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- ██████╗ █████╗ ██████╗ User's Manual
- ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██╗ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ██████╔╝ ███████║ ██████╔╝ RAR 2.50 DOS and OS/2 versions
- ██╔══██╗ ██╔══██║ ██╔══██╗ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██║ Multifunctional Integrated Archive Manager
- ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═╝ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
- Welcome to the RAR Archiver!
- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
- ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Introduction ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒║
- ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- RAR is an extremely powerful tool which allows you to manage and
- control archive files.
- RAR features include:-
- * Full-screen interactive interface (Optional)
- * Mouse support and menus
- * Non-RAR archive support
- * Common 'standard' command-line interface
- * Highly sophisticated, original compression algorithm
- * Special compression algorithm optimized for multimedia data
- * Better compression than other PC tools using 'solid' archiving
- * Authenticity verification (registered version only)
- * Self-extracting archives and volumes (SFX)
- * Ability to recover physically damaged archives
- * Programmable installation SFX archives
- * locking, password, file order list, disk volume labels & more ...
- ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Chapter 1. Installation and Configuration ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒║
- ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- This chapter describes how to install and configure RAR, as well as
- giving information on technical requirements.
- 1.1. Installation procedure
- RAR is distributed as a self-extracting (SFX) archive named
- RAR???.EXE for DOS version or RAR???P.EXE for OS/2 version where
- '???' is the version number.
- Local language versions may also be available in the format
- RARnnnxx.exe where "nnn" is the version number and "xx" is the
- country code.
- 1.1.1. RAR for DOS installation
- RAR for DOS installation consists of three basic steps:-
- .. Start the RAR Self-Extracting archive
- .. Choose a directory for the RAR files
- .. Initiate the RAR installation
- For example, on floppy disk A: you have the file RAR200.EXE, this
- will be RAR version 2.00. You may install it to your C: disk by
- typing, at the DOS prompt, the following command (executing the RAR
- self-extracting archive):
- C:\> A:RAR200
- You will be prompted with the RAR archive comment. Press any key to
- continue, or press ESC to cancel the extraction.
- Then you will enter the RAR installation menu.
- Choose "Read license" to view the RAR license for usage and
- distribution. Pressing <Esc> to return to the installation menu.
- Choose "Destination directory" to enter the path for installation.
- Choose "Install" to extract the RAR files to the destination
- directory.
- When the extraction is successfully completed, a number of files
- will be placed in the destination directory and RAR will be ready
- for use.
- 1.1.2. RAR for OS/2 installation
- RAR for OS/2 installation consists of three basic steps:-
- .. Create a directory for the RAR files
- .. Make this directory the current working directory
- .. Execute the RAR Self-Extracting archive
- For example, on floppy disk A: you have the file RAR200P.EXE, this
- will be RAR version 2.00 for OS/2. You may install it to your C:
- disk by typing, at the OS prompt, the following commands:
- [C:\] mkdir RAR
- [C:\] cd RAR
- [C:\RAR]
- You have now created a new directory, C:\RAR, and it is the current
- working directory.
- Then execute the RAR self-extracting archive:
- [C:\RAR] A:RAR200P
- You will be prompted with the RAR archive comment. Press any key to
- continue, or press ESC to cancel the extraction.
- When the extraction is successfully completed, a number of files
- will be placed in the current directory and RAR will be ready for
- use.
- 1.1.3. Installation hints
- The archiver program itself is named RAR.EXE. This module contains
- all of the archiver's functionality, packing, unpacking, repairing,
- SFX creation etc.
- It is recommended that the name of the directory, containing the RAR
- files, be added to the PATH environment variable. This will enable
- RAR to be used from any directory. Alternatively the critical
- modules of RAR may be copied to your "Utilities" directory. These
- modules are RAR.EXE and RAR.CFG (RAR.EXE, RAR2.CFG and RARARC2.CFG
- for OS/2 version), although it is not essential, you may copy
- UNRAR.EXE as well.
- 1.2. Option menu
- A number of RAR options may be configured and saved to be used as
- default options. To access this menu, start RAR without any
- parameters and then press Function key 9 (F9) to bring up the
- Options menu:
- When RAR has been started, press F9 - the following menu will
- appear:
- ┌─────────────────────────────────┐
- │ Configuration... │
- │ Set password ALT-P │
- │ Work directory ALT-W │
- │ Default comment file │
- │ External viewer │
- │ Change disk ALT-D │
- │ Registration │
- │ Save options ALT-S │
- └─────────────────────────────────┘
- Press <Enter> for the sub-menu "Configuration". The configuration
- menu offers a number of basic options which may be changed.
- In the configuration menu, use the arrow keys to move from item to
- item. An item value may be changed by hitting the <space> key.
- When all items are set as desired, move to the "Ok" field and hit
- <Enter> to save the chosen values. To discard any changes, move to
- the "Cancel" field and hit <Enter>.
- If you have a mouse attached, this process is even easier. Simply
- move the mouse cursor to the desired item and click the left mouse
- key. When you have completed the configuration, move the mouse
- cursor to the field " Ok " and click on the left mouse key. To
- discard changes click the left mouse key on the " Cancel " field.
- "Configuration/Interface options"
- Color Selects/Deselects color in
- full-screen mode
- Sound Enables RAR's sound effects
- Stdout mode Forces RAR to run in console
- (stdout) mode while processing
- commands from the command line
- Mouse Enables the use of mouse-support
- in full-screen mode
- "Configuration/Archiving options"
- Always solid Forces RAR to create solid archives which
- archiving are often very much smaller than "normal"
- archives. See RAR_FAQ.TXT for more details.
- Default is ON and all created archives will
- be made in 'solid' mode. If you are making
- archives which will be frequently updated,
- the speed of update will be increased by
- changing this option, at the expense of
- compression ratio.
- Multimedia Enables special compression .a
- compression designed for digital audio and some
- types of graphic. See '-mm' description
- for details.
- Put recovery record If this option is selected RAR will
- add recovery record to any new or modified
- archive. See 'rr' command description
- for details.
