47 Error number %1!ld! - CreateThread - CreateInPipeThread
48 Error number %1!ld! - CreateThread - CloseHandle - hThread
49 %1!c!:\
50 %1!c!: is excluded but was previously running.\nTherefore it will finish its current action.\n
51 %1!c!: has been excluded. It cannot be selected until it has been removed from the exclusion list.\n
52 %1!c!:
53 ID_ENGINE_START - Analyze on Partition %1!c!:\n
54 ID_ENGINE_START - Defragment on Partition %1!c!:\n
55 %1!s!Class
56 %1!s!%2!c!:
57 ID_ENGINE_PAUSE - Analyze on Partition %1!c!:\n
58 ID_ENGINE_PAUSE - Defragment on Partition %1!c!:\n
59 No default browser installed.
60 Cannot execute Internet browser
61 Diskeeper Lite cannot run while the Diskeeper Service is active.\nIf you wish to run Diskeeper Lite you must first stop the Diskeeper Service.", "Diskeeper Lite
62 Diskeeper Lite
63 Diskeeper Lite can only analyze or defragment one partition at a time.
64 Analyze
65 Defragment
66 The network is not present or not started.
67 A full list of domains can not be generated at this time.\n
68 Some domains may be missing from the list.
69 No label
70 Running
71 Scheduled
72 One Pass
73 Next run time on partition
74 Not a valid analysis file.
75 Partition Size:
76 Open Analysis Data
77 any
78 Save Analysis Data
79 Cluster Size:
80 bytes
81 Used Space:
82 Free Space:
83 % Free Space:
84 %
85 Pagefile Size:
86 Pagefile Fragments:
87 Total Directories:
88 Fragmented Dirs:
89 Excess Dir Frags:
90 Total Files:
91 Avg. File Size:
92 KB
93 Fragmented Files:
94 Excess Fragments:
95 % Partition Fragmented:
96 Avg. Fragments/File:
97 MFT Size:
98 # MFT Records:
99 % MFT In Use:
100 MFT Fragments:
101 Most Fragmented Files
102 ??
103 MB
104 GB
105 Printing Test
106 Diskeeper Fragmentation Analysis
107 Node:
108 # MFT File Records:
109 Number of Fragments
110 ID_ENGINE_CONTINUE - Analyze on Partition %1!c!:\n
111 None
112 KB
113 MB
114 GB
115 Select Partition To Analyze
116 Select Partition To Defragment
117 Ready
118 Tree View
119 View
120 The ExecSoft Products Installed\n
121 The ExecSoft Engines Installed\n
122 Diskeeper FAT
123 Diskeeper NTFS
124 ID_ENGINE_CONTINUE - Defragment on Partition %1!c!:\n
125 Select Partition To Continue Analyzing
126 Select Partition To Continue Defragmenting
127 Select Partition To Pause Analyzing
128 Select Partition To Pause Defragmenting
129 Select Partition To Stop Analyzing
130 Select Partition To Stop Defragmenting
131 Fragmented Files Number of Fragments
132 Working...
133 Gathering Information for Display.
134 No graphics stored in Analysis files.
135 The registry entries for Diskeeper Lite could not be found.\n Please re-install Diskeeper Lite.
136 The registry entries for Diskeeper could not be found.\n Please re-install Diskeeper.
356 Error #%%ld at line %1!ld! in %2!s! of %3!s! as of %4!s!
357 %1!s!%2!s!
358 \\%1!s!\pipe\DiskeeperGuiPipe
359 \\%1!s!\pipe\DiskeeperControlPipe
360 %1!s! - %2!s!
361 Diskeeper cannot establish a connection to %1!s!\nPossible causes are that the remote computer is not running Diskeeper 2.0 or greater,\nthe remote computer is extremely busy,\nor the Diskeeper service on the remote computer is not responding.
