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- RAR - What's new in the latest version
- Version 2.70
- 1. Both compression and speed have been improved for RAR archives.
- My thanks to Alexander Khoroshev, who, once again, provided
- invaluable assistance to improve this new version.
- 2. In previous versions it was necessary to have external archivers
- to unpack CAB, ARJ and LZH files. These are now supported internally
- by WinRAR, you no longer need to have other programs to extract
- from these archives.
- 3. Internal (extraction only) support has been added for TAR,
- GZ, ACE and UUE archives.
- 4. RAR and WinRAR are now able to store NTFS data streams.
- It is especially important under Windows 2000, which uses
- streams to keep some file dependent information such as
- file descriptions.
- Use switch -os to enable the storing of streams from
- the command line or set the option "Save file streams"
- in the "Archive name and parameters" dialog.
- This feature is supported only for RAR archives.
- 5. "Archive name and parameters" dialog has been split into four
- sections: general options, advanced options, backup options
- and archive comment. Now it is possible to set archive password
- or comment directly from this dialog.
- 6. You may save compression options to compression profiles
- to quickly restore them later, so you may create profiles
- for your typical archiving operations. Read the topic
- "Compression profiles" in the "Configuration settings" chapter
- for detailed information.
- 7. RAR and WinRAR are now able to store NTFS file owner, group, access
- control and audit information under Windows NT. Note: you need to
- have the necessary privileges in order to use this facility.
- Use switch -ow to enable the storing and extraction of this
- information from the command line or set the option "Save security
- data" in the "Archive name and parameters" dialog.
- This feature is supported for both RAR and ZIP archives.
- 8. Large disk folders are now read significantly faster in WinRAR.
- 9. Total progress bar is displayed when testing or extracting
- from a single RAR archive (except volumes) or group of archives.
- 10. New command line switches -to<time> and -tn<time> allow to
- process files older or newer than specified time. This feature
- is also available in the "Backup options" of the "Archive name
- and parameters" dialog.
- 11. New switch -ibck allows to run WinRAR minimzed to tray, when
- archiving or extracting files from the command line.
- 12. Switch -rr and command RR are not limited to 8 recovery sectors.
- Now the recovery record may contain up to 4096 sectors.
- If the sectors number is not specified, the size of the recovery
- information is about 1.2% of the total archive size, this usually
- allows the recovery of up tp 0.7% of continuously damaged data
- of the total archive size.
- Note that recovery records larger than 8 sectors cannot be used
- by previous RAR versions.
- 13. "Convert to SFX" command is now supported also for ZIP archives
- which are already in SFX format. This can be useful, if you wish
- to replace a particular SFX module.
- 14. "Open archive" item is added to "Files" menu.
- 15. Folder time stamps are restored, when unpacking an archive
- under Windows NT.
- 16. The default value of dictionary size is changed to 1024KB.
- 17. It is possible to specify the path to put a repaired archive
- in WinRAR.
- 18. Console RAR now supports wildcards in the archive name
- also in 'RR' command.
- 19. New switch -idp for console RAR disables displaying of
- the percentage indicator. May be useful when redirecting RAR output
- to a file.
- Version 2.60
- 1. Both compression and speed have been improved for RAR archives.
- My thanks to Alexander Khoroshev and Bulat Ziganshin for hints,
- which allowed me to achieve this.
- 2. Information for registered users:
- WinRAR and Rar for Linux versions 2.60 and above are registered
- with a new, very secure, AV registration seal. The main advantage
- of this new authenticity verification code is a significant
- increase in the strength of the registration code and thus it's
- use as a means of identification of the origin of a sealed archive.
- Unfortunately this also means that the old registration keyfiles
- will not operate with the latest versions of Rar-Linux and WinRAR
- and thus all keyfiles must be changed. This is a cost-free process
- to the registered user.
