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- ; NeXTSTEP v3.3/OPENSTEP 4.2
- ; A Windows 95 / 98 / NT4 Personality
- ; Created By John T. Folden (jtfolden@erinet.com) 12.30.98/updated 03-11-99
- ; For use ONLY with WindowBlinds .50 (or higher) by Stardock Systems, Inc.
- ; This is a .UIS Version 2 file
- ;
- ; Documentation:
- ; Alignemt: 0=left, 1=center 2=right
- ;
- ; Included with WindowBlinds by permission of the author (5/99)
- [TitlebarSkin]
- SkinName = NeXTPC
- SkinAuthor = John T. Folden
- AuthorsURL = http://www.erinet.com/jag/NeXTVIEW/
- AuthorEmail = jtfolden@erinet.com
- SpecialNotes = This theme is based on the NeXTSTEP v3.3/OPENSTEP 4.2 OSes
- [Personality]
- buttonCount = 3
- TextAlignment = 1
- TextShift = 20
- TextShiftVert = 0
- TextRightClip = 20
- TextOnBottom = 0
- ;FrontString = "*** "
- ;EndString = " ***"
- ;Textbackground = 0
- ;TextBack =
- ;TXTBackleft = 0
- ;TXTBackRight = 0
- ;Exec = start Readme.txt
- ;runstyle = 3
- ActiveTextR = 255
- ActiveTextG = 255
- ActiveTextB = 255
- InactiveTextR = 0
- InactiveTextG = 0
- InactiveTextB = 0
- menubar = NeXTPC\menu.bmp
- ;MenuLeftTile =
- MenuR = 0
- MenuG = 0
- MenuB = 0
- MenuTextR = 0
- MenuTextG = 0
- MenuTextB = 0
- Top = NeXTPC\top.bmp
- Left = NeXTPC\left.bmp
- Right = NeXTPC\right.bmp
- Bottom = NeXTPC\bottom.bmp
- TopTopHeight = 2
- TopBotHeight = 2
- LeftTopHeight = 23
- LeftBotHeight = 9
- RightTopHeight = 23
- RightBotHeight = 9
- BottomTopHeight = 30
- BottomBotHeight = 30
- TopStretch = 1
- LeftStretch = 1
- RightStretch = 1
- BottomStretch = 1
- AniRate = 0
- TopFrame = 2
- LeftFrame = 2
- RightFrame = 2
- BottomFrame = 2
- Wallpaper = NeXTPC\wallpaper.bmp
- ExplorerBmp = NeXTPC\explorer.bmp
- DialogBmp = NeXTPC\Dialog.bmp
- MDIBmp = NeXTPC\MDIbmp.bmp
- TripleImages = 1
- ;SoundEnabled = 0
- RollupSize = 23
- RightClickAction = 1
- DoubleClickAction = 4
- [Button0]
- XCoord = 19
- YCoord = 4
- Align = 1
- Action = 0
- ButtonImage = NeXTPC\close.bmp
- Command =
- InSound =
- OutSound =
- [Button1]
- XCoord = 4
- YCoord = 4
- Align = 0
- Action = 2
- ButtonImage = NeXTPC\minimize.bmp
- Command =
- InSound =
- OutSound =
- [Button2]
- XCoord = 37
- YCoord = 4
- Align = 1
- Action = 3
- Visibility = 13
- ButtonImage = NeXTPC\help.bmp
- Command =
- InSound =
- OutSound =
- [Button3]
- XCoord = 23
- YCoord = 4
- Align = 0
- Action = 4
- ButtonImage = NeXTPC\rollup.bmp
- Command =
- InSound =
- OutSound =
- [Buttons]
- CheckButton = NeXTPC\cbox.bmp
- RadioButton = NeXTPC\radio.bmp
- Bitmap = NeXTPC\buttons.bmp
- TopHeight = 16
- BottomHeight = 2
- LeftWidth = 1
- RightWidth = 17
- [TaskBar]
- TaskImg = NeXTPC\task.bmp