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- ERRORS.TXT September 1999
- The following error messages may appear when using ARJ. A brief
- explanation of each message follows:
- <filename> does not exist
- The file <filename> could not be found on the disk.
- This error may occur in a multiple volume extraction if ARJ is
- trying to extract a split file. If this split file is not the
- beginning of the file, ARJ will look for the beginning of the
- file on the disk. If this file is missing, ARJ will report this
- error. To correct this problem, you need to extract the previous
- portion(s) of this file.
- This error will also occur during an extraction to freshen
- existing files.
- <filename> exists
- The file <filename> already exists on the disk.
- <filename> is not an ARJ archive
- The file <filename> does not have a valid ARJ archive header in
- the initial portion of the file. This file may not be an ARJ
- archive or it may be damaged.
- <filename> is not the same date/time
- The file <filename> that is being appended to does not have the
- correct file date-time stamp. This message occurs during
- multiple volume extraction when the portion of the file on disk
- does not match the portion in the archive. This can happen if a
- multiple volume extraction was interrupted by a "quit" response.
- <filename> is same or newer
- The file <filename> has the same or newer file date-time stamp
- than the matching file in the archive.
- <filename> is same or older
- The file <filename> has the same or older file date-time stamp
- than the matching file in the archive.
- Already a chapter archive
- The archive being converted to a chapter archive is already a
- chapter archive.
- ANSI codepage archive
- This is a notification message for the user indicating that the
- archive being created or processed is using the ANSI codepage
- instead of the normal default OEM codepage. ANSI codepage
- archives created by ARJ32 may not be processed correctly by ARJ
- for DOS because of filename translation issues.
- Archive codepage mismatch
- The archive being processed was created using a conflicting
- codepage (ANSI or OEM).
- ARJ32 in ANSIPAGE mode (-hy) cannot add files to an archive
- create using the OEM codepage.
- ARJ for DOS cannot add files to an archive created using the ANSI
- codepage.
- Or ARJ attempted to join two archives that uses different
- codepages.
- Archive name argument missing
- The ARJ command is missing the name of the ARJ archive filename.
- Arg table overflow
- There are more than 64 arguments on the ARJ command line.
- (ARJ9XRST.EXE) Error (2): File or directory not found.
- For Windows 95/98, the ARJ support program, ARJ9XRST.EXE was not
- installed in one of the PATH directories like C:\WINDOWS or
- C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND. Applies only to 32 bit version of ARJ.
- ARJ-PROTECT will no longer be automatically done when an archive
- is updated.
- The archive has been set for AUTO ARJ-PROTECT. This means that
- the next time the archive is updated, ARJ will automatically
- ARJ-PROTECT the archive.
- This message does not indicate the presence of valid ARJ-PROTECT
- data in the archive. The ARJ "t" command can be used to test for
- valid ARJ-PROTECT data.
- *** Valid ARJ-SECURITY envelope signature:
- This message is displayed when ARJ has verified that the archive
- has a valid ARJ-SECURITY envelope. This indicates that the
- archive contents are intact and unmodified as originally
- distributed by the individual identified in the text that follows
- this message.
- Bad command syntax
- The ARJ command line is not correct syntactically.
- Bad file data
- The file in the ARJ archive is damaged and has invalid data in
- it. It is not possible to recover this file in an undamaged
- format.
- Bad file data or bad password
- The file in the ARJ archive is damaged or you may have supplied
- the wrong password to the "-g" option. Check the password that
- you specified.
- Bad header
- The ARJ archive file description information record is damaged.
- Bad or missing SECURITY key
- An invalid or missing security key was provided to ARJ. Check to
- see if the security key is correct.
- Break signaled
- The user pressed Control C or Control BREAK.
- Can't combine mismatched archives (dual-name)
- ARJ attempted to join a dual-name archive with one that is not a
- dual-name archive.
- Can't convert an archive to a dual-name archive
- A dual-name archive must be so designated at the initial archive
- creation. An already existing archive cannot be converted since
- the alternate filenames have not been stored in the archive.
- Can't copy temp <filename> to archive <filename>
- This error usually means that there is not enough disk space to
- copy the intermediate archive file to its destination drive. ARJ
- does not purge the intermediate archive file in this situation so
- that the file can be copied manually to a drive with enough disk
- space.
- Can't delete <filename>
- ARJ cannot delete the file <filename>. Most likely, the file is
- in use or is set as readonly.
