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Text File | 1999-03-01 | 170.7 KB | 4,361 lines |
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- | PKZIP 2.50 for DOS || |
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- | *USER'S MANUAL* || |
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- PKWARE, Inc. ||
- 9025 N. Deerwood Drive ||
- Brown Deer, WI 53223 USA ||
- ||
- Phone (414) 354-8699 ||
- Fax (414) 354-8559 ||
- BBS (414) 354-8670 ||
- --------------------------------------------+
- Copyright 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- U.S. Patent No. 5,051,745
- No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted,
- transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any
- other language or computer language in whole or in part, in any form
- or by any means, whether it be electronic, mechanical, magnetic,
- optical, manual or otherwise, without prior written consent of
- PKWARE, Inc.
- PKWARE, Inc. disclaims all warranties as to this software, whether
- expressed or implied, including without limitation any implied
- warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose,
- functionality, data integrity or protection.
- PKWARE, the PKWARE logo, PKZIP, PKUNZIP, and PKSFX are registered
- trademarks of PKWARE, Inc.
- StupenDOS is a trademark of Eclipse Technologies, Inc.
- MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
- Netware and Novell are registered trademarks of Novell, Inc.
- Trademarks of other companies mentioned in this documentation appear
- for identification purposes only and are the property of their
- respective companies.
- PLEASE NOTE: This is a condensed version of the manual provided with
- the Registered version of PKZIP. Some sections have been condensed
- or omitted in this version.
- Introduction
- PKZIP 2.50 for DOS is an easy to use yet powerful .ZIP archive
- manager designed and engineered by the originators of the .ZIP file
- format. PKZIP's command line interface allows you to quickly and
- easily accomplish both simple and complex archiving tasks including
- compressing and uncompressing files, creating self-extracting .ZIP
- files, and spanning .ZIP files across diskettes.
- Conventions
- This manual follows several conventions for clarity and to help you
- find information quickly.
- ** Anything that we want to be sure you don't miss will be prefaced
- with asterisks.
- Command Syntax
- Standard command specification syntax is used throughout the Command
- Reference section. This is used to differentiate between command
- option parameters which are optional or mandatory, and to indicate
- when certain options may be combined:
- < > Angle Brackets are used to indicate a command option parameter
- which must be present. The option parameter will follow immediately
- after the option with no space.
- [ ] Square Brackets indicate a command option parameter which is not
- mandatory.
- , | If there are several possible options which may be used in the
- position indicated by the angle or square brackets, they will be
- separated by either a Comma or a Vertical Bar (i.e. Pipe). If options
- are separated by a comma, then more than one of the options may be
- used simultaneously. If they are separated by a vertical bar, the
- options are exclusive of one another and only one may be used at a
- time.
- Following are some abstract examples of how these syntax rules are
- applied.
- Syntax Valid Entries
- ---------------------------------------------------
- -z<a,b,c> -za, -zab, -zac, -zbc, -zabc
- -z<a|b|c> -za, -zb, -zc
- -z[a,b] -za, -zb, -zab, -z
- -z<a|b,c> -za, -zb, -zac, -zbc
- (-zab or -zabc would be invalid)
- Product Support
- We hope that your use of PKZIP and PKUNZIP will be enjoyable and
- trouble-free. It is our intention to provide the best possible
- product and documentation. We understand that problems may arise,
- and in most cases you will be able to resolve problems you may have
- by referring to the documentation. Answers to questions you might
- have will usually be found within this document.
- You may reach our Product Support staff in several convenient ways.
- Internet/Usenet
- World Wide Web - http://www.pkware.com
- Electronic Mail - support@pkware.com
- Additionally, PKWARE products are frequently discussed in the Usenet
- newsgroup "comp.compression". Internet newsgroups are not supported
- directly by PKWARE.
- CompuServe
- PKWARE Support Technicians maintain a discussion forum on CompuServe.
- To get to the forum, simply type "GO PKWARE" from any CompuServe
- prompt.
- PKWARE CompuServe ID# 75300,730
- PKWARE also maintains its own BBS. The PKWARE BBS is normally
- available 24 hours a day. The BBS supports all baud rates from 1200
- up to 14.4K. Set your communications software for 8 bits, 1 stop bit,
- no parity.
- The PKWARE BBS offers the latest in PKWARE shareware as well as many
- other files for downloading. The PKWARE BBS has multiple phone lines
- for your convenience.
- PKWARE BBS - (414)354-8670
- Voice and Fax
- You may reach a PKWARE Support Technician by sending a Fax containing
- your question.
- PKWARE FAX - (414)354-8559
- If your question is urgent, or you do not have access to any of the
- above methods of communication, a Support Technician may be reached
- by phone. PKWARE Technical support is normally available Monday
- through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Time (-7 hours GMT).
- PKWARE Voice Support - (414)354-8699
- Information to Give
- When contacting PKWARE Technical Support in any of the above methods,
- please be prepared to provide as much information about the problem
- as possible. Include the version numbers for: PKZIP, DOS, and any
- Memory and Device Drivers you are using. Include the command(s) you
- have tried to use, and what the results were and note why you feel
- you have a problem.
- When faxing a problem, a print out of any error messages is often
- helpful in determining a solution.
- Please see the Troubleshooting section for additional information.
- 9025 N. Deerwood Dr.
- Brown Deer, WI 53223
- (414)354-8699
- (414)354-8559 FAX
- (414)354-8670 BBS
- Installation
- PKZIP works best when it is located in your path. You may put PKZIP
- in your path by either copying it into an already existing
- subdirectory that is in your path, or by copying it into its own
- subdirectory and subsequently placing that subdirectory into your
- search path.
- Throughout this manual many examples will show the command prompt.
- This will look like "C:\>" or "C:\PKWARE>" or something similar. This
- represents the command prompt displayed by your computer and is not
- to be typed in. If you do not see a prompt that looks like this when
- you are using DOS, try typing the command "PROMPT $P$G". This will
- set your prompt to resemble those used here. You may also want to
- add the "PROMPT $P$G" command to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- Path
- There are two meanings for path as used under MS-DOS. It may refer
- to the location of a file, or it may refer to the places DOS will
- search for a command.
- In the first instance, a path would be the directory or
- subdirectories that a file is located in. If a file called
- "HOURS.PYS" is in a subdirectory called "JUNE" under a directory
- called "PAYROLL" on the D: hard disk, it's full path would be
- In the second instance, the path is a list of places stored in an
- environment variable called "path". If you type "path" at the DOS
- prompt and press enter you will see the path that is currently set
- on your computer. It will usually look something like this:
- It will likely look different on your machine. The path is set by a
- statement in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For more information, on setting
- a path environment variable, please see your operating system manual.
- To install PKZIP 2.50 for DOS do the following:
- Run the PKZIP Shareware self-extracting setup program by typing
- the following and pressing ENTER:
- a:pk250dos.exe -d c:\pkware
- In this example, the PKZIP for DOS file set will be installed from
- the a: drive into the c:\pkware directory.
- You must next modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. You may edit this file
- with any editor that can load and save plain ASCII files (For
- example, "Edit" in MS-DOS, Windows Notepad/Write/WordPad, or any word
- processor with ASCII TEXT editing ability.
- To edit your autoexec.bat file (in Edit) from a DOS prompt type:
- C:\>edit autoexec.bat
- Look for a line in the file that says something similar to:
- PATH=C:\;C:\DOS;(etc...)
- Go to the end of this line and add a semicolon if one is not already
- there, and the drive and path to PKZIP that you just created. For
- example "...;C:\PKWARE"
- The line will now look similar to this:
- You will most likely have additional items between the C:\DOS; and
- Next add a line that looks like this:
- set pkware.ini=c:\pkware
- The directory specified must be equal to the directory where
- PKWARE.INI is located. If you have followed this installation
- procedure exactly, the above line will work fine. This line should
- be near the top of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- Save the file and exit. You will have to re-boot your computer to
- make the change take effect.
- After you reboot type "path" at the command line and press [ENTER].
- Your machine will show the path. Make certain that the subdirectory
- you placed the PKWARE files in is shown in the path.
- You may now verify that PKZIP is installed by typing "PKZIP" at the
- DOS command prompt. After you press [ENTER] you should see a banner
- screen from PKZIP. Try PKUNZIP as well. You should be able to type
- PKUNZIP or PKZIP in any directory and drive, not just in the PKWARE
- subdirectory.
- If you receive the message "Bad command or file name" or "Unknown
- command", PKZIP is not properly installed. Check the location of the
- files you extracted from the distribution file. Also check the lines
- that were added to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Make certain you have
- rebooted since the changes were made to the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- Tutorial
- A comprehensive tutorial is provided with the Registered version of
- PKZIP. This tutorial has been omitted from this version of the
- manual.
- Command Reference
- Items contained in square brackets([ ]) are optional parameters to
- an option and need not be included. Where there are two (or more)
- items separated by a comma, you may use any ONE of those options
- following the main option character. If there are parameters in angle
- brackets(<>) you must include that option, or choose one of those in
- the series. When choosing options from a bracketed series, you may
- use more than one of these options if they are separated by a comma.
- If the options are separated by a vertical bar (|)you may only choose
- one option. See the Command Syntax section for examples.
- PKZIP Command Option Guide
- ________________________________________________________________
- -a+ Turn off archive attribute of added files.
- By using this option you may create a complete backup of your disk,
- while clearing the archive attributes to make the way for
- incremental archiving.
- Incremental archiving makes use of the archive attribute to take only
- the files which have been modified since the last backup. In order
- for this process to work smoothly you must first have a complete
- backup and a clearing of the archive attribute for all files.
- C:>pkzip f:backup.zip -a+ -rp
- ________________________________________________________________
- -b<drive:path> Create temporary .ZIP file on alternate drive
- Every time a .ZIP file is updated, PKZIP creates a temporary work
- file. When the modifications to the .ZIP file are successfully
- completed, the original .ZIP file is replaced with the temporary work
- file. This means you must have at least as much additional disk space
- available as was used by the original .ZIP file.
- For Example: If you have an existing .ZIP file of 500K, and you are
- adding another file to it that takes 10K compressed, you need
- additional workspace of at least 510K during the update process.
- This command option will allow you to create the temporary .ZIP file
- on a drive different from the one on which the original .ZIP file
- resides. This allows you to update large .ZIP files when space is
- limited, such as a large .ZIP file on a floppy disk. Also, by setting
- this temporary drive to point to a RAM drive, you can speed up the
- operation of PKZIP.
- Immediately following the -b option place the drive and/or path you
- wish to use for the temporary work file.
- A:>pkzip test.zip -bc: order.doc
- C:>pkzip wp.zip -bz:\public wp51\*.*
- ** It is necessary to specify a path in addition to the drive letter
- only if you are in a situation where disk space or access is
- being limited by subdirectory, such as on a local area network.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -c Create/Edit file comments for all files
- -ac[-|+] Create/Edit file comments for all files during update
- -C Add comments for new files only
- Each individual file contained within a .ZIP file may have a comment
- attached to it. Comments are useful for identifying files, especially
- if you need to go back months later to look at a file, or if you are
- sending the file to someone else. Each comment may be up to 59
- characters long, including spaces and punctuation.
- The -c (lower case) option is used when you want to add or edit file
- comments for all files within an existing .ZIP file.
- The -ac[-|+] option may be used during the .ZIP file creation
- process, or during an update/freshen process. You may optionally
- specify a - (i.e. minus) after the -ac option to replace any existing
- comment(s). Specify a + (i.e. plus) after the -ac option to edit any
- existing comment(s).
- pkzip test.zip -ac license.doc
- When each file is added to the .ZIP file you will be prompted for a
- comment. Type a comment of up to 59 characters, and press [ENTER].
- The -C (upper case) option is used when you want to add a file
- comment to new files that are being added to an existing .ZIP file.
- Files which are not being added, or files which already existed in
- the .ZIP file will not be prompted for comments.
- pkzip test.zip -C *.doc
- In this situation, you would be adding additional files to the file
- called test.zip. Since the file license.doc was added to it in the
- previous example, you would not be prompted for a comment for this
- file.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -d Delete files
- This command will allow you to remove individual files from within a
- .ZIP file. This command is only applicable to already existing .ZIP
- files.
- pkzip test.zip -d license.doc
- In the above example the file license.doc would be removed from the
- .ZIP file test.zip (assuming that it was in the .ZIP file in the
- first place).
- ** The deletion of files from within a .ZIP file causes a situation
- where a temporary .ZIP file will exist during the deletion
- process. In order to delete a file from a .ZIP file there must be
- as much disk space free as will be occupied by the modified .ZIP
- file.
- Multiple files may be deleted at one time. You may do this either by
- placing multiple file names on the command line, or by specifying a
- list file containing the names of files you want deleted. (See Using
- List Files)
- pkzip july.zip -d file1.wk file2.wk1
- pkzip tue_back.zip -d @old.lst
- ________________________________________________________________
- -e[xx|x|n|f|s|0] Specify compression method
- -exx eXtreme maXimum compression
- -ex maXimum compression (most compression, most time)
- -en Normal compression (default)
- -ef Fast compression
- -es Super fast compression (least compression, least time)
- -e0 Zero (i.e. 0) compression (storing)
- PKZIP 2 provides five different methods of compression, allowing you
- to choose the compression that best suits your need. You can choose
- speed, high compression or a balance. The default method will provide
- good compression at a reasonable speed.
- The switches for this option are intended to be mnemonic in nature:
- -exx eXtreme maXimum
- -ex maXimum
- -en Normal
- -ef Fast
- -es Speed/Super fast
- -e0 zero (i.e. 0) compression
- The only two that may be difficult to remember are the order of Fast
- and Super Fast, you might want to think "Extra Speed".
- If you need to complete the compression in the minimum amount of time
- possible, then choose the fast compression method. To force PKZIP to
- use its fastest compression method, use the option -es (Super Fast).
- To achieve the smallest files possible, specify the extreme maximum
- compression method using the option -exx.
- pkzip -exx test.zip d:\wp51\*.wp
- Using no compression with the zero option is useful when archiving
- files which will either not compress or compress very little. This
- would generally be true when archiving .ZIP files. By specifying no
- compression PKZIP will store the files directly rather than first
- attempting to compress them.
- The compression method to use by default can be specified in the
- configuration file. If you have specified the super fast, fast or
- maximum compression method in your configuration you may override
- this and use the normal method by using the option -en.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -f Freshen files in a .ZIP file
- When this command is specified, PKZIP will compare the contents of
- the .ZIP file specified on the command line against the files
- specified for compression. If a file ALREADY EXISTS in the .ZIP file,
- PKZIP will check to see if the file exists in the source area (i.e.
- the files specified on the command line). If the file does exist, it
- then checks to see if the file in the source area is more recent than
- the copy contained in the .ZIP file. If it is more recent, it will
- replace the compressed file with the one found in the source area.
- Using this parameter will normally speed up the ZIP process
- considerably, as PKZIP will be able to skip over files that it has
- already compressed.
- pkzip -f baka.zip c:\ranma\*.*
- This example checks the contents of the .ZIP file "baka.zip" against
- the files specified by "c:\ranma\*.*". Any file that matches will be
- updated if the file in the source area is newer than the copy within
- the .ZIP file.
- See Also: -u, -i
- ________________________________________________________________
- -h display command summary (Help)
- This option will display a brief summary of the command switches
- available.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -i Add files that have the archive attribute
- (then turn attribute off)
- -i- Add files that have the archive attribute
- (do not turn attribute off)
- This option is very handy when backing up files. If this option is
- specified, only files with the archive attribute will be compressed,
- and the archive attribute will be set to off when the ZIP operation
- is complete for these files.
- You may alternatively ZIP all files with the archive attribute set,
- but not modify the archive attribute.
- A detailed explanation of the use of this option is given in the
- PKZIP Backup Guide at the end of this manual.
- Archive Attribute
- Every file on an MS-DOS partition has several properties associated
- with it. One of these properties is called the Archive Attribute.
- When a file has just been created, this attribute is set to be ON.
- Also, if a file is altered, the attribute is set. After a file has
- been backed-up by a program which uses this attribute, the attribute
- is switched off. By making use of the archive attribute you may make
- certain that you get all files that are new or changed. You save time
- by not backing up files you have previously archived. This process is
- called an Incremental Backup.
- See Also: PKZIP Backup Guide, -f , -u, -a+
- ________________________________________________________________
- -j<h,r,s,a> Specify masking of file attributes
- -J<h,r,s,a> Specify retention of file attributes
- (used to override config file)
- When PKZIP archives a read-only file (or is forced to archive a
- hidden, system, or archive file through use of the -w option) the
- default is to retain these attributes with the file in the archive.
- You may choose to strip these attributes off the file during the .ZIP
- process by specifying the -j (lower case) with the letter(s)
- corresponding to the attribute you wish to mask.
- File Attributes
- Every file on an MS-DOS partition has several properties associated
- with it. These attributes are: archive(a), hidden(h), read-only(r),
- and system(s). The archive attribute is explained under the -i
- option. The Hidden attribute prevents MS-DOS from displaying the file
- in a directory listing. Files that have this attribute are normally
- ignored by PKZIP. The read-only attribute prevents a file from being
- changed or deleted. When a file has this attribute you cannot delete
- the file or change it's contents. The system attribute signifies a
- file that is a system file. System files are used by MS-DOS and are
- treated as Hidden files. Please see your DOS manual for additional
- information.
