Chip 1998 April
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BASIC Source File
738 lines
' SocketWrench Visual Basic Module
' This module contains the constants used with the SocketWrench
' Windows Sockets custom control.
' global reply buffer
Global ctldata As String
' Socket actions
Global Const SOCKET_OPEN = 1
Global Const SOCKET_CONNECT = 2
Global Const SOCKET_LISTEN = 3
Global Const SOCKET_ACCEPT = 4
Global Const SOCKET_CANCEL = 5
Global Const SOCKET_FLUSH = 6
Global Const SOCKET_CLOSE = 7
Global Const SOCKET_ABORT = 8
' Socket states
Global Const SOCKET_NONE = 0
Global Const SOCKET_IDLE = 1
Global Const SOCKET_SENDING = 6
Global Const SOCKET_CLOSING = 7
' Address families
Global Const AF_UNSPEC = 0
Global Const AF_UNIX = 1
Global Const AF_INET = 2
' Socket types
Global Const SOCK_STREAM = 1
Global Const SOCK_DGRAM = 2
Global Const SOCK_RAW = 3
Global Const SOCK_RDM = 4
Global Const SOCK_SEQPACKET = 5
' Protocol types
Global Const IPPROTO_IP = 0
Global Const IPPROTO_ICMP = 1
Global Const IPPROTO_GGP = 2
Global Const IPPROTO_TCP = 6
Global Const IPPROTO_PUP = 12
Global Const IPPROTO_UDP = 17
Global Const IPPROTO_IDP = 22
Global Const IPPROTO_ND = 77
Global Const IPPROTO_RAW = 255
Global Const IPPROTO_MAX = 256
' Common ports
Global Const IPPORT_ANY = 0
Global Const IPPORT_ECHO = 7
Global Const IPPORT_DISCARD = 9
Global Const IPPORT_SYSTAT = 11
Global Const IPPORT_DAYTIME = 13
Global Const IPPORT_NETSTAT = 15
Global Const IPPORT_FTP = 21
Global Const IPPORT_TELNET = 23
Global Const IPPORT_SMTP = 25
Global Const IPPORT_NameSERVER = 42
Global Const IPPORT_WHOIS = 43
Global Const IPPORT_MTP = 57
Global Const IPPORT_FINGER = 79
Global Const IPPORT_TFTP = 69
Global Const IPPORT_RESERVED = 1024
' Network addresses
Global Const INADDR_ANY = ""
Global Const INADDR_LOOPBACK = ""
Global Const INADDR_NONE = ""
' Shutdown values
Global Const SOCKET_READ = 0
Global Const SOCKET_WRITE = 1
' Error response values
' Socket errors
Global Const WSABASEERR = 24000
Global Const WSAEINTR = 24004
Global Const WSAEBADF = 24009
Global Const WSAEACCES = 24013
Global Const WSAEFAULT = 24014
Global Const WSAEINVAL = 24022
Global Const WSAEMFILE = 24024
Global Const WSAEWOULDBLOCK = 24035
Global Const WSAEINPROGRESS = 24036
Global Const WSAEALREADY = 24037
Global Const WSAENOTSOCK = 24038
Global Const WSAEDESTADDRREQ = 24039
Global Const WSAEMSGSIZE = 24040
Global Const WSAEPROTOTYPE = 24041
Global Const WSAENOPROTOOPT = 24042
Global Const WSAEOPNOTSUPP = 24045
Global Const WSAEPFNOSUPPORT = 24046
Global Const WSAEAFNOSUPPORT = 24047
Global Const WSAEADDRINUSE = 24048
Global Const WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL = 24049
Global Const WSAENETDOWN = 24050
Global Const WSAENETUNREACH = 24051
Global Const WSAENETRESET = 24052
Global Const WSAECONNABORTED = 24053
Global Const WSAECONNRESET = 24054
Global Const WSAENOBUFS = 24055
Global Const WSAEISCONN = 24056
Global Const WSAENOTCONN = 24057
Global Const WSAESHUTDOWN = 24058
Global Const WSAETOOMANYREFS = 24059
Global Const WSAETIMEDOUT = 24060
Global Const WSAECONNREFUSED = 24061
Global Const WSAELOOP = 24062
Global Const WSAENAMETOOLONG = 24063
Global Const WSAEHOSTDOWN = 24064
Global Const WSAEHOSTUNREACH = 24065
Global Const WSAENOTEMPTY = 24066
Global Const WSAEPROCLIM = 24067
Global Const WSAEUSERS = 24068
Global Const WSAEDQUOT = 24069
Global Const WSAESTALE = 24070
Global Const WSAEREMOTE = 24071
Global Const WSASYSNOTREADY = 24091
Global Const WSANOTINITIALISED = 24093
Global Const WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND = 25001
Global Const WSATRY_AGAIN = 25002
Global Const WSANO_RECOVERY = 25003
Global Const WSANO_DATA = 25004
Global Const WSANO_ADDRESS = 25004
Option Explicit
Function FTPcommand (commnd As String, controlsocket As Control, message As Label) As Integer
'__ GLOBAL FTPcommand
'__ parameter commnd As String
'__ parameter controlsocket As Control
'__ parameter message As Label
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPGetDirectory
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPGetDirList
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPGetFile
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPListen
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPLogin
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPPutFile
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPSetDirectory
'__ called by FTP_form SendFTPCOMMAND
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPResult
Dim cmd
Dim reply
cmd = commnd
On Error Resume Next
While controlsocket.IsReadable
reply = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
If Left(cmd, 4) <> "PASS" Then message = "> " & cmd
ctldata = cmd
