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- @echo off
- rem PKZIP (R) software for OS/2
- rem Copyright 1997 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- rem PKZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
- rem
- rem This batch file is used to call pkzip.exe for
- rem compressing files.
- IF %1x == x goto pkhelp
- pkzip /add %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
- goto end
- :pkhelp
- echo PKZIP2.CMD Usage
- echo --------------------------------------------------------------
- echo Usage: PKZIP2 [Options] [.ZIP File] [Files to compress]
- echo --------------------------------------------------------------
- echo Example: PKZIP2 test
- echo This will compress all the files in the current
- echo directory into the test.zip file
- echo Example: PKZIP2 /extra test
- echo This will compress all the files in the current
- echo directory into the test.zip file with extra
- echo compression
- echo Example: PKZIP2 backup *.doc
- echo This will compress all of the file matching *.doc
- echo in the current directory into the backup.zip file
- :end
- @echo on