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- ; Translated by : [Insert your name here]
- ;
- ; Note for the translators :
- ; Please keep the original names for the games !
- ; And translate only the text after the "=". Thanks !
- ; If you have problems with some text, try to
- ; find out what it stands for in the game, and if you
- ; cant find a translation, please ask me !
- ; You can test your work directly in Kyodai 8.x by
- ; launching the program. Please make sure the texts' size
- ; is relatively consistent (no line of 500 characters ;))
- ; Thank you for your effort. Bye !!!
- [Translations]
- ; We start with the menu...
- Kyodai.Play1.Caption = ε∙τ≈
- Kyodai.File1.Caption = τπ∙
- Kyodai.LastPlayedGame1.Caption = ε∙τ≈ ατ°σ∩ ∙∙στ≈
- Kyodai.RandomSolitaireGame1.Caption = ∙≡ταΘ - α≈°αΘ
- Kyodai.NewSpecificGame1.Caption = ∙≡ταΘ - ε±σΘφ
- Kyodai.MahJonggSolitaire2PlayerSingleComputer1.Caption = ∙≡ταΘ - 2 ∙τ≈≡Θφ
- Kyodai.NewArcadeMahjonggGame1.Caption = ≡Σ°σ·
- Kyodai.MahJonggMemoryNewGame1.Caption = µΘδ°σ∩
- Kyodai.MahJonggClicks1.Caption = ∞τΘ÷σ·
- Kyodai.MahJonggSlider1.Caption = Γ∞Θ∙Σ
- Kyodai.MahJonggColumns.Caption = ≥εσπσ·
- Kyodai.Changeplayername.Caption = ∙φ ∙τ≈∩
- Kyodai.Vertical.Caption = ∙Θ≡σΘ α≡δΘ
- Kyodai.Exit1.Caption = Θ÷ΘαΣ
- Kyodai.Options1.Caption = ε°αΣ
- Kyodai.CoolMouse.Caption = ≥δß° επ∞Θ≈
- Kyodai.CoolStatus.Caption = ±ΦΦσ± επ∞Θ≈
- Kyodai.GradientTiles.Caption = Γßσ∞σ· αß≡Θφ επ∞Θ≈Θφ
- Kyodai.CoolBackground.Caption = °≈≥ ε∙τ≈ επ∞Θ≈
- Kyodai.Total.Caption = ε±Ω ε∞α
- Kyodai.ShowMenu.Caption = Σ°αΣ ·⌠°ΘΦ
- Kyodai.ShowGirls.Caption = Σ°αΣ ≡≥°· ε≡ΓΣ
- Kyodai.Toolbar1.Caption = Σ°αΣ ±°Γ∞ δ∞Θφ
- Kyodai.ShowHallFame.Caption = Σ°αΣ ΣΘδ∞ Σ·ΣΘ∞Σ
- Kyodai.ShowTitle.Caption = Σ°αΣ ∙σ°· ε÷ß
- Kyodai.ShowTime.Caption = Σ°αΣ ∙ε∩ ∙≥ß°
- Kyodai.Moves.Caption = Σ°αΣ εΣ∞δΘφ ∙≡∙α°σ
- Kyodai.ShowNext.Caption = Σ°αΣ αß≡Θφ Σßασ·
- Kyodai.SetMainFont.Caption = ≈ß≥ ⌠σ≡Φ °α∙Θ
- Kyodai.HightlightMode1.Caption = ≡≈σπσ·-∙Θα
- Kyodai.Highlight1.Caption = °Θ≈
- Kyodai.Highlight2.Caption = ε∞ß∩ απσφ
- Kyodai.Highlight4.Caption = ε∞ß∩ Θ°σ≈
- Kyodai.Highlight5.Caption = ε∞ß∩ δτσ∞
- Kyodai.Highlight3.Caption = αß≡Θφ απσεσ·
- Kyodai.HighlightSlider.Caption = ≡≈σπ· ∙Θα ∞Γ∞Θ∙Σ
- Kyodai.ShowCurrentTile.Caption = Σ°αΣ αß∩ ≡σδτΘ·
- Kyodai.OnlyPossibleMoves.Caption = °≈ εΣ∞δΘφ α⌠∙°ΘΘφ
- Kyodai.Config.Caption = ·÷σ°Σ
- Kyodai.Winnable.Caption = ε≥°δΘφ ∞τ∞σ≡σ· - ∞⌠τσ· ßπ°Ω ατ·
- Kyodai.Shuffable.Caption = ≥°ßσßΘφ ∞τσ≡σ· - ∞⌠τσ· ßπ°Ω ατ·
- Kyodai.EnableHall.Caption = α⌠∙° ε≥≈ß µε∩ ∞ΣΘδ∞ Σ·ΣΘ∞Σ
- Kyodai.Shadows.Caption = α⌠∙° ÷∞ ·∞· εΘεπΘ ≥∞ Σαß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.GoCheckPause.Caption = ≥÷σ° ε∙τ≈ ßαΘßσπ εΘ≈σπ
- Kyodai.StartupGame.Caption = Σ·τ∞ ε∙τ≈ Θ∙° ß≥∞ΘΘΣ
- Kyodai.ShowRomanized.Caption = Σ°αΣ ε±⌠°Θφ σασ·Θσ· ≥∞ Σαß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.StartMusic.Caption = Σ°⌡ εσ±Θ≈Σ ασΦσεΦΘ· ß≥∞ΘΘΣ
- Kyodai.EnableMOD.Caption = α⌠∙° ≡Γ∩ ·≈∞ΘΦσ°Θφ ßεσπ
- Kyodai.PlaySounds.Caption = Σ∙ε≥ α⌠≈ΦΘφ ≈σ∞ΘΘφ
- Kyodai.PlayMusic.Caption = Σ∙ε≥ εσ±Θ≈· °≈≥
- Kyodai.Animations1.Caption = α≡Θε÷ΘΣ
