RandomWindow.RandLabel1.Caption = Kies /n spesifieke spel nommer (van 1 tot 999,999,999)
RandomWindow.BitBtn2.Caption = Nuwe willekeurig spel genereer-nommer
RandomWindow.BitBtn3.Caption = Nuwe genereer-nommer (van 0-9999)
; Help Window
HelpForm.Help.Caption = Help
HelpForm.Whatsnew.Caption = Wat is Nuut
HelpForm.TabSheet3.Caption = Wat is Oud
HelpForm.TabSheet2.Caption = Spel Reδls
HelpForm.SeeTiles.Caption = Vertoon Teδl groep
HelpForm.MenuItems.Caption = Menu
HelpForm.TabSheet1.Caption = Probleem Oplosser FAQ
HelpForm.French.Caption = Frans
HelpForm.SpeedButton1.Caption = Terug na Kyodai
HelpForm.BitBtn1.Caption = Druk
HallWindow.Label45.Caption = Kies 'n uitleg uit die Combo box. Die 20 beste punte vir hierdie uitleg sal vertoon word. Kliek "Verwyder Punte" om die beste punte vir hierdie uitleg te verwydig. As jy 'n spel wen, kan jy nog altyd die speler se naam verander.
HallWindow.BitBtn1.Caption = OK
HallWindow.PlayerPanel.Caption = Speler se Naam
HallWindow.ResetButton.Caption = Verwyder Punte
HallWindow.Label21.Caption = Rang
HallWindow.Label22.Caption = Speler se Naam
HallWindow.Label23.Caption = Tyd
HallWindow.Label24.Caption = Straf Tyd
HallWindow.Label46.Caption = Datum
HallWindow.BitBtn2.Caption = Begin
GameOverForm.Label1.Caption = Baie geluk!
GameOverForm.Label2.Caption = Jy het die bord klaargemaak...
GameOverForm.EnterFame.Caption = En jy het Beste Spelers Gallery gehaal!
GameOverForm.FinalTime.Caption = Jou eindtyd is 00:00
ChooseLayout.Label3.Caption = Dit is die lys van uitlegte wat op die Uitlegte menu verskyn. Jy kan uitlegte byvoeg deur hulle te "drag" van die boonste "listbox" en dan te "drop" in die onderste "listbox". Verwyder uitlegte deur dit anders om te doen...
ChooseLayout.Label4.Caption = Aantal Teδls:
ChooseLayout.Label5.Caption = Vry Teδls:
ChooseLayout.BitBtn1.Caption = Speel hierdie uitleg
ChooseLayout.BitBtn2.Caption = Kanselleer
ChooseLayout.BitBtn3.Caption = Verander
ChooseLayout.BitBtn4.Caption = Nuwe Uitleg
ChooseLayout.BitBtn5.Caption = Vergroot >>
ChooseLayout.CheckBox1.Caption = Vertoon met huidige agtergrond
ChooseLayout.BitBtn6.Caption = Verwydiging
AboutBox.BitBtn1.Caption = OK
AboutBox.Order.Caption = Bestel Wagwoord
AboutBox.BitBtn2.Caption = Vertoon Statistieke
AboutBox.Copyright.Caption = Skrywer
AboutBox.Comments.Caption = Musikante
AboutBox.Label3.Caption = Jy kan die nuutste weergawe van Kyodai en honderde bladsye oor Japanese animasie op my WEB bladsy kry:
GAME OVER -- Final Score : = DIE SPEL IS OOR -- Finale Punte:
Game Over ! = Spel is oor!
New Layout = Nuwe uitleg
Level = Vlak
Score = Punte
Time = Tyd
Malus = Straftyd
Rivers (Easy) = Rivers (maklik)
Rivers (Hard) = Rivers (moeilik)
Memory (Easy) = Memory (maklik)
Memory (Hard) = Memory (moeilik)
Clicks (Easy) = Clicks (maklik)
Clicks (Normal) = Clicks (normaal)
Clicks (Hard) = Clicks (moeilik)
Slider (Easy) = Slider (maklik)
Slider (Hard) = Slider (moeilik)
Hashira = Hashira
Mahjongg Hashira started. = Mahjongg Hashira het begin.
Mahjongg Memory started. = Mahjongg Memory het begin.
Mahjongg Clicks started. = Mahjongg Clicks het begin.
Mahjongg Slider started. = Mahjongg Slider het begin.
Mahjongg Rivers started. = Mahjongg Rivers het begin.
Two-Player Solitaire started. = 2-Speler Solitaire het begin.
Game restarted. = Spel is weer van voor af begin.
New game started. = Nuwe spel het begin.
; Captions for the other windows
Choose a new layout... = Kies 'n nuwe uitleg...
