RandomWindow.RandLabel1.Caption = Vµlg et specifikt spil nummer (fra 1 til 999,999,999)
RandomWindow.BitBtn2.Caption = Nyt tilfµldigt spil
RandomWindow.BitBtn3.Caption = Nyt spil (begrµnsning pσ 0-9999)
; Help Window
HelpForm.Help.Caption = Hjµlp
HelpForm.Whatsnew.Caption = Hvad er Nyt
HelpForm.TabSheet3.Caption = Hvad er Gammelt
HelpForm.TabSheet2.Caption = Spille Regler
HelpForm.SeeTiles.Caption = Vis Brik-sµt
HelpForm.MenuItems.Caption = Menu dele
HelpForm.TabSheet1.Caption = Fejlfinding FAQ
HelpForm.French.Caption = Franτais
HelpForm.SpeedButton1.Caption = Tilbage til Kyodai
HelpForm.BitBtn1.Caption = Udskriv
HallWindow.Label45.Caption = Vµlg et layout fra combiboksen her under. Du vil se de 10 beste resultater for dette layout. Tryk "Nulstil Scores" for at slette High Scoren for det specifikke layout. Nσr du vinder et spil, kan du stadig µndre Spiller Navnet i rette tid.
HallWindow.BitBtn1.Caption = OK
HallWindow.PlayerPanel.Caption = Spiller Navn
HallWindow.ResetButton.Caption = Nulstil Scores
HallWindow.Label21.Caption = Plads
HallWindow.Label22.Caption = Spiller Navn
HallWindow.Label23.Caption = Tid
HallWindow.Label24.Caption = Straftid
HallWindow.Label46.Caption = Dato
HallWindow.BitBtn2.Caption = Start
GameOverForm.Label1.Caption = Tillykke !!!
GameOverForm.Label2.Caption = Du gennemf°rte Spillet...
GameOverForm.EnterFame.Caption = Og du kommer i Hall of Fame !
GameOverForm.FinalTime.Caption = Din slut tid er 00:00
GameOverForm.BitBtn1.Caption = TAK !
ExtendedChoose.BitBtn1.Caption = Annuler
ExtendedChoose.BitBtn2.Caption = << Reducer
ChooseLayout.Label1.Caption = Fulde Navn :
ChooseLayout.Label2.Caption = << Favorit Layouts
ChooseLayout.Label3.Caption = Dette er en liste over de layouts som vises i Layouts menuen. Du kan tilf°je layouts ved at trµkke dem fra den °verste listeboks og droppe dem i den nederste listeboks. Slet layoutene ved at g°re modsat...
ChooseLayout.Label4.Caption = Antal Brikker:
ChooseLayout.Label5.Caption = Fri Brikker :
ChooseLayout.BitBtn1.Caption = Spil dette layout
ChooseLayout.BitBtn2.Caption = Annuler
ChooseLayout.BitBtn3.Caption = Rediger
ChooseLayout.BitBtn4.Caption = Nyt Layout
ChooseLayout.BitBtn5.Caption = Udvid >>
ChooseLayout.CheckBox1.Caption = Fremvis med aktuel baggrund
AboutBox.BitBtn1.Caption = OK
AboutBox.Order.Caption = Bestil Password
AboutBox.BitBtn2.Caption = Vis Statistik
AboutBox.Copyright.Caption = Forfatter
AboutBox.Comments.Caption = Musikkere
AboutBox.Label3.Caption = Du kan finde den nyeste version af Kyodai og hundrede sider om Japanske animationer pσ min side :
New Specific (Seed) Game = Nyt Specificeret (Tilfµldigt) Spil
Can't find needed external DLL (npmod32.dll). Please install it in your Kyodai directory and retry. You can find it on the Kyodai website at : = Kan ikke finde den n°dvendige eksterne DLL (npmod32.dll). Installer venligst den i din Kyodai mappe og pr°v igen. Du kan finde den pσ Kyodai's webside pσ :
Registration reminder = Registrerings pσmindelse
; This is the text in the reminder...
Please, remember to register ! = HUSK venligst at registrere !
Only your participation can help me = Kun din deltagelse kan hjµlpe mig
continue to improve KYODAI for you ! = til fortsat at forbedre KYODAI for dig !
Registration will remove all these = Registrering vil fjerne alle disse
nasty reminders and give you access = µkle pσmindelser og give dig adgang
to perpetual FREE upgrades... Thank you ! = til fremtidige GRATIS opgraderinger... Tak !
