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- ; Windows 95 / 98 / NT4 Personality
- ;
- ; This is a .UIS Version 2 file
- ;
- ; For use ONLY with WindowBlinds or WindowFX by Stardock Systems, Inc
- ; Documentation:
- ; Alignemt: 0=left, 1=center 2=right
- ;
- ; Included with WindowBlinds by permission of the author (5/99)
- [TitlebarSkin]
- SkinName = WBManiaIII v0.80
- SkinAuthor = Dmitry A. Kulinitch
- AuthorsURL = http://machaon.mts.kht.ru/dak/wbskins
- AuthorsEmail = dak@machaon.khmts.khabarovsk.su
- ;How many buttons do we want to have?
- [Personality]
- UsesTran = 0
- buttonCount = 6
- ;How do we want to align the titlebar text? 0=left, 1=center, 2=right.
- TextAlignment = 0
- ;How many pixels do we want it to be shifted over from the above position?
- TextShift = 57
- ;How much do we want to move it up in pixels?
- TextShiftVert = -3
- ;I have no idea what this is.
- TextRightClip =145
- ;RGB value of the menubar when you click on an entry.
- MenuR = 156
- MenuG = 156
- MenuB = 156
- ActiveTextR = 5
- ActiveTextG = 200
- ActiveTextB = 200
- InactiveTextR = 156
- InactiveTextG = 156
- InactiveTextB = 156
- MenuTextR = 0
- MenuTextG = 0
- MenuTextB = 10
- ;not sure what this is.
- TripleImages = 1
- ;The "skin" for the title bar
- menubar = WBManiaIII\menu.bmp
- ; We also want the four images for the edges
- Top = WBManiaIII\top.bmp
- Left = WBManiaIII\left.bmp
- Right = WBManiaIII\right.bmp
- Bottom = WBManiaIII\bottom.bmp
- ; Plus to support animation we want the time delay
- AniRate = 0
- ; And per edge we want the number of frames stored
- ; How many states do we want it to have (2 is for active/inactive)
- TopFrame = 2
- LeftFrame = 2
- RightFrame = 2
- BottomFrame = 2
- ; And last of all we want the respective heights of the bits
- TopTopHeight = 57
- TopBotHeight = 83
- LeftTopHeight = 80
- LeftBotHeight = 65
- RightTopHeight = 60
- RightBotHeight = 60
- BottomTopHeight = 100
- BottomBotHeight = 10
- ; Use stretching on this image?
- TopStretch = 0
- LeftStretch = 0
- RightStretch = 0
- BottomStretch = 0
- MenuStretch = 0
- ;align: 0=left, 1=right.
- RollupSize = 66
- ;Use background's images
- ExplorerBmp = WBManiaIII\expl.bmp
- DialogBmp = WBManiaIII\dlg.bmp
- MDIBmp = WBManiaIII\mdi.bmp
- SoundEnabled = 1
- [Button0]
- XCoord = 85
- YCoord = 4
- Align = 1
- Action = 2
- ButtonImage = WBManiaIII\min.bmp
- Command =
- InSound = WBManiaIII\fx4.wav
- OutSound = WBManiaIII\fx4.wav
- [Button1]
- XCoord = 19
- YCoord = 1
- Align = 0
- Action = 4
- ButtonImage = WBManiaIII\roll.bmp
- Command =
- InSound = WBManiaIII\fx1.wav
- OutSound = WBManiaIII\fx1.wav
- [Button2]
- XCoord = 67
- YCoord = 4
- Align = 1
- Action = 1
- ButtonImage = WBManiaIII\max.bmp
- Command =
- InSound = WBManiaIII\fx5.wav
- OutSound = WBManiaIII\fx5.wav
- [Button3]
- XCoord = 50
- YCoord = 4
- Align = 1
- Action = 0
- ButtonImage = WBManiaIII\close.bmp
- Command =
- InSound = WBManiaIII\fx2.wav
- OutSound = WBManiaIII\fx2.wav
- [Button4]
- XCoord = 61
- YCoord = 6
- Align = 0
- Action = 11
- ButtonImage =
- Command =
- InSound =
- OutSound =
- ;[Button5]
- ;XCoord = 143
- ;YCoord =9
- ;Align = 1
- ;Action = -3
- ;ButtonImage =
- ;DllName = WBManiaIII\plugin.dll
- ;Visibility = 1
- ;Width = 50
- ;Height = 15
- ;Command =
- ;InSound =
- ;OutSound =
- [Buttons]
- CheckButton = WBManiaIII\checkbox.bmp
- RadioButton = WBManiaIII\radiobox.bmp
- Bitmap = WBManiaIII\button.bmp
- TopHeight = 1
- BottomHeight = 1
- LeftWidth = 10
- RightWidth = 12
- ; These are for the clock module. The dll knows where these are
- [Clock]
- ; This is the font that should be used for the time
- FontName = Arial
- ; This is the size of the font (Height of text in pixels)
- FontSize = 13
- ; This is the weight of the font. 400 = Normal, 200 = light, 700 = heavy/bold
- FontWeight = 700
- ; We can have a background image if we want. If not it will have a transparent background
- ;Background = crzywin\image4.bmp
- ; How often should we update the clock. In ms. If not specified then its 900ms (thats enough to get the timer to update correctly each sec
- UpdateTimer = 57
- ; Special feature - If you specify the button then WB will fade it in & out
- ; Normally you would specify the button which is the timer, but in theory you could use any other
- ; defined button and it will fade in & out
- ButtonNo = 5
- ; How much to alter alpha by each time
- AlphaInc = 8
- ; Minimum value for alpha
- minAlpha = 20
- ; Maximum value for alpha
- maxAlpha = 254