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- Dear User!
- DOS Navigator(tm) 1.50 is Shareware, i.e. is distributed freely
- and payment is proceeded only for registration. You are obliged to
- register DOS Navigator 1.50 (with local dealer or via credit card
- online WWW registration http://www.ritlabs.com/dn/register.html)
- before the expiry of 21-day period of using it or to refuse of its
- further use.
- What the registration gives? You receive the registration number
- and Your name is recorded in our data base. Hereinafter You
- receive the opportunity to acquire the new versions of this
- program product less discount of. Besides during use at You can
- arise the questions, on which You find not answer in on-line
- help. Then (if You, certainly, are registered user) You ßan
- receive the answer, calling the firm, where You are registered
- (is present in view of firm RIT S.R.L. or its representation
- (dealers)).
- Unregistered copy of the DOS Navigator 1.50 will display at start
- the message about a registering requirement. This is NOT intended
- as an annoyance, please simply as a gentle reminder that the Dos
- Navigator 1.50 is Shareware and should be registered on the expiry
- of 21 day time period. The registered copy of the DOS Navigator
- 1.50 will not display such message and advanced features will be
- available.
- In order to register a copy of the DOS Navigator 1.50 fill in the
- card, text of which is in file REGISTER.FRM and send it to one of
- addresses listed below by E-Mail, FidoNet NetMail or snail mail or
- via credit card online WWW registration.
- If you have a question(s) to Authors you can write by E-Mail,
- FidoNet NetMail or snail mail on address mentioned below.
- -------------------------------- Authors -------------------------------
- Republic of Moldova: RIT S.R.L.
- str. Stefan cel Mare 180.
- Chishinau, MD2004, Republic of Moldova.
- WWW: http://www.ritlabs.com/dn/
- FTP: ftp://ftp.ritlabs.com/pub/dn/
- e-mail: dn@ritlabs.com
- FidoNet: 2:469/77 Stefan Tanurkov
- Daytime voice Phone: +(373)-2-247569
- ------------------------- Authorized dealers ---------------------------
- Russia: Peter Suchkow
- 192238, St.Peterburg, P.O. box 12 (for Peter V. Suchkow)
- Tel.office : +7-812-119-83-07
- +7-812-119-83-08
- BBS suport : +7-812-119-83-07 (24h)
- FAX : +7-812-119-83-07 (24h)
- +7-812-119-60-13 (24h)
- E-Mail: - Internet : spv@palantiri.spb.su
- peter.suchkow@bmspb.bmsk.sprint.com
- - FidoNet : 2:5030/151 Peter Suchkow
- Anonymous ftp : bet.palantiri.spb.su
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Holland: MaSe Software
- Postbus 10414
- 7301 GK Apeldoorn
- The Netherlands
- FidoNet : No longer available
- Semafoon : Available, ask!
- E-Mail : sales@mase.nl or marco@mase.nl
- WWW : http://www.bart.nl/~mrsempel
- Giro: 6933356 t.n.v. MaSe Software
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- The U.S.A.: Yevgeniy Zaremba
- 84 Reservoir Ave, apt B
- River Edge, NJ 07661
- U.S.A.
- Tel: +1 (201) 659-4953
- 342-4552
- e-mail: yzaremba@stevens-tech.edu
- WWW homepage: attila.steves-tech.edu/~yzaremba
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sweden: Mikael Winterkvist Computer Security Center HQ
- Kartgatan 15
- 931 91 Skelleftea
- Tel. (Voice) +46-910-860 46
- Tel. (Mobile) +46-010-256 80 67
- Tel. (MiniCall) +46-740-101336
- Fax.office : +46-910-52853
- BBS +46-910-52214 (Line-1)
- +46-910-52853 (Line-2)
- FidoNet : 2:205/422
- E-Mail : mw@csc.ct.se
- mikael.winterkvist@csc.ct.se
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Czech Republic: Igor Bilyi
- Postal Address Ordering Information
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Igor Bilyi Fax / BBS : +420-67-523247
- Na Vypusti 369 Voice : +420-67-7914080 Igor Bilyi
- 763 15 Slusovice 7981761 Vilo Mlich
- Czech Rep.
- Fidonet : 2:421/450, 2:421/50 Igor Bilyi
- E-Mail : igor@monetplus.cz
- Orders accepted by FAX, Mail, Crashed Netmail and BBS
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hungary: Serguei I. Koubouchine SVV International Kft.
- Tel. (Voice) +(3652) 311733
- Tel. (Mobile) +(3620) 420540
- Tel. (MiniCall) +46-740-101336
- Fax.office : +46-910-52853
- FidoNet : 2:463/400 (Serguei I. Koubouchine)
- E-Mail : serg@svv.ternopil.ua
- serg@ssft.ternopil.ua
- --------------------------------------------------------------------