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Text File | 1999-09-30 | 246.3 KB | 5,625 lines |
- User's Manual for the ARJ/ARJ32 archiver program, September 1999
- ARJ/ARJ32 software and manual are copyright (c) 1990-98 by ARJ
- Software, Inc. All rights reserved.
- ** IMPORTANT NEWS ****************************************************
- Users of ARJ should read the WHATSNEW.TXT and UPDATE.TXT files
- that contain information about the latest improvements to ARJ.
- For ARJ32 users, please refer to the UPDATE32.TXT for the
- differences from ARJ.
- **********************************************************************
- -------------------------------
- The ARJ program is dedicated to God and to my family. From the
- beginning, our family decided that God would be the senior partner
- in our company and that our business practices would strive to
- reflect the principles that He has so graciously provided to the
- world in His Word.
- ARJ is the result of a desire to use my interest in compression
- technology to produce an archiver for personal use on PCs and on
- minicomputers that provides power and excellent flexibility.
- This document is designed as an ARJ program reference manual and
- is not appropriate for novices to ARJ. The file named INTRO.TXT
- is intended for novices.
- Please note that the shareware versions of the ARJ programs may be
- slightly limited in functionality. See the UPDATE.TXT for more
- information.
- Users new to the ARJ archiver should start reading the INTRO.TXT
- file instead of this document file.
- The following terms are used through this manual.
- ARCHIVE - This is a file containing one or more files in a
- compressed or non-compressed state and containing file related
- information such as filename and date-time last modified, etc.
- ARJ32 - Windows 32 bit console mode version of ARJ. ARJ32 supports
- the Win32 environment of Windows 95/98/NT.
- ARJ FILE - This is an archive created by ARJ.
- BACKUP TYPE ARCHIVE - This is an ARJ archive that has the internal
- backup flag turned on. This feature is obsolete after ARJ version
- 2.50a. Current and future versions of ARJ will ignore the special
- flag set on file backups. Replacing this backup archive scheme is
- the chapter archive scheme.
- CHAPTER ARCHIVE - This is an ARJ archive that contains one or more
- backup chapters. A chapter archive stores a full backup and a
- series of incremental backups in a manner that saves disk space by
- not storing duplicate files. A chapter archive allows the user to
- recover a directory of files as they were when the backup chapter
- was made. In other words, if daily backup chapters of a source
- directory were made from Monday to Friday, one could recover the
- source directory as it was on Wednesday.
- COMPRESSION - The process of encoding redundant information into
- data requiring less storage space.
- COMPRESSION PERCENTAGE/RATIO - The percentage compression reported
- by ARJ is a variation of one of the TWO standard methods of
- expressing compression ratio in the technical literature. ARJ uses
- the compressed size / original size ratio. The other method is the
- inverse ratio. When ARJ reports 96% as the compression ratio, which
- means that the compressed file is 96 percent of the original size
- (very little compression). Other archivers use their own methods.
- LHARC uses the same ratio as ARJ.
- EXTRACTION or UNCOMPRESSION - The processing of recreating the
- exact information that was previously compressed.
- SELF-EXTRACTION MODULE (SFX) - This is an archive that is an
- executable file that is capable of extracting self-contained files.
- TEXT MODE - In text mode, ARJ inputs the file using the C library
- text mode which translates the carriage return, linefeed control
- characters of MS-DOS to a single linefeed character. This saves
- space and provides the option for cross platform file extraction.
- On another platform, the host C library would change the single
- linefeed to the host text newline separator sequence. In addition,
- for platforms such as PRIMOS which set bit 8 in ASCII text
- characters, ARJ sets/resets bit 8 according to the platform
- extracted to. When extracting a text mode file to the same type
- of platform archived from, ARJ will NOT strip the 8-bit text to
- 7-bit text.
- VOLUMES - These are ARJ archives that are in sequence and have been
- created by a single ARJ command. Files in the volumes may span
- volumes in a split format. These volumes are usable archives.
- WINDOWS 9x - This refers to all versions of Windows 95 and Windows
- 98.
- Currently provides excellent compression in terms of size reduction
- compared to the leading archivers including PKZIP 1.10, PKZIP 2.04,
- LHARC 1.13c, and LHA 2.13.
- ARJ is particularly effective with database files and documents.
- The ability to process and archive up to 65,000 files at one time.
- The ability to select files for archival by type and/or attribute.
- Support for Windows 9x long filenames in the Windows 9x GUI DOS
- environment. ARJ32 also supports long filenames in Windows NT.
- The ability to repair small amounts of archive damage (headers and
- file data) of an ARJ-PROTECTED archive.
- Archive and individual file comments with the option of inputting
- comments from a file.
- ARJ has MS-DOS 3.x international language support for the proper
- casing of filenames and text.
- The ability to put the entire ARJ command line in a response type
- file as in "ARJ @command.rsp".
- 32 bit CRC file integrity check.
- DOS volume label support.
- Default storing of specified pathnames to allow recovery of a
- directory structure.
- Empty directory support.
- Backup support in the chapter archive scheme which allows a series
- of backups to be included in a single archive so that one can
- recover any one of the backups. The advantage of chapters is that
- files that have not changed are saved only once in the archive.
- Test new archive before overwriting the original archive option.
- Archives that can span diskettes. This allows the user to backup a
- full hard disk drive to multiple floppies. Recovery of individual
- files is convenient because each diskette archive is an individual
- archive except for the split file portion. No need to use SLICE
- with ARJ. In addition, ARJ in disk spanning mode can support the
- use of 3.5 HD diskettes formatted at higher capacities than 1.44
- MBytes. Moreover, ARJ can build these disk spanning archives on
- the hard disk drive for later transfer to diskettes.
- Archive file re-ordering facility with the option of sorting by
- file size, file extension, CRC value, date-time modified, filename,
- pathname, compression ratio, file attribute and more.
- String searching with context display within archive files.
- Built-in facility to recover files from broken archives.
- Self-extraction feature that is internal to the ARJ runfile. The
- SFX module is full-featured with a built-in help screen. ARJ also
- includes a smaller SFXJR module with fewer features.
- Multiple volume self-extracting archives.
- The ability to embed command line type options inside
- self-extracting archives and to execute a command after extraction.
- Internal string data integrity check in ARJ to resist hacking a la
- Archive security envelope "seal" feature to resist tampering with
- secured archives. This feature disallows ANY changes to a secured
- archive. Even the archive comments can NOT be changed without
- removing the "seal".
- Password option to encrypt archived files.
- Text mode data compression option to enable movement of text files
- from one host machine to another. Text mode also results in
- slightly greater file size reduction on MS-DOS machines.
- File extraction to screen in a paged mode to permit browsing
- through an archive.
- Specification of the files to be added to or exclude from an
- archive via one or more list files. In addition, ARJ can generate
- a list file.
- Specification of files to be excluded from processing by ARJ.
- Sub-directory recursion during compression and extraction.
- This is information for those who plan to publish benchmark test
- results comparing ARJ with other file archivers.
- The ARJ "-jm" compression is intended to demonstrate the best that
- ARJ can do in terms of size reduction. However, the ARJ "-jm1"
- compression is almost as good in terms of size reduction. The ARJ
- "-m2" compression is intended to compete with LHA 2.12. The ARJ
- "-m3" compression is intended to compete with PKZIP 1.10.
- The ARJ "-e" option is necessary during size benchmarks because
- ARJ by default stores the entire specified pathname in the archive
- as opposed to other archivers which strip path specifications.
- Example command: ARJ a benchmrk -e -jm1 files\*.*
- The very size of the ARJ runfile adds significantly to the
- compression and extraction times when testing smaller archives.
- The use of ARJ/ARJ32 in a business, commercial, institutional, or
- government environment requires a license. However, business,
- commercial, institutional and government users may use ARJ for
- evaluation purposes for a period of 30 days. See the LICENSE.TXT
- for full details.
- The inclusion of any of the ARJ software (ARJ, ARJ32, DEARJ,
- and/or hardware for distribution requires a license.
- While evaluating ARJ, you should use the "-jt" (test archive)
- option to verify new ARJ archives of your data.
- This version has been tested under DOS 2.11, 3.3, 4.01, 5.0, 6.0,
- and 6.2x. It also runs under the DOS windows of Windows 3.x,
- Windows 95/98, OS/2 2.0, Warp 3, and Warp 4.
- ARJ32 has been tested under Windows NT 4.0 service pack 3, Windows
- 95, and Windows 98.
- Here is a suggested command that will test ARJ on all of your files:
- ARJ a testvol c:\ -v360dtestvol.* -xtestvol.* -y -jf -jt1 -r
- See the file YEAR2000.TXT.
- This version of ARJ has been modified to allow the specification
- of the century for the ARJ date options "-o" and "-ob". Prior to
- this version, the ARJ date options would accept a date in the form
- of YYMMDD. With this version, ARJ will accept dates in both
- YYMMDD and YYYYMMDD formats. ARJ will presume that any year
- specifications beginning with 19, 20, and 21 are YYYY type
- specifications and any year specifications beginning with 80, 81,
- 82 .... 99, 00, 01 .... 18 are YY type specifications.
- Example: -o980105 -> on or after Jan 5, 1998
- -o19980105 -> on or after Jan 5, 1998
- -o100105 -> on or after Jan 5, 2010
- -o20100105 -> on or after Jan 5, 2010
- -o201001051200 -> on or after Jan 5, 2010 12:00 P.M.
- -o100105 -> on or after Jan 5, 2010 12:00 A.M.
- A detailed technical description of the ARJ archive format is
- available in the UNARJ distribution archive. This archive
- contains a description of the archive header formats as well as C
- source code for an ARJ archive extractor and lister program. This
- UNARJ source code has been made portable to several platforms
- including UNIX, NEXT, DOS, and AMIGA. However, we only distribute
- and support the PC versions.
- DEARJ is the ARJ program without the archive creation/modification
- functions, the "w" command, the self-extractors, and the "-jt1"
- and "-jt2" switches.
- The UNREGISTERED version of DEARJ CANNOT handle multiple volume
- archives.
- DEARJ is normally not needed because ARJ now has a multiple volume
- self-extractor which provides the same functions.
- Registration of REARJ will enable a number of additional
- enhancements including environment variable usage, !listfile
- capability and selection by file date-time.
- See the LICENSE.TXT and ORDERFRM.TXT for more information.
- ARJR is no longer available.
- UNARJ and DEARJ are NOT the same program.
- ARJ32 does not have a DEARJ32.EXE.
- The ARJ software package is designed to work under DOS versions and
- DOS boxes from 2.11 and above. However, certain features have an
- OS limitation under DOS versions prior to DOS 3.0: access to the
- self-extractors and to the built-in help information. To get the
- ARJ help screens and the ARJ self-extraction creation to work,
- ARJ.EXE MUST be located in the CURRENT directory. This limitation
- exist only in newer versions of ARJ to save on memory usage.
- Within the Windows 9x DOS box environment, ARJ supports the use of
- Windows 9x long filenames. This feature ONLY works in the Windows
- 9x DOS box. It does not work under DOS 6.x nor does it work under
- Windows NT.
- ARJ32 runs only under Windows 95/98/NT graphical environment.
- We assume that you have a copy of the self-extracting ARJ module
- named ARJ###.EXE where "###" represents the ARJ version number.
- Typing ARJ### [RETURN] at the DOS command prompt will initiate the
- self-extraction feature. ARJ### will by default extract its files
- to the "C:\ARJ" directory. When ARJ### starts, you will see
- several lines of text describing ARJ and then a line asking if you
- wish to continue extraction. Entering "yes" or "y" will continue
- the extraction. If there are any duplicate filenames in the
- destination directory, the program will prompt you for
- overwriting. You can enter "yes", "no", or "quit".
- To complete the installation, you will need to add the destination
- directory ("C:\ARJ" is the default) to the PATH statement in your
- AUTOEXEC.BAT file. For Windows 95/98, you should add the statement
- set path=%path%;c:\arj
- to the end of the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Do NOT insert any spaces for
- added clarity.
- ARJCRYPT.COM is an ARJ accessory encryption module for USA users
- only. It is available on the ARJ website.
- ARJ32_C.DLL is an ARJ32 accessory encryption module for USA users
- only. It is available on the ARJ website.
- You may, of course, prefer to use ARJ 1.00 or higher to extract
- the contents of ARJ###.EXE file manually.
- Example: ARJ e ARJ###.EXE C:\ARJ\
- See the document INTRO.TXT.
- The command "ARJ y -je archive" will create a full featured
- self-extracting archive from an already built archive.
- The command "ARJ y -je1 archive" will create a smaller
- self-extracting archive.
- Syntax: ARJ y -je archive produces archive.exe
- The registered version of ARJ lets users create multiple volume
- self-extracting archives,
- Syntax: ARJ y -je archive -v360K produces archive.exe,
- archive.e01, archive.e02 ....
- Under DOS systems other than 2.11, 3.2, 3.3, 4.0, 5.0, 6.x, and
- 7.0, you may have to rename the self-extract module to ARJSFX.EXE
- to do the extraction.
- See the "-je" option for more information.
- It is possible to customize an ARJ self-extracting archive to
- execute command line options as if the user typed in the options.
- Upon execution, an ARJ self-extractor checks its DOS command line
- for any options that the user might have entered (ARJSFX -t). If
- the self-extractor does not find any options, it will look for the
- self-extractor archive comment. If the first line of the comment
- begins with two right parentheses, the self-extractor will execute
- any command options following the two right parentheses.
- Refer to the last part of the section describing the "-je" option
- in this document.
- Included with this software is the program REARJ. This program can
- be used to individually or collectively convert archive files from
- other formats to the ARJ format.
- The command "REARJ *.ZIP *.ARC *.LZH" will convert all ZIP, ARC,
- and LZH archives in the current directory to the ARJ format. See
- the REARJ.TXT for more information about REARJ.
- If you type ARJ [return], you will see a simple help screen.
- If you type ARJ -? [return], you will see more detailed help
- information.
- ARJ will accept up to: 64 filenames/wildnames on command line
- 65000 filenames resulting from wildnames
- 16000 filenames/wildnames to exclude
- 16000 filenames to sort
- 16000 ARJ filenames resulting from wildnames
- 2048 character comments
- (up to 25 lines or 1 file)
- For compressing, ARJ requires approximately 300,000 bytes plus the
- memory necessary to store all of the pathnames to be archived when
- using the default compression method (-m1).
- For extracting, ARJ requires approximately 175,000 bytes plus.
- The program DEARJ requires approximately 125,000 bytes plus.
- There is no limitation on the number of files that can be stored in
- one archive. However, when archiving a large number of files, ARJ
- will use additional disk space to manage its internal list of those
- filenames.
- Example:
- ARJ a -r archive \*.* -hm
- ARJ currently does not see that wildnames like "C:*.*" and "C:\*.*"
- can actually represent the same thing. ARJ would expand each of
- those two wildnames into a list that could be up to twice as long
- as necessary.
- When updating an archive, ARJ creates a temporary file named
- ARJTEMP.$nn in the current directory or special work directory if
- specified (-hm!F:\).
- While ARJ is scanning a wildcard filespec, ARJ will change the name
- of the target archive to ARJTEMP.$nn while the scan is proceeding
- to avoid including the archive itself in an add or move command.
- Also, as a result, you cannot add a file named ARJTEMP.$nn to an
- ARJ archive. Please note that the name of this temporary file may
- change at a future revision of ARJ.
- In this release, ARJ will not use memory for filenames that it does
- not select by name or by file attribute (archive bit, file type).
- When using the "-w" working directory switch, ARJ does not check
- on space availability before overwriting the original archive if
- it exists. Be sure that you have enough disk space for the new
- archive before using the "-w" switch. If ARJ aborts in this
- situation because of disk space, ARJ will keep the temporary
- archive.
- By default, ARJ does not see hidden or system files. ARJ will
- process system and hidden files when you either specify the "-a"
- switch or use the new "-hb" switch.
- Like LHARC and PKZIP, ARJ requires extra disk space to UPDATE an
- archive file. ARJ will backup the original archive while it
- creates the new archive, so enough room must be available for both
- archives at the same time.
- Unlike PKZIP, ARJ does not require additional work space when
- CREATING a new archive.
- Currently, ARJ will not extract overwriting a readonly file unless
- the "-ha" option is specified.
- You should use a software or hardware disk cache to speed up ARJ
- access. Diskette drives should NOT be write-delay enabled.
- Write-delay would prevent ARJ from truly verifying diskette
- writes.
- When archiving to diskettes, you should use the "-w" option to set
- a working directory on your RAMDRIVE or hard disk drive to speed
- up building the archive.
- You should use the "-jt" or "-jt1" option when archiving to
- diskettes or when you really want to be sure that ARJ will be able
- to extract what you have archived. There are cases where your
- hardware or memory resident software will corrupt your work, so
- the "-jt" options are excellent insurance. If you have bad
- sectors on your diskettes and verify is turned off, DOS will not
- tell you about diskette errors until it is too late. These errors
- Using the "-js" option saves time by not compressing archives of
- You should use the "-e" option whenever you do not need to store
- pathnames in an archive that you are creating. This will save
- space.
- Convert an ARJ archive into a self-extracting archive with a
- command like the following: ARJ y archive -je
- To capture a comment from an ARJ archive, use the following
- command: ARJ e archive ... -zcomment.txt (the "..." is
- significant).
- ARJ has several compression methods that provide size/time
- tradeoffs. Method 4 "-m4" is about twice as fast as method 1. The
- "-jm1" and "-jm" options modify the "-m1" option to provide even
- greater compression at a cost in time.
- Since ARJ uses over 300,000 bytes of memory during compression, it
- is difficult to use ARJ in a large application program unless that
- program swaps itself out of memory when it executes DOS commands
- like ARJ. However, there is at least one shareware program
- available that will automatically swap your large application
- program out of memory whenever it shells out to DOS to execute a
- command. The program SHROOM by Davis Augustine should be able to
- solve this memory problem for you. The latest version as of
- 03/11/92 is named SHROM19C.ZIP on Channel One BBS.
- This is not an endorsement of the product SHROOM.
- The easiest way we have found to use this product is to type:
- SHROOM -v COMMAND.COM will let you see SHROOM in action when you
- shell out to execute a DOS command.
- ARJ32 does not have this memory limitation.
- ARJ-Help is an electronic book (brand named Window Book (TM)) that
- allows the user to discover easily how to use ARJ. It runs under
- DOS. It is very fast and has a rich set of features which include
- full-text search, hypertext links, a table of contents that can be
- reorganized to your needs, a complete index, and much more. The
- current version can be found on some BBSes as ARJHLP24.EXE.
- Window Book, Inc.
- P.O. Box 390697
- Cambridge MA 02139
- TEL: 617-661-9515 or 800-524-0380.
- FAX: 617-354-3961
- The following are some other utilities that facilitate the use of
- ARJ. This list is not all inclusive nor is it meant as a personal
- recommendation.
- ARCHIVE MANAGER PRO - Archiver shell
- ARJMENU 1.x - ARJ shell
- SHEZ - Archiver shell
- ARCMASTER - Archiver shell
- ZGEN - Archiver shell
- ACZAR - Archiver shell
- ARJVIEW - ARJ shell
- AVIEW - BBS archive viewer
- WINZIP - Windows archiver shell
- WINDOWS COMMANDER - Windows archiver shell, file manager
- ARJ Folder - Windows Explorer Shell Extension
- A particularly useful ARJ support utility is SARJ (latest version
- is 1.12) by Frederic Taes. It improves upon ARJ compression by
- using ARJ to build "solid" archives.
- Windows interface recommendation:
- The author of ARJ personally uses both Windows Commander and ARJ
- Folder for his Windows work with ARJ currently. Windows Commander
- is especially useful because it supports many popular archivers and
- is designed as a file management tool. It treats archives like
- directories. This is especially handy for ARJ users who archive
- whole directory trees. And since it is a file manager, one can
- delete, move, copy, view, edit, and modify files in archives and
- not in archives. It even has FTP file transfer support.
- ARJ can be used as a substitute for a backup program. Now ARJ
- includes an error recovery option (-hk) to help protect against
- many kinds of data errors. Please note this option must be
- applied before data errors occur. It is STRONGLY recommended
- that you use the "-hk" option when archiving important files and
- when archiving to diskettes.
- The most common cause of failure is bad diskettes. You should let
- ARJ test the archives ON the diskettes. Testing the archives
- before copying them to diskettes is not enough. Critical data
- should always be backed up two or more times. Please keep in mind
- that damage to compressed data is many times more serious than
- damage to uncompressed data.
- WARNING: It is our recommendation that you should NOT update
- multiple volume ARJ archives of critical data especially backup
- archives. A system error could cause the current set of volumes
- being updated to be damaged. Use a separate set of diskettes to do
- an incremental backup.
- The following partial command lines illustrate a full backup
- command, an incremental backup command, and a restore command. The
- only parts missing are the names of the files to backup/restore.
- ARJ a A:backup -r -vvas -a1 -b2 -hk -js -jt -jiC:\backup.inx -wC:\ -m3
- ARJ a A:backup -r -vvas -a1 -b1 -hk -js -jt -jiC:\backup.inx -wC:\ -m3
- ARJ x A:backup -vv -y
- You should familiarize yourself with the above switches so that you
- can modify the above command lines as needed.
- If you have a RAMDRIVE large enough, you should change the "-w"
- option to point to the RAMDRIVE.
- If you have enough free hard disk space, you can build all of the
- diskette volumes on the hard disk for future transfer to diskette.
- In this case, you will need to change the name of the archive to
- "C:backup" or similar. The "-vvas" option should be changed to
- "-v360", "-v720" or whatever is appropriate for your diskette size.
- Please note that 360, 720, 1200, and 1440 are abbreviations for the
- standard diskette sizes. Other sizes will require your entering
- the entire number. Another change is to add the option "-y" which
- will turn off the "Ok to proceed ...." prompt. Lastly, if the "-w"
- option is pointing to the hard disk, you should remove the "-w"
- option entirely.
- ARJ a C:backup -r -v360 <other options> -m3 -y
- At this release, ARJ will automatically roll-over the file
- extension from .A99 to .100 and so on.
- Both backup commands will pause for a "system command". You can
- execute DOS commands at this point. This is a suitable place to do
- a "dir a:" to make sure that your disk is formatted and has enough
- free space on it. You may need to execute "format a:" or "del
- a:\". A very useful command might be "QDR A:". QDR is a utility
- from Vernon Buerg. You will need to type "exit" to allow ARJ to
- continue.
- If the backup fails after completing one or more diskettes, you
- can restart at the next archive after the last successful volume
- if you have specified an INDEX file with the "-ji" option during
- the backup. You can restart by retyping the EXACT SAME command
- line as before and adding the "-jn" option. This will cause ARJ
- to scan the previously written index file for the proper restart
- information. ARJ will automatically set the correct volume name.
