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- /*
- ** LOGIN
- **
- ** HTTP Wrapper for the Login/Logout/Profile Management Library
- **
- ** Confidential Property of Tod Sambar
- ** (c) Copyright Tod Sambar 1996-1997
- ** All rights reserved.
- **
- **
- ** Public Functions:
- **
- ** login_init
- ** user_login
- ** user_logout
- ** user_profile
- ** user_add
- ** user_delete
- ** user_update
- ** user_passwd
- ** user_list
- ** user_select
- ** group_add
- ** group_delete
- ** group_list
- ** group_select
- ** ftp_connect
- **
- **
- ** History:
- ** Chg# Date Description Resp
- ** ---- ------- ------------------------------------------------------- ----
- ** 27JAN96 Created sambar
- ** 29MAR97 Added user list and update functions sambar
- ** 30MAR97 Added FTP connection security sambar
- ** 10OCT97 Added user password interface sambar
- ** 14NOV97 Added group management sambar
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <login.h>
- /*
- ** Login RPC Commands
- */
- typedef struct login__rpcs
- {
- SA_CHAR *name;
- SA_RPCPARAM *params;
- SA_INT numparams;
- SA_INT auth;
- SA_VOID *func;
- SA_CHAR *descr;
- static SA_RPCPARAM adduserp [] =
- {
- { "username", 1, "User login." },
- { "password", 0, "User password." },
- { "group", 0, "User group." },
- { "name", 0, "User name." },
- { "dir", 0, "Ftp directory of the user." },
- { "ftpprivs", 1, "FTP priviledges of the user." },
- { "nntpprivs", 1, "NNTP priviledges of the user." }
- };
- static SA_RPCPARAM upduserp [] =
- {
- { "username", 1, "User login." },
- { "password", 0, "User password." },
- { "group", 0, "User group." },
- { "name", 0, "User name." },
- { "dir", 0, "Ftp directory of the user." },
- { "ftpprivs", 1, "FTP priviledges of the user." },
- { "nntpprivs", 1, "NNTP priviledges of the user." }
- };
- static SA_RPCPARAM deluserp [] =
- {
- { "username", 1, "User login." }
- };
- static SA_RPCPARAM userpropp [] =
- {
- { "username", 1, "User login." },
- { "prop", 1, "User property: group,password,name,dir,ftpprivs,nntpprivs." }
- };
- static SA_RPCPARAM selectuserp [] =
- {
- { "username", 0, "User login." },
- };
- static SA_RPCPARAM addgroupp [] =
- {
- { "groupname", 1, "Symbolic name of the group." }
- };
- static SA_RPCPARAM delgroupp [] =
- {
- { "groupname", 1, "Symbolic name of the group." }
- };
- static SA_RPCPARAM selectgroupp [] =
- {
- { "username", 0, "User to test against group list." }
- };
- static SA_RPCPARAM userpasswdp [] =
- {
- { "username", 1, "User login." },
- { "password", 0, "Existing password for the user." },
- { "newpasswd", 0, "New password for the user." }
- };
- static LOGIN__RPCS login_rpcs [] =
- {
- { "adduser", adduserp, sizeof(adduserp)/sizeof(SA_RPCPARAM),
- "Add a user to the system." },
- { "upduser", upduserp, sizeof(upduserp)/sizeof(SA_RPCPARAM),
- "Update a user." },
- { "deluser", deluserp, sizeof(deluserp)/sizeof(SA_RPCPARAM),
- "Delete a user from the system." },
- { "userprop", userpropp, sizeof(userpropp)/sizeof(SA_RPCPARAM),
- "Get a single user attribute for display." },
- { "listusers", NULL, 0,
- "List users for update/delete." },
- { "selectuser", selectuserp, sizeof(selectuserp)/sizeof(SA_RPCPARAM),
- "List users for selection in a pick list." },
- { "addgroup", addgroupp, sizeof(addgroupp)/sizeof(SA_RPCPARAM),
- "Add a group to the system." },
- { "delgroup", delgroupp, sizeof(delgroupp)/sizeof(SA_RPCPARAM),
- "Delete a group from the system." },
- { "listgroups", NULL, 0,
- "List groups for delete." },
- { "selectgroup",selectgroupp, sizeof(selectgroupp)/sizeof(SA_RPCPARAM),
- "List groups for selection in a pick list." },
- { "userpasswd", userpasswdp, sizeof(userpasswdp)/sizeof(SA_RPCPARAM),
- "Interface to allow users to change their password." }
- };
- /*
- **
- ** Initialize the Login/Logout/Profile Interfaces for use by the
- ** Sambar Server plugins.