- You may set masking of particular attributes to be the default by
- using either the PKWARE.INI file or the PKZIP configuration program.
- If any of these options are set in the configuration they may be
- overridden temporarily by use of the -J (upper case) option.
- pkzip markie.zip -Jhs c:\util\*.*
- ** Please note there is no space between the -j/J option and the
- h,r, s, or a.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -k Retain original .ZIP file date
- -k- Set .ZIP file date to the current date
- (override configuration file)
- Normally, when PKZIP updates an existing .ZIP file by either adding
- to it or deleting from it, the .ZIP file date is changed to the
- current date. If the - k option is specified on the command line the
- .ZIP file date will not be altered.
- This option may be made the default, see PKZIP Configuration.
- If PKZIP is configured to keep the original date in the configuration
- file, this may be overridden temporarily by use of the -k- option.
- ** The -o and -k, as well as the ZIPDATE= options in the pkware.ini
- file, will be ignored when used with the -& option.
- See Also: -o
- ________________________________________________________________
- -l Display license screen
- If this command is specified, PKZIP will display the software license
- agreement.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -m[u|f] Move files
- Normally, when PKZIP archives a file, it is making a copy of that
- file. The original file is not modified in any way. By choosing the
- -m option, you may actually MOVE the file (and directories) into the
- .ZIP file.
- After the ZIP operation is complete, PKZIP will delete all the files
- it just placed into the .ZIP file. Additionally PKZIP (by default)
- deletes the source directories and subdirectories. You may disable
- this feature with the -m-.
- This option may be combined with the Update (-u) and Freshen (-f)
- options. When this is done PKZIP will perform the Update or Freshen
- as it would normally, and then delete all the files that were placed
- into the archive.
- See Also: -f, -u
- ________________________________________________________________
- -o Set .ZIP file date to latest file in .ZIP file
- -o- Set .ZIP file date to current date
- (used to override configuration file)
- Normal default operation for PKZIP is to set the date of a .ZIP file
- it is modifying or creating to the current date. By specifying the -o
- option you can tell PKZIP to set the date of the .ZIP file equal to
- that of the latest file within the .ZIP file.
- This option may be made the default, see PKZIP Configuration.
- If this option is set, you may override it by using the -o- option.
- This will force PKZIP to set the .ZIP file date to the current date.
- Note that the -o- option must be completely separate from any other
- options, such as the -f in the example:
- pkzip oldfiles.zip -o- -f c:\wp51\text\*.wp
- ** The -o and -k, as well as the ZIPDATE= options in the pkware.ini
- file, will be ignored when used with the -& option.
- See Also: -k
- ________________________________________________________________
- -P Preserve specified path names
- -P- Turn off path storage
- (used to override configuration file)
- This option and the related -rp option control the storage of path
- names with files inside of a .ZIP file. The -p (lower case) option is
- used only in combination with the -r option as -rp (see -r for more
- information).
- The -P (upper case) option can be used alone or as a -rP option. The
- -P option causes PKZIP to store path names found on the command line
- as part of a filename specified for compression. This command will
- only have an effect if a file or files specified either on the
- command line or in a list file have path names.
- pkzip pathtest.zip -P c:\dos\attrib.exe
- In the above command the file "attrib.exe" would be compressed into
- the .ZIP file "pathtest". Because the -P option was specified, and
- because the path "\dos" was specified as part of the file name, the
- file will be stored as "dos\attrib.exe". This means that the path
- name will be available for reconstruction during extraction. Stored
- path names can be seen when the .ZIP file is viewed.
- pkzip path2.zip -P d:\coreldrw\*.cdr
- In this example all files with the "cdr" extension will be placed
- into the .ZIP file "path2", and will have the path "coreldrw\"
- stored with them.
- This option may be made the default, see PKZIP Configuration.
- If path storage is turned on in the configuration file, you may turn
- it off for a particular command by using the -P- option.
- pkzip mydoc.zip -P- c:\wp51\docs\zoofund.wp
- See Also: -r, -v
- ________________________________________________________________
- -q Enable ANSI comments
- -q- Disable ANSI comments
- (used to override configuration file)
- PKZIP retains ANSI control codes in comment text that is added to a
- .ZIP file. During display of the comment text, PKZIP will normally
- disable ANSI codes. If you want to have the ANSI control codes used
- by PKZIP when displaying comment text, you must specify this option.
- pkzip spacemp.zip -q se.diz
- This option may be made the default, see PKZIP Configuration.
- If the ANSI option is turned on in the configuration file you may
- temporarily override it by using the -q- option. Note that the -q and
- -q- options must be separated from any other options specified.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -r Recurse subdirectories
- -rp Recurse subdirectories
- (preserve the path structure below)
- -rP Recurse subdirectories
- (preserve path structure specified and below)
- -r- Turn off recursion
- (used to override configuration file)
- When this option is specified, PKZIP will search the source directory
- for subdirectories. If any subdirectories are found, PKZIP searches
- them for files. If a further level of subdirectories is found in a
- subdirectory, PKZIP will search these as well.
- PKZIP will enter as many subdirectory levels as exist.
- pkzip mail.zip -r c:\mymail\*.*
- Using the above command, all files contained within the "mymail"
- subdirectory, as well as all files within any subdirectories, would
- be archived. Only the file names would be retained, and not the names
- of the subdirectories.
- pkzip mail2.zip -rp c:\mymail\*.*
- The second example would preserve the same files as the first, but
- also keep the names of any subdirectories found below the "mymail"
- subdirectory. Note that the "mymail" subdirectory itself would not
- be retained since the -P is not being used.
- pkzip pay_june.zip -rP d:\payroll\*.*
- The third example will compress all of the files in the payroll
- directory, as well as all of the files in any subdirectories. The
- -rp would cause the subdirectories to be recursed and stored. The -P
- will cause "\payroll" to be stored as well. Without the -P, the
- "\payroll" portion of the path would not be stored. This option may
- be made the default, see PKZIP Configuration.
- ** Please note that paths are not stored when the -r option is
- specified without the p or P option. In order for paths to be
- stored, the -r option must be accompanied by the -p or -P option.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -s[password] Encrypt files
- By specifying this option you may encrypt data as it is compressed by
- PKZIP. This feature of PKZIP causes the information contained within
- a .ZIP file to be scrambled. A file which has been scrambled will be
- unreadable until extracted with the same encryption key.
- If a password is not specified the user will be prompted for one.
- ** This feature should be used with caution. For a complete
- explanation of the use of this option please see the Using Data
- Encryption section.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -t<date> Select files NEWER than or EQUAL to date
- -T<date> Select files OLDER than date
- This option will allow you to select files according to their date.
- The date specifier is a eight-digit number conforming to the
- following formats:
- "American" style: mmddyyyy
- 04011993 April 1st, 1993
- 10311989 October 31st, 1989
- "European" style: ddmmyyyy
- 01041993 1 April, 1993
- 31101989 31 October, 1989
- "Japanese" style: yyyymmdd
- 19930401 1993 April 01
- 19891031 1989 October 31
- PKZIP adapts itself to the date format for which your machine is
- configured automatically.
- All users within the United States use the first date format.
- If you are outside the United States and are unsure of the
- configuration of your computer, enter the DATE command at the DOS
- prompt. This will show you the date format being used on your
- computer.
- The -t and -T options may be combined to specify a date range.
- These examples all use the "American" date format (mmddyyyy). To
- compress all files created after or on November 4, 1992:
- pkzip test.zip -t11041992
- To compress all files created before January 10, 1991:
- pkzip test.zip -T01101991
- To compress all files created between October 1, 1992 and October 31,
- 1992:
- pkzip test.zip -t10011992 -T10311992
- If -t is used with no date, files with dates equal to the current date are
- specified:
- pkzip today.zip -t
- ________________________________________________________________
- -u Update files
- This option only affects PKZIP operations involving an already
- existing .ZIP file. When -u is used in conjunction with a PKZIP
- command, the files specified for archiving will be compared against
- the files already present in the .ZIP file. If the file to be added
- into the .ZIP file is already present and is not NEWER, PKZIP will
- not bother to re-compress the file.
- By using this option, you may save yourself time when archiving files
- that are backed up repeatedly. This option differs from the behavior
- of the -f option in that files which are not already present in the
- .ZIP file will be added.
- PKZIP p:\backup\sdsource.zip -u d:\c700\work\sd*.*
- In this example a .ZIP file called "sdsource.zip" is created in a
- "backup" directory on the P: drive. All files in the source directory
- matching the file specification will be added or updated.
- See Also: -f
- ________________________________________________________________
- -v[b][r,c|d|e|n|o|p|s][m] View [brief] file information
- -vt[m] View Technical file information
- This option will display technical information concerning the files
- contained within a .ZIP file. There are several options available
- with the View option. Each of the -v options may have an `m' added to
- it, causing the screen to pause every 25 lines.
- In it's simplest form the -v by itself gives a display similar to
- this:
- pkzip am70 -v
- PKZIP (R) FAST! Create/Update Utility Version 2
- Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKZIP/h for help
- PKZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off. Patent No. 5,051,745
- -80486 CPU detected.
- -XMS version 3.00 detected.
- -Novell Netware version 3.11 detected.
- Searching ZIP: AM70.ZIP - PKWARE Support BBS (414)354-8670
- Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Attr Name
- ------ ------ ----- ----- -------- ----- -------- ---- ------------
- 76812 DeflatX 23139 70% 01-30-1992 12:03 971fea04 --w- AM.DOC
- 191872 DeflatX 80773 58% 01-31-1992 15:02 25cf904a --w- AM.EXE
- 11664 DeflatX 6935 41% 01-30-1992 11:57 183b5606 --w- AM.HLP
- 149567 DeflatX 63211 58% 01-31-1992 15:02 bf2fffee --w- AM.OVR
- 2262 DeflatX 1021 55% 03-16-1991 10:39 50b63fc5 --w- NEW-WARE.BBS
- 5327 DeflatX 2068 62% 10-14-1991 11:25 924efc72 --w- PATHINFO.TXT
- 130 DeflatX 118 10% 11-14-1990 10:05 fd1b1183 --w- PROGMENU.AM
- 3664 DeflatX 1644 56% 04-04-1991 10:32 c8d5c9cf --w- PROGMENU.DOC
- 1688 DeflatX 740 57% 11-10-1990 11:27 8ef23b8a --w- READ!.POP
- 1416 DeflatX 595 58% 01-30-1992 12:03 32b1497e --w- VENDOR.DOC
- 2167 DeflatX 949 57% 01-30-1992 12:07 2e13f4d4 --w- WARNING.!!!
- 2200 DeflatX 1049 53% 01-30-1992 12:01 20c953ee --w- WHAT'S.NEW
- ------ ------ --- ------------
- 448769 182242 60% 12
- This is the standard, unsorted view of the .ZIP file contents. The columns
- displayed from left to right consist of:
- Length Original (non-compressed) size of the file
- Method Type of compression routine used on this file
- Size Current (compressed) size of the file
- Ratio Percent reduction in file size
- Date Date of the file
- (as it would appear in a directory listing)
- Time Time of the file
- CRC-32 The value of the file as calculated by the CRC-32 routine
- Attribute The stored attributes of the file,
- (system, hidden, writable, read-only, *=encrypted)
- Name Name of the file
- The -vb (brief) option will display an identical listing, minus the
- CRC-32 and Attribute columns.
- The -vt option shows additional technical information about a file.
- When this option is active, a report similar to the following will
- be displayed:
- C:\>pkzip am70 -vt am.doc
- PKZIP (R) FAST! Create/Update Utility Version 2
- Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKZIP/h for help
- PKZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off. Patent No. 5,051,745
- -80486 CPU detected.
- -XMS version 3.00 detected.
- -Novell Netware version 3.11 detected.
- Searching ZIP: AM70.ZIP - PKWARE Support BBS (414)354-8670
- Filename: AM.DOC
- File type: text
- Attributes: --w-
- Date and Time: Jan 30,1992 12:03:54
- Compression Method: DeflatX
- Compressed Size: 23139
- Uncompressed Size: 76812
- 32 bit CRC value: 971fea04
- Created by: PKZIP: 2.0 under MS-DOS
- Needed to extract: PKUNZIP: 2.0
- The "File type" is a judgment made by PKZIP during compression based
- upon the contents of the file. It will be either "BINARY" or "TEXT".
- The "Created By" lists both the version level of PKZIP and the
- operating system used when the .ZIP file was created. Below that is
- listed the minimum version of PKUNZIP that would be required to
- extract the file.
- Sort Order
- By adding one of the following letters to the -v, -vb, or -vt command
- you can specify the sort order of the display.
- d File Date
- e File Extension
- n File Name
- o Natural Order
- (Sort order can be permanently specified in the configuration
- file, the "o" option will override this.)
- p Percentage of compression, smallest to largest
- s File Size, smallest to largest
- Any of the above sort orders may be reversed with an "r".
- r Reverse display order
- If you wish to also view the individual file comments with the
- listing specify "c" on the command line.
- pkzip hildie.zip -vbcnr
- This example would display a brief list of the file contents,
- including individual file contents, and sorted in reverse name order.
- View With MORE
- pkzip totoro.zip -vtrm
- This example makes use of the "more" feature available with the view
- command. This causes the display to pause after every 25 lines of
- information. Adding an `m' to any -v command will cause it to pause
- every screen.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -w<h,s> Take hidden, system files
- -W<h,s> Skip hidden, system files
- (used to override configuration file)
- Normally PKZIP will skip any Hidden or System files that fall within
- the files specified for compression. (See the -j option and your DOS
- manual for an explanation of what Hidden and System files are).
- If you wish to force PKZIP to take Hidden or System files you may do
- so by specifying the -w option, combined with the appropriate
- attribute. These attributes will normally be stored as part of the
- .ZIP file information unless specified with the -J option.
- pkzip all.zip -whs a:\*.*
- This example would zip all files in the root of the A: floppy drive,
- including any hidden or system files.
- pkzip att_test -whs -Jhs c:\*.*
- This would take all files as above, and would also discard the file
- attributes. This option may be made the default. See PKZIP
- Configuration.
- See Also: -j
- ________________________________________________________________
- -x<filename> Exclude files
- -x@listfile.lst Exclude a list of files
- Using -x allows you to specify files that you do NOT want used as
- part of a PKZIP operation. Either a specific filename or a file
- pattern may be specified. You may use -x multiple times on the same
- command line, and you may exclude a list of files. The list file is
- structured and treated identically to all other List Files.
- pkzip testfile.zip *.txt -xpizza.txt
- This example would compress all the files with a "txt" extension that
- are in the current directory, but would NOT compress the file
- "pizza.txt"
- pkzip test2.zip *.* -x*.txt
- Here we take all of the files EXCEPT the files with a "txt"
- extension.
- pkzip test3.zip *.* -xcommand.com -xautoexec.* -xconfig.*
- In this last example all files are specified for extraction, one
- specific file is being excluded, and any files which match two file
- patterns are excluded.
- See Also: Using List Files, -@
- ________________________________________________________________
- -z Create or modify a .ZIP file comment
- Each .ZIP file may have a comment embedded into it. This comment
- will be displayed when the file is extracted, viewed or modified.
- A comment may be added to an existing file, or added when a .ZIP file
- is first created. PKZIP will prompt you for the .ZIP file comment,
- and allow you to enter up to 127 characters. It is possible to embed
- larger comments (up to 4096 characters) by using the following
- procedure:
- 1) Create the .ZIP file.
- 2) Create the comment file (comment.txt).
- This can be done with any editor that is able to output a standard
- DOS text file. It must be plain ASCII or ANSI text (if it is ANSI
- text you must also use the -q option). Although the filename
- comment.txt is used here, any filename may be used.
- 3) Issue the command:
- pkzip zipfile.zip -z < comment.txt
- This makes use of the MS-DOS redirection ability, redirecting the
- contents of the file COMMENT.TXT as the input for the comment of
- To add a comment to multiple .ZIP files (within the current
- directory) Issue the command:
- for %f in (*.ZIP) do pkzip %f -z < comment.txt
- Note that the text of a comment is not compressed. If you have a
- large message you wish to attach to the .ZIP file it is better to
- have a short summary and put any longer message in the .ZIP file
- itself. Technically, a .ZIP file comment may be as large as 64k,
- but PKUNZIP will not display a .ZIP file comment this large.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -! Encrypt authenticity verifiable data into the .ZIP file
- Using this command option instructs PKZIP to embed Authenticity
- Verification (AV) information within the .ZIP file it is creating.
- This option may only be used if you have received and installed the
- AV information for your fully Registered copy of PKZIP from PKWARE
- Inc.
- Note that AV codes for PKZIP 2.0 and above are different than those
- used for version 1.10.
- Please see the section on Authenticity Verification for complete
- information.
