Chip 1998 April
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Text File
1,239 lines
Begin Form FTP_form
BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Double
Caption = "Quick FTP Version 2.2"
ClientHeight = 4170
ClientLeft = 690
ClientTop = 1785
ClientWidth = 8010
Height = 4860
Icon = QUICKFTP.FRX:0000
Left = 630
LinkTopic = "Form1"
MaxButton = 0 'False
ScaleHeight = 4170
ScaleWidth = 8010
Top = 1155
Width = 8130
Begin ListBox messagelist
Height = 810
Left = 0
TabIndex = 12
Top = 2880
Width = 8055
Begin Socket Socket1
Backlog = 1
Binary = -1 'True
Blocking = -1 'True
Broadcast = 0 'False
BufferSize = 0
HostAddress = ""
HostFile = ""
HostName = ""
InLine = 0 'False
Interval = 0
KeepAlive = 0 'False
Left = 4440
Linger = 0
LocalPort = 0
LocalService = ""
Peek = 0 'False
Protocol = 0
RecvLen = 0
RemotePort = 0
RemoteService = ""
ReuseAddress = 0 'False
Route = -1 'True
SendLen = 0
TabIndex = 9
Timeout = 0
Top = 0
Type = 1
Urgent = 0 'False
Begin Socket Socket2
Backlog = 1
Binary = -1 'True
Blocking = -1 'True
Broadcast = 0 'False
BufferSize = 0
HostAddress = ""
HostFile = ""
HostName = ""
InLine = 0 'False
Interval = 0
KeepAlive = 0 'False
Left = 5040
Linger = 0
LocalPort = 0
LocalService = ""
Peek = 0 'False
Protocol = 0
RecvLen = 0
RemotePort = 0
RemoteService = ""
ReuseAddress = 0 'False
Route = -1 'True
SendLen = 0
TabIndex = 8
Timeout = 0
Top = 0
Type = 1
Urgent = 0 'False
Begin Timer Timer2
Enabled = 0 'False
Interval = 1000
Left = 3960
Top = 0
Begin TextBox Cycle_sec
Height = 285
Left = 7320
TabIndex = 6
Text = "0"
Top = 80
Width = 615
Begin ListBox Dir_list
Height = 2175
Left = 0
Sorted = -1 'True
TabIndex = 4
Top = 720
Width = 8055
Begin Label lblStatus
Caption = "Not connected"
Height = 255
Left = 1320
TabIndex = 11
Top = 3840
Width = 5295
Begin Label Label4
Caption = "Status:"
Height = 255
Left = 240
TabIndex = 10
Top = 3840
Width = 1095
Begin Label TimeLeft
Caption = "TimeLeft"
Height = 255
Left = 6960
TabIndex = 7
Top = 3840
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 855
Begin Label Label2
Caption = "cycle time (sec):"
Height = 255
Left = 5760
TabIndex = 5
Top = 120
Width = 1455
Begin Line Line1
X1 = 0
X2 = 8040
Y1 = 3720
Y2 = 3720
Begin Label Message
Height = 495
Left = 1320
TabIndex = 1
Top = 4200
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 4935
Begin Label Label3
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Messages :"
Height = 255
Left = 240
TabIndex = 3
Top = 4200
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 1095
Begin Label Host_name
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "< Not connected >"
Height = 495
Left = 840
TabIndex = 2
Top = 120
Width = 4815
Begin Label Label1
BackColor = &H00C0C0C0&
Caption = "Host :"
Height = 255
Left = 240
TabIndex = 0
Top = 120
Width = 615
Begin Menu Menu_connection
Caption = "&Host"
Begin Menu menu_Connection_item
Caption = "&Connect.."
Index = 0
Begin Menu menu_Connection_item
Caption = "&Disconnect.."
Index = 1
Begin Menu menu_Connection_item
Caption = "&Abort"
Index = 2
Begin Menu menu_Connection_item
Caption = "E&xit"
Index = 3
Begin Menu menu_Connection_item
Caption = "D&o It All!!"
