jako jedn╣ ca│o£µ (us│uga sieci Web i us│uga FTP).
INFO_CACHE_OPEN_FILES_COUNTER_000_HELP=Cached File Handles is the number of open file handles cached by all of the Internet Information Services.
INFO_CACHE_OPEN_FILES_COUNTER_015_NAME=Zbuforowane doj£cia do plik≤w
INFO_CACHE_OPEN_FILES_COUNTER_015_HELP=Zbuforowane doj£cia plik≤w jest liczb╣ otwartych doj£µ do plik≤w buforowanych przez wszystkie us│ugi Internet Information Services.
INFO_CACHE_DIR_LISTS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Directory Listings is the number of cached directory listings cached by all of the Internet Information Services.
INFO_CACHE_DIR_LISTS_COUNTER_015_HELP=Licznik Listy katalog≤w jest liczb╣ buforowanych list katalog≤w przez wszystkie us│ugi Internet Information Services.
INFO_CACHE_OBJECTS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Objects is the number of cached objects cached by all of the Internet Information Services. The objects include file handle tracking objects, directory listing objects and service specific objects.
INFO_CACHE_OBJECTS_COUNTER_015_HELP=Licznik Obiekty jest liczb╣ obiekt≤w buforowanych przez wszystkie us│ugi Internet Information Services. Zawiera on obiekty £ledzenia doj£µ do plik≤w, obiekty listy katalog≤w i inne obiekty specyficzne dla us│ugi.
INFO_CACHE_FLUSHES_COUNTER_000_HELP=Cache Flushes is the number of times a portion of the memory cache has been expired due to file or directory changes in an Internet Information Services directory tree.
INFO_CACHE_FLUSHES_COUNTER_015_HELP=Opr≤┐nianie pamiΩci podrΩcznej to liczba przypadk≤w, gdy porcja pamiΩci podrΩcznej wygas│a z powodu zmian plik≤w lub katalog≤w w strukturze katalog≤w us│ug Internet Information Services.
INFO_CACHE_HITS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Cache Hits is the total number of times a file open, directory listing or service-specific object request was found in the cache.
INFO_CACHE_HITS_COUNTER_015_HELP=Trafienia pamiΩci podrΩcznej to suma otwarµ plik≤w, wykona± list katalog≤w lub obiekt≤w specyficznych dla us│ugi znalezionych w pamiΩci podrΩcznej.
INFO_CACHE_MISSES_COUNTER_000_HELP=Cache Misses is the total number of times a file open, directory listing or service-specific object request was not found in the cache.
INFO_CACHE_MISSES_COUNTER_015_HELP=Chybienia pamiΩci podrΩcznej to suma otwarµ plik≤w, wykona± list katalog≤w lub obiekt≤w specyficznych dla us│ugi nie znalezionych w pamiΩci podrΩcznej.
INFO_CACHE_RATIO_COUNTER_000_HELP=Cache Hits % is the ratio of cache hits to all cache requests.
INFO_ATQ_TOTAL_BLOCKED_REQUESTS_COUNTER_000_HELP=Total requests temporarily blocked due to bandwidth throttling settings (counted since service startup).