- **
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server context
- **
- ** Returns:
- */
- login_init(sactx)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- {
- int i;
- /* Register the User RPCs with the server */
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(login_rpcs) / sizeof(LOGIN__RPCS); i++)
- {
- if (sa_cmd_init(sactx, login_rpcs[i].name, login_rpcs[i].params,
- login_rpcs[i].numparams, login_rpcs[i].auth, login_rpcs[i].descr,
- (SA_RPCFUNC)login_rpcs[i].func) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sa_log(sactx, "Unable to initialize User Management RPCs");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- }
- sa_log(sactx, "Login/Logout/Profile Management Initialized");
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Login a user. Verify the username/password against the Sambar Server
- ** password interfaces. Store some profile information for use.
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server Application context to release.
- ** saconn Sambar Server User Connection handle.
- ** username Name of the user logging in.
- ** usernamelen Length of the user name
- ** password Password of the user logging in.
- ** passwordlen Length of the password.
- ** infop Error return code
- **
- ** Return Values:
- */
- user_login(sactx, saconn, username, usernamelen, password, passwordlen, infop)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_CHAR *username;
- SA_INT usernamelen;
- SA_CHAR *password;
- SA_INT passwordlen;
- SA_INT *infop;
- {
- SA_PASSWD passwd;
- LOGIN_PROFILE *profile;
- SA_CHAR buffer[512];
- if (sa_passwd_lookup(sactx, username, usernamelen, &passwd) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "Login for user '%s' failed.", username);
- sa_log(sactx, buffer);
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Verify the passwords are the same */
- if ((passwd.passwordlen != passwordlen) ||
- (strncmp(passwd.password, password, passwordlen) != 0))
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "Login for user '%s' failed - bad password (%s)",
- username, password);
- sa_log(sactx, buffer);
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Allocate and populate a user profile structure */
- profile = (LOGIN_PROFILE *)malloc(sizeof(LOGIN_PROFILE));
- if (profile == (LOGIN_PROFILE *)NULL)
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "Login for user '%s' failed - no memory", username);
- sa_log(sactx, buffer);
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if (passwd.namelen > 0)
- memcpy(profile->name, passwd.name, passwd.namelen);
- if (passwd.grouplen > 0)
- memcpy(profile->group, passwd.group, passwd.grouplen);
- memcpy(profile->username, username, usernamelen);
- profile->name[passwd.namelen] = '\0';
- profile->group[passwd.grouplen] = '\0';
- profile->username[usernamelen] = '\0';
- /* Save the user's profile handle with the user connection */
- if (sa_conn_key(saconn, SA_SET, LOGIN_PROFILE_KEY, (SA_VOID **)profile)
- {
- (SA_VOID)free(profile);
- sa_log(sactx, "sa_conn_key(SET, LOGIN_PROFILE_KEY) failed!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- sprintf(buffer, "User '%s' logged in.", username);
- sa_log(sactx, buffer);
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Log out a user. Free profile resources.
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server Application context to release.
- ** saconn Sambar Server User Connection handle.