Index = 4
Visible = 0 'False
Begin Menu Menu_file
Caption = "&Transfer"
Begin Menu Menu_file_item
Caption = "&Get.."
Index = 0
Begin Menu Menu_file_item
Caption = "&Put.."
Index = 1
Begin Menu mnuStopTimer
Caption = "&Stop Timer"
Begin Menu Menu_directory
Caption = "&Directory"
Begin Menu Menu_directory_item
Caption = "&Change"
Index = 0
Begin Menu Menu_directory_item
Caption = "&Parent"
Index = 1
Begin Menu Menu_directory_item
Caption = "&Dir list"
Index = 2
Begin Menu Menu_settings
Caption = "&Settings"
Begin Menu Menu_setting_items
Caption = "&Ascii type"
Index = 0
Begin Menu Menu_setting_items
Caption = "&Binary type"
Index = 1
Begin Menu Menu_setting_items
Caption = "&Mask"
Index = 2
Visible = 0 'False
Begin Menu Quote_menu
Caption = "&Command"
Begin Menu Quote_command
Caption = "&Send"
Begin Menu AboutMenu
Caption = "&About"
Sub AboutMenu_Click ()
Dim Msg, endofl
endofl = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
Msg = "Quick FTP scheduled file transfer utility" & endofl
Msg = Msg & "was developed using Visual Basic 3.0 and" & endofl
Msg = Msg & "SocketWrench/VB (TM) Custom Control 1.0" & endofl
Msg = Msg & "from Catalyst Software (www.earthlink.net)" & endofl
Msg = Msg & endofl
Msg = Msg & "Command line may have 0, 7, 8, or 9 arguments in exactly this order:" & endofl
Msg = Msg & endofl
Msg = Msg & "QUICKFTP HostName LoginName Password Directory [GET|PUT] SourceFileName DestFileName [ASCII|BINARY] [NOTIFY|SILENT]" & endofl
Msg = Msg & endofl
Msg = Msg & "(These last two are optional defaulting to ASCII NOTIFY. Use '?' instead of a parameter to prompt on startup" & endofl
Msg = Msg & endofl
Msg = Msg & "For example: QUICKFTP ftp.stolaf.edu anonymous ? pub/origami/WIN GET qckftp21.zip c:/temp/q.zip B N" & endofl
Msg = Msg & endofl
Msg = Msg & "Comments: Bob Hanson (hansonr@stolaf.edu)" & endofl
MsgBox Msg, 64, "About QuickFTP"
End Sub
Sub Cycle_sec_GotFocus ()
'__ FTP_form Cycle_sec_GotFocus
'__ calls GLOBAL switch_to
initialcycle = Val(cycle_sec)
switch_to cycle_sec
End Sub
Sub Cycle_sec_LostFocus ()
'__ FTP_form Cycle_sec_LostFocus
'__ calls FTP_form ResetTimer
If initialcycle = Val(cycle_sec) Then Exit Sub
Call ResetTimer(Val(cycle_sec))
End Sub
Sub Dir_list_Click ()
clickindex = Dir_list.ListIndex
End Sub
Sub Dir_list_MouseUp (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)
'__ FTP_form Dir_list_MouseUp
'__ parameter Button As Integer
'__ parameter Shift As Integer
'__ parameter X As Single
'__ parameter Y As Single
On Error Resume Next
If clickindex = -1 Then Exit Sub
Dir_list.Selected(clickindex) = (olddirclick <> clickindex)
Menu_directory_item(0).Caption = "&Change Directory"
olddirclick = clickindex
If clickindex = -1 Then Exit Sub
If Dir_list.Selected(clickindex) Then
Menu_directory_item(0).Caption = "&Change to " & Dir_list.List(Dir_list.ListIndex)
End If
End Sub
Sub Disable_menus ()
'__ FTP_form Disable_menus
'__ called by FTP_form Do_display_options
' Menu_connection.Enabled = False
Menu_file.Enabled = False
Menu_directory.Enabled = False
Menu_settings.Enabled = False
Quote_menu.Enabled = False
End Sub
Sub Do_display_options ()
'__ FTP_form Do_display_options
'__ called by FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ called by FTP_form DoDisconnect
'__ called by FTP_form getfilenow
'__ called by FTP_form GoToDir
