[!] Brief summary of changes: updated manual, improved Networking Engine (you can easily use The Bat! as an internal mail server for both internal and Internet messaging), enhanced Address Book (each account can have its personal default address book, and many other improvements), DDE mode to exchange data with other applications, interface improvements (many options have been placed to logically-separated groups in the new Preferences dialogue).
[+] Address book window accepts file drag-and-drop. If VCF files are dropped in, it is possible to import those entries (this way, it is possible to drag entries from Windows address book).
[+] Ability to not show the main program window at the task bar.
[+] Configuration for the source viewer.
[+] Mark Message as read only when it is open in a separate window option.
[+] Each account can have its personal default address book.
[+] For multiple users model, non-administrative users have their own address book profiles.
[+] Interactive address adding.
[+] "Address Book" combo-box in the address entry editor.
[+] Pop-up menu with hot keys in the Sorting Office window.
[+] It is now possible to copy/cut/paste filters.
[+] Global Preferences dialogue available by the "Options|Preferences" menu command.
[+] "Always In Tray" option.
[+] Autocomplete can search in address book(s).
[+] DDE server added for handling macros (currently, DDE macros are equal to command line parameters). DDE server name - "thebat", DDE conversation topic - "tbDDE".
[+] "Message|View source" menu command to view message source.
[+] Replies are tracked in the Network mode.
[+] %IF:"text1"sign"text2":"then text":"else text" macro for conditional text/template insertion. For example: %IF:"%TIME"<"12:00":"morning":"%IF:'%TIME'>'17:00':'evening':'afternoon'"
[*] Server reply is added to the "Server not ready" log record.
[*] Storing Column widths of Connection Centre.
[*] The parameter of the %SETPATTREGEXP macro could not use macros.
[*] In the network mode, reading messages and setting message flags are now broadcasted to the network.
[*] In the network mode, accounts are no longer locked when a user tries to log on from another machine or if an account is shared between several groups.
[*] Delete task from the Connection Centre should work better now.
[*] %TO="",%SUBJECT="" etc. pre-setting macros are now functional in macro parameters (it was not actually needed for previous functionality, but it become useful for using in %IF macro).
[*] Rebuilding of message base was not working when it was called when the base was open for write.
[*] Improved %COOKIE macro handling (this includes the fix of usage of %COOKIE with %Include/%QInclude macros).
[*] System hot key for address book now toggles address book window if the latter is active.
[*] Alternative Forward is moved to the Shift+Alt+F5 hot key (Alt+F6 was intercepted by Win95/98/ME).
[*] Some fixes/improvements for interactive address adding.
[*] Improved algorithm for finding handle in an address book (now the account default address book is checked first, then the global default book is checked, then the rest).
[*] Ctrl+Enter hot key in the message editor is now used accordingly to the delivery type (immediate/deferred).
[*] Periodical checking option look more clear with the combo-box to choose between minutes and seconds.
[*] Mark Message after time it is being read is now optional.
[*] Cosmetic improvements of "Pick e-mail address" button in the message editor.
[*] Message|Undelete menu command when browsing deleted messages
[*] Hot keys for sending/queuing message in the message editor should now work for International versions
[-] Fixed the S/MIME bug that made all the signatures to be shown as invalid after invoking "Pick e-mail address" dialogue in the message editor. The certificates of the signatures showed "The CA Root S/MIME certificate is not trusted because it is not in the Trusted Root CA address book" error.
[-] Bug with extra message selection in threaded view mode
[-] Some Connection Centre misbehaviours (the most important is staying online forever sometimes)
[-] Editor header pane font change disparity when large fonts are used
[-] Bug with asking RAS connection data on startup
[-] Last account's log records could be viewed even when account was locked with a password
[-] Problems with adding to address book
[-] The "Delete Task" button in the Connection Centre was not working properly.
[-] Folder with the next/previous unread message was unnecessary expanded.
[-] "Save message as" bug when a file with the same name already exists.
[-] Undo bug in the editor when two line blocks were consequently deleted.
[-] If a message did not have recipients, The Bat! tried to send it anyway.
[-] Bug with disappearing the TO field in a separate message viewer.
[-] Deleting the account with only unread messages shown on MailTicker caused MailTicker to stay with "0 new messages" instead of hiding accordingly to its settings.
[-] Some bugs with moving between unread messages.
[-] Bug with Source Viewer window size/position.
[-] Undo history was cleared after auto-save in the message editor.
[-] Fixed Access Violation when importing a PGP secret key without a public part.
[-] When importing messages to an empty (and compressed) folder, the number of converted messages was shown one message less. Although, all messages were indeed imported.
[-] The %LANGUAGE="ID" macro made The Bat! hang.
[-] TB! does not try to get unique cookies (if multiple cookies are used) for one template anymore.
[-] A wrong pane was focused at start-up and folder view.
[-] When a long cookie is present a file, the entire file could be inserted instead of a single cookie.
