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- ██████╗ █████╗ ██████╗ RAR version 2.50
- ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██╗ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ██████╔╝ ███████║ ██████╔╝ Multifunctional Integrated Archive Manager
- ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██║ ██╔══██╗ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ The Installation SFX for DOS User's Manual
- ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1. SFX functionality overview.
- The SFX (SelF-eXtracting module) is the archive module used to extract
- files when executed. It is in the form of a normal executable file.
- The RAR Archiver offers SFX-functionality which is significantly
- enhanced over common SFX, as well as the possibility to create an SFX
- archive, with an alternate SFX module from an external file.
- The alternate SFX module can be created by using the switch
- '-sfx[<sfxfile>]' or the command 's[<sfxfile>]' when, in the optional
- parameter <sfxfile>, you indicate the required SFX executable module.
- Several RAR SFX executable modules are currently available:
- - the common SFX for DOS (default in the DOS version, file dos.sfx);
- - the Installation SFX for DOS (file idos.sfx);
- - the common SFX for OS/2 (default in the OS/2 version, file os2.sfx).
- In fact you may add your own RAR SFX executable module using unRAR
- sources (e.g. for your particular OS or special needs).
- 2. The Installation SFX.
- As an alternative to the default SFX you may build an Installation
- SFX which uses a powerful script language, providing original features:
- - fully configurable, friendly, menu-driven interface;
- - check for free disk space before installation;
- - request destination path to which to install files;
- - installation status - file extraction progress bar,
- completed percentage and other features.
- The Installation Script is a plain ASCII text file, which may be prepared
- using your favorite text editor. The script is placed in the SFX
- archive comment to be processed by the Installation SFX module when it
- is executed. For example, you may use the following command line to
- create such an SFX archive:
- rar a -sfxidos.sfx -zmyinst.s minstall
- Where 'idos.sfx' is the pathname of Installation SFX module and the file
- myinst.s is the text file containing your installation script.
- The Installation SFX contains build-in interpreter of the Script
- Language.
- 2.1 Installation Script Language
- As a program language the script contains the following objects:
- Command statement initiating an action;
- Procedure commands defined apparently to be called from the main
- script code;
- Function built-in procedure which returns a value;
- Constant character string or a numeric value (4 bytes length);
- Variable name defining a storage place for a value.
- Variables may be assigned a numeric value or a character string.
- All variables are global, meaning once defined the variable is the
- same within the main code and all procedures.
- Variable and procedure names are case-sensitive.
- Command statements are case-insensitive.
- Command and built-in procedures may be called with parameters -
- constants and variables. Expressions may not be used as parameters.
- 2.1.1. Control commands
- CALL Initiate a procedure call:
- CALL <ProcName>
- <ProcName> is the procedure name (defined with PROC).
- DELAY Suspend script execution:
- DELAY [<ms>]
- <ms> is the delay interval (milliseconds). If the interval
- is ommitted, an infinite interval will be set. Execution
- continues following a key press or mouse click.
- EXCLUDE Define the list of files NOT to be extracted from the archive
- while installing:
- EXCLUDE [ <File1> [, <File2>..] ]
- <File1>, <File2>.. are variables or character strings
- containing the names of files to be excluded. Wildcards are
- permitted.
- The initial value of this file list is "", meaning "no files
- to exclude". EXCLUDE without any parameters would restore the
- initial value of the file list.
- EXIT Terminate the Installation SFX:
- EXIT <Code>
- SFX exits with errorlevel = <Code>.
- GOTO Transfer control to a string in the script, identified
- by a label:
- GOTO <Label>
- <Label> is the name in the script followed by a colon ':'
- character. For example:
- GOTO Menu
- ...
- Menu:
- IF Conditionally execute commands:
- IF <Var> <?> <Value>
- <commands>
- ...
- Control flow statement that defines conditional execution of
- the statements within the block IF...ENDIF structure. <Var>
- is a variable to be compared with the <Value> using a single
- comparison operator, if the result of the comparison is TRUE
- then the statements within the IF...ENDIF are executed.
- Comparison operators are:-
- '==' .. EQUAL TO
- '!=' .. NOT EQUAL TO
- '<' .. LESS THAN
- <Value> is a constant or variable.
- Character values may be compared using only the '==' or '!='
- comparison operations.