- {+} Put Authenticity Forces RAR to place -AV (Authenticity
- verification Verification) into archives when they are
- created. (This feature is only available in
- the registered version)
- "Configuration/Compression"
- Choose the default compression level from one of the following:
- Store ...... Do not compress file when adding to archive
- Fastest .... Use fastest method (least compressive)
- Fast ....... Use fast compression method
- Normal ..... Use normal (default) compression method
- Good ....... Use good compression method (more compressive)
- Best ....... Use best compression method (most compressive)
- Default is 'Normal' and is chosen as the best compromise between
- time taken and compression ratio achieved. Marginally higher (0.1%
- - 1.5%) compression may be achieved with 'Good' or 'Best', at the
- expense of 10% - 100% longer processing time.
- "Configuration/Include file mask"
- Choose the categories of files to be included when adding to an
- archive from the following:
- Read only files ..... Add files with 'Read-only' attribute
- System files ........ Add files with 'System' attribute
- Archive files ....... Add files with 'Archive' attribute
- Hidden files ........ Add files with 'Hidden' attribute
- Default is 'Read-Only, System, Archive or Hidden' and is used such
- that ALL files in a directory will be archived if the general
- wildcard (*.*) is used.
- For more information on file attributes, please refer to your DOS
- manual.
- "Configuration/Sort order"
- Choose the sort mode for viewing the archive contents in full-screen
- mode from one of the following:
- Unsorted ......... Do not sort files
- By name .......... Sort files by name
- By extension ..... Sort files by extension
- By size .......... Sort files by size
- Default is 'Sort files by names'.
- "Configuration/Other options"
- Use 386 instructions Forces RAR to detect the CPU type and use
- 386 CPU 32-bit instructions if an
- appropriate processor (386 or higher) is
- available. This option is present only in
- the DOS version as RAR for OS/2 always uses
- 32-bit instructions.
- Use expanded memory Allows the use of expanded memory (EMS 4.0).
- Present only in the DOS version.
- Save extended Enables the saving of OS/2 extended
- attributes attributes. Present only in OS/2 version.
- {+} Log errors to file Enables the logging of critical errors
- to a file RAR.LOG. (This feature is only
- available in the registered version)
- "Set password"
- Assign a password which will used when you add/extract files to/from
- an archive. You may define the password using <Alt-P>. Note, the
- password will not be saved to the configuration file.
- "Work directory"
- The path where RAR will place temporary files. This may be changed
- at any time by pressing <Alt-W>.
- "Default comment file"
- If you would like a common comment added to every archive you are
- creating, enter the full path and name here.
- "External viewer"
- You may assign an external viewer program to run for viewing file in
- archives (by pressing <F3>).
- While viewing a file of the archive in full-screen mode RAR uses the
- internal viewer if an external viewer has not been configured.
- The internal viewer provides for dynamic extraction of the file.
- This means the viewer extracts only those parts which are currently
- needed for viewing. As more is needed, more is read, etc.
- While using the external viewer the entire file is extracted before
- actual view.
- "Change disk"
- You may change the current disk displayed in the work window.
- "Registration"
- To register RAR you must have a registration code. This code may be
- obtained by sending the completed registration form to your local
- registration site or the world-wide distribution center.
- You will receive the latest version of RAR along with your
- registration key and will then be able to create archives containing
- Authenticity verification.
- "Save setup"
- Pressing <Enter> or clicking the left mouse key on this item will
- pop up a small confirmation window in which the user is invited to "
- Save " or " Cancel " the saving of the new configuration for future
- default usage in RAR.
- RAR stores the default configuration in the file RAR.CFG, which is
- held in the same directory as RAR.EXE.
- The configuration may also be saved by pressing ALT-S keys,
- (pressing the "S" key while simultaneously holding down the "ALT"
- key).
- These options may also be set by using the left mouse key in the
- window "Settings":
- DOS version: ┌────────────── Settings ─────────────┐
- │ Password Absent │
- │ Compression level Normal │
- │ Multimedia compression Disabled │
- │ Add recovery record Disabled │
- │ Add AV to archives Disabled │
- │ Make solid archives Optional │
- │ Log errors to file Enabled │
- │ Default comment file Absent │
- └─────────────────────────────────────┘
- OS/2 version: ┌────────────── Settings ─────────────┐
- │ Priority and sleep time 0 : 0 │
- │ Save extended attrib. Enabled │
- │ Password Absent │
- │ Compression level Normal │
- │ Dictionary size 256 Kb │
- │ Multimedia compression Disabled │
- │ Add recovery record Disabled │
- │ Add AV to archives Disabled │
- │ Make solid archives Always │
- │ Log errors to file Disabled │
- │ Default comment file Absent │
- └─────────────────────────────────────┘
- For example, click the left mouse key on the word 'Absent' in the
- setting 'Password', you will be prompted to enter a new password.
- Clicking the left mouse key on the word 'Optional' in the setting
- 'Make solid archives' would cause toggle to 'Always' - that will
- force RAR to create solid archives.
- 1.3. RAR environment variable
- Default parameters may be added to the RAR command line by
- establishing an environment variable, using the DOS "SET" command.
- Examples:
- C:\> SET RAR=-std -s
- RAR will use this string as default parameters in the command
- line.
- RAR handles options with the following priority:
- command line switches highest priority
- switches in the RAR variable lower priority
- options saved in RAR.CFG lowest priority
- The switches -sfx, -v, -s and -std from the RAR variable have no
- effect in full-screen mode.
- 1.4. Technical requirements (DOS version only)
- Minimum DOS version to run RAR: 3.0
- Minimum memory requirements to perform commands and corresponding
- operations (in Kbytes) are:-
- Commands: ╔══════════════════╤══════════════════╗
- A,F,M,U ║Command line mode │ Full-screen mode ║
- ╟─────────┬────────┼─────────┬────────╢
- ║Not solid│ Update │Not solid│ Update ║
- ║or adding│ solid │or adding│ solid ║
- ║to solid │ archive│to solid │ archive║
- ╔════════════╫─────────┼────────┼─────────┼────────╢
- ║EMS enabled ║ 337 │ 409 │ 409 │ 481 ║
- ║EMS disabled║ 401 │ 473 │ 473 │ 545 ║
- ╚════════════╩═════════╧════════╧═════════╧════════╝
- Commands: CW,E,P,T,X Command: C
- ╔════════════╦═════════╗ ╔════════════╦═════════╗
- ║EMS enabled ║ 217 ║ ║EMS enabled ║ 409 ║
- ║EMS disabled║ 281 ║ ║EMS disabled║ 473 ║
- ╚════════════╩═════════╝ ╚════════════╩═════════╝
- Command: D ╔══════════╦══════════════════════════╗
- ║ Not solid║ Solid archive ║
- ║ archive ╟────────────┬─────────────╢
- ║ ║Command line│ Full-screen ║
- ╔════════════╫──────────╫────────────┼─────────────╢
- ║EMS enabled ║ 217 ║ 409 │ 481 ║
- ║EMS disabled║ 217 ║ 473 │ 545 ║
- ╚════════════╩══════════╩════════════╧═════════════╝
- Update AV to non-solid archive will require some extra memory.
