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- Painter 5.0 Demo
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- Welcome to the Painter 5.0 Demo!
- Painter is the world's most creative design tool.
- Painter's astounding Natural-Media features simulate
- the tools and textures of traditional artists'
- materials. Version 5.0 adds amazing plug-in brushes
- to extend your creativity, dynamic plug-in floaters
- to create one-of-a-kind looks and powerful Internet
- publishing tools to put you on the web.
- This demo version contains all the great Natural-
- Media features of the full product. However, when
- using the demo version you will not be able to save
- or print your artwork. Also, some features that
- require advanced system services are also disabled --
- for example, Net Painter for collaborative painting
- across a network, the Kodak color management system
- and frame-by-frame animation.
- Two versions of the Painter 5.0 Demo are available:
- * The CD-ROM demo contains a full complement of art
- materials (paper textures, patterns, Image Hose
- Nozzles, etc.) and requires 40Mb of free disk space
- for installation.
- * The online demo is designed for download from the
- Web. It holds a small collection of art materials to
- make the installer much more compact and only
- requires 20Mb of free disk space for installation.
- ...or for more information...
- Call 800-846-0111 or visit
- http://www.metacreations.com
- ====================
- ====================
- Painter is a big program. To assist you with its many
- features, we have created an electronic version
- (Acrobat PDF) of the step-by-step Tutorial Guide. We
- strongly suggest you print this guide and work
- through the step by step lessons. They will provide a
- good overview of the program.
- The Tutorial folder is automatically installed if you
- are installing your Painter 5 demo from CD-ROM. If
- you download your demo version from the web, you will
- need to download the additional Tutorial file. It is
- available at http://www.metacreations.com/downloads/.
- Please note that when working through the Tutorial,
- you will not be able to Save your artwork.
- For additional help, you may also refer to online
- help, select Painter Help from the Help menu.
- Power Macintosh (68K not supported)
- System 7.5 or higher
- 12Mb of application RAM (20+Mb recommended)
- Color display (24-bit recommended)
- 486DX or Pentium compatible PC
- Windows 95 or Windows NT 4.0 (Windows 3.x not
- supported)
- 16Mb of System RAM (32 Mb for NT)
- SVGA Video (24-bit true color recommended)
- =================
- =================
- It is the incredible Natural-Media brush engine that
- separates Painter from all other graphics programs.
- If you spend a little time investigating how the
- brush engine works, Painter will open up as the most
- incredible art program you have ever used. This is
- even truer with the new expandable plug-in brush
- capabilities of version 5.0.
- The first step is to explore all the great brush
- libraries included with Painter. By default, the
- Brushes Palette opens the library "Painter Brushes."
- This includes the basic set of Natural Media painting
- tools, like chalks, airbrushes, pencils and pens.
- This default library is only the beginning. We have
- created a bunch of new brushes for version 5.0. These
- new brush libraries are installed in the folder New
- Brushes which is in your Painter folder. To make it
- easy to access the new brushes a Custom Palette
- called "Shortcut to New Brushes" allows you to
- quickly load the 7 additional brush libraries. If the
- Custom Palette is not on-screen, select Window/Custom
- Palette/Shortcut to New Brushes to activate it.
- Simply click an icon in the Custom Palette to load
- the new library.
- New in version 5.0 are Dynamic Plug-in Floaters which
- perform all kinds of exciting image effects. You will
- find the Dynamic Plug-in Floaters by clicking the
- P.Float icon on the Objects Palette. Some plug-in
- floaters create new layers -- like the Kaleidoscope
- and Liquid Metal. Some should be applied to a
- selection or existing floating object -- like Bevel
- World and Burn. If the Apply button (or menu command)
- is grayed out, it means you need to create a
- selection or select a floater before applying the
- plug-in floater.
- Dynamic plug-in floaters can be CPU and memory
- intensive. Be careful when applying Dynamic Plug-in
- Floaters to large images/floaters.
- New to Painter 5 is the ability to paint on a
- transparent layer. Use the Objects Palette menu
- command Floater/Transparent Layer to create a
- transparent layer.