- Can't find <filename>
- The file <filename> does not exist.
- Can't find damage in <filename>
- Message changed to "No damage found in <filename>".
- Can't find restart file: <filename>
- The file <filename> does not exist.
- Can't find restart information
- During the scan of the specified index file, ARJ could not find a
- line of text similar to the following:
- Next volume - 001 1 19931 C:\ARC\VGA640.DRV
- This can happened if the index file is damaged or was created by
- a version of ARJ prior to 2.39.
- Can't get volume label
- ARJ could not read the volume label of the drive specified.
- Can't handle ARJ-SECURITY version <number>
- This version of ARJ encountered an ARJ-SECURITY envelope version
- of which it does not know how to verify the integrity.
- Can't make directory <directoryname>
- ARJ could not create the directory <directoryname>. The name
- <directoryname> may already exist or the name may be too long.
- Can't open <filename>
- ARJ cannot open the file <filename>. The file may be set to
- readonly or it may already be in use. The "-hq" option may be
- useful in some file-in-use situations.
- In Windows 95, this error may be due to filenames that contain
- symbols for which there is no MS-DOS equivalent. These symbols
- are converted to "_" underscores in MS-DOS. DOS programs cannot
- access these files.
- This can also occur when accessing long filenames in Windows 95
- where a storage media or network driver does not provide full
- long filename functionality to the operating system.
- Can't order a multiple volume archive
- Re-ordering a multiple volume archive is NOT allowed.
- Can't read file or unexpected end of file
- This error message usually occurs if the end of the file has been
- reached when ARJ is expecting more data.
- Can't rename <filename> to <filename>
- ARJ could not rename <filename>. The target filename may already
- exist.
- Can't reset <filename>
- ARJ could not reset the archive bit attribute of <filename>.
- This error is ignored by ARJ.
- Can't seek to position <number> in file
- ARJ could not seek to the position in the file. This file may
- not be as large as the position specified.
- Can't update an ARJ-SECURED archive!
- Modification of an ARJ-SECURED archive is NOT allowed.
- Can't use -jt1 or -jt2 with -e or -e1
- ARJ always uses the filename stored in the archive to access the
- file during the compare operation. The -e and -e1 options strip
- significant information from the filename.
- Can't use -v with -je1
- The small self-extraction module does not support multiple volume
- archives.
- Can't write file. Disk full?
- Self-explanatory.
- Chapter error (<number>)
- This is an internal error in chapter processing and should not
- happen. This indicates a problem in the program logic. Please
- notify ARJ Software, Inc. of this problem.
- CRC error
- The file in the ARJ archive is damaged and has invalid data in
- it. It is not possible to recover this file in an undamaged
- format.
- If this error is encountered when ARJ initially starts up, this
- indicates that the ARJ runfile is probably damaged.
- CRC INFO sections damaged
- The ARJ data damage protection file is too damaged to use to
- repair archive damage.
- Critical device error
- A DOS critical error has occurred. ARJ has trapped this error
- condition and returned a error.
- *** Damaged ARJ-SECURED archive!
- This ARJ archive has been damaged or corrupted. The contents of
- the archive are not in the same condition as when it was created.
- You should not trust that the contents of this archive are as the
- archive creator intended.
- Delete argument missing
- The ARJ delete command requires that a filename or wildspec be
- specified on the command line. It does not assume "*.*".
- *** Detected an OBSOLETE ARJ-SECURITY envelope. NOT verified!
- ARJ has detected a version 1 ARJ-SECURITY envelope. ARJ has not
- verified the validity of the ARJ-SECURITY envelope because of the
- obsolescence of version 1 envelopes.
- Entry point not found
- ARJ could not access the encryption module. This error may be
- the result of corruption of the encryption module.
- Error (2): File or directory not found.
- This error message and others similar to the above message will
- be displayed upon ARJ abnormally terminating. ARJ will display
- the most recent system error. This error message may clarify the
- associated ARJ error message.
- Exceeded chapter limit of <number>
- ARJ only supports up to 250 chapters within a single archive.
- Exceeded maximum path size of <number> at <filename>
- The maximum pathname length is limited in size to <number>
- characters.
- Exceeded name limit of <number> at <filename>
- The number of filenames encountered by ARJ has exceeded the
- documented limited of <number> filenames.
- File is password encrypted
- ARJ is skipping the current file because it is password encrypted
- (garbled) and no password has been specified on the command line
- with the "-g" option.