'__ called by FTP_form menu_connection_item_click
'__ called by FTP_form Menu_directory_item_Click
'__ called by FTP_form Menu_setting_items_Click
'__ called by FTP_form putfilenow
'__ called by FTP_form SendFTPCOMMAND
'__ calls FTP_form Disable_menus
FTP_form!Message.Caption = ""
FTP_form.MousePointer = 11
End Sub
Sub Do_the_dirlist ()
'__ FTP_form Do_the_dirlist
'__ called by FTP_form Menu_directory_item_Click
'__ called by FTP_form Menu_setting_items_Click
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPGetDirList
'__ calls GLOBAL Show_the_dir_list
'list directory info in a file identified with Dir_file
'read the contents of that file and put results in
'listbox Dir_list
Dim d_File
Filt$ = MaskType
d_File = Dir_file
If Connected Then
clickindex = -1
success = FTPGetDirList(Socket1, socket2, Message)
If success Then
M$ = ctldata
Message.Caption = M$
End If
End If
End Sub
Function DoConnectOnly ()
'__ FTP_form DoConnectOnly
'__ called by FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ called by FTP_form menu_connection_item_click
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPConnect
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPLogin
'__ calls FTP_form Undo_Display_Options
Connected = False
DoConnectOnly = False
menu_connection.Enabled = False'disallow connect
FTP_form!Message.Caption = "Logging in " & userid & " to " & hostname
If Not FTPConnect(hostname, Socket1, Message) Then
MsgBox "Unable to connect to remote host"
Ms$ = ctldata
FTP_form!Message.Caption = Ms$
FTP_form.Host_name.Caption = "< Not connected >"
Exit Function
End If
If Not FTPLogin(Trim$(userid), Trim$(password), Socket1, socket2, Message) Then
DoConnectOnly = False
FTP_form.MousePointer = 0
FTP_form.Socket1.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
timer2.Enabled = False
Ms$ = ctldata
FTP_form!Message.Caption = Ms$
FTP_form.Host_name.Caption = "< Not connected >"
Exit Function
End If
Connected = True
DoConnectOnly = True
FTP_form.Host_name.Caption = hostname
End Function
Sub DoConnFTPDisc ()
'__ FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ called by FTP_form Form_Load
'__ called by FTP_form menu_connection_item_click
'__ called by FTP_form Timer2_Timer
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPGetDirectory
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPSetDirectory
'__ calls GLOBAL getword
'__ calls FTP_form Do_display_options
'__ calls FTP_form DoConnectOnly
'__ calls FTP_form DoDisconnect
'__ calls FTP_form getfilenow
'__ calls FTP_form putfilenow
'__ calls FTP_form ResetTimer
'__ calls FTP_form Undo_Display_Options
t0 = Timer
timer2.Enabled = False
timeleft.Visible = False
If DoConnectOnly() Then
If serverdirect <> "" Then
C_dir$ = serverdirect
Call FTPSetDirectory(C_dir$, Socket1, Message)
Call FTPGetDirectory(Socket1, Message)
End If
While list_data <> ""
If list_data = "ENDLIST" Then
list_data = ""
src_name = getword(list_data, "Source file name", "")
dest_name = getword(list_data, "Destination file name", "")
End If
If src_name <> "" And dest_name <> "" Then
If putmode Then
Call putfilenow
Call getfilenow
End If
End If
Ms$ = ctldata
FTP_form!Message.Caption = Ms$
FTP_form.Host_name.Caption = "< Not connected >"
End If
Call ResetTimer(Val(cycle_sec) - (Timer - t0))
If timer2.Enabled Then FTP_form!Message.Caption = "counting..."