- **
- ** Return Values:
- */
- user_logout(sactx, saconn)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- {
- LOGIN_PROFILE *profile;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- SA_CHAR buffer[512];
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- /* Get the user's pillar handle from the user context */
- if (sa_conn_key(saconn, SA_GET, LOGIN_PROFILE_KEY, (SA_VOID **)&profile)
- {
- /* User never completed login */
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- sprintf(buffer, "User '%s' logged out.", profile->username);
- sa_log(sactx, buffer);
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- (void)free(profile);
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Respond to a user profile request.
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server Application context to release.
- ** saconn Sambar Server User Connection handle.
- ** buffer Profile attribute being queried.
- ** buflen Length of the profile attribute.
- ** data Buffer for the profile result
- ** Note: A maximum of 512 bytes may be written to the data buffer.
- **
- ** Return Values:
- */
- user_profile(sactx, saconn, buffer, buflen, data)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_CHAR *buffer;
- SA_INT buflen;
- SA_CHAR *data;
- {
- LOGIN_PROFILE *profile;
- /* Get the user's profile handle */
- if (sa_conn_key(saconn, SA_GET, LOGIN_PROFILE_KEY, (SA_VOID **)&profile)
- {
- /* User never completed login */
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if (profile == (LOGIN_PROFILE *)NULL)
- {
- sa_log(sactx, "user_profile: LOGIN_PROFILE_KEY returned NULL!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /*
- ** Profile lookup
- */
- if ((buflen == 5) && (strncmp(buffer, "group", 5) == 0))
- {
- strcpy(data, profile->group);
- }
- else if ((buflen == 4) && (strncmp(buffer, "name", 4) == 0))
- {
- strcpy(data, profile->name);
- }
- else
- {
- SA_CHAR tmp[512];
- sprintf(tmp, "Profile attribute '%s' not supported!", buffer);
- sa_log(sactx, tmp);
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Add a new user
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server context
- ** saconn Sambar Server connection
- ** saparams RPC Parameters
- ** infop Error parameters
- **
- ** Returns:
- */
- user_add(sactx, saconn, saparams, infop)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_PARAMS *saparams;
- SA_INT *infop;
- {
- SA_CHAR *data;
- SA_INT datalen;
- SA_PASSWD passwd;
- memset(&passwd, 0, sizeof(SA_PASSWD));
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "password", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_add(): Expected parameter 'password'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.passwordlen = MIN(datalen, SA_MAX_NAME);
- if (passwd.passwordlen > 0)
- memcpy(passwd.password, data, passwd.passwordlen);
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "group", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_add(): Expected parameter 'group'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.grouplen = MIN(datalen, SA_MAX_NAME);
- if (passwd.grouplen > 0)
- memcpy(passwd.group, data, passwd.grouplen);
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "name", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_add(): Expected parameter 'name'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.namelen = MIN(datalen, SA_MAX_NAME);
- if (passwd.namelen > 0)
- memcpy(passwd.name, data, passwd.namelen);
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "dir", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_add(): Expected parameter 'dir'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.dirlen = MIN(datalen, SA_MAX_NAME);
- if (passwd.dirlen > 0)
- memcpy(passwd.dir, data, passwd.dirlen);
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "ftpprivs", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_add(): Expected parameter 'ftpprivs'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.ftpprivs = atol(data);
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "nntpprivs", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_add(): Expected parameter 'nttpprivs'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.nntpprivs = atol(data);
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "username", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_add(): Expected parameter 'username'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if ((datalen == 0) || (datalen > SA_MAX_NAME))
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_add(): 'username' field left NULL!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if (sa_passwd_add(sactx, data, datalen, &passwd) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sa_log(sactx, "user_add(): sa_passwd_add() failed!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Update an existing user
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server context
- ** saconn Sambar Server connection
- ** saparams RPC Parameters
- ** infop Error parameters
- **
- ** Returns:
- */