ctldata = ctldata & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
controlsocket.SendLen = Len(ctldata)
controlsocket.SendData = ctldata
If Err <> 0 Then
FTPcommand = False
FTPcommand = True
End If
End Function
Function FTPConnect (HostName As String, controlsocket As Control, message As Label)
'__ GLOBAL FTPConnect
'__ parameter HostName As String
'__ parameter controlsocket As Control
'__ parameter message As Label
'__ called by FTP_form DoConnectOnly
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPResult
Dim reply As Integer
Dim Errmess
On Error GoTo ConnectError
ctldata = ""
Errmess = "Connect Error: "
FTPConnect = False
If HostName = "" Then Exit Function
controlsocket.AddressFamily = AF_INET
controlsocket.Protocol = IPPROTO_IP
controlsocket.Type = SOCK_STREAM
Errmess = "Error in Host Name " & HostName
controlsocket.HostName = HostName
controlsocket.RemotePort = IPPORT_FTP
Errmess = "Connect Error: "
controlsocket.Binary = False
controlsocket.BufferSize = 1024
controlsocket.Blocking = True
On Error Resume Next
Err = 0
controlsocket.Action = SOCKET_CONNECT
If Err Then
MsgBox Error$
Exit Function
End If
reply = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
If reply = 220 Then
FTPConnect = True
controlsocket.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox Errmess, 64
ctldata = Errmess
Exit Function
End Function
Sub FTPDisconnect (controlsocket As Control)
'__ GLOBAL FTPDisconnect
'__ parameter controlsocket As Control
'__ called by FTP_form DoDisconnect
controlsocket.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
End Sub
Sub FTPGetDirectory (controlsocket As Control, message As Label)
'__ GLOBAL FTPGetDirectory
'__ parameter controlsocket As Control
'__ parameter message As Label
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPSetDirectory
'__ called by FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPcommand
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPResult
If Not FTPcommand("PWD", controlsocket, message) Then Exit Sub
If FTPResult(controlsocket, message) <> 257 Then Exit Sub
ctldata = Mid$(ctldata, 2, InStr(ctldata, " ") - 3)
End Sub
Function FTPGetDirList (controlsocket As Control, listendatasocket As Control, message As Label)
'__ GLOBAL FTPGetDirList
'__ parameter controlsocket As Control
'__ parameter listendatasocket As Control
'__ parameter message As Label
'__ called by FTP_form Do_the_dirlist
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPcommand
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPListen
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPResult
Dim buffer As String
Dim result As Integer
Dim ifile As Integer
FTPGetDirList = False
If Not FTPListen(controlsocket, listendatasocket, message) Then Exit Function
result = FTPcommand("TYPE A", controlsocket, message)
If result Then result = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
result = FTPcommand("NLST", controlsocket, message)
If Not result Then Exit Function
result = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
While controlsocket.IsReadable
result = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
If result > 299 Then
listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
Exit Function
End If
listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_ACCEPT
On Error Resume Next
Kill Dir_File
ifile = FreeFile
Err = 0
Open Dir_File For Binary As #ifile
If Err Then
Close ifile
MsgBox Error$
listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
Exit Function
End If
listendatasocket.RecvLen = 1024
Err = 0
buffer = listendatasocket.RecvData
If Err Then
MsgBox Error$
Exit Do
End If
If listendatasocket.RecvLen = 0 Then Exit Do
Put #ifile, , buffer
Close #ifile
listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
If controlsocket.IsReadable Then result = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
FTPGetDirList = True
End Function
Function FTPGetFile (RemoteFile As String, LocalFile As String, controlsocket As Control, listendatasocket As Control, message As Label)
'__ parameter RemoteFile As String
'__ parameter LocalFile As String
'__ parameter controlsocket As Control
'__ parameter listendatasocket As Control
'__ parameter message As Label
'__ called by FTP_form getfilenow
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPcommand
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPListen
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPResult
Dim buffer As String
Dim result As Integer
Dim unit As Integer
Dim ti As Double
FTPGetFile = False
transferaborted = False
If RemoteFile = "" Or LocalFile = "" Then Exit Function
On Error Resume Next
unit = FreeFile
''was a bug!!! missing:
Kill LocalFile
Err = 0
Open LocalFile For Binary As unit
If Err Then
ctldata = Error$
Close unit
Exit Function