End Sub
Sub DoDisconnect ()
'__ FTP_form DoDisconnect
'__ called by FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ called by FTP_form menu_connection_item_click
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPDisconnect
'__ calls FTP_form Do_display_options
'__ calls FTP_form Undo_Display_Options
timer2.Enabled = False
timeleft.Visible = False
If Connected Then
Call FTPDisconnect(Socket1)
Connected = False
FTP_form.Host_name.Caption = "< Not connected >"
FTP_form.Message.Caption = hostname & " disconnected"
olddirclick = -1
End If
End Sub
Sub Enable_menus ()
'__ FTP_form Enable_menus
'__ called by FTP_form Menu_directory_item_Click
'__ called by FTP_form Menu_setting_items_Click
'__ called by FTP_form Undo_Display_Options
menu_connection.Enabled = True
Menu_file.Enabled = True
Menu_directory.Enabled = True
Menu_settings.Enabled = True
Quote_menu.Enabled = True
End Sub
Function Exit_program () As Integer
'__ FTP_form Exit_program
'__ called by FTP_form Form_QueryUnload
'give a message box to enable the operator to terminate
'the program or not
Dim DgDef, Msg, Response, Title
Title = "Exit QuickFTP"
Msg = hostname & " is still connected. Do you want to close the connection and exit?"
Response = MsgBox(Msg, DgDef, Title)
Exit_program = Response
End Function
Sub Form_Load ()
'__ FTP_form Form_Load
'__ calls GLOBAL GetTempFileName
'__ calls GLOBAL getword
'__ calls FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ calls FTP_form menu_connection_item_click
On Error Resume Next
Kill logfile
click_index = -1
Connected = False
DirType = False
transtype = Asc("A")
MaskType = "" ' if "*.*" then you don't get directories
hostname = connectform!NodeEdit.Text
userid = connectform!UserEdit.Text
password = ""
serverdirect = connectform!txtDirect
namebuff$ = String$(100, 0)
wI = GetTempFileName(0, "QFTP", 0, namebuff$)
Dir_file = Left$(namebuff$, InStr(namebuff$, Chr(0)) - 1)
wI = GetTempFileName(0, "QFTP", 0, namebuff$)
Temp_File = Left$(namebuff$, InStr(namebuff$, Chr(0)) - 1)
FTP_form.Socket1.HostFile = ""
cline = Command$
'MsgBox CurDir
CRLF = Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
list_data = "ENDLIST"
If cline <> "" Then 'have automatic process
hostname = getword(cline, "Host Name", "")
mess = mess & "Host Name: " & hostname & CRLF
userid = getword(cline, "Login Name", "")
mess = mess & "Login Name: " & userid & CRLF
password = getword(cline, "Password", "HIDDENVALUE")
serverdirect = getword(cline, "Initial Directory", ".")
