ShareIt! also takes orders by post at:
ShareIt! - Reimold & Schumann Internet Services GbR
Habsburgerring 3
50674 Koeln
If you are located in the USA, you can also pay by sending a
check or cash to the following address:
ShareIt! Inc.
P.O. Box. 97841
Pittsburgh, PA 15227-0241
(Please send only checks drawn on US-American banks to this
When ordering from ShareIt! please quote program/product ID
100809 - Stella 2000
Any questions about the status of the order, refunds, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, non-credit card orders, etc, must be directed
Swimming Elk Software
Manskiventie 1031
16790 Manskivi
or via the Internet to
or through CIS at
To ensure you get the latest version of Stella, our agents
will notify us the day of your order and we will ship the
product directly to you (an e-mail MIME attachment is an
option). So please send your registration/customization form
to us here at Swimming Elk Software either electronically or
through the post.
For secure, no fuss, Internet registration via credit card,
just point your Web browser at one of the links at the foot of
this document.
Why should I register?
Because Swimming Elk Software is waiting to send you a
dedicated copy of Stella 2000 hard-coded with your name, home
location and startup preferences. Stella can be with you
within 24 hours. Your registered copy will be equipped to load
the entire first-level database of over 9000 stars along with
an extensive inventory of DSOs, images, and commentary.
You may also contact us by mail or E-mail at any time after
registration with just about any problem or query relating to
How do I start?
If you haven't already done so, please print out a regular
Coeli registration form by pressing [r] from within the
program. A copy will be saved with the filename REGISTER.FRM
in the folder or directory you reserved for Coeli.
On the form you will notice a line beginning 'Your ref' and
followed by an ident code. This code is your unique personal
reference and you will be required to enter or paste it into
your online customization form in your Web browser. It is your
order's most important component bar E-mail address and credit
When you are ready and have the information to hand, please
set aside a few minutes to fill out your online customization
form, and submit it to us. If you have difficulties getting
your Web browser to mail us, a simple remedy is to attach a
copy of the file REGISTER.FRM using your regular E-mail
software, or just paste it into the body of the message.
As soon as we receive the form, we will get to work
personalizing your very own unique copy of Coeli, which we
will then either send on 3.5" diskette or E-mail to you
straight away as a MIME attachment. Don't forget to complete
the section of the form which tells us which of these
alternatives you prefer to take.
We estimate an average of 72 hours for the first option
(postal), 36 hours for the second (E-mail).
Essentially, registering Coeli online is a two-stage process:
1) Filling out your customization form online (optional)
2) Ordering online with your credit card
The two stages are entirely separate, the customization
handled by us at Swimming Elk Software, and your credit card
order by Share-It! with their secure submission
facilities. These are our agents for handling all online
registrations, and they will inform us electronically of your
order immediately they receive it, so that we can process and
despatch your Stella package without delay.
Aside from the possible handling fee, all else (postage, media
etc) is included.
You have only to press the [r] key, or select |Register| from the Help
menu, and a registration facility is available from within Stella itself. Here, you may
set out your preferences for a personalized copy, enter comments and
criticisms, and prepare/print out a registration form.
Alternatively, a simple letter along with your registration will suffice.
( Don't forget to include any customization preferences you may have
Only the most unreasonable requests are refused...)
We recognise that in these times many cannot afford even
shareware prices, particularly students, state pensioners,
the unemployed, and denizens of what it has become customary
to label the Third World (including former Soviet & Eastern
Block countries). If your circumstances fall into any of these
areas, simply include a signed declaration to the effect, and
enclose just HALF THE REGISTRATION FEE *. We will be honoured
to serve you.
* Surcharges apply.
Thank you.
Roger Hughes
Swimming Elk Software
Manskiventie 1031
16790 Manskivi
CompuServe: 106217,2576
Internet : ( the preferred method )