- Example: ARJ a a:backup c:\ -r -vvas -jiINDEX.FIL
- ARJ a a:backup c:\ -r -vvas -jiINDEX.FIL -jn
- If a RESTORE operation fails after one or more diskettes, simply
- retype the same command as before but add the right ".Ann" suffix
- to the archive name. If ARJ has aborted because of a disk full on
- a file split between volumes, you will have to restart at the
- first volume that contains that file.
- This type of archive is obsolete after ARJ version 2.50a. It is
- replaced by the chapter archive.
- This feature is useful when backing up frequently modified files.
- This new feature is designed to make the backup management of a
- directory or application easier. It allows the taking of a
- sequence of backup "snapshots" of a changing application or
- directory. A chapter archive can provide major space savings over
- using many separate archives for backup.
- For example, a chapter archive could be used to keep track of the
- state of a Windows 3.1 directory. An initial chapter backup could
- be made of the original Windows 3.1 installation. Then, whenever
- a new software package is installed, a new chapter snapshot could
- be taken.
- ARJ ac winback c:\windows\*.* -r -a1 -jt1
- If a Windows problem develops, one can restore Windows back to
- any particular chapter for testing.
- ARJ x winback c:\ -y -jb5 restore chapter 5
- This chapter feature is especially useful for software developers.
- Since a chapter archive can contain up to 250 chapters, the change
- history of a software source directory for a period of weeks can be
- maintained in a single archive. You could take four chapter
- snapshots per day for over two months to a single archive. This
- would allow you to restore your source directory to one or more
- points in time to help you track the appearance of software
- problems.
- See the "-jb" option for more details.
- The limitation on the maximum number of chapters is an internal
- resource issue as well as a "recommendation" to build a new
- archive. Making thousands of modifications to important backup
- data is a somewhat risky activity.
- This version of ARJ supports the use of long filenames under the
- Windows 9x GUI in the MS-DOS Prompt environment. It does not
- support long filenames under MS-DOS 6.22 and below or in Windows
- NT. It supports long filenames ONLY when the Windows 9x GUI
- (graphical user interface) is running. In other words, there is
- no long filename support in Windows 9x MS-DOS mode (accessed from
- the Win9x shutdown menu). Moreover, there is NO long filename
- support in ARJ for Windows NT.
- Windows 9x DOS support (and therefore ARJ) do not support access
- to long filenames containing certain characters. For example, a
- filename containing the copyright symbol or the trademark symbol
- cannot be accessed in a Win9x DOS window with the COPY command
- or with ARJ. These type of filenames can only be accessed via
- their short names. The Win9x system normally stores filename
- characters as two bytes per symbol allowing an alphabet of 65536
- possible symbols. Because Win9x DOS only uses one byte per
- character position allowing only a 256 symbol alphabet, many
- characters are displayed by Win9x DOS as "_".
- In addition, ARJ does not support files over 2 GB in size.
- The small ARJ self-extractor (-je1) does NOT support the handling
- of long filenames.
- The ARJSFX and ARJSFXV modules (-je) support long filename
- handling. However, they will only extract archived Win9x long
- filename files under Win9x. If long filename files are being
- extracted to plain DOS, an error message will be displayed. They
- can be forced to extract the Win9x archived files with the "-j"
- option.
- For compatibility with MS-DOS and older versions of ARJ, ARJ can
- create a dual-name compatibility ARJ archive. This is an archive
- with both shortnames and longnames stored in it. The longnames are
- stored in the file comment field. New versions of ARJ will treat
- the dual-name archive according to the operating system
- environment. In other words, under MS-DOS, a dual-name archive
- will look like a shortname archive. Under Win9x, a dual-name
- archive will look like a longname archive. This is also true of
- the ARJSFX and ARJSFXV modules (-je).
- For efficiency reasons ARJ does not repeatedly check for file
- system support of long filenames. ARJ only tests the "C:" file
- system. An error may occur if ARJ under Win9x tries to access a
- disk drive that does not support long filename handling. The "-hf"
- option can be used to force ARJ to use the standard 8.3 filename
- APIs instead of the longname APIs.
- There are five new options "-hf", "-hf1", "-hf2", "-hf3", and
- "-hf4" that provide choices in the handling of long filenames.
- See the discussion of those options below for more information.
- ARJ will save Win9x long filenames in the letter case they are
- stored on disk; however, all filename matching is done without
- regard to case. In other words, "ThisName.Ext" matches
- "thisNAME.ext".
- When archiving files under Windows 9x, be sure to EXCLUDE files
- from processing that are OPEN such as WIN386.SWP.
- REMINDER: When specifying filenames with embedded blanks or
- symbols like ">", "<", or "|" on the command line, you MUST
- quote the filenames.
- Examples: ARJ a archive "C:\Program Files\*.*" -r
- ARJ c archive "<<<*" -jz -jb
- When specifying a target directory name that contains spaces, you
- must quote the directory name. If the name specification ends in
- a "\" backslash (needed for a non-existent directory), you must
- insert a space after the "\". Alternatively, you can use the
- "-ht" option. The built-in C run-time library uses the "\" as a
- character escape symbol.
- Example: ARJ x archive "C:\Program Files\ " or
- ARJ x archive "-htC:\Program Files"
- For Windows 9x disaster recovery, we make use of the program
- DOSLFNBK.EXE 2.3 by D. J. Murdoch. With this program while in
- plain DOS, you can save all of the long filenames to BACKUP.LFN.
- Then you can use ARJ or any other DOS backup scheme to backup
- your system including the BACKUP.LFN.
- CAUTION: Please check the version of DOSLFNBK you are using. Some
- versions do not support FAT32 partitions.
- Here is a brief list of steps to backup and restore:
- 1) Make a Win9x startup diskette.
- 2) Shutdown to MS DOS mode.
- 3) While you are on the C: drive, execute "DOSLFNBK C:\".
- Change to the D: drive (if any) and execute "DOSLFNBK D:\".
- Execute DOSLFNBK for each drive on each drive.
- 4) Use ARJ or other DOS backup program to backup ALL of the files.
- Example: ARJ a A:backup C:\*.* D:\*.* -r -a1 -jt1 -va -jf
- CAUTION: For important backups, we always make TWO BACKUPS of
- our system. All too often, one or more files will not restore
- correctly because of some data error (MURPHY'S LAW in action).
- 5) Save ARJ.EXE or your backup program to diskettes in a
- restorable form.
- 6) Backup finished.
- 1) Boot from your Win9x startup diskette.
- 2) Execute "SYS C:" from the A: drive to re-install the boot.
- 3) Install ARJ.EXE or your backup program on the hard drive.
- 4) Restore all of the files.
- Example: ARJ x A:backup -v -jf -y -ha
- 5) On each drive, execute "DOSLFNBK /r" to restore the long
- filenames.
- 6) Restore finished.
- With this version, ARJ can repair "protected" archives that suffer
- from slight amounts of data damage (CRC error, bad header, etc).
- An ARJ archive is "protected" with the "-hk" option. With the
- "-hk" option, ARJ will generate ARJ damage protection data. This
- data is appended to the protected archive. This data is REQUIRED
- in order to repair damaged ARJ archives. The size of this data
- ranges from a minimum of 4K bytes and larger. For larger
- archives, the protection file size is typically less than one
- percent of the archive file size. Before this release, the
- ARJ-PROTECT was saved in a separate .XRJ file.
- At this release, ARJ sets an AUTO ARJ-PROTECT flag within a
- protected archive (except for ARJ-SECURED archives), so that
- future updates to the archive will include ARJ-PROTECTION. "ARJ y
- archive -hk" can be used to clear that flag.
- This protection feature is sector based and allows repair due to
- typical types of disk corruption (bad sector, virus damage, cross
- links, etc). This type of sector protection is NOT effective for
- most data transmission problems where data is missing from the
- middle of a transmission.
- It is STRONGLY recommended that ARJ-PROTECT be used on archives of
- important data and on archives on diskettes. The majority of
- reports of archive damage is due to diskette errors.
- Technically, this protection feature uses a series of XOR sums and
- checksums in order to allow repairs. Larger archives are logically
- treated as several streams of data. ARJ can protect each "stream"
- from one or two damaged sections 1024 bytes in size. However, for
- large archives (1 MB or larger) ARJ can sometimes repair up to four
- damaged sections per MByte. The "-hk1, "-hk2" .... "-hk9" options
- can offer more data protection at the cost of a proportionately
- larger protection file.
- The "-hk" option sets ARJ to build a protection file. The "q"
- command is used to repair a damaged archive. The repaired archive
- is named ARJFIXED.ARJ. The original damaged archive is not
- modified.
- Example: ARJ a archive -hk ARJ-PROTECTED
- ARJ q archive repairs archive.arj
- As of version 2.55, ARJ will use its own ANSI sequence display
- handler to display ARJ comments. In previous versions, ARJ
- depended upon the "-ja" option and an installed ANSI.SYS driver to
- handle the ANSI escape sequences. The "-ja" option has a new
- function now. The "-ja" option will set the "P" command to display
- files using the new ANSI sequence display handler.
- The ARJSFXV module (-je -v) also will display ANSI comments now.
- Please note that the ARJ comment field size is limited to about 2K
- bytes.
- Several times in this document and the UPDATE.TXT file, there is
- mention of the filespec "..." (not to be confused with my use of
- "...." in this document to mean "and so on"). This filespec is
- chosen so as not to match any existing filename. ARJ will NOT
- generate an error or warning for not matching "..." specifically.
- This is a problem when using ARJ on a NOVELL network as the
- filespec "..." is a valid directory name. A partial workaround
- is to specify a non-existent filespec such as "@@@" in place of
- "...". Or you may use the "-hn" option to specify a name that is
- not to match any filename.
- ADD:
- If a user specified file is not found during an add, ARJ will
- continue processing, and will keep the archive and terminate with
- an error condition. Note that files specified within an ARJ
- listfile that are not found during an add will NOT trigger an error
- unless the "-hl" option is also specified.
- In a disk full condition or any other file i/o error, ARJ will
- promptly terminate with an error condition and delete the temporary
- archive file unless the user has specified the "-jk" switch.
- ARJ will only delete files that have been successfully added to the
- archive. If you have specified the "-jt" (test) switch, ARJ will
- abort on any error. If you specify the "-jk" switch, ARJ will keep
- the temporary archive upon an abort.
- In a disk full condition or any other file i/o error, ARJ will
- promptly terminate with an error condition and delete the current
- output file.
- In the case where an ARJ archive has been corrupted, ARJ will
- report a CRC error or a Bad file data error. These corruptions can
- be the result of an unreliable diskette, a computer memory problem,
- a file transfer glitch, or incompatible CACHING software. Most of
- these errors are the result of file transfer glitches and bad
- diskettes. A few are the result of an incompatible interaction
- with SUPER PCKWIK 3.3 advanced diskette support or Windows 3.x.
- Individual files in an archive that are affected by the CRC or Bad
- file data errors CANNOT be recovered in an undamaged state. Other
- files in a damaged archive can be recovered by extracting them
- using the "-jr" option.
- However, with some preventative action as in the use of the "-hk"
- option to generate a data damage protection file, slightly
- corrupted ARJ archives can be fully repaired and all damaged files
- recovered in an undamaged state.
- ARJ sets up an interactive critical error handler to handle DOS
- critical errors like "sector not found" and "drive not ready". When
- a critical error occurs, ARJ will prompt the user with the message
- "Retry Y/N?". The user may retry the failed operation by pressing
- "Y". Pressing "N" will fail the operation or abort to DOS
- depending upon the version of DOS. The user can press Control
- BREAK to abort to DOS.
- ARJ returns a number of DOS errorlevels for different situations.
- 0 -> success
- 1 -> warning (specified file to add to archive not found,
- specified file to list, extract, etc., not found,
- or answering negatively to "OK to proceed to next
- volume...." prompt)
- 2 -> fatal error
- 3 -> CRC error (header or file CRC error)
- 4 -> ARJ-SECURITY error or attempt to update an ARJ-SECURED archive
- 5 -> disk full or write error
- 6 -> cannot open archive or file
- 7 -> simple user error (bad parameters)
- 8 -> not enough memory
- 9 -> not an ARJ archive
- 10 -> XMS memory error (read or write)
- 11 -> user control break
- 12 -> too many chapters in archive
- Please note that DOS batchfiles have a unique method of testing
- for a DOS errorlevel. The batch statement IF ERRORLEVEL 0 ....
- means if the errorlevel is EQUAL TO or GREATER THAN 0. Generally,
- one should test for the highest possible errorlevels first and
- proceed lower as in:
- ARJ a archive *.*
- if errorlevel 9 goto not_arj
- if errorlevel 8 goto no_memory
- .
- .
- .
- if errorlevel 1 goto minor_error
- type ARJ command successful
- ARJ prompts the user for action at certain times. There are
- several types of prompts. One is for yes/no permission, another is
- for a new filename, another is for archive comments, and one other
- is for search strings.
- The ARJ yes/no user prompts provide a lot of flexibility. In
- addition to the normal yes and no responses, ARJ also accepts the
- following responses: quit, always, skip, global, and command.
- "Global" sets ARJ to inhibit all subsequent user prompts by assuming
- YES for all queries as if "-y" were specified.
- "Always" sets ARJ to assume YES for subsequent queries of the same
- class. For example, answering ALWAYS to the overwrite query will
- assume YES for ALL subsequent overwrite queries.
- "Skip" sets ARJ to assume NO for ALL subsequent queries of the same
- class.
- After "always" or "skip" responses, subsequent user prompt
- messages will still be output to the screen but no user response
- will be accepted.
- "Command" prompts for one DOS command and then executes it. ARJ
- then returns to expect an answer to the current yes/no query. You
- should keep the query in mind as ARJ does NOT always redisplay
- the full query message.
- Since ARJ uses STDIN for user input, be careful about typing ahead
- anticipating prompts. ARJ may prompt you for an unexpected action
- and use your earlier input.
- The "-jyy" option lets you change the prompting modes to single
- character query mode. See the section on "-jy" for more
- information.
- ARJ will first look for an environment variable named ARJ_SW and
- use its value as switch options for ARJ. If ARJ finds such an
- environment variable, it will display a message to that effect.
- You can inhibit ARJ from using this environment variable by using
- the "-+" option. You can also set the name of the environment
- variable with the "-+" option as in ARJ a -+ARJ_SW2 archive.
- SET ARJ_SW=<switches>
- Example: SET ARJ_SW=-w\temp -k -e
- Do NOT add any blanks after the variable name ARJ_SW. As in LHARC,
- command line switches can be selected to override ARJ_SW settings.
- ARJ32 uses ARJ32_SW as its default variable.
- ARJ will allow you to use a different switch character "-" or "/"
- in ARJ_SW and in the command line except when using the "-ju"
- (unix) option.
- If the ARJ_SW environment variable specifies a filename (text not
- beginning with a switch character), ARJ will open that filename and
- scan it looking for a line of text that begins in column 1 with the
- same letter as the ARJ command being executed. The following text
- is processed as the ARJ_SW switches. This allows each ARJ command
- to have its own switch settings. In addition, ARJ will also look
- for the "+" (plus) symbol in column 1 to use as a miscellaneous
- switch string. This string will be added to any command switch
- string found if any. If no command switch string is found, ARJ
- will use the miscellaneous switch string as the ARJ_SW switch
- settings. NOTE that the "+" switch settings will NOT be used if
- the "+" string occurs below the command switch string.
- C:\ARJ\ARJ.CFG contains:
- a -jm1 -jt -i1
- c -zcomment.txt
- + -jv
- l -jp
- e -i1
- AND is equivalent to:
- a -jm1 -jt -i1
- c -zcomment.txt
- l -jp -jv
- e -i1 -jv
- f -jv
- v -jv
- all other commands
- .
- .
- .
- In the above example, any ARJ "a" commands will use "-jm1 -jt -i1"
- as the ARJ_SW switch options.
- The ARJ_SW variable or the ARJ_SW configuration file switch
- settings may NOT have quoted switches such as "-vasformat a:".
- As of this release, ARJ will also accept the commands "ac", "cc",
- and "dc" in the ARJ configuration file.
- C:\ARJ\ARJ.CFG contains:
- a -jm1 -jt -i1
- ac -jm -jt
- dc -jt
- ARJ <command> [-<switch>[-|+|<option>]....] <archive_name>[.ARJ]
- [<base_directory_name>\] [<!list_name>|<path_name>|<wild_name>....]
- or
- ARJ @response_filename [-&] | [-+] | [-+environment_variable] |
- [-gpassword] | [-g?]
- Commands and switches can be entered in upper or lower case.
- Switches can be placed anywhere after the command ARJ.
- ARJ supports the use of either "-" or "/" as the switch option
- character. The first occurrence of either "-" or "/" that ARJ
- encounters in the ARJ_SW variable will determine the switch symbol
- for processing ARJ_SW. The first occurrence of either "-" or "/"
- that ARJ encounters in the command line will determine the switch
- symbol for processing the command line except when the "-ju" (unix)
- option has been specified in ARJ_SW. You may NOT mix and match
- switch symbols. Throughout this document, the symbol "/" may be
- substituted for "-" in switch usage.
- Examples: ARJ a A:archive *.* /va /r is correct
- ARJ a A:archive *.* /va -r IS INCORRECT USAGE!
- Switches specified on the command line will either toggle or
- override switches specified with the ARJ_SW environment variable.
- Switch usage is identical to that of LHARC.
- "-s+" turns on switch "s".
- "-s-" turns off switch "s".
- "-s" toggles the state of switch "s".
- "-sname" provides the name argument for switch "-s".
- "--" skip processing of any more switch options.
- Switch options CAN be combined to save command line length.
- However, some switch options take optional string arguments and
- therefore, must be the last option in a combined argument token
- string because ARJ accepts the rest of the argument token as the
- optional argument. You can combine "-r" and "-i" to make "-ri".
- You can combine "-wd:\" and "-i" with "-iwd:\", because the switch
- option taking the string argument is last. Please note that
- switches that ONLY accept the "+", "-", "0", "1", "2" modifiers can
- be combined in any order. The following switches must be last in a
- combined switch argument: -g, -l, -m, -o, -t, -v, -w, -x, -z,
- -!, -$, -h#, -hb, -hc, -hg, -hk, -hm, -hn, -hx, -jb, -jc, -jd,
- -jh, -ji, -jn, -jq, -jp, -js, -jw, -jx, -jy, -jz.
- WARNING: The "j" in "-jX" option switches is a SHIFT symbol.
- Therefore, a combined "-jatv" is a combination of "-ja", "-jt", and
- "-jv", since the "j" shifts the meaning of subsequent symbols in
- the argument token string. The use of more than ONE "j" shift
- symbol per argument token string is NOT supported for future
- versions.
- Examples: -rijvta <=> -r -i -jv -jt -ja
- -i1kwd:\ <=> -i1 -k -wd:\
- ARJ will accept an ending "-" on most switches such as "-w-". The
- "-x" switch option is one exception. The one caveat is that for
- switches that support an optional argument such as "-wd:\" or
- "-t1", that switch option must NOT be followed by a concatenated
- switch option such as "-w-r". An argument token string such is
- "-rikw-" is acceptable because the "-w" option is the last one. One
- special switch combination is the "-jyyr" combination. You can
- turn off the "y" and "r" modifiers with "-jyyr-".
- The switch option "--" tells ARJ that there are no more switch
- options to process in the current command line. This is useful
- when you need to enter filenames beginning with "-".
- Example: ARJ a archive -- -testfile
- The standard ARJ file suffix is ".ARJ". Subsequent multiple
- volume archives end in ".A01", ".A02", etc, up to .A99, .100, .101
- to .999. It is possible to have multiple volumes start at ".001"
- and go up to ".999".
- The ARJ command must be the first non-switch argument after "ARJ".
- The ARJ archive name must be the first filename on the command
- line. The base directory, if any, must be the second filename
- argument. The switches and other filenames can be in any order.
- The base directory name should end with "\" (backslash) or ":"
- (colon). However, ARJ will still accept directory names without
- the "\" character if the directory already exists. This feature is
- limited to the add type and extract type commands.
- Wild_names follow MS-DOS convention. "*.*" means all files.
- "*.DOC" means all files with an extension of ".DOC". "?B*.*"
- means all files with a second character of "B".
- The default for <wild_name> for all commands except for "d" is
- "*.*".
- For the add, move, freshen and update commands, filename matching
- in the archive requires an exact path match depending upon the "-e"
- option. For non-update commands, specified filenames with paths
- will force a full pathname match.
- You can supply one or more filenames for files containing lists of
- files to be added to an archive. The filenames must be listed one
- per line with no leading or trailing blanks. The list filename(s)
- must be prefixed with "!". If you want to archive a filename
- beginning with !, you must use the "-!" option to set a new list
- file character.
- You can exclude filenames/wildnames from the list of filenames to
- be processed by ARJ.
- Example: ARJ a software *.* -x*.exe -x*.obj adds all files
- in the current directory except .EXE and .OBJ files.
- REMINDER: When specifying filenames with embedded blanks or
- symbols like ">", "<", or "|" on the command line, you MUST
- quote the filenames.
- Examples: ARJ a archive "C:\Program Files\*.*" -r
- ARJ c archive "<<<*" -jz -jb
- ARJ @response_filename [-&] | [-+] | [-+environment_variable] |
- [-gpassword] | [-g?]
- ARJ will accept an ARJ command line from a response file as in
- "ARJ @command.rsp". The "@" symbol indicates that the appended
- name is the name of the response file. In this case, the file is
- command.rsp. The response file symbol cannot be changed. Only one
- ARJ command line can be processed per response file.
- The response file should contain the ARJ command line minus the
- initial "ARJ". The command line may be split over as many lines as
- necessary. The response file feature will NOT accept QUOTED
- command line options. Options with embedded blanks ("-vasTEST X")
- will not be processed as expected. See the "-@" option for help on
- options with blanks. When using the response file feature, ARJ
- will accept only the "-+", "-&", "-g" switch options on the DOS
- command line along with the response file name. All other command
- options must be specified in the response file or in the ARJ
- environment variable.
- To better support long filenames, ARJ provides the "-@" option to
- handle the processing of filenames and switch options that contain
- embedded spaces. The "-@" switch option enables the interpretation
- of a text line in an ARJ response file as a single token. In other
- words, when ARJ scans an "-@" option, it will process the NEXT text
- line in the response file as a single token including all embedded,
- leading, and trailing blanks. ARJ will continue to process each
- subsequent text line in the same manner. If ARJ scans a subsequent
- "-@" option, ARJ will revert to its normal multiple tokens per line
- processing.
- You can specify a wildcard for the archive name such as "*.ARJ" for
- all ARJ commands except for the add commands (a, f, j, m, u). If
- you also specify the "-r" switch, ARJ will search subdirectories
- for ARJ archives (*.ARJ) also.
- Example: ARJ l -r * will list all of your *.ARJ files.
- ARJ c *.arj -zbbs.cmt will comment all of your archives.