- ________________________________________________________________
- @[filename] Specify LIST file
- This option specifies a plain ASCII text file to be used as the list
- of files to be archived. PKZIP will read in this file listing and
- generate the complete list of files that must be processed. A list
- file may contain wild card specifications (?,*) as well as exact
- file names:
- files.bbs
- *.txt
- *.*
- text\news.asc
- d:\text\*.ans
- c:/dos/edit.com
- All of the above would be valid entries in a list file. Notice that
- both forward and backward slashes may be used and mixed.
- The size of a list file that may be processed is limited. The total
- size of the list file depends upon two factors.
- The first is path storage. If paths are specified in the list file
- and are NOT stored with the -P option, the list file size is limited
- to approximately 7000 bytes.
- If paths are specified and are stored, the list file size is limited
- to 9700 bytes.
- If a list file has drive letters specified as part of the file names
- within the file, the maximum list file size is reduced. When paths
- are not stored the maximum size is 5100 bytes, when they are stored
- 6600 bytes.
- Note that this table corresponds to the total size of all list files
- being used in a single command.
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | List File Size Limits | No Path Storage | Path Storage (-P) |
- |----------------------------+------------------+-------------------|
- | Drive Letters in List File | 5100 bytes* | 6600 |
- |----------------------------+------------------+-------------------|
- | No Drive Letter | 7000 | 9700 |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- * These numbers are approximate and may vary depending on your
- configuration.
- If the list file is too big, you will receive an "Insufficient
- Memory" error. If you have a list file which is too big, you may
- split it into two or more smaller list files and perform multiple
- PKZIP operations.
- See Also: Using List Files, -@
- ________________________________________________________________
- -& Create multi-volume archive
- When this option is specified PKZIP will create a .ZIP file which is
- larger than a single floppy disk. This option may only be specified
- when creating a .ZIP file on removable media (i.e. a floppy disk or
- high capacity cartridge drive).
- If PKZIP encounters an unformatted floppy disk it will format it
- before it continues. This means that you will not need to anticipate
- the exact number of floppies that will be needed ahead of time. For
- complete information on the use of this and related options, please
- see the PKZIP Backup Guide at the end of this manual.
- PKZIP for DOS cannot span self-extracting .ZIP files. You may,
- however optionally create a batch file (e.g. install.bat) that is
- configured to extract a standard spanned .ZIP archive. For example,
- the batch file might contain a line similar to the following:
- pkunzip -d a:program.zip c:\test
- Such a batch file would create the c:\test directory on the
- destination computer and then unzip the file called program.zip into
- that directory. PKUNZIP prompts the user to enter the diskettes in
- the proper extraction order.
- ** DOS 3.0 or greater is required to span .ZIP files. DOS 3.2 or
- greater is required for full diskette format support.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -$[d] Store Volume label as part of .ZIP archive
- When this option is specified PKZIP will store the Volume Label of
- the specified device as part of the information within the .ZIP file
- it is creating or modifying. The letter of the drive containing the
- desired label should be specified in place of the [d] on the option
- statement. Do not include a colon.
- pkzip doug.zip -rp -$b b:*.*
- In this example a .ZIP file called "doug" is created in the current
- directory. It consists of the complete contents of the B: drive
- including it's subdirectories and Volume Label.
- Volume Label
- Every drive that can be accessed on your computer is referred to as
- a VOLUME. This includes not only your hard disk but also floppy
- disks, and may include other storage devices such as CD ROM drives
- or large capacity removable drives such as those manufactured by
- SyQuest or Iomega. Each of these drives may have a VOLUME LABEL. This
- is a text string which identifies it. This is particularly useful on
- removable media, such as floppy disks. Each floppy may have a label
- which is meaningful to you, or to a piece of software. For further
- information on VOLUME LABELS please refer to your DOS manual.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -@filename.txt Generate LIST file
- ** Please note that this option is different from using a list file.
- When PKZIP is reading a list file there is no dash in front of
- the @.
- This option causes PKZIP to generate a LIST file out the specified
- file name instead of performing a ZIP operation. The output file will
- be a plain ASCII file with one file name per line, and will be
- identical to the listing of the files PKZIP would have placed into a
- .ZIP file had the -@ option not been used.
- If the -rp is specified the list file will include paths in addition
- to the file names. If the pattern/filespec is on a different drive,
- the drive letter will be included as well.
- pkzip dummy.zip -@test.txt *.*
- This would generate a list file called "test.txt". Note that the
- dummy .ZIP file name is needed. The name of the .ZIP file specified
- does not matter as it is not actually used.
- pkzip dummy.zip -@test2.txt -rp d:\*.*
- This would create a list file of the ENTIRE contents of the D drive.
- If the current directory is not D:\ when this command is issued the
- drive will be included with each filename in the list file.
- This option can also be useful in conjunction with an existing .ZIP
- file. For example, to generate a list of all files which have been
- modified since they were placed in the .ZIP file "akiko.zip":
- pkzip akiko.zip -f -@modified.txt *.*
- See Also: Using List Files
- ________________________________________________________________
- -= Open file in compatibility mode
- This option will cause PKZIP to open files in "compatibility" mode,
- as opposed to "sharing" mode.
- Using this option will cause PKZIP to ignore most file locking,
- including share.
- In some networking situations this will allow you to read a file
- which would otherwise not be accessible due to file locking.
- The PKZIP temporary file
- During compression, PKZIP uses a temporary file. As each file is
- added to the .ZIP file it is first compressed into this temporary
- file and then appended to the .ZIP file.
- By default this temporary file is created in the current directory.
- You may have this temporary file created in a different directory by
- setting the environment variable PKTMP. Set this equal to the drive
- you wish to use as your temporary file location.
- For optimal performance on your local hard drive, the PKTMP could be
- set equal to a RAM drive if a large enough one is available. The
- temporary file location must have enough free space to hold the
- largest file in it's compressed state.
- For optimal performance when creating a .ZIP file on a Novell Netware
- volume, set the PKTMP equal to any drive on the same server. This
- will achieve the best performance, and is superior to using the local
- hard drive or the RAM drive.
- C:\>set pktmp=z:\
- PKUNZIP Command Option Guide
- ________________________________________________________________
- -c Extract files to the console
- -cm Extract files to the console with more
- (pause between screens)
- This command will extract files from a .ZIP file and display them on
- the monitor. The extracted files will scroll continuously on the
- screen. The software can be instructed to pause after each screen of
- output by using the -cm option.
- pkunzip pk250dos.exe -cm readme.txt
- This example lists the text file readme.txt screen from the
- self-extracting .ZIP file "pk250dos.exe". The display will pause and
- wait for a key press between each screen of text.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -d Restore directory structure
- This command option uses the path names that have been stored in the
- .ZIP file by PKZIP. If the stored paths do not exist at the
- extraction destination, they will be created.
- For example: If the following directory tree exists on drive C:
- C:\---ABC---DIR1
- | +-DIR2---DIR3
- | +-DIR4
- +-XYZ
- +-PDQ
- If you executed:
- pkzip -rp a:stuff c:\abc\*.*
- A .ZIP file called STUFF would be created containing all the files
- in the directory "abc", as well as any subdirectories below that
- directory.
- If you then executed:
- pkunzip -d a:stuff c:\xyz\newabc
- The directory structure of drive C: would now look like this:
- C:\---ABC---DIR1
- | +-DIR2---DIR3
- | +-DIR4
- +-PDQ +-DIR2---DIR3
- +-DIR4
- All of the files and subdirectories which were originally in the
- "abc" directory are now located in the "newabc" directory (shown in
- the box). Note that the "newabc" directory was created by PKUNZIP
- because it was specified on the command line.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -e[r][c,d,e,n,p,s] Extract files in a sorted order
- This option is used to specify a particular order in which to extract
- files from a .ZIP file. These options are used along with the -e.
- Each option will cause extraction sorted in ascending order of the
- particular criteria.
- Sort Options
- r Reverse sort order
- c CRC Value
- d Date
- e File Extension
- n File Name
- p Percentage (ratio) of compression
- s File Size
- The most useful of these options will normally be extraction in order
- of Date, Name, or Extension. Extraction in value of CRC order is in
- effect a random extraction.
- In this example the files contained within the .ZIP file ZUCKER would
- be extracted in the order of their names.
- pkunzip -en zucker.zip
- To reverse the order of extraction combine with the [r].
- pkunzip -ern zucker.zip
- ________________________________________________________________
- -f Freshen files in extract directory
- This function is the inverse of the freshen function in PKZIP. When
- this option is used, the PKUNZIP command will be executed normally
- except that files will be extracted only if:
- -> The files already exist in the target directory or directories
- -> The files in the .ZIP file are newer than the files in the
- extract directory.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -h Display command summary (Help)
- This option will display a brief summary of the command switches
- available.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -j<h,r,s,a> Specifies masking of file attributes (default)
- -J<h,r,s,a> Specifies extraction of file attributes
- During normal use, PKUNZIP does not extract hidden, system, read-only,
- or archive files. If there are files stored within a .ZIP file
- that have any of these attributes, you must specify the -J (upper
- case) option to keep the attributes.
- pkunzip stuff.zip -Jhsra
- In this example all the attributes would be preserved.
- See Also: -w, -j
- ________________________________________________________________
- -l Display license information
- This command will display the software license agreement.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -n Extract only newer files
- This option is the complement of the -u option in PKZIP. When this
- option is used files will only be extracted if:
- -> They do not exist already in the target directory
- OR
- -> They are newer than the file already in the target directory
- This means that files which already exist and are more recent than
- those in the .ZIP file will not be overwritten.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -o Overwrite previously existing files
- -o- Never overwrite files
- This option will cause PKUNZIP to overwrite any files that already
- exist in the target directory, without prompting. When this option is
- not specified PKUNZIP will pause if it attempts to extract a file
- that already exists. It will prompt you:
- PKUNZIP: Warning! File XXXXXX already exists. Overwrite (y/n/a/r)?
- If you forget to specify the -o when you give the PKUNZIP command,
- you may respond to the above question with "a" (All). PKUNZIP will
- continue as though a -o had been specified originally.
- The -o- option will cause PKUNZIP to skip any file which already
- exists, regardless of file sizes or dates.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -p[a/b] [c] [#] Extract files to the printer
- This option is used to extract files from a .ZIP file and send them
- to a printer (serial or parallel) for printing. The command
- parameters are defined and several examples are given here to make
- this complex command clear.
- -pa Extract to the printer device in ASCII mode
- -pb Extract to the printer device in BINARY mode
- ASCII mode is commonly used to print text. It will form feed after \
- each file when multiple files are being extracted.
- Binary mode does not send any extra characters, extracting purely the
- contents of the file to the specified device. This is commonly used
- to send fonts or graphics to a laser printer. It will not form feed
- between files.
- The a and b options cannot be mixed in the same command line.
- In combination with the -pa or -pb option you may specify the port
- to which PKUNZIP should extract. If only a number between 1 and 9 is
- specified, the extraction will go to that number of printer port
- (LPT1 through LPT9). If a "c" is specified PKUNZIP will extract to
- the COM port. The "c" option may also be combined with a number from
- 1 to 9, specifying COM1 through COM9.
- This example will extract the specified files to the parallel port
- LPT1.
- pkunzip sesame.zip *.doc -p
- This example is extracting files in binary mode to a printer on the
- second serial port.
- pkunzip graphix.zip *.eps -pbc2
- Here the files are extracted to a printer on the second parallel port
- in ASCII mode.
- pkunzip docs.zip -pa2
- You may specify a value from 1 to 9 for your port designation.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -q Enable ANSI comments
- -q- Ignore ANSI control codes (default)
- By default, ANSI control codes embedded in comments are not displayed
- by PKUNZIP. When the -q option is used these ANSI sequences will be
- output and interpreted by the ANSI device driver if one is present.
- This option can be forced on by default in the configuration file.
- The configuration option to add is:
- ANSI=enabled
- The enabling of ANSI control codes in the configuration file may be
- overridden at the command line by using -q-.
- ANSI control codes provide the feature of adding color to text on a
- system which has ANSI.SYS loaded in the CONFIG.SYS.
- ** However, ANSI control codes also perform many other features,
- some of which can be potentially hazardous if you do not know the
- source and contents of the comment. It is for this reason that
- PKZIP and PKUNZIP filter out ANSI control codes unless you
- explicitly tell them not to.
- PKWARE has created an addition to the ANSI.SYS driver called PKSFANSI
- (PK Safe ANSI). By using this in conjunction with your normal
- ANSI.SYS you can be sure of receiving only the ANSI characters that
- you want. PKSFANSI is provided by PKWARE free of charge. It is
- included on the PKZIP distribution disk.
- See Also: -q
- ________________________________________________________________
- -s[password] Decrypt files
- This option is used to unscramble (decrypt) the files in a .ZIP file.
- PKZIP has a -s option which is used to encrypt the files. If a
- password is not specified the user will be prompted for it. When
- extracting a .ZIP file that has been encrypted, the files will not be
- extracted unless the correct key (password) is included on the
- command line or entered at the prompt.
- pkunzip payroll.zip -o -sSecret *.dbf
- ** Notice there is no space between the -s and the encryption key.
- In the previous example, all files with a "dbf" extension will be
- extracted and the key "Secret" applied to them. This will only work
- if the files have been compressed with the key of "Secret" applied to
- them.
- ** This option is case sensitive. This means that "Secret", "secret"
- and "SECRET" would be considered different passwords.
- See Also: Using Data Encryption, -s
- ________________________________________________________________
- -t Test .ZIP file integrity
- This option is used to test files within a .ZIP file in order to
- verify that they are valid and have not been corrupted. PKUNZIP will
- perform all the actions that would normally be taken during a .ZIP
- file extraction, except that files will not be written to disk.
- The data will be extracted and checked against the CRC to ensure it's
- validity. After each file is checked it's name will be displayed with
- an "OK".
- C:\PKSTUFF>pkunzip zc102 -t
- Searching ZIP: ZC102.ZIP - PKWARE Support BBS (414)354-8670
- Testing: ZC.DOC OK
- Testing: ZC.EXE OK
- Testing: ORDER.FRM OK
- Testing: VER-HIST.TXT OK
- In this example a command is issued which performs a test on the .ZIP
- file "zc102". As each file is tested its name is displayed. Note that
- the .ZIP file comment is displayed.
- If you test a file that is not a .ZIP file, or specify particular
- files within the .ZIP file that do not exist, you will receive the
- message:
- PKUNZIP: (E11) No file(s) found.
- Testing a .ZIP file with errors would produce a display something
- like this:
- Searching ZIP: PROBLEM.ZIP
- Testing: WORLD.M~ PKUNZIP: (W15) Warning! file fails CRC check
- PROBLEM.ZIP has errors!
- Normally, a CRC failure as above indicates that a file has been
- damaged either in storage or transmission. For instructions on
- attempting to repair a .ZIP file that has been corrupted, see
- PKZIPFIX in the Troubleshooting section.
- See Also: Troubleshooting, F.A.Q.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -v[b][r,c|d|e|n|p|s][m] View [brief] file information
- -vt[m] View Technical file information
- The -v option for PKUNZIP is the same as the -v option for PKZIP,
- with one exception. In PKUNZIP the `c' option for sorting refers to
- the CRC value. For PKUNZIP this option refers to the Comment of a
- file.
- For complete information, please see the -v option in the PKZIP
- Command Reference.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -x<filespec> Exclude files from extraction
- -x@list.txt Exclude list of files from extraction
- By specifying a -x as part of the PKUNZIP command, you may prevent a
- file or group of files from being extracted. Using -x with a list
- file will allow you to exclude a list of files from extraction.
- pkunzip fd201.zip -x*.doc
- In this example all files are extracted from the .ZIP file
- "fd201.zip" except for those with a ".doc" extension.
- -x may be used more than once on the command line, and may be used in
- combination with specific filespecs and list files.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -$ Restore volume label
- This command is used to restore any volume label that has been stored
- in the .ZIP file. It is important to remember that the PKZIP command
- used to store a volume label does not store a drive letter along with
- the label. Upon extraction, the volume label will be assigned to the
- target drive.
- C:\>pkunzip davebk.zip -$ a:
- This example will extract the contents of "davebk.zip" to the A:
- drive. If a volume label was stored as part of the .ZIP file, the
- volume label for the floppy in drive A: will be reset to the one
- contained in davebk.zip.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -@filename.txt Generate LIST file
- Please note that this option is different from using a list file.
- When a list file is to be read by PKZIP there is no dash in front of
- the @.
- Using this option will cause a list file to be generated using the
- specified file name instead of a normal PKUNZIP operation being
- performed. The output file will be a plain ASCII file with one file
- name per line, and will be identical to the listing of files PKUNZIP
- would have extracted had the -@ option not been used.
- pkunzip underdem.zip -@showme.txt
- This would create a list file called "showme.txt" containing a list
- of all the files present within the .ZIP file. File specs may be used
- in conjunction with this type of command, in the same manner as a
- normal extraction command. Also the -e option may be used for
- sorting. The following example creates an alphabetized list file of
- only the ".doc" files within it:
- pkunzip manuals.zip -en *.doc -@docs.txt
- The extension of ".txt" on a list file is not mandatory, but
- recommended editing ease.