mess = mess & "Initial Directory: " & serverdirect & CRLF & CRLF
putmode = (UCase(Left(getword(cline, "PUT or GET", "GET") & " ", 1)) = "P")
If putmode Then
mess = mess & "PUT "
mess = mess & "GET "
End If
src_name = getword(cline, "Source File Name", "")
If Left(src_name, 1) = "<" Then
listfile = Mid(src_name, 2)
Open listfile For Binary As #1
list_data = Space(LOF(1))
Get 1, 1, list_data
Close 1
mess = mess & "From " & src_name & ":" & CRLF & list_data & CRLF
For i = 1 To Len(list_data)
If Mid(list_data, i, 1) = Chr(10) Or Mid(list_data, i, 1) = Chr(13) Then
Mid(list_data, i, 1) = " "
End If
mess = mess & src_name & CRLF
dest_name = getword(cline, "Destination File Name", "")
mess = mess & "--> " & dest_name & CRLF
End If
If putmode Then
Local_File_Name = src_name
Host_File_Name = dest_name
Host_File_Name = src_name
Local_File_Name = dest_name
End If
transtype = Asc(UCase(getword(cline, "ASCII or BINARY", "ASCII")) & " ")
If transtype = 32 Then transtype = Asc("A")
If transtype <> Asc("A") Then transtype = Asc("I")
If transtype = Asc("A") Then
mess = mess & "mode ASCII"
mess = mess & "mode BINARY"
End If
silent = UCase(Left(getword(cline, "NOTIFY or SILENT", "NOTIFY") & " ", 1))
notify = (silent <> "S")
doitmode = True
commandmode = True
ok = ID_OK
If notify Then ok = MsgBox(mess, MB_OKCANCEL Or MB_QUESTION)
If ok = ID_OK Then
If notify Then MsgBox (src_name & " Operation complete")
End If
Unload FTP_form
End If
menu_connection_item_click (0)
End Sub
Sub Form_QueryUnload (Cancel As Integer, UnloadMode As Integer)
'__ FTP_form Form_QueryUnload
'__ parameter Cancel As Integer
'__ parameter UnloadMode As Integer
'__ calls FTP_form Exit_program
'when finishing via - control program checks for connected
'and gives a message to the operator, he then can decide
'to finish or not
'Also a warning will be given when the release was not
If Connected Then
If Exit_program() = ID_YES Then
Cancel = False
Cancel = True
End If
Cancel = False
End If
End Sub
Sub Form_Unload (Cancel As Integer)
'__ FTP_form Form_Unload
'__ parameter Cancel As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Kill Dir_file
Kill Temp_File
If Socket1.Connected Then Socket1.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
If socket2.Listening Or socket2.Connected Then socket2.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
ti = Timer: While Timer - 1 < ti: DoEvents: Wend
End 'exit program
End Sub
Sub getfilenow ()
'__ FTP_form getfilenow
'__ called by FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ called by FTP_form menu_connection_item_click
'__ called by FTP_form Menu_file_item_Click
'__ called by FTP_form Timer1_Timer
'__ called by FTP_form Timer2_Timer
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPGetFile
'__ calls FTP_form Do_display_options
'__ calls FTP_form ResetTimer
'__ calls FTP_form Undo_Display_Options
Static going
If going Then Exit Sub
going = True
t0 = Timer
timer2.Enabled = False
transferaborted = False
FTP_form!Message.Caption = ""
FTP_form!lblStatus.Caption = "Getting " & src_name
success = FTPGetFile(src_name, Temp_File, Socket1, socket2, Message)
If transferaborted Or Not success Then
Ms$ = ctldata
FTP_form!Message.Caption = Ms$
If notify Or commandmode Then MsgBox Ms$
lblStatus.Caption = "Ready"
If transferaborted Then Message.Caption = "File transfer aborted"
FTP_form!lblStatus.Caption = "Copying temporary file..."
On Error Resume Next
Kill dest_name
On Error GoTo getfileerror
FileCopy Temp_File, dest_name
Kill Temp_File
If Val(cycle_sec) = 0 Then also = "" Else also = " and counting"
FTP_form!lblStatus.Caption = "Transfer OK; received " & FileLen(dest_name) & " bytes" & also
End If
If Not transferaborted Then Call ResetTimer(Val(cycle_sec) - (Timer - t0))
going = False
Exit Sub
If transferaborted Then
FTP_form!lblStatus.Caption = "Transfer aborted"
going = False
Exit Sub
End If
If Err = 53 Then Resume Next 'File not found
mess = Error(Err) & "--"
If Err = 75 Then 'Access error
mess = mess & "Retrying..."
