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- The RAR Convertor
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Archive Conversion Utility version 1.02
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- User manual
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- The RCVT Archive Conversion utility provides conversion of different
- archive types to one, master type.
- RCVT extracts files from the source archive and packs them into the
- new archive, removing the original archive provided the output archive
- was successfully created.
- The configuration file RCVT.CFG contains archive types and options.
- Archive types are defined with archiver program calls to pack, extract
- and test the corresponding archives.
- The utility has been specially developed to convert archives of different
- types to RAR archives in order to obtain a higher compression ratio for
- your data. However it is possible to re-configure RCVT to another master
- archive type. This is achieved by placing the definition of the master
- archive type before others in the configuration file.
- 1. The configuration file RCVT.CFG
- The RCVT configuration file RCVT.CFG is a plain text file containing
- options and archive type definitions. RCVT.CFG must be in the same
- directory as RCVT.EXE.
- Strings starting with the semi-colon character ';' are comments and are
- ignored by RCVT.EXE.
- 1.1. Options
- OnError NextArchive | Abort
- The value of this option defines how RCVT is to proceed when an error
- in the current archive is reported by the archiver. Set this option to
- 'Abort' if you want RCVT to stop processing archives when an error
- occurs.
- RepackRatio <Percent>
- Specifies the lowest acceptable compression ratio after repacking.
- Add <filename>
- Specifies the name of the file which must be added to every repacked
- archive. Full pathname should be provided. Multiple "Add" strings are
- allowed.
- Del <filename>
- Specifes file(s) that should not be placed into the repacked archive.
- Wildcards may be used. Root directory of the archive is assumed
- if no full path given. Multiple "Del" strings are allowed.
- Scan <filename-to-run>
- You can set up a program call to process files extracted from the source
- archive before repacking them into new archive. For instance, an
- antivirus program to scan files for computer viruses may be defined.
- Should the program return non-zero exit code (ERRORLEVEL) the source
- archive will not be repacked and a corresponding message will be
- placed into the log file RCVT.LOG. Multiple "Scan" strings are allowed.
- Filelist <filename>
- Specifies the file where source archives are listed. The name of the
- source archive, after successful conversion, is replaced with the new
- name as well as the actual file size if possible. If a full path is
- not given, the filelist is expected to be in the same directory as the
- archive. Multiple "Filelist" strings are allowed.
- 1.2. Archive definitions
- Each archive definition consists of 4 strings.
- The first string declares archive type - the archive file extension and
- optional archive signature - a mask containing up to the first 32 generic
- bytes of the archive file as hexadecimal numbers, for instance:
- ; Converting from old (prior to version 1.50) RAR format
- .RAR 52457E5E
- The archive signature is optional, so the archive files could be
- distinguished only by the extension, for instance:
- ; Converting from zip format
- .ZIP
- The remaining strings define program calls for the archive type to pack,
- extract and test the archive:
- PACK <command-line> to pack files to the archive (create the archive)
- EXTR <command-line> to extract files from the archive
- TEST <command-line> to test files in the archive
- Following example is a complete definition of the RAR archive type:
- ; Master archive definition: converting to RAR format
- .RAR
- PACK RAR a -s -std -c- -r -z$CMT$
- EXTR RAR x -std -c- -y -av-
- TEST RAR t -std -c-
- (See the RAR user's manual for the full description of command line
- options.)
- When processing .RAR, .ARJ and .ZIP archives, the comment from the
- source archive is placed into a temporary file which will then be
- repacked to the new archive. To denote the archive comment file, in
- the archiver command line, the name '$CMT$' is used. RCVT replaces
- it with actual comment file name when repacking to the new archive
- type.
- NOTE: The PACK and EXTR archiver command lines should be defined to
- recurse subdirectories.
- The TEST command line is optional. It is used to verify the freshly
- created archive (checking that files can be extracted without errors).
- In case the program returns a non-zero exit code (ERRORLEVEL) the
- repacked archive is discarded and the source archive is not removed,
- a corresponding messages are placed into the log file RCVT.LOG.
- If no TEST command line is defined the repacked archives are assumed
- to have been successfully created without checking them, however it
- is highly recommended to use the TEST command if possible.
- NOTE: Archiver programs described in command lines of RCVT.CFG must be
- in the current path to be called from RCVT.
- 2. Usage
- To run RCVT use following syntax:
- RCVT [-switch[-]] <archive>
- You need only supply the archive name (wildcards allowed).
- Optional switches:
- -r[-]: convert archives in subdirectories
- -n[+]: convert nested archives
- -k[+]: keep archive time
- Examples:
- Convert all archives on the current disk:
- RCVT -r *.*
- Convert the archive book.lzh:
- RCVT book.lzh
- Extraction is performed to a temporary directory created in the
- current path. Files are scanned, if the SCAN option is set.
- Files indicated with the DEL option are not included to the
- converted archive. Files indicated with the ADD option are added
- to the converted archive.
- After new archive has been successfully created (and tested by the
- TEST command line) the source archive file is removed. If the file
- contains Nested archives (archives within archives), these are also
- repacked unless the switch '-n-' has been given on the command line.
- Archive comments are restored in the repacked archive if the master
- archiver has the option to add archive comment "$CMT$". Volume
- labels and other specific information are ignored and not repacked.
- If the archiver reports an error and the option 'OnError Abort' is
- set in the configuration file, RCVT stops processing archives. All
- errors are reported in the file RCVT.LOG, which is located in the
- same directory as RCVT.EXE.