End If
If Not FTPListen(controlsocket, listendatasocket, message) Then Close unit: Exit Function
If Not FTPcommand("RETR " & RemoteFile, controlsocket, message) Then Close unit: Exit Function
result = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
If result \ 100 <> 1 Then
listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
Close unit
Exit Function
End If
listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_ACCEPT
FTPGetFile = True
listendatasocket.RecvLen = listendatasocket.BufferSize
Err = 0
buffer = listendatasocket.RecvData
If Err Then
FTPGetFile = False
MsgBox Error$
Exit Do
End If
If transferaborted Then
FTPGetFile = False
MsgBox "File Transfer Aborted", 32
message = "File Transfer Aborted"
Exit Do
End If
If listendatasocket.RecvLen = 0 Then Exit Do
Put unit, , buffer
message = Seek(1)
Close unit
listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
result = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
End Function
Function FTPListen (controlsocket As Control, listendatasocket As Control, message As Label)
'__ GLOBAL FTPListen
'__ parameter controlsocket As Control
'__ parameter listendatasocket As Control
'__ parameter message As Label
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPGetDirList
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPGetFile
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPPutFile
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPcommand
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPResult
Dim Port As Integer, HexPort As String, Address As String
Dim reply As Integer
Dim i As Integer, P As Integer
FTPListen = False
listendatasocket.AddressFamily = AF_INET
listendatasocket.Binary = True
listendatasocket.Blocking = True
listendatasocket.BufferSize = 1024
listendatasocket.HostAddress = INADDR_ANY
listendatasocket.LocalPort = IPPORT_ANY
' listendatasocket.Protocol = IPPROTO_TCP
listendatasocket.Protocol = IPPROTO_IP
listendatasocket.Timeout = 0
listendatasocket.Type = SOCK_STREAM
listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_LISTEN
' Construct a PORT command string that consists of the
' local IP address and port number broken down into six
' bytes seperated by commas
Port = listendatasocket.LocalPort
Address = listendatasocket.LocalAddress
' The IP address part is easy because it's already in
' dot notation; just substitute commas for the dots
For i = 1 To 3
P = InStr(Address, ".")
If P <> 0 Then Mid$(Address$, P, 1) = ","
Next i
' Split the local port number into high and low bytes by
' converting it to hex, pulling it apart, and then converting
' the pieces back to decimal
HexPort = Hex$(Port)
If Len(HexPort) = 3 Then HexPort = "0" + HexPort
ctldata = "PORT " & Address & "," & (Val("&h" + Left$(HexPort, 2))) & "," & (Port And &HFF)
' Send the PORT command to the server so that it knows
' where we are
If Not FTPcommand(ctldata, controlsocket, message) Then GoTo OpenFailed
If FTPResult(controlsocket, message) <> 200 Then GoTo OpenFailed
' Select the file type for transfer
If TransType = Asc("I") Then
ctldata = "TYPE I"
ctldata = "TYPE A"
End If
If Not FTPcommand(ctldata, controlsocket, message) Then GoTo OpenFailed
If FTPResult(controlsocket, message) \ 100 <> 2 Then GoTo OpenFailed
FTPListen = True
Exit Function
If listendatasocket.Listening Then listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
Exit Function
End Function
Function FTPLogin (Username As String, Password As String, controlsocket As Control, listendatasocket As Control, message As Label) As Integer
'__ parameter Username As String
'__ parameter Password As String
'__ parameter controlsocket As Control
'__ parameter listendatasocket As Control
'__ parameter message As Label
'__ called by FTP_form DoConnectOnly
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPcommand
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPResult
Dim reply As Integer
Dim Counter As Integer
FTPLogin = False
If controlsocket.IsReadable Then
reply = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
End If
While reply \ 100 <> 2 And controlsocket.IsReadable
reply = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
ctldata = "USER " & Username
If Not FTPcommand(ctldata, controlsocket, message) Then Exit Function
reply = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
If reply = 331 Then
ctldata = "PASS " & Password
If Not FTPcommand(ctldata, controlsocket, message) Then Exit Function
reply = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
End If
While reply \ 100 <> 2 And controlsocket.IsReadable
reply = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
If reply = 230 Then
FTPLogin = True
MsgBox "Invalid user name or password"
End If
End Function