- IFEXIST Conditional execution where condition is a file existence.
- IFEXIST <file name>
- <commands>
- ...
- where <file name> is a file name.
- INCLUDE Define the list of files to be extracted from the archive
- while installing:
- INCLUDE [ <File1> [, <File2>..] ]
- <File1>, <File2>.. are variables or character strings
- containing the names of files to be extracted. Wildcards
- permitted.
- The initial value of this file list is "*.*" meaning
- "all files in the archive". The first INCLUDE defined will
- replace the default value with the specified value. All
- further INCLUDE's will add file names to the list without
- removing previous values.
- To clear all the file names in the INCLUDE list, give the
- INCLUDE statement without parameters.
- INSTALL Begin installation. If no INSTALL statement is given,
- installation will begin when the end of main script code
- is reached.
- OVERWRITE Set overwrite mode when extracting archived files:
- ON always overwrite existing files
- OFF never overwrite existing files
- FRESH only overwrite files which exist in the destination
- directory and are newer in the archive
- UPDATE As for FRESH but also extract files which do not
- exist in the destination directory
- PROC Define a procedure:
- PROC <ProcName>
- <commands here>
- ...
- <ProcName> is the procedure name. May be called with the
- CALL statement - commands between PROC and ENDP would be
- processed.
- SOUND Produce sounds on the PC speaker:
- SOUND <F1>, <D1> [, <F2>, <D2>...]
- <F1> is frequency and <D1> - duration in milliseconds of
- produced beep. You may produce as many notes as required
- SYSTEM Issue an OS command:
- SYSTEM <Arg1> [, <Arg2>..]
- The command line merged from parameters <Arg1>, <Arg2>...
- is executed.
- ; The script strings starting with a semicolon ';' character
- are comments and are ignored when processing.
- = To set a variable value, the following command may be used:
- <Var>=<Expression>
- <Var> is the variable name and <Expression> may be a
- constant, numeric expression or a function call.
- Numeric expression is the combination of the pattern "A # B".
- Where A and B could be numeric constants and/or variables,
- '#' is one of the mathematical operators: '+', '-', '*',
- '/', '%'.
- 2.1.2. Screen commands
- All output is directed to the current text window (see the WINDOW command
- description).
- Foreground and background colors in all related commands are
- designated with keywords defining the corresponding color:
- Alternatively you may use the numeric attribute value from 0 to 15 as a
- color code.
- If a command does not have a foreground/background pair as a parameter,
- the current color is used for output (see the SETCOLOR command).
- BOX Draw a box:
- BOX <X1>, <Y1>, <X2>, <Y2>, <Col>, <Bck>, SINGLE | DOUBLE
- <X1>, <Y1> - the left and top point of the box;
- <X2>, <Y2> - the right and bottom point;
- <Col>, <Bck> - the foreground and background colors;
- SINGLE or DOUBLE - Border type, one or two lines.
- CLRSCR Clear the current window (with an optional symbol):
- CLRSCR [ <Symbol> ]
- The current color is used for clearing. Optionally a
- symbol may be given which will be used to fill
- the window. The symbol should be defined with a
- character value (in quotation marks - "") or a
- numeric code.
- CTEXT Write text centered on the current line:
- CTEXT <P1> [, <P2>..]
- <P1>, <P2>.. are variables or character constants.
- GOTOXY Position the cursor in the current window:
- GOTOXY <X>, <Y>
- <X>, <Y> - the point to which the cursor should be
- positioned.
- DEFBAR Define the file progress bar:
- DEFBAR <Col>, <Bck>, <BarCol1>, <BarCol2>, <X>, <Y>, <Length>
- <Col>, <Bck> - foreground and background colors;
- <BarCol1>, <BarCol2> - colors for 'non-filled' and 'filled'
- parts of the progress bar;
- <X>, <Y> - left and top point of the bar window;
- <Length> - length of the bar.
- You may disable the file bar by a using a special form of the
- DEFBAR command:
- MESSAGE Write text in a box:
- MESSAGE <Col>, <Bck>, <Title>, <Str1> [, <Str2>..]