- Commands:
- CF,EN,K,L, ╔═════════╤════════╗
- R,RR,S,V ║ No AV │ Add AV ║
- ╔════════════╫─────────┼────────╢
- ║EMS enabled ║ 217 │ 409 ║
- ║EMS disabled║ 217 │ 473 ║
- ╚════════════╩═════════╧════════╝
- If available memory is increased, by 32 Kb or more, over the minimum
- requirements, compression speed will increase. Compression ratio may
- also slightly increase.
- Generally the use of wildcards ('*' and '?') in an archive name or
- argument list from an external file (also with '-x' feature) will
- require extra memory.
- For extracting from and updating non-RAR archives add the memory
- requirements of the external archiver.
- 1.5. The external archiver configuration file - RARARC2.CFG
- (OS/2 version only)
- The configuration file RARARC2.CFG is intended to define external
- programs which RAR should call to process ZIP, ARJ and LZH archives.
- Actually it contains three sections for these archivers. This file
- is fully explained with comment line.
- 1.6. Errorlevels
- When RAR.EXE quits to DOS it sets the environment variable
- ERRORLEVEL to a value representing the termination status (last
- operation status and reason for exit).
- 255 USER BREAK Ctrl/Break pressed by user
- 8 MEMORY ERROR Not enough memory for operation
- 7 USER ERROR Command line option error
- 6 OPEN ERROR Open file error
- 5 WRITE ERROR Write to disk error
- 4 LOCKED ARCHIVE Attempt to modify an archive previously
- locked by the 'k' command
- 3 CRC ERROR A CRC error occurred when unpacking
- 2 FATAL ERROR A fatal error occurred
- 1 WARNING Non fatal error(s) occurred
- 0 SUCCESS Successful operation (User exit)
- The self-extracting (SFX) module quits with following codes:
- 1 PROBLEMS Error(s) occurred during extraction
- 0 SUCCESS Successful operation
- ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Chapter 2. Using RAR Interactively ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒║
- ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- When you execute the command "RAR" at the Dos prompt, you are
- presented with the full-screen interface - this is known as RAR's
- interactive full-screen mode.
- For example, you enter:
- C:\> RAR
- On the right hand side of the opening screen, you will be presented
- with a dialogue box containing the memory status and settings
- window. This information includes: current compression method,
- password status (present or absent), multimedia compression
- (enabled/disabled), add recovery record (enabled/disabled),
- authenticity verification status (enabled/disabled), default comment
- file .. present or not. OS/2 version settings also include priority
- and sleep time, save extended attributes (enabled/disabled) and
- dictionary size.
- On the left-hand side of the screen you are presented with a list of
- files in the current directory. You can move the cursor through the
- files on the screen by using cursor keys or clicking the left mouse
- button.
- Pressing <Enter> when the cursor is positioned on a directory, up-
- directory ("..") or archive file name, will cause entry to be made
- to that item.
- The following archive types are recognized by RAR: .RAR, .ARJ, .ZIP
- and .LZH.
- Entering an archive, causes the files within the archive to be
- displayed in a similar manner to a directory listing.
- It is therefore possible to "walk through" directories and archive
- files, managing files both in archives and normal directories.
- In "directory" mode, the bottom like of the screen contains
- a menu of functions provided by the function keys.
- 1-Help 2-Add 3-View 4-Fresh 5-Volume 6-Move 7-Update 8-Delete 9-Option 0-Quit
- The line indicates that you may obtain help by pressing <F1>, add
- files to an archive by pressing <F2>, view files by pressing <F3>
- etc. Press <F10> to quit. These functions are the main command set
- when you are in a directory (not in archive).
- Alternatively, pressing and holding down the <ALT> key will cause
- the display of additional functions:
- 1- 2-Solid 3-View.. 4-SFX 5-SFXVol 6-SolVol 7-SolSVl 8-Repair 9-SolSFX 0-
- This indicates that Pressing <ALT-F2> may be used to create a SOLID
- archive, <ALT-F3> to view an archive using the internal viewer, etc.
- Also shown, by holding down the <ALT> key, will be the options list:
- Alt-C ... Toggle between color and monochrome mode
- Alt-D ... Select drive
- Alt-J ... DOS shell
- Alt-M ... Select compression method
- Alt-P ... Set password
- Alt-S ... Save setup
- Alt-W ... Set work directory to store temporary files
- The OS/2 version contains two additional options:
- Alt-A ... Select dictionary size
- (see -md<size> description for details)
- Alt-R ... Set task priority and sleep time
- (see ri<P>[:<S>] description for details)
- Pressing keys, other than those which indicate options and
- functions, will put RAR into speed search mode for file names. This
- feature can save a lot of keystrokes when looking for specific file
- names.
- Changing from a directory to an archive will automatically change
- the set of available functions to those which are more suitable to
- those circumstances.
- In "archive" mode the available functions line looks like:
- 1-Help 2-Test 3-View 4-Extr 5-Comment 6-ExCurD 7-SFX 8-Delete 9-Option 0-Quit
- This line indicates you may obtain help by pressing <F1>, test files
- in archive by pressing <F2>, view file by <F3> etc. Press <F10> to
- quit. These functions are the main set when you are inside (Entered-
- to) an archive.
- Alternatively, when holding down the <Alt> key, the following would
- be displayed:
- 1- 2- 3-View.. 4-ExtrTo 5-FilCmt 6-AddRec 7-Lock 8 9 0
- Files may be marked/unmarked by using the [Space], [Ins], or right
- mouse key. You may also mark/unmark file groups by wildcards (file
- mask) using the [Gray +] and [Gray -] keys on the numeric keypad.