Function FTPPutFile (LocalFile As String, RemoteFile As String, controlsocket As Control, listendatasocket As Control, message As Label)
'__ parameter LocalFile As String
'__ parameter RemoteFile As String
'__ parameter controlsocket As Control
'__ parameter listendatasocket As Control
'__ parameter message As Label
'__ called by FTP_form putfilenow
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPcommand
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPListen
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPResult
Dim buffer As String
Dim result As Integer, size As Long
Dim unit As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim ti As Double
On Error Resume Next
Err = 0
ctldata = "Unknown Error"
FTPPutFile = False
transferaborted = False
If RemoteFile = "" Or LocalFile = "" Then Exit Function
unit = FreeFile
Open LocalFile For Binary As unit
If Err Then
'got an error...on file open...don't proceed
ctldata = Error$
Close unit
Exit Function
End If
If Not FTPListen(controlsocket, listendatasocket, message) Then Close unit: Exit Function
If Not FTPcommand("STOR " & RemoteFile, controlsocket, message) Then Close unit: Exit Function
If FTPResult(controlsocket, message) \ 100 <> 1 Then
listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_ABORT
Close unit
Exit Function
End If
Err = 0
listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_ACCEPT
size = FileLen(LocalFile)
' If size < listendatasocket.buffersize Then
' listendatasocket.SendLen = size
' Else
' listendatasocket.SendLen = listendatasocket.buffersize
' End If
buffer = Space(listendatasocket.BufferSize)
If Err Then
listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
ctldata = Error$
Close unit
Exit Function
End If
FTPPutFile = True
Get unit, , buffer
If size < Len(buffer) Then
listendatasocket.SendLen = size
listendatasocket.SendData = Left(buffer, size)
size = 0
listendatasocket.SendLen = Len(buffer)
listendatasocket.SendData = buffer
size = size - Len(buffer)
End If
Debug.Print listendatasocket.SendLen
While Not listendatasocket.IsWritable: DoEvents: Wend
ti = Timer: While Timer - .1 < ti: DoEvents: Wend
message = size
If Err > 0 Then
FTPPutFile = False
MsgBox Error$
Exit Do
End If
If transferaborted Then
FTPPutFile = False
MsgBox "File Transfer Aborted", 32
Exit Do
End If
If size = 0 Then Exit Do
For i = 1 To 200: DoEvents: Next
Close unit
listendatasocket.Action = SOCKET_CLOSE
result = FTPResult(controlsocket, message)
End Function
Function FTPResult (controlsocket As Control, message As Label) As Integer
'__ GLOBAL FTPResult
'__ parameter controlsocket As Control
'__ parameter message As Label
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPcommand
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPConnect
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPGetDirectory
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPGetDirList
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPGetFile
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPListen
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPLogin
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPPutFile
'__ called by GLOBAL FTPSetDirectory
'__ called by FTP_form SendFTPCOMMAND
Dim sockdata As String, reply As Integer
Dim continued As Integer
On Error Resume Next
continued = 0
controlsocket.RecvLen = 255
sockdata = ""
sockdata = controlsocket.RecvData & " " 'pad just in case
message = "< " & sockdata
reply = Val(Left$(sockdata, 3))
' If Mid$(sockdata, 4, 1) = "-" Then
' Do
' controlsocket.RecvLen = 255
' sockdata = controlsocket.RecvData
' If Val(Left$(sockdata, 3)) = reply Then Exit Do
' message = "<" & sockdata
' Loop
' End If
ctldata = Right$(sockdata, Len(sockdata) - InStr(sockdata, " "))
On Error Resume Next
If Mid(sockdata, 4, 1) = " " Then
If reply = continued Then continued = 0
ElseIf Mid(sockdata, 4, 1) = "-" And continued = 0 Then
'- is continuation character, first line only
'keep going until RFC959 is satisfied:
'same code with space
continued = reply
End If
Loop Until continued = 0
FTPResult = reply
End Function
Sub FTPSetDirectory (dirname As String, controlsocket As Control, message As Label)
'__ GLOBAL FTPSetDirectory
'__ parameter dirname As String
'__ parameter controlsocket As Control
'__ parameter message As Label
'__ called by FTP_form DoConnFTPDisc
'__ called by FTP_form GoToDir
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPcommand
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPGetDirectory
'__ calls GLOBAL FTPResult
Dim cmd As String
If dirname = ".." Then cmd = "CDUP" Else cmd = "CWD " & dirname
If Not FTPcommand(cmd, controlsocket, message) Then Exit Sub
If FTPResult(controlsocket, message) <> 250 Then Exit Sub
Call FTPGetDirectory(controlsocket, message)
End Sub