- See Also: Using List Files, @, -@
- PKUNZIP as an Environment Variable
- PKUNZIP includes the ability to use an environment variable as a
- continuation of the command line. An option, or number of options may
- be specified by an environment variable. PKUNZIP will treat the
- variables as if they were passed on the command line. For example:
- set PKUNZIP=-)
- This example would disable DPMI usage. Be aware that since the
- PKUNZIP environment variable is a continuation of the command line,
- it will supersede any preceding option on the command line.
- See Also: Disable DPMI Support
- Creating Self-Extracting Files
- The PKZIP utilities offer a self-extraction capability. This means
- that you can make a .ZIP file into an .EXE file. This file will in
- effect be able to extract itself. A PKSFX (PK-Self Extracting) file
- consists of a .ZIP file which has been transformed into a
- self-extracting file by the utility ZIP2EXE. There is no utility or
- file called "SFX" or "PKSFX", but the self-extracting file will show
- PKSFX on the banner in the same manner as PKUNZIP:
- PKSFX (R) FAST! Self Extract Utility Version 2
- Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKSFX/h for help
- PKSFX Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
- In order to create a self-extracting file, you must first create a
- .ZIP file. Once this .ZIP file is created, use the ZIP2EXE utility to
- convert this .ZIP file into an .EXE file.
- D:\>zip2exe test.zip
- ZIP2EXE (tm) Self-Extract Creator Version 2
- Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. ZIP2EXE/h for help
- D:\>
- As you can see, an .EXE file by the same name as the .ZIP file is
- created. The original .ZIP file is not deleted.
- The Junior Self-Extractor
- ** Turning a .ZIP file into an .EXE file increases the size because
- of the included extraction program. The added size is
- approximately 13.5K bytes. If space is at a premium, and you are
- willing to sacrifice functionality for size, try PKSFX Junior.
- The PKSFX Junior is somewhat smaller, and offers very few command
- line options due to this reduced size. The options which are
- available with the PKSFX Junior are indicated on the PKSFX command
- summary.
- To create a PKSFX Junior file, add the command line option -j when
- performing the ZIP2EXE step.
- D:\>zip2exe -j test.zip
- ** PKSFX Junior adds approximately 3K bytes to the .ZIP file.
- PKSFX Junior can handle a maximum of 512 files. Although PKSFX Junior
- has this limit to the number of files it can handle, there is no
- limit to the file size.
- The PKUNZIP Junior (PKUNZJR.COM) program is an extremely small
- stand-alone extraction program. It is used in the same manner as
- PKUNZIP but it has only the functionality of the PKSFX Junior
- self-extractor.
- PKUNZIP(R) FAST! Mini Extract Utility Version 2
- Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- PKUNZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
- Usage: pkunzjr [-o] filename[.zip] [output_path]
- ** When using PKUNZJR or PKSFX Junior, remember to end your output
- path with a : or a \. Because PKUNZJR and PKSFX Junior were
- designed to be as small as possible, please note that they
- perform minimal error checking.
- PKUNZIP Junior has one option, -o. This option is the same as that
- for PKUNZIP (Senior).
- PKUNZIP Junior accepts the .ZIP file name on the command line, and
- may optionally accept an output path. PKUNZIP Junior cannot extract
- specific files, but must extract the entire .ZIP file.
- PKUNZIP Junior cannot extract a file containing more that 512 files,
- and does not support multiple volume (spanned) .ZIP files.
- ** PKUNZJR and PKSFX Junior do NOT presently provide support for
- Long File Names (i.e. LFN).
- PKSFX Command Summary
- Command line syntax and options are the same as PKUNZIP. The options
- listed below are offered by a self-extracting file.
- Syntax: pksfx [option] [d:\path] [file]* [file]*
- PKSFX indicates the name of the self-extracting file you are
- executing. No options are necessary if you wish to simply extract all
- files to the current directory. If you wish to extract the contents
- to another directory, indicate the drive and/or path the files should
- extract to. To extract only particular files, indicate the name(s)
- at the end of the command line.
- Options:
- @listfile.txt Specify list of files for extraction*
- -c[m] Extract to console*
- -d Re-create directories stored in .ZIP file*
- -l Display software license agreement*
- -n Extract only newer files*
- -o Overwrite existing files
- -p[a|b][c][#] Extract to printer*
- -s<password> Decrypt with password*
- -t Test file integrity*
- *Indicates options not available in the PKSFX Junior and PKUNZIP
- Junior programs.
- Options should be placed after the self-extracting files name. If
- multiple options are used they must be separated by a space and each
- must have its own option indicator (either - or /).
- All options behave in the same manner as they do with PKUNZIP, with
- one exception. The -s option cannot accept keyboard entry. A password
- entered with a self-extracting file must be able to be entered from
- the command line.
- Modifying a Self-Extracting File
- A self-extracting file can be operated upon by PKZIP and PKUNZIP in a
- manner identical to normal .ZIP files. You will need to specify the
- full file name including the EXE extension.
- C:\>pkzip test.exe -f d:\*.*
- There is no difference between operating on a self-extracting file
- and a normal .ZIP file.
- A Note About Self-Extracting Files
- When you create a self-extracting file, you are adding a copy of the
- extraction code to that file. Since this code duplicates the
- functionality of the PKUNZIP program, it makes sense to use the
- self-extractor only when PKUNZIP will not be present on the machine
- to extract the file.
- If you create many self-extracting files for your own use, you will
- be using more space unnecessarily. Therefore it is recommended that
- you only use the self-extracting capability when you are sending a
- file to someone that you know does not have a compatible PKUNZIP.
- Stripping the PKSFX Code
- You may have occasion to want to keep the contents of a
- self-extracting file, but wish to turn it back to a normal .ZIP file.
- ZIP2EXE offers an option to reverse the process. This is done with
- the command line switch -e:
- F:\>zip2exe -e test.exe
- ZIP2EXE will recognize normal and PKSFX Junior files automatically.
- Sending a Self-Extractor
- If you are sending a PKSFX file to someone who is not familiar with
- data compression and/or PKWARE products, we recommend you tell them
- to do the following:
- With PKSFX Junior:
- 1) Create a temporary directory on the hard drive to hold the files
- contained in the self-extracting file.
- C:\>md temp
- 2) Change to the directory that was just created.
- C:\>cd temp
- C:\temp>
- 3) Place the diskette containing the self-extracting file into the A:
- or B: drive.
- 4) Type the name of the self-extractor, including the path to the
- floppy drive.
- C:\temp>a:test
- With normal PKSFX:
- 1) Place the diskette containing the self-extracting file into the A:
- or B: drive and change to that drive.
- C:\>a:
- 2) Type in the following;
- A:\>test -d c:\temp
- You may also wish to create a batch file or text file on the floppy
- disk containing the above steps. The contents of the self-extractor
- will be placed into this temporary directory. They can then examine
- or move the files at their leisure. The -d option ensures that any
- subdirectory information included will be re-created, and causes
- PKSFX to create the temporary directory for the user.
- A site license is required by a corporation, company, educational
- institution, or governmental agency for use of PKWARE software on the
- total number of computers that will use the software.
- Use of PKWARE programs for personal use is covered by your purchase
- of a single license for PKZIP. A Distribution License is required by
- a corporation, company, educational institution or governmental
- agency to use PKWARE programs to facilitate the distribution of
- software to outside parties.
- Please note that if a self-extracting file is used, a Distribution
- License is required, because PKWARE code is distributed in the form
- of the PKSFX program combined with the file(s) being distributed.
- Please contact PKWARE for more information if you intend to
- distribute self-extracting files.
- Confirm before extract
- If a PKSFX file has a .ZIP file comment attached, this comment is
- displayed before the file is extracted. By embedding a Control-S
- character (Hex 13, ASCII 19), you instruct PKSFX to pause. The
- display will look like this:
- Searching EXE: XXXXX.EXE -
- .
- .
- .
- (ZIP file comment text)
- .
- .
- .
- Do you want to extract these files now (y/n)?
- Press 'Y' to extract the files, 'N' o abort. Note that the Control-S
- character is not displayed. This control character may be located
- anywhere within the comment.
- If the user aborts by pressing 'N', an exit code of 12 will be
- returned by PKSFX. PKSFX Junior will return an exit code of 8.
- See: PKZIP -z for more information on .ZIP file comments, Appendix D
- for more information on exit codes.
- Memory Requirements
- The memory requirements for PKSFX are similar to those of PKUNZIP.
- PKSFX Junior, and PKUNZIP Junior require a minimum of 50K RAM free,
- and a maximum of 64K RAM free.
- Using List Files
- PKZIP, PKUNZIP and PKSFX offer a powerful feature; list files. List
- files are simply listings of files. They are used to simplify command
- lines, and make repetitive tasks less troublesome.
- List files can allow you to perform some complex tasks which
- otherwise would not be possible. List files can not only be read, but
- can also be created by PKZIP and PKUNZIP. Also, list files can be
- created and used by other programs, such as StupenDOS", PKZOOM" and
- PKZIP and PKUNZIP use List Files in two ways: files to be included
- and files to be excluded. If a List File is being created, the
- contents will reflect a listing of those files which would have been
- added, deleted, extracted or listed during a normal PKZIP/PKUNZIP
- operation.
- List File text may contain:
- -> Comments
- -> File Names
- -> Wild Cards
- -> Exact Path Names and Files
- -> Drive Letters
- List File text consists of plain ASCII. These files may be created
- using any text editor which can produce plain ASCII files, sometimes
- referred to as "DOS Text".
- All of the following lines would be valid in a List File:
- clowns.bmp
- *.exe
- project.*
- MSLR????.QWK
- ;This is a comment
- emp\census.txt ;This is also a valid comment
- D:\data\february.wk1
- D:\games\majong\*.*
- D:\QWK\*.REP
- A line in a list file is treated in an identical manner to files
- specified on the command line. Note that only files and comments are
- valid in a list file. Both forward and backward slashes may be used
- in a list file.
- Reading List Files
- A list file can be used in two different ways with PKZIP and PKUNZIP:
- -> Files to be acted upon in a ZIP operation.
- -> Files to be excluded from a ZIP operation.
- List files are usually specified with an @ (ASCII 64, normally above
- the 2 on your keyboard). The list file character can be changed by
- modifying the configuration file. Please note that the list file
- generation option (-@)) will also change to the selected list file
- character. Avoid using a character already used for another option.
- The simplest example of using a List File is when a .ZIP file is
- going to be created containing the files specified. If a List File
- called "test.txt" was created containing the following lines:
- *.COM
- 300Z.TXT
- And then used in a PKZIP command:
- C:\>pkzip sample.zip @test.txt
- All .COM files in the current directory would be added to the .ZIP
- file "SAMPLE.ZIP", as well as the file "300Z.TXT" if it existed.
- The contents of a List File that is specified are included. The
- contents of a List File specified after a -x are excluded. Multiple
- List Files to be included and excluded may be specified on the
- command line in addition to file names being listed alone on the
- command line.
- Following are several example usages of List Files, each with a
- short description of what action would be caused.
- C:\>pkzip first.zip @abc.txt -x@xyz.txt
- All files specified in "abc.txt" would be added to the .ZIP file
- "first.zip". Any files that match the file specification in "xyz.txt"
- would not be added.
- C:\>pkzip second.zip -d @abc.txt -x*.txt
- All files listed in "abc.txt" would be deleted from the .ZIP file
- "first.zip". Any files matching the "*.txt" specification would not
- be deleted.
- C:\>pkzip -vc third.zip @xyz.txt
- A file listing with comments will be shown for all files in
- "third.zip" which are listed in "xyz.txt"
- C:\>pkzip -rp backup.zip *.* -x@noback.txt
- A .ZIP file containing the entire drive would be created, excluding
- any files which match those in "noback.txt"
- ** Don't forget to use the @ in front of a list file name. If you do
- not use the @, the list file itself will be added to the .ZIP
- file.
- Generating List Files
- The Generation of list files can have many uses. Some suggested ways
- to use this feature are:
- -> Dividing Files to be Zipped into logical groups
- -> Easy exclusion of files already Zipped from a PKZIP operation
- -> Complex Batch File operations
- Keep in mind that a plain ASCII list file can be fed through other
- programs, like 'sort', and can be used by some other applications
- such as StupenDOS or PKZMENU.
- The list file generated by PKZIP or PKUNZIP when the -@ option is
- used contains the names of all the files which would have been acted
- upon in a normal ZIP operation.
- In a simple PKZIP command, the list file will contain a listing of
- all the files which would have been archived by PKZIP. If the list
- file is generated with a freshen or update command, the list file
- will contain those files which would have been added/updated in the
- .ZIP file.
- To generate a list file of your entire C: hard drive:
- C:\>pkzip dummy -rp -@cdrive.txt
- Note that the "dummy" .ZIP file name is necessary to have a valid
- PKZIP command.
- The list file generated by PKUNZIP will contain those files which
- would have been extracted.
- Using List files to debug
- You may find the generation of list files helpful when you are
- testing batch files. Let's say you have created a batch file which
- should compress several files as a backup procedure. Perhaps these
- files are very large and it takes several minutes to compress each
- one. This means that if you were to test the batch file simply by
- running it, it could take quite a while to find a problem and fix it.
- By generating a list file of what would have been compressed, you can
- check very quickly to make certain that the proper files are being
- selected.
- List file size
- The size of a list file that may be processed is limited. The total
- size of the list file depends upon two factors.
- The first is path storage. If paths are specified in the list file
- and are NOT stored with the -P option, the list file size is limited
- to 7000 bytes.
- If paths are specified and ARE stored, the list file size is limited
- to 9700 bytes.
- If a list file has drive letters specified as part of the file names
- within the file, the maximum list file size is reduced. When paths
- are not stored the maximum List File size is 5100 bytes. When they
- are stored the maximum List File size is 6600 bytes.
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | List File Size Limits | No Path Storage | Path Storage (-P) |
- |----------------------------+------------------+-------------------|
- | Drive Letters in List File | 5100 bytes* | 6600 |
- |----------------------------+------------------+-------------------|
- | No Drive Letter | 7000 | 9700 |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- * These numbers are approximate and may vary depending on your
- configuration.
- If the list file is too large, you will receive an "Insufficient
- Memory" error. If you have a list file which is too big, you may
- split it into two or more smaller list files and perform multiple
- PKZIP operations.
- Be Creative
- The list file functions give you a whole new level of power with
- PKZIP. When defining a problem and searching for a solution, don't
- forget to consider the power of these features.
- Using the list file features can give you access to new abilities
- PKZIP would not have inherently. Here are some example situations:
- Removing Old Files
- Suppose a .ZIP file 'work' contains 45 files. The contents of 'work'
- are extracted to a work directory and several of the files are
- deleted. How do you delete these files that are no longer necessary
- from the 'work' archive? Doing it manually would be very tedious.
- First create a list of the contents of the directory. By redirecting
- these file names to a list file you can capture an image of what
- needs to be kept in the .ZIP file.
- C:\work>pkzip dummy.zip *.* -@keep.txt
- The list file 'keep.txt' now contains the files we want preserved in
- the .ZIP file, files not in this list will be deleted:
- C:\work>pkzip work.zip -d *.* -x@keep.txtC:\work>del keep.txt
- The WORK.ZIP file now contains only those files which are also in the
- work directory.
- Sorting .ZIP Files
- Files will be added to a .ZIP file in the order that they are listed
- in the list file. This can be useful if you want the contents of a
- .ZIP file to be in a particular order. After generating a list file,
- bring it into an editor and modify it to meet your need. To create a
- .ZIP file that is sorted in alphabetical order, you would use the
- following series of commands:
- C:\work>pkzip test.zip *.* -@test.txt
- C:\work>sort < test.txt > sort.txt
- C:\work>pkzip test.zip @sort.txt
- C:\work>del test.txt sort.txt
- The SORT command used above is a standard DOS program. See your DOS
- manual for further information on this useful feature.
- Using Data Encryption
- The PKZIP utilities offer the ability to protect stored data through
- encryption. You should use PKZIP's encryption ability in place of any
- other encryption on files you intend to compress.
- This encryption ability has been made integral to the function of
- PKZIP and PKUNZIP to prevent the encryption from interfering with
- PKZIP's ability to compress. If you feel the need to encrypt your
- data to protect it, and are intending to compress the data as well,
- you should then use the encryption of PKZIP. Using the encryption
- capability of a spreadsheet or database program will prevent PKZIP
- from compressing the data efficiently.
- Encryption is enabled in PKZIP by use of the -s option. The
- encryption key, sometimes referred to as a "password", follows
- directly after the -s
- C:\>pkzip test.zip -ssecret d:\payroll\*.dbf
- Above, all the "dbf" files from the payroll directory have been
- compressed into a .ZIP file called "test.zip". During the compression
- they are also being encrypted based upon the key of "secret".
- The encryption scheme used by PKZIP is complex and robust. The
- encryption key is used to generate a number of binary encryption keys
- which are in turn used to determine how the compressed data is
- altered. Neither the original key or the derived keys are stored with
- the .ZIP file, nor are they retained anywhere else for that matter.
- This means you must remember the encryption key.
- +----------------------------------------------------------------+
- +----------------------------------------------------------------+
- It is also not possible to derive the original keys by examining the
- compressed data, or by analysis of original data versus encrypted
- data. This means that if you loose the key, there is no way to find
- it. PKWARE Inc. has no special means or technology for deriving the
- key or extracting the data without the key.