- <Col>, <Bck> - foreground and background colors;
- <Title> - Box header text;
- <Str1>, <Str2>.. strings containing the text to be displayed
- OUTTEXT Start/end a plain/ANSI text:
- Defines the beginning (ON) and the end (OFF) of a text
- section. The optional keyword ANSI indicates that the text
- contains ANSI esc-sequences which are to be processed while
- writing to the screen.
- Example:
- Installation instructions.
- You should install this program according to
- the following procedure:
- ...
- RESTSCR Restore a screen saved with SAVESCR:
- RESTSCR <NumScr>
- <NumScr> - the identifier of the screen previously saved
- with the SAVESCR statement. The cursor position, current
- window setting as well as the foreground and background
- colors are restored.
- SAVESCR Save screen:
- SAVESCR <NumScr>
- <NumScr> - A numeric value from 1 to 16 identifying the
- storage place for the saved screen data. Stored data
- includes the screen data, the cursor position, current
- window setting as well as the foreground and background
- colors. Saved screens may be restored using the RESTSCR
- statement.
- <NumScr> must be numeric value from 1 to 16.
- SETCOLOR Set the default foreground and background color:
- SETCOLOR <Col>, <Bck>
- <Col> is the foreground and <Bck> is the background color.
- After setting this default all commands, which use but do
- not contain a color specification, will be output using
- this color.
- TEXT Write text:
- TEXT <P1> [, <P2>..]
- <P1>, <P2>.. are variables or character constants containing
- the text to be written.
- WINDOW Set the current window:
- WINDOW <X1>, <Y1>, <X2>, <Y2>
- <X1>, <Y1> - the left and top point of the window;
- <X2>, <Y2> - the right and bottom point;
- All output, written after this command has been issued,
- will be within the specified window range if else not
- stated in command description.
- 2.1.3. Functions
- Function provides built-in procedure call, which returns a value.
- EXEC Issue an OS command and return exit code:
- <Var>=EXEC <Arg1> [, Arg2.. ]
- <Arg1>, <Arg2>.. - parameters of which the command line
- merged prior to be executed. If you need spaces - add it
- accordingly into <Arg1>, <Arg2>..
- <Var> - the variable to receive the returned errorlevel
- after the command line execution.
- GETDFREE Get disk free space:
- <Var>=GETDFREE [<DiskNo>]
- <Var> - variable to hold the returned value.
- Available disk space in bytes is assigned to the variable.
- <DiskNo> - the optional number of disk to get available
- space (0 means A:, 1 - B:, 2 - C: etc). If this parameter
- not indicated the available space will be reported for
- destination disk (see DestDir variable description). If
- the disk matched does not exist, -1 will be returned.
- GETKEY Return pressed key code:
- <Var>=GETKEY
- The function waits for a key depression and returns it's
- code to <Var>. Special keys produce extended scan codes
- in which the first byte is zero and the second contains
- the extended code. In this case the key code is returned
- as a value of the second byte plus 256.
- INPUT Perform input:
- <Res>=INPUT <Col>, <Bck>, <Var>, <IniValue>, <MaxLen>
- <Col>, <Bck> - the foreground and background color of the
- input field;
- <Var> - the variable to receive the input value;
- <IniValue> - the initial value (variable or a constant);
- <MaxLen> - the input field (maximum) length.
- <Res> - A flag indicating the success of the transaction.
- If the <Esc> key is pressed during input then a value of
- zero is returned in <Res> and <Var> is undefined. If a
- value is successfully entered, <Res> is assigned a value
- of 1 and <Var> is assigned the input value.
- MENU Initiate a menu:
- <Var>=MENU <X>, <Y>, <Col>, <Bck>, <Position>, <Title>,
- <Item1> [, <Item2>..]
- <X>, <Y> - the left and top point of the menu;
- <Col>, <Bck> - the foreground and background color;
- <Position> - initial menu pointer position (number);
- <Title> - text of the title;
- <Item1>, <Item2>.. - character strings - menu items;
- <Var> - the variable to receive the returned value.
- Upon successful choice, the function returns the number of
- the menu item (1-n). If the <Esc> key was pressed, a value
- of zero is returned.
- 2.1.4. Pre-defined procedures
- Procedures with reserved names which are called from the SFX internal
- code upon special conditions. Prior to such call SFX sets the parameter
- variables Par1 and Par2. The pre-defined procedures are optional and
- should be written to particular need by the script programmer using
- the PROC statement.
