home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 Space Wizard
- 2 %s file
- 11 Error allocating memory during scan.
- 12 Error
- 13 Current free space:
- 1000 bytes
- 1001 KB
- 1002 MB
- 1003 GB
- 1500 *\temp
- 1501 *\tmp
- 1502 *\garbage
- 1503 *\trash
- 1504 *\cache
- 1600 *.EXE
- 1601 *.DLL
- 1602 *.COM
- 2000 *.TMP
- 2001 *.GID
- 3001 File
- 3002 In Folder
- 3003 Allocated
- 3004 Modified
- 3005 Accessed
- 3010 Extension
- 3011 Description
- 3100 Days
- 3101 Weeks
- 3102 Months
- 3103 Years
- 3200 KBytes
- 3201 MBytes
- 3250 &About Space Wizard...
- 3417 Choose Folder
- 3418 OK
- 3419 Cancel
- 3420 You are about to delete the selected file. If, after this operation, you want to retrieve it you will have to run Unerase Wizard.
- 3421 You are about to delete the selected files. If, after this operation, you want to retrieve them you will have to run Unerase Wizard.
- 3422 &Preserve Path
- 3423 The file %s1 already exists in the destination folder. Would you like to overwrite this file?
- 3424 Unable to delete the file %s1.
- 3425 Unable to get a Level 1 lock on the drive.
- 3426 SOFTWARE\Classes\QuickView\shell\open\command
- 3427 %s -f:"%s"
- 3428 Total for Selected Files: %s
- 3429 Unable to move the file %s1 to the destination folder.
- 3430 Unable to access the selected drive.
- 3431 The recycle bin on this drive contains %d1 files with %s2 of disk space allocated for these files.
- 3432 The recycle bin on this drive contains 1 file with %s1 of disk space allocated for this file.
- 3433 The file %s1 could not be removed from the recycle bin. This file may be in use by another application.
- 3434 Total for Commonly Discardable Files: %d files:
- 3435 Total for Commonly Discardable Files: 1 file:
- 3436 The new folder specification is invalid. The new folder specification must have the following format: [DRIVE:][*]\PATH
- 3437 Zip Files (*.ZIP)|*.ZIP|All Files (*.*)|*.*|
- 3438 Select Zip File
- 3439 ZIP
- 3440 Unable to replace the file %s1 in the zip file %s2.
- 3441 The zip file %s1 could not be opened.
- 3442 The zip file %s1 could not be created.
- 3443 The zip file %s1 could not be packed.
- 3444 The zip file %s1 could not be closed.
- 3445 Unable to add the file %s1 to the zip file %s2.
- 3446 Unable to move the file %s1 to the destination folder. This file may be in use by another application.
- 3447 Unable to move the file %s1 to the destination folder. A critical error occurred during the move operation.
- 3448 Unable to move the file %s1 to the destination folder. This file is no longer present.
- 3449 Unable to move the file %s1 to the destination folder. There is no room for this file in the destination folder.
- 3450 Unable to move the file %s1 to the destination folder. The destination folder could not be created.
- 3451 Unable to move the file %s1 to the destination folder. The fully qualified destination file name is too long.
- 3452 Unable to move the file %s1 to the destination folder. The source and destination file names are identical.
- 3453 Unable to delete the file %s1. This file may be in use by another application.
- 3454 Unable to delete the file %s1. This file is no longer present.
- 4000 .!JG,Thumbnails for Photofinish change JPG to !JG, PCS to !PC, etc.