- Kyodai.AnimatePause.Caption = Σ≡⌠∙ ε±δΘ ⌠·ΘτΣ σ≥÷Θ°Σ
- Kyodai.Animate.Caption = Σ≡⌠∙ ∞στ ß≥· ß≡ΘΘ·σ
- Kyodai.AnimateTiles.Caption = Σ≡⌠∙ αß≡Θφ ß∙≡ταΘ - πσ εΘεπΘ
- Kyodai.AnimateTileRivers.Caption = Σ≡⌠∙ αß≡Θ ≡Σ°σ·
- Kyodai.AnimateClicks.Caption = Σ≡⌠∙ αß≡Θφ ≡σ⌠∞σ· ß∞τΘ÷σ·
- Kyodai.AnimateSlider.Caption = Σ≡⌠∙ αß≡Θ ßΓ∞Θ∙σ·
- Kyodai.AnimateNext.Caption = Σ≡⌠∙ αß≡Θφ τπ∙σ· ßΓ∞Θ∙σ·
- Kyodai.AnimateChain.Caption = Σ≡⌠∙ ·Γσß· ∙°∙°· ß≥εσπσ·
- Kyodai.SlowFall.Caption = αß≡Θφ ß≥εσπσ· ≡σ⌠∞σ· °ΓΘ∞
- Kyodai.NormalFall.Caption = αß≡Θφ ß≥εσπσ· ≡σ⌠∞σ· εΣ°
- Kyodai.FastFall.Caption = αß≡Θφ ß≥εσπσ· ≡σ⌠∞σ· εΣ° εασπ
- Kyodai.Background.Caption = °≈≥
- Kyodai.LoadBackground.Caption = Φ≥∩ επΘ±≈
- Kyodai.None1.Caption = °Θ≈ - ατΘπ
- Kyodai.Tileset.Caption = ±Φ αß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.Load1.Caption = Φ≥∩ επΘ±≈
- Kyodai.Layout1.Caption = ·ß≡Θ·
- Kyodai.SelectLayout1.Caption = ßτ° ·ß≡Θ·
- Kyodai.CreateLayout1.Caption = ÷σ° ·ß≡Θ·
- Kyodai.Editlayout1.Caption = ≥°σΩ ·ß≡Θ·
- Kyodai.Music.Caption = εσ±Θ≈Σ
- Kyodai.RandomMusic.Caption = εσ±Θ≈Σ α≈°αΘ·
- Kyodai.Help1.Caption = ≥µ°Σ
- Kyodai.Contents1.Caption = ·σδ∩ ≥≡ΘΘ≡Θφ
- Kyodai.WhatsNew1.Caption = εΣ τπ∙
- Kyodai.ViewTiles1.Caption = Σ°αΣ αß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.Register1.Caption = °Θ∙σφ
- Kyodai.Halloffame1.Caption = ΣΘδ∞ Σ·ΣΘ∞Σ
- Kyodai.About1.Caption = ...ασπσ·
- Kyodai.AnimateBackgroundHashira.Caption = Σ≡⌠∙ α≡Θε÷ΘΣ ß≥εσπσ·
- Kyodai.MenuLanguage.Caption = ∙⌠Σ
- ; --------------------------------------------------
- ; Now we have the rest of the graphical elements....
- ; --------------------------------------------------
- Kyodai.LabelLayout.Caption = ∙φ ·ß≡Θ·
- Kyodai.Label30.Hint = α·/Σ Θδσ∞/Σ ∞≈ß∞ ≥π 144 αß≡Θφ, ασ δ⌠σ∞σ· ∙∞ 4
- Kyodai.Label30.Caption = αß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.Label3.Hint = α·/Σ τΘΘß/· ∙ΘΣΘσ 2 αß≡Θφ δπΘ ∞∙εσ° α· Σ·ß≡Θ·
- Kyodai.Label3.Caption = αß≡Θφ τσ⌠∙Θσ·
- Kyodai.Label4.Hint = ε±⌠° Σαß≡Θφ ∙α·/Σ ÷°ΘΩ/Σ ∞Σσ±Θ≤ ∞⌠≡Θ ∙α·/Σ Θδσ∞/Σ ∞∙εσ°
- α· Σ·ß≡Θ·
- Kyodai.Label4.Caption = ≡τσ⌡
- Kyodai.TilesLeftPanel.Caption = αß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.MovesLeftPanel.Caption = εΣ∞δΘφ ≡∙α°σ
- Kyodai.TimePanel.Caption = µε∩
- Kyodai.StatusPanel.Caption = ε÷ß
- Kyodai.Column.Caption = ≥εσπσ·
- Kyodai.Label22.Caption = Σßα
- Kyodai.Label23.Caption = ·σ÷αΣ
- Kyodai.Label24.Caption = αß≡Θφ ∙Σσ÷ασ
- Kyodai.Label25.Caption = °εΣ
- Kyodai.Editor1.Caption = Θ÷ΘαΣ
- Kyodai.Saveandexit.Caption = ∙εσ°
- Kyodai.Saveasandexit.Caption = ...∙εσ° ß∙φ
- Kyodai.Cancel1.Caption = ≡±Σ
- Kyodai.Cancel2.Caption = Θ÷ΘαΣ
- Kyodai.MoveBoard1.Caption = Σµµ ∞στ
- Kyodai.Movetoleft1.Caption = Σµµ ∞∙εα∞ <
- Kyodai.Movetoright1.Caption = Σµµ ∞ΘεΘ∩ >
- Kyodai.Movetotop1.Caption = Σµµ ∞∞ε≥∞Σ /\
- Kyodai.Movetobottom1.Caption = Σµµ ∞∞εΦΣ \/
- Kyodai.Back1.Caption = ατσ°Σ
- Kyodai.Hint3.Caption = °εµ
- Kyodai.Shuffle2.Caption = ≥°ßß
- Kyodai.Pause2.Caption = Σ⌠±≈
- Kyodai.Restart2.Caption = Σ·τ∞ εΣ·τ∞Σ
- Kyodai.Stop1.Caption = ≥÷σ°
- ; ------------------------------------------------------
- ; Now, the text within the other Kyodai windows.........