- Also note that a minute change in the key completely alters the
- encryption scheme. This means that the key must be exact. Any change
- in spelling, capitalization or punctuation causes a key to be
- completely different. Be certain that you know what the encryption
- key is and will not lose, forget, or mistype it.
- +------------------------------------------------+
- +------------------------------------------------+
- Capitalization is also important. "Secret", "secret" and "SECRET" are
- all completely different encryption keys. You should realize that a
- person who knows you could attempt to extract a file you have
- encrypted by using words they think you will use or can remember
- easily. This would be items such as:
- -> Your Spouse's name
- -> Your Social Security Number
- -> Your Address
- -> Your Dog's name
- Long Keys
- It is possible to have extremely long keys, or keys with spaces in
- them. The length of the encryption key is limited only by the length
- of a DOS command line. To use a key with spaces in it, you must
- enclose the password in quotation marks:
- C:\>pkzip test.zip -s"mary had a little lamb" *.dbf
- Passwords of this sort may be easy to remember, while proving to be
- very secure. Remember to use phrases that are not obvious to someone
- who knows you.
- Complex Keys
- If PKZIP or PKUNZIP is specified with only the -s and no encryption
- key following, the user is prompted for an encryption key.
- C:\>zip test -s *.com
- PKZIP (R) FAST! Create/Update Utility Version 2
- Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKZIP/h for help
- PKZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off. Patent No. 5,051,745
- Password ? ******
- -80486 CPU detected.
- -XMS version 2.00 detected.
- -Novell Netware version 3.11 detected.
- -Using Super Fast Compression.
- Creating ZIP: TEST.ZIP
- Adding: COMMAND.COM Deflating (36%), done.
- Adding: 4DOS.COM Deflating (34%), done.
- Asterisks are displayed in place of each character as you enter the
- encryption key. This feature offers added security in the event
- someone is watching as you type in the password.
- This method of entry may be easier or more comfortable to use. This
- also allows you to enter characters for the encryption key which
- cannot normally be entered from the keyboard.
- In order to enter one of these characters, hold down the [ALT] key
- and type the ASCII value of the character you wish to enter on the
- number pad. When you release the [ALT] key the character equal to the
- value typed will be entered into the Password field.
- The [TAB] key and other keys which could not normally be used since
- they would interfere with the PKZIP command line can be used when the
- password is entered in this manner.
- Passwords entered in this manner are limited to a maximum length of
- 64 characters.
- Multiple Keys
- Passwords can be used not only when creating a new .ZIP file but also
- when files are being added to an already existing .ZIP file. Let's
- assume you have a .ZIP file called "keyfun.zip" and it contains two
- files:
- june91.wk1
- june91.wp
- We'll also say that neither of these files are encrypted. Now let's
- add another file to this .ZIP file, and encrypt it while doing so:
- C:\>pkzip keyfun.zip -sPiZzA sensitiv.txt
- This will add the file "sensitiv.txt" with a encryption key of
- "PiZzA".
- Now add another file to the same .ZIP file with a different key:
- C:\>pkzip keyfun.zip -sDukeNUKE diary.txt
- At this point you have four files in "keyfun.zip". Two are not
- encrypted at all, and two are, but with different keys. A view of the
- file would appear like this:
- C:\>pkunzip -v keyfun
- PKUNZIP (R) FAST! Extract Utility Version 2
- Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKUNZIP/h for help
- PKUNZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
- -80486 CPU detected.
- -EMS version 4.00 detected.
- -XMS version 3.00 detected.
- Searching ZIP: KEYFUN.ZIP
- Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Attr Name
- ----- ------- ----- --- -------- ----- -------- ---- ------------
- 11664 Deflate 6937 41% 01-30-1992 11:57 183b5606 --w- JUNE91.WK1
- 76812 Deflate 23404 70% 01-30-1992 12:03 971fea04 --w- JUNE91.WP
- 5327 Deflate 2082 61% 10-14-1991 11:25 924efc72 --w-* SENSITIV.TXT
- 3664 Deflate 1654 55% 04-04-1991 10:32 c8d5c9cf --w-* DIARY.TXT
- ----- ----- --- ------------
- 97467 34077 66% 4
- Notice the * next to the Attribute column above. This indicates that
- a file is encrypted.
- Now, if you try to extract the file with no decryption key present
- you will only be able to extract the two files that are not
- encrypted:
- PKUNZIP (R) FAST! Extract Utility Version 2
- Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKUNZIP/h for help
- PKUNZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
- -80486 CPU detected.
- -EMS version 4.00 detected.
- -XMS version 3.00 detected.
- Searching ZIP: KEYFUN.ZIP
- Inflating: JUNE91.WK1
- Inflating: JUNE91.WP
- PKUNZIP: (W12) Warning! Skipping encrypted file: SENSITIV.TXT
- PKUNZIP: (W12) Warning! Skipping encrypted file: DIARY.TXT
- Extracting the file with a decryption key will extract any file that
- the key is valid for, but an error will be reported on any files
- with a different key.
- C:\>pkunzip keyfun -sPiZzA -o
- PKUNZIP (R) FAST! Extract Utility Version 2
- Copr. 1989-1999 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKUNZIP/h for help
- PKUNZIP Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off.
- -80486 CPU detected.
- -EMS version 4.00 detected.
- -XMS version 3.00 detected.
- Searching ZIP: KEYFUN.ZIP
- Inflating: JUNE91.WK1
- Inflating: JUNE91.WP
- Inflating: SENSITIV.TXT
- PKUNZIP: (W14) Warning! Incorrect password for file: DIARY.TXT
- How secure is PKZIP encryption?
- There are many factors to consider when using PKZIP encryption. There
- are also several levels and implications to consider.
- The first level of security is physical. Who has access to the .ZIP
- file? You need to be aware of who might be able to get to sensitive
- data located on your machine, on your floppies, or on your personal
- network drive.
- The potential hazards of using data encryption cannot be stressed
- strongly enough. Make certain that you will be able to recall what
- was used for the encryption key. Also be certain that all people who
- need to be able to access this data have agreed upon how the
- encryption will be performed.
- All forms of encryption, including the one used by PKZIP, are open to
- "brute force" attacks. This form of attack is simply the trying of
- many passwords until you find one that works.
- In order to help you protect your data from this sort of attack we
- present figures on how long a brute force attack, using a computer,
- would take. The scenario we present here assumes that your encrypted
- .ZIP file is being assaulted by a program which is designed
- specifically to do this.
- An encryption key may contain any valid ASCII character, not just A-Z
- in upper and lower case and punctuation marks. However, most people
- will just use the latter. The following table is indexed by the
- complexity of the password. Across the top is the range of characters
- used. The simplest assumes that only lower case letters from a to z
- were used. The next column assumes that all printable characters were
- used (a to z in upper and lower case, punctuation, brackets, etc.).
- The last column assumes a password containing the complete range of
- ASCII characters.
- The vertical index is the length of the password used. This impacts
- the strength of the password greatly. Think of it as a combination
- lock. A combination lock with only two numbers would be much easier
- to break than one with three or four numbers.
- We recommend that if you need a truly secure encrypted file, use an
- encryption key of at least six characters.
- The last assumption made is about the speed of the attacking program.
- For the purposes of this table, we assume that 10,000 possible keys
- are being attempted per second.
- Password "Hacking" Time
- +-------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Key | 26 characters | 96 characters | 256 characters |
- | Length | (a-z) | (a-z,A-Z,etc) | (All ASCII) |
- |--------+---------------+---------------+--------------------|
- | 3 | 2 seconds | 1 minute | 27 minutes |
- |--------+---------------+---------------+--------------------|
- | 4 | 1 minute | 2.35 hours | 4 days |
- |--------+---------------+---------------+--------------------|
- | 5 | 19 minutes | 9 days | 3 years |
- |--------+---------------+---------------+--------------------|
- | 6 | 8.6 hours | 2 years | 891 years |
- |--------+---------------+---------------+--------------------|
- | 7 | 9 days | 238 years | 2283 centuries |
- |--------+---------------+---------------+--------------------|
- | 8 | 241 days | 228 centuries | 584,546 cent. |
- |--------+---------------+---------------+--------------------|
- | 9 | 17 years | 21,945 cent. | 149,643,989 cent. |
- |--------+---------------+---------------+--------------------|
- | 10 | 447 years | 2,106,744 | 38,308,861,211 |
- | | | centuries | centuries |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------+
- Choose the complexity that you feel meets your needs, but keep in
- mind all that has been mentioned about losing and forgetting
- passwords.
- These figures represent the state of technology today. PKWARE Inc.
- cannot predict future technologies which may allow faster attempts at
- decryption of a .ZIP file.
- Note that these figures do not include the time needed to actually
- try all valid passwords. This would increase the time by several
- hundred percent, dependent upon the length of the file.
- Configuring PKZIP with the PKWARE.INI file
- PKZIP can have several of its features configured semi-permanently.
- These configuration changes are made through a configuration file
- called PKWARE.INI.
- This configuration file may be located in one of three places:
- 1) The current directory
- 2) A directory specified with the environment variable PKWARE.INI
- 3) The directory in which PKZIP.EXE is located
- PKZIP will search for the configuration in each location in the order
- listed above. This means that you may have a default configuration
- file that is easily overridden by using a configuration file in
- either of the first two locations.
- ** Any option that is set in the configuration file may be
- overridden from the command line.
- The configuration file may be edited manually with a text editor.
- The PKZIP/PKUNZIP Configuration Program
- ** The PKZIP/PKUNZIP configuration program (i.e. PKCFG.EXE) was not
- available at the time of this release and was therefore not
- included with this file set. Once this program is complete, it
- will be made available to qualified PKZIP users. Contact PKWARE
- for more information.
- The PKCFG program will look for an existing configuration file in the
- same locations and order that PKZIP would. If the PKCFG program finds
- an existing configuration file it will load it. The existing
- configuration values will be shown in place of the defaults.
- A list of options will be displayed on the screen. A highlighted
- cursor indicates the option you can modify. Use the [UP Arrow] and
- [DOWN Arrow] keys to move up and down through the list.
- Options may be toggled with either the the [LEFT Arrow] and [RIGHT
- Arrow] keys or by pressing the [ENTER] key. Some options have complex
- possibilities. When one of these is modified, a small dialog box with
- options to be changed will be displayed.
- To reset all displayed options to the default values press [F5]. In
- order to save the options you have selected to the configuration
- file, press [F1]. Press [F10] to exit the program. If you exit
- without saving changes, you will be prompted.
- The format of the PKWARE.INI file is similar to the following:
- pkzip options ...
- pkunzip options ...
- ** You may convert an older configuration file (i.e. PKZIP.CFG) with
- the pkcfg.exe configuration utility or by running the cnvcfg.bat
- file.
- The options available in a configuration file are shown in the
- following tables. The "Default Value" column shows the default value
- of each option.
- The default is the value that would be assumed if the option were not
- specified in the configuration file.
- ** PKCFG.EXE is included with the Registered version of PKZIP, and
- is not included with the Shareware version.
- PKZIP Configuration File Options
- +------------------------------------------------------------------+
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | ANSI | enabled | disabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | ZIPDATE | latest, keep | current |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | INCLUDE | hidden, system, | (NONE) |
- | | hidden/system | |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | EXCLUDE | hidden, system, | (NONE) |
- | | hidden/system | |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | MASK | readonly, hidden, | (NONE) |
- | | system, archive | |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | PASS | readonly, hidden, | (NONE) |
- | | system, archive | |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | VIEW | natural, extension, | (NONE) |
- | | size, date, name, | |
- | | percentage, comments, | |
- | | reverse, brief, long | |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | COMPRESS | extreme, maximum, fast, | normal |
- | | speed, store | |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | PATHS | all, recurse | (NONE) |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | RECURSE | on | off |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | LISTCHAR | (ANY) | @ |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | OPTIONCHAR | (ANY) | - |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | EMS | disabled | enabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | XMS | disabled | enabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | NET | disabled | enabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | 386 | disabled | enabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | DPMI | disabled | enabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | BACKUP | wipe, unconditional, | (NONE) |
- | | format, low, high, | |
- | | verify, span, full | |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | EXPMEMSPOOL | disabled | enabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | USELFN | disabled | enabled |
- +------------------------------------------------------------------+
- +------------------------------------------------------------------+
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | DIRECTORIES | enabled | disabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | ANSI | enabled | disabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | MASK | readonly, hidden, | (NONE) |
- | | system, archive | |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | VIEW | natural, crc, extension,| (NONE) |
- | | size, date, name, | |
- | | percentage, reverse, | |
- | | more, brief, long, | |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | EMS | disabled | enabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | XMS | disabled | enabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | 386 | disabled | enabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | DPMI | disabled | enabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | LISTCHAR | (ANY) | @ |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | OPTIONCHAR | (ANY) | - |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | NEWER | enabled | disabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | FRESHEN | enabled | disabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | LABEL | enabled | disabled |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | SORT | natural, crc, extension,| (NONE) |
- | | size, date, name, | |
- | | percentage, reverse | |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | PRINT | asc, bin, com# | (NONE) |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | PASS | readonly, hidden, | (NONE) |
- | | system, archive | |
- |---------------------+-------------------------+------------------|
- | OVERWRITE | always | never |
- +------------------------------------------------------------------+
- A configuration file consists of ASCII text. This file may be created
- with any text editor that can create a plain ASCII or `DOS Text'
- file.
- Examples
- Following are example configuration files with explanations of what
- they would accomplish.
- ;Example PKWARE.INI #1
- ;Config files may contain comments if they are prefaced by a
- ;semi-colon
- PATHS=recurse
- VIEW=brief/reverse/size
- COMPRESS=speed
- The first example configuration file does the following:
- -> Turns on the storage of paths that are found during recursion.
- This would make all commands using the -r option behave as though
- the -rp option was used.
- -> Any view (-v) command used without options will be shown in brief
- format, sorted in reverse order of the file size.
- -> All commands that do not specify the compression type will use the
- fastest (-es) method of compression.
- ;Example PKWARE.INI #2
- INCLUDE=hidden/system
- PATHS=all
- VIEW=extension
- EMS=off
- COMPRESS=extreme
- The second example configuration file does the following:
- -> Causes PKZIP to archive hidden and system files by default.
- Hidden and system files are normally skipped by PKZIP and not
- visible in directory listings.
- -> Any command will behave as though the -r option has been used
- -> All paths will be stored, both those specified on the command line
- and those found through recursion(-r).
- -> Any view (-v) command used without options will be shown sorted in
- order of file extension. Note that the view would be normal, the
- default value. If the view command were specified with -vb using
- the configuration file, the view would be brief, but the sort
- order specified in the configuration file would still be in effect
- unless overridden with a command line option.
- -> EMS usage is disabled.
- -> All commands that do not specify the compression type would use
- the highest compression possible (-exx).
- Application for Authenticity Verification
- In order to receive a serial number to use with the PUTAV program,
- please fill out and return this form to PKWARE. When the enclosed
- information is verified, you will receive your serial number from
- Please note that this does not constitute a license from PKWARE to
- distribute the executable programs PKZIP, PKUNZIP or self-extracting
- PKSFX files for commercial purposes. See LICENSE.DOC or contact
- PKWARE Inc. for more information about distribution licenses for the
- software.
- Please Read the entire section on AV before filling this out.
- 1) My full registration for PKZIP/PKUNZIP/PKSFX
- is enclosed (circle one) YES NO
- If yes, skip to step 3.
- 2) I have previously fully registered PKZIP/PKUNZIP/PKSFX in the
- past. The name under which the software is registered is:
- Name:________________________________________________________________
- Company:_____________________________________________________________
- Title:____________________________________ Date:_____________________
- Address:_____________________________________________________________
- City:__________________________________________ State:_______________
- Zip Code: ________________________
- Telephone #:(______)_________________ Fax #:(_____)__________________
- Approximate date of registration/purchase:___________________________
- 3) Please list the name that you want displayed by PKUNZIP when an
- authentic file created by you is verified (51 characters max).
- Since the purpose of the Authenticity Verification feature is to help
- provide detection of tampered, hacked or virus infected files, we ask
- that you provide only your company's name or individual's name for
- the AV string.
- The "AVEXTRA.TXT" feature was designed to additionally display
- telephone numbers, addresses, BBS numbers, BBS nodes or parameter,
- CompuServe addresses and similar information.
- |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|
- |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|
- |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|
- F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)
- This section lists some common questions about PKZIP and related
- subjects. We hope you will find this information helpful.
- Why do I get the message "Bad Command or Filename"?
- ===================================================
- If you see this message, DOS is telling you it can't find the program
- you are referring to. This can happen because you are either not
- spelling the name of the program properly, or you didn't put a space
- between the program name and its options, or the program is not in
- your path.
- Please see the Installation section and your DOS manual for more
- information.
- Why is this program so complicated?
- ===================================
- PKZIP initially was used to compress files that would be sent by
- modem. The people using PKZIP were mostly hobbyists with a fair
- amount of computer experience. PKZIP was designed to be powerful and
- fast.