- 4001 .2GR,286 Grabber File
- 4002 .386,386 Enchanced Mode Driver for Windows
- 4003 .3GR,386 Grabber File
- 4004 .ABM,Image PALS album file
- 4005 .ABR,Adobe Brush file for PhotoShop
- 4006 .ACF,Adobe Custom Filter for PhotoShop
- 4007 .ACM,Audio Compression Module add-on to MSACM.DRV Windows driver
- 4008 .ACO,Adobe Color Palette
- 4009 .AD,After Dark Module (DLL)
- 4010 .ADL,MicroChannel Adapter Description Library File
- 4011 .ADM,After Dark support file
- 4012 .ADR,After Dark support file
- 4013 .AI,Adobe Illustrator EPS file
- 4014 .ALO,Almanac support file
- 4015 .AMS,Adobe Monitor Setup calibration file for PhotoShop
- 4016 .API,Adobe Printer Ink file for PhotoShop
- 4017 .APL,Support module used by Manugraphics APL products
- 4018 .AQL,America On-line for Windows DLL
- 4019 .ARC,Archive file for ARC, once the compression standard
- 4020 .ARJ,Compressed file for ARJ compression utility
- 4021 .ARK,Managing your Money Archive File
- 4022 .ASM,Assembly Language source code
- 4023 .AST,Adobe Color Separtion table for PhotoShop
- 4024 .AU,NeXT/Sun digital audio format
- 4025 .AVI,Audio Visual Interleaved multimedia format
- 4026 .BAK,Backup File, made by notepad or other programs
- 4027 .BAS,BASIC source code
- 4028 .BAT,batch file
- 4029 .BGI,Borland Graphics Interface; drivers for Pascal and some other Borland languages
- 4030 .BI,BASIC include file (Visual Basic for DOS)
- 4031 .BIN,Binary file, used by many programs with program dependent format
- 4032 .BMP,BitMaP; Windows graphics format
- 4033 .BMT,Ami Pro Button
- 4034 .BNK,AdLib Instrument ID file
- 4035 .BST,BiblioTex file (BiblioTex=bibliography file for TeX)
- 4036 .BTN,Makeover Button file
- 4037 .C,C source code
- 4038 .CAL,Windows Calendar File
- 4039 .CAP,ProComm Capture file
- 4040 .CAT,CP's Backup Catalog
- 4041 .CBS,MasterWord button bar configuration file
- 4042 .CDR,Corel Draw file
- 4043 .CFG,Configuration file -- used by many programs for configuration data with program dependent format
- 4044 .CGM,Computer Graphics Metafile; object graphics forat
- 4045 .CH3,Harvard Graphics file format
- 4046 .CHP,Ventura Publisher Chapter Files
- 4047 .CHR,Borland language stroke font file
- 4048 .CLP,Clipboard viewer data file
- 4049 .CMB,Xtree for Windows Button Bar file
- 4050 .CMF,Sound Blaster Synthesized Sound File
- 4051 .CMP,Photofinish Calibration Map
- 4052 .CNF,Configuration file -- used by many programs for configuration data with program dependent format
- 4053 .CNV,Winword DLL used as part of an import operation (CNV=convertor)
- 4054 .COM,Executable Program in small format
- 4055 .CPL,Control Panel Apple file
- 4056 .CRD,Windows cardfile data file
- 4057 .CSV,Comma Separated Variables (crude data interchange format)
- 4058 .CUR,Windows Cursor File
- 4059 .CUT,Dr. halo bitmapped graphics
- 4060 .DAT,Data file -- used by many applications
- 4061 .DB,Paradox 4.0 database; extension also used by Managing your money
- 4062 .DBF,Basic dBASE database
- 4063 .DBS,Data file used by Managing Your Money
- 4064 .DCT,Dictionary: used by many programs with program dependent format
- 4065 .DEF,Definition file -- used by many programs with program dependent format
- 4066 .DFX,Micrografx Effects DLL used in their bitmap editors
- 4067 .DIB,Device Independent Bitmap; rarely used Windows 3.0 bitmap format
- 4068 .DIF,Data Interchange Format (used by Visicalc)
- 4069 .DIR,CPS Backup Directory File
- 4070 .DIZ,file_id.dix=special file placed in zips to describe shareware that some BBS can read automatically
- 4071 .DLG,Windows SDK dialog editor data file
- 4072 .DLL,Windows Dynamic Link Library
- 4073 .DOC,Winword native file; also used by some other programs and as ASCII doc file in many sharware programs
- 4074 .DOT,Winword template file
- 4075 .DRV,Windows driver
- 4076 .DRW,Designer vector graphics file
- 4077 .DS,TWAIN (Scanner spec) data source DLL
- 4078 .DSP,Norton viewer DLL
- 4079 .DVI,Device Independent file made by TeX
- 4080 .DXF,AutoCAD vector graphics format
- 4081 .ENV,Envelope or Environments; used by may programs with program dependent format
- 4082 .EPS,Encapulated PostScript File