FTP_form!Message.Caption = mess
End If
FTP_form!Message.Caption = mess
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub GoToDir (C_dir$)
'__ FTP_form GoToDir
'__ parameter C_dir$
'__ called by FTP_form menu_connection_item_click
'__ called by FTP_form Menu_directory_item_Click
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPSetDirectory
'__ calls FTP_form Do_display_options
'__ calls FTP_form Menu_directory_item_Click
'__ calls FTP_form Undo_Display_Options
FTP_form!lblStatus.Caption = "Changing directory to " & C_dir$
Call FTPSetDirectory(C_dir$, Socket1, Message)
Ms$ = ctldata
FTP_form!Message.Caption = Ms$
Call Menu_directory_item_Click(2)
End Sub
Sub lblStatus_Change ()
' logmessage lblStatus
End Sub
Sub logmessage (Message)
'__ FTP_form logmessage
'__ parameter Message
'__ called by FTP_form Message_Change
If Val(Message) > 0 Then Exit Sub
messagelist.AddItem Message
messagelist.TopIndex = messagelist.ListCount - 1
On Error Resume Next
unit = FreeFile
Open LogFileName For Append As #unit
Print #unit, Time$ & " " & Message
Close unit
End Sub
Sub Menu_connection_Click ()
'set menu active depending on connection
menu_connection_item(0).Enabled = (Connected = False)
menu_connection_item(1).Enabled = (Connected = True)
menu_connection_item(2).Enabled = (Connected = True) Or (timer2.Enabled)
End Sub
Sub menu_connection_item_click (Index As Integer)
'__ FTP_form menu_connection_item_click
'__ parameter Index As Integer
'__ called by FTP_form Form_Load
'__ calls FTP_form Do_display_options
'__ calls FTP_form DoConnectOnly
'__ calls FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ calls FTP_form DoDisconnect
'__ calls FTP_form getfilenow
'__ calls FTP_form GoToDir
'__ calls FTP_form Menu_directory_item_Click
'__ calls FTP_form putfilenow
'__ calls FTP_form Undo_Display_Options
'do action depending on item
Select Case Index
Case 0 'Connect
timer2.Enabled = False
timeleft.Visible = False
doitmode = False
src_name = ""
dest_name = ""
connectform.Show 1
If Not OKDialog Then Exit Sub
If doitmode Then
If DoConnectOnly() Then
If serverdirect <> "" Then
C_dir$ = serverdirect
Call GoToDir(C_dir$)
Call Menu_directory_item_Click(2)
End If
If cyclemode And src_name <> "" And dest_name <> "" Then
If putmode Then
Call putfilenow
Call getfilenow
End If
End If
End If
End If
Case 1 'Disconnect
Case 2 'Abort
timeleft.Visible = False
If timer2.Enabled Then
FTP_form!lblStatus.Caption = "Timer stopped"
FTP_form!Message.Caption = ""
End If
timer2.Enabled = False
transferaborted = True
Case 3 'Exit
Unload FTP_form
Case 4 'do full cycle-connect,ftp,disconnect
Call DoConnFTPDisc
End Select
End Sub
Sub Menu_directory_Click ()
'set menu active depending on connection
Menu_directory_item(0).Enabled = (Connected = True)
Menu_directory_item(1).Enabled = (Connected = True)
'dir list
Menu_directory_item(2).Enabled = (Connected = True)
End Sub
Sub Menu_directory_item_Click (Index As Integer)
'__ FTP_form Menu_directory_item_Click
'__ parameter Index As Integer
'__ called by FTP_form GoToDir
'__ called by FTP_form menu_connection_item_click
'__ calls GLOBAL getinput
'__ calls FTP_form Do_display_options
'__ calls FTP_form Do_the_dirlist
'__ calls FTP_form Enable_menus
'__ calls FTP_form GoToDir
'__ calls FTP_form SendFTPCOMMAND
Dim C_dir$
Select Case Index
Case 0 'change
If Dir_list.ListIndex > 0 Then
C_dir$ = Dir_list.List(Dir_list.ListIndex)
C_dir$ = Getinput("Directory Name", serverdirect)
End If
Call GoToDir(C_dir$)
Case 1 'parent
C_dir$ = ".."