- As of 2.55c, the list of filenames that ARJ builds internally for
- archiving is now affected by the "-o" and "-b" and "-hb" options.
- Prior to 2.55c, ARJ would include all matching filenames in its
- internal list regardless of the "-o" and "-b" settings. Then
- during archival, ARJ would select from its internal list based upon
- the "-o" and "-b" and "-hb" options.
- Now ARJ uses the "-o" and "-b" and "-hb" options while it is
- building the internal list. The advantage with this method is the
- need for less memory to handle fewer files.
- For example, when doing a full backup of the C drive, ARJ builds an
- internal list of filenames for all of the files on drive C. When
- doing an incremental backup (-b, -b1), ARJ builds a list of
- filenames for only the files that have the archive bit set. In
- prior versions of ARJ, ARJ would build the same list regardless of
- the "-b" setting.
- ARJ wildcarding can differ according to the operating system
- environment. When scanning the file system for filenames to
- add/update an archive, ARJ uses the internal operating system
- wildcard matching functions. When scanning an ARJ archive (list,
- extract and so on), ARJ uses its own wildcard matching function.
- This internal ARJ function is identical to the standard DOS
- wildcard matching.
- Windows 9x and Windows NT use a slightly more complex wildcard
- matching function. In Windows 9x, it is possible to specify a
- wildcard specification of "a*d*c". This would match ARJ.TXT,
- ARJDISP.TXT, and others.
- As of ARJ 2.55c, ARJ will handle up to 65,000 filenames in its
- internal list. Because ARJ checks for duplicate filenames when
- necessary, processing over 20,000 filenames may slow down as the
- number of filenames processed increase. ARJ processes wildcards
- most efficiently when specified as separate command line wildcards
- inclusive of drive letters.
- Example: ARJ a backup C:\*.* D:\*.* E:\*.* -r -a1
- If each drive letter is unique, ARJ will not need to check for
- duplicates and can proceed faster. This speedup does not work when
- using listfiles.
- ac: Add Chapter to archive
- This is a new two character command for ARJ. It is actually an
- abbreviation for the following command and switch options: "u
- -u2 -jb". The "ac" command will add a chapter backup to a new
- archive or add a new chapter (updating) to a chapter archive. A
- chapter backup will consists of files that are DIFFERENT
- (different date-time or size).
- Example: ARJ ac archive c:\dir\*.* -r -jt
- The advantage of a chapter archive is that you can make numerous
- full backups (chapters) to a SINGLE archive. Major space
- savings will result when some files do not change from backup to
- backup.
- See the "-jb" option for more details.
- Adding a new chapter adds a chapter label entry in the archive.
- There is a limit of 250 chapters per archive.
- Please note that the "ac" command abbreviation is dependent upon
- file sizes and file date-time stamps. Modifying file date-time
- stamps with no relation to the system time may cause chapter
- update problems. In addition, changing the system time
- significantly may also cause chapter update problems.
- a: Add files to archive
- This is the basic command to add disk files to an ARJ archive.
- You can specify 0 to 64 filename arguments (one can be a
- destination directory). The arguments can be wildnames. If
- you specify the "-r" switch (recurse subdirectories), ARJ
- will add all of the files in all of the subdirectories that
- match the specified wildname.
- Example: ARJ a archive subdir\*.*
- Archive all files in directory "subdir".
- For maximum compression, use the "-jm" switch option.
- b: execute Batch or DOS command
- The ARJ b command allows a user to execute a DOS command on
- selected files in an archive. The ARJ b command will prompt for a
- DOS command string to execute per selected file. By default ARJ
- will extract the selected files to the filename ARJTEMP.$$$. This
- filename can be changed with the "-jw" option. The base directory
- option is ignored by the ARJ b command. The output file will be
- deleted by ARJ after the DOS command is executed.
- Examples: ARJ b archive
- ARJ b archive file.exe -jwtemp\tempfile
- This option can substitute for a simple extract and run command
- where the file to be extracted is an executable. You would specify
- a temporary executable name as the output name and use that name as
- the DOS command to be executed.
- Example: ARJ b archive file.exe -jwTEMP.EXE
- TEMP arguments
- You can supply the DOS command string on the command line with
- the "-jq" option. Switch options which have embedded blanks
- must be enclosed by double quote marks.
- Examples: ARJ b archive file.exe -jwTEMP.EXE -jqTEMP
- ARJ b archive *.c "-jqgrep text ARJTEMP.$$$"
- c: Comment archive files
- This command allows you to comment the header and individual
- files. ARJ will prompt you for each comment. The user will be
- prompted for up to 25 lines for each comment. A line containing
- only a [return] will terminate the comment.
- The user can choose to input comment data from a file by entering
- the comment filename preceded by an "!" as in "!archive.txt"
- starting in column 1 of the first comment line. This file is
- read as a text file. The lines in the text can be up to 2048
- bytes long. Only the first 2048 bytes of the file will be
- accepted by ARJ.
- To erase a comment from an archive, type [space] [return] on the
- first comment line and [return] on the second comment line.
- To strip archive or file comments from an archive, you can use
- the NUL file feature of MS-DOS.
- Examples: ARJ c archive -zNUL strips archive comment
- ARJ c archive name -jzNUL strips comment for "name"
- ARJ c archive -jzNUL strips all file comments
- ARJ c archive -zNUL -jzNUL strips all comments
- To add only the archive comment and not file comments, use the
- following command:
- ARJ c archive -z
- To add only the archive comment at the command line, use the
- following command:
- ARJ c archive -zcomment.txt
- You may also comment an archive with the "a", "f", "m", "u"
- commands using the "-z" option. The "-jz" option may not be
- used in the same manner.
- ARJ a -zcomment.txt archive *.txt
- cc: Convert standard archive to Chapter archive
- This is a new two character command for ARJ. It is actually an
- abbreviation for the following command and switch option:
- "y -jb". The "cc" command will convert a standard ARJ archive
- to a chapter archive.
- Example: ARJ cc archive
- d: Delete files from archive
- This command allows you to delete files from the archive. When
- wildcard selection is not suitable, you can use the "-q" switch
- to set ARJ to prompt you for deletion for each file selected.
- These deleted files are physically removed from the archive.
- Example: ARJ d archive *.c
- Delete all files in archive ending in ".c".
- ARJ d -q archive *.c
- Prompt before deleting each file ending in ".c".
- If specify "*.*" as the filespec, ARJ will prompt for permission
- to delete. You can specify the "-y" or "-jyd" options to
- inhibit the delete prompt.
- If ARJ removes all files from an archive, it will delete the
- empty archive.
- The delete command normally only deletes files of the last
- chapter in chapter archives.
- You can specify the "-n" (new) option to delete the files in the
- archive that DO NOT EXIST on the disk. You can use the same
- "-n" option with "ARJ l" to list the files that DO NOT EXIST on
- the disk. This is useful in synchronizing an archive to a
- directory along with an update command.
- Examples: ARJ d archive *.* -n
- ARJ l archive temp\ *.doc -n
- ARJ d archive temp\ *.doc -n
- dc: Delete last Chapter from archive
- This is a new two character command for ARJ. It is actually an
- abbreviation for the following command and switch option:
- "d -jb". The "dc" command will delete the last chapter in an
- archive using the specified file wildcard. Normally, that
- wildcard should be "*.*".
- Example: ARJ dc archive *.*
- e: Extract files from archive
- This command will extract one or more files from the archive to
- the current directory or base directory if specified. ARJ will
- prompt the user before overwriting existing files unless the
- user specifies the "-y" switch. If the user gives a "no"
- answer, ARJ will prompt for a new filename. If the user enters
- a single [return] instead of a filename, ARJ will skip the
- current file extraction.
- Example: ARJ e archive soft\ *.c
- Extract all files ending in ".c" to subdirectory
- "soft".
- When extracting a file located on multiple volumes, ARJ may
- prompt the user with an "Append? " prompt. This will usually
- occur with files split across volumes. You will also need to
- specify the "-v" switch to set ARJ to continue to the next
- volume of a series of volumes. When extracting from one of a
- series of multiple volumes on a diskette, it is easier to use
- the wildcard "*.*" to specify the archive as in:
- ARJ e archive A:*.* filespecs
- If you wish to extract only a portion of an archive and that
- portion is a directory containing directories, you should use
- the "-p1" switch. See the "-p" switch for more information.
- The ARJ e and ARJ x commands now accept the "-d" option to
- provide an extract and delete option. This feature requires
- that you specify the files to extract and delete. ARJ will NOT
- default to "*.*" for this option. This option actually uses
- more disk space than a simple extraction because of the
- temporary archive that is created during the extraction process.
- ARJ e archive -d file1 file2
- If ARJ encounters a disk full during extraction, ARJ will abort
- with an error. You can bypass the abort by using the "-jd"
- option. Refer to the description of "-jd" for more information.
- If ARJ encounters a CRC or Bad file data error during
- extraction, ARJ will delete the corrupted extracted file unless
- the "-jr" option is used.
- With the "-ho" and "-ho1" options, you can extract files from an
- archive based upon the success or failure of a text string
- search. Refer to the description of the "-ho" and
- "-ho1"options for details.
- Examples: ARJ e archive -ho
- ARJ e archive -ho -jq+3+textstring
- f: Freshen files in archive
- Update matching files in the archive that are OLDER than the
- selected disk files.
- Example: arj f archive *.c *.h
- In freshening archives, you should use the same filename
- specifications that you used to create the archive.
- Example: arj a archive \temp\ *.* -r
- arj f archive \temp\ *.* -r
- If no files or comments have been added to the archive, ARJ
- will not rewrite the archive at ARJ 2.20 and above.
- When updating a file in an archive with a file that is NOT
- newer and if the -jv option is selected, ARJ will display a
- message that there is "no change".
- g: Garble files in archive
- The ARJ "g" command allows a user to garble an already built ARJ
- archive. Please note that only ungarbled files will be garbled
- by the ARJ "g" command.
- Example: ARJ g archive -gdinosaur
- ARJ also includes a "-hg" option to specify the use of a special
- powerful encryption routine. There is a "-hg!" option to specify
- the use of a 40 bit encryption module.
- Some archives created with earlier ARJ versions cannot be
- "g"arbled.
- i: check Integrity of ARJ.EXE
- The "i" command allows the user to check the integrity of the
- ARJ.EXE program. ARJ will report "CRC ERROR!" if the tested ARJ
- program does not pass its integrity check. This indicates that
- the program is probably corrupted. Please note that the "i"
- command should not be used on a compressed ARJ executable
- (DIETed, LZEXEd, etc.), since the "i" command will then ALWAYS
- report a CRC error. If the program name is not specified, then
- ARJ will check the current program being executed.
- Syntax: ARJ i ARJ.EXE
- ARJ i at DOS 3.0 and up
- j: Join archives to archive
- The "j" command allows the user to merge several ARJ archives.
- Syntax: ARJ j archive archive1.arj archive2.arj
- ARJ j archive *.arj -r
- Some switches NOT supported by the "j" command are: -o, -ob,
- -f, -u, -c, -v. Note that there is no error message displayed
- by ARJ when using an unsupported switch with the "j" command.
- The "-d" option IS supported by the "j" command.
- Note that switches that do work like "-x" select the archives to
- be merged and NOT the contents of the archives.
- This command can be used to convert an SFX module to a regular
- ARJ archive.
- Example: ARJ j new_name arjsfx.exe
- k: purge chapter bacKup files in archive
- The ARJ k command works similar to the ARJ d command except that
- the ARJ k command only deletes files that are not in the last
- chapter. The ARJ k command requires a wildname or filespec as a
- selection option. This command will ONLY work with chapter
- archives.
- Examples: ARJ k archive *.*
- ARJ k archive *.doc -q
- l: List contents of archive
- List contents of archive to standard output. The display can be
- paused after each screenful with the "-jp" switch. The files
- are listed in stored order. There are no sort options
- currently.
- The last field on the display BTPMGVX stands for:
- B -> file not contained in the last chapter (obsolete file)
- T -> text/binary/directory/chapter/label type
- P -> path information available in "V" listing
- M -> compression method used
- G -> file has been garbled (encrypted)
- V -> archive has been continued to another volume
- X -> this file is an extended portion of a larger file
- Example: arj l archive *.c *.h
- The "B" indicator shows files that are not contained in the last
- chapter backup of a chapter archive. These files are removed
- when a purge (K command) is executed.
- For text mode compression, the original file size reported by
- the "l" and "v" commands is the actual number of bytes input.
- This is usually the MS-DOS file size minus the number of
- carriage returns in the file, since C text mode strips a file of
- carriage returns.
- You can use the "-n" option with "ARJ l" to list the files
- that DO NOT EXIST on the disk.
- Example: ARJ l archive temp\ *.doc -n
- As of ARJ 2.61, ARJ will display a count of filenames processed
- that have been labeled as Windows 9x long filenames.
- ARJ will display the count of files selected within an archive
- that have Windows long filenames.
- In the space preceding the date-time field, ARJ will display a
- "0" for year 2000, a "1" for the year 2100.
- The "v" command will now display Win9x file date-time accessed
- and file date-time created properties if they exist in the archive.
- As of ARJ 2.62d, the output under the "G" of the BTPMGUX area is
- changed. Instead of a simple "G" to indicate that the file is
- garbled, that field may contain the values "0", "1", "2", "3", or
- "4".
- "0" indicates XOR garbling (archives created before 2.60).
- "1" indicates XOR garbling (archives created at 2.60 and greater).
- "2" indicates GOST encryption with a 32 byte password limit.
- "3" indicates GOST encryption (ARJCRYPT.COM version 2.1).
- "4" indicates 40 bit encryption limit.
- m: Move files to archive
- This command is similar to specifying the "a" command with the
- "-d" switch. The "m" commands adds the selected files to the
- archive. If the adds are successful, then the added files are
- deleted. The move command does not ask permission before
- deleting the files. Use the "ARJ a -d" command for that
- feature.
- Example: ARJ m archive soft\*.*
- The "m" command when used with "-f" and "-u" will delete any
- successfully added files as well as any files that are already
- up to date in the archive. It is STRONGLY suggested that you
- always use the "-jt" option with move commands to set ARJ to
- verify the archive before deleting the input files.
- At ARJ 2.30 and above, ARJ will also attempt to delete any
- directories that are added to the archive. Directories can ONLY
- be selected by using the "-a1" option. Directories with
- UNSELECTED files will not be deleted.
- Example: ARJ m archive -a1 soft\*.* soft deletes soft
- ARJ m archive -a1 soft\*.* does not delete soft
- n: reName files in archive
- This command allows you to change the names of the files stored
- in an ARJ archive. ARJ will prompt for the new name of each
- selected file. You can skip changing the name of a particular
- file by entering a blank line.
- Example: ARJ n archive *.c
- In the above example, ARJ prompts for new names for all *.c
- files.
- o: Order files in archive
- This command allows you to re-order the files within the
- archive. You may specify the order of files on the command line
- or you can use one or more list files. Any files in the archive
- that are not specified on the command line or in a list file
- will be placed at the end of the archive in the same relative
- order that they were originally. No wildcard names can be used
- as order specifications. The filenames in the list file must be
- entered one per line.
- Example: ARJ o archive file1 file2 file3
- In the above example, the files "file1", "file2", and "file3"
- will be ordered first in the archive. Any remaining files will
- follow those.
- Example: ARJ o archive !list
- In the above example, the archive will be ordered according to
- the order of the names in the file "list".
- *** NOTE: There is a 16,000 filename sorting limit. ***
- IMPORTANT: For the "o"rder command, the list file option has
- one special feature. If the list file is named ARJSORT.$$$, ARJ
- will expect the file to have been built with the ARJ v -jv1
- command. This ARJSORT.$$$ list file may be specified with a
- pathspec. See the ARJSORT.BAT batch file for an example of this
- special feature.
- To facilitate building list files, the "v" command in ARJ will
- produce special outputs with the "-jv" switch and the "-jv1"
- switch.
- The "-jv" switch will display only the pathnames stored within
- the archive. No other listing data is displayed. This output
- can be re-directed to a file for manual sorting into a list
- file.
- The "-jv1" switch will display the standard verbose display with
- a few modifications. No sequential number field will be
- displayed. No comment field will be displayed. The pathname is
- appended to the archive file description data instead of being
- on a separate line. Displayed just before the pathname field
- are the file extension and filename. These fields are available
- so that the user can sort the text lines by date-time, file
- extension, CRC value, etc. Text editors like Qedit and SLED
- allow the user to sort text lines via an embedded text field.
- At ARJ 2.20 and above, you cannot "o"rder a multiple volume
- archive and should not.
- p: Print files to standard output
- Output files to standard output. This function works such that
- the output file will contain only the file data extracted. This
- is important for UNIX-like usage.
- Example: ARJ p archive manual.doc > output.fil
- In the above example, output.fil will be an exact copy of
- manual.doc. There will be no extraneous header information in
- output.fil. All extraction phase information is written to the
- STDERR device, which is normally the display screen.
- Example: ARJ p archive manual.doc > LPT1
- In the above example, the standard output is redirected to the
- printer device. This does not involve any intermediate disk
- files. However, when redirecting to the printer, ARJ will
- translate binary files to text, causing possible loss of data.
- The ARJ command "ARJ e archive manual.doc -jwLPT1" will output a
- binary file to the printer without loss of data.
- ARJ sets the file date-time stamp of the output stream. File
- viewing as in ARJ p archive name | LIST /s will display the
- correct file date and time.
- The "-jp" option can be used to pause the screen output as in the
- "s" command. The "-jv" option will allow the display of IBM
- graphics characters with the "-jp" option.
- NOTE: Because of a problem using fwrite() and STDOUT, errors
- occurring during redirection to serial and printer ports may not
- be detected. Errors during redirection to disk files will be
- detected.
- q: repair a damaged ARJ-PROTECTED archive
- The "q" command is used to repair a damaged "protected"
- archive. An archive is protected with the "-hk" option. It is
- important that an archive be protected prior to the damage.
- The "q" command will attempt to repair all damages and put the
- repaired archive in a file named ARJFIXED.ARJ. ARJFIXED.ARJ
- will also be newly ARJ-PROTECTED.
- Example: ARJ q archive
- For older style ARJ-PROTECT archives (with accompanying .XRJ
- file), you must specify the "-hk" option along with the "q"
- command.
- Example: ARJ q docs -hk repairs archive
- When working with a damaged protected archive and the "Abort,
- Retry, Ignore, Fail" prompt appears, you should select the
- "Ignore" option.
- r: Remove paths from filenames
- This command sets ARJ to remove the path component from the
- specified filenames stored in the archive. The default is all
- filenames stored in the archive. This command is useful if you
- forgot to specify "-e" to exclude paths.
- s: Sample files to screen with pause
- This command is similar to the "p" command except that one
- screenful of data is displayed to the user and a user action is
- then requested. The action prompt can be suppressed with the
- "-y" switch.
- The "s" command filters the text to output by truncating at 79
- characters per line and displaying '?' for control characters.
- The "-jv" option will allow the display of IBM graphics
- characters.
- t: Test integrity of archive
- Test the contents of the selected files for the correct CRC
- value. ARJ uses a 32 bit CRC to validate the contents of the
- files. The use of 32 bit CRCs is many times better than the
- use of 16 bit CRCs for the detection of errors.
- If the AUTO ARJ-PROTECT flag in the archive has been set, ARJ
- will also test the ARJ-PROTECT data at the end of the archive.
- When used with the "-hk" option, ARJ will test the archive and
- upon successful completion, will generate the ARJ-PROTECT file.
- Example: ARJ t archive -hk
- u: Update files to archive
- Update older files in the archive and add files that are new to
- the archive.
- Example: arj u software
- When updating a file in an archive with a file that is NOT
- newer and if the -jv option is selected, ARJ will display a
- message that there is "no change".
- v: Verbosely list contents of archive
- This command lists the full pathname and comments of the archive
- files as well as the same information as the "l" command.
- The "v" command now displays a sequence number preceding the
- pathname. This number can be used with the "-#" option to
- access specific files within an archive.
- Example: ARJ v archive
- ARJ x archive -# 5 10
- Use the "-jp" switch to pause the output after each screen.
- The "-jv" switch will display only the pathnames to the screen.
- The "-jv1" switch will display the archive data in a manner
- suitable for sorting on various fields for use with the "o"
- command.
- w: Where are text strings in archive
- This command allows the user to search for text strings within
- archives.
- ARJ will prompt the user whether to ignore case when searching.
- This search option takes MS-DOS code pages into account so that
- casing of accented/umlauted characters will be done correctly.
- ARJ will also prompt the user for the number of lines of context
- of a match to display. If a number greater than zero is chosen,
- ARJ will display the matched string and the surrounding context
- with all of the non-printable characters including newlines
- replaced by question marks. The context lines displayed will be
- 78 characters in length. When the display context option is
- chosen, ARJ will inhibit the progress indicator. If the "-jv"
- is set, IBM graphics characters (128 to 255) will be displayed.
- Then, this command will prompt the user for up to 20 text strings
- to search for within the archive. A count of all matches will be
- displayed after each individual file is scanned.
- Search strings are limited to 79 characters.
- Matches that span archive volumes will not be detected by this
- string search.
- You can search multiple ARJ archives with a command like:
- ARJ w \docs\*.arj
- You may page pause the display with the "-jp" option.
- The "-jq" option can be used to supply the necessary parameters
- to the ARJ w command.
- The option string will be parsed as follows:
- 1) the first character must be either "+" or "-" representing
- yes or no,
- 2) the next character(s) represents the number of lines of
- context to display,
- 3) the next character represents a non-digit separator,
- 4) the next characters represent the search text.
- Examples: ARJ w archive -jq+3+total caseless search
- display 3 context lines
- search for "total"
- ARJ w archive "-jq-2-to be" case sensitive search
- display 2 context lines
- search for "to be"
- You can use the "-hw" options to change the way ARJ displays
- the filenames being searched.
- x: eXtract files with full pathname
- This command extracts one or more files from the archive to
- their full paths in the current directory or to the base
- directory if specified. ARJ normally stores pathnames as if
- they were children of the target directory. Any drive or root
- directory specifications are stripped before extracting unless
- the "-jf" switch is specified with the "x" command.
- Example: arj x archive *.c
- If you wish to extract only a portion of an archive and that
- portion is a directory containing directories, you should use
- the "-p1" switch. See the "-p" switch for more information.
- The ARJ e and ARJ x commands now accept the "-d" option to
- provide an extract and delete option. This feature requires
- that you specify the files to extract and delete. ARJ will NOT
- default to "*.*" for this option.
- Refer to the description of the "e" command for more
- information about extraction.
- y: copY archive with new options
- The ARJ y command provides an easy interface to the -je and
- -je1 options as well as to the -jb, -jb1, and -jb2 options.
- Examples: ARJ y archive -je1 convert an archive to an SFX
- ARJ y archive -jb make an archive a chapter type
- ARJ y archive -jb0 convert from a chapter type to
- a standard type
- When used with the "-g" option and optionally the "-hg" option,
- ARJ will ungarble a previously garbled archive.