- File is too large
- ARJ cannot build archives larger than 2.1 gigabytes. This was a
- DOS file size limit. Try building volumes instead using -v2000M.
- Found <number> error(s)
- ARJ has encountered <number> non-fatal errors.
- Garbled files are not allowed for SFXJR
- The small self-extractor module does not support the extraction
- of garbled files.
- GCRYPT internal error
- This error should not occur. Please notify ARJ Software, Inc.
- Header CRC error
- The file description header record in the archive is damaged.
- This cannot be fixed. The use of the "-jr" option will allow the
- recovery of files after the damaged section.
- Invalid command: <command>
- The specified <command> is not a valid ARJ command.
- Invalid comment header
- This error should never happen.
- Invalid date string: <date>
- The date <date> contains an invalid date. It should be specified
- in YYMMDDHHMMSS format where YY represents the two digit year, MM
- represents the month, DD represents the day, HH represents the
- hour, MM represents the minutes, and SS represents the seconds.
- Invalid multiple volume file sequence
- ARJ has detected a sequence error in a series of multiple volume
- archives. This error should never occur.
- Invalid parameter string: <parameter>
- The parameter string <parameter> is not correct syntactically.
- Invalid switch: <option>
- The switch option <option> is not a valid option.
- Invalid use of self-extraction switch
- The -je or -je1 switch was used with a non-modification command.
- Invalid volume size
- The specified volume size was too small. Only 360, 720, 1200,
- and 1440 are acceptable abbreviations. Other sizes may be
- specified as in 300000, 2800K and 500K where K indicates
- THOUSANDS (1000).
- Listing error: no free blocks at <pathname>
- This is an ARJ internal error. Please notify ARJ Software, Inc.
- Listing XMS error: init
- ARJ is unable to allocate XMS memory for its use.
- Listing XMS error: read
- ARJ cannot access a requested XMS memory block.
- Listing XMS error: write
- ARJ cannot store a requested XMS memory block.
- Some Windows 3.x memory "enhancers" may interfere with access to
- XMS memory blocks while in a Windows DOS box.
- Missing filename argument for <command>
- A filename must be specified for <command>.
- Multiple volume update requires -v
- Since updates to multiple volumes involve putting all changed
- files at the end of the volumes, it is necessary to specify the
- volume switch "-v", so that ARJ will process all the volumes.
- Multiple volume updates are NOT supported (OBSOLETE)
- The modification of ARJ multiple volume archives is not supported
- or recommended. You can use the "-hu" option to override this
- prohibition.
- Must specify only non-wildnames for order command
- The ARJ order command does not accept wildcards.
- Not a chapter archive
- Self-explanatory.
- You can convert a standard archive to a chapter archive with the
- "cc" command.
- NOT found
- This message is displayed when the filename in the archive is not
- found on disk.
- NOT matched
- This message is displayed when the contents of the filename in
- the archive does not match the contents of the same filename on
- disk or that a directory in the archive does not exist on disk.
- No available memory to store <filename>
- ARJ has run out of memory and cannot store the name <filename>.
- Specifying fewer filenames or using a listfile are two ways to
- work around the lack of memory.
- The new "-hm" option sets ARJ to use disk space to store this
- list of filenames thus avoiding this memory problem.
- No ARJ-PROTECT recovery data found
- ARJ could not find the ARJ-PROTECT data damage protection
- information appended to the archive. ARJ could not find the data
- signature of this information. Either the archive was never
- actually protected or the ARJ-PROTECT data is too corrupted to
- process.
- No damage found in <filename>
- First, this message indicates that this archive is ARJ-PROTECTED.
- Second, using the ARJ-PROTECT damage protection data, ARJ could
- not find any damaged data areas in the ARJ archive <filename>.
- There is a small probability (about 1 in 3 billion) that ARJ
- cannot detect a corrupted section of data.
- No filename in comment
- The dual-name archive is not properly set up with long and short
- filenames being stored.
- Nothing to do
- This message is displayed if you try to restart a multiple volume
- archival process that did not abort but actually completed.
- No strings were entered
- At least one search string must be specified for the ARJ "w"
- command.
- Not a chapter archive
- Self-explanatory.
- Not a valid method for SFX
- The ARJ self-extraction modules do not support extraction of
- files compressed with the "-m4" option.
- Not enough disk space for extraction. Overflow by over <number> bytes.
- Self-explanatory.
- Not enough disk space
- Self-explanatory.
- Not enough free disk space
- Self-explanatory.