[-] Big message notifications were received many times (introduced in 1.52)
[-] Bug with finding next/previous unread when no folder is selected.
[-] Address Book window columns were not remembered (bug introduced in 1.53 Beta/3).
[-] System Hot Keys and Editor preferences weren't backed up/restored.
[-] Some cosmetic fixes in message list view do display the focus-rectangle better.
[-] Fixed problems of not compressing mail folders/storing configuration when The Bat! was quitting on system shutdown.
[-] Fixed bugs when address book did not get updated when new addresses are added.
[-] Fixed some memory and resource leaks.
[-] When a mailto URL did not contain an address, all parameters were used as the destination address.
[-] It was possible to send attachments from a user account where attachments were disabled.
[-] S/MIME signing certificates weren't verified at each signature generation.
[-] Regular expressions were not always working in kill filters.
---- Changes in 1.53bis ----
[*] Prompt to keep the message when a new message was automatically saved and then abandoned
[-] Bug when sending messages right from the editor when Autosave is switched on (in versions before 1.52 it was producing additional drafts in the Outbox folder)
[-] Right mouse button click on a filter was not selecting the clicked filter
[-] Sending messages from all accounts did not bring the Connection Centre in front
[-] The "Modified" indicator works better than in 1.53
---- Changes in 1.53d ----
[-] Bug with attachment saving in the message editor
[-] Dial-up networking support was not working under Windows NT4
[-] It was not possible to print messages when autoview was switched off
Information requests : info@thebat.net
Bug reports : bugs@thebat.net
Useful suggestions : wish@thebat.net
---- History of changes ------------------------------------------------------
! Move to the previously/next viewed message command (Alt+Left/Right)
! GnuPG (Gnu Pricvate Guard - a free PGP-compatible encryption program) support
! Message Centre replaces the Dial-up Monitor and multiple mail transfer/receive windows
+ Birthday reminder
+ %- (the dash) macro
+ The sender is displayed during receiving a message
+ Backup/Restore for editor settings and hotkeys work!
* the total size of received messages is calculated more accurate now
* backup process continues if a broken message base is detected
* "Go to the next/previous unread message" command is now working across folders
* CA databases are not shown in the address selection window
* Alternative hot keys for move to next/previous unread message - Ctrl+Right/Left
* Message base was not rebuilt if the .TBB header was damaged.
* New PGP-VERSION dialogue.
* Help button added to many dialogues.
* Print toolbar button does not invoke the print dialogue.
- (1.52f) Forwarding/Redirecting of non-encoded text files caused problems
- (1.52e) A message with HTML/pictures opened from Mail Dispatcher was not displayed properly
- Fixed a bug that occurred when opening attached message, clicking Reply, closing attached message and saving the reply.
- Fixed text wrapping.
- Fixed the file association logic. HTML files in particular were badly affected.
- When an attachment's file name contained CRLFs, "virus warning" was not working.
- Fixed print bug that occur on Epson native print drivers.
- Fixed menu bullets.
- AddressBook now doesn't beep when clicking Esc.
- When changing active account in Message Editor, the history wasn't changed to new account's.
- When looking for a recipient's public key, the addresses weren't matched correctly.
- PGP command line accepts key-import and key-extraction.
- Colour Groups weren't properly restored.
- Text files were not extracted by the "Extract files" filter action
- Attachments were not deleted in the "purge" and the "kill dupes" functions...
- Parked duplicate messages were deleted by the "kill dupes" function
- Opening and closing nested attached messages problem
- Bug with conversion of national characters when the "address_group_handle <list>" construction used
- Using illegal file name characters in the name of a folder caused problems
- Bug with messing up font style setting in editor preferences
- "Save attachment" and other dialogues were changing the current directory causing problems with removable/disconnectable drives
- Template options of an address entry were not exported
- Automatic spell checker was switching on after setting up spell checker settings/dictionaries
- Exit had to be confirmed twice if there were a message editor open with modified data
+ Alt+5 hotkey to auto-detect character set.
+ Message Finder history in the "Edit" menu.
* It is now possible to replace TheBat.LNG without restarting the program.
* @myhost.com address is not used by default when a new account is created.
* French is now supported better (words with an apostrophe were misspelled).
* Message Finder now allows to type a folder name in search scope and to browse/select a folder without a mouse.
* In case of any abuses or bugs detected while using it, please don't hesitate to write us to:
* Some optimizations for MIME-forwarded messages.
- Fixed some bugs of making Quoted-printable attachments.
- Messages with attachments were not backed up if attachments were forced into message bodies
- S/MIME configuration fixes.
- Fixed an "Access Violation" when encrypting with S/MIME without having own certificate.
- Fixed other S/MIME "Access Violation" bugs.
- After changing a character set in message preview, folder view or message finder, current character set selection became unsynchronised in drop-down and pop-up menu.
- Fixed the Access Violation error when importing from Pegasus.