- Example: ARJ y archive -gpasswrd
- When used with the "-hk" option, ARJ will clear the ARJ-PROTECT
- flag and will also remove the ARJ-PROTECT data from the
- archive.
- Example: ARJ y archive -hk
- ?: Display full help screens
- The command "ARJ -?" displays several screens of help
- information with page pauses. The command "ARJ -? -jp" displays
- the help screens without page pauses. You can also redirect the
- output to a file as in:
- ARJ -? > help.txt
- ARJ may not detect network file redirection and will pause per
- screenful.
- -: skip any more switch options
- The switch option "--" will cause ARJ to stop looking for any
- more switch options on the command line. This is useful for
- entering filenames beginning with "-".
- Example: ARJ a archive -- -file
- +: inhibit ARJ_SW usage
- The switch option "-+" will inhibit ARJ from using the value of
- the ARJ_SW variable in ARJ switch processing. It is
- recommended that this option be used when using ARJ in batch
- files.
- Example: ARJ a archive -+ *.*
- The "-+" option can now be used to specify an environment
- variable name to use in place of the default "ARJ_SW". This
- option can only be used on the command line.
- Example: ARJ a archive -+ARJ_SW2
- @: set 1 token per response file line
- This switch sets ARJ to enable/disable the interpretation of
- text lines in an ARJ RESPONSE file as a complete single token.
- Normally, in an ARJ response file, blanks are interpreted as
- token separators. (Tokens are commands, filenames, wildcards,
- and switch options). However, if ARJ scans an "-@" option in a
- response file, it will process subsequent text lines as single
- tokens per line. A subsequent "-@" option will revert ARJ to
- normal multiple tokens per line mode.
- Example: ARJ @text.rsp
- TEXT.RSP contains:
- a c:\dir\archive -r -jt1 -@ -a1
- c:\long directory name\*.*
- c:\other directory name\*.*
- -@
- dir1\*.* dir2\*.* dir3\*.*
- One common error when using the "-@" option is including extraneous
- leading and/or trailing blanks. For example, ARJ will abort with
- an invalid switch option error if the second "-@" above has one or
- more trailing blanks.
- &: install critical error handler
- By default, ARJ sets up a default interactive critical error
- handler to handle errors like "sector not found" and "drive not
- ready". The user has the option of retrying the failed
- operation. The user can press Control BREAK to abort to DOS.
- The "-&" option sets ARJ to install a non-interactive critical
- error handler. This is designed for unattended ARJ use. This
- handler will intercept errors that produce the "Abort, Retry ...."
- error messages like bad sector errors and file sharing
- violations. It can be specified on the command line or via the
- environment variable. Please note that if you specify "-&" on
- the command line, the handler is installed immediately before any
- files are processed. If you specify "-&" in the environment, ARJ
- will not install the handler until all switches are processed.
- !: set list char
- This option allows the user to set the character used for list
- files. The option "-!" with no specified character toggles
- (turns off) the current list file character (default "!").
- Syntax: ARJ a archive -!@ @list.fil
- ARJ a archive -! !.bat
- The first example above sets the list file character to the one
- used by LHA and PKZIP.
- $: add/extract volume label
- This option allows the user to store or extract DOS volume
- labels in ARJ archives. It is possible to have multiple labels
- in one archive. At ARJ 2.10 and above, you can only add or
- extract volumes labels at DOS 2.0 and above. The "-$" option
- may be specified with or without a drive specification. The
- drive can be specified by appending the letter and optionally
- the ":" to "-$". If none is specified, ARJ assumes the current
- drive unless a specified target base directory has a drive
- specification.
- WARNING: Currently, ARJ allows more than one volume label and
- duplicate volume labels in the same archive. You can delete one
- or more duplicate labels with the "ARJ d -q archive label"
- command. ARJ will query you on each occurrence of "label".
- This "faulty" mechanism allows a file and label of the same name
- to be added to an archive. The capability of having duplicate
- labels in the same archive MAY NOT be present in future versions
- of ARJ.
- The SFX and SFXJR modules DO NOT support volume label extraction!
- The SFXV modules DOES.
- On the list screen, volume labels will be indicated by the "V"
- under the "T" column.
- Syntax: ARJ a archive -$ add all files and the label
- of the current drive.
- ARJ a archive ... -$B add only the label of drive B
- ARJ a archive ... -$B: add only the label of drive B
- ARJ u archive ... -$B: add only the label of drive B
- To extract volume labels, you must select the label by setting
- "-$" and specifying a matching wildname/filename.
- Syntax: ARJ e archive doslabel -$ extract the label named
- doslabel to the current drive.
- ARJ e archive -$D: extract all files to the
- current drive and extract the
- label to drive D:.
- ARJ e archive label B:\ -$ extract all files to B:\ and
- the label to drive B.
- ARJ will display all labels over 8 characters with a "." in it
- like a normal DOS filename. However, ARJ will not restore this
- extra "." when extracting. ARJ will only create standard
- uppercase DOS volume labels.
- Volume labels created by utilities other than standard DOS
- commands like LABEL and FORMAT may cause label access problems
- for ARJ. For example, Norton's VL.EXE can create labels with
- lowercase letters. You will need to use LABEL.COM to delete
- these labels in order to let ARJ set a new label. Programs that
- delete unusual labels must do absolute writes to disk or use a
- wildcard ("*.*") delete of files with the label attribute in the
- root directory. A single bit corruption in the program can
- result in the deletion of ALL files in the root. ARJ currently
- chooses not to take that risk.
- #: select files by order number
- The "-#" option allows the user to select files from an archive
- by their order number in the archive. For example, the number 1
- selects the first file in the archive. This option is useful in
- selecting files where there are duplicates in the archive. It
- is also useful for batch type utilities that need to extract
- files sequentially from an archive for processing. Archive menu
- programs should find this option very useful in processing
- archives with duplicate filenames.
- You can specify a series of files with the n1-n8 type syntax.
- No embedded spaces are allowed.
- ARJ e archive -# 1 4 12-25 40-100
- NOTE that the order number starts from 1 for each individual
- archive including multiple volume archives. In other words, the
- first file in archive.a04 is number 1.
- Do NOT mix filenames with the numbers other than the base
- directory.
- Example: ARJ e -# archive basedir\ 1 3 5 20 21
- For consistency, ARJ now interprets the file spec "10-" as 10
- to the end of the archive.
- Example: ARJ l archive -# 21000- means file 21000 to end
- a: allow any file Attribute
- By default ARJ will not select system or hidden files via
- wildcarding unless the "-a" option is specified.
- The "-a1" switch sets ARJ to add any directories in the selected
- set of matching filespecs to the archive being built. This
- switch also selects hidden and system files as in the "-a"
- switch. Even empty directories will be added. The "l" command
- will display such directories with a "D" under the "T" (file
- type) header.
- Older releases of ARJ will skip over empty directory entries.
- The ARJSFX and ARJSFXJR modules CAN process empty directory
- entries.
- This option is useful for saving software directories with
- needed empty directories.
- See the "-hb" option for a newer way of selecting files.
- b: Backup changed files
- The "-b" switch will select only files that have the archive bit
- set. It will NOT reset archive bits.
- Example: arj a a:backup c:\*.* -b -r -va simulates FULL BACKUP
- See "-hb" option for other options.
- b1: Backup changed files and reset archive bits
- If you specify the "-b1" option, files with the archive bit set
- will be selected AND the archive bits of all archived files will
- be reset after a successful archive has been built.
- Example: arj a a:backup c:\*.* -b1 -r -va simulates BACKUP
- Under Windows 9x, the use of the "-b" type switch options to
- reset the archive bit may result in a sharing violation error.
- ARJ will display the error and then proceed ignoring the error.
- b2: Only reset archive bits
- The "-b2" switch does NOT affect file selection. It does cause
- ARJ to reset the archive bits of added files. If the "-f" or
- "-u" option has been selected, ARJ will also reset the archive
- bits of files that are already duplicated in the archive.
- Example: arj a e:archive c:\*.* -b2 -r archives all files on
- the C drive and resets all archive bits.
- b3: reset archive bit during restore
- The "-b3" switch is used to reset the archive bits of files
- being extracted. It is useful for setting the archive state so
- that a subsequent incremental backup will not backup these
- extracted files.
- b4: do not restore file attributes and reset archive bit
- The "-b4" switch is used to set ARJ to NOT restore any file
- attribute bits and to reset the archive bit of files being
- extracted.
- It is useful for easing the cleanup/deletion of temporarily
- extracted archive files as in a virus scanning process. Files
- will NOT be restored as system, hidden, or readonly.
- b5: do not restore any file attributes
- The "-b5" switch is used to set ARJ to NOT restore any file
- attribute bits and to allow the archive bit to stay set of
- files being extracted.
- c: skip time-stamp Check
- Normally with the "u" and "f" commands, ARJ will only update
- newer files to an archiver. The "-c" switch will set ARJ to
- update the archive regardless of the date-time modified time
- stamps.
- When extracting files from an archive with the "-y" and "-f"
- switches set, ARJ would normally skip extracting older files.
- The "-c" switch will set ARJ to extract these older files.
- d: with Delete (move)
- This switch provides the standard MOVE command. Successfully
- added files will be deleted. When used with the "-f" or "-u"
- option, ARJ will also delete files that are already duplicated
- in the archive. ARJ will prompt the user before deleting the
- files unless the "-y" switch is specified. Also, you can use
- the "m" command which does not prompt before deleting the files.
- At ARJ 2.30 and above, when using the "-a1" to specify the
- selection of directories, ARJ will also delete the selected
- directories.
- ARJ a archive filename -d -y is equivalent to
- ARJ m archive filename and
- ARJ a archive filename
- delete filename
- The ARJ e and ARJ x commands now accept the "-d" option to
- provide an extract and delete option. This feature requires
- that you specify the files to extract and delete.
- ARJ e archive -d file1 file2
- Chapter archives do NOT support extraction with deletion.
- e: Exclude paths from filenames
- By default ARJ always stores the pathname of the archived file.
- This switch will set ARJ to store only the filename component.
- The "-e1" switch option sets ARJ to NOT store the base directory
- name with the filenames in the archive.
- Example: ARJ a archive C:\SOFTWARE\ARJ\ *.* -r -e1
- In the above example, ARJ will NOT store the C:\SOFTWARE\ARJ\ as
- part of the filenames.
- When updating files within an archive, ARJ uses the full
- pathname to match against the full name of the selected files.
- The "-e" and "-e1" option affect this exact matching. If "-e"
- is specified, only the filespecs of the selected files will be
- matched against the full pathname of the files in the archive.
- If "-e1" is specified, the full pathname minus the base
- directory of the selected files is used to match against the
- full pathname of the files in the archive.
- In other words, ARJ will only update a file within an archive if
- the name of the new file as stored in the archive would be
- identical to the name of the original file stored in the
- archive.
- This switch used during extraction will exclude the beginning
- characters of the filename. This can be useful for shortening a
- long output pathname.
- Examples: ARJ x archive -e10 will exclude the first 10
- characters of the output name.
- ARJ x archive -e4 will exclude the first 4
- characters.
- f: Freshen existing files
- This switch used with the "e" or "x" commands sets ARJ to only
- extract newer files from the archive.
- This switch used with the "m" command sets ARJ to update only
- input files with newer dates than the ones in the archive.
- After the archive has been updated, all updated selected files
- and all up to date selected files will be deleted.
- The ARJ m -f command is very similar to the LHARC m command.
- f1: Freshen existing files (OLDER)
- This switch used with the "e" or "x" commands sets ARJ to only
- extract OLDER files from the archive or to add OLDER files to
- the archive.
- f2: Freshen different files
- This switch used with the "e" and "x" commands causes ARJ to
- add/extract CHANGED (different date-time or different size).
- There is a slight limitation to this switch. When processing
- files that are split across volumes, the size test is skipped
- and the file is updated regardless.
- f3: Freshen files that are CRC mismatches
- This switch is used to select files that are CRC mismatches or
- different sizes for extracting or adding. The 32 bit CRC
- (checksum) of the file is matched against the CRC of the file in
- the archive.
- There is a slight limitation to this switch. When processing
- files that are split across volumes, the CRC test is skipped
- and the file is updated regardless.
- g: Garble with password
- This switch followed by a password "-gpassword" will encrypt or
- decrypt an archived file. During a "l" or "v" command, a
- garbled file will display a "G" after the method number.
- Example: ARJ e archive -gpassword
- If the "-g" option is followed by a question mark "?", ARJ will
- prompt the user for the password without displaying the password
- input. The backspace key can be used to erase characters.
- Example: ARJ a archive -g?
- Using the wrong password during extraction will result in a
- "Bad file data" or "CRC error" error message.
- Use the "g" command to garble an already existing ARJ archive.
- Please save your password in a safe place. It may be nearly
- impossible to retrieve your garbled files if you forget your
- password. There is NO TRICK to recovering a lost password.
- The garble option in this version of ARJ has three versions. One
- is the original version found in earlier ARJ releases. It is
- compatible with older versions and works like those versions.
- The second garble version uses a separate encryption module.
- This version of ARJ provides a new encryption scheme based upon
- the Russian encryption algorithm (GOST 28147-89 cipher). This
- algorithm is similar in design to DES; however, GOST is designed
- for software implementation. GOST 28147-89 uses a 256 bit key
- and 32 rounds of encryption. This implementation uses the 64
- bit cipher feedback mode.
- This new option is accessed by using the new "-hg" option. This
- option sets ARJ to use the separate encryption module to encrypt
- the data. By default, ARJ will look for the file "ARJCRYPT.COM"
- in the same directory where the ARJ.EXE being executed is found.
- The user may specify the pathname of the module to use.
- Examples: ARJ a archive *.doc -gThis_is_a_password -hg
- ARJ a archive *.doc -gpassword -hgc:\dir\enc.com
- This separate module feature has the advantage of saving space
- with the ARJSFXV module and the DEARJ.EXE module when encryption
- is not needed. You simply do not include the encryption module
- in the archive when not using encryption.
- The encryption overlay module is not included with this version
- of ARJ. Because of USA export regulations, ARJ Software, Inc
- may not export the encryption overlay module from the USA. It
- is available on the ARJ website for USA users only.
- The new garble option accepts a password key up to 64 characters
- long. Excess characters are ignored. Garble passwords ARE CASE
- If you need compatibility with ARJ 2.60 "-hg" encryption, you
- must limit your passwords to 32 characters or less.
- DO NOT LOSE your password! There is no known method to recover
- the password other than by brute force, which could take a very
- long time. The longer the password, the longer it would take
- to "guess" it. ARJ Software, Inc. cannot provide help in
- finding lost passwords.
- This new encryption scheme is not compatible with the "-g"
- option of pre-2.55 versions of ARJ. If you want to maintain
- compatibility with pre-2.55 versions of ARJ, you should NOT use
- the "-hg" option.
- Only the multiple volume self-extractor supports the new
- encryption module.
- A variation of the "-hg" option is "-hg!". This "-hg!" option
- accesses a built-in version of GOST that is limited to a 40 bit
- key size. Only the first 32 characters of a user password are
- accepted and crunched into a 40 bit key. This algorithm is
- designed to meet USA encryption export rules. Of the
- self-extractors, only the multiple volume self-extractor
- supports "-hg!".
- When garbling or ungarbling an existing archive, ARJ will detect
- the method of encryption previously used and select that same
- method regardless of whether the "-hg" option is specified or
- not.
- i: with no progress Indicator
- Do not display the percentage progress indicator. The progress
- indicator appears during the add, extract, search, and test
- operations.
- The "-i1" option provides a bar type graphical progress
- indicator for the compression, extraction, and testing type
- commands of ARJ. This provides an alternative to the simple
- numeric increasing percentage progress indicator.
- The "-i2" option provides a combined percentage and bar progress
- display.
- The "-i3" switch shows the percentage progress of the WHOLE
- archive build. This switch is only operative during adds.
- The "-i4" switch shows the percentage progress as a bar graph of
- the WHOLE archive build. This switch is only operative during
- adds.
- The "-i5" switch shows the percentage progress including a bar
- graph of the WHOLE archive build. This switch is only operative
- during adds.
- The "-i6" switch shows the percentage progress of the WHOLE
- archive build along with a progress bar graph for the current
- file. This switch is only operative during adds.
- j: selects alternate set of switch characters.
- This switch toggles the set of switch characters. The toggle is
- reset at end at of each separate switch sequence back to the
- main set of switch characters.
- For example, "-ja" is not the same function as "-a". However,
- "-jja" is the same as "-a" because of the double toggle. Also,
- "-jaje" is NOT the same as "-ja -je". The switch sequence
- "-jae" is the same as "-ja -je".
- k: Keep a .BAK of ARJ archive
- Create a ".BAK" of the original archive file during an update.
- The original archive will be suffixed with ".BAK". Any existing
- ".BAK" file will be overwritten.
- This has no relation to "backup type" ARJ archives.
- l: create List_name file
- This switch will set ARJ to dump to the filename specified after
- the "-l" switch all of the filenames to be processed by this ARJ
- command. For add type commands, this list contains all files
- that matched the file wildnames given on the command line. For
- other commands, the file will contain only the original
- filenames and/or wildcard names. Other options do NOT affect
- the output of filenames to this list file. To get an index file
- for backup purposes, use the "-ji" option.
- This list file can be used as a listfile on the command line.
- Example: ARJ a -lname.lst archive *.exe
- This example will create a file named "name.lst" with all *.exe
- files.
- m: with Method 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
- Method 0 = storing (no compression)
- Method 1 = best compression for general use
- (default compression method)
- (requires 300,000 plus bytes memory)
- Method 2 = slightly less compression and faster
- (requires 282,000 plus bytes memory)
- Method 3 = less compression and less memory and faster
- (requires 250,000 plus bytes memory)
- Method 4 = fastest compression
- (requires 235,000 plus bytes memory)
- Example: ARJ a archive *.exe -m2
- The "-jm" option will usually improve the size reduction of
- method 1 at the cost of speed and memory. The behavior of
- "-jm" with -m2, -m3 and -m4 is UNDEFINED.
- Method 4 uses a different decoder than 1 to 3. Method 4 is
- almost twice as fast as method 1.
- During extraction, ARJ uses less memory than during compression.
- See the section on ARJ LIMITATIONS for more memory usage
- information.
- n: only New files (not exist)
- With the "e" or "x" commands, extract files that do not exist in
- the target directory.
- With the "a" or "m" commands, archive files that do not exist in
- the target archive.
- With the "d" or "l" commands, specify files that do not exist in
- the target directory.
- The switch "-o" by itself means select files modified today. If
- "-o" is followed by a date and optionally a time, ARJ will only
- select files modified on or after that date-time.
- Year specifications come in three variations to provide backward
- compatibility and year 2000 compliance.
- Year specifications that begin with "80" to "99" are interpreted
- as the years 1980 to 1999.
- Example: ARJ a test -o9001021700 -> select files modified
- on or after Jan 2, 1990, 5:00 PM.
- Year specifications that begin with "19", "20", or "21" are
- interpreted as FOUR digit year numbers.
- Example: ARJ a test -o20020101 -> select files modified
- on or after Jan 1, 2002, 12:00 AM.
- Year specifications that begin with "00" to "18" are interpreted
- as the years 2000 to 2018.
- Example: ARJ a test -o1001021700 -> select files modified
- on or after Jan 2, 2010, 5:00 PM.
- There is no option for using other date-time formats.
- The switch "-ob" selects files modified before today. If "-ob"
- is followed by a date and optionally a time, ARJ will only
- select files modified before that date-time.
- ARJ now accepts the use of "-o" and "-ob" options simultaneously
- to specify a range of selected dates. This is useful for
- selecting files on a specific date.
- Example: ARJ a archive *.* -o910101 -ob910102
- The "-o" option and/or the "-ob" option will default to today's
- date at midnight (0000 hrs) when specified without dates.
- The "-od" and "-odb" switches allow the user to select files
- based upon the number of days from today. The "-odb" switch
- allows the user to select files modified before the specified
- number of days from today. You CAN combine the "-od" and "-odb"
- switches. The days are calculated from midnight.
- Examples: ARJ a archive -od0 select files modified today
- ARJ a archive -od1 select files modified yesterday
- and today
- ARJ a archive -odb1 select files modified before
- yesterday
- oa: Accessed on or after date YYMMDDHHMMSS or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
- The "-oa" and "-oab" switches allow the user to select files
- under Windows 9x based upon file date-time last accessed. "-oa"
- selects files after the date value, "-oab" selects files before.
- This ARJ version does NOT support combining "-o", "-oa", "-oc"
- with one another. You CAN combine "-oa" with "-oab".
- oc: Created on or after date YYMMDDHHMMSS or YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
- The "-oc" and "-ocb" switches allow the user to select files
- under Windows 9x based upon file date-time created. "-oc"
- selects files after the date value, "-ocb" selects files before.
- p: match using full Pathnames
- When "-p" is specified, ARJ looks for an exact pathname match.
- This can be modified by the "-e" option.
- For non-update commands and specified filenames with paths, ARJ
- will match the full path with or without the "-p" switch.
- To match directory paths that contain subdirectories, you should
- use the "-p1" switch. This switch sets ARJ to match only the
- initial portion of the pathnames against the wildnames
- specified. For example, if your archive contains the TURBOC++
- directory named TC and you wish to extract the INCLUDE
- subdirectory along with the subdirectory INCLUDE\SYS, you can
- use the following command:
- ARJ e archive TC\INCLUDE\*.* -p1
- If you wanted to extract all of the INCLUDE\S*.* files including
- the contents of the SYS subdirectory, you can use the following
- command:
- ARJ e archive TC\INCLUDE\S*.* -p1
- q: Query on each file
- This switch causes ARJ to prompt the user prior to acting upon
- each archived file for all but the "j", "l", "t", "v", and "w"
- commands. This allows you selectively to delete, add, etc.
- r: Recurse subdirectories
- This switch will set ARJ to recurse any wildcards specified on
- the command line including ARJ archive filenames by traversing
- all subdirectories scanning for matches.
- ARJ will also recurse non-wildcard filenames as in:
- ARJ a archive FILE.BBS -r
- s: set archive time-Stamp
- This switch causes ARJ to set the date-time stamp of the archive
- to that of the newest file in the archive.
- This option will also work with non-update commands as in:
- ARJ l archive -s ....
- The "-s1" switch is used to keep the old archive date-time
- stamp. The new archive will have the same timestamp as the
- original archive.
- The "-s2" switch is like the "-s" switch except that it only
- works for archive modification commands. This makes it more
- suitable for use in the ARJ_SW environment variable.
- The "-s3" switch sets ARJ to keep both the original archive file
- time-stamp as well as the original internal archive modified
- time-stamp when modifying the archive.
- This "-s3" feature is helpful when adding a copy of the data
- damage protection file to the "protected" archive. Using this
- switch, you can add a file to an archive and then remove that
- file and end up with the original archive. This is necessary
- because any change in archive contents would be perceived as
- damage by the ARJ "q" (repair archive) command.