- Someone who is familiar with the workings of PKZIP can be very
- efficient with the command line. The command line interface is vital
- for automated or batch use of PKZIP.
- Although PKZIP may seem very complex at first, it is easy to master
- if you take one step at a time. Start simply by following the
- Tutorial, then experiment and build on that knowledge as you need
- more features.
- Users who prefer using Graphical User Interfaces may wish to
- consider the "PKZMENU" product from PKWARE. This easy to use
- menu-driven program offers PKZIP compatibility. It features drop-down
- menus and a simple point and click interface.
- Why didn't the files I zipped get any smaller?
- ==============================================
- On occasion, you may find that the files you add to a .ZIP file do
- not compress. These files will be "stored". This will happen when a
- file is either already compressed or encrypted.
- In both cases the redundancy of the file will be gone, making
- compression difficult if not impossible. If the file is encrypted you
- should first save it without encryption, and then use the encryption
- feature of PKZIP.
- You will often find that files distributed with commercial
- applications are already compressed. A common example would be the
- graphic data files that come with games like Leisure Suit Larry or
- Ultima.
- I zipped up a bunch of files but now I have LESS disk space!?
- =============================================================
- When PKZIP compresses files, it makes a copy of the original file.
- The original file(s) are still present. If you wish to recover space
- that was taken up by the original file(s), you must either delete
- them yourself, or instruct PKZIP to delete the file(s) with the -m
- option.
- What's the difference between -u and -f?
- ========================================
- The update and freshen options are very similar. This may be
- confusing at first, but the difference between them is fairly easy
- to understand.
- The freshen option will tell PKZIP to archive any files which match
- those already in the .ZIP file. These files will only be
- re-compressed if they are newer than the files already in the .ZIP
- file. Each file is evaluated individually.
- The update option will archive all files, with one distinction. If
- the -u is not used, all files specified will be compressed and added
- to the .ZIP file, even if they already exist in the .ZIP file. By
- using the -u option, you instruct PKZIP to compare what is already
- in the .ZIP file against what it was asked to compress. If a file is
- already present in the .ZIP file and is also in the source directory,
- PKZIP will compress a file only if it is newer than the copy of the
- file within the .ZIP file. If a file in the source directory is not
- already present in the target .ZIP file, PKZIP will add it to the
- .ZIP file.
- Is PKZIP compression "lossy" or "lossless"?
- ===========================================
- PKZIP uses a "lossless" compression scheme. This means that 100% of
- the original data is preserved and re-created. There is absolutely no
- difference between the data that you put in and the data which you
- get back out.
- There are other compression methods that are known as "lossy". The
- idea behind these compression methods is that if you throw away some
- of the data, it becomes less complex and therefore can be compressed
- more. This type of compression is only useful for data that need not
- be precise. This applies to some applications that use pictures and
- sound.
- How do I zip up subdirectories?
- ===============================
- In order to ZIP up subdirectories you must both recurse
- subdirectories and preserve path names. This is done with the -r and
- -p options in combination. The options may be placed together as -rp.
- When a .ZIP file is created with paths stored, these paths will be
- visible in a view of the file (-v).
- To re-create these subdirectories, or to place files into their
- original subdirectories, the -d option must be used with PKUNZIP.
- Please see the tutorial for more information.
- I zipped up some subdirectories, but I can't get them to come back?
- ===================================================================
- Did you remember to use the -p option in addition to the -r option?
- You may have stored files that are in subdirectories but not
- preserved the path names as part of the .ZIP file. To check if there
- are paths in the .ZIP file, do a view of the file:
- pkunzip file.zip -v
- If you do not see paths as part of the file names within the .ZIP
- file, then paths were not stored and cannot be recovered. If you do
- see paths all you need to do is use the -d (directory creation)
- option when you extract the files.
- How do I unzip a single file that is in a subdirectory in the .ZIP file?
- ========================================================================
- Extracting a particular file from a .ZIP file is simple. You type
- PKUNZIP with the name of the .ZIP file and the name of the particular
- file you want. With a .ZIP file that contains paths the procedure is
- basically the same.
- Let's assume a "test" .ZIP file with these files in it:
- file1.txt
- apple\file2.txt
- apple\banana\file3.txt
- To extract only "file2.txt" from this .ZIP file you must specify the
- complete name. This would include the path.
- pkunzip test.zip apple\file2.txt
- Note there is no leading slash. This is how PKUNZIP differentiates
- between the files you are extracting with paths, and the target
- directory. "file2.txt" would be extracted to the current directory.
- If you wanted to extract it with its subdirectory simply include the
- -d option on the command line.
- How do I unzip a directory without also extracting its subdirectories?
- ======================================================================
- Using the above "test" .ZIP file we could extract the entire contents
- of the apple subdirectory easily:
- pkunzip test.zip apple\*.* -d
- If we did it as shown above we would not only extract all the files
- in the "apple" subdirectory, but also the "banana" subdirectory below
- it and any files it contains.
- To extract only the "apple" subdirectories contents, and nothing
- else, we must exclude those directories we do not wish to extract:
- pkunzip test.zip apple\*.* -d -xapple\banana\*.*
- If the "apple" subdirectory had multiple subdirectories off it you
- would need to exclude each one individually on the command line.
- What is AV?
- ===========
- AV is short for "Authenticity Verification". AV is a process whereby
- a copy of PKZIP has unique codes and information contained in it
- identifying the owner of the copy of PKZIP. This information is then
- encoded into a .ZIP file when it is created.
- When the file is extracted by PKUNZIP, this information is checked.
- If the .ZIP file has been modified by a copy of PKZIP other than the
- one which initially created it, PKUNZIP will report that the file has
- been tampered with.
- The advantage of this feature is to offer a layer of protection
- between the creator of an archive and the recipient. The recipient
- knows that the file received is the file that was sent, as well as
- being able to identify the creator if it is not known.
- Where is my AV number?
- ======================
- As a licensed user of PKZIP you are entitled to one AV number. In
- order to receive an AV number, you must apply for it.
- If you have a need to create AV encoded .ZIP files, fill out the form
- contained in the file "authveri.txt" found in your PKZIP archive.
- Mail or fax this form to PKWARE. Please allow up to four weeks for
- processing time, plus mail delays. The codes needed to install your
- AV number will be returned to you via US Mail. AV codes will not be
- returned by FAX, telephone, or any means other than US Mail.
- Please note that although the initial AV code is included with your
- purchase of a PKZIP license, changes or re-issues of an AV code may
- be at an additional cost.
- ** You must apply for your AV number. The serial number on the disk
- PKWARE sent to you has no relation to the AV number. The AV
- number is based solely on the information you provide for your AV
- identification string on the AV application form.
- I forgot my password, what do I do?
- ===================================
- 1. Read the chapter "Using Data Encryption"
- 2. Try to remember the password.
- 3. Try passwords that are "close" to what you think it was.
- 4. Try mixed upper and lower case versions of your password.
- ** There really is nothing that can be done if you lose or forget
- your password. Don't forget or lose your passwords! PKWARE has
- no special means for "getting around" the encryption and may not
- be able to assist in the recovery of an encrypted file.
- +----------------------------------------------------------------+
- +----------------------------------------------------------------+
- What does "Don't Know How to Handle" mean?
- ==========================================
- There are many different methods of compression. In the history of
- PKZIP alone there have been seven different methods to date. The .ZIP
- file format was designed so that additional methods of compression
- can be added as they are developed. In this way the .ZIP file format
- will never need to be abandoned. If you attempt to extract a .ZIP
- file that was created with version 2.0 or higher with a lower version
- of PKUNZIP you will receive the message "Don't Know How to Handle"
- for every file compressed with a more advanced algorithm. If you
- attempt to extract a .ZIP file created with a version of PKZIP that
- includes a method PKZIP 2.0 does not use, you will receive a warning
- that will tell you what version of PKUNZIP you need.
- What is a CRC and why did it fail?
- ==================================
- CRC is short for Cyclic Redundancy Check. A CRC is a value computed
- to represent the data content of a file. The CRC is computed by PKZIP
- when it archives the file, and computed a second time when the file
- is extracted. If the second CRC does not match the first CRC, then a
- change has occurred in the data. The cause of a CRC failure can vary.
- Here are some possible causes for CRC failures.
- I. Failure on the machine that created the .ZIP file.
- A. Failure immediately after creation.
- 1. On a 386/486 or higher there may be an obsolete or poorly
- written TSR or device driver interfering with PK(UN)ZIP. Use
- the -3 option with both PKZIP and PKUNZIP to see if this is
- the problem. Consult the Troubleshooting section for more
- information.
- 2. "Clean boot" your machine. Either re-name your autoexec.bat
- and config.sys files so that they are not loaded, or insert a
- DOS boot floppy and reset your machine. Attempt extraction and
- compression of the file again.
- 3. The floppy/hard disk controller may be failing. See if there
- is any difference in behavior if you compress to/from the hard
- disk or floppy drive.
- 4. Failing diskette media.
- 5. A bad memory chip.
- 6. Your computer is suffering from the "cache flaw". This is
- caused by problems with the external CPU cache on your
- computer's motherboard. See the Troubleshooting section,
- -( option.
- B. Failure after a period of time.
- 1. Any the above causes.
- 2. The file has been damaged during the time it was stored on the
- hard disk. The can be caused by cross-linking or "lost"
- clusters. Some faulty disk-defragmenters and deletion recovery
- programs may cause this.
- 3. Deleting and then undeleting a .ZIP file. "Undelete" programs
- are by no means flawless. An undeleted or recovered file is
- very likely to fail, as most disk recovery programs are
- imperfect at best.
- II. Failure on a network server.
- A. Some network server software does not run properly on 386/486
- machines. If PKZIP is used on the server CPU running this faulty
- network software, it will be interfered with by the network
- software.
- III.Failure after transfer of a file by modem.
- A. Any of the problems cited in section I may be the cause of a
- failure.
- B. There was an error in the transfer of the file. Use an "error-
- correcting" protocol such as ZMODEM to avoid these types of
- problems.
- C. The file was transferred with "Kermit". If you use Kermit you
- must set it to Binary mode. PKZIP files are binary.
- D. One of the computers or modems involved in the transfer has a
- problem.
- IV. Failure after transfer by disk.
- A. Any of the problems cited in section I may be the cause of a
- failure.
- B. Faulty disk controller/floppy drive.
- C. Faulty floppy disk.
- 1. The drive alignment between the two computers may be off
- enough to cause a data error. Normally you will get a "disk
- failure" message from DOS.
- 2. The disk was damaged by a magnetic or heat source.
- 3. The disk media is worn out or defective.
- What do "Bad Table" and "Inconsistent Local Header" mean?
- =========================================================
- If you receive either or both of the above messages, the .ZIP file is
- damaged or has been tampered with. These messages may also be
- accompanied by a CRC failure.
- All of the physical causes listed for CRC failures apply as possible
- causes of these errors.
- How can I make PKZIP run faster?
- ================================
- PKZIP defaults to a compression method that is average in both
- compression amount and speed. If you want to get the most speed out
- of PKZIP there are several things you can do:
- 1. Specify a faster compression method with the -ef or -es option.
- 2. Use a large RAM disk as your temporary files drive.
- PKTMP=(RAM disk drive letter)
- 3. If you are creating the .ZIP file on a network drive, set your
- PKTMP equal to a drive on the same server.
- 4. Make as much conventional memory available as possible.
- How many files can be in a .ZIP file?
- =====================================
- A .ZIP file may contain a maximum of 16,383 file entries under
- MS-DOS. Due to memory limitations this limit cannot actually be
- realized. Under the current memory scheme of DOS the largest number
- of files which may be in a .ZIP file is approximately 9000 files.
- The maximum number of files you can handle with a .ZIP file operation
- can be calculated by the following formulas:
- With No EMS or UMB's available:
- (Free Conventional RAM - 375k) / 64 bytes = Maximum # of Files
- With EMS available:
- (Free Conventional RAM - 85k) / 64 bytes = Maximum # of Files
- The "Super Fast" algorithm uses 32k less RAM than the other methods
- in PKZIP 2. You will be able to compress an additional 500 files when
- using the "Super Fast" method.
- Note that the value of 64 bytes per file is approximate and may vary.
- When a .ZIP file is being updated, you must not only take into
- account the files being added, but allow 70 bytes per file in the
- original .ZIP file.
- Can I send a .ZIP file to a different type of computer?
- =======================================================
- As of the publication of this manual, PKWARE currently supports PKZIP
- on MS-DOS and OS/2 platforms, PKWARE intends to support additional
- platforms and will announce these as they become available.
- Because PKWARE has dedicated the .ZIP file format to the public
- domain, it is possible for other people to write programs which can
- read .ZIP files.
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- We are currently aware of PKUNZIP compatible programs for a number of
- different platforms. A .ZIP file can be transferred to any platform
- for which you can find a compatible extraction program.
- Extraction and Compression programs not developed by PKWARE may not
- be completely compatible with the .ZIP file standard.
- Contact PKWARE for a list of platforms for which PKZIP and PKZIP
- compatible software is available.
- What is the difference between -b and pktmp?
- ============================================
- PKZIP creates two different types of temporary files, and allows you
- to specify the location for these two types separately. The two
- situations where PKZIP creates temp files are:
- -> When a file is being added to a .ZIP file.
- -> When a .ZIP file is being modified.
- It is advantageous to have the temporary files for the first
- instance written on the fastest drive on your system, unless you are
- creating a .ZIP file on a Novell Network.
- The location for the temporary .ZIP file created when a .ZIP file is
- modified is normally the same as the location of the original file.
- In some cases you may not have enough room on that drive. When this
- occurs use the -b option to relocate the temp file.
- How Does PKZIP Work?
- This section has been omitted from this manual.
- Troubleshooting
- This section offers some hints to aid you in locating and solving
- problems. Part of this section includes PKZIP and PKUNZIP command
- line and configuration file options that apply only to locating
- problems.
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Problem | Solution/Reason | See Also |
- |----------------+-------------------------------------+------------|
- |"Error in .ZIP |If you are just creating a .ZIP file |Tutorial |
- | use PKZIPFIX" |for the first time and receive this | |
- | during |error, your command line is wrong. | |
- | compression | | |
- |----------------+-------------------------------------+------ -----|
- |"Warning:Bad |PKZIP or PKUNZIP is not in your path,|Tutorial |
- | Command or |or you have mistyped the command. | |
- | File Name" | | |
- |----------------+-------------------------------------+------------|
- |CRC Failure |Get a new copy of the file. |F.A.Q. |
- |----------------+-------------------------------------+------------|
- |File does not |File is already compressed or is |F.A.Q. |
- |compress |encrypted | |
- |----------------+-------------------------------------+------------|
- |Files are still |PKZIP copies files by default, to |PKZIP -m |
- |there after |move(delete) them, use the -m option.| |
- |being Zipped | | |
- |----------------+-------------------------------------+------------|
- |Disk Full error |Either the .ZIP file you are creating|PKZIP Backup|
- | |is too large to fit on the disk, or |Guide |
- | |you do not have enough room to update| |
- | |an existing .ZIP file. Create a |PKZIP -b |
- | |multi-volume .ZIP file or use an | |
- | |alternate temporary drive. | |
- |----------------+-------------------------------------+------------|
- |Can't find PKSFX|There is no program called PKSFX. |PKSFX/ |
- | |PKSFX refers to a "Self-extracting |ZIP2EXE |
- | |.ZIP file." That is a .ZIP file that | |
- | |has been made into an executable file| |
- | |with the program ZIP2EXE.EXE | |
- |----------------+-------------------------------------+------------|
- |I have lots of |Although PKZIP uses XMS/EMS memory, |"Using List |
- |memory, but I'm |there are limitations that will | files" |
- |getting an |occur due to your base (conventional)| |
- |"Out of memory" |memory being limited. Try to clear up| |
- |error? |as much memory as possible. If you | |
- | |are attempting to compress more than | |
- | |8,000 files at once you will usually | |
- | |receive this error. | |
- |----------------+-------------------------------------+------------|
- |Can't re-create |Make certain you are using the -d |F.A.Q. |
- |subdirectories |option. If you are, and you still | |
- |or return files |have this problem, subdirectories may| |
- |to their |not have been stored in the .ZIP | |
- |original dirs |file. | |
- +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
- ** PKZIP requires 206K of memory if no EMS or XMS is available and
- 108K if enough EMS/XMS is available.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -3 Disable 32-bit instruction usage
- This option is available for users with 80386/80486 type computers.
- It is used to turn OFF the added 32-bit instructions and register
- usage. When 32-bit instructions are available, PKZIP will utilize
- them to allow the program to function even faster. However, if you
- are running a different program that may conflict with the use of
- 32-bit instructions, you can disable them by using this command.
- 32-bit instructions will be disabled only for the current PKZIP
- operation. They will then be enabled immediately after the command
- operation is completed.
- You can also disable 32-bit instructions all the time by using the
- PKNO386 environment variable. To set the environment variable, type
- PKNO386=ON. If the string PKNO386 is present in the environment,
- then PKZIP (and PKUNZIP) will not use 32-bit instructions or
- registers.