- ; ------------------------------------------------------
- ; Registration Window
- RegForm.RegLabel1.Caption = αφ δß° ≈Θß∞· α· ∙φ Σε∙·ε∙ σΣ±Θ±εΣ εε≡Θ, Σδ≡±
- ασ·φ ßΣ·αφ σ∞τ⌡ ≥∞ °Θ∙σφ
- RegForm.RegLabel2.Caption = ∙φ ε∙·ε∙
- RegForm.RegLabel3.Caption = (πσΓεα ε∙Σ δΣ∩)
- RegForm.RegLabel4.Caption = ±Θ±εΣ
- RegForm.RegLabel5.Caption = (πσΓεα 0123456789)
- RegForm.RegButton.Caption = °Θ∙σφ
- RegForm.Button1.Caption = ßΦ∞
- RegForm.Label18.Caption = ßß≈∙Σ , µδσ° ∞ΣΘ°∙φ
- RegForm.Label19.Caption = °≈ Σ∙··⌠σ·Ω Θδσ∞Σ ∞≥µσ° ∞Θ ∞Σε∙ΘΩ ∞∙⌠° α· Σ∙≡ταΘ
- RegForm.Label20.Caption = °Θ∙σφ Θσ÷Θα α· δ∞ Σ·µδσ°σ· Σε≥÷ß≡σ· σΘα⌠∙° ∞Ω
- ≥πδσ∩ τσ⌠∙Θ
- RegForm.Label1.Caption = GetSoftware.com ∞τ⌡ δα∩ δπΘ ∞ΣΘ°∙φ ß
- ; Random Seed Window
- RandomWindow.RandomPanel.Caption = Random Seed
- RandomWindow.RandLabel1.Caption = Choose a specific game number (from 1 to
- 999,999,999)
- RandomWindow.BitBtn2.Caption = New random game seed
- RandomWindow.BitBtn3.Caption = New seed (limit to 0-9999)
- ; Help Window
- HelpForm.Help.Caption = ≥µ°Σ
- HelpForm.Whatsnew.Caption = εΣ τπ∙
- HelpForm.TabSheet3.Caption = εΣ Θ∙∩
- HelpForm.TabSheet2.Caption = τσ≈Θ Σε∙τ≈
- HelpForm.SeeTiles.Caption = Σ°αΣ αß≡Θφ
- HelpForm.MenuItems.Caption = ·⌠°ΘΦ ⌠°ΘΦΘφ
- HelpForm.TabSheet1.Caption = ∙α∞σ· ≡⌠σ÷σ·
- HelpForm.SpeedButton1.Caption = τµσ° ∞ε∙τ≈
- HelpForm.BitBtn1.Caption = Σπ⌠±
- HallWindow.Label45.Caption = Choose a layout from the combo box below. You
- will get the 10 best scores for this layout. Press "Reset Scores" to delete
- the High Scores for this specific layout. When you win a game, you can still
- change the Player Name in real time.
- HallWindow.BitBtn1.Caption = α∙°
- HallWindow.PlayerPanel.Caption = ∙φ ∙τ≈∩
- HallWindow.ResetButton.Caption = α⌠± ·σ÷ασ·
- HallWindow.Label21.Caption = π°ΓΣ
- HallWindow.Label22.Caption = ∙φ ∙τ≈∩
- HallWindow.Label23.Caption = µε∩
- HallWindow.Label24.Caption = Malus
- HallWindow.Label46.Caption = ·α°ΘΩ
- HallWindow.BitBtn2.Caption = ∙∞τ
- GameOverForm.Label1.Caption = ! εµ∞ Φσß
- GameOverForm.Label2.Caption = ...±ΘΘε· α· Σ∞στ
- GameOverForm.EnterFame.Caption = σ≡δ≡±· ∞ΣΘδ∞ Σ·ΣΘ∞Σ
- GameOverForm.FinalTime.Caption = µε≡Ω Σ±σ⌠Θ Σσα 00:00
- GameOverForm.BitBtn1.Caption = ·σπΣ °ßΣ
- ExtendedChoose.BitBtn1.Caption = ßΦ∞
- ChooseLayout.Label1.Caption = ∙φ ε∞α :
- ChooseLayout.Label2.Caption = ·ß≡Θσ· εσ≥π⌠σ· <<
- ChooseLayout.Label3.Caption = This is the list of layouts which appear in
- the Layouts menu. You can add layouts by dragging them from the top listbox
- and dropping them on the bottom listbox. Delete the layouts by doing the
- other way around...
- ChooseLayout.Label4.Caption = Nb. of Tiles :
- ChooseLayout.Label5.Caption = αß≡Θφ τσ⌠∙Θσ· :
- ChooseLayout.BitBtn1.Caption = ∙τ≈ ·ß≡Θ· µσ
- ChooseLayout.BitBtn2.Caption = ßΦ∞
- ChooseLayout.BitBtn3.Caption = ≥°σΩ
- ChooseLayout.BitBtn4.Caption = ·ß≡Θ· τπ∙Σ
- ChooseLayout.BitBtn5.Caption = Σ°τß >>
- ChooseLayout.CheckBox1.Caption = ·÷σΓΣ εσ≈πε· ≥φ °≈≥ ≡σδτΘ
- AboutBox.BitBtn1.Caption = α∙°
- AboutBox.Order.Caption = ±Θ±ε· Σµε≡Σ
- AboutBox.Copyright.Caption = Θσ÷°
- AboutBox.Comments.Caption = ≡Γ≡Θφ
- AboutBox.Label3.Caption = α·Σ Θδσ∞ ∞ε÷σα α· ΣΓΘ°±Σ Σατ°σ≡Σ ∙∞ Σε∙τ≈ σεασ·
- π⌠Θφ ≥∞ α≡Θε÷ΘΣ Θ⌠≡Θ· ßα·° ∙∞Θ
- AboutBox.Label11.Caption = .µδσΘσ· Θσ÷°Θφ ⌐ 1997-2000. δ∞ ΣµδσΘσ· ∙εσ°σ·
- AboutBox.Label2.Caption = α·° ∙≡ταΘ:
- AboutBox.Version.Caption = Naoki Haga's Mahjongg Solitaire
- AboutBox.Label4.Caption = Cyber Namida ---
- AboutBox.Label7.Caption = ε≥÷ß πεσ·
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Fourth part : New text... Listed (approximately) in addition order....