- Example: ARJ a archive *.doc -hk
- ARJ a archive archive.xrj -s3
- ARJ e archive archive.xrj -d -s3
- ARJ q archive
- The above sequence of commands replicates a situation where the
- user embeds a copy of the data damage protection file into the
- "protected" archive. In the case of slight archive damage, the
- protection file can be extracted and used to recover damaged
- data.
- t: set file Type
- This switch causes ARJ to open and read the file to be archived
- in binary or text mode. The default is binary mode (-t0). To
- archive in text mode, use the -t1 switch. The "-t" switch is
- equivalent to "-t0".
- If you specify the switch "-t0", ARJ will always use the binary
- mode even for freshening text mode files already in the archive.
- The file type "text" is only needed for future cross platform
- transfers of ARJ archives. It enables ARJ to extract text files
- to the host file system with the text newline sequence that is
- correct for that operating system.
- However, this mode may produce slightly better size reduction.
- The "-t1" option combined with "-jh65000" can produce some of
- the best size reduction numbers. Extraction of files compressed
- in text mode is slower than the extraction of binary files.
- You should NOT use the "-t1" switch while archiving in multiple
- volume mode.
- ****************************************************************
- format files are NOT TEXT FILES! Text files are files like
- those created by EDLIN, EDIT, QEDIT, NOTEPAD, and BRIEF. On
- non-text files ARJ will prematurely stop input if it finds an
- embedded EOF character (CTL Z). This will produce a LOSS of
- data on binary files. As of ARJ 2.30 and UNARJ 2.30, ARJ will
- extract text mode data in 8-bit format when extracted to the
- original type of platform. Only when the text file is extracted
- to a different type of platform will the 8-bit text be stripped
- to 7-bit text.
- ****************************************************************
- In "-t1" text mode, ARJ will look at the first 4096 bytes of the
- input file looking for non-text characters. In "-t1g" text with
- graphics mode, ARJ will look at the first 4096 bytes of the
- input file looking for too many byte values over hex 7F. If ARJ
- finds either condition it will automatically backtrack and
- switch to "-t0" (default) binary mode for that particular file.
- In addition at the end of compressing the input file, if ARJ
- finds that the input file size is not greater than 80 percent of
- the binary file size (size on disk), ARJ will backtrack and
- re-archive that file in binary mode. This should help to avoid
- the problem of accidentally compressing executable files with
- the "-t1" option which results in lost data. These tests are
- not foolproof.
- The original file size reported by the "l" and "v" commands is
- the actual number of bytes input during text mode compression.
- This is usually the MS-DOS file size minus the number of
- carriage returns in the file, since C text mode strips a file of
- carriage returns. There can be problems with the file size
- because compressing in TEXT mode can be LOSSY (unnecessary
- characters may be lost). This can cause problems for some
- archive conversion programs that check file sizes.
- The "-t" option has been modified to allow setting file type by
- suffix similar to "-js" option. If you want to set the file type
- to text mode for .ASM and .C files, you would specify the option
- "-t1.asm.c".
- ARJ a archive *.* -t1.asm.c.h.doc
- ARJ a archive *.* -t1g.txt.doc
- Note that in the switch sequence "-t1f -t1f.doc.asm", the second
- switch does not override the first switch which specifies that
- all files are to archived in text mode.
- If you want to specify the binary file type by suffix, you must
- specify the default file type to text and then specify the type
- by suffix, because the default file type is normally binary.
- ARJ a archive *.* -t1 -t0.com.exe.obj
- Because of the way ARJ checks all files to be archived in text
- mode, some true text files will not pass the test. In this
- case, you can specify the "f" modifier to force text mode. This
- modifier can be combined with the "-t1." suffix option. The "f"
- modifier must follow the "g" modifier if any.
- ARJ a archive *.bat -t1f
- ARJ a archive *.txt -t1gf
- ARJ a archive *.* -t1f.bat.asm.doc
- One trick that you can do with the -t1 option is to convert UNIX
- text files to MS-DOS text files. If you have extracted the
- files out of the ZOO 2.10 archive and need to convert the
- linefeeds to carriage return/linefeed, you can use the following
- commands:
- ARJ a archive *.* -m0 -t1
- ARJ e archive *.* -y
- u: Update files (new and newer)
- This switch used with the "e" and "x" commands causes ARJ to
- extract newer and non-existing files.
- This switch used with the "m" command causes ARJ to update only
- input files with newer dates than the ones in the archive and
- add new files to the archive. After the archive has been
- updated, all added files and updated selected files and all up
- to date selected files will be deleted.
- u1: Update files (non-existing and OLDER)
- This switch used with the "e" and "x" commands causes ARJ to
- extract OLDER and non-existing files from an archive or to add
- OLDER and non-existing files to an archive.
- u2: Update different files
- This switch used with the "e" and "x" commands causes ARJ to
- add/extract CHANGED (different date-time or different size) and
- non-existing files.
- There is a slight limitation to this switch. When processing
- files that are split across volumes, the size test is skipped
- and the file is updated regardless.
- u3: Update CRC mismatched files
- This switch is used to select files that are CRC mismatches or
- NEW for extracting or adding. The 32 bit CRC (checksum) of the
- file is matched against the CRC of the file in the archive.
- There is a slight limitation to this switch. When processing
- files that are split across volumes, the CRC test is skipped
- and the file is updated regardless.
- v: enable multiple Volumes
- This switch is required to put ARJ into multiple volume mode.
- This switch allows the creation of multiple volumes in the ADD
- mode. The command "arj a a:arjvol \*.* -b -r -v360000" allows
- a user to backup up all files changed since the last backup to
- multiple floppy disks. ARJ will pause between volumes to allow
- changing disks. The volume filenames will be suffixed .ARJ,
- .A01, .A02, .A03, .... , .A99, .100, .101, .102, and so on up
- to .999 for a thousand volumes. Before this release, the
- volumes would overlap after volumes .A99 and .A00. You can
- start the volume series at .A01 or .001 by specifying the full
- name of the starting archive as "name.A01" or "name.001".
- Example: ARJ a a:archive.a01 -v
- ARJ a a:archive.001 -v
- After the pause to change diskettes, ARJ will check to make sure
- that the diskette has been changed. However, this check is
- limited to 3 retries for the same volume. This test can be
- inhibited with the "i" modifier.
- Example: ARJ x a:archive -vi
- Archived files can be split across volumes. ARJ will try to
- fill each volume to within 200 to 1000 bytes of the specified
- maximum size.
- The modifier "w" specifies to ARJ that files are NOT to be split
- across volumes except for one case. That case is where the
- archived file would not fit in ONE whole volume. This feature
- does not optimize the use of space in these type of volumes.
- With this feature, it is possible to have a volume of only 100
- or less bytes.
- An advantage to "w" type volumes is that updating of these
- volumes is supported for the "f"reshen command and other
- commands that do not add new files to the archive. You can add
- files to these volumes only if you do NOT limit the volume size.
- The command "arj x a:arjvol -v" would restore files starting
- from arjvol.arj. You must specify the entire ARJ volume name
- including the .Ann suffix when starting from the middle of a
- series of volumes or when the series starts with ".A01" or
- ".000", etc.
- The global "-y" option will disable the next volume prompt for
- multiple volume archives EXCEPT when the archives are located
- on removable media. The "-jyv" option will disable the next
- volume prompt even when using removable media.
- At DOS versions before 3.0, only drives A and B are considered
- removable.
- ARJ x a:arjvol -v -jyco
- The above example extracts in multiple volume mode and
- suppresses prompting for permission to create directories and to
- overwrite existing files. ARJ will assume yes in these cases.
- Because of the splitting process, archived split files with a
- size of zero bytes are possible. This is not an error.
- If you comment your archives with long comments, you should take
- that into account when specifying volume size. You should
- specify a smaller volume size during the "a" command before
- adding the comments.
- The "-v" switch will accept the abbreviations 360, 720, 1200,
- and 1440. These will be translated to 362,000, 730,000,
- 1,213,000, and 1,457,000 bytes, respectively. Please note that
- if the available disk space is less than the requested amount,
- ARJ will prompt the user for permission to continue.
- You can use the "K" modifier as a shortcut for "000". For
- example, 100K means 100000. "K" does NOT mean 1024.
- ARJ will accept the "M" modifier to multiply by 1,000,000 (one
- million).
- The "-vv" switch turns on the next volume beep option. When you
- select this option, ARJ will sound a beep prior to the next
- volume.
- The "-va" switch sets the disk space auto-detect option. ARJ
- will check for the disk space available on the target directory
- and try to use all or most of it. This option is aimed at
- diskette usage. Please note that this switch option detects
- free disk space. It does not detect formatted disk space.
- If the space available is less than 10,000 bytes, ARJ will
- prompt the user for permission to continue. Please note that
- ARJ can support the use of diskettes formatted at higher than
- normal capacities such as 3.5 inch HD diskettes formatted at
- 1.6 MB.
- Examples: ARJ a A:backup -b -va
- ARJ a backup -v360
- The "r" modifier allows the reservation of disk space on the
- first volume. The number after the "r" specifies the space to
- reserve. This is useful for software installation volumes.
- Example: ARJ a install -v360r50K make first volume 50000
- bytes smaller than 360K.
- New to ARJ 2.61 is a simple delete option "D" when creating
- volume archives. For SAFETY REASONS, this delete option is
- limited in scope and specification. The exact file or files
- (via wildcard) must be specified. A directory name is not
- sufficient (A:\ or C:\TEMP). A filename or wildspec is
- required (A:\*.* or C:\TEMP\*.TXT). In addition, this delete
- option does not delete through (recurse) subdirectories. In
- other words, this delete function works similar to the DOS DEL
- command except that a filespec is required. ARJ accepts all
- characters after the "D" option as the filespec.
- Examples: ARJ a a:archive -vada:\*.*
- ARJ a testvol -v1440dtestvol.a*
- The switch modifier "s" can be used to make ARJ execute one
- specified system command prior to each volume or make ARJ pause
- for manual execution of system commands. This is useful for
- purging target diskettes before ARJ writes to them. Please note
- that when processing a large number of files, ARJ may not have
- enough free memory left to properly execute the system commands.
- The switch modifier "z" is identical to the "s" modifier except
- that the system command is NOT echoed to the screen.
- Optionally, after the "s" modifier, you can specify a system
- command or batch filename. ARJ will automatically execute the
- command or batch file before each volume. If the command has
- embedded blanks, then the entire switch option must be
- surrounded by double quotes. The system command is executed
- before ARJ executes the auto-detect space option.
- Examples: ARJ a A:backup -vas
- ARJ a A:backup -vvas
- ARJ a A:backup -v360s
- ARJ a A:backup -vvw360s
- ARJ a A:backup -vaspurge.bat
- ARJ a A:backup -v360sdelete.bat
- ARJ a A:backup -v1440da\:*.*
- ARJ a A:backup "-vasFORMAT A:"
- ARJ a A:backup "-vasDIR C:\ "
- Note that the last example has a space before the last double
- quote mark. If the last space is missing, the internal command
- line parser will make the double quote mark part of the DIR
- command.
- The "-v" switch now accepts its modifiers in any order. The "s"
- and "z" modifiers must be last because any succeeding text is
- considered the system command to execute.
- Examples: ARJ a volume -vavw beep, autosize, whole files
- ARJ a volume -vavsDIR beep, autosize, execute DIR
- Volume archives can be used as stand-alone archives for non-update
- commands except for the files that are split across volumes.
- It is recommended that the "-jt" (test archive) option be used
- with the "-v" switch to ensure perfectly built volumes as it is
- tedious to retest volumes after they are built.
- During ARJ operation in non-update commands, ARJ will not abort
- when it cannot open the correct sequential ARJ volume archive.
- It will report the open error and proceed to the "Ok to process
- the next volume?" prompt. At this point it is possible to swap
- diskettes to put the correct volume in place. This feature is
- disabled if the "next volume" prompt has been disabled.
- For those who have enough free hard disk space, the -v option
- can be used to make backing up the hard disk fairly easy. ARJ
- can be set to create multiple floppy sized volumes on the hard
- disk for later copy to diskettes. So even if ARJ is slow, you
- can fire up an ARJ backup and some time later, you can quickly
- copy the volumes to floppies. Below are sample backup commands:
- arj a backup *.* -b2 -r -v360 -y -jt -js full backup
- arj a backup *.* -b1 -r -v360 -y -jt -js incremental backup
- *****************************************************************
- See the "-jn" and "-jx" options to see how to recover from an
- abort in the middle of a backup type operation. ARJ will allow
- a restart in the middle of an aborted backup at the disk where
- the failure occurred.
- *****************************************************************
- To go along with the new CHAPTER feature, ARJ now supports the
- UPDATE of multiple volume archives. To implement this feature
- reliably in multiple volumes, all new or changed files are added
- at the END of the LAST volume. This re-arrangement only occurs
- with multiple volume archives. This prevents the diskette
- overflow that would occur with earlier versions of ARJ.
- However, certain file attributes such as TEXT MODE may not be
- carried over to the updated file.
- *****************************************************************
- TIP:
- To pre-determine the number of diskettes required to archive a
- set of data, you can take advantage of the "s" option of the
- "-v" switch. The "s" option lets you execute a DOS command
- prior to each volume. You can specify a command that deletes
- the previously created archive volume. This lets you use the
- same floppy diskette/hard disk space to build the multiple
- volumes.
- Example: ARJ a a:volume -r -vada:volume.* -y c:\*.*
- w: assign Work directory
- This switch option is HIGHLY recommended if you are archiving
- directly to diskettes or if you have a sufficient RAMDISK space.
- By default, ARJ builds a new ARJ archive file in the same
- directory as the old archive file. By specifying the "-w"
- switch, you can specify the working directory where the
- temporary archive file will be built. After the temporary
- archive file is built, it is copied over the original one and
- deleted.
- Normally ARJ requires enough disk space for the original archive
- and the new temporary archive. Specifying the "-w" switch
- allows you to move some of that disk space requirement to
- another directory.
- When using the "-w" switch while archiving to multiple volumes,
- ARJ will check the available disk space in the work directory.
- If there is not enough space, ARJ will prompt for permission to
- continue. This prompt can be suppressed with the "-y" and
- "-jyk" switches.
- If the copy of the temporary archive on top of the original
- archive aborts, you will have to do the copy manually. ARJ will
- not delete the temporary archive in this error situation. If you
- press CTL BREAK during the copy process, ARJ will delete both
- the temporary archive and the target archive unless this was a
- modification of an existing archive.
- Example: ARJ a -we:\temp\ archive *.c
- For speed reasons, you should always use the "-w" option when
- creating or modifying archives on diskettes. You should specify
- a work directory on your hard disk or ramdrive.
- Example: ARJ a -we:\ b:archive *.c
- x: Exclude filenames
- This switch is used to exclude filenames or wildnames from the
- list of filenames to be processed.
- Example: ARJ a archive soft\*.* -r -x*.exe -x*.obj -xtest
- This example will archive all files in the soft directory and
- subdirectories with the exception of any files named "test"
- or ending in ".exe" and ".obj".
- You can also specify an exclude file list by preceding the
- filename with the list character "!". The exclude file list
- must contain a list of filenames/wildnames one per line with no
- leading or trailing blanks.
- Example: ARJ a archive soft\*.* -r -x!exclude.lst
- You can specify a pathname to exclude as in:
- ARJ a archive \dir\*.* -r -x\dir\*.*
- In the above example, ARJ will exclude all files in \dir
- but not the subdirectories in \dir.
- The "-x" option also allows you to exclude an entire path
- including subdirectories from being selected for processing.
- Syntax: ARJ a archive C:\*.* -xC:\TEMP\
- The "\" after C:\TEMP indicates to ARJ that everything below
- C:\TEMP\ is to be excluded.
- Note that the exclude directory option requires that the
- directory be specified in the same relative path that the
- selected files use.
- Example:
- arj a archive \temp\*.* -x\temp\firstdir is correct usage
- arj a archive \temp\*.* -xC:\temp\firstdir is NOT correct because
- of the C:
- The "-x" switch also works for non-update commands like
- "e"xtract and "l"ist.
- Examples:
- arj e archive -x*.exe extract all files except *.exe files
- arj l archive -x*.exe -x*.obj list all files except *.exe and *.obj
- A maximum of 8000 filenames or wildnames can be excluded.
- Note that the "-x" option is unaffected by the "-p" option.
- y: assume Yes on all queries
- Use this switch for batch type uses of ARJ. This switch
- disables most of the normal user queries during ARJ execution.
- Use this switch to suppress overwrite queries in the "e" and "x"
- commands, to suppress the make new directory query in the "e"
- and "x" commands, to suppress the new filename prompt when an
- open file operation fails in the "e" and "x" commands, to
- suppress the pause during the "s" command and to suppress the
- next volume pause using the "-v" option to create volumes on the
- hard disk.
- The "-y" switch will NOT suppress the "-v" next volume prompt
- when the archive is located on a drive with removable media
- such as a diskette drive.
- Use this option with due caution, especially during extraction
- as this sets ARJ to overwrite files. However, the "-n" option
- can be used to avoid any overwriting.
- As an alternative, you can use the "-jy" option which lets you
- suppress individual types of user queries.
- z: supply file for archive comment
- The "-z" switch has been provided to facilitate batch commenting
- of ARJ archives with the "c" command. When the "-z" option has
- been specified with or without a comment file, ARJ will only
- process the archive header comment and will skip any file
- commenting unless the "-jz" switch has been specified.
- A comment file containing only a single blank can be used to
- erase comments from ARJ archives.
- Syntax: arj c archive -z
- arj c archive -zcomment.txt
- arj a archive -zcomment.txt
- The "-z" option also allows one to dump the ARJ archive header
- comment to a file. This will only extract the main archive
- comment and not the individual file comments.
- Syntax: arj e archive ... -zcomment.txt dumps only the comment
- arj x archive -zcomment.txt dumps comment and files
- j#: store only the file CRC and not the file contents
- This switch allows the building and testing of a special ARJ
- "HOLLOW" archive that is missing the actual compressed file
- contents. This allows the creation of small archives for CRC
- testing against the CRCs of actual files. This is suited for
- special applications. Please take note that NO actual file data
- can be extracted from these "HOLLOW" archives.
- For example, a user has transported a directory of files from
- one PC to another PC. At a later time, that user would like to
- determine which files have actually changed their contents
- regardless of the date-time stamps. That user could archive the
- original directory using the -j# switch which builds the ARJ
- "hollow" archive with the sole exception that no compressed data
- is stored with the archive. This allows the rapid building of a
- much smaller archive. The file CRC is computed and stored in
- the archive. This new "hollow" archive is transported to the
- other PC. A simple ARJ test command with the "-jt1" option on
- the other PC would point out files whose content's CRC do not
- match.
- Another use of this "hollow" archive is for FILE INTEGRITY
- checking. You can create this "hollow" CRC archive and use it
- at a later time to determine if any files have been corrupted or
- damaged by VIRUS or system problems.
- Please note that there is a VERY SMALL possibility that a file
- has been changed and its new 32 bit CRC still matches. That
- possibility is approximately one in four billion.
- The -j# option during an ARJ archive build will set the
- compression method to 9. The only change is that the file
- header will indicate that the compressed file size is ZERO.
- Otherwise, the file header is the same as in an archive where
- the file was actually compressed and stored.
- To use this "hollow" archive to test CRCs against actual file
- CRCs, use the following syntax:
- Syntax: ARJ t archive_name -jt1
- ARJ t archive_name target_dir\ -jt1
- The second command above is used where the relative pathnames
- stored in the archive do not match up with the current
- directory. See the discussion in ARJ.TXT for more information on
- the option "-jt".
- When ARJ displays "NOT matched" for a "hollow" archive, it means
- the file size in the archive and the size of the actual file do
- NOT match.
- j#1: do not store file data or file CRC
- This option differs from the "-j#" option in that the 32 bit CRC
- is NOT stored. The compression method is set to 8.
- j#2: restore file attributes
- This switch will set ARJ to restore the file attributes to the
- selected files. No file will be extracted. Archives created
- with the "-j#" and "-j#1" options can be used.
- j#3: restore file dates
- This switch will set ARJ to restore the file dates (written,
- accessed, created) to the selected files. No file will be
- extracted.
- j#4: restore file attributes and dates
- This switch will set ARJ to restore the file attributes and the
- file dates (written, accessed, created) to the selected files.
- No file will be extracted.
- j$: do not process file DTA and DTC
- This switch will set ARJ to NOT save the file properties
- date-time accessed and date-time created. This will save
- header size and result in a slightly smaller archive. During
- extraction, this switch will set ARJ to NOT restore the file
- properties date-time accessed and date-time created.
- ja: show ANSI comments
- This switch has acquired NEW functionality. Its OLD function
- was to set ARJ to fully display ANSI escape sequences. It now
- is used with the "ARJ p" command to display files using ARJ's
- own ANSI display handler. ANSI.SYS is no longer needed.
- Example: ARJ p ansifile -ja -q
- ja1: inhibit the display of the archive comment
- The "-ja1" switch will suppress the display of the archive
- comment.
- jb: set archive Backup type
- This switch sets ARJ to build a chapter archive. Once an
- archive is set to a chapter archive, all subsequent processing
- will continue to treat it as a chapter archive.
- The advantage of a chapter archive over a series of separate
- archives of the same set of files is that space can be saved
- when archived files do not change. A single chapter archive can
- produce the same results as one hundred standard archive
- backups. In other words, one can update a chapter archive one
- hundred times and fully recover any one of those updates.
- Technically speaking, each file in a chapter archive has a
- chapter lifespan range. When a file is backed up and has not
- changed since the last backup, only the lifespan range is
- changed. A copy of the file is NOT added to the archive since a
- copy already exists in the archive. If the backed up file is
- different from the previous version, then that file is added to
- the archive with an appropriate chapter range. The previous
- version of the file is still kept in the chapter archive. When
- a particular chapter is restored, ARJ selects only the files
- whose lifespan includes the chapter number requested.
- As an example, suppose one made a series of daily chapter
- backups of a document directory where only one document out of
- the one hundred documents changes on a daily basis. The chapter
- archive would contain the original one hundred documents plus a
- copy of each day's changed document.
- When processing chapter archives, all ARJ add type commands
- (A,M,F,U) will create a new chapter in the chapter archive. Up
- to a maximum of 250 chapters can be stored in a single archive.
- The proper way to build and update a chapter archive is with the
- "ac" command. You should use the same command line arguments
- for each chapter update. If you fail to select the same files
- as before, the chapter archive will not update the lifespan
- ranges properly and those unselected files will "appear" to have
- been deleted for the current chapter. By default, the "ac"
- command will update a chapter archive with files that are
- DIFFERENT from the previous chapter (different size or date-time
- stamp). The "ac" command is actually an abbreviation for the
- following command and options: "u -u2 -jb", so you CANNOT use
- the "-u" or "-jb" options with the "ac" command.
