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- This form is provided to order AquaScape using a check or money order.
- For information on ordering using a credit card, via telephone, email, or
- the Internet, please see the ORDER INFORMATION section in AquaScape.Hlp.
- - - - - - - - A Q U A S C A P E O R D E R F O R M - - - - - - - - -
- Name:____________________________________________________________________
- Address: ________________________________________________________________
- City:_____________________ State:___________ ZIP/Postal Code:____________
- Country:_______________ Delivery Method: [ ] Internet D/L [ ] Snail Mail
- Phone #: ( ) ______________________ Email:___________________________
- Comments: _______________________________________________________________
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Product Description | Price |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | 1 AquaScape License (for legal use on ONE computer) | $19.95 |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | 2 AquaScape Licenses (for legal use on TWO computers) | $32.95 |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Each additional AquaScape License | $9.95 |
- +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Number of Licenses _________
- Sub Total $_________
- Shipping/handling, if delivery method snail mail ($5.60) $_________
- International Shipping outside U.S. or Canada (add $4.00) $_________
- Grand Total $_________
- *NOTE: For Internet Download delivery method, you must have access to the
- Internet and be reachable by email.
- An AquaScape License purchase entitles you to only ONE legal license to
- use AquaScape on ONE computer. Discounted site licenses or bulk purchases
- are available. Please email runpro@multipro.com for more information.
- Print this form and send a check/money order in $U.S. to:
- Run Productions
- PO Box 338
- Cookeville, TN 38501 USA
- Thanks!