Board finished ! = Bord klaargemaak!
Kyodai Help = Kyodai Help
Hall of Fame = Beste Spelers Gallery
Please Register ! = Registreer Asseblief!
New Specific (Seed) Game = Nuwe Spesifieke Spel
MOD music enabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = MOD musiek is geselekteer. Jy moet die rekenaar reset om veranderinge te laat geld.
Can't find needed external DLL (npmod32.dll). Please install it in your Kyodai directory and retry. You can find it on the Kyodai website at : = Kan nie die benodigde externe DLL (npmod32.dll) vind nie. Installeer dit asseblief in jou Kyodai "folder" en probeer weer. Jy kan dit op Kyodai se WEB bladsy vind by:
Registration reminder = Registrasie aanmaning
; This is the text in the reminder...
Please, remember to register ! = Onthou asseblief om te registreer...
Only your participation can help me = Net jou deelname kan my help
continue to improve KYODAI for you ! = om Kyodai verder vir jou te ontwikkel!
Registration will remove all these = Registrasie verwyder al hierdie
nasty reminders and give you access = onaangename aanmanings en gee jou toegang
to perpetual FREE upgrades... Thank you ! = tot gratis opgraderings ... Baie Dankie!
; Text under the tiles in the "View Tiles" menu...
Craks (4 times each) = Tekens (4 van elk)
Bamboos (4 times each) = Bamboes (4 van elk)
Dots (4 times each) = Stippels (4 van elk)
Flowers (once each) = Blomme (1 van elk)
Seasons (once each) = Seisoene (1 van elk)
Winds (4 times each) = Winde (4 van elk)
Dragons (4 times each) = Drake (4 van elk)
And the winner is... PLAYER 1 ! = En die wenner is... SPELER 1 !
And the winner is... PLAYER 2 ! = En die wenner is... SPELER 2 !
Same score for both players ! = Deselfde punte vir beide spelers !
Your final score is = Jou eind punt is
Your final time is = Jou eind tyd is
You reached the top ! Great ! = Jy het die hoogste bereik ! Baie geluk !
Please choose a name for your layout file = Kies asseblief 'n naam vir die uitleg leΩr
Please choose a Background bitmap file = Kies asseblief 'n agtergrond bitmap leΩr
Please choose a Tileset bitmap file = Kies asseblief 'n Teδl groep bitmap leΩr
LAY Layout files = LAY Uitleg leΩrs
Background files = Agtergrond leΩrs
Tileset files = Teδl groep leΩrs
; These ones are followed by a file name and a question mark.
This file already exists. Do you want to erase = Hierdie leΩr bestaan reeds. Wil jy dit verwyder
Are you sure you want to erase = Is jy seker jy wil dit verwyder
Please confirm = Bevestig Asseblief
Layout saved as "Temporary.lay". Click on "Edit layout" to call the layout editor and save it under a definitive name. = Uitleg is gestoor as "Temporary.lay". Kliek op "Verander Uitleg" om die Uitleg-verander program op te roep en die uitleg onder 'n definitiewe naam te stoor.
You haven't finished building the layout yet ! The "Tiles left" indicator must be a multiple of 4... = Jy het nog nie die uitleg klaar gebou nie! Die "Teδls Oor" indikator moet 'n veelvoud van 4 aandui...
This layout is not playable ! Please make more free moves... = Hierdie uitleg kan nie gespeel word nie! Maak asseblief meer vrye skuiwe...
No more moves. Do you want to give up ? (If you reply Yes and made a good score, you'll enter the hall of fame. If you reply No, the game will go back one move) = Geen skuiwe meer nie. Wil jy opgee? (As jy Ja kies en jy het goeie punte, sal jy op die Beste Spelers Gallery verskyn. As jy Nee kies sal die spel terug gaan met een skuif)
If you want to change the game mode, you'll have to restart your game. Do you wish to continue ? = As jy die spel modus wil verander, moet jy die spel van voor af begin. Wil jy voortgaan?
Vertical Variation = Vertikale Verandering
Specific Board started. Random Seed # = Spesifieke bord het begin. Willekeurige spel genereer-nommer
; This one is for showing text like "Layout Traditional selected."
You are running the game in 256-color mode (or even worse). It is strongly recommended to switch to 16-bit or 24-bit color depth modes. Otherwise, you should should select No Background and a tileset with few colors. Thanks for listening ! = Jy speel die spel in 256-kleur modus (of erger). U word sterk aangeraai om oor te skakel na 'n 16-bis of 24-bis kleur diepte. Anders moet u "Geen Agtergrond" kies en ook 'n Teδl groep wat baie min kleure bevat! Dankie vir u aandag!
; This one says "About Kyodai x.x" in the About Box...