- ARJ ac archive dir\ *.txt *.doc *.wri initial build
- ARJ ac archive dir\ *.txt *.doc *.wri second chapter
- ARJ ac archive dir\ *.txt *.doc *.wri third chapter
- ARJ ac archive dir\ *.txt *.doc *.wri fourth chapter
- ARJ ac archive dir\ *.txt *.doc fifth chapter will
- be missing all *.wri files
- An expert with ARJ may want to use the actual commands and
- switches instead of the "ac" command.
- ARJ u -u2 -jb archive dir\ *.txt
- It is possible to change a standard ARJ archive to a chapter
- archive with the "y" command and the "-jb" option. The opposite
- is possible with the "-jb0" option.
- ARJ y archive -jb converts archive to chapter archive
- ARJ y archive -jb0 converts chapter archive to standard archive
- The "cc" command is an abbreviation for the "y -jb" option.
- ARJ cc archive
- You can restore a specific chapter as in:
- ARJ x archive -jb10 restores chapter 10
- ARJ x archive -jb20 restores chapter 20
- You can restore a range of chapters as in:
- ARJ x archive -jb2-5 extracts chapters 2 to 5
- ARJ x archive -jb2- extracts chapters 2 to the last chapter
- Please note that when restoring a range of chapters, ARJ will
- segregate each chapter's set of files in a numbered directory
- based upon the chapter number. Files whose lifespans range over
- a series of chapters will be located in the first of that
- series.
- This feature is useful for looking over the changes that have
- occurred over a series of chapters.
- You can list a specific chapter or chapter range as in:
- ARJ l archive -jb10 lists chapter 10
- ARJ l archive -jb2-5 lists chapters 2 to 5
- ARJ l archive -jb2- lists chapters 2 to the last chapter
- ARJ l archive lists the most recent chapter
- You can see the chapter ranges for each file in the archive with
- the following command:
- ARJ l archive -jb* -jv
- When ARJ tries to modify a chapter archive that already has 250
- chapters in it, ARJ will return a DOS errorlevel of 12. A batch
- program can take subsequent action by changing the name of the
- chapter archive to a backup name and then re-executing the
- failed ARJ command.
- To start all over again with a chapter archive, you can purge
- all of the previous chapters, convert the archive to a standard
- archive, and then back to an archive chapter.
- Example: ARJ k archive *.*
- ARJ y archive -jb0
- ARJ d archive *.* -hbc remove chapter labels
- ARJ cc archive
- You cannot modify specific chapters other than the most recent
- chapter in terms of deleting files.
- You can remove the most recent chapter with one of the following
- commands:
- ARJ d archive *.* -jb
- ARJ dc archive *.*
- If you do not specify the "-jb" with a delete command, the
- archive chapter label will not be deleted.
- You can comment the chapter labels as a way of identifying each
- chapter backup.
- ARJ c archive -hbc -jz comments the last chapter label
- ARJ c archive "<<*" -jz comments the last chapter label
- ARJ c archive -hbc -jz -jb* comments all chapter labels
- ARJ c archive -hbc -jz -jb5 comments the label for chapter 5
- jb0: clear chapter archive status
- This switch is used with the "y" command to convert a
- standard archive to a chapter archive.
- ARJ y archive -jb0 converts chapter archive to standard archive
- jb*: select all chapter backup files
- This switch is used to select all chapters.
- When it is used with the LIST command, ARJ displays all chapters.
- ARJ l archive -jb* displays all chapters
- This switch can be used with the DELETE command to remove all
- chapters of selected file(s).
- ARJ d archive -jb* *.bak *.tmp
- jc: exit after Count of files
- The "-jc" option sets ARJ to exit early from an archive scan
- when the specified number of files have been extracted, listed,
- printed, etc. If no number has been specified, ARJ will set
- that number to the number of filename arguments.
- Examples: ARJ e -jc archive file1 file2 file3
- ARJ e -jc5 archive *.bat
- Note that "*.*" is considered a count of ONE argument.
- This option does NOT WORK when modifying an archive.
- jd: ensure free Disk space
- In extraction mode, this option causes ARJ always to ensure that
- it will leave the user specified amount of disk space available.
- ARJ will skip files that would exceed the disk space available
- limit. Each file that is skipped will count as an error. The
- default free space is zero bytes.
- Example: ARJ e archive basedir\ *.doc -jd100K
- In the above example, ARJ will not extract any files that will
- cause the disk free space to be less than 100,000 bytes. The
- "K" is a synonym for "000". For example, 100K means 100000.
- In "l"ist or "v"erbose list mode, this option sets an error
- check at the end of the listing screen based upon the total of
- the original sizes of the files selected. If the total size
- would exceed the user specified free space limit, ARJ will
- report an error at the end of the listing screen.
- Example: ARJ l archive *.doc -jd10000
- In this example, ARJ will report an error if the current
- available disk space minus the total of the *.doc files is less
- than the specified minimum of 10,000 bytes.
- Example: ARJ e archive *.* -jd0
- In this example, ARJ will skip extraction of any files that
- would result in a disk full error.
- je: create self-Extracting archive
- This option causes ARJ to create a self-extracting .EXE file
- instead of an .ARJ file. This ARJSFX self-extractor is about
- 16K bytes in size and supports full pathname extraction.
- The "-je1" switch creates a smaller self-extracting .EXE file.
- The ARJSFXJR module is about 6K bytes in size. Both modules
- support display of the archive comment. The ARJSFX module also
- provides a query to continue the extraction after the display of
- the archive comment.
- When the "-je" option is used with the "-v" option, the new
- ARJSFXV module is used. The ARJSFXV module supports multiple
- volume archives. This is a very large module, about 27K bytes.
- The "-je -v" option combination requires DOS 3.0 and above to
- create the self-extracting archive.
- The suppress all messages option "-*" is only available to
- registered users in the commercial version of ARJ.
- Please note that including the SFX modules, DEARJ, or ARJ as
- part of a hardware and/or software package ALWAYS REQUIRES an
- ARJ distribution license EXCEPT when distributing between two
- computers already licensed for ARJ usage.
- As of ARJ 2.10, the SFX executable modules are pre-compressed
- using LZEXE. This may cause false indications with EXE scanning
- programs showing that an ARJ SFX archive is a LZEXE compressed
- file. Only the executable header module is LZEXE compressed.
- The actual archive is ARJ compressed, of course. The LZEXE
- header is modified to avoid extraction by UNLZEXE type programs.
- UNLZEXE may truncate an ARJ self-extractor of its archive.
- All SFX modules have an identification string located in the
- first 1000 characters of the executable. The identification
- string is "aRJsfX" without the quotes and in the exact case.
- The current commands ARJSFX supports are:
- Usage: ARJSFX [-command] [-switch(s)] [directory\] [file(s)]
- Commands:
- e: Extract files v: Verbosely list contents
- l: List contents x: eXtract files with pathname (default)
- t: Test contents
- Switches:
- a: show ANSI comments m: Make directories
- b: prompt for directory n: only New files
- c: skip time stamp Check o: Overwrite files
- d: display program option p: match with Pathname
- f: Freshen existing files s: skip Security check
- g: unGarble with password u: Update files
- i: no progress Indicator w: skip extract prompt
- k: long extract messages y: assume Yes on queries
- *: suppress all messages !: execute command option
- NOTE!!! ARJSFX uses the "-" character before all commands and
- switches. This is to allow extraction of files named e, l, etc.
- The default ARJSFX command is "-x" extract files with pathnames.
- At ARJSFX startup, the self-extracting archive will display any
- archive header comment followed by a query to "Continue
- extraction?". This query can be suppressed by specifying the
- "-w" option on the command line.
- The "-b" option prompts the installing user for the name of the
- install directory. If a target directory is specified on the
- command line, it is used as the default install directory which
- the installing user may change. Note that the target directory
- must end in "\"; otherwise, it will be interpreted as a filename
- spec.
- Example: ARJSFX C:\INST_DIR\ -b
- When extracting pathnames, ARJSFX will prompt for permission to
- create new directories unless the "-m" or "-y" option is
- specified. ARJSFX will create absolute or relative directories
- depending upon whether the root directory has been stored in the
- pathname in the archive. Saving the root is done using the
- "-jf" option of ARJ.EXE.
- To avoid extracting to paths, the archive creator should use the
- ARJ "-e" option to exclude path specs. The user extracting the
- SFX module can specify the "-e" command to extract to the
- current directory.
- ARJSFX does not support compression method 4.
- The ARJSFX and ARJSFXV modules support the ARJ-SECURITY envelope
- feature. The ARJ-SECURITY feature is only available as an
- add-on option. It is intended as a feature for software
- developers. The "-s" option allows the user to skip the testing
- of the ARJ-SECURITY envelope.
- ARJ will create a self-extracting module without an intermediate
- archive file.
- Example: ARJ a software *.* -je
- If you want to make a self-extracting module from an ARJ
- archive, use the "y" command.
- Example: ARJ y software -je
- IMPORTANT: When executing an ARJSFX module on a system with the
- CONSOLE device set to RAW mode, the ARJSFX module will abort on
- user input to avoid hanging the system. Use of the "-y" switch
- on the command line will avoid the problem.
- Example: ARJ230 -y
- The ARJSFXJR module created with the "-je1" switch is a
- stripped-down version of ARJSFX. ARJSFXJR does not support method
- 4 or text mode "-t1" or garbled "-g" archives. An ARJSFXJR
- module containing files with pathnames will extract to the paths.
- ARJSFXJR will automatically create directories as needed to build
- the paths.
- Example: ARJ y software -je1
- The current commands ARJSFXJR supports are:
- Usage: ARJSFXJR [-switch(es)] [drive:][directory\]
- Switches:
- n: set ARJSFXJR to NOT count as an error the skipping of files
- o: set ARJSFXJR to overwrite existing files
- *: suppress all display messages
- You can specify a target_directory or drive or both. However,
- you must specify the ending "\" or ":" symbol.
- ARJSFXJR -o C:\SOFT\ -> self-extract into directory "C:\SOFT\"
- in overwrite mode.
- Both the ARJSFX and ARJSFXJR modules will by default extract to
- relative/absolute path specs if the archive contains
- relative/absolute path specs.
- More examples:
- Build an SFX module with absolute pathnames for extraction to
- the absolute pathnames:
- ARJ a -r -je -jf DISTRIB \product\*.*
- The user need only type "DISTRIB -y" to recreate automatically
- the "product" directory on the current drive.
- Build an SFX module with relative pathnames for extraction to
- relative pathnames:
- ARJ a -r -je DISTRIB \product\*.*
- The user need only type "DISTRIB -y" to recreate automatically
- the "product" subdirectory in the current directory. The user
- can recreate the "product" subdirectory in another directory by
- typing the command "DISTRIB -y directory_name\".
- Build an SFX module with relative pathnames for extraction to
- relative pathnames excluding the base directory:
- ARJ a -r -e1 -je DISTRIB \product\ *.*
- The user need only type "DISTRIB -y" to recreate automatically
- the files and subdirectories of the "product" directory in the
- current directory.
- Build an SFXJR module with filenames (no path specs).
- ARJ a -e -je1 DISTRIB \product\*.*
- The user need only type "DISTRIB" to extract automatically the
- entire contents of "DISTRIB.EXE" to the current directory.
- The current commands that ARJSFXV supports are as follows:
- Usage: ARJSFXV [-command] [-switch(s)] [directory\] [file(s)]
- Commands:
- e: Extract files v: Verbosely list contents
- l: List contents x: eXtract files with paths (default)
- t: Test contents
- Switches:
- a: skip security check r: set Recover mode
- b: prompt for directory s: disable file Share mode
- c: skip time stamp Check u: Update files
- d: check Disk space w: Write to filename
- f: Freshen existing files y: assume Yes on all queries
- g: unGarble with password z: assume yes for queries
- h: display this screen a: append file, c: create dir
- i: no progress Indicator k: disk space check, m: ok to extract
- j: process Win9x archive n: new name prompt, o: overwrite file
- k: skip preset options r: erase type-ahead, v: go to next volume
- m: overwrite readonly #: start install at disk N
- n: only New files $: extract volume label
- o: set encryption module @: display program option
- p: match with Pathname !: execute command option
- Please note that the switch options for ARJSFXV use different
- letters than ARJ.EXE does.
- The ARJSFXV module will automatically prompt the user for a
- garble password when the archive is password protected.
- The "-#" option assumes that the first diskette is number ONE.
- Build an ARJSFXV module with filenames (no path specs).
- ARJ a -e -je -va A:INSTALL c:\product\*.*
- It is strongly recommended that multiple volume self-extracting
- archives NOT be built by modifying an existing multiple volume
- archive.
- With this new release, users can control the behavior of the
- self-extracting modules by embedding the command line within the
- self-extracting archive. This allows the builder to make
- self-extracting archives that create directories by default.
- The user may bypass the embedded command line by specifying
- any command line options at the DOS command prompt.
- Example: ARJSFX -x bypasses any embedded command line
- ARJSFX temp\ bypasses any embedded command line
- To implement this feature, you would insert the required command
- line as the first line of the ARJ archive comment. The beginning
- of the command line must be preceded by the two characters "))".
- Only the first 80 characters of the embedded command line will
- be processed.
- Example: )) C:\DIR\ -o -s options for ARJSFX
- Please note that the specific switch letters may differ for the
- different ARJ self-extracting modules.
- New to ARJ 2.61 is support for post-extraction execution. The
- ARJSFX and ARJSFXV modules support the "-!" option which allows
- the user to build a self-extractor which will execute a command
- after its files are successfully extracted.
- This option is most useful with the embedded command line
- feature. The command must not contain any blanks if it is used
- in the embedded command line. If a target directory is
- specified, the target directory will be prepended to the
- command.
- Example: )) C:\DIR\ -!SETUP.EXE
- The above example will cause the command "C:\DIR\SETUP.EXE" to
- be executed.
- Please note that the user will always be prompted by the
- self-extractor for permission to execute this command. This
- prompt is disabled for ARJ-SECURED self-extracting archives.
- At 2.61, the ARJSFX and ARJSFXV modules support using the "-t"
- option along with an extraction command to provide a verify
- before extract feature.
- Example: )) C:\DIR\ -!SETUP.EXE -t
- Both the ARJSFX and ARJSFXV self-extractors now perform a simple
- virus damage check before processing the self-extractor's
- archive. If damage is detected, the self-extractor will abort
- with an error message indicating possible damage.
- This check will not work for a virus designed specifically to
- attack ARJ self-extractors.
- The ARJSFX self-extractor has a "-s" option to skip this virus
- check. The ARJSFXV self-extractor has a "-a" option to skip the
- virus check. You can include the above skip option as part of a
- custom built-in command line.
- Only the ARJSFXV module supports archives created with the "-hg"
- and "-hg!" options.
- jf: store/use Full specified path
- Normally, ARJ will strip all pathnames of drive letter and root
- symbol. This switch disables this action. When extracting with
- the "x" command from an archive that was built with this switch,
- ARJ will normally strip any drive letter and root symbol, unless
- the "-jf" option is specified again.
- Example: ARJ x archive -jf f:\data\1995\report.*
- The "-jf1" option will strip only the drive spec and NOT the
- root symbol. You can use either the "-jf" or "-jf1" option
- during extraction to force use of the root directory.
- As of ARJ 2.42a, ARJ will always filename match using the full
- pathname even for extraction.
- Example: ARJ x archive d:\temp f:\data\1995\report.*
- jh: set Huffman buffer size
- ARJ has a default static Huffman buffer size of 16,384 bytes.
- This buffer size is better for compressing executable files.
- The buffer size in ARJ 0.15 and earlier was set to 65,500 bytes.
- That size is better for large text files. You may specify a
- buffer size from 2,048 to 65,535 bytes.
- Example: ARJ a archive *.txt -jh65500
- If you specify a Huffman buffer size, ARJ will use that size for
- all types of files specified by the archive command.
- ji: set Index filename
- The "-ji" switch is used to create an index file containing the
- filenames archived or meeting certain criteria. This is
- especially helpful when using ARJ to do multiple floppy type
- archives. This file SHOULD NOT be created on the floppy
- diskette if the floppy diskette is changed during the archival
- process.
- If the index file already exists, ARJ will append data to it.
- The index file contains three types of text lines. The first
- type is the volume name record. It contains the date, time,
- starting file position, and the archive name. The second type
- is the filename record. It contains only the filename. The
- third type only occurs during archival with testing "-jt". It
- is a line containing "Testing " and the archive name.
- This information is also useful for restarting "-v" multiple
- volume archives. You need the filename and the starting file
- position.
- The "-ji" switch will log the following events:
- a, f, m, u - Log actual filenames added to archive and if testing
- is enabled, the actual filenames that failed testing.
- d - Log archived filenames deleted.
- e, x - Log archived filenames successfully extracted.
- Extracted files with CRC errors are NOT logged.
- j - Log archived filenames added to archive.
- l, v - Log archived filenames listed.
- t - Log archived filenames that failed testing.
- w - Log archived filenames that contain string matches.
- This logging function is especially helpful when testing and
- searching archives. Extraction errors are logged to the index
- file.
- The "-hi" option will set ARJ to write more details to the index
- file.
- At ARJ 2.61, ARJ will also log extraction errors to the index
- file.
- jk: Keep temp archive on error
- When the "-jk" switch has been specified, ARJ will keep the
- temporary archive during an aborted archive build/update.
- During a failed build, ARJ will modify the temporary archive to
- make it usable by removing the broken portion.
- jl: display only filespecs
- The "-jl" option sets ARJ to display only the filespec of a
- filename during the progress displays. This will simplify the
- display output.
- jm: set Maximum compression
- The "-jm" switch sets the maximum compression mode. This mode
- is used with method 1 "-m1" to increase its compression. This
- may increase compression time significantly.
- You can get a 1 to 5 percent improvement in compression with
- ARJ -m1 -jm.
- The "-jm1" option provides slightly less compression than "-jm"
- at a faster speed. This can range from slightly faster to much
- faster.
- Use of "-jm" with "-m2", "-m3", or "-m4" is NOT SUPPORTED.
- jn: set restart Name
- The "-jn" switch is used to restart interrupted multiple volume
- archives in conjunction with the "-jx" switch. All selected
- files are skipped up to but not including the named file.
- Example: ARJ a volume -v360 -r -jn\BIN\TREE.COM -jx1230
- In the above example, all files scanned up to \BIN\TREE.COM are
- skipped. Archiving will start at file position 1230 of file
- IMPORTANT!!! The exact name of the starting file must be
- specified according to the wildnames/filespecs specified. This
- name is the same as displayed by the Adding filename display and
- the same as written to the "-ji" index file. Please note that
- \DOS\TREE.COM is not considered the same as DOS\TREE.COM with
- this option.
- New at ARJ 2.39 is the feature where ARJ will automatically
- scan the previously written index file ("-ji") to get the
- necessary restart information. You only need append "-jn" to
- the previous backup command line. This option will not work
- without the index file. ARJ will automatically set the correct
- volume name.
- Example: ARJ a a:backup c:\*.* -r -vvas -jiINDEX.FIL
- ARJ a a:backup c:\*.* -r -vvas -jiINDEX.FIL -jn
- jo: query when updating an archive file
- The "-jo" option has two flavors.
- The "-jo" switch is used to query the user when using the ARJ
- "a" or "m" commands to add files to an archive. Before ARJ
- overwrites an existing internal archive file when using "-jo",
- ARJ will query the user with "Update <filename>? ". Without
- this option, ARJ will overwrite the internal archive file
- without querying.
- jo: extract to unique Output names
- The "-jo" switch during extraction allows automated handling of
- duplicate filenames.
- On extraction with the "-jo" switch where the output file
- already exists in the target directory, ARJ will attempt to
- generate a unique filename by changing the file extension to a 3
- digit number from .000 to .999. If ARJ cannot generate a unique
- name, it will skip extracting the file.
- Do not try to extract multiple volume split files in separate
- extraction sessions using the "-jo" option. ARJ will not be
- able to determine the correct output filename.
- New to this release, the "-jo" option during extraction works
- along with the "-f" and "-u" type options. In other words, if
- you want to freshen a set of files from an archive, the use of
- the "-jo" option will generate unique names for any files
- extracted.
- Example: ARJ x archive *.* -u -jo
- jo1: extract to unique Output names keeping file extension
- This switch will set ARJ on extraction to generate unique
- output filenames AND keep the current file extension.
- Example: NOTE.TXT will generate NOTE.001.TXT and so on.
- jp: Pause after each screenful
- This switch will cause ARJ to pause after listing each screenful
- of data for the "l", "p", "v", "w" commands. Press the ENTER
- key to continue the listing. You can also enter "quit" to exit
- ARJ.
- In one special case, "ARJ -? -jp", the use of the -jp switch
- toggles page pauses off, because by default in help mode,
- pausing is on.
- You can specify the page size with the "-jp" option as in
- "-jp50". This also turns on the pause mode. If you wish to use
- this in ARJ_SW, it is suggested that you use "-jp50 -jp-" to set
- the page size and to turn off the pause mode.
- jq: set string parameter
- The "-jq" option is used to supply additional parameters to the ARJ
- w and ARJ b commands. If the parameters contain blanks, then the
- entire "-jq" option must be enclosed by two double quote marks.
- See the "w" and "b" commands for the correct "-jq" syntax.
- jr: Recover broken archive files
- This switch is used to access headers and files in an archive
- that has been corrupted either with bad data or missing data.
- This switch lets ARJ find the next valid header for listing,
- extraction or testing. ARJ will continue to look for headers
- until it finds the end of archive marker. If the archive is
- damaged, ARJ may display a message stating that it encountered
- the end of file unexpectedly.
- This switch also will allow extraction of files with CRC or
- Bad file data errors. Normally, ARJ will delete such extracted
- files.
- If file header data has been corrupted, ARJ will be unable to
- recover any file data associated with that header. As of ARJ
- 2.30, "Bad file data" errors will not abort the recovery
- process.
- Example: ARJ e archive -jr
- The "-jr1" version of this switch allows processing of damaged
- ARJ archives that have an end of archive mark in the middle of
- the archive. However, the use of this switch will always cause
- ARJ to display an "unexpected end of file" error message and to
- return a non-zero errorlevel.
- js: Store archives by suffix
- This switch is used to set ARJ to store and not compress files
- with the following extensions: .ARJ, .ZIP, .LZH, .PAK, .ARC,
- .J, .RAR, .UC2, .ZOO
- The file extensions can be specified as follows:
- ARJ a archive -js.zoo.ice.gif
- The above command will store files with extensions ending in
- .ZOO, .ICE, and .GIF. This overrides the defaults.
- You can use the environment variable ARJ_SW to set up your own
- defaults as follows:
- set arj_sw=-js.arj.zip.lzh -js-
- The "-js-" turns off the option by default so that when you
- specify the "-js" switch on the command line, ARJ will already
- know what extensions you want to store.
