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- Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Changes made to AIM-Spice
- 3. Student version limitations
- 1. Introduction
- The AIM-Spice documentation originally appeared in the book
- "Semiconductor Device Modeling for VLSI" by Lee et al., ISBN
- number 0-13-805656-0, Prentice Hall (1993). However,
- AIM-Spice is continously evolving and this file contains all
- updates made to AIM-Spice since the book was published.
- 2. Changes made to AIM-Spice
- 2.1 New Features added in upgrade 3/27/93 of version 1.1
- 2.1.1 New Commands in AIM-Postprocessor
- - Preferences in the Format menu
- Lets you change preference values. This command
- displays a dialog box. Your preferences will be
- saved in AIMGPP.INI upon exiting if "Save settings on
- exit" is active. The values are restored the next
- time you load AIM-Postprocessor.
- - Add FFT Plot in the Graph menu
- This command lets you create FFT (Fast Fourier Transform)
- graphs from the graph that is active when you choose
- the command. The command is useful for examining the
- spectrum of the output from non-linear circuits. A dialog
- box is displayed in response to this command. The drop
- down list box contains a list of all traces contained
- in the active graph. One of the traces is selected.
- The other two fields in the dialog box display the
- number of data points in the selected trace and the
- suggested number of samples to use when transforming
- the trace. AIM-Postprocessor transforms each trace
- individually and creates two new graphs for each trace.
- One contains the amplitude of the original trace as a
- function of frequency, and the other contains the phase.
- When AIM-Postprocessor transforms a trace it creates a
- new set of datapoints where the number of points is
- equal to the number of samples you specified in the
- dialog box. The datapoints are equally spaced in the
- time interval. This is done with linear interpolation
- on the original datapoints. The new set of datapoints
- are then transformed. The resolution in frequency is
- the reciprocal of extent in time, and extent in frequency
- is proportional to the number of samples used. So, if
- you want higher resolution in the frequency domain you
- have to run the transient analysis for a longer time in
- AIM-Spice. Run the circuit for many cycles if necessary.
- One final note: AIM-Postprocessor transforms all traces,
- not only those that are functions of time. It is your
- responsibility to create meaningful transforms.
- 2.1.2 New and Obsolete Commands in AIM-Spice
- - Preferences in the Options menu (New Command)
- Lets you change preference values. This command displays
- a dialog box. Your preferences will be saved in
- AIMSPICE.INI upon exiting if "Save settings on exit" is
- active. The values are restored the next time you
- load AIM-Spice.
- - Auto Scale in the Format menu in Analysis Mode (New Command)
- By choosing this command, you reset the y-axis limits
- to fit the simulated results. This command can also be
- used during a simulation to enlarge the y-axis if the
- simulated results extend beyond the y-axis interval.
- This command can also be invoked with the Alt+U key
- combination.
- - Analysis Limits (Obsolete Command)
- This command is deleted and this operation is now part
- of the command Select Variables to Plot.
- 2.2 New Features added in upgrade 5/25/93 of version 1.1
- 2.2.1 Logfiles
- AIM-Spice is now capable of writing logfiles after
- each simulation. This feature can be turned on or off
- with the Preference command in the Options-menu. In
- the preferences dialog box you can specify what to
- include in the log file. The log file will always have
- the same name as the circuit file and the extention
- will be LOG. AIM-Spice will overwrite old logfiles,
- so if you want to save the log file for a simulation
- you should rename the logfile immediately after
- completing the simulation.
- 2.2.2 Changes in model parameters
- - Parameter JSDF in MESFET models MESA1 and MESA2 is
- replaced by PHIB and ASTAR:
- Name Parameter Units Default
- PHIB Effective Schottky barrier height eV 0.5
- ASTAR Effective Richardson constant A/m^2K^2 4.0
- - Two new model parameters for MOSFET level 7:
- Name Parameter Units Default
- RDI Intrinsic drain resistance per Ohm*um 0.0
- micron width
- RSI Intrinsic source resistance per Ohm*um 0.0
- micron width
- Level 7 can now be used both as intrinsic and extrinsic model.
- If you specify the original RD and RS you select the
- intrinsic model, and if you specify RSI and RDI you select
- the extrinsic model.