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; addition
- Kyodai.StretchTileset.Caption = ε·τ αß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.LoadGame.Caption = Φ≥∩ ε∙τ≈
- Kyodai.SaveGame.Caption = ∙εσ° ε∙τ≈
- Kyodai.AutoSave.Caption = α⌠∙° ∙εΘ°Σ ασΦσεΦΘ·
- Kyodai.KeepRatio.Caption = Στµ° Θτ± ΓσßΣ ∞±ΦΘ Σαß≡Θφ
- HelpForm.Misc.Caption = ∙σ≡σ·
- Kyodai.Problems.Caption = ? ß≥Θσ·
- Kyodai.TurtleFall.Caption = αß≡Θ ≥εσπσ· ≡σ⌠∞σ· ∞αΦ
- AboutBox.Tilesets.Caption = ±Φ αß≡Θφ
- ; v8.75 - ChangeBorders has been modified.
- Kyodai.ChangeBorders.Caption = Γßσ∞σ· αß∩
- ; v9.0
- Kyodai.Highlight3D.Caption = ≡≈σπσ· ∙Θα ß·∞· εΘεπ
- Kyodai.N3DOptions1.Caption = ·∞· εΘεπ
- Kyodai.N3D.Caption = Σ⌠≥∞ ·∞· εΘεπ
- Kyodai.Nicest.Caption = α⌠∙° δ∞ Σα⌠≈ΦΘφ - ≡τεπ
- Kyodai.Fastest.Caption = Σ⌠±≈ δ∞ Σα⌠≈ΦΘφ - εΣΘ°
- Kyodai.TexturedTiles.Caption = εß≡Σ ε∞α ∞αß≡Θφ ·∞· εΘεπΘσ·
- Kyodai.AntiAlias.Caption = Anti-aliased Textures
- Kyodai.Animations3D.Caption = α⌠∙° α≡Θε÷ΘΣ
- Kyodai.Progressive.Caption = ∙δßσ· ÷ß≥σ≡Θσ·
- Kyodai.Benchmark3D.Caption = Σ°αΣ ßστ∩ ßΘ÷σ≥Θφ
- Kyodai.Contemplation.Caption = ε÷ß Σ·ßσ≡≡σ·
- Kyodai.AnimationSpeed.Caption = εΣΘ°σ· α≡Θε÷ΘΣ πσ εΘεπΘ·
- Kyodai.AniSlow.Caption = ∞αΦ
- Kyodai.AniNormal.Caption = °ΓΘ∞
- Kyodai.AniFast.Caption = εΣΘ°
- Kyodai.AniUltra.Caption = εΣΘ° εασπ
- Kyodai.AniLight.Caption = εΣΘ°σ· Σασ°
- Kyodai.AnimationType.Caption = ±σΓ α≡Θε÷ΘΣ πσ εΘεπΘ·
- Kyodai.AniNucleus.Caption = Γ°≥Θ∩
- Kyodai.AniClassic.Caption = ≈∞α±Θ
- Kyodai.AniFuzzy.Caption = εßσ∞ß∞
- Kyodai.AniUnion.Caption = εαστπ
- Kyodai.Small3D.Caption = α⌠∙° Γßσ∞σ· ≥∞ αß≡Θφ ≈Φ≡σ·
- Kyodai.SetMainColor.Caption = ≈ß≥ ÷ß≥ °α∙Θ
- Kyodai.SetEdgeColor.Caption = ≈ß≥ ≈÷Σ ÷ß≥
- Kyodai.EnableTopEdges.Caption = α⌠∙° ≈÷σσ· °α∙ΘΘφ
- Kyodai.DeuxEtages.Caption = ΓσßΣ δ⌠σ∞
- Kyodai.SmallSet.Caption = αß≡Θφ ≈Φ≡σ·
- ; 9.42
- Kyodai.Emphasize3D.Caption = ΣπΓ∙ α⌠≈ΦΘφ ·∞· εΘεπΘΘφ
- ; 9.99
- Kyodai.Rotate1.Caption = Y ±σßß ÷Θ°
- Kyodai.Static1.Caption = °ΓΘ∞
- Kyodai.FollowMouseSlow.Caption = ≥≈σß ατ°ΘΘ - ∞αΦ
- Kyodai.FollowMouseNormal.Caption = ≥≈σß ατ°ΘΘ - °ΓΘ∞
- Kyodai.FollowMouseFast.Caption = ≥≈σß ατ°ΘΘ - εΣ°
- ; 10.00
- Kyodai.RandomLayouts.Caption = ·ß≡Θσ· α≈°αΘσ·
- ; 11.21
- Kyodai.RandomLayouts.Caption = ·ß≡Θσ· α≈°αΘσ·
- Kyodai.Tx128.Caption = ε°≈φ °µσ∞σ÷ΘΣ ΓßσΣΣ
- Kyodai.SpecialEffects.Caption = α⌠≈ΦΘφ εΘστπΘφ
- Kyodai.DateFormat.Caption = ·÷σ°· ·α°ΘΩ
- Kyodai.DDMMYY.Caption = Θσφ/τσπ∙/∙≡Σ ∙·Θ ±⌠°σ·
- Kyodai.MMDDYY.Caption = τσπ∙/Θσφ/∙≡Σ ∙·Θ ±⌠°σ·
- Kyodai.Stretch.Caption = ε·τ α⌠∙°σΘσ·
- Kyodai.TilesetOptions.Caption = α⌠∙°σΘσ· αß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.HashiraSpeed.Caption = εΣΘ°σ· ≥εσπσ·
- Kyodai.NoSFX.Caption = °Θ≈
- Kyodai.EnvironmentMap.Caption = εΘ⌠σΘ ±ßΘßΣ
- Kyodai.BumpMapping.Caption = εΘ⌠σΘ τßΦΣ
- ; 11.25 - MarbleBorders has been modified
- Kyodai.ExplorerButton1.Caption = τπ∙
- Kyodai.ExplorerButton2.Caption = ατσ°Σ
- Kyodai.SetMusic.Caption = εσ±Θ≈Σ
- Kyodai.ExplorerButton3.Caption = °εµ