- user_update(sactx, saconn, saparams, infop)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_PARAMS *saparams;
- SA_INT *infop;
- {
- SA_CHAR *data;
- SA_INT datalen;
- SA_PASSWD passwd;
- memset(&passwd, 0, sizeof(SA_PASSWD));
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "password", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_update(): Expected parameter 'password'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.passwordlen = MIN(datalen, SA_MAX_NAME);
- if (passwd.passwordlen > 0)
- memcpy(passwd.password, data, passwd.passwordlen);
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "group", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_update(): Expected parameter 'group'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.grouplen = MIN(datalen, SA_MAX_NAME);
- if (passwd.grouplen > 0)
- memcpy(passwd.group, data, passwd.grouplen);
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "name", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_update(): Expected parameter 'name'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.namelen = MIN(datalen, SA_MAX_NAME);
- if (passwd.namelen > 0)
- memcpy(passwd.name, data, passwd.namelen);
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "dir", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_update(): Expected parameter 'dir'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.dirlen = MIN(datalen, SA_MAX_NAME);
- if (passwd.dirlen > 0)
- memcpy(passwd.dir, data, passwd.dirlen);
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "ftpprivs", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_update(): Expected parameter 'ftpprivs'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.ftpprivs = atol(data);
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "nntpprivs", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_update(): Expected parameter 'nntpprivs'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.nntpprivs = atol(data);
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "username", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_update(): Expected parameter 'username'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if ((datalen == 0) || (datalen > SA_MAX_NAME))
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_update(): 'username' field left NULL!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if (sa_passwd_update(sactx, data, datalen, &passwd) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sa_log(sactx, "user_update(): sa_passwd_update() failed!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Delete an existing user
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server context
- ** saconn Sambar Server connection
- ** saparams RPC Parameters
- ** infop Error parameters
- **
- ** Returns:
- */
- user_delete(sactx, saconn, saparams, infop)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_PARAMS *saparams;
- SA_INT *infop;
- {
- SA_INT datalen;
- SA_CHAR *data;
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "username", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_delete(): Expected parameter 'username'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if ((datalen == 0) || (datalen > SA_MAX_NAME))
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_delete(): 'username' field left NULL!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- (SA_VOID)sa_passwd_delete(sactx, data, datalen);
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** List all users for selection.
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server context
- ** saconn Sambar Server connection
- ** saparams RPC Parameters
- ** infop Error parameters
- **
- ** Returns:
- **
- ** Notes:
- ** This list is truncated at 200 names.
- */
- user_select(sactx, saconn, saparams, infop)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_PARAMS *saparams;
- SA_INT *infop;
- {
- SA_INT i;
- SA_BOOL selected;
- SA_INT usernamelen;
- SA_INT numusers;
- SA_CHAR *username;
- SA_USER users[200];
- SA_CHAR buffer[256];
- /* If a username is provided make it SELECTED in the OPTION list */
- (SA_VOID)sa_param(sactx, saparams, "username", &username, &usernamelen);
- if (sa_passwd_list(sactx, users, 200, &numusers) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sa_log(sactx, "user_select(): failure retrieving names list!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* We could sort the names alphabetically at this point... */
- /* Display the list of users. */
- for (i = 0; i < numusers; i++)
- {
- selected = 0;
- if ((users[i].usernamelen == usernamelen) &&
- (memcmp(username, users[i].username, usernamelen) == 0))
- {
- selected = 1;
- }
- sprintf(buffer, "<OPTION %s>%s\n", (selected ? "SELECTED" : ""),
- users[i].username);
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** List all users for delete or update.
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server context
- ** saconn Sambar Server connection
- ** saparams RPC Parameters
- ** infop Error parameters
- **
- ** Returns:
- **
- ** Notes:
- ** This list is truncated at 200 names.
- ** List users by group...