- Marking a directory, automatically marks all the sub-directories and
- files within it.
- The marked/unmarked status of a group of files may be reversed by
- using the [Gray *] key. Marking or unmarking a file, or group of
- files, updates a highlighted status display line at the bottom of
- the screen. This status line indicates the number of files marked
- and the total size in bytes (the file size of marked directories is
- not included in the summary file size).
- In full-screen mode, the use of the mouse is fully supported. Use
- the left mouse key to move through a directory. Click the left key
- twice to <Enter>. Use the right key to mark files. When entering
- text (archive name, password etc.) the left mouse key cancels the
- data entry operation and right mouse key confirms entered text. Use
- the left mouse key to choose function commands (F1-F10) of menu
- items and options.
- 2.1. In a directory
- F1 Help information
- F2 Add file(s) to an archive, if the archive does
- not exist, it will be created
- F3 View a file (if no external viewer is set, the
- internal viewer will be used)
- F4 Freshen files in an archive - only recently changed files
- will be added instead of their old copies in archive
- F5 Create archive volumes (Span diskettes)
- F6 Add files not already in the archive and update those
- files changed since they were packed to the archive
- F7 Move file(s) to archive
- F8 Repair a damaged archive
- F9 Set up / Save options
- F10 Quit RAR. Pressing the ESC key has the same
- effect.
- Alt-F2 Create a solid archive.
- Alt-F3 View a file (with internal viewer).
- Alt-F4 Create a SFX archive.
- Alt-F5 Create Self-Extracting (SFX) volumes.
- Alt-F6 Create solid archive volumes.
- Alt-F7 Create solid SFX-volumes.
- Alt-F8 Repair a broken archive.
- Alt-F9 Create a solid SFX archive
- 2.2. In an archive
- Press [Enter] with the cursor on the archive name to expand the
- archive contents. The same effect may be achieved with the command-
- line option "en". (See Chapter 3, 'en' command)
- Once inside an archive, the list of files is displayed on the left
- side of the screen. These files may be marked, just as files in a
- directory.
- An asterisk (*) to the left of a file name, indicates that the file
- is password encrypted.
- Below the list of files the status line is displayed. Status line
- contains information about size and number of selected files and
- directories or if no files are selected about the current marked
- file: name, and at the end of status line - compression method,
- dictionary size and ratio.
- The right-hand portion of the screen is given over to a dialogue
- box, which includes information on: archive name and status,
- presence of comments, encrypted files, recovery record, authenticity
- verification, dictionary size, total number of files in the archive,
- file sizes, compression ratio, the minimum RAR version required to
- extract files and the host Operating System used to create the
- archive.
- For example:
- Dialogue Box: Meaning:
- Archive EXAMPLE.RAR archive name
- Archive type Normal not a 'solid' archive
- Main comment Present archive comment present
- File comments Absent no individual file comments
- Passwords Absent no password encrypted files
- Recovery data Present recovery record present
- Lock Absent archive is not locked
- Auth. verif. Present authenticity verification is present
- Dictionary 64Kb dictionary size
- Files 1 number of files (1)
- Total length 14917 total length in bytes
- Packed length 3938 length in archive
- Ratio 26% compression ratio. Now 26% of
- original size.
- Version to extr. 2.00 minimum RAR version required to extract
- Host OS DOS OS used to create this archive
- Function keys actions:
- F1 Help information
- F2 Test archive (validate integrity)
- F3 View a file (if an external viewer is not set,
- the internal viewer will be used)
- F4 Extract files from an archive with directory
- structure
- F5 Add a comment to the archive
- F6 Extract file(s) to the current directory
- F7 Make a Self-Extracting (SFX) archive
- F8 Delete file(s) from an archive
- F9 Set up / Save options
- F10 Quit RAR
- ESC Return from the archive
- Alt-F3 View a file (using the internal viewer)
- Alt-F4 Extract file(s) to an alternate path
- Alt-F5 Add individual file comment(s)
- Alt-F6 Add archive recovery record
- Alt-F7 Lock the archive preventing modifications
- When working with archive volumes in full-screen mode you must begin
- the process with the first volume, you will be prompted with a menu:
- "Proceed with all volumes from current"
- "Proceed with selected files only"
- Choose the method you wish to use to work with the volumes.
- When files are displayed which were split between archive volumes,
- the compressed size displayed refers to the compressed size on the
- current volume. The symbol '<-' indicates that part of the file
- exists on a previous volume. The symbol '->' indicates that part of
- the file exist on the next volume. You can change to the previous or
- next volume by pressing corresponding arrow keys (left or right).
- 2.3. In a non-RAR archive
- In full-screen mode RAR offers the management of non-RAR archives.
- Supported non-RAR archive types are ZIP, ARJ and LZH.
- RAR provides the following operations for non-RAR archives:
- - extract files, creating the directory structure;
- - extract to the current directory;
- - extract to a specified directory;
- - test files in the archive;
- - delete files from the archive;
- - view contents of the archive in full-screen mode;
- - make SFX-archives;
- - add archive comment (ZIP and ARJ only);
- - add file comment (ZIP and ARJ only).
- Also the user may set a password for the archive (pressing Alt-P)
- and the path for temporary files (Alt-W).
- For viewing the archive contents the user will need only RAR.
- However for operations with non-RAR archives the user should have
- the corresponding programs (PKUNZIP, PKZIP, ZIP2EXE, ARJ, LHA, or as
- specified in RARARC2.CFG for OS/2 version), also the path to these
- programs must be included in the PATH environment variable.
- You can use RAR as the archive manager for archives of all the
- above-mentioned types in shell programs such as Norton Commander.
- Note, RAR does not provide facilities for the management of non-RAR
- SFX archives.
- Only the standard LZH archive header is supported. Archives created
- by LHA using the switch '/h2' are not supported.
- ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Chapter 3. RAR Command Line Options ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒║
- ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- Command line mode is an alternative to the full-screen interactive mode.
- This mode is best used in batch files and requires no interaction.
- Usage:
- RAR <command> -<switch1> -<switchN> <archive> <files...>
- <@listfiles...> <path_to_extract\>
- All parameters must exist on the same, single command line.