- Kyodai.ShuffleButton.Caption = ≥°ßß
- Kyodai.PauseButton.Caption = Σ⌠±≈
- Kyodai.HelpButton.Caption = ≥µ°Σ
- Kyodai.ExitButton.Caption = Θ÷ΘαΣ
- Kyodai.AboutButton.Caption = ασπσ·
- Kyodai.HallFameButton.Caption = ΣΘδ∞
- Kyodai.LayoutButton.Caption = ·ß≡Θ·
- Kyodai.Set3D.Caption = πσ εΘεπΘ - ·∞· εΘεπΘ
- Kyodai.Ombres.Caption = α⌠∙° Σ÷∞∞σ·
- Kyodai.AniGhost.Caption = °στ
- Kyodai.TileBorder3D.Caption = Γßσ∞σ· αß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.DefaultBorders.Caption = ß°Θ°· ετπ∞
- Kyodai.IvoryBorders.Caption = ∙≡Σß
- Kyodai.MarbleBorders.Caption = ∙Θ∙
- ; 11.42 - ChangePlayerName has been removed
- Kyodai.SetVolume.Caption = ≈ß≥ ≥σ÷εΣ
- ; 11.56
- Kyodai.VSyncOn.Caption = ·ασφ α≡δΘ
- Kyodai.Compatibility.Caption = ·αΘεσ· δ°ΦΘ± ε±Ω
- Kyodai.TextureAsBackground.Caption = εß≡Σ δ°≈≥
- Kyodai.TextureAsMouse.Caption = εß≡Σ δ±ε∩ ≥δß°
- Kyodai.DoubleSizeMouse.Caption = Γσπ∞ δ⌠σ∞ ∞±εσ Σ≥δß°
- Kyodai.QuickStart.Caption = directX Σ·τ∞Σ εΣΘ°Σ ∞
- ; These existing entries from v11.21 are updated
- DirX.DXHardware.Caption = τσε°Σ
- DirX.DXFullScreen.Caption = ε±Ω ε∞α
- DirX.DXUseZBuffer.Caption = Z Σ∙·ε∙ ßτσ÷⌡
- DirX.DXOk.Caption = α∙°
- DirX.DXCancel.Caption = ßΦ∞
- DirX.Label14.Caption = ε÷ß ·÷σΓΣ
- DirX.Label15.Caption = ε≡Σ∞ Σ·≈∩ ·÷σΓΣ
- ; 12.00
- Kyodai.DSEngine.Caption = α⌠∙° ε≡σ≥ ÷∞Θ∞ Θ∙Θ°
- Kyodai.CoolWindowShadow.Caption = ÷∞ τ∞σ∩ επ∞Θ≈
- Kyodai.Platform.Caption = Σ°αΣ ε∙Φτ
- Kyodai.WindowBackground.Caption = εε∙≈ ε≥ΦΣ τΘ÷σ≡Θ
- Kyodai.OldHOF.Caption = ±Γ≡σ∩ Θ∙∩ ∞ΣΘδ∞ Σ·ΣΘ∞Σ
- Kyodai.DXSettings.Caption = directX ΣΓπ°σ·
- Kyodai.ShowMen.Caption = ·⌠°ΘΦ
- Kyodai.ShowCaption.Caption = Σ°αΣ δσ·°σ·
- ; 12.00 : these existing entries are updated - also removed all
- Kyodai.StartatLevel*.Caption entries
- Kyodai.FavoriteLayouts.Caption = εσ≥π⌠Θφ
- Kyodai.BitBtn3.Caption = ≡Σ°σ· ≈∞ - 84 αß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.BitBtn5.Caption = µΘδ°σ∩ ≈∞ - 32 αß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.BitBtn1.Caption = ∙≡ταΘ
- Kyodai.BitBtn2.Caption = ∙≡Θ ∙τ≈≡Θφ
- Kyodai.BitBtn7.Caption = ≈∞
- Kyodai.Slider.Caption = ≈∞
- ; 12.02
- Kyodai.CameraBased.Caption = ε÷∞εΣ εßσ±±·
- Kyodai.BitBtn4.Caption = ≡Σ°σ· ≈∙Σ - 144 αß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.BitBtn6.Caption = µδ°σ∩ ≈∙Σ - 60 αß≡Θφ
- Kyodai.BitBtn10.Caption = ≈∙Σ
- Kyodai.BitBtn13.Caption = °ΓΘ∞
- Kyodai.SliderHard.Caption = ≈∙Σ
- Kyodai.WindowPlay.Caption = ∙τ≈ ßτ∞σ∩
- AboutBox.VisitWebsite.Caption = ß≈° ßα·°
- ; 12.07 - HighQuality.Caption has been modified
- Kyodai.HighQuality.Caption = αΘδσ· ΓßσΣΣ ßε·ΘτΣ πσ εΘεπΘ· - ∞αΦ
- Kyodai.HighQuality3D.Caption = αΘδσ· ΓßσΣΣ ßε·ΘτΣ ·∞· εΘεπΘ· - ∞αΦ
- Kyodai.BackgroundSphere.Caption = Γ∞Γσ∞ °≈≥
- ; 12.42
- Kyodai.AnimateCamera.Caption = Σ≡⌠∙· ε÷∞εΣ
- Kyodai.AnimateParticles.Caption = Σ≡⌠∙· τ∞≈Θ≈Θφ
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------
- ; Fifth and last part : the messages inside Kyodai's code...