522 Waited more than 3 seconds for %s engine to close.
523 Fragmented Files
524 Number of Fragments
525 Cannot print. Check to make sure the printer you selected is on-line.
526 The Network Scheduler directory for Diskeeper could not be found.\n Do you want to create
527 %1!s! Next run time is %2!s! at %3!s!.
528 continuously
529 every 2 hours
530 Failed Connection
531 every 4 hours
532 every 8 hours
533 every 12 hours
534 every 24 hours
535 every 48 hours
536 every 72 hours
537 everyday
538 weekends
539 weekdays
540 Monday
541 Tuesday
542 Wednesday
543 Thursday
544 Friday
545 Saturday
546 Sunday
547 except everyday
548 except weekends
549 except weekdays
550 except Monday
551 except Tuesday
552 except Wednesday
553 except Thursday
554 except Friday
555 except Saturday
556 except Sunday
557 Schedule Stopped
558 &Close
567 all day
568 12:00 midnight
569 1:00 am
570 2:00 am
571 3:00 am
572 4:00 am
573 5:00 am
574 6:00 am
575 7:00 am
576 8:00 am
577 9:00 am
578 10:00 am
579 11:00 am
580 12:00 noon
581 1:00 pm
582 2:00 pm
583 3:00 pm
584 4:00 pm
585 5:00 pm
586 6:00 pm
587 7:00 pm
588 8:00 pm
589 9:00 pm
590 10:00 pm
591 11:00 pm
592 Error Partition %1!c!: has %2!d!KB per cluster.\nDiskeeper currently cannot defragment NTFS partitions with more than 4KB per cluster.
593 This version of Diskeeper cannot control Diskeeper version 2.0.%1!d!. \n Please install Diskeeper version 2.0 (Build 138) or greater on the remote computer.
594 FINDINGS ON %3!c!:\n\nDiskeeper has completed analysis of this partition and found %2!d! fragmented files and %1!d! excess file fragments.\n\n
596 FINDINGS ON %3!c!:\n\nDiskeeper has completed a defragmentation run on this partition and there remain %2!d! fragmented files and %1!d! excess file fragments.
597 Diskeeper is supposed to put a screen up with an analysis of your results here but an internal error occurred. Please report this to Technical Support.\n\nCode was %7!d!.\n\n
598 (There were %12!d! excess file fragments before the defragmentation run, and now there are %13!d!%% less.)\n\n
604 (There were %12!d! excess file fragments before the defragmentation run, which is less than 1%% less.)\n\n
649 The average number of fragments per file is %9!s!.\n\n
650 Congratulations! There are no excess file fragments on this partition.
651 The files on this partition are as defragmented as possible.
652 Still, you should schedule Diskeeper to run at least once a day (if you haven't already done so) to maintain this low level of fragmentation.
653 On average, you have %14!s!%% excess fragments per file on this partition.
654 This is a slightly fragmented partition.
655 You should schedule Diskeeper to run at least once a day (if you haven't already done so) to keep fragmentation at a low level..
656 \n\nNote, however, that fragmentation in directories, which Diskeeper cannot consolidate in the online mode, may prevent full defragmentation.
657 Use the Diskeeper Boot-Time Directory Consolidation feature to consolidate your directories.
658 On average, you have %14!s!%% excess fragments per file on this partition, with %11!d!%% of the total partition space available for defragmentation.
659 This amount of free space is sufficient for effective defragmentation at this time, but as the partition fills up, lack of free space will cause a performance problem.
660 You might consider which files you could delete or move to another partition to maintain enough free space to keep the fragmentation level low.
661 This level of free space is so low that performance is suffering from that fact alone.
662 Indeed, fragmentation is the least of your worries under these conditions.
663 Clear some files off this partition to achieve a minimum of 20%% free space for acceptable performance.
664 This partition is heavily fragmented, with %11!d!%% of the total partition space available for defragmentation.
665 If you have run Diskeeper on this partition, you should schedule Diskeeper to run more often than it has been running to reduce the current fragmentation and maintain a lower level of fragmentation.