- 4083 .EXE,Executable program
- 4084 .FAS,Macsyma compiled program
- 4085 .FAX,Fax bitmaps in CCITT format
- 4086 .FF,Intelligont FIAS format
- 4087 .FI,Fortran Source Code
- 4088 .FIL,Mirror.fil is the name given to the saved FAT by the mirror program included in some versions of DOS and in PCTools
- 4089 .FIO,Image PALS viewer DLL
- 4090 .FLT,Filter; DLL used by Alsud and Winword for import; used in other contexts by many other programs with program dependent format
- 4091 .FNT,Font file; used by many programs for propertiary format files
- 4092 .FON,Windows bitmapped font file
- 4093 .FOR,Fortran Source Code
- 4094 .FOT,TrueType font resource file
- 4095 .FRM,Visual Basic Form
- 4096 .FRX,Visual Basic binary program file
- 4097 .GBL,Global module in Basic programs
- 4098 .GEM,Gem Vector graphics format
- 4099 .GFX,Instant Artist graphics Files
- 4100 .GIF,Compuserves' Graphics Interchange Format (bitmapped graphics)
- 4101 .GLB,Global module in Basic programs
- 4102 .GLO,Global module in Basic programs
- 4103 .GLY,Winword Glossary
- 4104 .GRF,Stanford Graphics files; also used by Charisma
- 4105 .GRP,Windows Program group file
- 4106 .GV,GrandView outline file
- 4107 .H,C header file
- 4108 .HBK,MathCAD handbook
- 4109 .HLP,Windows Help file
- 4110 .HST,History file; used by various programs, especially games, with program dependent format
- 4111 .ICO,Icon file
- 4112 .IFF,Amiga bitmap format
- 4113 .IL,hDC Designer Icon Library (in Dll format)
- 4114 .IMG,GEM bitmapped graphics file
- 4115 .INF,Information file; used by various programs, including Windows with program dependent formats
- 4116 .INI,Ini file for a Windows program
- 4117 .JPG,JPEG compressed bitmapped graphics format
- 4118 .KEX,Kedit Macro File
- 4119 .KML,Kedit Macro Library
- 4120 .LEX,short for lexigographic; dictionaries and other files; used by several programs with program dependent format
- 4121 .LGO,Windows Logo file shown during startup
- 4122 .LHA,File made by compression LHA
- 4123 .LIB,Intelligont old style format
- 4124 .LIB,Library file
- 4125 .LIC,license file used by some programs to put their license on disk
- 4126 .LZH,File made by the compression program LHARC
- 4127 .M,Source file for MatLab and Mathematica
- 4128 .MA,Used by Mathematica for its notebooks and by hDC products for MicroApp executable files
- 4129 .MAC,MacPaint bitmap; also used for many programs for macro files with program dependent format
- 4130 .MAK,Make file -- list of source files for a project in some languages together with compiler directives
- 4131 .MAP,File with debug information produced by some languages
- 4132 .MCD,MathCAD file
- 4133 .MDB,(Microsoft Access database
- 4134 .MID,MIDI music file
- 4135 .MMM,MultiMedia Movie file
- 4136 .MNU,Microsoft Mouse menu (for DOS apps)
- 4137 .MOD,Amiga synthesized Sound format
- 4138 .MOD,Module -- used by Windows for DLL which implement DOS support
- 4139 .MSG,Message - used by several different Compuserve access programs to store messages with program dependent format
- 4140 .MSP,Microsfot Paint format (from Windowns 2.x)
- 4141 .MU,Quattro pro for DOS Menu definition file
- 4142 .MXL,PackRat 5.0 support DLLs
- 4143 .NCD,treeinfo.ncd is a file where Norton's products store the trees of hard drives
- 4144 .NDX,dBase index file
- 4145 .NFO,Filioview database
- 4146 .NL,Norton Desktop Icon Library
- 4147 .NSS,Norton Screen Saver module
- 4148 .OBJ,Compiled machine language code
- 4149 .OPT,Options; name used by many programs for configuration information
- 4150 .OVL,Overlay -- used by DOS exes for storing code on disk to swap in as needed
- 4151 .PAK,PAK compressed format
- 4152 .PAL,Pallette file; used by many programs, each with their own format
- 4153 .PCD,Kodak PhotoCD file
- 4154 .PCX,PC paintbrush bitmap format
- 4155 .PDB,Packrat 5.0 data file
- 4156 .PDF,Adobe's Portable Document Format
- 4157 .PDG,Print Shop Deluxe data file
- 4158 .PFA,PostScript Font File
- 4159 .PFB,PostScript Font File
- 4160 .PFM,PostScript Font Metric File
- 4161 .PGL,HP Plotter vector graphics format
- 4162 .PIC,123 Vector Graphics format
- 4163 .PIF,Windows Program Information File