- - Threshold voltage model is new for MOSFET level 7:
- Name Parameter Units Default
- GAMMAS0 Body effect constant in front V^1/2 0.0
- of square root term
- LGAMMAS Sensitivity of GAMMAS on device V^1/2 0.0
- length
- WGAMMAS Sensitivity of GAMMAS on device V^1/2 0.0
- width
- GAMMAL0 Body effect constant in front of - 0.0
- linear term
- LGAMMAL Sensitivity of GAMMAL on device - 0.0
- length
- WGAMMAL Sensitivity of GAMMAL on device - 0.0
- width
- L0 Gate length of nominal device m 2um
- W0 Gate width of nominal device m 20um
- Model parameters GAMMA and DELTA is now obsolete for
- level 7.
- 2.3 New Features added in upgrade 6/7/93 of version 1.1
- 2.3.1 Changes in model parameters
- - Two new model parameters for MESFET levels 2 & 3 and HFET:
- Name Parameter Units Default
- RDI Intrinsic drain resistance Ohm 0.0
- RSI Intrinsic source resistance Ohm 0.0
- The above models can now be used as intrinsic or extrinsic.
- If you specify the original RD and RS you select the
- intrinsic model, and if you specify RSI and RDI you select
- the extrinsic model.
- - New model parameter for MESFET levels 2 & 3:
- Name Parameter Units Default
- RG Gete ohmic resistance Ohm 0.0
- 2.3.2 Changes in instance parameters
- - Obsolete instance parameter for MESFET level 2 & 3: TEMP
- - New instance parameters for MESFET level 2 & 3:
- Name Parameter Units Default
- TD Drain temperature Celcius TEMP*
- TS Source temperature Celcius TEMP*
- *TEMP is the circuit temperature specified in the General
- OPtions dialog box.
- 2.4 New Features added and bugs fixed in version 1.1e
- 2.4.1 Speed search
- In the Select Variables to Plot dialog box you now have the
- possibility to search for specific variables and the. To use
- this feature start entering the name of the variable you want
- to select in the spees search field and the variable is
- automatically scrolled into view.
- 2.4.2 Line numbers
- The text editor where you input the circuit description is
- now equipped with line numbers to make it more convenient
- for you to locate errors reported by the kernel.
- 2.4.3 Bugs fixed
- Negative Vds gave wrong results for level 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and
- 12 in the previous versions of AIM-Spice. This bug is corrected
- now.
- 2.4.4 New model parameters for MESFET model level 2 and 3
- Name Parameter Units Default
- TETA0 First temperature coefficient K Infinite
- for ETA
- TETA1 Second temperature coefficient K 0
- for ETA
- TMU Temperature coefficient for K 27
- mobility
- XTM0 First exponent for temperature - 0
- dependence of mobility
- XTM1 Second exponent for temperature - 0
- dependence of mobility
- XTM2 Third exponent for temperature - 0
- dependence of mobility
- 2.5 New Features added in version 1.1f
- 2.5.1 New model parameter for MESFET level 2
- Name Parameter Units Default
- RGS Resistance in series with Cgs Ohm 0
- 2.5.2 New Edit menu in AIM-Postprocessor
- You can now copy an AIM-Postprocessor graph to the clipboard
- by selecting the command Copy Graph from the Edit menu. This
- makes it possible to paste graphs into other Windows
- applications, for example Write.
- 2.5.3 New Item in the Format Legend dialog box in AIM-Postprocessor
- It is now possible to change the size of the centered symbols
- used in the graph.
- 2.6 New Features added in version 1.1g
- 2.6.1 The name of the model parameter RGS for MESFET level 2 has been
- changed to RI (see Section 2.6.2).
- 2.6.2 New model parameter for MESFET level 2 and HFET
- Name Parameter Units Default
- RI Resistance in series with Cgs Ohm 0
- RF Resistance in series with Cgd Ohm 0
- 2.6.3 Filesize limit
- The maximum size of a CIR-file to be opened in AIM-Spice has been
- increased to approximately 64K. The limit in number of open files
- has been removed.
- 2.7 New Features added in version 1.5
- 3.7.1 Online help
- The AIM-Spice docummentation is now available as online help in both
- AIM-Spice itself and AIM-Postprocessor. AIM-Spice also have context
- sensitive help by pressing Shift+F1 while editing a circuit description.
- Depending on the first letter on the current line AIM-Spice will display
- help information about the respective circuit element or the statment.