About = Oor
This will launch your Web browser to the Kyodai registration page. Do you want to continue ? = Dit sal u Web leser rig na die Kyodai registrasie bladsy. Wil u voortgaan?
You launched Kyodai for the first time ! ;-) = Dis die eerste keer dat u Kyodai gelaai het! ;-)
You launched Kyodai twice ! ;-) = U het Kyodai al twee keer gelaai! ;-)
; This one says "You launched Kyodai 3 times"...
You launched Kyodai = U het Kyodai al
times ! ;-) = keer gelaai!
Do you really want to remove the Hall of Fame entries for this layout ? = Wil u regtig die Beste Spelers Gallery vir hierdie uitleg verwyder?
Thanks again ! You're now registered. = Baie dankie! U is nou geregistreer.
Sorry, wrong password. Please check out if you entered the user name and password exactly as I gave them to you. = Jammer, verkeerde wagwoord. Maak asseblief seker u het die regte gebruikersnaam en wagwoord ingesleutel presies soos ek dit vir u gegee het.
; This is the registration reminder shown when Kyodai is launched...
If you like Mahjongg Solitaire games, I hope = As jy van Mahjongg Solitaire speletjies hou, dan hoop ek
you'll love this version. As a true fan, I worked = dat jy van hierdie weergawe sal hou. Ek ('n regte bewonderaar) het hard
for thousands of hours on it, trying to improve it = gewerk vir duisende ure hieraan, elke dag probeer om dit beter te maak.
every day. If you like Kyodai, please register. = As jy van Kyodai hou moet jy asseblief registreer.
First, you will get rid you of this message and = Ten eerste word jy verlos van hierdie boodskap en
all the reminders during the game, and it will = ook alle aannaminge gedurende die spel, en dit sal
help me improve it again. And you won't have to = my help om dit weer verder te verbeter. En u hoef nie
pay anymore for the next versions to come ! = weer te betaal vir die volgende weergawes nie!
Kyodai is my only income, so I won't be able to = Kyodai is my enigste inkomste, so dit sal nie vir my moontlik wees
work on it forever if you don't pay the registration = om vir altyd hieraan te werk as u nie die registrasie gelde betaal nie.
fee. To find out how to register, just go to the Help = Om uit te vind hoe om te registreer, gaan na die HELP
menu, click on Contents, then Help, and follow the = menu, kliek op Inhoud, dan Help, en volg die
instructions. Thanks again, and enjoy this game ! = instruksies. Nogmaals baie dankie. Geniet hierdie speletjie!
If you experience any problems, please read the = As u enige probleme ondervind, lees asseblief die
help file extensively before sending a mail ! = help leΩr aandagtig deur voordat u vir my pos stuur.
And remember : Kyodai is 100% customizable ! = En onthou: Kyodai is 100% veranderbaar!
Make sure you read the help files and the menus ! = Maak seker u lees die help leΩrs en die menus!
; New Text.
This feature is only available on Solitaire, Rivers and Memory. = Hierdie funksie is net beskikbaar by Solitaire, Rivers en Memory.
Pause = Pause
Continue = Gaan Voort
Play = Speel
Please choose a name for your saved game = Kies asseblief 'n naam vir u spel wat u gaan stoor
Please select the game to load = Selekteer asseblief die spel wat u wil laai
Kyodai game files = Kyodai spel leΩrs
This saved game is optimised for = Die gestoorde spel is optimaal vir
Sorry, the Save feature isn't implemented in this game... = Jammer, die Stoor funksie is nie beskikbaar in hierdie spel nie...
; This one is the "HALL OF FAME" you see in the purple panel...
HALL OF = Beste Spelers
FAME = Gallery
; Now here are the Help files of Kyodai. If you don't translate them, leave the lines
; as they are. If you have the courage to translate them, please change the lines from,
; for example, "misc.rtf = misc.rtf" to "misc.rtf = misc-de.rtf" for the German
; version. You can customize the names for the help files, but it would be in the users'
; interest to keep them simple by taking the original file name and adding a country code.
kyodai.rtf = kyodai.rtf
misc.rtf = misc.rtf
menu.rtf = menu.rtf
rules.rtf = rules-nl.rtf
trouble.rtf = trouble.rtf
whatsnew.rtf = whatsnew.rtf
whatsold.rtf = whatsold.rtf
; This selects a new character set for the current language. It is useful
; in case your language does not use the default English characters. To find your
; own charset code, select a new font in Kyodai, select its character set, then
; leave Kyodai, open the "Kyodai.ini" file and note the number in "FontCharset".
LanguageCharset = 1
MOD music disabled. You need to restart before changes are applied. = MOD musiek afgeskakel. Jy moet die reekenaar reset om die veranderinge te laat geld.