12771 Displays information about each item in the window
12772 This console file is read-only.\n(%1)
12773 This console file (%1) was saved with an earlier version of the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). Do you want to update it to MMC version 1.1 format?\n\nTo update it, click Yes. You will no longer be able to use it with earlier versions of MMC.\n\nTo discard changes, click No.
12774 This console file (%1) was saved with an earlier version of the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). Do you want to update it to MMC version 1.1 format?\n\nTo update and close the file, click Yes. You will no longer be able to use it with earlier versions of MMC.\n\nTo discard changes and close the file, click No.\n\nTo return to the file, click Cancel.
12775 This is the last window that can be restored when the console file is opened again. It cannot be closed.
12777 Unable to open the selected file.
12778 Unable to save the console.
12780 File Menu\nFile
12781 View Menu\nView
12782 Window Menu\nWindow
12783 Help Menu\nHelp
12784 Unable to create this view with a Web Browser control. Please make sure Internet Explorer 3.0 or greater is installed.
12785 Author Mode
12786 User Mode - Full Access
12787 User Mode - Delegated Access, Multiple Window
12788 User Mode - Delegated Access, Single Window
12789 Author mode console files allow you to access all MMC functionality including the ability to add/remove snapins, create new windows, and navigate all portions of the console tree.
12790 Full access user mode console files allow the user to access all window management functionality of MMC, and provide full access to the console tree. They do not allow the user to add or remove snapins or to change the console file options. Save commands are removed from the menu because changes that do not effect snapin relationships are saved automatically.
12791 Delegated access user mode console files restrict the users ability to open new windows or access areas of the console tree which were not visible when the console file was saved. All restrictions in place on full access user mode console files also apply to delegated access console files. Multiple child windows are allowed, but the user will not have the ability to close them.
12792 Single window delegated access user mode console files are very similar to multiple window delegated access user mode console files except that there is only a single window and the controls for working with multiple windows are therefore not present.
12794 Snap-in Manger\nSnap-in Manager
12795 Unable to create a Node Manager. Make sure MMCNDMGR.DLL is registered.
12796 The snap-in that has been selected failed to initialize properly.
12797 Management Console#Management Console 1.1
12798 Customize the display of the console toolbars
12800 Arrange the windows as vertical, non-overlapping tiles
12801 Close all windows
12804 Help\nHelp
12805 On-line
12808 Recent news about the common console and related products
12810 Frequently asked questions about the Microsoft Management Console
12812 Send feedback to the Microsoft Management Console team
12816 Visit the Microsoft home page
12825 Save:
12826 &View\nContains commands for customizing this window
12827 Lar&ge\nDisplays items by using large icons
12828 S&mall\nDisplays items by using small icons
12829 &List\nDisplays items in a list
12830 &Detail\nDisplays information about each item in the window
12831 &Web\nDisplay item on an web page
12832 Arrange &Icons\nContains command for arranging items in the window.
12834 &Auto Arrange\nArrange the icons automatically.
12835 Lin&e up Icons\nArranges icons in a grid.
12836 Create &New\nCreate a new object in this container
12837 &Folder...\nCreate a new folder in this container
12838 &Shortcut...\nCreate a new shortcut in this container
12839 &Link to Web Address...\nCreate a new link to a given web address in this container
12840 &General Control...\nCreate a new control node in this container
12841 &Monitoring Controls...\nCreate a new monitoring control node in this container
12842 &Task Pad item...\nCreate a new task pad item in this container
12843 The selected file is not a Microsoft Management Console document.
12844 One or more of the snapin components has failed to load.
12845 You have chosen to force a single document interface when this console is opened in User mode, and you have more than one window open. The user will only be able to see the window that is currently active.\n\nDo you still want to force a single document interface when this console is opened in User mode?
12859 Name
12860 Refreshes the content of all console windows
12861 Type
12867 A collection of MMC snap-ins that are freely available for download
12869 Action Menu\nAction
12870 Options
13200 View Menu\nView
13201 Add or remove individual snap-ins
13203 My Administrative Tools
13204 MS Shell Dlg
13216 He&lp on %1
13217 He&lp on Snap-in
13218 Save console settings to %1?
13219 (Debug) Save the console file in Author Mode
13220 Change the options for the user and/or the console
13221 Please close all property pages before closing %1.
13222 The selected file could not be found.
13223 Failed to create one of the explored windows.