666 This partition is moderately fragmented, with %11!d!%% of the total partition space available for defragmentation.
667 This level of free space is critically low and performance is suffering badly from that fact alone.
668 Also, scheduling Diskeeper to run at times when system activity is low improves the overall performance of your computer.
669 This partition is very heavily fragmented, with %11!d!%% of the total partition space available for defragmentation.
670 You should schedule Diskeeper to run considerably more often than it has been running to reduce the current fragmentation and maintain a lower level of fragmentation.
671 \n\nNote that it may take several defragmentation runs to reduce the fragmentation to a significantly lower level.
672 This partition is somewhat fragmented, with %11!d!%% of the total partition space available for defragmentation.
673 The number of excess fragments actually increased during the last defragmentation run.
674 This is a rare situation, but it does occasionally occur.
675 It is usually the result of very heavy I/O activity (such as compressing or uncompressing files) occurring at the same time that Diskeeper is attempting to defragment the partition.
676 Try defragmenting the partition again, and ensure the activity on the partition is not abnormally high during the defragmentation run.
677 \n\nSince the number of excess fragments changed by only %13!d!%% on the last defragmentation run, there is a good possibility that Diskeeper has done the best it can do with this partition at this time.
678 \n\nSince the number of excess fragments changed by %13!d!%% on the last run, there is a good possibility that Diskeeper will be able to reduce the level of fragmentation with additional repeated defragmentation runs.
679 This level of free space is low enough that performance could be suffering from that fact alone.
680 You need to continue running Diskeeper through several more defragmentation runs, and should schedule Diskeeper to run more often than it has been running to reduce the current fragmentation and maintain a lower level of fragmentation.\n
686 Scheduling ----
687 Scheduling Failed
688 Searching For a Machine To Schedule.
689 If you haven't run Diskeeper on this partition yet, it is time to do so.
690 Information
691 Value
692 Units
693 Fragmented Files
694 Number of Fragments
695 Analysis Information - Partition
696 One Time - unavailable
698 Number of Fragments Eliminated:
699 Number of Files Defragmented:
700 Schedule Cleared
701 Directory Consolidation Set
702 The summary file can not reside on the same \npartition that is being defragmented.
703 CHKDSK has been set to run as a part of the Boot-Time Directory Consolidation on one or more of your partitions. Enabling this option causes CHKDSK to run twice - once before the directory consolidation and once afterwards. Due to this, the time necessary to re-boot your computer will be increased accordingly. This time increase can be considerable, depending on the size of the partition and the number of files on it.\n\nDo you want to run CHKDSK before and after running Boot-Time Directory Consolidation?\n
704 Invalid summary file path.
705 Disk Information for Drive
706 File Information for Drive
707 Pagefile Information for Drive
708 Directory Information for Drive
709 MFT Information for Drive
710 Select Partition For Boot-Time Directory Consolidation
711 Partition %c: is very low on usable free space. \nClear some files off partition to achieve a minimum of 20%% usable free space.
712 Unable to create Directory Consolidation temporary file on drive %c:.
713 It can also be the result of Diskeeper moving portions of a file into multiple locations on the partition in an effort to create contiguous free space.
714 (This is more likely to occur on a nearly full partition where Diskeeper does not have enough contiguous free space to completely defragment a large file.)
715 (There were %12!d! excess file fragments before the defragmentation run, and now there are more.)\n\n
716 (There were %12!d! excess file fragments before the defragmentation run, and now there are %13!d!%% more.)\n\n
717 Trial has expired. To purchase Diskeeper, contact\nyour local reseller or call 800-829-6468.\n\nIf you had Set It and Forget It jobs scheduled prior to\nthe Trial expiring, delete Diskeeper.ctl in the Defrag\nsub-directory in the Diskeeper folder.\n
718 Trial has expired. To purchase Diskeeper, contact\nyour local reseller or call 800-829-6468.\n