- ArcDone Called upon successful completion of extraction.
- No parameter is used. When ArcDone is executed,
- the archive file is closed and may be erased by
- issuing the command: SYSTEM "DEL ",ArcName
- ChangeVol Called when the archive volume needs to be changed.
- Par1 is assigned the volume number (0 for the first volume
- change), Par2 is assigned the volume status: If Par2 is 0,
- the volume needs to be installed, (user should be asked to
- load it). This procedure will be called with Par2==0 until
- the requested volume is not found. You may change the
- requested volume name by an assignment to the variable
- ArcName. In the case of non zero value of Par2 the volume is
- successfully installed and no user action is required.
- If the ChangeVol procedure is not defined then the prompt
- "Insert disk with <volume name>" will be displayed by SFX
- when the next volume is required.
- Error Called when an error occured.
- Par1 is assigned the error code:
- 1 - Fatal error
- 2 - CRC error, broken archive
- 3 - Write error
- 4 - File create error
- 5 - Read error
- 6 - File close error
- 7 - File open error
- 8 - Not enough memory
- When Error procedure ends, SFX processing terminates.
- This procedure is not called when an incorrect AV code is
- detected.
- If no Error procedure is defined, SFX prompts the user with
- a standard error message and terminates.
- FileDone Called upon successful extraction of a file or a directory.
- Par1 variable is assigned the file number in the archive.
- Filename contains the file name.
- OnKey Called when a key is pressed.
- May be used to implement context sensitive help message
- display as well as break processing. Par1 is assigned the
- key code of the pressed key. If the key operation is
- processed within the OnKey procedure, you should set Par1
- to -1, to inhibit double processing of the key by SFX.
- Recursive calls of OnKey are prevented by SFX itself. When
- OnKey is called, the current window, color setting and cursor
- position are automatically saved and restored upon exit of
- the procedure. Note that screen saving is not performed -
- use SAVESCR and RESTSCR commands if so desired but be sure
- that you save and restore screen with an identifier which
- is not used in the script).
- 2.1.5. Pre-defined variables
- Archive variables:
- ArcName The archive name
- AVPresent If authenticity verification (AV) is present, the variable
- value is 1, else - 0. In the case of invalid AV information
- the value is -1.
- AVArcName The archive name stored in AV
- AVDate The archive date stored in AV
- AVUserName The archive creator (AV registration string)
- Extraction dependent variables:
- FileName The name of the file extracted from the archive (no
- destination path)
- DestFileName The full path name of the file extracted from the
- archive (destination path included)
- User-definable variables (to be assigned by INPUT or = operation):
- DestDir Destination directory to install files from the archive.
- If the destination directory does not exist, it will be
- created. If the last character of the destination
- directory entered not '\' or ':', then the string will
- be automatically complemented with final '\' character.
- Password The password to facilitate decryption of the archive files.
- 2.1.6. Script notes
- Character strings should be entered using C-language rules.
- For example, use "\\" to enter a single symbol "\".
- Special characters (format operators) such as "\n", "\r" may be used.
- The script text is stored as the archive comment in the SFX module. You
- should place an <EOF> character (ASCII code 26) at the start of the
- script in order to prevent displaying the script as the archive comment
- if the SFX would be handled with RAR itself.
- See the example of the installation script in the file standard.s. It may
- be used to create any installation package.
- Also you may extract the RAR Installation script from the RAR package. In
- order to do this you may run the "extract comment" command on the RAR SFX
- package:
- rar cw rar155.exe rarinst.s
- You will then have the RAR Installation script in the file rarinst.s
- An external install program can be placed into SFX archive to be called
- after successful completion of unpacking (e.g. from PROC ArcDone) with
- using EXEC function:
- PROC ArcDone
- EXEC DestDir, "Install.Exe"
- 2.1.7. Technical limitations:
- Maximum script line length.............1023 bytes
- Maximum script length....................62 Kb
- Maximum parameters in command............16
- Maximum parameter length................255 bytes
- Maximum identifier (variable name,
- label) length............................31 bytes
- Maximum variable value length...........127 bytes
- In general, variables can contain numeric (4 bytes length) values or
- strings of up to 127 characters in length.