Call GoToDir(C_dir$)
Case 2
DirType = False
FTP_form!lblStatus.Caption = "Getting directory info"
Call SendFTPCOMMAND("pwd", result$)
iq = InStr(result$, Chr(34))
If iq > 0 Then
result$ = Mid$(result$, iq + 1)
iq = InStr(result$, Chr(34))
If iq > 0 Then
result$ = Left$(result$, iq - 1)
Menu_directory_item(2).Caption = "&List of " & result$
serverdirect = result$
Host_name = hostname & " " & result$
End If
End If
FTP_form.MousePointer = 0
lblStatus = "Ready"
End Select
End Sub
Sub Menu_file_Click ()
'set menu active depending on connection
Menu_File_item(0).Enabled = (Connected = True)
Menu_File_item(0).Checked = Not putmode
Menu_File_item(1).Enabled = (Connected = True)
Menu_File_item(1).Checked = putmode
MnuStopTimer.Enabled = timer2.Enabled
End Sub
Sub Menu_file_item_Click (Index As Integer)
'__ FTP_form Menu_file_item_Click
'__ parameter Index As Integer
'__ calls FTP_form getfilenow
'__ calls FTP_form putfilenow
Select Case Index
Case 0 'get
putmode = False
Get_file.Show 1
If Not OKDialog Then Exit Sub
Call getfilenow
Case 1 'put
putmode = True
Get_file.Show 1
If Not OKDialog Then Exit Sub
Call putfilenow
End Select
End Sub
Sub Menu_setting_items_Click (Index As Integer)
'__ FTP_form Menu_setting_items_Click
'__ parameter Index As Integer
'__ calls GLOBAL Get_mask_type
'__ calls FTP_form Do_display_options
'__ calls FTP_form Do_the_dirlist
'__ calls FTP_form Enable_menus
Select Case Index
Case 0 'Ascii
transtype = Asc("A")
Case 1 'binary
transtype = Asc("I")
Case 2 'mask
MaskType = Get_mask_type()
FTP_form.MousePointer = 0
End Select
End Sub
Sub Menu_settings_Click ()
Menu_setting_items(0).Checked = (transtype = Asc("A"))
Menu_setting_items(1).Checked = (transtype = Asc("I"))
Menu_setting_items(0).Enabled = (Connected = True)
Menu_setting_items(1).Enabled = (Connected = True)
Menu_setting_items(2).Enabled = (Connected = True)
End Sub
Sub Message_Change ()
'__ FTP_form Message_Change
'__ calls FTP_form logmessage
logmessage Message
End Sub
Sub mnuStopTimer_Click ()
timeleft.Visible = False
FTP_form!lblStatus.Caption = "Timer stopped"
timer2.Enabled = False
End Sub
Sub putfilenow ()
'__ FTP_form putfilenow
'__ called by FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ called by FTP_form menu_connection_item_click
'__ called by FTP_form Menu_file_item_Click
'__ called by FTP_form Timer2_Timer
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPPutFile
'__ calls FTP_form Do_display_options
'__ calls FTP_form ResetTimer
'__ calls FTP_form Undo_Display_Options
Static going
If going Then Exit Sub
going = True
t0 = Timer
timer2.Enabled = False
transferaborted = False
FTP_form!Message.Caption = ""
FTP_form!lblStatus.Caption = "Putting " & src_name & " (" & FileLen(src_name) & " bytes)"
success = FTPPutFile(src_name, dest_name, Socket1, socket2, Message)
If transferaborted Then
Message.Caption = "File transfer aborted. Host data is probably corrupt."
If notify Or commandmode Then MsgBox Message.Caption
ElseIf Not success Then
Ms$ = "Error in transmission: " & ctldata
FTP_form!Message.Caption = Ms$
If notify Or commandmode Then MsgBox Ms$
FTP_form!lblStatus.Caption = "Transfer OK"
End If
If Not transferaborted Then Call ResetTimer(Val(cycle_sec) - (Timer - t0))
going = False
Exit Sub
If Err = 53 Then Resume Next 'File not found
mess = Error(Err) & "--"
If Err = 75 Then 'Access error
mess = mess & "Retrying..."