- command .. The function to be performed by RAR, add,
- extract, move etc.
- switch .. Switches used to define a specific type of
- operation, compression strength, type of
- archive etc.
- archive .. The name of the archive to be operated upon.
- files .. The files to be processed.
- listfiles .. The name of a file containing the names of
- the files to be operated upon.
- path_to_extract Used only with commands 'e' and 'x',
- indicating the directory in which to
- place extracted files. If this directory
- does not exist, it will be created.
- NOTE: The use of the terminating backslash
- character, on this parameter, is
- 3.1. Commands (Alphabetic sequence)
- .. a: add files to archive
- .. c: add archive comment
- Pressing [F10] will save the entered comment and exit.
- Pressing [Esc] will cancel the comment. Pressing [F10]
- without entering a comment will remove any existing
- comment.
- Comments are displayed while the archive is being
- processed. The maximum comment length is 16384 bytes.
- Support for ANSI esc-sequences is provided in RAR which
- allows the use of color and cursor movements. No ANSI
- driver is required to display such comments.
- Redefinition of the keyboard using ANSI esc-sequences is
- NOT supported and thus the so-called ANSI-bombs cannot be
- delivered using RAR.
- Example:
- RAR c distrib.rar
- Comments may be entered from a file by using the '-z<file>'
- switch before the name of the file containing the comment.
- RAR c -zinfo.txt dummy
- .. cf: add file comments (not to entire archive)
- Pressing [F10] will save the entered comment and exit.
- Pressing [Esc] will cancel the comment. Pressing [F10]
- without entering a comment will remove any existing
- comment.
- Comments are displayed when the 'v' command is given.
- Comment length is limited to 16384 bytes.
- Example:
- RAR cf bigarch *.txt
- .. cw: write the archive comment to a file
- Example:
- RAR cw oldarch comment.txt
- The comment from the archive oldarch.rar will be
- written to the file comment.txt
- .. d: delete files from archive
- Note: If the processing of this command resulted in
- removing all the files from the archive, the empty
- archive would itself be removed.
- .. e: extract files from archive to current directory
- .. en: start RAR in full-screen mode and enter an archive
- Usually this command is included in the extension file
- of a shell processor such as Norton Commander:
- RAR: RAR en !.!
- Examples:
- RAR en disk1.rar
- RAR en puppy.zip
- The 'en' may also be omitted, simply start RAR with
- the archive name.
- Example:
- RAR baby.arj
- .. f: freshen files in archive
- Updates those files changed since they were packed to
- the archive. This command will not add new files to the
- archive.
- .. k: lock archive
- Any commands that could change the archive will be
- ignored.
- Example:
- RAR k final.rar
- .. l: list archive contents (brief listing)
- Files are listed as with the 'v' command with the
- exception of the file path. i.e. only the file name
- is displayed.
- .. m: move files and directories to archive
- Moving files and directories results in the files and
- directories being erased upon successful completion of
- the packing operation. Directories will not be removed
- if '-ed' switch is used.
- .. mf: move files to archive
- Moving files results in the files being erased upon
- successful completion of the packing operation.
- .. p: print file(s) to screen (STDOUT)
- .. r: repair a damaged archive
- Archive repairing consists of two stages. Firstly, the damaged
- archive is scanned for a recovery record (see the 'rr' command).
- If the archive contains a previously added recovery record and
- if the portion of the damaged data is continuous and less than
- N*512 bytes, where N is number of recovery sectors placed into
- the archive, the chance of a successful archive reconstruction
- is very high. When this stage has been completed, a new archive
- will be created, called _RECOVER.RAR
- If a damaged archive does not contain a recovery record or if
- the archive cannot be completely recovered due to too severe
- damage, a second stage is begun. During this stage only the
- archive structure is reconstructed and it is impossible to
- recover files which fail CRC validation, but it is still
- possible to recover undamaged files which were inaccessible due
- to a broken archive structure. Generally this is useful for non-
- solid archives.
- When this stage has been completed, a new archive will be
- created, called _RECONST.RAR
- While the recovery process is in operation, RAR may
- prompt the user for assistance when suspicious files are
- located.
- Suspicious entry
- Name: <possibly filename>
- Size: <size> Packed: <compressed size>
- Add it: Yes/No/All
- Answer 'Y' to add this entry to the file $RECOVER.RAR.
- Example:
- RAR r buggy.rar
- .. rr[N]: add data recovery record
- Optionally, redundant information (recovery record) may be added
- to an archive, incurring a small penalty in archive size, which
- will help to recover archived files in the case of floppy disk
- failure or other data losses. A recovery record may contain up
- to 8 recovery sectors. The number of sectors may be specified
- directly in the 'rr' command (N = 1 .. 8) or selected
- automatically according to the archive size:
- Archive size Number of sectors
- < 50Kb 2
- 50Kb-500Kb 4
- > 500Kb 8
- If damaged data is continuous then each sector is able to
- recover 512 bytes of damaged information, although this value
- may decrease for multiple areas of damage.
- The size of the recovery record may be calculated
- (approximately) as <archive size>/256 + <number of recovery
- sectors>*512 bytes.
- .. s: convert archive to a Self-Extracting (SFX) type.
- In the Dos environment, this will create a *.EXE file
- which, when executed, will extract the files contained
- within it.
- It is also possible to make an SFX archive as the first
- of a multi-volume sequence, but it should be noted that
- the size will be larger by the amount of the SFX-module.
- Please ensure that the first volume in the sequence is
- created with the correct size.
- Should SFX volumes be created using the command 'a' with
- the switches: '-v[<size>] -sfx', then you do not need to
- ensure the volume size - first volume will be automatically
- created with the proper size.
- Example:
- RAR s diamant
- .. s<file.sfx>: convert archive to a Self-Extracting (SFX) type
- using alternate SFX module
- You may indicate an alternate SFX module (pathname) to build
- the SFX archive.
- For instance the Installation SFX:
- RAR sidos.sfx myinst
- RAR c -zscript.s myinst
- See the Installation SFX documentation, SFX.DOC, for details
- of the command language of the installation SFX.
- .. t: test archive files
- This command performs a dummy file extraction, writing
- nothing to the output stream, in order to validate the
- specified file(s).
- .. u: update files in archive
- Adds files not already in the archive and updates those
- files changed since they were packed to the archive.