- ; ----------------------------------------------------------
- [Messages]
- External Layout = ·ß≡Θ· τΘ÷σ≡Θ·
- PLAYER 1 = ∙τ≈∩ °α∙σ∩
- PLAYER 2 = ∙τ≈∩ ∙≡Θ
- GAME OVER -- Final Score : = ε∙τ≈ ≡Γε° -- ·σ÷αΣ :
- Game Over ! = ! ε∙τ≈ ≡Γε°
- New Layout = ±Θπσ° τπ∙
- Level = °εΣ
- Score = ≡Θ≈σπ
- Time = µε∩
- Malus = Malus
- Rivers (Easy) = ≡Σ°σ· - ≈∞
- Rivers (Hard) = ≡Σ°σ· - ≈∙Σ
- Memory (Easy) = µΘδ°σ∩ - ≈∞
- Memory (Hard) = µΘδ°σ∩ - ≈∙Σ
- Clicks (Easy) = ∞τΘ÷σ· - ≈∞
- Clicks (Normal) = ∞τΘ÷σ· - °ΓΘ∞
- Clicks (Hard) = ∞τΘ÷σ· - ≈∙Σ
- Slider (Easy) = Γ∞Θ∙Σ - ≈∞
- Slider (Hard) = Γ∞Θ∙Σ - ≈∙Σ
- Hashira = ≥εσπσ·
- Mahjongg Hashira started. = ε∙τ≈ ±Θ≡Θ ≥εσπσ· ε·τΘ∞
- Mahjongg Memory started. = ε∙τ≈ ±Θ≡Θ µδ°σ∩ ε·τΘ∞
- Mahjongg Clicks started. = ε∙τ≈ ±Θ≡Θ ∞τΘ÷σ· ε·τΘ∞
- Mahjongg Slider started. = ε∙τ≈ ±Θ≡Θ Γ∞Θ∙Σ ε·τΘ∞
- Mahjongg Rivers started. = ε∙τ≈ ±Θ≡Θ ≡Σ°σ· ε·τΘ∞
- Two-Player Solitaire started. = ∙≡Θ ∙τ≈≡Θφ ∙≡ταΘ ε·τΘ∞
- Game restarted. = ε∙τ≈ Σ·τΘ∞ εΣ·τ∞Σ
- New game started. = ε∙τ≈ τπ∙ Σ·τΘ∞
- ; Captions for the other windows
- Choose a new layout... = ...ßτ° ε≥°Ω ε∙τ≈ τπ∙
- Board finished ! = ! ∞στ Σ±·ΘΘφ
- Kyodai Help = ∙≡ταΘ - ≥µ°Σ
- Hall of Fame = ΣΘδ∞ Σ·ΣΘ∞Σ
- Please Register ! = ! ßß≈∙Σ ΣΘ°∙φ
- New Specific (Seed) Game = New Specific (Seed) Game
- Can't find needed external DLL (mppsdk.dll). Please install it in your
- Kyodai directory and retry. You should find it on the Kyodai website at : =
- ∞α ≡Θ·∩ ∞ε÷σα ≈σß⌡ mppsdk.dll . ßß≈∙Σ Σ·≈∩ ασ·σ ß±⌠°ΘΘ· Σε∙τ≈ σ≡±Σ ∙σß. α·Σ
- Θδσ∞ ∞ε÷σα α· Σ≈σß⌡ ßα·° ΣßΘ· ∙∞ Σε∙τ≈ ßδ·σß· :
- UNREGISTERED = ∞α °∙σφ
- Registration reminder = ·µδσ°· °Θ∙σφ
- ; This is the text in the reminder...
- Please, remember to register ! = ! ßß≈∙Σ , µδσ° ∞ΣΘ°∙φ
- Only your participation can help me = °≈ Σ∙··⌠σ·Ω Θδσ∞Σ ∞≥µσ° ∞Θ
- continue to improve KYODAI for you ! = ! ∞Σε∙ΘΩ ∞∙⌠° α· Σε∙τ≈ ≥ßσ°Ω
- Registration will remove all these = °Θ∙σφ Θετ≈ α· δ∞
- nasty reminders and give you access = ΣΣσπ≥σ· Σε≥÷ß≡σ· σΘα⌠∙° ∞Ω ΓΘ∙Σ
- to perpetual FREE upgrades... Thank you ! = ! ∞≥πδσ≡Θφ ·εΘπΘΘφ ... ·σπΣ °ßΣ
- ; Text under the tiles in the "View Tiles" menu...
- Craks (4 times each) = Craks (4 times each)
- Bamboos (4 times each) = Bamboos (4 times each)
- Dots (4 times each) = Dots (4 times each)
- Flowers (once each) = Flowers (once each)
- Seasons (once each) = Seasons (once each)
- Winds (4 times each) = Winds (4 times each)
- Dragons (4 times each) = Dragons (4 times each)
- And the winner is... PLAYER 1 ! = ! σΣε≡÷τ Σσα... ∙τ≈∩ ατπ
- And the winner is... PLAYER 2 ! = ! σΣε≡÷τ Σσα... ∙τ≈∩ ∙·ΘΘφ
- Same score for both players ! = ! ασ·σ ε±⌠° ≡≈σπσ· ∞∙≡Θ Σ÷ππΘφ
- Your final score is = ·σ÷α·Ω Σ±σ⌠Θ· ΣΘα
- Your final time is = µε≡Ω Σ±σ⌠Θ Σσα
- You reached the top ! Great ! = ! ΣΓ≥· ∞±σ≤ ! ≡⌠∞α
- Registered to = °∙σφ ∞
- Unregistered version - Please Register !!! = !!! Γ°±Σ ∞α °∙σεΣ - ßß≈∙Σ ΣΘ°∙φ
- Please choose a name for your layout file = ßß≈∙Σ ßτ° ∙φ ∞≈σß⌡ Σε≥°Ω ∙∞Ω
- Please choose a Background bitmap file = ßß≈∙Σ ßτ° ≈σß⌡ °≈≥
- Please choose a Tileset bitmap file = ßß≈∙Σ ßτ° ≈σß⌡ αß≡Θφ
- LAY Layout files = ≈ß÷Θ ε≥°δΘφ
- Background files = ≈ß÷Θ °≈≥Θφ
- Tileset files = ≈ß÷Θ αß≡Θφ
- ; These ones are followed by a file name and a question mark.
- This file already exists. Do you want to erase = ≈σß⌡ µΣ δß° ≈ΘΘφ. Σαφ α·
- °σ÷Σ ∞ετσ≈
- Are you sure you want to erase = Σαφ α·Σ ßΦστ ∙α·Σ °σ÷Σ ∞ετσ≈
- Please confirm = ßß≈∙Σ α∙°
- Layout saved as "Temporary.lay". Click on "Edit layout" to call the layout
- editor and save it under a definitive name. = Layout saved as
- "Temporary.lay". Click on "Edit layout" to call the layout editor and save
- it under a definitive name.