- */
- user_list(sactx, saconn, saparams, infop)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_PARAMS *saparams;
- SA_INT *infop;
- {
- SA_INT i;
- SA_INT j;
- SA_INT sysadminlen;
- SA_INT numusers;
- SA_INT numgroups;
- SA_GROUP groups[100];
- SA_USER users[200];
- SA_CHAR sysadmin[SA_MAX_NAME + 1];
- SA_CHAR buffer[256];
- /* Get the sysadmin user (disallow deletes) */
- if (sa_ctx_props(sactx, SA_GET, SA_CTXPROP_SYSADMIN, (SA_BYTE *)sysadmin,
- SA_MAX_NAME, &sysadminlen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sa_log(sactx, "user_list(): failure retrieving system admin user!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if (sa_passwd_list(sactx, users, 200, &numusers) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sa_log(sactx, "user_list(): failure retrieving names list!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if (sa_group_list(sactx, groups, 100, &numgroups) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sa_log(sactx, "user_list(): failure retrieving groups list!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* We could sort the list alphabetically at this point. */
- /*
- ** Display the users by "group".
- ** Zero the usernamelen after displaying so we can put the rest in
- ** the "other" list.
- */
- for (j = 0; j < numgroups; j++)
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "<FONT SIZE=+1 COLOR=#990033>%s</FONT><BLOCKQUOTE>\n",
- groups[j].name);
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- /* Display the users in that group. */
- for (i = 0; i < numusers; i++)
- {
- if ((users[i].usernamelen > 0) &&
- (users[i].grouplen == groups[j].namelen) &&
- (memcmp(users[i].group, groups[j].name, users[i].grouplen)==0))
- {
- /* Make sure we don't display the user twice. */
- users[i].usernamelen = 0;
- if ((users[i].usernamelen != sysadminlen) ||
- (strncmp(sysadmin, users[i].username, sysadminlen) != 0))
- {
- sprintf(buffer,
- "<A HREF=\"/session/deluser?username=%s&RCpage=/sysadmin/usermgmt/userlist.stm\" onClick=\"return confirmDelete()\"><IMG border=0 HEIGHT=20 WIDTH=20 SRC=\"/sysimage/system/trash.gif\"></A>\n",
- users[i].username);
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- sprintf(buffer,
- "<A HREF=\"/sysadmin/usermgmt/upduser.stm?RCSusername=%s\" TARGET=body><IMG border=0 HEIGHT=20 WIDTH=20 SRC=\"/sysimage/system/info.gif\"> %s</A><BR>\n",
- users[i].username, users[i].username);
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- }
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, "</BLOCKQUOTE>", SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Display the "other" group */
- sprintf(buffer, "<FONT SIZE=+1 COLOR=#990066>%s</FONT><BLOCKQUOTE>\n",
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- /* Display the users in that group. */
- for (i = 0; i < numusers; i++)
- {
- /* Display all users not in any other group. */
- if (users[i].usernamelen > 0)
- {
- if ((users[i].usernamelen != sysadminlen) ||
- (strncmp(sysadmin, users[i].username, sysadminlen) != 0))
- {
- sprintf(buffer,
- "<A HREF=\"/session/deluser?username=%s&RCpage=/sysadmin/usermgmt/userlist.stm\" onClick=\"return confirmDelete()\"><IMG border=0 HEIGHT=15 WIDTH=15 SRC=\"/sysimage/system/trash.gif\"></A>\n",
- users[i].username);
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- sprintf(buffer,
- "<A HREF=\"/sysadmin/usermgmt/upduser.stm?RCSusername=%s\" TARGET=body><IMG border=0 HEIGHT=15 WIDTH=15 SRC=\"/sysimage/system/info.gif\"> %s</A><BR>\n",
- users[i].username, users[i].username);
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- }
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, "</BLOCKQUOTE>\n", SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Update a user' password.