; Text under the tiles in the "View Tiles" menu...
Craks (4 times each) = Craks (4 af hver)
Bamboos (4 times each) = Bamboos (4 af hver)
Dots (4 times each) = Dots (4 af hver)
Flowers (once each) = Flowers (en af hver)
Seasons (once each) = Seasons (en af hver)
Winds (4 times each) = Winds (4 af hver)
Dragons (4 times each) = Dragons (4 af hver)
And the winner is... PLAYER 1 ! = Og vinderen er... SPILLER 1 !
And the winner is... PLAYER 2 ! = Og vinderen er... SPILLER 2 !
Same score for both players ! = Samme score for begge spillere !
Your final score is = Din slut score er
Your final time is = Din slut tid er
You reached the top ! Great ! = Du nσede toppen ! Godt !
Registered to = Registreret til
Unregistered version - Please Register !!! = Uregistreret version - Registrer Venligst!!!
Please choose a name for your layout file = Vµlg venligst et navn til din layout fil
Please choose a Background bitmap file = Vµlg venligst en Baggrunds bitmap fil
Please choose a Tileset bitmap file = Vµlg venligst en Brik-sµt bitmap fil
LAY Layout files = LAY Layout filer
Background files = Baggrunds filer
Tileset files = Brik-sµt filer
; These ones are followed by a file name and a question mark.
This file already exists. Do you want to erase = Denne fil eksisterer allerede. Vil du overskrive
Are you sure you want to erase = Er du sikker pσ at du vil overskrive
Please confirm = Bekrµft venligst
Layout saved as "Temporary.lay". Click on "Edit layout" to call the layout editor and save it under a definitive name. = Layout gemt som "Temporary.lay". Klik pσ "Ret layout" for at komme til layout editoren og gem det som et definitivt navn.
You haven't finished building the layout yet ! The "Tiles left" indicator must be a multiple of 4... = Du har ikke fµrdiggjort layoutet endnu ! "Resterende Brikker" indikator skal vµre delelig med 4...
This layout is not playable ! Please make more free moves... = Dette layout er ikke spilbart ! Lav venligst flere fri trµk...
No more moves. Do you want to give up ? (If you reply Yes and made a good score, you'll enter the hall of fame. If you reply No, the game will go back one move) = Ikke flere trµk. Vil du give op ? (Hvis du svarer Ja, og har et godt resultat, vil du komme i hall of fame. Hvis du svarer Nej, vil spillet gσ et trµk tilbage)
If you want to change the game mode, you'll have to restart your game. Do you wish to continue ? = Hvis du °nsker at µndre spil-indstillinger, skal du genstarte dit spil. ╪nsker du at fortsµtte ?
Vertical Variation = Lodret Variation
Specific Board started. Random Seed # = Specifikt Brµt startet. Tilfµldigt Spil #
; This one is for showing text like "Layout Traditional selected."
Layout = Layout
selected. = valgt.
; This one ends with a Kyodai version number ("for use with Kyodai 6.0".)
You are trying to play a layout intended for use with = Du fors°ger at spille et layout beregnet til
; This one end with a URL
Please upgrade Kyodai at = Opgrader venligst Kyodai pσ
Tiles shuffled. = Brikker blandet.
; This one starts with a number
new moves found. = nye trµk fundet.
Tiles shuffled. 1 new move found. = Brikker blandet. 1 nyt trµk fundet.
No moves found. Try to press Back a few times. = Ingen trµk fundet. Pr°v at trykke pσ Tilbage et par gange.
; This one says "About Kyodai x.x" in the About Box...
About = Om
This will launch your Web browser to the Kyodai registration page. Do you want to continue ? = Dette vil starte din Internet browser pσ Kyodai's registrerings side. ╪nsker du at fortsµtte ?
You launched Kyodai for the first time ! ;-) = Dette er f°rste gang du starter Kyodai ! ;-)
You launched Kyodai twice ! ;-) = Du har startet Kyodai to gange ! ;-)
; This one says "Du har startet Kyodai 3 gange"...
Do you really want to remove the Hall of Fame entries for this layout ? = Vil du virkelig fjerne Hall of Fame indholdet for dette layout ?
Thanks again ! You're now registered. = Tak igen ! Du er nu regisreret.
Sorry, wrong password. Please check out if you entered the user name and password exactly as I gave them to you. = Desvµrre, forkert password. Tjek venligst om det indtastede bruger navn og password er n°jagtig dem jeg gav dig.
; This is the registration reminder shown when Kyodai is launched...