- You haven't finished building the layout yet ! The "Tiles left" indicator
- must be a multiple of 4... = You haven't finished building the layout yet !
- The "Tiles left" indicator must be a multiple of 4...
- This layout is not playable ! Please make more free moves... = This layout
- is not playable ! Please make more free moves...
- No more moves. Do you want to give up ? (If you reply Yes and made a good
- score, you'll enter the hall of fame. If you reply No, the game will go back
- one move) = No more moves. Do you want to give up ? (If you reply Yes and
- made a good score, you'll enter the hall of fame. If you reply No, the game
- will go back one move)
- If you want to change the game mode, you'll have to restart your game. Do
- you wish to continue ? = If you want to change the game mode, you'll have to
- restart your game. Do you wish to continue ?
- Vertical Variation = Vertical Variation
- Specific Board started. Random Seed # = Specific Board started. Random Seed
- #
- ; This one is for showing text like "Layout Traditional selected."
- Layout =
- selected. = ≡ßτ° ε≥°Ω
- ; This one ends with a Kyodai version number ("for use with Kyodai 6.0"...)
- You are trying to play a layout intended for use with = α·Σ ε≡±Σ ∞∙τ≈ ≥φ
- ε≥°Ω ΣεΘσ≥π ∞∙Θεσ∙ ≥φ
- ; This one end with a URL
- Please upgrade Kyodai at = ßß≈∙Σ ≥πδ∩ ε∙τ≈ ßα·°
- Tiles shuffled. = .αß≡Θφ ≥σ°ßßσ
- ; This one starts with a number
- new moves found. = .εΣ∞δΘφ τπ∙Θφ ≡ε÷ασ
- Tiles shuffled. 1 new move found. = .αß≡Θφ ≥σ°ßßσ. εΣ∞Ω ατπ ≡ε÷α
- No moves found. Try to press Back a few times. = .∞α ≡ε÷ασ εΣ∞δΘφ. ≡±Σ ∞≈τ·
- δεΣ ÷≥πΘφ ατσ°Σ
- Tiles shuffled. 40 seconds penalty. = .αß≡Θφ ≥σ°ßßσ. 40 ∙≡Θσ· Σσ±⌠σ
- Please Note ! = ! ßß≈∙Σ °∙σφ
- ; This one says "About Kyodai x.x" in the About Box...
- About = ασπσ·
- This will launch your Web browser to the Kyodai registration page. Do you
- want to continue ? = ? εΣ∞Ω µΣ Θ⌠≥Θ∞ α· ·σδ≡· ΣΓ∞Θ∙Σ ∙∞Ω ∞π≤ °Θ∙σφ Σε∙τ≈.
- Σαφ α·Σ °σ÷Σ ∞Σε∙ΘΩ
- You launched Kyodai for the first time ! ;-) = µσ Σ⌠≥φ Σ°α∙σ≡Σ ∙Σ·τ∞Σ α·
- Σε∙τ≈ ! ;-)
- You launched Kyodai twice ! ;-) = Σ·τ∞· α· Σε∙τ≈ ⌠≥εΘΘφ ! ;-)
- ; This one says "You launched Kyodai 3 times"...
- You launched Kyodai = Σ·τ∞· α· Σε∙τ≈
- times ! ;-) = ! ⌠≥εΘφ
- PLEASE WAIT -- LOADING LAYOUTS = ßß≈∙Σ Σε·∩ -- Φσ≥∩ ε≥°δΘφ
- SORRY, NO MORE MOVES !! = !! ε÷Φ≥° , αΘ∩ Θσ·° εΣ∞δΘφ
- Do you really want to remove the Hall of Fame entries for this layout ? = ?
- Σαφ α·Σ ßαε· °σ÷Σ ∞ετσ≈ α· δ∞ Σ°∙σεσ· ∞ε≥°Ω µΣ
- Thanks again ! You're now registered. = .·σπΣ ∙σß ! α·Σ ≥δ∙Θσ °∙σφ
- Sorry, wrong password. Please check out if you entered the user name and
- password exactly as I gave them to you. = .ε÷Φ≥°, ±Θ±εΣ ∙ΓσΘΣ. ßß≈∙Σ ßπσ≈ αφ
- Σδ≡±· ∙φ ε∙·ε∙ σ±Θ±εΣ ßπΘσ≈ δεσ ∙≡··Θ ∞Ω
- ; This is the registration reminder shown when Kyodai is launched...
- Welcome to KYODAI MAHJONGG ! = ! ß°σδΘφ ΣßαΘφ
- If you like Mahjongg Solitaire games, I hope = αφ αΣß· α· Σε∙τ≈ ∙≡ταΘ ,α≡Θ
- ε≈σσΣ
- you'll love this version. As a true fan, I worked = ∙·αΣß α· ΣΓΘ°±Σ Σµσ. δεσ
- ασΣπ αεΘ·Θ, ≥ßπ·Θ
- for thousands of hours on it, trying to improve it = ∙≥σ· °ßσ· ≥∞Θσ, ß≡Θ±Θσ∩
- ∞∙⌠° ασ·σ
- every day. If you like Kyodai, please register. = .δ∞ Θσφ. αφ αΣß· α· Σε∙τ≈,
- ßß≈∙Σ ΣΘ°∙φ
- First, you will get rid you of this message and = ·τΘ∞Σ, ··⌠Φ° εΣΣσπ≥σ·
- all the reminders during the game, and it will = σΣ·µδσ°σ· ßεΣ∞Ω δ∞ Σε∙τ≈,
- σµΣ
- help me improve it again. And you won't have to = Θ≥µσ° ∞Θ ∞∙⌠° ασ·σ ∙σß.