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server context
- ** saconn Sambar Server connection
- ** saparams RPC Parameters
- ** infop Error parameters
- **
- ** Returns:
- */
- user_passwd(sactx, saconn, saparams, infop)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_PARAMS *saparams;
- SA_INT *infop;
- {
- SA_CHAR *data;
- SA_INT datalen;
- SA_CHAR *username;
- SA_INT usernamelen;
- SA_PASSWD passwd;
- /* What username is being updated? */
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "username", &username, &usernamelen)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_passwd(): Expected parameter 'username'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if ((usernamelen == 0) || (usernamelen > SA_MAX_NAME))
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_update(): 'username' field left NULL!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Lookup the username provided for update. */
- if (sa_passwd_lookup(sactx, username, usernamelen, &passwd) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_passwd(): sa_passwd_lookup() failed!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Make sure that the password is valid. */
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "password", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_passwd(): Expected parameter 'password'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Compare with the existing password. */
- if (datalen != passwd.passwordlen)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_passwd(): Invalid password provided.");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if (datalen > 0)
- {
- if (memcmp(passwd.password, data, datalen) != 0)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_passwd(): Invalid password provided.");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- }
- /* Get the new password. */
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "newpasswd", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_passwd(): Expected parameter 'newpasswd'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- passwd.passwordlen = MIN(datalen, SA_MAX_NAME);
- if (passwd.passwordlen > 0)
- memcpy(passwd.password, data, passwd.passwordlen);
- if (sa_passwd_update(sactx, username, usernamelen, &passwd) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sa_log(sactx, "user_passwd(): sa_passwd_update() failed!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Lookup and return a single user property.
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server context
- ** saconn Sambar Server connection
- ** saparams RPC Parameters
- ** infop Error parameters
- **
- ** Return Values:
- */
- user_prop(sactx, saconn, saparams, infop)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_PARAMS *saparams;
- SA_INT *infop;
- {
- SA_PASSWD passwd;
- SA_INT userlen;
- SA_CHAR *user;
- SA_INT proplen;
- SA_CHAR *prop;
- SA_CHAR buffer[256];
- /* Get the page to direct to for user update */
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "username", &user, &userlen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_prop(): Expected parameter 'username'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if ((userlen == 0) || (userlen > SA_MAX_NAME))
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_prop(): 'username' field left NULL!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Get the property being looked up. */
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "prop", &prop, &proplen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_prop(): Expected parameter 'prop'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if ((proplen == 0) || (proplen > SA_MAX_NAME))
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "user_prop(): 'prop' field left NULL!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if (sa_passwd_lookup(sactx, user, userlen, &passwd) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "User lookup for '%s' failed.", user);
- sa_log(sactx, buffer);
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Lookup and return the appropriate property */
- if (strcmp(prop, "group") == 0)
- {
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, passwd.group, passwd.grouplen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- else if (strcmp(prop, "password") == 0)
- {
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, passwd.password, passwd.passwordlen)
- {
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp(prop, "name") == 0)
- {
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, passwd.name, passwd.namelen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- else if (strcmp(prop, "dir") == 0)
- {
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, passwd.dir, passwd.dirlen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- else if (strcmp(prop, "ftpprivs") == 0)
- {
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "checked", &prop, &proplen) == SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- int tmp;
- tmp = 0;
- if (proplen > 0)
- tmp = atoi(prop);
- if (tmp == passwd.ftpprivs)
- {
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, "CHECKED", SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "%ld", passwd.ftpprivs);
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- }
- else if (strcmp(prop, "nntpprivs") == 0)
- {
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "checked", &prop, &proplen) == SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- int tmp;
- tmp = 0;
- if (proplen > 0)
- tmp = atoi(prop);
- if (tmp == passwd.nntpprivs)
- {
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, "CHECKED", SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "%ld", passwd.nntpprivs);
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "User lookup for property '%s' failed.", prop);
- sa_log(sactx, buffer);
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Process an FTP Connect request. Verify the username/password against
- ** the Sambar Server password interfaces and return the root directory
- ** and priviledges.
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server Application context to release.
- ** saconn Sambar Server User Connection handle.
- ** username Name of the user logging in.
- ** usernamelen Length of the user name
- ** password Password of the user logging in.
- ** passwordlen Length of the password.
- ** ftpresp FTP response structure.