Welcome to KYODAI MAHJONGG ! = Velkommen til KYODAI MAHJONGG !
If you like Mahjongg Solitaire games, I hope = Hvis du kan lide Mahjongg Solitaire spil, hσber jeg
you'll love this version. As a true fan, I worked = du vil elske denne version. Som en sand fan, arbejdede jeg
for thousands of hours on it, trying to improve it = i tusinder af timer pσ den og pr°ver at forbedre den
every day. If you like Kyodai, please register. = hver dag. Hvis du kan lide Kyodai, registrer venligst.
First, you will get rid you of this message and = For det f°rste, vil du komme af med denne meddelelse og
all the reminders during the game, and it will = alle de pσmindelser gennem spillet, og det vil
help me improve it again. And you won't have to = hjµlpe til flere forbedringer. Og du skal ikke
pay anymore for the next versions to come ! = betale for de kommende versioner !
Kyodai is my only income, so I won't be able to = Kyodai er min eneste indkomst, sσ det er mig ikke muligt at
work on it forever if you don't pay the registration = arbejde pσ den for altid hvis du ikke betaler for registreringen
fee. To find out how to register, just go to the Help = For at finde ud af hvordan du registrerer, gσ ind i Hjµlpe
menu, click on Contents, then Help, and follow the = menuen, klik pσ Contents, sσ Notes, og f°lg
instructions. Thanks again, and enjoy this game ! = anvisningerne. Tak igen, og nyd dette spil !
If you experience any problems, please read the = Hvis du st°der pσ nogle problemer, sσ lµs venligst
help file extensively before sending a mail ! = hjµlpe filen grundigt f°r du sender en e-mail !
And remember : Kyodai is 100% customizable ! = Og husk : Kyodai er 100% konfigurerbar !
Make sure you read the help files and the menus ! = Vµr sikker pσ du lµser hjµlpe filerne og menuerne !
; New Text.
Pause = Pause
Continue = Fortsµt
Play = Play
Please choose a name for your saved game = Vµlg venligst et navn til dit gemte spil
Please select the game to load = Vµlg det spil du vil hente
Kyodai game files = Kyodai spil filer
This saved game is optimised for = Dette gemte spil er optimeret til
; This one is the "HALL OF FAME" you see in the purple panel...
; Now here are the Help files of Kyodai. If you don't translate them, leave the lines
; as they are. If you have the courage to translate them, please change the lines from,
; for example, "misc.rtf = misc.rtf" to "misc.rtf = misc-de.rtf" for the German
; version. You can customize the names for the help files, but it would be in the users'
; interest to keep them simple by taking the original file name and adding a country code.
kyodai.rtf = kyodai-dk.rtf
misc.rtf = misc.rtf
menu.rtf = menu.rtf
rules.rtf = rules-dk.rtf
trouble.rtf = trouble.rtf
; This selects a new character set for the current language. It is useful
; in case your language does not use the default English characters. To find your
; own charset code, select a new font in Kyodai, select its character set, then
; leave Kyodai, open the "Kyodai.ini" file and note the number in "FontCharset".
LanguageCharset = 1
MOD music enabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = MOD music aktiveret. Du skal genstarte f°r µndringerne trµder i kraft.
MOD music disabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = MOD musik afbrudt. Du skal genstarte f°r µndringerne trµder i kraft.
You need to restart Kyodai before changes are applied. = Du skal genstarte f°r µndringerne trµder i kraft.
; These are used in the box of the screen when you're pointing a game screenshot
; Originally they were in the language files as "SpeedButton*.Hint"
Launch Solitaire = Solitaire - Match par der har en side fri !
Launch Rivers = Rivers - Forbind de matchende brikker !
Launch Memory = Memory - Spil et koncentrations spil !
Launch Clicks = Clicks - Fjern grupper af brikker med et enkelt klik !
Launch Slider = Slider - Lav linier af brikker ved at glide med dem !
Launch Hashira = Hashira - Fjern kolonner pσ 3 eller flere brikker !
Select a game... = Vµlg et spil...
Do you want to activate the 3D mode ? = Vil du aktivere 3D ?
The recommended resolution is 800x600 or 1024x768 with 65536 colors (16-bit color depth). You can use the fullscreen option in the DirectX settings to choose the resolution. = Den anbefalede opl°sning er 800x600 eller 1024x768 med 65536 farver (16-bit farve dybde). Du kan bruge fuldskµrms valgene i DirectX valg for at vµlge opl°sningen.