- Use the new brush library "Layer" to paint into
- transparent layers. You can also make any brush paint
- into a transparent layer:
- 1. From the brushes palette, select the brush you
- want to paint with.
- 2. Click the Expand box at the top-right corner of
- the Brushes Palette.
- 3. From the Method Popup select "Plug-in"
- 4. From the Subcategory Popup select "Transparent
- Layer Brush"
- Don't overlook the new Tear-off Tools. Grab any brush
- (like the Pencil) and drag it off the palette.
- Presto. You've created a custom palette. You can drag
- Brushes, Papers, Gradations, Patterns, Weaves, Plug-
- in Floaters, Scripts and Menu items to custom
- palettes. To add a menu command to a custom palette,
- select Window/Custom Palette/Add Command.
- Quick Tip:
- Hold the keys Control+Shift to rearrange items on a
- custom palette. Hold Control+Option+Shift to delete
- an item from a custom palette.
- Quick Tip:
- Hold down Control+Shift before selecting a menu item
- to add a menu item to a Custom Palette.
- When using the Magic Wand, holding the Shift key and
- clicking does not add to the selection. Instead it
- adds to the color set that Painter uses to build the
- Magic Wand selection. To add a range of colors, click
- and drag across the range of colors.
- To select all areas of the image that fall within the
- tolerance setting of the Magic Wand, use
- Control+Shift+click. You can define a bounding
- rectangle by holding Control+Shift+drag and the Magic
- Wand will select all colors within the bounding
- rectangle.
- The Output Preview feature has been disabled in the
- demo version of Painter 5.
- Animation capabilities have been disabled in the demo
- version of Painter 5.
- ----------------------------
- ----------------------------
- * The Painter 5 demo does not overwrite an existing
- installation of Painter. The Installer will place the
- demo in c:\Program Files\Painter 5.0 Demo\ by
- default.
- * QuickTimeLibError: Cannot find Quicktime Lib. Your
- Macintosh will generate this error message if there
- is not enough free system memory to initialize
- QuickTime. It happens when applications are using
- almost all available memory. The solution is to lower
- Painter╒s preferred memory, or quit other
- applications. Refer to the User Guide for information
- on setting the amount of memory allocated to Painter.
- * Painter 5 only supports the Photoshop 3.0 plug-in
- API (not 4.0). Plug-ins, like Alien Skin Eye Candy,
- which require the Photoshop 4.0 filter API will not
- work with Painter.
- * Many Adobe Photoshop 4.0 plug-ins are designed to
- work only with Photoshop. They will appear in the
- Painter menus, but will not run.
- * When using plug-in filters with Painter, especially
- Kai's Power Tools and Convolver, increase the amount
- of memory allocated to Painter. When using KPT 3.0
- Painter should be set for a minimum memory size of
- 24Mb. Refer to the User Guide for information on
- increasing the amount of memory allocated to Painter.
- * In a dual monitor setup, Painter 5.0 and KPT
- Texture Explorer are not compatible.
- * Plug-in Floaters can not be recorded in a script or
- used during a Net Painter session.
- * Brush libraries are limited to 15Mb in size. You
- should not use the brush mover to merge any of the
- default libraries that come with Painter or are on
- the Painter CD.
- * If your Custom Palettes are moved completely off-
- screen (usually by switching resolution), get them
- back by using the Custom Palette Organizer
- (Window/Custom Palette/Organizer) to Export, Delete
- then Import the Palette.
- -------------------------------------
- ⌐ 1997 MetaCreations Corporation, all rights
- reserved. Painter and Natural Media are registered
- trademarks and Image Hose is a trademark of MetaCreations
- Corporation. Macintosh is a
- registered trademark and QuickTime is a trademark of
- Apple Computer. Photoshop is a trademark of Adobe
- Systems Incorporated. All other product and brand
- names mentioned are trademarks or registered
- trademarks of their respective holders. Fractal
- Design Painter is covered by U.S. Patent 5347620.
- Patent pending.