- Please read "Information for registered users of WinRAR 2.00 - 2.50"
- in "License and registration information" section of WinRAR help
- for detailed instructions on updating your keys.
- 3. Item "Registration" is removed from "Options" menu. In order to
- register you need to put your key file into the WinRAR folder.
- 4. Previous RAR versions were not able to handle single files and
- archives larger than 2 GB. This limitation does not exist any
- more for RAR archives. The new limitation is slightly more than
- 8,589,934,591 GB, that practically means "unlimited". Note that
- Win-95/98 file systems cannot handle files larger than 4 GB, you
- need to use NTFS to work with such files.
- This improvement is valid only for RAR archives, 4 GB limitation
- for ZIP archives is not changed.
- 5. Significantly increased speed of scanning for large numbers of
- files before archiving operations. Memory management also is
- optimized, so now it is possible to handle hundreds of thousands,
- or even millions of files. WinRAR has been succesfully tested
- with over million files.
- 6. Console RAR shows the total percentage of processed data when
- archiving instead of the current file percentage as before.
- 7. The drive selection box is moved under toolbar buttons. You may drag
- it to the old position at the top right corner, if you wish. "Up"
- button is added before the disk selection box.
- 8. New options "Cascaded context menus" and "Icons in context menus"
- in "Integration settings" dialog.
- 9. Registration information is displayed in "About" dialog.
- 10. New switch -df - "Delete files after archiving". Command
- "rar a -df" is equal to "rar m".
- 11. New switch -ag[format] - "Generate archive name using the
- current date". Appends string "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS" or specified
- by "format" parameter to an archive name when creating
- an archive. Useful for daily backups.
- 12. New switch -as - "Synchronize archive contents". If this switch
- is used when archiving, those archived files which are not
- present in the list of the currently added files, will be deleted
- from the archive. It is convenient to use this switch in
- combination with -u (update) to synchronize the contents of an
- archive and an archiving directory. For example, after the
- command:
- rar a -u -as backup sources\*.cpp
- the archive 'backup' will contain only *.cpp files from sources
- folder. It looks similar to creating a new archive, but with the
- one important exception - if no files are modified since a last
- backup, this operation is performed much faster than creation of
- new archive.
- 13. New update mode "Synchronize archive contents" in "Archive name
- and parameters" dialog of WinRAR allows to synchronize the
- contents of an archive and an archiving directory. This mode is
- GUI equivalent of "-u -as" switches. The result of this operation
- is equal to creation of a new archive, but it works much faster
- if no files are changed since the last update of an archive.
- 14. Archives UnpSFX.rar (uncompressed SFX modules), UnRARDLL.rar
- (unrar.dll library), UnrarSrc.rar (unrar sources) are removed
- from the distributive. You can download them separately from
- http://www.rarsoft.com. This is to reduce size of the WinRAR
- package.
- 15. New GUI SFX script commands:
- a) "Overwrite=2" - skip all existing files without overwriting;
- b) Delete=<file> - delete the specified file in the destination
- folder.
- 16. Command "Convert to SFX" now can be applied to an existing SFX
- archives to replace one SFX module with another.
- 17. In the "Archive name and parameters" dialog manually entered
- values of the volume size now are stored in the history of the
- volume size field together with predefined values.
- 18. "Add" button added to the "Organize favorites" dialog.
- 19. "Clear log" command in "Options" menu deletes rar.log file.
- 20. Minor improvements in displaying of archived files list by
- WinRAR:
- a) if a file is encrypted, its name is followed by
- an asterisk;
- b) if a file is continued in next volume, its name
- is followed by "-->";
- c) if a file is continued from a previous volume, its name
- is followed by "<--";
- c) if a file is continued both in a next and from a previous
- volume, its name is followed by "<->".
- 21. "Sort by original order" and "Create new folder" items
- in the file list context menu.
- 22. Switch -s added to Windows SFX and WinRAR installation package.
- It forces silent install mode skipping configuration dialog
- and using default settings.