108 Thank you for installing NetSonic - the fastest, smartest Internet accelerator.\n\nStay tuned for important product information, notification of updates and special offers from Web 3000.
109 **** Internal Bulletin Error ***\n\nThe bulletin text was not downloaded or the local file could not be read. Check %InstallDir%\bulletin\Bulletin.txt.
110 Bulletin\Bulletin.htm
111 Bulletin\
112 The NetSonic cache has been updated. To view changes for this page press the browser's Reload or Refresh button.
113 When the icon in the taskbar is flashing it means you received a new bulletin. Double click the icon to read it.
114 NetSonic intelligently monitors your browser activity to provide top Internet acceleration.
115 Hide the Help Tip Window
116 Display NetSonic Properties
117 Display the next Help Tip
118 Pause or start automatic Help Tip display
119 Display a previous Help Tip
123 Hide the Help Tip Window
125 Arial
127 Powered by
128 Web 3000
129 Enable HelpTips
130 Tip
131 Special Edition
132 Visit %s on the Internet
133 NetSonic Options
134 NetSonic Bulletin
135 NetSonic cache has been cleared.\n\nAll of the cached links NetSonic uses have been removed.\nNetSonic will automatically create new cache information\nfor each Web page you visit.
136 SonicCache
137 Show Help Tips in minimizal window size.
138 Atomic Time
139 NetSonic has synchronized your personal computer's clock and date with an Atomic Clock.
140 &Disable Acceleration
141 &Enable Acceleration
142 -nohome
143 Warning: this computer program is protected by copyright law and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction and sale of this program, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties.
144 NetSonic from Web 3000
145 Always use the full version information when contacting Web 3000, Inc.
146 %d second(s) %s
147 slow
148 fast
149 Exact Match!
150 The NetSonic cache has been updated. The changes have automatically been displayed in the browser.
151 The specified directory does not exit. Would you like to create it?
152 Please close all Internet browsers and other TCP/IP applications.
153 NetSonic was unable to be created the specified directory.
154 Visit Web 3000
198 10001
199 A required DLL could not be found. Please reinstall NetSonic.
200 NetSonic Error
201 Options
202 Hide
203 NetSonic is currently pre-loading new pages from links on this page in anticipation that you might click on them.
204 NetSonic is currently pre-loading new site pages that you are likely to visit again.
205 NetSonic has verified that you are looking at the most recent page.
206 You are retrieving Web pages at maximum speed directly from the NetSonic cache.
207 NetSonic is retrieving this page in the background to see if it has changed since your last visit.
208 You have received a new NetSonic bulletin. It is automatically displayed 10 minutes after you have received it.
209 NetSonic has detected new content for this page. The new content is being retrieved directly over the Internet.
210 NetSonic has verified that this page has not changed since your last visit.
211 NetSonic has pre-loaded all of the previously visited links on this page.
212 NetSonic has pre-loaded all of the Internet links on this page. NetSonic is optimized to pre-load only links within the current site.
213 There was a problem moving all of the NetSonic cache files to the new location.
214 The time server could not be successfully accessed at this time. Please try again later.
215 The NetSonic Readme file contains valuable information about NetSonic.\n\nWould you like to view the Readme file now?
264 Change the size of the Help Tips window.
266 Small Display
267 %d Second(s) fast
268 %d Second(s) slow
269 Old: %s New: %s - %s
271 The Time Server could not be accessed. Please try again later.
272 Over 1 hour %s
275 %.2d/%.2d/%.4d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d
290 Previous
291 Next
292 OK
293 Close
294 Yes
295 No
296 Close this window
297 Always show this dialog
320 NetSonic acceleration is currently disabled. To enable, click on "Options" , "Settings", and select "NetSonic Acceleration"
321 External:
322 Internal:
324 NetSonic
326 from
327 Are you sure you want to abort this installation? If you answer 'Yes', NetSonic will not be installed.\n\nRemember that by answering these few questions, you allow us to keep NetSonic absolutely FREE of charge. All of your answers will be held in strict confidence.\n\nDo you wish to abort this installation of NetSonic?
335 There was a problem aborting the installation process.
337 There is a problem with the zip code you have entered.
344 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Go!Zilla\Version
345 work_dir
346 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Web3000\NetSonic
347 AskedGo!Zilla
348 \n\n Go to Gozilla's website?
349 \n\n Your default browser could not be automatically launched. Please go to http://www.goZilla.com/nspromo.html to download Go!Zilla