home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- *** Keyboard Shortcuts (these can be used in
- *** any of Winamp's main windows) ***
- Key Action
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- F1 About Box
- Ctrl+A Toggle Always-On-Top (all but playlist editor)
- Ctrl+Alt+A Toggle Always-On-Top (playlist editor)
- Ctrl+W Toggle Windowshade mode
- Ctrl+D Toggle Doublesize Mode
- Ctrl+E Toggle Easymove
- Ctrl+T Toggle Time Display Mode
- Alt+W Toggle Main Window
- Alt+E Toggle Playlist Editor
- Alt+G Toggle Graphical Equalizer
- Alt+T Toggle Minibrowser
- Ctrl+Tab Cycle through different Winamp windows
- Alt+S Go to Skin selection
- Ctrl+P Go to Preferences
- Alt+O Go to Built-in Visualization options
- Alt+F Jump to Main Menu
- Alt+K Configure current Visualization Plug-In
- Ctrl+Shift+K Start/Stop current Visualization Plug-In
- Ctrl+K Open Visualization Tab of Preferences
- Ctrl+J Jump to time in current track
- J or Keypad . Open Jump-to-file Box
- Ctrl+Alt+N Spawn new Winamp instance
- *** Main Window Keyboard Shortcuts ***
- Key Action
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (options/toggles)
- R Toggle Repeat
- S Toggle Shuffle
- Alt+3 Current file info box/ID3 editor
- (playback controls)
- X or Keypad 5 Play/Restart/Unpause
- V Stop
- Shift+V Stop with Fadeout
- Ctrl+V Stop after current track
- C Pause/Unpause
- B or Keypad 6 Next Track
- Z or Keypad 4 Previous Track
- Keypad 1 Jump Ten Songs Back
- Keypad 3 Jump Ten Songs Forward
- Left Arrow or Keypad 7 Rewind 5 seconds
- Keypad 9 or Right Arrow Fast-forward 5 seconds
- L or Keypad 0 Open/Play File
- Ctrl+L or Ctrl+Keypad 0 Open/Play location
- Shift+L or Insert Open/Play Directory
- Keypad 8 or Up Arrow Turn Volume Up
- Down Arrow or Keypad 2 Turn Volume Down
- *** Playlist Editor Keyboard Shortcuts ***
- Key Action
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- R Toggle Repeat
- S Toggle Shuffle
- (file io)
- L or Keypad 0 Add File
- Ctrl+L or Ctrl+Keypad 0 Add Location
- Shift+L or Insert Add Directory
- Ctrl+N New (Clear) Playlist
- Ctrl+O Open (Load) Playlist
- Ctrl+S Save Playlist
- Alt+3 View/Edit Track Info for selected track(s)
- Ctrl+E Edit Selected Track Filename(s)
- (playlist manipulation)
- Ctrl+A Select All
- Ctrl+I Invert Selection
- Delete Remove Selected Files from Playlist
- Ctrl+Delete Crop Playlist
- Ctrl+Shift+Delete Clear Playlist (same as Ctrl+O)
- Alt+Down Arrow Move Selected Files Down
- Alt+Up Arrow Move Selected Files Up
- Down Arrow Move Cursor Down
- Up Arrow Move Cursor Up
- Enter Play Selected File
- End Jump to End of List
- Home Jump to Start of List
- Page Up Move up by a fifth of a page
- Page Down Move down by a fifth of a page
- Alt+Delete Remove dead (non-existent) files
- (playlist sorting)
- Ctrl+Shift+1 Sort Playlist by Title
- Ctrl+Shift+2 Sort Playlist by File Name
- Ctrl+Shift+3 Sort Playlist by File Path and Name
- Ctrl+R Reverse Playlist
- Ctrl+Shift+R Randomize Playlist
- (playback controls (ala main window))
- X or Keypad 5 Play/Restart/Unpause
- V Stop
- Shift+V Stop with Fadeout
- C Pause/Unpause
- B or Keypad 6 Next Track
- Z or Keypad 4 Previous Track
- Keypad 1 Jump Ten Songs Back
- Keypad 3 Jump Ten Songs Forward
- Left Arrow or Keypad 7 Rewind 5 seconds
- Keypad 9 or Right Arrow Fast-forward 5 seconds
- Ctrl+F4 Close (hide) Playlist Editor
- *** Graphical Equalizer Keyboard Shortcuts ***
- Key Action
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1 - 0 Increase EQ bands
- Q - P Decrease EQ bands
- ` Increase EQ Preamp
- TAB Decrease EQ Preamp
- N Toggle EQ
- S Open Presets Menu
- Ctrl+S Load Preset
- A Toggle EQ Auto-Loading
- Ctrl+F4 Close (hide) Graphical Equalizer
- *** Minibrowser Keyboard Shortcuts ***
- Key Action
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Alt+Left Go Back
- Alt+Right Go Forward
- Ctrl+L Open 'Go' Menu
- Ctrl+O Open Internet Location Box
- Ctrl+R Reload page
- Ctrl+Alt+R Update Link List
- Ctrl+F4 Close (hide) Minibrowser
- !!End