- σ∞α ·÷Φ°Ω
- pay anymore for the next versions to come ! = ! ∞∙∞φ ≥σπ ⌠≥φ ∞ΓΘ°±Σ ΣßαΣ
- ∙·÷α
- Kyodai is my only income, so I won't be able to = Σε∙τ≈ Σσα Σδ≡±·Θ ΣΘτΘπΣ,
- αµ α≡Θ ∞α ασδ∞
- work on it forever if you don't pay the registration = ∞≥ßσπ ≥∞Θσ ∞≡÷τ αφ ∞α
- ·∙∞φ α· Σ°Θ∙σφ
- fee. To find out how to register, just go to the Help = δπΘ ∞π≥· δΘ÷π ∞∙∞φ,
- ∞Ω α∞ ·⌠°ΘΦ Σ≥µ°Σ
- menu, click on Contents, then Help, and follow the = ∞τ⌡ ≥∞ ·σδ∩ Σ≥≡ΘΘ≡Θφ,
- ≥µ°Σ σ≥≈σß ατ°
- instructions. Thanks again, and enjoy this game ! = ! Σσ°ασ·ΘΘ. ·σπΣ °ßΣ,
- ·Σ≡Σ εΣε∙τ≈
- If you experience any problems, please read the = αφ Σ·≡±Θ· ßαΘ∞σ Σφ ß≥Θσ·,
- ßß≈∙Σ ≈°α α·
- help file extensively before sending a mail ! = ! ≈σß⌡ Σ≥µ°Σ ßΣ°τßΣ ∞⌠≡Θ
- ∙·∙∞τ ∞Θ εΘΘ∞
- And remember : Kyodai is 100% customizable ! = ! µδσ° : Σε∙τ≈ 100 ατσµ ≡Θ·∩
- ∞Σ·αεΣ
- Make sure you read the help files and the menus ! = ! ΣΘΣ ßΦστ ∙≈°α· α· ≈ß÷Θ
- Σ≥µ°Σ σα· Σ·⌠°ΘΦΘφ
- ; New Text.
- Pause = Σ⌠±≈
- Continue = Σε∙Ω
- Play = ∙τ≈
- Please choose a name for your saved game = ßß≈∙Σ ßτ° ∙φ ∞ε∙τ≈Ω Σ∙εσ°
- Please select the game to load = ßß≈∙Σ ßτ° ε∙τ≈ ∞Φ≥σ∩
- Kyodai game files = ≈ß÷Θ ε∙τ≈
- This saved game is optimised for = ε∙τ≈ ∙εσ° µΣ ΣδΘ ε·αΘφ
- ; This one is the "HALL OF FAME" you see in the purple panel...
- ; Now here are the Help files of Kyodai. If you don't translate them, leave
- the lines
- ; as they are. If you have the courage to translate them, please change the
- lines from,
- ; for example, "misc.rtf = misc.rtf" to "misc.rtf = misc-de.rtf" for the
- German
- ; version. You can customize the names for the help files, but it would be
- in the users'
- ; interest to keep them simple by taking the original file name and adding a
- country code.
- kyodai.rtf = kyodai.rtf
- misc.rtf = misc.rtf
- menu.rtf = menu.rtf
- rules.rtf = rules.rtf
- trouble.rtf = trouble.rtf
- ; This selects a new character set for the current language. It might be
- useful
- ; in case your language does not use the default English characters. To find
- your
- ; own charset code, select a new font in Kyodai, select its character set,
- then
- ; leave Kyodai, open the "Kyo.ini" file and note the number in
- "FontCharset".
- LanguageCharset = 1
- MOD music enabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = .εσ±Θ≈·
- εσπ εασ⌠∙°·. α·/Σ ÷°ΘΩ/Σ ∞α·τ∞ α· Σε∙τ≈ δπΘ ∙Σ∙Θ≡σΘΘφ Θ∙ε°σ
- MOD music disabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. =
- .εσ±Θ≈· εσπ εßσΦ∞·. α·/Σ ÷°ΘΩ/Σ ∞α·τ∞ α· Σε∙τ≈ δπΘ ∙Σ∙Θ≡σΘΘφ Θ∙ε°σ
- You need to restart Kyodai before changes are applied. = .α·/Σ ÷°ΘΩ ∞α·τ∞ α·
- Σε∙τ≈ δπΘ ∙Σ∙Θ≡σΘΘφ Θ∙ε°σ
- ; These are used in the box of the screen when you're pointing a game
- screenshot
- ; Originally they were in the language files as "SpeedButton*.Hint"
- Launch Solitaire = ! ∙≡ταΘ - Σ·αφ µσΓσ· ∙∞ αß≡Θφ ∙Θ∙ ∞Σφ ÷π τσ⌠∙Θ
- Launch Rivers = ! ≡Σ°σ· - τß° α· Σαß≡Θφ Σε·αΘεσ·
- Launch Memory = ! µΘδ°σ∩ - ∙τ≈ ε∙τ≈ °Θδσµ
- Launch Clicks = ! ∞τΘ÷σ· - Σ±° ≈ßσ÷σ· ∙∞ αß≡Θφ ß∞τΘ÷Σ ατ·
- Launch Slider = ! Γ∞Θ∙Σ - ±π° ∙σ°σ· ∙∞ αß≡Θφ ≥∞ ΘπΘ Στ∞≈·φ
- Launch Hashira = ! ≥εσπσ· - Σ±° ∙∞σ∙Σ αß≡Θφ ασ Θσ·°
- Select a game... = ...ßτ° ε∙τ≈
- Do you want to activate the 3D mode ? = ? Σαφ α· °σ÷Σ ∞Σ⌠≥Θ∞ α· Σ·∞· εΘεπ
- The recommended resolution is 800x600 or 1024x768 with 65536 colors (16-bit
- color depth). You can use the fullscreen option in the DirectX settings to
- choose the resolution. = Σ°µσ∞σ÷ΘΣ Σεσε∞÷· ΣΘα 800 ≥∞ 600 ασ 1024 ≥∞ 768 ≥φ
- 65536 ÷ß≥Θφ. α·Σ Θδσ∞ ∞Σ⌠≥Θ∞ ε±Ω ε∞α ßΣΓπ°σ· Σ directX δπΘ ∞ßτσ° °µσ∞σ÷ΘΣ.
- DirectX Options = directX α⌠∙°σΘσ·
- Please wait... = ...ßß≈∙Σ Σε·∩
- Yes = δ∩
- No = ∞α
- OK = α∙°
- Cancel = ßΦ∞
- Exit = Θ÷ΘαΣ
- Stop = ≥÷σ°
- ; The End ! Thank you !