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Java Source | 1998-04-27 | 6.9 KB | 191 lines |
- // Filename: GetReceipt.java
- //
- // Description: Declaration of GetReceipt
- //
- // This file is provided as part of the Microsoft Transaction Server
- // Software Development Kit
- //
- //
- // Copyright (C) 1997 Microsoft Corporation, All rights reserved
- package Account;
- import com.ms.mtx.*;
- import com.ms.com.*;
- import accountlib.*;
- public class GetReceipt implements IGetReceipt {
- private static final String CLSID = "ab077646-e902-11d0-b5be-00c04fb957d8";
- // GetNextReceipt() performs error handling for TrueGetNextReceipt(). If TrueGetNextReceipt()
- // throws an exception, then GetNextReceipt() will call SetAbort() and pass the exception up
- // to the caller. Otherwise, GetNextReceipt() will simply call SetComplete() and return.
- public int GetNextReceipt () throws ComFailException {
- boolean bSuccess = false;
- int result;
- // First of all, get the object context
- IObjectContext ctxObject = MTx.GetObjectContext();
- try {
- // Call the true function
- result = trueGetNextReceipt ();
- bSuccess = true;
- return result;
- }
- // Upon exit, always call SetComplete if happy, or SetAbort if unhappy.
- // We do this because we never save state across method calls.
- finally {
- if (bSuccess)
- ctxObject.SetComplete();
- else
- ctxObject.SetAbort();
- }
- }
- // trueGetNextReceipt() is the function that performs the actual work for the Account class.
- // If an error occurs during execution, it will throw a ComFailException for GetNextReceipt()
- // to handle.
- // For exposition purposes, two versions of this function are given. You can uncomment either one
- // of these routines.
- // The first version of trueGetNextReceipt uses the MTS Shared Property Manager to hold the
- // shared state. The Shared Property Manager allows one to share state across all instances of
- // components that are in the same package, regardless of what language and tools were used to
- // implement each component. It is also hard to create race conditions with the Shared Property Manager.
- // This example also shows that the interface the the Shared Property Manager is not particularly
- // friendly to the Java programmer.
- // The second version of trueGetNextReceipt uses Java static variables to hold the shared state,
- // and a static synchronized method to access and update them. This works well if every component
- // that accesses the shared state is written in Java. Correctly writing code like this also
- // requires a full understanding of static members and methods, of synchronized methods, and of
- // how the two interact. It's relatively easy to get code like this wrong, but this example is
- // simple enough that the code is attractive in this case.
- // trueGetNextReceipt using MTS Shared Properties:
- private int trueGetNextReceipt () throws ComFailException {
- ISharedPropertyGroupManager spmMgr = null;
- ISharedPropertyGroup spmGroup = null;
- ISharedProperty spmPropNextReceipt = null;
- ISharedProperty spmPropMaxNum = null;
- IUpdateReceipt objReceiptUpdate = null;
- try {
- // Create SPM group manager
- spmMgr = (ISharedPropertyGroupManager) MTx.GetObjectContext().CreateInstance
- (SharedPropertyGroupManager.clsid, ISharedPropertyGroupManager.iid);
- // Prepare primnitive types that can be passed in by reference, as per the
- // function declarations generated by the Java Type Library Wizard for the
- // "Shared Property Manager Type Library."
- boolean bExists[] = new boolean[1];
- int iLockMode [] = new int [1];
- int iReleaseMode [] = new int [1];
- iLockMode [0] = ISharedPropertyGroupManager.LOCKMODE_METHOD;
- iReleaseMode [0] = ISharedPropertyGroupManager.RELEASEMODE_PROCESS;
- // Create the shared property group
- spmGroup = spmMgr.CreatePropertyGroup ("Receipt", iLockMode, iReleaseMode, bExists);
- // Create the properties
- spmPropNextReceipt = spmGroup.CreateProperty("Next", bExists);
- spmPropMaxNum = spmGroup.CreateProperty("MaxNum", bExists);
- // Call GetNextReceipt() if necessary
- Variant vRet = new Variant();
- if (spmPropNextReceipt.getValue().getInt() >= spmPropMaxNum.getValue().getInt()) {
- objReceiptUpdate = (IUpdateReceipt) MTx.GetObjectContext().CreateInstance
- (CUpdateReceipt.clsid, IUpdateReceipt.iid);
- int iRet = objReceiptUpdate.Update ();
- // Update Next
- vRet.putInt (iRet);
- spmPropNextReceipt.putValue (vRet);
- // Incremement MaxNum by 100
- vRet.putInt (iRet + 100);
- spmPropMaxNum.putValue (vRet);
- }
- vRet.putInt (spmPropNextReceipt.getValue().getInt() + 1);
- spmPropNextReceipt.putValue (vRet);
- // We are finished and happy
- return spmPropNextReceipt.getValue().getInt();
- }
- finally {
- // The following code is not strictly necessary. By calling ComLib.release here,
- // the object counts seen in the MTX explorer remain correct. Without these release
- // calls, the objects used here would not get released until after the next time
- // the Java garbage collector runs. No other ill effect would be caused by omitting
- // this code.
- // Note that this code will be executed regardless of whether we leave this
- // method via return or via an exception.
- if (spmMgr != null) ComLib.release (spmMgr);
- if (spmGroup != null) ComLib.release (spmGroup);
- if (spmPropNextReceipt != null) ComLib.release (spmPropNextReceipt);
- if (spmPropMaxNum != null) ComLib.release (spmPropMaxNum);
- if (objReceiptUpdate != null) ComLib.release (objReceiptUpdate);
- }
- }
- /*
- // trueGetNextReceipt, using Java static variables:
- private static int m_nextReceipt;
- private static int m_maxReceipt;
- private static synchronized int trueGetNextReceipt () throws ComFailException {
- IUpdateReceipt objUpdateReceipt = null;
- try {
- if (m_nextReceipt >= m_maxReceipt)
- {
- objUpdateReceipt = (IUpdateReceipt) MTx.GetObjectContext().CreateInstance (
- CUpdateReceipt.clsid, IUpdateReceipt.iid);
- m_nextReceipt = objUpdateReceipt.Update();
- m_maxReceipt = m_nextReceipt + 100;
- }
- return ++m_nextReceipt;
- }
- finally {
- // The following code is not strictly necessary. By calling ComLib.release here,
- // the object counts seen in the MTX explorer remain correct. Without these release
- // calls, the objects used here would not get released until after the next time
- // the Java garbage collector runs. No other ill effect would be caused by omitting
- // this code.
- // Note that this code will be executed regardless of whether we leave this
- // method via return or via an exception.
- if (objUpdateReceipt != null) ComLib.release (objUpdateReceipt);
- }
- }
- */
- }