- To enable 32-bit instructions after they have been disabled, type:
- If you have persistent problems with another piece of software
- interfering with PKZIP, and you cannot upgrade or discard that
- software, you may turn off 32-bit instructions in the configuration
- file. The PKWARE.INI option line is:
- Note that the configuration file is read only by PKZIP. PKUNZIP can
- only be set permanently by use of the environment variable.
- You may override the configuration file or environment variable on
- PKZIP by using a -3+ option. This will cause PKZIP to use 32-bit
- instructions regardless of the environment variable being set, or an
- entry in the configuration file.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -^ Echo the command line
- This option is used to display the PKZIP command that you entered on
- the console. It is useful when you are debugging an application or
- batch file which calls PKZIP. The file specifications that you
- entered will be echoed on the console along with the command output.
- In this example, technical information about all of the *.doc files
- included in the DOCS.ZIP file will be displayed. The information will
- be sorted by date, and the command line will be redisplayed on the
- screen above the output.
- E:\>pkzip docs.zip -vd -^ *.doc
- ________________________________________________________________
- -+ Disable EMS usage
- -- Disable XMS/UMB usage
- To use EMS/XMS/UMB features PKZIP and PKUNZIP require:
- -> XMS version 2.0 or greater
- -> EMS LIM 4.0 or greater
- An XMS driver is required in order to have UMB and HMA support
- available.
- PKZIP/PKUNZIP will use up to 256K of EMS memory. If you are in a
- situation where you need to preserve EMS memory for other use, such
- as when running a multi-node BBS system, you may wish to disable this
- feature.
- A conflict with your XMS/EMS driver can be eliminated by disabling
- EMS usage. Problems relating to EMS usage would manifest themselves
- as:
- -> Unexplainable machine lock-up.
- -> Receiving "Warning:Bad Table" and "File fails CRC check" for every
- file in a .ZIP file being extracted.
- EMS or XMS usage can be turned off in the configuration file with the
- PKWARE.INI option:
- If EMS has been disabled in the configuration file, you may force
- usage back on with the -++ option.
- If XMS has been disabled in the configuration file, you may force
- usage back on with the --+ option.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -~ Disable Network detection
- When this option is specified, Network specific operations are
- disabled. If you feel you are experiencing problems due to a conflict
- with the Network specific operations use this option.
- If the problem is persistent enough that you wish to disable Network
- operations all the time, you may do so with a configuration file
- command:
- If Network support has been disabled in the configuration file, you
- may force usage back on with the -~+ option.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -) Disable DPMI Support
- PKZIP and PKUNZIP require 32-BIT DPMI 0.90 or greater. DPMI support
- uses an extra 6.5K of conventional or UMB memory. If you are
- extremely tight on memory you may wish to disable DPMI support. If a
- failure occurs in the DPMI Support it can be disabled with this
- option.
- If DPMI has been disabled in the configuration file, you may force
- usage back on with the -)+ option.
- ________________________________________________________________
- -( Use "Slow" MemCopy
- Some computers suffer from a flaw that causes them to have errors
- when performing simple MemCopy functions. This problem is generally
- caused the the manufacturer's use of inferior grades or speeds of
- RAM chips for the external CPU memory cache on the motherboard.
- This behavior will most commonly be seen on on relatively fast
- machines (486/25 and higher).
- This feature is only available on 486 (or higher) CPU's.
- This problem will most frequently exhibit itself in the form of
- unexplainable CRC failures.
- Use of this switch causes PKZIP to manipulate memory in a way that
- is less susceptible to this problem. Note that the added overhead in
- this process may slow down PKZIP by 20% to 40%.
- If normal MemCopy has been disabled in the configuration file, you
- may force usage back on with the -(+ option.
- PKUNZIP has been designed to be mostly immune to this problem.
- Please note that the external CPU cache has no relation to printer
- or disk caches.
- PKNOFASTCHAR= Environment Variable
- This tells PKZIP/PKUNZIP to use the slow DOS 1.x/2.x character output
- function calls rather than the 'DOS Fast Character Output' function.
- This option is designed for compatibility with TSR's or BBS doors
- etc. that do not intercept the DOS Fast Character Output function.
- PKWARE Customer Support Form
- Please photocopy and complete this form as completely as possible
- before contacting our customer support. By providing this information
- you help us to provide assistance in an efficient and exact manner.
- It is recommended that you first fax this form, then call PKWARE
- customer support. Indicate on this form that you will be calling.
- If sending your problem by fax only, please specify how you would
- like to be contacted.
- Please Print or Type, use "fine" fax mode if possible.
- 9025 N. Deerwood Dr.
- Brown Deer, WI 53223
- (414)354-8699
- (414)354-8559 FAX
- (414)354-8670 BBS
- Problem Description
- Be sure to include the following. Use as many additional sheets as
- necessary
- -> What you are trying to do
- -> What do you expect to happen
- -> What did happen and why it is a problem
- -> Copies of CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT and any error messages
- Error Messages
- The following error messages may appear when using PKZIP. When the
- word "WARNING" appears in the message, program execution will
- continue. Otherwise the program will abort to DOS.
- Each warning message is prefaced with an error code. This error code
- consists of the letter 'E' or 'W' and a number. The letter
- corresponds to whether the error indicates a "Warning" or "Error"
- condition. The number corresponds to the DOS error level that would
- be returned.
- Errors are listed in order of return code or warning level.
- A brief explanation of each message follows.
- PKZIP Error Messages
- ====================
- PKZIP: (E01) Can't create: XXXXX.
- The named file could not be created. Either the target directory is
- full or the file already exists and is read-only or locked by another
- application. On a Network you may receive this message if you do not
- have file creation rights in the directory.
- PKZIP: (E[2,3]) XXXXX.ZIP - error in ZIP, use PKZIPFIX.
- The named .ZIP file has a corrupted file index. Use PKZIPFIX to
- attempt reconstruction of the .ZIP file. In some cases the damage to
- the .ZIP file may be very extensive. If the file is too badly damaged
- PKZIPFIX will not be able to recover the file.
- NOTE: Many novice users receive this message because of improper
- command line syntax. If you specify a command line with only one file
- name following PKZIP and it is NOT a .ZIP file you will receive this
- message. PKZIP assumes that the file is a .ZIP file because you
- specified it as the first file name on the command line, and it
- attempts to place all files from the current directory into that
- file. Upon examination of the file it will not find any .ZIP file
- information (due to its not being a .ZIP file) and will then report
- this message. Please see the tutorial for further information.
- PKZIP: (E[4-11]) Insufficient memory.
- Insufficient memory is available to process the .ZIP file. Try making
- more memory available to PKZIP. If this does not rectify the problem
- then the .ZIP file might be corrupted and PKZIPFIX should be used to
- fix the .ZIP file. If you are creating a new .ZIP file and receive
- this message, it is due to an attempt to ZIP a large number of files.
- Reduce the scope of your command and try again. If you are using a
- LIST file in your PKZIP command you may be receiving this error
- because the LIST file is too large. See "List Files" for more
- information.
- PKZIP: (E12) No file(s) found.
- No matching files were found to list using the View option. This
- means the filespec you specified on the command line has no match
- within the .ZIP file.
- PKZIP: (E12) No files specified for deletion!
- The -d (Delete) option was specified but no filenames were given to
- delete. This option does NOT default to *.* if no filenames are
- given.
- PKZIP: (E12) Nothing to do!
- No matching files, or files with the specified attributes, or files
- after the specified date etc., were found to compress. Often you will
- receive this message because the command line you entered is not
- correct. Check the exact name of the file you are specifying as well
- as the path, if any.
- PKZIP: (E13) Can't find: XXXXX.ZIP.
- The named .ZIP file could not be found. Either it does not exist or
- is not in the specified directory.
- PKZIP: (E14) Insufficient disk space for ZIP comment.
- There is insufficient disk space to hold the comment as entered. You
- will need to move the .ZIP file somewhere with more free space, or
- clear up more storage space in its current location. Note that a
- temporary copy of the .ZIP file is not created. The .ZIP file
- comment is appended directly to the existing .ZIP file.
- PKZIP: (E14) Insufficient disk space for updated file: XXXXX.ZIP.
- The -b option was used, and there is not enough space on the original
- drive containing the .ZIP file to receive the updated .ZIP file. (The
- update operation has added additional or larger files to the .ZIP
- file, causing it to grow larger than the original). Try to free up
- some space on the drive containing the .ZIP file, and retry the
- operation. Also, make sure that the drive specified with the -b
- option is different than the drive containing the .ZIP file.
- PKZIP: (E14) Disk full, file: XXXXX.
- A disk full error occurred while writing to the specified file. Try
- freeing up some disk space on the target drive. Also, see the -b
- option and the PKTMP environment variable.
- PKZIP: (E15) Can't open XXXXX.ZIP for write access!
- The named .ZIP file is read-only or locked by another application and
- can not be modified. This may also occur on a Network drive if you
- do not have adequate access to that file to allow you to modify it.
- PKZIP: (E17) Too many files!
- An attempt was made to compress more than 16,383 files at one time.
- This message could be received if you update a .ZIP file which has a
- corrupted central end directory.
- PKZIP: (E[19-23] and E29) Insufficient Memory
- See above.
- PKZIP: (E24) Fatal EMS error: XXXXXXXX
- PKZIP: (E25) Fatal XMS error: XXXXXXXX
- An error has occurred in the interaction between PKZIP and your EMS or
- XMS handler. You may have a faulty EMS/XMS driver.
- To be able to use PKZIP in spite of this problem, disable EMS/XMS
- usage with either the - + or - - option or the configuration file
- Please contact PKWARE Technical Support with a description of the
- situation in which the error occurred, the brand and version of your
- EMS driver, and the HEX code printed at the end of this error
- message.
- PKZIP: (E26) Warning! DOS 3.0 or later needed to span disks
- PKZIP: (E26) DOS 3.2 or later needed to format disks
- DOS versions below 3.0 do not support the features needed by PKZIP
- in order to span a .ZIP file across multiple disks. DOS versions
- below 3.2 do not fully support PKZIP's diskette formatting
- functionality. You will need to upgrade to a newer version of DOS in
- order to make use of these features.
- PKZIP: (E27) Warning! Non-removable or unsupported device
- .ZIP files can only be spanned to a device which supports multiple
- storage units (i.e. multiple floppy disks can be inserted in series
- into a floppy drive). The device must also be a standard writable
- DOS device. .ZIP files may not be spanned onto a device such as a
- Hard drive which cannot be removed.
- PKZIP: (E28) Destination for .ZIP file is same as temporary file
- PKZIP: (E28) Source and destination is the same
- PKZIP Warning Messages
- ======================
- PKZIP: (W01) Warning! Can't open XXXXX.INI
- When PKZIP runs it looks for a configuration file. The three places
- that PKZIP will look for it's configuration file are: The current
- directory, the directory where PKZIP.EXE is located, and the
- directory pointed to by the environment variable PKWARE.INI.
- If the PKWARE.INI environment variable is set, and PKZIP cannot
- locate a configuration file in any of the three places it looks,
- you will receive this error message.
- PKZIP: (W02) Warning! Can't open XXXXX
- This error usually occurs on Networks where you either do not have
- read access to a file or another process/user has the file open in an
- exclusive mode.
- If the file is held open by another process you may be able to
- overcome this problem by using the -= switch.
- PKZIP will exit with an error level of 18 when this warning is
- received.
- PKZIP: (W03) Warning! Can't delete XXXXX.
- The -m (Move) option was specified to delete files after the .ZIP
- file was constructed. However, the named file could not be deleted,
- and is probably read-only. You may also receive this message if the
- file is on a network drive and you do not have access to delete the
- file, or it is locked by another application.
- PKZIP: (W07) Warning! Bad System Track
- PKZIP: (W08) Warning! Can't write FAT
- PKZIP: (W09) Warning! Can't write root directory
- PKZIP: (W10) Warning! Can't write boot sector
- PKUNZIP Error Messages
- ======================
- PKUNZIP: (E[4-8]) Warning! Insufficient memory.
- Insufficient memory is available to process the .ZIP file. Try making
- more memory available to PKUNZIP. If this does not rectify the
- problem, then the .ZIP file might be corrupted, and PKZIPFIX should
- be used to fix the .ZIP file. The more files present in a .ZIP file,
- the more memory it will take to process the file.
- In some cases the .ZIP file may be too complex. Too many files are
- contained within the .ZIP file for PKZIP to handle. This may occur if
- the .ZIP file is created under an operating system other than DOS.
- PKUNZIP: (E09) Can't open: XXXXX.ZIP.
- The named .ZIP or list file(s) could not be found. It does not exist,
- was spelled incorrectly, or is not in the specified directory.
- PKUNZIP: (E09) Can't find: XXXXX
- PKUNZIP was unable to locate the specified .ZIP or @list file. The
- filespec specified was in error or a disk error has occurred.
- PKUNZIP: (E11) No file(s) found.
- No files were found to extract, test, update or list. The filespec
- specified on the command line does not match any files present in the
- .ZIP file, or all files found could not be extracted due to an
- incorrect password or incompatible compression type.
- PKUNZIP: (E50) Disk full, file: XXXXX.
- There is not enough free room on the destination drive/directory for
- the file being extracted. The program will abort and exit to DOS.
- PKUNZIP Warning Messages
- ========================
- PKUNZIP: (W[01,02]) Warning! File has bad table
- The Imploded file being tested or extracted has an error in its
- encoding. The file is probably corrupt or not a .ZIP file. Files that
- have been damaged in this way cannot be recovered.
- PKUNZIP: (W03) Warning! File has bad table
- The Reduced file being tested or extracted has an error in its
- encoding. The file is probably corrupt or not a .ZIP file. Files that
- have been damaged in this way cannot be recovered.
- PKUNZIP: (W04) Warning! XXXXX.ZIP - error in ZIP, use PKZIPFIX.
- The named .ZIP file has a corrupted file index. Use PKZIPFIX to
- reconstruct the .ZIP file. You may also receive this message if you
- attempt to extract a file which is not a .ZIP file.
- If the file is less than 22 bytes in length it cannot be a .ZIP file
- and the "use PKZIPFIX" message will not be shown.
- PKUNZIP: (W[05-07]) Warning! Insufficient memory
- Insufficient memory is available to process the .ZIP file. Try making
- more memory available to PKUNZIP. If this does not rectify the
- problem, then the .ZIP file might be corrupted, and PKZIPFIX should
- be used to fix the .ZIP file. The more files present in a .ZIP file,
- the more memory it will take to process the file.
- In some cases the .ZIP file may be too complex. Too many files are
- contained within the .ZIP file for PKZIP to handle. This may occur
- if the .ZIP file was created under an operating system other than
- DOS.
- PKUNZIP: (W08) Warning! Can't open XXXXX.ZIP
- PKUNZIP: (W09) Warning! Can't open printer device
- The named file or printer device could not be opened. Either a disk
- error occurred, or the file is locked by another application. You may
- receive this error on a network drive if you do not have read access
- to that file.
- The printer device may not exist, or may be off-line.
- PKUNZIP: (W10) Warning! Can't create: XXXXX.
- PKUNZIP: (W10) Warning! Invalid file name: XXXXX.
- The named file could not be created. The output directory is invalid
- because it does not exist, is spelled incorrectly, or is full. You
- may also receive this message on a Network drive if you do not have
- file creation rights there or the directory is full.
- In the case of an invalid file name error, the name stored in the
- .ZIP file is invalid. This may indicate a damaged .ZIP file, or one
- that has been tampered with.
- PKUNZIP: (W11) Warning! I don't know how to handle: XXXXX.
- The file XXXXX is compressed or encoded in a way that this version of
- PKUNZIP is unable to handle. Either a different version of PKUNZIP is
- required to properly extract this file, or the .ZIP file is possibly
- corrupted.
- PKUNZIP: (W12) Skipping encrypted file.
- Only the files that are password protected will be skipped (not
- extracted) because they are encrypted and the correct password was
- not entered.
- PKUNZIP: (W13) Warning! Inconsistent local header for file: XXXXX.
- The local header for file XXXXX is different than the central header
- information. Use PKZIPFIX to reconstruct the .ZIP file.
- PKUNZIP: (W14) Incorrect password for file.
- The .ZIP file is password protected, and cannot be opened unless the
- correct password is entered. The password entered is not the correct
- password. See "Passwords" in the Advanced Features section for
- further information.
- PKUNZIP: (W15) Warning! File fails CRC check.
- The CRC-32 check for the file being extracted or tested did not match
- the stored value for the file. The file is probably corrupted. See
- the "Troubleshooting" section for more details.
- PKUNZIP: (W16) Warning! File fails Authenticity Verification check
- The .ZIP file is AV encoded but the AV could not be verified. Failure
- of AV indicates a file which has been tampered with or damaged. If
- the file has failed the AV check the contents are suspect.
- PKUNZIP: (W17) Warning! File fails Authenticity Verification check
- The .ZIP file is AV encoded and has been tampered with or damaged.
- File should be discarded and a new copy obtained.
- PKUNZIP: (W18) Warning! File XXXXX already exists. Overwrite (y/n/a/r)?
- The file XXXXX already exists on the disk. Pressing N will leave the
- original file on the disk, and not extract the file from the .ZIP
- file. Pressing Y will extract the file from the .ZIP file, and
- overwrite the file on the disk. If you want to overwrite this file,
- and ALL FOLLOWING FILES, press A for ALL. If you wish to extract this
- file, but not overwrite an existing file, you may press R for RENAME.