- 2.8 New Features added in version 1.5a
- 2.8.1 New diode model parameters for both level 1 and 2
- Name Parameter Units Default
- IKF Corner for high injection A infinite
- ISR Recombination satuartion current A 0
- NR Recombination emission coefficient - 2
- 2.9 New Features added in version 1.5b
- 2.9.1 The BSIM3 model is now implemented as MOSFET level 14
- 2.9.2 Changes in model parameters for MESFET level 2
- The parameter ALPHAT has been renamed to TVTO.
- 2.9.3 New model parameters for MESFET level 2
- Name Parameter Units Default
- ALPHA Bulk charge parameter 1/V 0
- THETA Mobility enhancement coefficient m^2/V^2s 0
- ZETA Transconductance compensation - 1
- factor
- RTC1 First order temperature coefficient 1/░C 0
- for parasitic resistances
- RTC2 Second order temperature coefficient 1/░C^2 0
- for parasitic resistances
- 2.9.4 New charge storage model for MOSFET level 7
- A new charge conserving charge storage model has been
- implemented for the MOSFET level 7 model. See the online
- reference for details.
- 2.9.5 New model parameters for MOSFET level 7
- Name Parameter Units Default
- THETA Mobility degradation coefficient m^3/V^2s 0
- DELTA Transition width parameter - 5
- CV Charge storage model selector - 1
- CVE Meyer-like capacitor model selector - 1
- FPE Charge partitioning scheme selector - 1
- XQC Charge partitioning factor - 0.6
- MCV Transistion width parameter used by
- the charge partitioning scheme - 10
- ALPHA Parameter accounting for the threshold
- dependence on the channel potential - 1.05
- VFB Flat band voltage V Calculated
- 2.9.6 Bug fix to the HBT model
- The saturation effect in BETA has been removed. Instead, we have
- introduced a limitation of the intrinsic collector current. See
- the on-line SPICE reference.
- 2.9.7 Changes in model parameters for MESFET level 3
- The parameter VBI has been removed.
- 2.10 New Features added in version 1.6
- 2.10.1 P-channel HFET is now available
- 2.11 New Features added in version 1.6a
- 2.11.1 New model parameters for HFETA
- Name Parameter Units Default
- CDS Drain-source capacitance F 0
- P Charge partitioning parameter - 1
- KAPPA Relative increase in gds at high - 0
- frequencies
- DELF Gds transistion width Hz 0
- FGDS Transistion frequency for Gds Hz 0
- TF Characteristic temperature for ░C TEMP
- the frequency dependence of Gds
- 2.11.2 Obsolete model parameter for HFETA
- The parameter ALPHAG has been removed
- 2.11.3 Improved Export command in AIM-Postprocessor
- The Export command in AIM-Postprocessor has been extended. It is
- now possible to export data from the plots in the active graph
- window.
- 2.12 New Features added in version 1.7
- 2.12.1 New MOSFET model level 15
- A new amorphous silicon TFT model (ASIA2) is now available. See the
- online reference for details.
- 2.12.2 New MOSFET model level 16
- A new poly-silicon TFT model (PSIA2) is now available. See the online
- reference for details.
- 2.12.3 32-bit version for Windows-95 and Windows-NT is now available.
- 2.13 New Features added in version 1.7a
- 2.13.1 BSIM3 version 2 has been replaced by version 3
- 2.14 New Features added in version 1.7b
- 2.14.1 New model parameters added in the ASIA1 model (level 11)
- Three new model parameters have been added to the ASIA1 model: EPS,
- EPSI and MC. See the online reference manual for details.
- 2.14.2 New a-Si TFT model
- A new model for a-Si TFTs has been added. The name is ASIA2 and it
- can be referenced by specifying level=15 on the model line. See the
- online reference manual for details.
- 2.14.3 Line thickness in AIM-Postrpocessor
- The line thickness of any line graph in AIM-Postprocessor can now be
- varied.
- 2.14.4 Loading AIM-Spice output files in AIM-Postprocessor
- AIM-Posprocessor can now read AIM-Spice output files generated by both
- the 16-bit and 32-bit versions of AIM-Spice.
- 2.15 New Features added in version 2.0
- 2.15.1 Toolbars
- Both AIM-Spive and AIM-Postprocessor are now equipped with toolbars.
- See the online help for details.
- 2.15.2 Analysis speed buttons in AIM-Spice
- Press one of the new Analysis speed buttons and AIM-Spice will simulate
- your circuit directlty using the current settings.