- .. v: verbosely list archive content (full listing)
- Files are listed using the format: full pathname, file
- comment, original and compressed size, compression ratio,
- last update date and time, attributes, CRC, compression
- method with the code of sliding dictionary size and minimum
- RAR version required to extract. The dictionary size is coded
- as following: 'a' means 64 Kb, 'b' - 128 Kb, 'c' - 256 Kb,
- 'd' - 512 Kb, 'e' - 1024 Kb.
- To list the contents of all archive volumes, use and
- asterisk (*) in place of the archive file extension.
- Example:
- RAR v multivol.*
- .. x: extract files from archive to original (relative)
- directory if pathnames exist in the archive
- Command limitations:
- The commands 'd', 'u', 'f', 'c', 'cf' will not operate with
- archive volumes.
- The command 'a' cannot be used to update an archive volume, only
- to create one.
- 3.2. Switches (Alphabetic sequence)
- .. -? display help on commands and switches
- .. -$[drive] provide volume label support
- When adding to an archive the switch causes the adding of the
- volume label of the current or specified disk drive to the
- archive. When extracting from the archive the switch instructs
- RAR to set the volume label from the archive to the specified
- disk drive or, if not specified, to the drive on which
- extraction has been processed.
- Volume labels are ignored in SFX and the UNRAR utility.
- .. -ac clear Archive attribute after compression or extraction
- .. -ao add files with Archive attribute set
- Example:
- add all disk C: files with Archive attribute set
- to the 'f:backup' and clear files Archive attribute
- rar a -r -ac -ao f:backup c:\*.*
- .. -ap set path inside archive
- this path is merged to file names when adding files to
- an archive and removed from file names when extracting.
- For example, if you wish to add the file 'readme.txt'
- to the directory 'DOCS\ENG' of archive 'release',
- you may run:
- rar a -apDOCS\ENG release readme.txt
- or to extract 'ENG' to the current directory:
- rar x -apDOCS release DOCS\ENG\*.*
- .. -av apply authenticity verification (registered versions only)
- RAR will put, in every new and updated archive, information
- concerning the creator, last update time and archive name.
- If an archive, containing authenticity verification, is being
- modified and this switch is not specified, the authenticity
- verification information will be removed.
- When extracting, testing, listing or updating and archive with
- the '-av' switch, RAR will perform integrity validation and
- display the message:
- Verifying authenticity information ...
- In the case of successful authenticity verification, the message
- 'Ok', creator name and last update information will be
- displayed. In the case of authenticity verification failure,
- the message 'FAILED' will be displayed.
- When creating archive volumes with the '-av' switch, Cyclic
- Redundancy Check (CRC) information will be added to each volume.
- The Authenticity Verification feature, '-av,' is recommended for
- use with archives in a software distribution environment.
- In order to enable the Authenticity verification feature, the
- program MUST be registered. Please contact your local
- distribution site or the world-wide distribution center.
- .. -av- disable checking or adding authenticity verification
- .. -b enable backup archives
- This switch will create a backup before an archive is modified.
- The backup file will have the same name as the original archive
- but with the .BAK extension. Should this file already exist,
- the backup file will be named with a .$BK extension.
- .. -bw black & white (monochrome) mode
- .. -c- disable comment display
- .. -cfg- disable read configuration and environment
- .. -col color mode
- .. -dh disable sharing files
- This helps when accessing files open by other applications on
- networks or multi-tasking environment.
- .. -ds do not sort files while adding to a solid archive
- Note: see the RARFILES.LST description - solid archiving file
- order list.
- .. -e<s,h,a,r> set file exclusion attributes
- The switches 's', 'h', 'a' or 'r' signify that files having the
- System, Hidden, Archive or Read only attributes should be
- excluded. The order in which the attributes are given is not
- significant.
- Example:
- RAR a -ehs purity *.exe
- Do NOT add files with Hidden or System attributes.
- .. -ed do not add empty directories
- This switch indicates that empty directories are not to be
- stored in the created archive.
- .. -ems- disable EMS usage (DOS version only)
- .. -ee disable extended attributes saving (OS/2 version only)
- .. -ep exclude paths from names
- This switch enables files to be added to an archive without
- including the path information. This could, of course, result
- in multiple files existing in the archive with the same name.
- .. -ep1 exclude base dir from names
- Do not store the path from the command line.
- Example:
- RAR a -ep1 -r pasta tmp\*.*
- All files and directories from the directory TMP will be added
- to the archive 'pasta', but the path will not include 'TMP\'.
- This is equivalent to the commands:
- cd tmp
- RAR a -ep1 -r pasta
- cd ..
- .. -f freshen files
- May be used with archive extraction or creation.
- The command string "a -f" is equivalent to the command 'f', you
- could also use the switch '-f' with the commands 'm' or 'mf'.
- If the switch '-f' is used with the commands 'x' or 'e', then
- only old files would be replaced with new versions extracted
- from the archive.
- .. -ialt Disables the changing, by pressing the left Alt key, the
- context function key information in the bottom line of the
- screen (in full-screen mode). This helps some users who wished
- to use certain TSRs while in RAR. The action of the left and
- right function keys are in other respects, unchanged. This may
- be permanently configured by adding the switch to the RAR
- environment variable (SET in autoexec.bat) with SET RAR=-ialt
- .. -kb keep broken extracted files
- RAR, by default, deletes files with CRC errors after
- extraction. The switch -kb specifies that files with
- CRC errors should not be deleted.
- .. -m<0..5> set compression method
- -m0 store do not compress file when adding to
- archive
- -m1 fastest use fastest method (less compressive)
- -m2 fast use fast compression method
- -m3 normal use normal (default) compression method
- -m4 good use good compression method (more
- compressive, but slower)
- -m5 best use best compression method (sightly more
- compressive, but slowest)
- By default RAR uses -m3 method (Normal compression).
- .. -md<size>: select dictionary size in Kb (OS/2 version only)
- size must be equal to 64, 128, 256, 512 or 1024
- or a letter 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' or 'e' accordingly.