- PKUNZIP will prompt you for a new name for the file.
- See Also: -o and -n options.
- PKUNZIP: (W19) Warning! Invalid Shrunk file
- The Shrunk file being tested or extracted has an error in its
- encoding. The file is probably corrupt or not a .ZIP file. Files that
- have been damaged in this way cannot be recovered.
- PKUNZIP: (W20) Warning! Insufficient memory
- Insufficient memory is available to process the .ZIP file. Try making
- more memory available to PKUNZIP. If this does not rectify the
- problem, then the .ZIP file might be corrupted, and PKZIPFIX should
- be used to fix the .ZIP file. The more files present in a .ZIP file,
- the more memory it will take to process the file.
- PKUNZIP: (W21) Warning! File has bad table.
- The Deflated file being tested or extracted has an error in its
- encoding. The file is probably corrupt or not a .ZIP file. Files that
- have been damaged in this way cannot be recovered.
- PKUNZIP: (W23) Warning! File has bad table.
- The Deflated file being tested or extracted has an error in its
- encoding (bad block type). The file is probably corrupt or not a .ZIP
- file. Files that have been damaged in this way cannot be recovered.
- PKUNZIP: (W24) Warning!
- You need PKUNZIP version: X.X or later to extract XXXXX
- The file XXXXX is compressed or encoded in a way that this version of
- PKUNZIP is unable to handle. A more recent version of PKUNZIP is
- required to properly extract this file. The version number is listed
- as X.X. Contact PKWARE for upgrade information.
- PKUNZIP: (W25) Warning! .ZIP file comment too big
- The file comment attached to this .ZIP file is too large. The .ZIP
- file can still be handled normally but will not be displayed.
- PKUNZIP: (W26) XXXXX.ZIP has errors.
- The named .ZIP file had one or more errors detected in it. This
- message is displayed after PKUNZIP is finished acting upon a file.
- You may receive this message if you attempt to extract a file that is
- not a .ZIP file.
- ZIP2EXE Warning/Error Messages
- ==============================
- ZIP2EXE: (E01) Error in .ZIP file
- ZIP2EXE: (E02) Error in .ZIP file, use PKZIPFIX
- The .ZIP file you are attempting to process is corrupt. You may
- attempt recovery of the file by using PKZIPFIX. PKZIPFIX will work on
- either standard .ZIP files or self-extracting .EXE files.
- ZIP2EXE: (E03-04) Insufficient memory to process file
- The .ZIP file you are attempting to process is too complex. This may
- indicate a .ZIP file which contains too many files. In some cases you
- may receive this error because the file being processed is corrupt.
- ZIP2EXE: (E07) Can't open Source file
- The source .ZIP or .EXE file specified on the command line cannot be
- opened due to a disk error or insufficient network access.
- ZIP2EXE: (E08) Error in .ZIP file
- The .ZIP file you are attempting to process is corrupt. You may
- attempt recovery of the file by using PKZIPFIX. PKZIPFIX will work
- on either standard .ZIP files or self-extracting .EXE files.
- ZIP2EXE: (E09) Can't create output file
- ZIP2EXE: (E11) Disk full writing target file during ZIP to EXE process
- During the process of converting a file there must be enough disk
- space available to contain both the original file and the file which
- will be created. If there is not enough room to process the file on
- the current drive you may direct the output to another drive by
- specifying it on the command line.
- ZIP2EXE: (E12) Compression method not supported
- The .ZIP file being converted contains a file compressed with a
- method not supported by the version of PKSFX being attached by
- You can only perform the ZIP2EXE process on .ZIP files created using
- the compression method(s) supported by the self-extracting module you
- are attaching.
- ZIP2EXE: (W01) Warning! The file already exists, overwrite (y/n)?
- The file already exists on the disk. Pressing N will not overwrite
- the original file. Pressing Y will overwrite the file on the file.
- PKSFX Warning/Error Messages
- =============================
- PKSFX: (W01) File fails CRC checkPKSFX: (W01) Unknown compression method
- A warning may indicate any of several problems. See the corresponding
- PKUNZIP error message for explanation.
- PKSFX: (E02) Can't find .EXE file
- PKSFX: (E02,E03) Error in .EXE file
- The self-extractor was unable to locate itself. When the
- self-extractor runs it must determine what the name of its executable
- file is. Anything which can prevent this from happening will generate
- this error. This error may indicate an incorrect installation of DOS
- on the target machine.
- PKSFX: (E[4-8]) Insufficient memory
- Insufficient memory is available to process the .ZIP file. Try making
- more memory available to the Self-extractor. If this does not rectify
- the problem, then the self-extracting file might be corrupted, and
- PKZIPFIX should be used to fix the .EXE file. The more files present
- in a self-extracting .ZIP file, the more memory it will take to
- process the file.
- PKSFX: (E09) Unable to locate listfile
- The @list file specified on the command line could not be found.
- PKSFX: (E13) Error in .EXE file
- The self-extracting file is corrupt. This may occur due to a disk
- error, a transmission error, or a software problem.
- PKSFX: (E50) Disk full
- The self-extractor has run out of space while extracting the files
- it contains. You may either free up more disk space or direct the
- self-extractor to place the files on a different drive.
- PKSFX: Warnings numbers are the same as PKUNZIP [9-18,20,21,23,24]
- PKSFX/PKUNZIP Junior Error Messages
- ===================================
- PKSFXJR: Warning error
- A warning may indicate any of several problems. See the corresponding
- PKUNZIP error message for explanation.
- PKSFXJR: Can't find .EXE file
- The self-extractor was unable to locate itself. When the
- self-extractor runs it must determine what the name of its executable
- file is. Anything which can prevent this from happening will
- generate this error.
- This error usually indicates an incorrect installation of DOS on the
- target machine.
- PKSFXJR: Error in .EXE file
- The self-extracting file is corrupt. This may occur due to a disk
- error, a transmission error, or a software problem.
- PKSFXJR: File has a bad table
- The compressed data is corrupt. This can indicate a damaged
- self-extracting file or data that was originally corrupt when the
- self-extracting file was created.
- PKSFXJR: Can't create file
- The self-extractor was unable to create a file it intended to
- extract. This may occur because you either do not have sufficient
- rights to a directory, or because all the directory entries are full.
- PKSFXJR: Disk full
- The self-extractor has run out of space while extracting the files it
- contains. You may either free up more disk space or direct the
- self-extractor to place the files on a different drive.
- PKSFXJR: Too many files
- A junior self-extractor may only contain 512 or fewer files. This
- error indicates either that more than 512 files are within the
- self-extractor or that the file is corrupt.
- ** No numbers are printed by PKSFXJR. It will print only a message,
- no number is printed. The errorlevel will be returned to DOS
- however.
- Error Levels
- ============
- In order to enhance the power of using PKZIP and PKUNZIP from within
- another program or within a batch file, they return error levels.
- These error levels are listed below.
- ** Please note that if testing error levels in a batch file, DOS
- tests the error level not for equality, but for greater than or
- equal to.
- 0 No Error
- 1 Bad file name or file specification
- 2,3 Error in .ZIP file
- 4-11 Insufficient Memory
- 12 No files were found to add to the .ZIP, or no files were
- specified for deletion
- 13 File not found. The specified .ZIP file or list file was not
- found
- 14 Insufficient disk space for .ZIP comment
- or
- Insufficient disk space for update file
- or
- Disk Full, file XXXXX
- 15 .ZIP file is read-only and can not be modified
- 16 Bad or illegal parameters specified. (help screen displayed)
- 17 Too many files
- 18 Could not open file
- 19-23,29 Insufficient Memory
- 26 DOS 3.2 or later needed to span disks
- 28 Destination for .ZIP is same as temporary file
- or
- Source and destination is the same
- 255 User pressed control-c or control-break
- 0 No error.
- 1 Warning error (such as failed CRC check).
- 2,3 Error in .ZIP file.
- 4-8 Insufficient Memory.
- 9 File not found. No .ZIP files found.
- 10 Bad or illegal parameters specified. (help screen displayed)
- 11 No files found to extract/view etc.
- 50 Disk Full.
- 51 Unexpected EOF in .ZIP file.
- 255 User pressed control-c or control-break
- 0 No error
- 1 Error in .ZIP file
- 2 Error in .ZIP file, use PKZIPFIX
- 3-4 Insufficient memory to process file
- 6 Bad or illegal parameters specified. (help screen displayed)
- 7 Can't open Source file
- 8 Error in .ZIP file
- 9 Disk full writing target file during EXE to ZIP process
- 11 Disk full writing target file during ZIP to EXE process
- 12 .ZIP file being converted contains a file compressed with a
- method not supported by the version of PKSFX being attached
- by ZIP2EXE
- 13 User answered "No" in response to an "overwrite(y/n)?" prompt
- 1 Warning error such as:
- File fails CRC check, Unknown compression method.
- 2,3 Can't find .EXE file
- 4-8 Insufficient memory
- 9 Unable to locate listfile
- 10 Bad or illegal parameters specified. (help screen displayed)
- 12 User aborted at comment pausing, "Extract now (y/n)?" prompt
- 2,3,13 Error in .EXE file
- 50 Disk full
- 1 Warning error such as:
- File fails CRC check, Unknown compression method.
- 2 Can't find .EXE file
- 3 Error in .EXE file
- 4 File has a bad table
- 5 Can't create file
- 6 Disk full
- 7 Too many files
- 8 User aborted at comment pausing "Extract now (y/n)?" prompt
- PKSFANSI (PK Safe ANSI) is a Terminate and Stay Resident program that
- disables ANSI Keyboard Key Reassignments, thereby preventing "ANSI
- bombs" embedded in any text file (such as README files) or output by
- any program.
- Normally, ANSI sequences that redefine the keyboard could be hidden
- inside ANY text file or program, and could be executed completely
- unnoticed until it is too late. PKSFANSI intercepts calls to the
- ANSI.SYS or other ANSI device drivers, and filters out any keyboard
- reassignments, while allowing other ANSI sequences through unaltered.
- If a keyboard key reassignment is attempted, PKSFANSI will intercept
- the sequence and discard it. PKSFANSI also will BEEP to alert you
- that a reassignment was attempted.
- PKSFANSI requires less than 1k bytes resident RAM, and should work
- with any ANSI driver, such as the standard ANSI.SYS driver, NANSI,
- ZANSI, DVANSI, etc. Note that if you use a memory resident ANSI
- driver, such as the DESQview DVANSI.COM driver, PKSFANSI should be
- loaded after the ANSI driver is loaded.
- Usage
- Add PK Safe ANSI to your AUTOEXEC.BAT command file. Early in your
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file add the line:
- This will cause the PK Safe ANSI TSR to be loaded into memory,
- allowing you to safely use ANSI codes. Once this is installed you may
- wish to turn on ANSI in your PKZIP configuration file. There should
- be this line present in your PKWARE.INI file:
- To turn on ANSI for a particular PKZIP operation, or for a PKUNZIP
- operation, use the command option -q.
- pkunzip -v test.zip -q
- Monochrome Option
- PK Safe ANSI has one option. This option will cause PK Safe ANSI to
- discard color codes. This is useful if you are using a lap top
- computer with a monochrome display.
- Please note that this only affects programs which use ANSI for their
- display control.
- NOTE: PK Safe Ansi is only included with the Registered version of
- PKZIP for DOS.
- PKZIP can now create .ZIP files that exceed the size of a floppy
- disk. You may use PKZIP to backup your entire hard disk and unlike
- most backup programs, PKZIP can use disks formatted by DOS, or it can
- format the disk for you. PKZIP can optionally erase all files on the
- destination disk(s), or leave those files intact. PKZIP can
- optionally quick format the destination disk(s), or do a normal
- (unconditional) format. A quick format erases the information on the
- disk without formatting each track, greatly reducing the time
- required to format a disk.
- Option Description
- -& Span disks if necessary.
- You must specify this option if you wish to create a .ZIP file
- on multiple disks. If this option is not specified and you
- exceed the capacity of a floppy disk, a DISK FULL error
- message will result.
- -&f Format the destination disk.
- PKZIP will format the destination disk(s) if you specify this
- option. If the disk has been formatted previously, a quick
- format will be performed, otherwise a full format will be
- performed.
- -&fl The destination disk is to be formatted to low density.
- If you plan to use low density disks in a high density disk
- drive, this option is required. For example, if you have a
- 1.44 meg floppy disk drive, and plan to zip to 720K disks and
- your disks are not formatted, you must specify this option.
- If your disk drive is a 360K or 720K drive, this option is not
- required. If any information was previously contained on the
- disk, it will be erased.
- -&u Unconditionally (always) format the disk.
- Always format the disk before being used. A full format will
- be used, a quick format will never be performed. If any
- information was previously contained on the disk, it will be
- erased.
- -&ul Unconditionally (always) format a low density disk in a high
- density disk drive.
- Always format the disk before being used. A full format will
- be used, a quick format will never be performed. If any
- information was previously contained on the disk, it will be
- erased.
- -&w Wipe the disk. (Erase all files and subdirectories)
- This is similar to -&f, except the files are deleted, rather
- than formatting the disk. This is for usage with non floppy
- removable devices, such as Bernoulli boxes.
- -&s[d:] Include subdirectories in zipping process
- (similar to -rp \*.*).
- -&v Turn on DOS verify when spanning. This may also be set by
- using BACKUP=verify in the pkzip.cfg file.
- This option tells PKZIP that you wish to backup the entire
- disk drive. The current disk drive will be used if no disk
- drive is specified. You do not need to specify the -rp option
- (recurse and store path names). If you also specify files on
- another disk drive, these files will be compressed, as well
- as all files on the default drive. (Please see following
- examples.)
- All options are case insensitive, but this may change in future
- versions. We suggest you USE LOWER CASE LETTERS FOR FUTURE
- COMPATIBILITY. The -&l option must be specified with -&u or -&f.
- ** If you create a .ZIP file with the same name as exists on a disk
- set, you do not need to use the WIPE or FORMAT options. PKZIP
- will create a new .ZIP file with the same name; this method is
- faster.
- ** All the PKZIP Configuration File options can be overridden on the
- command line by specifying the option and a '-'. For example,
- -&f- will override "BACKUP=FORMAT" in the Configuration File and
- turn off formatting.
- ** When using PKUNZIP.EXE to restore a from a spanned backup set, it
- is most efficient to start by inserting the last diskette.
- ** If you would like to use PKZIP.EXE for full and incremental
- backups, use the -a+ for the full backup. This will turn off the
- archive attribute after the files have been compressed. Then to
- perform a incremental backup, use the -i option. This will
- compress only files that have changed since they were last backed
- up.
- Examples
- Command Line Description
- pkzip a:zipfile -& Zip the current directory to
- drive A:, and span disks if
- necessary. The files currently
- on drive A: will not be
- affected.
- C:\>pkzip a:zipfile -&s Zip all files on drive C: to the
- A: drive.
- C:\>pkzip b:zipfile -&s d:\sd\*.* Zip all files on drive C:(the
- current drive), and all files in
- the D:\SD directory to the B:
- drive.
- C:\>pkzip a:zipfile -&s d:\*.BAT Zip all the files on drive C:
- and all .BAT files on drive D:
- to the A: drive.
- pkzip a:zipfile -&f -rp Zip the current directory and
- its subdirectories to drive A:,
- and format each disk. A quick
- format will be performed if
- possible, which is much faster
- than a unconditional format.
- pkzip a:zipfile -&u -rp Same as above, except the disk
- will be unconditionally
- formatted.
- pkzip a:zipfile -&fl Zip the current directory to
- drive A:, and format each disk
- to low density. This option
- only applies to users using a
- 360K floppy disk in a 1.2 meg
- drive, or users using a 720K
- floppy disk in a 1.44 meg drive.
- A quick format will be performed
- if possible, which is much
- faster than a unconditional
- format.
- pkzip a:zipfile -&ul Same as above, except the disk
- will be unconditionally
- formatted (do not quick format).
- pkzip a:zipfile -&w -rp Zip the current directory and
- its subdirectories to drive A:,
- and wipe each disk. All files
- and subdirectories will be
- erased from the A: drive. The
- disk will not be formatted or
- quick formatted.
- pkzip a:zipfile -&fs Zip the current disk drive
- (including subdirectories) to
- drive A:, and format each disk.
- If the destination disk has
- previously been formatted, a
- quick format will be performed.
- Otherwise, an unconditional
- format will be performed.
- Backup options for the PKWARE.INI configuration file
- The keyword BACKUP= may be followed by the following keywords:
- SPAN The -& option is enabled. If this keyword is not
- specified, the following options will only be enabled
- when -& is specified on the command line. (Same as -&)
- UNCONDITIONAL Format the disk unconditionally (Same as -&u)
- LOW Using low density disks (Same as -&l)
- FORMAT Format the disks (Same as -&f)
- WIPE Wipe the disks (Same as -&w)
- FULL Do a full backup (Same as -&s)
- VERIFY Turn on DOS verify when spanning (Same as -&v)
- Examples Same as
- are exclusive