FTP_form!Message.Caption = mess
End If
FTP_form!Message.Caption = mess
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub Quote_command_Click ()
'__ FTP_form Quote_command_Click
'__ calls FTP_form SendFTPCOMMAND
'execute a command not implemented as standard command
Dim answ$, DefVal, Msg, Title
DefVal = ""
Msg = "Enter FTP command : "
Title = "Quote option for FTP"
answ$ = InputBox$(Msg, Title, DefVal)
If Len(Trim$(answ$)) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
Call SendFTPCOMMAND(answ$, result$)
End If
End Sub
Sub Quote_menu_Click ()
Quote_command.Enabled = (Connected = True)
End Sub
Sub ResetTimer (tim)
'__ FTP_form ResetTimer
'__ parameter tim
'__ called by FTP_form Cycle_sec_LostFocus
'__ called by FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ called by FTP_form getfilenow
'__ called by FTP_form putfilenow
ttime = tim
If ttime < 10 Then ttime = 10
If Val(cycle_sec) > 0 Then
timer2.Enabled = True
timeleft = Int(ttime)
timeleft.Visible = True
timer2.Enabled = False
timeleft.Visible = False
cycle_sec = 0
End If
End Sub
Sub SendFTPCOMMAND (commnd$, result As String)
'__ parameter commnd$
'__ parameter result As String
'__ called by FTP_form Menu_directory_item_Click
'__ called by FTP_form Quote_command_Click
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPcommand
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPResult
'__ calls FTP_form Do_display_options
'__ calls FTP_form Undo_Display_Options
success = FTPcommand(commnd$, Socket1, Message)
If Not success Then
If notify Or commandmode Then MsgBox ctldata
End If
r = FTPResult(Socket1, Message)'don't take this out!
M$ = ctldata
FTP_form!Message.Caption = M$
result = ctldata
End Sub
Sub Socket1_Close ()
'__ FTP_form Socket1_Close
'__ calls FTP_form Undo_Display_Options
Socket1.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
FTP_form.Host_name.Caption = "< Not connected >"
FTP_form.lblStatus.Caption = "Not connected"
FTP_form.Message.Caption = hostname & " disconnected"
Connected = False
End Sub
Sub Socket2_Close ()
'__ FTP_form Socket2_Close
'__ calls FTP_form Undo_Display_Options
FTP_form.Host_name.Caption = "< Not connected >"
FTP_form!lblStatus.Caption = "Not connected"
FTP_form.Message.Caption = hostname & " disconnected"
Connected = False
End Sub
Sub Timer1_Timer ()
'__ FTP_form Timer1_Timer
'__ calls FTP_form getfilenow
timer2.Enabled = False
timeleft.Visible = False
Call getfilenow
End Sub
Sub Timer2_Timer ()
'__ FTP_form Timer2_Timer
'__ calls FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ calls FTP_form getfilenow
'__ calls FTP_form putfilenow
If Not timer2.Enabled Then Exit Sub
timeleft = timeleft - 1
If timeleft > 0 Then Exit Sub
timeleft = 0
timer2.Enabled = False
timeleft.Visible = False
If doitmode Then
Call DoConnFTPDisc
ElseIf putmode Then
Call putfilenow
Call getfilenow
End If
End Sub
Sub Undo_Display_Options ()
'__ FTP_form Undo_Display_Options
'__ called by FTP_form DoConnectOnly
'__ called by FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ called by FTP_form DoDisconnect
'__ called by FTP_form getfilenow
'__ called by FTP_form GoToDir
'__ called by FTP_form menu_connection_item_click
'__ called by FTP_form putfilenow
'__ called by FTP_form SendFTPCOMMAND
'__ called by FTP_form Socket1_Close
'__ called by FTP_form Socket2_Close
'__ calls FTP_form Enable_menus
FTP_form.MousePointer = 0
End Sub