- The sliding dictionary is a special memory area used by the
- compression algorithm. If the size of the file being compressed
- (or the total files size in the case of a solid archive) is
- greater than the dictionary size, then increasing the dictionary
- size will generally increase compression ratio, decrease packing
- speed and increase memory requirements. RAR for DOS has a fixed
- dictionary size of 64 Kb. RAR for OS/2 (and other 32-bit
- platforms) has a default dictionary size of 256Kb, but this may
- be changed by the user to be 64 Kb, 128 Kb, 256 Kb, 512 Kb or
- 1024 Kb. Unlike compression, extraction speed is unaffected by
- dictionary size.
- The amount of memory required to create large dictionary
- archives may be calculated as 5*<dictionary size>+150Kb. About 1
- Mb is required for extraction and 5*<dictionary size>+1150Kb to
- update solid archives.
- RAR for DOS can extract from large dictionary archives using
- conventional, EMS and disk memory. If no EMS or disk
- cache is available, the operation may slow down significantly. RAR
- for DOS cannot convert large dictionary archives to SFX with the
- default SFX module and cannot update such solid archives.
- Example:
- RAR a -s -mdd sources *.asm
- or
- RAR a -s -md512 sources *.asm
- Will create a solid archive using a 512 Kb dictionary.
- .. -mm multimedia compression
- Enables a special multimedia compression algorithm. This is
- intended to be used primarily when compressing raw digital audio
- data such as WAV's up to four 8-bit or two 16-bit channels but
- also show good results with true color (24-bit) bitmaps. An
- improvement in the compression ratio, of up to 30%, may be
- expected over normal compression.
- During archiving of a file, in multimedia mode, RAR performs
- intelligent data analysis and may use the general or multimedia
- compression algorithm for different parts of the file depending
- upon which algorithm is the more suitable. Such analysis allows
- optimum performance when different data types exist in the same
- file (This is typical for STM and MOD files).
- The switches -m<N> "Set compression method" and -s "Create solid
- archive" also may be used with multimedia compression but -m<N>
- influences only those parts compressed with the general
- algorithm.
- If -mm is used with data which is not multimedia, the
- compression ratio, generally, will not be changed but, due to
- the multimedia analysis overhead, speed is always decreased. So
- it is not recommended to use -mm with data other than multimedia
- data.
- Note: multimedia compression is designed only for a certain
- file types. E.g. it works well with WAV, STM, MOD and true color
- bitmaps, but will gain nothing for MID, GIF, JPG or 8-bit bitmaps.
- Example:
- RAR a -m5 -s -mm songs *.wav
- .. -mmf force multimedia compression
- This switch works as the -mm with one exception: it always
- compress files as multimedia independent of the multimedia
- analysis results. Usually this leads to a worse compression
- ratio but may be useful in the hypothetical case when RAR cannot
- correctly detect a multimedia file.
- .. -o+ overwrite existing files
- .. -o- do not overwrite existing files (default)
- .. -p<password> set password
- .. -p set password
- The password is case-sensitive. If you omit the password on the
- command line, you will be prompted with:
- Enter password:
- Example:
- RAR a -pmyhoney secret *.txt
- Newly added files will be encrypted with the password 'myhoney'.
- .. -r recurse subdirectories
- May be used with commands: 'a', 'u', 'f', 'm', 'x', 'e', 't',
- 'p', 'v', 'l', 'c', 'cf' and 's'.
- When used with the commands, 'a', 'u', 'f' or 'm', will
- process files in all sub-directories as well as the
- current working directory.
- When used with the commands, 'x', 'e', 't', 'p', 'v', 'l', 'c',
- 'cf' or 's', will process all archives in sub-directories as well
- as the current working directory.
- .. -r0 recurse subdirectories (wildcards only)
- Similar to -r, but when used with the commands 'a', 'u',
- 'f', 'm' will recurse subdirectories only for wildcard names.
- .. -ri<P>[:<S>] set priority and sleep time (OS/2 version only)
- This option is used to regulate system load by RAR in a
- multitasking environment.
- The task priority <P> (possible values, 0 to 128) is the OS/2
- task priority. Values of <P> are grouped as follows:
- <P> value OS/2 <priority class>:<priority level>
- 0 OS/2 default (i.e. 2:0, or <P>=33)
- 1-32 1:0-1:31
- 33-64 2:0-2:31
- 65-96 3:0-3:31
- 97-128 4:0-4:31
- When <P> is equal to 0, the default OS/2 task priority is used.
- The sleep time <S> is a value from 0 to 1000 (milliseconds).
- This is the period of time that RAR will give back to OS/2 after
- every read or write during the packing or unpacking operation.
- The sleep time setting is useful when several tasks with the
- same priority are running in the system.
- Example:
- RAR a -r -sfx -ri0:100 backup *.*
- Execute RAR with default priority and 100 ms of sleep after each
- read or write.
- .. -rr[N]: add data recovery record
- If this switch is used when creating or modifying an archive, a
- data recovery record will be added to the resulting archive. See
- command 'rr[N]' description for details.
- .. -s create a solid archive
- Solid is a special archive type. Please refer to the appendix
- "Glossary" for further information.
- Example:
- RAR a -s -v1440 -sfx maddy *.*
- Will create solid Self-Extracting (SFX) volumes of size 1440000
- bytes.
- Note: see the RARFILES.LST description - solid archiving file
- order list.
- .. -s<N> create solid groups using file count
- Similar to -s, but reset solid statistics after compressing
- <N> files. Usually decreases compression, but also
- decreases losses in case of solid archive damages.
- .. -se create solid groups using extension
- Similar to -s, but reset solid statistics if file extension
- is changed. Usually decreases compression, but also
- decreases losses in case of solid archive damages.
- .. -sv create independent solid volumes
- Similar to -s, but reset solid statistics as soon as possible
- when starting a new volume. Ignored, if used to create
- non-volume archive. Usually slightly decreases compression,
- but also seriously decreases data losses, when one volume
- in volume set is damaged. In such case you may try to start
- extraction from the next volume after damaged. Note that
- because of internal buffering, sometimes RAR cannot reset
- dictionary immediately after creating a new volume and one or
- more small files in the beginning of new volume may still use
- data from the previous volume.
- .. -s- disable solid archiving
- .. -sfx create Self-Extracting (SFX) archive
- If this switch is used when creating a new archive, a Self-
- Extracting archive would be created.