- **
- ** Return Values:
- ** SA_SUCCESS Login Accepted.
- ** SA_FAIL Login Denied.
- */
- ftp_connect(sactx, name, namelen, password, passwordlen, ftpresp)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CHAR *name;
- SA_INT namelen;
- SA_CHAR *password;
- SA_INT passwordlen;
- SA_FTP *ftpresp;
- {
- SA_PASSWD passwd;
- SA_CHAR buffer[512];
- if (sa_passwd_lookup(sactx, name, namelen, &passwd) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "FTP login for user '%s' failed.", name);
- sa_log(sactx, buffer);
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Verify the passwords are the same */
- if ((passwd.passwordlen != passwordlen) ||
- (strncmp(passwd.password, password, passwordlen) != 0))
- {
- /* Special case for anonymous user - NULL password match OK */
- if ((namelen != 9) || (strncmp(name, "anonymous", 9) != 0))
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "FTP login for user '%s' failed - bad password (%s)",
- name, password);
- sa_log(sactx, buffer);
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- }
- /* Return the directory and access priviledges */
- ftpresp->privs = passwd.ftpprivs;
- ftpresp->dirlen = passwd.dirlen;
- if (ftpresp->dirlen > 0)
- strncpy(ftpresp->dir, passwd.dir, ftpresp->dirlen);
- ftpresp->dir[ftpresp->dirlen] = '\0';
- #ifdef DEBUG
- sprintf(buffer, "FTP User '%s' logged in.", name);
- sa_log(sactx, buffer);
- #endif /* DEBUG */
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Add a new group
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server context
- ** saconn Sambar Server connection
- ** saparams RPC Parameters
- ** infop Error parameters
- **
- ** Returns:
- */
- group_add(sactx, saconn, saparams, infop)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_PARAMS *saparams;
- SA_INT *infop;
- {
- SA_CHAR *data;
- SA_INT datalen;
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "groupname", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "group_add(): Expected parameter 'groupname'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if ((datalen == 0) || (datalen > SA_MAX_NAME))
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "group_add(): 'name' field left NULL!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Can't create the group "other" */
- if ((datalen == 5) &&
- (memcmp(data, SA_DEFAULT_GROUP, strlen(SA_DEFAULT_GROUP)) == 0))
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "group_add(): 'other' group already exists!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if (sa_group_add(sactx, data, datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sa_log(sactx, "group_add(): sa_group_add() failed (already defined?)");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** Delete an existing group
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server context
- ** saconn Sambar Server connection
- ** saparams RPC Parameters
- ** infop Error parameters
- **
- ** Returns:
- **
- ** Notes:
- ** No users can belong to the group.
- */
- group_delete(sactx, saconn, saparams, infop)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_PARAMS *saparams;
- SA_INT *infop;
- {
- SA_INT datalen;
- SA_CHAR *data;
- if (sa_param(sactx, saparams, "groupname", &data, &datalen) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "group_delete(): Expected parameter 'groupname'!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- if ((datalen == 0) || (datalen > SA_MAX_NAME))
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "group_delete(): 'groupname' field left NULL!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Can't delete the group "other" */
- if ((datalen == 5) &&
- (memcmp(data, SA_DEFAULT_GROUP, strlen(SA_DEFAULT_GROUP)) == 0))
- {
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- sa_log(sactx, "group_delete(): 'other' group cannot be deleted!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Should only be allowed to do this if the group has no users. */
- (SA_VOID)sa_group_delete(sactx, data, datalen);
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** List all groups for selection.
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server context
- ** saconn Sambar Server connection
- ** saparams RPC Parameters
- ** infop Error parameters
- **
- ** Returns:
- **
- ** Notes:
- ** This list is truncated at 100 names.
- ** The group other always exists and is used for users with unrecognized
- ** group names.
