11001 For Technical Support contact COMcache at: http://www.comcache.com\n\nComponentSource distributes a complete line of Visual Components and Programming Tools. For a catalog or further information contact ComponentSource sales at: (888) 850-9911 or (770) 587-6587.
16000 To purchase and Unlock this COMcache CCTray Trial Version, call ComponentSource at (888) 850-9911 or (770) 587-6587 and give them the below Registration Number.\n\n Registration Number:
16001 They will give you a 'License Number' to type into the box below. This will unlock this trial version of COMcache CCTray.
16002 You have entered a invalid registration key. Please contact ComponentSource at (888) 850-9911 or (770) 587-6587 to purchase the proper key to register your copy. If you are already a licensed user, please contact MicroHelp.
16003 Invalid Registration Key
16004 Please contact COMcache Tech Support with this message.