--- TxtEdit is a simple editor for text or Rich text files. It includes a spell checker. ---
* TxtEdit runs under Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000 or higher.
* 0.8 MB space available on hard disk.
* Double - click the file TEInstal.exe. The program TxtEdit will be installed.
* If you want to update a previous version, simply install the program into the already existing folder.
* The spell checking uses the dictionaries of Microsoft Office. If you do not have installed these dictionaries on your computer, it will not work.
* Choose under system|software|install/deinstall the program TxtEdit, and confirm "install/deinstall".
* Most probably, there was some runtime data stored in your folder ....\TxtEdit\ Therefore the folder has not been deleted. You have to delete it manually. After a standard installation, you find it under C:\Program Files\TxtEdit\.
* You have now completed the deinstallation.
* This program is Freeware. You may use TxtEdit free of charge, you may copy it and give it to friends or even publish it.
* If you use TxtEdit frequently, please tell me. I will let you know about newer versions. I appreciate, if you inform me about problems with TxtEdit, or if you have any idea for improvement.
* This software is provided as is without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. In no event shall Luzius Schneider (the author) be liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages.
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Luzius Schneider
Kruggasse 70
CH-5462 Siglistorf
E-Mail: luzius.schneider@switzerland.org or LS@luziusschneider.com