- */
- group_select(sactx, saconn, saparams, infop)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_PARAMS *saparams;
- SA_INT *infop;
- {
- SA_INT i;
- SA_BOOL found;
- SA_BOOL selected;
- SA_INT grouplen;
- SA_INT userlen;
- SA_INT numgroups;
- SA_CHAR *user;
- SA_PASSWD passwd;
- SA_CHAR group[SA_MAX_NAME + 1];
- SA_GROUP groups[100];
- SA_CHAR buffer[256];
- /* If a name is provided make it SELECTED in the OPTION list */
- userlen = 0;
- grouplen = 0;
- (SA_VOID)sa_param(sactx, saparams, "username", &user, &userlen);
- if (userlen > 0)
- {
- if (sa_passwd_lookup(sactx, user, userlen, &passwd) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sprintf(buffer, "User lookup for '%s' failed.", user);
- sa_log(sactx, buffer);
- *infop = SA_E_INVALIDDATA;
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- grouplen = passwd.grouplen;
- if (grouplen > 0)
- memcpy(group, passwd.group, grouplen);
- }
- if (sa_group_list(sactx, groups, 100, &numgroups) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sa_log(sactx, "group_select(): failure retrieving groups list!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* We could sort the names alphabetically at this point... */
- /* Display the list of groups. */
- found = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < numgroups; i++)
- {
- selected = 0;
- if ((grouplen > 0) &&
- (groups[i].namelen == grouplen) &&
- (memcmp(group, groups[i].name, grouplen) == 0))
- {
- selected = 1;
- found = 1;
- }
- sprintf(buffer, "<OPTION %s>%s\n", (selected ? "SELECTED" : ""),
- groups[i].name);
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* The group "other" always exists. */
- sprintf(buffer, "<OPTION %s>%s\n", (found ? "" : "SELECTED"),
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }
- /*
- **
- ** List all groups for delete.
- **
- ** Parameters:
- ** sactx Sambar Server context
- ** saconn Sambar Server connection
- ** saparams RPC Parameters
- ** infop Error parameters
- **
- ** Returns:
- **
- ** Notes:
- ** This list is truncated at 100 names.
- ** The group "other" always exists and is the default group.
- */
- group_list(sactx, saconn, saparams, infop)
- SA_CTX *sactx;
- SA_CONN *saconn;
- SA_PARAMS *saparams;
- SA_INT *infop;
- {
- SA_INT i;
- SA_INT numgroups;
- SA_GROUP groups[100];
- SA_CHAR buffer[256];
- if (sa_group_list(sactx, groups, 100, &numgroups) != SA_SUCCEED)
- {
- sa_log(sactx, "group_list(): failure retrieving groups list!");
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* We could sort the list alphabetically at this point. */
- /* Display the list of groups. */
- for (i = 0; i < numgroups; i++)
- {
- sprintf(buffer,
- "<A HREF=\"/session/delgroup?name=%s&RCpage=/sysadmin/usermgmt/grouplist.stm\" onClick=\"return confirmDelete()\"><IMG border=0 HEIGHT=20 WIDTH=20 SRC=\"/sysimage/system/trash.gif\"></A>\n",
- groups[i].name);
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- sprintf(buffer,
- "<A HREF=\"/sysadmin/usermgmt/groupusers.stm?RCSgroup=%s\" TARGET=body><IMG border=0 HEIGHT=20 WIDTH=20 SRC=\"/sysimage/system/info.gif\"> %s</A><BR>\n",
- groups[i].name, groups[i].name);
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- }
- /* Add the group "other" */
- sprintf(buffer,
- "<A HREF=\"/sysadmin/usermgmt/groupusers.stm?RCSgroup=%s\" TARGET=body><IMG border=0 HEIGHT=20 WIDTH=20 SRC=\"/sysimage/system/info.gif\"> %s</A><BR>\n",
- if (sa_conn_send(saconn, buffer, SA_NULLTERM) != SA_SUCCEED)
- return (SA_FAIL);
- return (SA_SUCCEED);
- }