- The "-js" switch will recognize "." alone as a file extension
- indicating no file extension as in "-js." and "-js..arc"
- jt: Test temporary archive
- The "-jt" switch can used to set ARJ to execute an archive
- integrity check on an intermediate temporary archive before
- overwriting any pre-existing original archive. If any error
- occurs, ARJ will not overwrite the original archive. When used
- with the "-w" switch option, ARJ will also test the final
- archive file as well as the temporary archive before deleting
- any input files.
- Example: ARJ m archive *.c -jt
- The "-jt" switch can be used with extract type commands to set
- ARJ to verify the archive before doing any extraction of files.
- If the archive fails verification, the extraction is NOT
- attempted. This is useful for handling MAIL packets where
- archive corruption due to a bad file transfer is a fairly
- frequent event.
- Example: ARJ e archive -jt
- The "-jt1" switch allows an actual file contents comparison in
- addition to the normal file CRC calculation check. This option
- can also be used with the ARJ t (test) command.
- When used with the ARJ t command, ARJ "-jt1" will use the
- base_directory option and the filename stored in the archive to
- locate the original file.
- When used with the ARJ add/move/update type commands, ARJ will
- use only the filename stored in the archive to locate the
- original file. Therefore, the "-jt1" option does NOT work with
- the "-e" option or when the original filename has a drive letter
- or root directory in it and you did not specify "-jf".
- Examples: ARJ t -jt1 archive dir\
- ARJ a -jt1 archive e:\temp\*.* -jf
- When used during a chapter add, the "-jt1" option will compare
- only the files of the added chapter. Previous chapters will
- only be CRC tested.
- Example: ARJ ac archive c:\dir\*.* -jt1
- The "-jt2" switch allows the same features as "-jt1" except that
- the file compares are only done for the newly added/updated
- files. This avoids the situation where the some of original
- input files are missing or have changed. NOTE that a problem
- can occur with the "f" and "u" commands when files in the
- archive are NEWER than the files being added. ARJ will
- considered the file up-to-date and added and will do a file
- compare.
- Example: ARJ u -jt2 archive dir\
- The "-jt3" switch allows one to do a quick compare of files
- within an archive and on disk. ARJ will only compare the
- date-time stamps and the size of the files.
- Example: ARJ t archive -jt3
- There is a limitation in that multiple volume archives will
- generate (size) errors for the files split over volumes.
- In DOS and Windows 9x when using removable media (diskettes),
- ARJ will flush and invalidate cached diskette data from memory,
- so that testing is done on the actual data on the diskette. A
- side effect of this improvement in reliability is longer
- diskette testing times.
- ju: translate UNIX style paths
- This switch causes ARJ to translate any subsequently encountered
- pathnames to MS-DOS style from UNIX style. This switch also
- causes translation of filenames entered as a result of ARJ
- prompts such as in comment filenames.
- Example: ARJ a archive -ju /soft/*.c
- jv: set Verbose display
- This switch sets ARJ to display more information during the
- "t"est, "l"ist, and "ex"tract commands.
- Example: ARJ t archive -jv
- The "-jv" switch causes the "v" command to display only the
- pathnames to the screen.
- The "-jv switch causes the "l" command to display chapter
- range numbers instead of the CRC value.
- The "-jv1" switch causes the "v" command to display the archive
- data in manner suitable for sorting on various fields.
- The "-jv" switch will set the "p", "s", and "w" commands to
- display IBM graphics characters (128 to 255).
- When updating a file in an archive with a file that is NOT
- newer and if the -jv option is selected, ARJ will display a
- message that there is "no change".
- jw: set extract output filename
- The "-jw" option allows you to specify the name of the
- extraction output file. You should only select one file to
- extract when using this option.
- This is similar but not exactly the same as using the "p"
- command with DOS output redirection. Using DOS redirection would
- cause all of the output of the extraction to be put into the
- output file. Using "-jw" would set ARJ to prompt for
- overwrite permission per each file extracted to the output file.
- This option may be needed when trying to output binary data to
- a printer.
- Example: ARJ e archive printer.dat -jwLPT1
- jx: start at eXtended position
- This switch is used to continue a file onto a new archive
- manually. This switch is normally for use when a multiple
- volume "a" command has aborted.
- Example: ARJ a arjvol.a01 manual.doc -jx100000
- This example archives manual.doc starting from file byte
- position 100,000 and on.
- In extraction mode, this sets ARJ to extract a file to an output
- file at a specified starting position.
- Example: ARJ e -jx2000000 archive file1
- This example extracts the file "file1" to file1 starting at
- position 2,000,000 or at the end of the file.
- This is similar to using the command "ARJ p archive >> output".
- To duplicate this redirection with ARJ would require the
- following:
- ARJ e -jx2000K -jwoutput archive
- NOTE that the -jx option is NOT functional when adding a file to
- an archive that already contains one or more files.
- As a recovery technique, you can use the -jx option to force
- the extraction of a file split across volumes when the starting
- volume is lost or damaged.
- Example: ARJ e archive.a01 splitfilename -jx0
- jy: suppress queries assuming YES
- This switch is used to suppress individual ARJ user prompts.
- Syntax: ARJ e archive -jy<flags>
- where <flags> is one or more of the following characters: a, c,
- d, k, n, o, s, v. For each flag selected, ARJ will act as if
- you had answered YES to the suppressed question.
- A - skip append query during a multi-volume extraction
- C - skip create directory query
- D - skip delete files query
- K - skip disk space availability query
- N - skip new filename prompt
- O - skip overwriting existing file query
- R - erase all typeahead before prompting
- S - skip scanned enough text query
- V - skip ok to proceed to next volume query
- Y - accept single character Y/N/A/Q inputs
- Example: ARJ x volume -v -jyaco
- suppress append, create, and overwrite prompts.
- ARJ will allow you to specify individual "jy" options in
- separate switch strings as in "-jyy -jyr". You may inhibit a
- switch as in "-jyr-". As with other switches, the "jy" switches
- toggle as in "-jyr -jyr".
- As a clarification of older documentation, the "-jyv" option
- will disable the next volume prompt EVEN with removable media.
- The global "-y" option does not disable the next volume prompt
- with removable media.
- jz: supply file for file comment
- The "-jz" switch has been provided to facilitate batch
- commenting of one or more files within an ARJ archive. Only one
- comment file can be specified. That file will be used to
- comment each file specified on the command line.
- A comment file containing only a single blank can be used to
- erase comments from ARJ archives.
- Syntax: ARJ c archive file1 -jzcomment.txt
- ARJ c archive file1 -zheader.cmt -jzfile.cmt
- ARJ does not support the use of the -jz option with ARJ
- commands other than "c" as in ARJ c archive -jz.
- h#: append current date/time string
- The "-h#" switch sets ARJ to append the current date string in
- the form YYMMDD to the current archive name while keeping the
- file extension the same.
- The "-h#1" switch sets ARJ to append the current time string in
- the form HHMMSS to the current archive name while keeping the
- file extension the same.
- The "-h#2" switch sets ARJ to append the current date-time
- string in the form DHHMMSS to the current archive name while
- keeping the file extension the same. In a ten day period, this
- option can be used to generate unique archive names.
- Examples: ARJ a XX -h# *.c creates archive name XX931209.ARJ
- ARJ a YY -h#1 creates archive name YY123000.ARJ
- ARJ a Y -h#2 creates archive name Y8123000.ARJ
- This function does NO checking for exceeding the proper filename
- length. There are no options for rearranging the date/time
- formats.
- This feature has been modified to use only the last two digits
- of the year. So the year 2010 will be represented by "10".
- This will still provide "uniqueness" for filename generation.
- Daily created archives will not collide name-wise for 100 years.
- ha: ignore readonly Attribute
- The "-ha" switch sets ARJ to reset the attributes of a file or a
- directory to be overwritten or a file to be deleted. This
- allows the overwrite or delete operation to proceed.
- A slight performance degradation may result from using this
- option.
- Examples: ARJ e archive -ha
- ARJ m archive -ha dir\*.*
- hb: select by file attribute or type
- This switch is used to select by file attribute or file type.
- The "-hb" option can be used to select files by their attributes
- (normal, readonly, hidden, system, directory, and archive bit).
- "Normal" is defined as files that are NOT the following:
- readonly, hidden, system, label, chapter header, or directory.
- For extract/list operations, you can also select chapter labels
- and volume labels. By default, the "-hb" option by itself
- selects all types of files. If you specify a letter symbol
- representing a file type, you are selecting ONLY that type of
- file. You can specify a series of letters representing all of
- the file types that you want to select. For example, the
- "-hbdr" option selects both directories and readonly files.
- Selections are additive.
- Example: -hbnr select only normal and readonly files
- Single letters represent each attribute or type.
- a - archive bit set
- b - archive bit clear
- h - hidden
- r - readonly
- s - system
- d - directory
- n - normal files (not d, h, r, s, l, c)
- l - volume label
- c - chapter label
- f - abbreviation for "ndhrs"
- w - Windows 9x long filenames
- The archive bit selection ("a" or "b") is a special case. If
- you have selected no types of files EXCEPT files with the
- archive bit set, ARJ will select from the set of all file types.
- If you have selected one or more file types, ARJ will select
- based upon the archive bit from the selected set of files types.
- Examples: -hbhrsa select hidden, readonly files with
- archive bit set
- -hba select all files with archive bit set
- Add/update options : f, d, r, h, s, n, a, b.
- Extract/list options: f, d, r, h, s, n, a, b, c, l, w.
- Examples: ARJ a archive *.* -r -hbrs select only readonly
- and system files
- ARJ a archive *.* -r -hbd store only directories
- ARJ l archive *.* -hbr list only readonly files
- ARJ l archive -jb* -hbc list chapter headers
- Notes: The option "-hb" with no letter options is an
- abbreviation for "-hbndhrslc" (all types).
- hc: execute DOS Command at ARJ start
- The "-hc" switch sets ARJ to execute a DOS command at the start
- of the execution of ARJ immediately after the command line switch
- options have been processed, but before the wildcard search is
- started. This can be used to clear the screen to hide the
- command line or to provide a pause option to allow swapping
- diskettes.
- Examples: ARJ a -hcCLS archive -gpassword
- ARJ a -hcPAUSE archive *.*
- he: skip test of security Envelope
- The "-he" switch sets ARJ to skip the verification step when
- accessing an ARJ-SECURED ARJ archive. If an ARJ archive has
- a damaged ARJ-SECURITY envelope, you will have to use the "-he"
- option to extract the archive.
- he1: set error on security Envelopes
- The "-he1" switch sets ARJ to abort with an error code of 4 when
- processing a possibly ARJ-SECURED archive. This is useful as a
- REARJ.CFG option for ARJ. This will prevent REARJ from
- converting an ARJ-SECURED archive to the same or another format.
- Examples: ARJ l secured.arj -he1
- hf: set short filenames only
- This switch disables Windows 9x long filename handling. ARJ
- will use the standard DOS 8.3 APIs (DOS shortnames) to do its
- processing. Files so archived with this switch can be extracted
- under Windows 9x and DOS.
- This switch can be used while listing a dual-name archive under
- Win9x to list/process the shortnames.
- hf1: set longnames in file comment or extract with W95LNAME.nnn name
- This switch in Win9x during archival sets ARJ to build a
- dual-name compatibility archive by storing the shortname in the
- filename field and the longname in the file comment field, so
- that both long filenames and short filenames are stored in the
- archive.
- Such a dual-name archive is compatible with older versions of
- ARJ. New versions of ARJ process such an archive according to
- the current operating system environment. Under Win9x, the long
- filenames in the archive are used. Under MS-DOS, the short
- filenames are used. This processing is automatic for this
- release of ARJ.
- The "-e1" option does not affect the short name that is stored.
- During extraction this switch sets ARJ to extract files from a
- Win9x archive (built without "-hf" option) by using generated
- names. ARJ will generate a short name based upon "W95LNAME.000"
- and its sequence number in the archive.
- Specifying the "-ji" option with an index filename along with
- "-hf1" will generate an index file with the W95LNAME.000 names
- and the associated long filenames. The long filenames are
- quoted.
- Example: ARJ x archive -hf1 -jiindex.log
- This option with "-ji" can be useful when trying restore long
- filenames on a system that allows long filenames such as
- OS/2, WinNT, or Linux.
- Please note that modifying a dual-name archive outside of
- Windows 9x is possible but it may produce an archive with some
- dual-names and some not.
- The "-hf1" option has no effect on a dual-name archive during
- extraction.
- Please note the shortname stored may be an absolute pathname.
- hf2: use long filenames in DOS
- This switch sets ARJ to attempt to extract using the long
- filenames stored in the archive. No modification is done to the
- long filenames except by DOS itself. This switch also sets ARJ
- to use the standard DOS 8.3 APIs for processing. Because of the
- shortening of the filenames by DOS, duplicate filenames may
- result.
- hf3: set longnames in file comment and wildcard using shortnames
- This switch in Win9x during archival sets ARJ to build a
- dual-name compatibility archive by storing the shortname in the
- filename field and the longname in the file comment field, so
- that both long filenames and short filenames are stored in the
- archive.
- This is similar to the "-hf1" switch functionality EXCEPT that
- ARJ wildcard scans the file system using shortname wildcards.
- This switch provides a way of archiving files that have Win9x
- DOS inaccessible symbols in them like the copyright and
- trademark symbols. Win9x DOS displays those filenames with the
- "_" character. ARJ will store the long filename with the "_"
- character as is. However, this means that a restore of the
- archive will not restore the filename as it was with the
- inaccessible copyright or trademark symbol. It will be restored
- with a "_" symbol.
- Please note the longname stored may be an absolute pathname.
- When building a dual-name archive, ARJ will now check for files
- that have long filenames inaccessible through MS-DOS. These
- are filenames that contain symbols that WIN9x/MS-DOS translates
- into the underscore "_" symbol. ARJ will display the "Can't
- open ..." error message for each such file encountered.
- hf4: set ARJ to label all files as Windows 9x long filenames.
- This switch sets ARJ to label all files archived under Windows 9x
- as Windows 9x long filenames. ARJ at 2.61 will by default
- label as Windows 9x long filenames only those files whose Windows
- 9x long filename is different from its MS-DOS filename.
- hg: specify garble module filename
- This switch is used to specify the filename of the encryption
- module to be used when encrypting a new archive. The default
- filename is "ARJCRYPT.COM". ARJCRYPT.COM contains a new
- encryption scheme that is partly incompatible with earlier
- releases of ARJ. This new scheme will accept passwords up to 64
- characters. The old scheme accepted only the first 32 characters
- of a password. As long as your passwords are 32 characters or
- less, your archives will be compatible with ARJ 2.60 encryption.
- ARJ will look for the encryption module in the directory that
- contains the copy ARJ.EXE that is being executed unless the
- specified module name contains a path symbol "\" as in
- "ARJ\OLDCRYPT.COM". If you want to use a module in the current
- directory, you should specify the name as in ".\ARJCRYPT.COM".
- The "." indicates the current directory.
- With an existing archive, ARJ detects the encryption scheme that
- was used to encrypt the archive and uses the same scheme
- regardless of whether the "-hg" option is specified or not.
- However, if you encrypted with a non-default ARJCRYPT.COM, you
- must specify the pathname with the "-hg" option.
- hg!: set ARJ to use the 40 bit garble algorithm
- This switch is used to specify the use of a built-in 40 bit
- version of the Russian GOST encryption algorithm. This
- algorithm is limited to a 40 bit key to meet USA encryption
- export rules. Any password input to this function will be
- crunched down to a 40 bit size. Only the first 32 characters
- of the password will be accepted.
- hi: full detail display in Index files
- The "-hi" switch when used with the "-ji" switch sets ARJ to
- include the file date-time stamp, the original file size, the
- compressed file size, the compression ratio, and the filename in
- the index file.
- Example: ARJ a a:backup c:\*.* -r -va -jiINDEX -hi
- hk: build data protection file
- The "-hk" switch sets ARJ to create ARJ-PROTECT damage
- protection data which is appended to the archive. This
- ARJ-PROTECT data contains necessary information to repair
- damage to the protected archive. The "-hk1", "-hk2" ....
- "-hk9" options will generate more ARJ-PROTECT data affording a
- higher probability of a successful repair at the cost of a
- larger archive.
- This protection feature is sector based and allows repair due
- to typical types of disk corruption (bad sector, virus damage,
- cross links, etc). This type of sector protection is NOT
- effective for most data transmission problems where data is
- missing from the middle of a transmission.
- If an archive already exists, the archive can be ARJ-PROTECTED
- via the "t" command. If the archive is already protected, ARJ
- will not protect it again.
- Example: ARJ t archive -hk appends ARJ-PROTECT data
- Repair of a damaged ARJ-PROTECTED archive is done with the "Q"
- command. The repaired archive is named ARJFIXED.ARJ. The
- original damaged archive is not modified. In addition,
- Example: ARJ q docs repairs archive
- For older style ARJ-PROTECTED archives (with accompanying .XRJ
- file), you must specify the "-hk" option along with the "q"
- command.
- Example: ARJ q docs -hk repairs archive
- Once an archive has been ARJ-PROTECTED, future archive updates
- will automatically include ARJ-PROTECTION. That feature can be
- disabled with the "y" command.
- Example: ARJ y docs -hk
- hl: return error for Listfile error
- The "-hl" switch sets ARJ to report the "file not found" type
- of errors when processing the filenames in an ARJ listfile
- during an "add" type command (a, f, m, u). ARJ will
- subsequently return a non-zero DOS errorlevel when such an
- error has been found. Previous versions of ARJ ignored these
- types of errors.
- Example: ARJ a a:backup !listfile -va -hl
- hm: increase filename capacity
- The "-hm" switch sets ARJ to transfer the list of filenames to
- be archived from the limited conventional memory to file
- storage. This allows a much larger number of files to be
- processed (up to 65,000). This option is ignored for all ARJ
- commands except "a", "f", "j", "m", "u".
- Normally, this switch sets ARJ to wait until it is out of memory
- storing filenames into a list before transferring that list to a
- temporary file. That temporary file is put in the current
- directory or the special work directory if specified (-hm!F:\)
- or XMS memory is specified (-hm!).
- At ARJ 2.62c, ARJ will by default set -hm3000. This means that
- if you are archiving over 3000 filenames, ARJ will use a disk
- file to manage the list of filenames.
- However, there may be a few cases where ARJ will run out of
- memory doing other tasks while it is storing this list. In
- these cases, ARJ will abort. The user can specify a numeric
- argument of "1" to this switch to force ARJ to transfer the list
- to file storage immediately.
- The "-hm" work directory is specified by appending a "!" to the
- "-hm" or "-hm1" options and then appending the filename to the
- option. See below.
- Examples: ARJ a archive c:\*.* -r -hm
- ARJ a archive c:\*.* -r -hm1
- ARJ a a:archive c:\*.* -r -va -hm500!F:\
- ARJ a a:archive c:\*.* -r -hm!G:\temp\
- The use of a RAMDISK directory will provide the fastest
- operation.
- hm!: increase filename capacity with XMS memory
- The "-hm!" option with no pathname appended to it will set ARJ
- to store its list of filenames in XMS memory. List processing
- will be faster using XMS memory as opposed to using disk space.
- If no XMS memory is available, ARJ will use conventional memory
- and then disk space if needed.
- If there is not enough XMS memory available for the internal
- list, ARJ will abort. The XMS accelerator in Hurricane 2.0 for
- Windows MAY interfere with this switch while in Windows.
- hn: specify non-existent filespec
- The "-hn" switch sets the filespec that does NOT match any file.
- The default filespec is "...". However, on some systems like
- using NOVELL, there is a valid filespec "...". Since ARJ
- sometimes needs a filespec that is strictly a placeholder, this
- option should be used to specify some name that does not exist
- on disk.
- This option must be specified prior to any use of the
- non-matching filespec. Setting it via the ARJ_SW variable is an
- excellent choice.
- Examples: ARJ e -hn#### archive #### -zcomment.txt
- SET ARJ_SW=-hn####
- ho: Only extract files with matches
- The "-ho" switch used with the "e" or "x" extract commands allows
- file extraction based upon a text search. ARJ will prompt the
- user for text strings to search unless the "-jq" option has been
- specified. See the "-jq" option in ARJ.TXT for detailed use
- information. ARJ will extract a file within an archive if the
- file contains at least one occurrence of any of the specified
- search strings.
- Examples: ARJ e archive -ho
- ARJ e archive -ho -jq+3+textstring
- ho1: Only extract files without any matches
- The "-ho1" switch used with the "e" or "x" extract commands
- allows file extraction based upon a text search. ARJ will
- prompt the user for text strings to search unless the "-jq"
- option has been specified. See the "-jq" option in ARJ.TXT for
- detailed use information. ARJ will extract a file within an
- archive if the file contain NO occurrences of any of the
- specified search strings.
- Examples: ARJ e archive -ho1
- hq: ignore open access error on adds
- This switch sets ARJ to ignore the error that occurs when ARJ
- cannot open a file for lack of permitted access during an
- add-type command and/or a compare command. This is DOS error
- code 5. This option applies only to files being added to a new
- archive and/or being compared. For an existing archive, this
- option will be ignored during the add operation, but NOT during
- a subsequent compare operation.
- Typically, this switch would be used during network access or in
- Windows 9x where a file is open for exclusive use by another
- process. Normally, in this situation, ARJ would return a
- non-zero DOS error level. However, if this switch is specified,
- ARJ will NOT return a non-zero error level due to this specific
- open failure.
- If you use the "-ji" option to set up an index file, ARJ will
- log any file that it cannot open.
- hq1: ignore open not found error on adds
- This switch sets ARJ to ignore the error that occurs when ARJ
- cannot open a file because it cannot be found during an add-type
- command and/or a compare command. This is DOS error code 2.
- This option applies only to files being added to a new archive
- and/or being compared. For an existing archive, this option
- will be ignored during the add operation, but NOT during a
- subsequent compare operation.
- This open error typically happens when a temporary file that ARJ
- has found to archive is purged by another process before ARJ can
- actually open and compress/compare it. This is not the same
- error as when a user specifies a filename on the command line
- and ARJ cannot find it.
- This error also occurs in Windows 9x when trying to archive
- files with filenames that contain "unusual" symbols. These are
- the symbols that have no equivalent in MS-DOS. MS-DOS displays
- those symbols as "_" underscore.
- If you use the "-ji" option to set up an index file, ARJ will
- log any file that it cannot open.
- hq2: ignore open access error and not found error on adds
- This switch sets ARJ to ignore both the no access error and the
- not found error during an add-type command for new archives as
- above.
- hr: force processing of successive archives through errors.
- The "-hr" switch sets ARJ to attempt to continue processing
- successive archives even when they contains errors. This option
- is aimed at ARJ wildcard use such as in the "ARJ t *.ARJ -hr"
- command.
- hs: disable file Sharing
- The "-hs" switch sets ARJ to disable its file sharing feature.