- Order command file count mismatch
- This error should not happen. Please report this problem.
- Out of memory
- There is not enough memory for ARJ to complete its operation.
- Out of near memory
- There is not enough 16 bit memory for ARJ to complete its
- operation. It can occur if there is a large amount of
- environment space allocated to environment variables. The use of
- "COMMAND /C /E:200 ARJ <command> ... " may work around this
- problem.
- Password option missing
- The "-g" option requires the specification of a password.
- Passwords did not match
- The two passwords entered did not match exactly.
- Protect internal overflow error
- This error should not occur. Please notify ARJ Software, Inc.
- Read/Write error <message> on drive <letter>
- Self-explanatory.
- Requires ARJ32 or -hy option
- The archive being processed was created by ARJ32 using the ANSI
- codepage and may contain filenames that are not accessible via
- DOS. ARJ32 can process this type of archive. ARJ for DOS may
- have problems.
- You can use the -hy option with ARJ for DOS to attempt extraction
- of this archive. However, some files may be created with
- incorrect filenames.
- Requires Windows 95/98/NT or -hf1 or -hf2 option,
- An archive built under Windows 95 may not extract under a short
- filename environment (DOS 6, plain DOS 7, Win95 MS-DOS mode)
- UNLESS it was built with the -hf option or -hf1 option.
- The -hf1 and -hf2 option can be used to force ARJ to extract a
- Win95 ARJ archive.
- ARJ does NOT support the use of long filenames under Windows NT.
- Set label error
- ARJ could not set the volume label to the volume label stored in
- the archive. This can happen if the volume label in the archive
- is not a standard DOS volume label.
- Signal failed
- This error should not happen. Please report this problem.
- Skipping a possible ARJ-SECURED archive
- This message is displayed when the option (-he1) has been
- specified and ARJ has just accessed an ARJ archive that has an
- ARJ-SECURITY envelope on it. This does NOT indicate the validity
- or integrity of the ARJ-SECURITY envelope.
- Stream: <number> both CRC sections damaged. Can't verify file.
- The ARJ data damage protection file is damaged. It is not
- possible to determine what sections of the archive are damaged.
- Text mode (-t1) files are not allowed for SFXJR
- The ARJ small self-extraction module (-je1) does not support
- extraction of files compressed in text mode (-t1).
- The ARJ-SECURITY envelope on this archive has been violated
- This ARJ archive has been damaged or corrupted. The contents of
- the archive are not in the same condition as when it was created.
- This archive HAS a valid ARJ-SECURITY envelope
- This ARJ archive has been ARJ-SECURED and most probably is in the
- same condition as when it was created.
- Too much damage. Recovery aborted.
- ARJ cannot fix the damage to this archive. There are too many
- errors to fix.
- Unknown file type: <number>
- ARJ has encountered an unknown file type in the archive.
- You may need a newer version of ARJ to process this archive.
- Unknown method: <number>
- ARJ has encountered an unknown compression method in the archive.
- You may need a newer version of ARJ to process this archive.
- Unknown version: <number>
- ARJ has encountered an unknown extraction version in the archive.
- You may need a newer version of ARJ to process this archive.
- *** Verifying ARJ SECURITY envelope ...
- ARJ is testing the integrity of the ARJ-SECURITY envelope on the
- archive. If the envelope has been corrupted or damaged, ARJ will
- display a message to that effect.
- Volume labels are not allowed for SFX
- The ARJ self-extraction modules, ARJSFXJR and ARJSFX, do not
- support the extraction of volume labels.
- Warning! Only <number> bytes of free disk space. Continue?
- Self-explanatory.
- Wrong encryption version: <number>
- ARJ stores the encryption method in the ARJ main header. It is
- improper to mix encryption methods in a single archive. Specify
- the correct encryption method to use. The old XOR version is
- designated as "0" or "1". The GOST versions are labeled "2",
- "3", or "4".
- This error message may occur if you specify the -hg option when
- trying to garble ("g") an archive that uses a different
- encryption method or when trying to create an ARJSFX module. Only
- the ARJSFXV module supports the -hg encryption options.
- This error message may occur if you are "j"oining two archives
- that are using different encryption methods.
- Warning! Not a standard ARJ garble module: <filename>
- Either a non-standard encryption module has been specified or the
- standard ARJ encryption module has been damaged.
- This message will appear when using the ARJCRYPT.COM version 2.1
- module with ARJ 2.60.
- end of document