- Example:
- RAR a -sfx sources *.asm
- This command would create a Self-Extracting archive named
- SOURCES.EXE. To extract files from such an archive, you would
- simply execute it. Self-Extracting archives may be processed
- normally using RAR.
- .. -sfx<file.sfx> create Self-Extracting (SFX) archive using an
- alternate SFX module.
- Example:
- RAR a -sfxidos.sfx -zscript.s myinst
- See the Installation SFX documentation, SFX.DOC for details.
- .. -std stdout mode
- All output text is sent to the stdout stream. This allows
- redirection of RAR output to a file, for example:
- RAR v -std bambam >bambam.lst
- or in 'silent' mode without any output:
- RAR x -std dime 10cents.txt >nul
- Note: In stdout mode, if an archive comment exists, no delay
- will be implemented when the comment is displayed.
- .. -tk do not modify archive date
- Prevents RAR from modifying the archive date when changing an
- archive.
- .. -tl set archive date as the date of newest file
- Forces RAR to set the date of a changed archive to the date of
- the newest file in the archive.
- .. -u update files
- May be used with archive extraction or creation.
- The command string "a -u" is equivalent to the command 'u', you
- could also use the switch '-u' with the commands 'm' or 'mf'.
- If the switch '-u' is used with the commands 'x' or 'e', then
- files not present on the disk and files newer than their copies
- on the disk would extracted from the archive.
- .. -v create volumes with autodetected size
- Note: when the switch is used with 'v' or 'l' command RAR
- lists all volumes starting from specified.
- .. -v<size> create archive volumes
- By default this switch uses <size> as thousands (1000) of bytes
- (not 1024 x bytes). You may also enter the size in kilobytes
- using the symbol 'k', in bytes using the symbol 'b' or
- select one from several predefined values using the symbol 'f'
- following the numerical value. Predefined values can be
- 360, 720, 1200, 1440 or 2880 and replaced with corresponding
- floppy disk size.
- If the size is omitted, autodetection will be used.
- If volumes are created on the same drive as the temporary files
- (current drive by default, but may be changed with the switch '-
- w'), the autodetected size becomes meaningless. In this case
- the volume size must be explicitly defined.
- If volumes are created on a drive OTHER than the drive
- containing the temporary files, then after the first volume has
- been created, the user will be prompted with:
- Create next volume: Yes/No/All/Quit
- At this moment in time, you should change the disks. Answering
- 'A' will cause all volumes to be created without a pause.
- The first volume file in a multi-volume set has the extension
- .RAR, following volumes are numbered from .R00 to .R99.
- When extracting or testing a multi-volume archive you must use
- only the first volume name (*.RAR). If there is no next volume
- on the drive (and volumes are not placed in the same directory
- as the temporary files), the user will be prompted with:
- Insert disk with <next volume name>
- Insert the disk with the correct volume and press any key.
- If while extracting, the next volume is not found and volumes
- are placed in the same directory as the temporary files, RAR
- will abort with the error message:
- Cannot find <volume name>
- Cannot change disk with temporary files
- Archive volumes may not be modified. The commands 'd', 'f',
- 'u', 's' can not be used with Multi-volume sets. The command 'a'
- may be used only for the creation of a new multi-volume
- sequence.
- It is possible, although unlikely, that the file size, of a file
- in a multi-volume set, could be greater than it's uncompressed
- size. This is due to the fact that 'storing' (no compression if
- size increases) cannot be enabled for multi-volume sets.
- Archive volumes may be Self-Extracting (SFX). Such an archive
- should be created using both the '-v' and '-sfx' switches.
- Example:
- 1. Archive drive C: on floppy drive A:
- RAR a -r -v a:allhard c:\*.*
- (current disk MUST NOT be a:)
- 2. Create archive volumes with 1440000 byte size in current
- directory.
- RAR a -v1440 4flopp
- or
- RAR a -v1440 4flopp *.*
- .. -vd erase disk contents before creating volume
- All files and directories on the target disk will be erased when
- '-vd' is used. The switch applies only to removable media, the
- hard disk cannot be erased using this switch.
- .. -w<path> assign work directory
- This switch may be used to assign the directory for temporary
- files to another drive. For example a RAM drive or high
- performance disc.
- Example:
- RAR a -we:\tmp bmps *.bmp
- Temporary files would be created in directory E:\TMP
- .. -x<mask> exclude files specified by mask
- Example:
- RAR a -x*.bak purearch.rar
- You may specify the switch '-x' several times:
- RAR a -r -x*.arj -x*.rar rawfiles
- .. -x@<list> exclude files using specified list file
- Example:
- RAR a -x@exlist.txt arch *.exe
- .. -y assume Yes on all queries
- .. -z<file> add comment to archive
- 3.3. SFX switches
- An SFX archive module may be handled by the switches:
- .. -e Extract from the SFX archive
- The switch is used by default similar to 'x' command in RAR.
- .. -t Test the SFX archive
- This is similar to 't' command in RAR.
- .. -v View the archive content
- This is similar to 'v' command in RAR.
- 3.4. The file order list for solid archiving - RARFILES.LST.
- RARFILES.LST contains user-defined file list which tells RAR
- the order to add files to a solid archive. It may contain file
- names, wildcards and special entry - $default. The default
- entry defines the place in order list for files not matched
- with other entries in this file. The comment character is ';'.
- This file should be placed in the same directory as RAR.
- Tips to provide improved compression and speed of operation:
- - similar files should be grouped together in the archive;
- - frequently accessed files should be placed at the beginning.
- ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ Glossary ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒║
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- Archive Special file containing one or more files optionally
- compressed and/or encrypted.
- Compression A method of encoding data to reduce it's size.
- CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check. Mathematical method
- calculating special checking information for data
- validity.
- Dictionary The length of a buffer used to search similarities
- size (the stage of a compression process) in a file been
- added to the archive.
- SFX Archive module used to extract files from when
- executed. (SelF-eXtracting module), usually in the
- form of a .EXE file.
- Sliding See the 'Dictionary size' description.
- dictionary
- Solid An archive packed using a special compression method
- which sees all files as one continuous data stream.
- Particularly advantageous when packing a large number
- of small files.
- Volume Part of a split archive. Splitting an archive to
- volumes allows storing them on diskettes. Solid volumes
- must be extracted starting from first in sequence.