- This may be necessary for some unusual applications.
- ht: specify Target directory
- This switch is provided as an alternative to the standard method
- of specifying a target directory. This new option can be
- specified in the ARJ configuration file or in the ARJ_SW
- environment variable as well as on the command line.
- Examples: ARJ x archive *.* -htD:\DESTDIR
- hu: allow the Updating of multiple volume archives
- The "-hu" switch sets ARJ to allow the updating of multiple
- volume archives. This switch is obsolete as of ARJ 2.55. ARJ
- now supports the update of multiple volumes.
- hv: verify the ARJ version number
- The "-hv" switch is used to verify the ARJ version number and/or
- whether the ARJ program is registered. If the "-hv" option is
- specified by itself or with an appended "R", an unregistered ARJ
- will abort with an errorlevel of 1. If a version number string
- is appended to the "-hv" option, a lower version numbered ARJ
- will abort with with an errorlevel of 1.
- Examples: ARJ a archive -hv check if registered
- ARJ a archive -hvr check if registered
- ARJ a archive -hv2.50 check for version >= 2.50
- ARJ a archive -hvr2.50 check if registered and
- version 2.50 or greater
- hw: modify search filename display
- The "-hw" switch sets the ARJ w command to display the
- "Searching ...." filenames messages in a scroll saving format.
- Filenames of files that do not contain string matches will be
- overwritten on the screen.
- The "-hw1" switch sets the ARJ w command to display ONLY the
- "Searching ...." filenames messages for files that contain string
- messages.
- You should disable the progress indicator with the "-i" option.
- hx: specify archive file extensions
- The "-hx" switch allows the user to specify what the default
- file extension or extensions that are to be used by ARJ to
- access archive names that are not specified with file
- extensions. ARJ will assume that the first extension specified
- will be the main default extension.
- Examples: ARJ a archive *.* -hx.SDN assumes default .SDN
- file extension
- ARJ l archive -hx.SDN.ARJ looks for archive.SDN and
- if not found, then looks
- for archive.ARJ
- hx: set ARJ to extract using ANSI codepage
- This switch will set ARJ to allow the extraction of ARJ32
- created archives containing ANSI codepage filenames. ARJ for
- DOS always uses the OEM codepage which may translate ANSI
- codepage filenames incorrectly or not at all. Filenames
- containing only alphanumeric characters and the DOT symbol
- should be translated correctly.
- The default for ARJ32 is the OEM codepage.
- Some of the following options have variations such as -s as in
- -s, -s1, -s2.
- The following options work for ALL ARJ commands.
- !names.lst
- -o
- -ob
- -od
- --
- -+
- -&
- -!
- -i
- -l
- -r this affects wildcarded archive names, too.
- -s
- -x
- -y
- -ja
- -jl
- -jt
- -ju
- -jy
- -h#
- -h#1
- -hb
- -hc
- -he
- -he1
- -hn
- -hr
- -hs
- -hv
- -hx
- The following options work for all ARJ commands that modify
- ARJ archives.
- -k
- -s
- -w
- -z
- -jb
- -je
- -jk
- -hm
- In addition the following options work for ARJ a, f, m, u commands.
- -a
- -b
- -m
- -r
- -t
- -j#
- -jh
- -ji
- -jm
- -jn
- -js
- -hi
- -hk
- -hl
- -hm
- The following options work for ARJ y command.
- -jb
- -je
- -g
- -hg
- The following options work for ALL but the ARJ a, f, m, u commands.
- The name of the archive can be a wildspec.
- -#
- -d
- -e
- -p
- -jr
- The following options work for the ARJ a, f, m, u, e, x
- commands.
- -$
- -c
- -f
- -g
- -n
- -u
- -jf
- -ji
- -jx
- -hi
- The following options work for the ARJ e, x commands.
- -d
- -jc
- -jw
- -ho
- -ho1
- The following options work for the ARJ l, v commands
- -n
- -jp
- The following options have limited use.
- -q - works for all commands except j, l, n, o, t, v, w, y
- -v - works for l, v, w commands
- -jc - works for e, x, l, v commands
- -jp - works for l, v, w commands
- -jq - works for b, w, commands
- -jv - works for most commands
- -hw - works for w command
- a: Add files to archive
- ARJ a archive
- ARJ a archive -n
- ARJ a archive -f
- ARJ a archive -jt
- ARJ a archive -jt1
- ARJ a archive -jt2
- ARJ a archive -q
- ARJ a archive -r -hk
- ARJ a archive dir\ -o
- ARJ a archive dir\
- ARJ a archive dir\ *.doc *.exe
- ARJ a archive !names.lst
- ARJ a archive -- -name-.txt
- ARJ a archive name1 name2 name3
- ARJ a a:archive -we:\ -vas c:\ -r -b2
- ARJ a a:archive.001 -we:\ -vvw360 c:\ -r -b1
- ARJ a archive -vw360 c:\ -r -y
- ARJ a archive c:\ *.* -r -jt1 -jf
- b: execute Batch or DOS command
- ARJ b archive name.txt
- ARJ b archive -jwOUT.NAM
- ARJ b archive SHEZ.EXE -jwSHEZ.EXE
- ARJ b archive *.exe -jwTEMP.EXE "-jqTEMP -help"
- c: Comment archive files
- ARJ c archive
- ARJ c archive -z
- ARJ c archive -zcomment.txt
- ARJ c archive -zNUL
- ARJ c archive file1 -jzcomment.txt
- ARJ c archive *.doc -jzNUL
- d: Delete files from archive
- ARJ d archive *.doc
- ARJ d archive *.* -n
- ARJ d archive *.* -y
- ARJ d archive !names.lst
- e: Extract files from archive
- ARJ e archive *.doc
- ARJ e archive *.doc -d
- ARJ e archive -jd50000
- ARJ e archive -jo
- ARJ e archive -c
- ARJ e archive dir\ *.doc -jt
- ARJ e archive *.doc -y
- ARJ e archive -# 10 15 20-40
- f: Freshen files in archive
- ARJ f archive
- ARJ f archive -r
- ARJ f archive dir\ -r
- ARJ f archive dir\ *.doc -r
- ARJ f archive dir\ -r -jt2
- g: Garble files in archive
- ARJ g archive -gpassword
- ARJ g archive *.doc -gpassword
- ARJ g archive -g?
- ARJ g archive -gpassword -hg
- i: check Integrity of ARJ.EXE
- ARJ i
- ARJ i c:\bin\arj.exe
- j: Join archives to archive
- ARJ j archive name1.arj name2.arj name3.arj
- ARJ j archive *.arj
- ARJ j archive arjsfx.exe
- ARJ j archive *.arj -o911201
- ARJ j archive *.arj -r
- k: purge bacKup files in archive
- ARJ k archive *.*
- ARJ k archive *.* -y
- ARJ k archive *.doc -n
- l: List contents of archive
- ARJ l archive
- ARJ l archive *.doc
- ARJ l archive -o911201
- ARJ l archive -o911201 -ob911231
- ARJ l archive -n
- ARJ l archive -jp
- m: Move files to archive
- ARJ m archive
- ARJ m archive *.doc
- ARJ m archive dir\ *.doc
- ARJ m archive dir\ *.doc -o
- ARJ m a:archive.001 dir\ -r -vvwas -jt2
- n: reName files in archive
- ARJ n archive
- ARJ n archive *.doc
- ARJ n archive !names.lst
- ARJ n archive -o911201
- o: Order files in archive
- ARJ o archive !names.lst
- ARJ o archive *.bat *.exe *.doc
- ARJ o archive file1 file2 file3
- p: Print files to standard output
- ARJ p archive
- ARJ p archive -jp
- ARJ p archive *.doc
- ARJ p archive -o911201
- ARJ p archive name.txt > PRN
- r: Remove paths from filenames
- ARJ r archive
- ARJ r archive *.doc
- ARJ r archive -o911201 -ob911231
- s: Sample files to screen with pause
- ARJ s archive
- ARJ s archive *.doc -y
- ARJ s *.arj -y -r
- t: Test integrity of archive
- ARJ t archive
- ARJ t archive *.exe
- ARJ t archive !names.lst
- ARJ t archive -jt1
- u: Update files to archive
- ARJ u archive *.doc
- ARJ u archive *.doc -jo
- v: Verbosely list contents of archive
- ARJ v archive
- ARJ v archive *.doc
- ARJ v archive -jv
- ARJ v archive -jv1
- ARJ v archive -jp
- w: Where are text strings in archive
- ARJ w archive
- ARJ w archive -hw
- ARJ w archive -jp
- ARJ w *.arj -jp
- ARJ w *.arj *.doc
- ARJ w *.arj *.txt -jq+5+string
- ARJ w archive "-jq-3-to be or not"
- x: eXtract files with full pathname
- ARJ x archive *.doc
- ARJ x archive *.doc -d
- ARJ x archive -jd50000
- ARJ x archive -jo
- ARJ x archive -c
- ARJ x archive dir\ *.doc
- ARJ x archive -jf
- ARJ x archive *.doc -jyc
- y: copY archive with new options
- ARJ y archive -je
- ARJ y archive -je1
- ARJ y archive -jb
- ARJ y archive -jb1
- ARJ y archive -jb2
- ARJ y archive *.bat -jb2
- ARJ y archive -gpassword
- The ARJ-SECURITY ENVELOPE feature provides a facility similar to
- other archivers. This feature disallows any type of modification,
- even commenting, to an ARJ-SECURE sealed archive by ARJ. Moreover,
- there are additional internal checks to determine if the ARJ-SECURE
- sealed archive has been modified in any way. This EXTRA cost
- feature is intended for use by software developers who distribute
- their software in archived format and is only available for a
- special fee. However, there can be no guarantee that this
- mechanism cannot be defeated.
- When accessing an ARJ-SECURED archive, ARJ will display a message
- indicating that ARJ is verifying the security envelope. If the
- envelope is damaged, a message will be displayed indicating so. If
- the envelope is intact, then the ARJ-SECURITY signature of the user
- "sealing" the archive will be displayed.
- If the security envelope has been tampered with or the archive has
- suffered data corruption, ARJ will display a message stating that
- the security envelope has been damaged. In addition, ARJ will
- abort processing the archive. The ARJ "-he" option and the ARJSFX
- "-s" option will skip the envelope verification. The most likely
- causes of an invalid envelope are that the file was corrupted in
- transmission or that the archive was tampered with.
- You may ARJ-PROTECT an ARJ-SECURED archive, but ARJ will not set
- the AUTO ARJ-PROTECT flag within the archive because of the
- Apparently ARJ.EXE and LHA.EXE (possibly other archivers) will NOT
- function properly in a WINDOWS DOS box while the REMOVEIT Smart
- Custodian (July 7, 1995, Vertisoft) is running.
- The -hm! option may not work in a WINDOWS DOS box while the XMS
- accelerator option of Hurricane 2.0 is enabled.
- Under MS-DOS 4.01, ARJ may not extract LARGE (greater than 32MB)
- files from multiple volume archives properly. The "dir" reported
- size may be incorrect. A simple "CHKDSK /f" will correct the size.
- This problem is due to a BUG in MS-DOS 4.01. Microsoft Corp. has
- fixes available for several DOS 4.01 bugs including this one.
- Due to the inner workings of the Turbo C++ runtime library, ARJ
- may run out of memory if your computer is configured with
- thousands of bytes of environment variables.
- The "-vs" option of ARJ may not function properly when ARJ is
- trying to archive several thousands of files. This is due to a
- lack of free memory to execute any external commands. The use of
- the "-hm" option will free up memory.
- When using a working directory, ARJ does not check for disk space
- before overwriting the original archive. Be sure you have enough
- space before updating an archive using the "-w" switch.
- Because of a bug with extended archive header processing, you
- should convert to ARJ 2.10 and above as soon as practical. This
- bug is NOT a current problem because no version of ARJ supports the
- use of the extended header.
- If you have garbled (-g) ARJ archives that were created by ARJ 2.21
- and the garbled files were stored (-m0) by ARJ, you may need to
- refer to ARJ 2.30 to extract those files without getting a CRC
- error.
- TSRs that activate via HOT KEYS may be inhibited by ARJ during user
- keyboard input. This is a "feature" of the Turbo C++ getc()
- function. A partial workaround is to use the ARJ "-jyry" option to
- go to single key query mode.
- A similar problem occurs with HYPERDISK and staged writes.
- HYPERDISK's timer delay appears to be inhibited during ARJ user
- keyboard input such as during "Ok to .... volume/diskette?". This
- causes an error when you swap to the next diskette. The workaround
- is to use the ARJ "-jyry" option to go to single key query mode.
- There is a reported problem using ARJ and floppy disk drives when
- using the disk cache program SUPER PCKWIK 3.30 with advanced
- diskette support (/D+). The system may occasionally hang when ARJ
- attempts to read/write the diskette. You may also get CRC or Bad
- file data errors. Disabling the SUPER PCKWIK option with /D-
- appears to remove this problem. Other programs have similar
- problems with this feature of SUPER PCKWIK.
- See the document ERRORS.TXT.
- 1) I have forgotten my password to an important garbled ARJ
- archive. Is there an easy way to recover my lost files?
- ANSWER: Sorry. Generally speaking, there is no easy way. There
- is brute force trial and error. ARJ does not have any publicly
- known or secret backdoor access to passwords. The password is not
- stored in the archive in any form nor is any hint stored.
- 2) During extraction, ARJ aborts with a "Bad header" or "Bad file
- data" error message. How do I recover my files?
- ANSWER: Using the -jr option of ARJ, you should be able to recover
- the uncorrupted files in the archive. The corrupted files are
- unrecoverable. As a preventative, you can use the -hk option to
- build an error correction recovery file that will allow you to
- correct minor data corruption problems.
- 3) How do I backup a directory and its subdirectories and files to
- multiple diskettes?
- ANSWER: You should use a command as follows:
- ARJ a a:archive c:\dir\*.* -va -r -a1
- The -va option assumes that you are using formatted blank
- diskettes. The -r option sets ARJ to recurse subdirectories. The
- -a1 option sets ARJ to store empty directories.
- 4) Do I have to register ARJ if I use it at home for my personal
- computer activities (BBSing, backup, sharing files)?
- ANSWER: No, you do not have to register ARJ for such activities.
- Instead, please share ARJ with a friend as a way of showing your
- appreciation.
- 5) Can I distribute ARJ self-extracting archives or ARJ.EXE without
- a license?
- ANSWER: You may share these files with others for personal use.
- However, you cannot distribute self-extracting files publicly
- without a license. You cannot distribute ARJ.EXE to install
- software without a license. The UNARJ.EXE program is freely
- available to install software.
- 6) Can I distribute ARJ archives freely?
- ANSWER: Any ARJ archives (not self-extracting) can be distributed
- freely. Commercial users must have a registered ARJ to make the
- ARJ archives.
- 7) ARJ displayed an error message indicating it ran out of memory
- backing up my disk with 20,000 files on it. How can I proceed?
- ANSWER: You should specify the -hm option to set ARJ to use disk
- space to handle all of the filenames. ARJ automatically uses
- this option.
- 8) I am trying to extract a multiple volume archive. How do I get
- ARJ to prompt for the second diskette?
- ANSWER: You need to specify the -v option to set ARJ to prompt for
- subsequent diskettes.
- 9) How do I extract an ARJ archive recovering the original
- pathnames?
- ANSWER: Use the "x" command as in "ARJ x archive".
- 10) How do I create a self-extracting archive?
- ANSWER: Use the -je or -je1 options as in "ARJ a archive *.* -je".
- 11) How do I save empty directories in an archive?
- ANSWER: Use the -a1 or -hb option along with -r.
- 12) Can I include ARJ.EXE in my CD-ROM collection of unregistered
- shareware/freeware?
- ANSWER: Any person or publisher may freely use and/or include
- ARJ.EXE in a CD-ROM collection of unregistered shareware/freeware
- provided the full shareware version of ARJ is included on the
- 13) How do I extract an ARJ archive created under Windows 9x to
- a DOS only PC or to a Windows NT PC?
- ANSWER: You have two options. The easiest is to use the "-hf2"
- option to force ARJ to attempt to restore the long filenames that
- are in the Win9x ARJ archive. ARJ will try to use DOS to create
- the appropriate filenames. DOS only allows the standard 8.3 name
- format. Example: ARJ x archive -hf2
- The other option uses the "-hf1" option and the "-ji" option. The
- "-hf1" option sets ARJ to extract files as "W95LNAME.000" names
- with the file extension indicating the sequence number. The "-ji"
- option is used to create a log file with the "W95LNAME.000" names
- and their equivalent long filenames. This log file can be edited
- into a batch file that can be used to recreate the original names.
- Example: ARJ x archive -hf1 -jiNAME.LOG
- 14) How do I extract files to the directory C:\Program Files?
- ANSWER: When specifying filenames with embedded blanks, they
- should be quoted. If the last symbol before the last double quote
- mark is a backslash, a space must be inserted before the double
- quote. You may alternatively use the "-ht" option.
- Example: ARJ x archive "C:\Program Files" or
- ARJ x archive "C:\Program Files\ " or
- ARJ x archive "-htC:\Program Files"
- We have received many useful suggestions from users all over the
- world. Many of those suggestions are in this version or will be
- incorporated in later versions of ARJ.
- We will try to resolve software problems with ARJ as they are made
- known to us. Please notify us of any ARJ problems by mail, email,
- fax, or via the ARJ support BBSes mentioned below. We will strive
- to keep ARJ a robust, stable and useful product.
- We will try to support unregistered users during their evaluation
- period, but please read the ARJ documentation first or visit our
- website. Registered users will be eligible to receive technical
- support by mail, telephone, fax, or electronic mail.
- Please try to limit requests for ARJ COMMAND HELP. Refer to the
- ARJ documentation FIRST. The time we spend answering simple
- questions is time we cannot use to IMPROVE ARJ.
- ***************************************************************
- ***************************************************************
- The latest version of ARJ/ARJ32 can be obtained from the following
- sources:
- ARJ is available from a number of other BBSes, but we can only vouch
- for the integrity of the archive if the ARJ###.EXE verifies its
- ARJ-SECURITY envelope as valid. If no security envelope exists,
- then the data has been re-archived and there is no assurance of
- data integrity.
- If none of the above sources are suitable, you may order a copy of
- the latest version of ARJ directly from the author. Send a check
- or money order for five dollars (US) to cover the costs of shipping
- and handling. Please specify diskette size (3.5 or 5.25 inch);
- otherwise, a 3.5 inch diskette will be shipped. Please allow a few
- weeks for delivery, longer for foreign deliveries.
- Our address is at the end of this document.
- New information announcements about ARJ is now available via an
- Internet mailing list. You can subscribe (and unsubscribe) by
- sending an email message to:
- majordomo@Dunkel.de
- and writing in THE BODY of the message (NOT in the subject):
- subscribe arj-info
- You'll be sent a message stating that you were included in the
- mailing list together with information on how to unsubscribe. If
- you just state "help" (without the quotes) in the message, you'll
- get more information on the available commands.
- ARJ on WWW! You can reach ARJ support information at:
- http://www.ARJSOFTWARE.com (ARJ homepage)
- http://www.Dunkel.de/ARJ (German and English)
- http://www.tsf.be (French and English)
- SDN International(sm) is a FidoNet hobby organization which makes
- available for distribution author-direct shareware files to FidoNet
- capable bulletin board systems world wide. ARJ has been chosen by
- SDN sysops' consensus as its official compression utility.
- Program files distributed via SDN have a copyright ".SDN"
- extension. Files distributed by SDN after February 1993 can be
- decompressed by ARJ. Files dated earlier can be decompressed if
- the compression utility SDN previously used is on PATH.
- SDN files are security sealed with their own exclusive security
- seal, FSecure, created by Pacesoft. This security may be verified
- using the FileTest utility available at the SDN Project AuthorLine
- BBS 203-634-0370 or at most SDN participating BBS sites.
- Shareware authors wishing to distribute shareware by release
- through SDN may contact the same SDN Project AuthorLine BBS.
- A list of authorized ARJ agent/distributors are found in the
- file AGENTS.TXT. They provide local registration and technical
- support for ARJ. Other distributors only provide the evaluation
- version of ARJ.
- LHARC is the name of an archiver by Haruyasu Yoshizaki.
- PKZIP and ZIP are trademarks of PKWare, Inc.
- PAK is the trademark of NoGate Consulting.
- ARJ is the trademark of ARJ Software, Inc.
- We wish to express my gratitude to Haruyasu Yoshizaki (Yoshi) for
- developing LHARC and distributing its source code. LHARC gave us
- the impetus to start studying data compression. We also wish to
- thank Haruhiko Okumura for providing additional ideas. His AR001
- and AR002 program provided the basic design for the early versions
- of ARJ.
- We also wish to thank Fabrice BELLARD for LZEXE which is used to
- squish the ARJ SFX modules.
- And my thanks also go to Paul Kocher who contributed the design of
- the new ARJ SECURITY envelope mechanism.
- We wish to thank those who have contributed significantly to the
- development of ARJ. Those include:
- Nico de Vries
- Frederic Taes
- Soeren Pingel Dalsgaard
- Axel Dunkel
- Jonathan Forbes
- Ron Freimuth
- Brian Godette
- Robb Hufalt
- Arkady Kleyner
- Michael Lawler
- Ken Levitt
- Eberhard Mattes
- Mike McCombs
- Alexander Pruss
- Joseph Teller
- Etienne Joarlette
- And to the many others who have helped, provided messages of
- support, or provided financial support, THANKS!!! Because of
- you, we are able to provide FULL-TIME support to ARJ!
- I personally wish to thank my wife, Susan, and my son, Timothy, for
- putting up with this ARJ obsession. Their encouragement and support
- have been invaluable.
- Our greatest thanks goes to Almighty God for His inspiration and
- great salvation. For apart from Him, ARJ could not have been done.
- John 15:5
- It is our prayer that this product not be used in any way to
- infringe or attack our freedom to worship.
- See LICENSE.TXT file for license policy.
- Robert Jung grew up in Catonsville and Baltimore, Maryland. He
- graduated from the University of Maryland in 1970. After a short
- stint in the U.S. Army, he taught chemistry for six years. From
- teaching he entered the computer programming profession where he
- was employed as a programmer analyst, a network analyst, and a
- software engineer. In late 1990, he developed the ARJ archive
- format and program to meet a personal need in archiving. In
- February of 1991, he released ARJ 1.00 as a shareware product.
- The author currently supports ARJ full-time and resides in Norwood,
- Massachusetts with his wife Susan, and son Timothy.
- We do hope that you find this program as useful as we have. We
- would appreciate any suggestions to improve this archiver.
- You can reach us at:
- Email address: robjung@world.std.com
- Web site: http://www.ARJSOFTWARE.com
- ARJ Software, Inc.
- P.O. Box 249
- Norwood MA 02062
- Fax number: 781-769-4893
- ***********************************
- end of document