- 2.15.3 New model parameters added in the HFET model
- The following model parameters have been added to the HFET model: VT1,
- VT2, ETA1, ETA2, D1, D2. See the online reference manual for details.
- 2.15.4 New model parameters added in the PSIA2 model (MOSFET level 16)
- The following model parameters have been added to the PSIA2 model: EB,
- I00, DD, DG, AT, BT. Some of the other parameters have been renamed.
- See the online reference manual for details.
- 2.16 New Features added in version 2.0a
- 2.16.1 New model parameters added in the PSIA2 model (MOSFET level 16)
- The following model parameters have been added to the PSIA2 model:
- ETAC0, ETAC00, and MC. See the online reference manual for details.
- 2.16.2 Improved C-V model for the PSIA2 model (MOSFET level 16)
- An improved C-V model has been implemented in the PSIA2 model which
- includes the effect of frequency dispersion, traps and high field
- effects.
- 2.17 New Features added in version 2.0b
- 2.17.1 Fixed a bug in the capacitance model of MOSFET level 11.
- 2.18 New Features added and bug fixes in version 2.0c
- 2.18.1 Temperature effects included for MOSFET level 16.
- 2.18.2 Capacitance model for MOSFET level 15 corrected.
- The above threshold gate-to-channel capacitance (Cgc) at zero
- frequency has been modified not to include the effects of trapped
- charge. Cgc is now proportional to Cox above threshold.
- 2.18.3 The value of the density of states changed for MOSFET level 15
- The value for density of states has been changed from 1.0E26 to
- 3.0E25
- 2.18.4 Locking of built in editor under Windows 95
- Some users have reported strange behavior of the built in editor when
- running under Windows 95. The user could not enter any text. This
- bug has now been fixed.
- 2.19 New Features added in version 2.0d
- 2.19.1 HFET model temperature dependence
- Temperature dependence of key model parameters such as, for
- example, threshold voltage and mobility has been included.
- 2.19.1 HFET level 2 model included
- A second level HFET model has been included to increase the speed in
- simulation of digital HFET circuits. See the online reference
- manual for details.
- 2.20 New Features added in version 2.1a
- 2.20.1 BSIM3 version 3.0 has been replaced by version 3.1
- 2.20.2 The Fonts command
- A new Fonts command in the Format menu lets the user specify which
- font to use in the text editor.
- 2.20.3 New toolbar buttons in AIM-Spice
- See the online help for details.
- 2.20.4 Shortcut menus in AIM-Spice
- Right-clicking inside a circuit or graph window will bring up a
- shortcut menu.
- 2.20.5 Detecting multiple traces in AIM-Postprocessor
- To be able to plot traces with both increasing and decreasing x-
- values, the option "Detect Multiple Traces" in the preference dialog
- box has been added. To correctly plot such traces this option has to
- be turned off.
- 2.20.6 Arrow key functionality in AIM-Postprocessor
- The arrow keys can now be used to move the cursors in increments of
- one pixel.
- 2.21 New Features added in version 2.1b
- 2.21.1 Registry
- The 32-bit versions of AIM-Spice and AIM-Postrpcessor now use the
- registry instead of ini-files.
- 2.21.2 Context menus
- Context menus have been added for both AIM-Spice and AIM-
- Postprocessor.
- 2.22 New Features added in version 2.1c
- 2.22.1 Viewing device parameters
- After a DC operating point analysis is completed, the user can now
- look at device parameters (including small signal parameters) by
- using the command Device Parameters in the View menu. The active
- window must be the table that displays the operating point information.
- Alternatively, double clicking the table window will also display the
- device parameters of the corresponding circuit.
- Currently supported only for the BJT and BSIM3 models.
- 2.22.2 Toggling the status bar
- The status bar can now be shown/hiden by choosing the Status Bar
- command in the View menu.
- 2.23 New Features added in version 2.2
- 2.23.1 Obsolete model parameter
- The model parameter ALPHA in the MOSFET level 15 model has been
- removed.
- 2.23.2 New model parameters in MOSFET level 15
- Name Parameter Units Default
- KASAT Temperature coefficient of ALPHASAT - 0.006
- 2.23.3 New model parameters in MOSFET level 16
- Name Parameter Units Default
- DVT The difference between VON and the V 0
- threshold voltage
- VON On-voltage V 0
- 3. Student Version Limitation
- The student version of AIM-Spice is limited in two ways:
- - Maximum number of nodes in a circuit is 50
- - Maximum number of transistors in a circuit is 20