home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- function DoNothing()
- {
- // Stub
- }
- //****************************
- //****************************
- function SymbolClickHandler(theIndex)
- {
- // Determine what type of action to take
- // based on value in gaiBtnActionType array
- switch (gaiBtnActionType[theIndex])
- {
- case 0: // MMC_TASK_ACTION_ID:
- ExecuteCommandID (gaszBtnActionClsid[theIndex], gaiBtnActionID[theIndex], 0);
- break;
- case 1: // MMC_TASK_ACTION_LINK:
- // document.location(gaszBtnActionURL[theIndex]);
- // window.navigate (gaszBtnActionURL[theIndex]);
- window.event.returnValue = true;
- break;
- // Determine whether the language is (JSCRIPT | JAVASCRIPT) or (VBSCRIPT | VBS)
- // Convert toUpperCase
- var szLanguage = gaszBtnActionScriptLanguage[theIndex].toUpperCase();
- switch (szLanguage)
- {
- case "JSCRIPT":
- case "JAVASCRIPT":
- // Pass a script string to the JSObject to be evaluated and executed
- // through the eval method (this can be a semi-colon delimited complex expression)
- eval (gaszBtnActionScript[theIndex]);
- break;
- case "VBSCRIPT":
- case "VBS":
- // Use the window.execScript method to execute a simple or complex VBScript expression
- window.execScript (gaszBtnActionScript[theIndex], szLanguage);
- break;
- default:
- alert ("Unrecognized scripting language.");
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- alert ("Unrecognized task.");
- break;
- }
- }
- //***************************************************
- //***************************************************
- function ExecuteCommandID(szClsid, arg, param)
- {
- MMCCtrl.TaskNotify (szClsid, arg, param);
- }
- //***********************************
- //***********************************
- function IsUniqueEOT(szURLtoEOT)
- {
- // Get the length of the test array
- var iLength = gaszURLtoEOTUnique.length;
- // If the length is empty, return true
- // since the EOT *must* be unique
- if (iLength == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- // Compare with each existing entry in the array
- for (var i = 0; i < iLength; i++) {
- if (gaszURLtoEOTUnique[i] == szURLtoEOT) {
- // Found a duplicate
- return false;
- }
- }
- // If we made it this far, the EOT is unique
- return true;
- }
- function AddUniqueEOT(szEOT, szFontFamilyName)
- {
- // Use the length of the EOT array to get the
- // index for the next element to be added
- var iNextIndex = gaszURLtoEOTUnique.length;
- gaszURLtoEOTUnique[iNextIndex] = szEOT;
- gaszFontFamilyNameUnique[iNextIndex] = szFontFamilyName;
- }
- //***************
- //***************
- function SynchTooltipColorsToSystem()
- {
- tblTooltip.style.backgroundColor = "infobackground";
- tblTooltip.style.color = "infotext";
- divTooltipPointer.style.color = "buttonshadow";
- // Show a one-pixel border around the divTooltip
- divTooltip.style.borderWidth = 1;
- }
- //*****************
- //*****************
- function GetSmallerDimension()
- {
- //Purpose: Returns the smaller of clientHeight or clientWidth
- var cw = document.body.clientWidth;
- var ch = document.body.clientHeight;
- // Get smaller of clientWidth or clientHeight
- if (cw <= ch) {
- return cw;
- }
- else {
- return ch;
- }
- }
- function GetElementIndex(ElementID)
- {
- // Purpose: Given an Element ID formatted as follows:
- // "divCaption_12"
- // returns the numeric portion after the underscore character;
- // returns -1 if delimiter not found.
- var iDelimitLoc = ElementID.indexOf("_");
- if (iDelimitLoc == -1) {
- // Return -1 if delimiter not found (which shouldn't happen)
- return iDelimitLoc;
- }
- else {
- var theIndex = ElementID.substring(iDelimitLoc + 1, ElementID.length);
- // TODO: Confirm that theIndex is numeric and does not contain illegal characters
- return theIndex;
- }
- }
- function GetPixelSize(szTheSize)
- {
- // Purpose: Given an Element.style.fontSize formatted as follows:
- // "72px"
- // returns the parsed numeric portion, discarding the "px" string at the end;
- // Assumes that szTheSize is properly formatted, and that the Object Model identifier
- // for pixel size always appears at the end of the string.
- // TODO: Absolutely no error checking here (or in calling function)
- return parseInt(szTheSize);
- }