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Microsoft Windows Help File Content | 1997-10-02 | 2.0 KB | 36 lines |
- :Base blstctrl.hlp>Main
- :Index Creative BlasterControl Help=blstctrl.hlp
- :Index Creative BlasterControl Help=bcvrtual.hlp
- 1 Creative BlasterControl Help
- 2 Introduction=Introduction@blstctrl.hlp>Main
- 2 Knowing the Display Properties Dialog Box=KnowingtheDisplayPropertiesDialogBox
- 2 Adjusting Display Settings
- 3 Adjusting Display Settings=AdjustingDisplaySettings
- 3 To select a refresh rate in Windows 95=ChangingRefreshRateinWindows95
- 3 To select a refresh rate in Windows NT 4.0=ChangingRefreshRateinWindowsNT4.0
- 3 To select a test pattern=SelectingTestPattern1
- 3 To adjust the position of the screen display=ChangingDisplayPosition
- 3 To change the display size=ChangingDisplaySize
- 2 Adjusting Color Parameters
- 3 Adjusting Color Parameters=AdjustingColorParameters@blstctrl.hlp>Main
- 3 To select a test pattern=SelectingTestPattern2
- 3 To select the target color=SelectingTargetColor
- 3 To adjust the gamma correction, contrast and brightness=AdjustingGammaCorrection.ContrastandBrightness
- 2 Using Hot Keys
- 3 Using Hot Keys=UsingHotKeys@blstctrl.hlp>Main
- 3 To assign a hot key=AssigningHotKeys
- 3 To clear the hot key assignments=ClearingHotKeyAssignments
- 3 To enable and disable the hot key=EnablingandDisablingHotKeys
- 2 Using Virtual Desktop Feature
- 3 To adjust the desktop area and screen area=AdjustingDesktopAreaandScreenArea@bcvrtual.hlp>Main
- 3 To pan the desktop=PanningtheDesktop@bcvrtual.hlp>Main
- 3 To zoom in and zoom out=ZoomingInandZoomingOut@bcvrtual.hlp>Main
- 2 Setting Preferences
- 3 To set general preferences=SettingGeneralPreferences@bcvrtual.hlp>Main
- 3 To set preferences for virtual desktop=SettingPreferencesforVirtualDesktop@bcvrtual.hlp>Main
- 3 To lock screen area panning=LockingScreenAreaPanning@bcvrtual.hlp>Main
- 2 Troubleshooting
- 3 The Color Correction property page is not displayed=TheColorCorrectionpropertypageisnotdisplayed@blstctrl.hlp>Main
- 3 To clean up errant display settings=CleaningUpErrantDisplaySettings
- 3 To generate a bug report=GeneratingBugReport