- 4164 .PM3,PageMaker 3.0 data file
- 4165 .PR1,Packrat 4.0 data file
- 4166 .PR2,packrat 4.x data file
- 4167 .PRN,Spreadsheet output (printer file(
- 4168 .PRO,Profile; used by many programs to store configuration data
- 4169 .PRS,Norton Viewer DLL file
- 4170 .PS,Postscript output file
- 4171 .PSD,Photoshop bitmap file
- 4172 .PX,Paradox 3.0
- 4173 .QAG,Norton Destop Group file
- 4174 .R2D,Reflex 2 datafile
- 4175 .RAS,Sun Raster format
- 4176 .RC,Resource script used by Windows programs
- 4177 .REC,Windows Recorder Macro File
- 4178 .REG,File used by programs to add material to the Windows registration database using Regedit
- 4179 .REP,Report file used by many applications
- 4180 .RES,Compiled resource file
- 4181 .REX,Rexx language source file
- 4182 .RIF,Fractal painter bitmapped file
- 4183 .RLE,Run Length Encoded compressed BMP file
- 4184 .RMI,Windows alternate synthesized sound format
- 4185 .ROL,Adlib format syntesized music file
- 4186 .RPB,data report file used by CP Backup
- 4187 .RPT,Report file used by many applications
- 4188 .RSL,Resource Library used by PC Tools for Windows
- 4189 .RTF,Rich Text Format file
- 4190 .RTS,Realizer executable file
- 4191 .RUN,PC Tools for Windows batch file
- 4192 .RXD,Reflex 1 datafile
- 4193 .SAM,Ami Pro data file
- 4194 .SCD,SCODOL film recorder
- 4195 .SCR,Windows Screen Saver module, also used by WinCIM
- 4196 .SDW,Ami Draw Symbol File
- 4197 .SET,Extension used by Norton Backup and CPS Backup for setup info
- 4198 .SFB,HP Soft font (obsolete under Windows)
- 4199 .SFO,Bitstream font file - fontware format
- 4200 .SKY,SYLK Spreadsheet file (used by Multiplan)
- 4201 .SMM,Ami Pro Macro File
- 4202 .SND,Mac/Amiga digitized sound file
- 4203 .SPD,Bitstream font file - speedo format
- 4204 .STY,Ami Pro Template (Style); used by other programs for `styles`
- 4205 .SY3,Harvard Graphics format
- 4206 .SYD,Sysedit backup file
- 4207 .SYS,System file, used for config.sys and some device drivers
- 4208 .TBL,Short for Table; used by many programs
- 4209 .TDF,Speedo font file
- 4210 .TEX,TeX source file
- 4211 .TFM,TeX font file
- 4212 .TGA,Targa True Color bitmapped format
- 4213 .THM,Picture Publisher or PhotoMagic Thumbnail
- 4214 .TIF,TIFF (tagged image format file) bitmapped file
- 4215 .TMP,Temporary File
- 4216 .TPU,Turbo Pascal Unit (precompiled turbo pascal module)
- 4217 .TRM,Windows Terminal data file
- 4218 .TRU,True Basic source file
- 4219 .TTF,True Type Font file
- 4220 .TXT,Common name for ASCII text file
- 4221 .VBR,Visual Basic Custom Control file
- 4222 .VBX,Visual Basic Custom Control file
- 4223 .VOC,Sound Blaster digitized sound file
- 4224 .VSD,Visio Drawing
- 4225 .VSS,Visio Template
- 4226 .VST,Visio Template
- 4227 .WAS,ProComm Script File (source code)
- 4228 .WAV,Windows digitazl sound file
- 4229 .WAX,ProComm compiled script
- 4230 .WB1,Quattro Pro for Windows Spreadsheet Notebook
- 4231 .WBT,Wilsonware Batch file used by Winbatch and Norton Desktop
- 4232 .WBT,Wilsonware Batch file used by Winbatch and Norton Desktop
- 4233 .WCM,WordPerfect Macro File
- 4234 .WD,InfoSelect Data file
- 4235 .WK3,Lotus 123 3x spreadsheet
- 4236 .WK4,Lotus 123 4x spreadsheet
- 4237 .WKI,Lotus 123 2x spreadsheet
- 4238 .WKQ,Quattro spreadsheet
- 4239 .WKS,Lotus 124 1.x spreadsheet
- 4240 .WMF,Windows Metafile vector graphics format
- 4241 .WMP,Windows Magic Icon Palette
- 4242 .WNF,Corel Draw Font File
- 4243 .WP,Word Perfect Format
- 4244 .WPG,WordPerfect Graphic (vector graphics)
- 4245 .WQ1,Quattro Pro for DOS spreadsheet
- 4246 .WR1,Windows Write file
- 4247 .WRK,Lotus symphony Spreadsheet
- 4248 .WS,APL Worksheet
- 4249 .WS,APL Worksheet
- 4250 .XCL,Xtree for Windows Script file
- 4251 .XCL,Xtree for Windows Script file
- 4252 .XLA,Excel Addin
- 4253 .XLB,Excel Toolbar
- 4254 .XLC,Excel Chart
- 4255 .XLL,Excel Addin
- 4256 .XLM,Excel Macro File
- 4257 .XLS,Excel spreadseet file
- 4258 .XLT,Excel Template
- 4259 .XLW,Excel Workbook
- 4260 .ZIP,PKZIP compressed file format
- 4261 .ZOO,ZOO compressed file format
- 5000 *\DELETED
- 5001 *\JUNK
- 5002 *\STUFF
- 5500 *.BAK
- 5501 *.BK?
- 5502 *.~??
- 5503 ~*.*