- When The Bat! was running, it was not possible to open .MSG/.EML/.VCF files by the Shell open command.
- Some corrections to editor window positioning when the taskbar is located at the top or at the left edge of the screen.
- Bug with adding accounts with non-ASCII characters in the name to groups.
- Drag and drop addresses from the address book was not adding quotation marks when required.
- Backup/restore of color groups didn't work.
- A error message is being displayed when no valid PGP modes are avaialble.
! Potential problems with attachments that contain the '\' character in their names
+ Message ID Column and Header line
+ %MsgID and %OMsgID template macros
+ %WRAPPED="text" macro to wrap generic text (macros can be used inside the text) accordingly to current wrap settings. Use %WRAPJUSTIFY and %NOWRAPJUSTIFY to overwrite default settings of justification on wrap
+ %USEPGP/%NOUSEPGP and %USESMIME/%NOUSESMIME to overwrite default encryption settings
* Initial log view position is moved back to the log end
* Separate history for each account
- "Search For" string could have been cleared in Message Finder.
- The "Favourite" address entry flag was not properly restored
- Restore folders did not show the progress bar correctly
+ Backup/Restore/Sync is now available in the Tools menu.
+ "Mass Mailing" menu in the Address Book's "File" menu.
+ %ABxxxyyy macros to extract information from the address book.
+ CRAM-MD5 authentication on POP3!
+ It's possible to choose encryption/hash algorithms for S/MIME.
+ IDEA encryption in S/MIME.
+ Cache certificate passphrase.
+ Encrypt to Senders in S/MIME.
+ Import from .TBB and .ABD.
+ Import of a separate private key in PKCS#1 format.
+ Certificate Import from Base64.
+ Load RSA key material (PKCS#1) for PGP key generation.
+ In Options|S/MIME preferences, you may turn on S/MIME compression that works according "Compressed Data Content Type for S/MIME" work in progress. This feature is not implemented yet by a majority of S/MIME-enabled e-mail clients, so do not turn it on unless you send encrypted messages to The Bat! users only.
+ %FULLSUBJ and %OFULLSUBJ template macros to make full subject fields available
+ "View|Certificate databases" menu option in the address book for hiding CA address books
+ Warning when a user attempts to open a file with double extension
* Opening of .SHS and .SCR files is permanently disabled
* Address group flags are exported to the LDIF format
* Address item "favourite" flag is exported to the LDIF format
* Optimized breaking for Favourite and Quick Template menus
* Viewer/Editor component is used in the Account Log window.
* History strings are being saved to "HISTORY.HIS" file. History strings are removed from registry.
* Lot of configuration data removed from registry to .INI-files.
* References to Card Files (Message|Submit A Form of a main window) are being in 'CADFILE.INI' and removed from Registry.
* RC2-128 cipher is used for encryption of password-protected maintenance files.
* /ImportLDIF is now sensible to the DELETE parameter.
* New POP3 password dialogue box is not more popping up during POP3 session if not needed. Also, if it is configured to always prompt for POP3 password, The Bat! does not offer to update account data.
* Improved Mail Dispatcher - it is now possible to select multiple messages and sort by clicking the column header. At last :-)
* ISO-8859-2 table put back as it was before 1.47
* Menu shortcuts are now localisable.
* Some fixes in PFX import code.
* More convenient way of setting encryption defaults from Message Editor.
* Workaround for non-RFC-compliant POP3 servers.
* Check timer interval can be set in seconds
* %ABnnnPPP macros now can have the default value if used in form %ABnnnPPP="value"
* A few changes/fixes to the Mail Dispatcher.
* Address book search is now working for non-LDAP address books
* POP-before-SMTP authentication reworked. It now invokes a real POP3 "receiving mail" window, but do not actually retrieves mail after logon.
* New SMTP Authentication Dialogue.
- %ReturnPath="..." macro was not working
- It was not possible to edit properties in address book search section
- It was possible to use keyboard shortcuts for many functions during the program login
- Bug with "Control eMsg does not have parent window" fatal exception.
- Fixed displaying of ampersand character in attached files tabs.
- Hour-Glass cursor when copying/moving a group of messages.
- "Gender bug" in the address book.
- Bug with the <list> addressing when an entry contained 8-bit characters in the name.
- The Bat! did not hang up the DUN connection used when /EXIT command line parameter was used...
- Fixed substitution of addressed into address-related macros (e.g. %TO="%OTOLIST"%TO="%OCCLIST" that nearly emulates "Reply To All")
- "Grid index out of range" bug.
- Fixed some memory leaks.
- Fixed a few memory leaks.
- New Receive Authentication dialogue box in Account Properties.
- Print action of a filter could print a message from a wrong position.
- When choosing S/MIME Certificate export format, and checking "Include all the certificates in the certification path if possible", CA certificates has only be searched in Address Books, not users' certificate store, that might cause only the selected certificate without CA certificates being exported.
- %OATTAHCMENT macro was not working often.
- No text to quote when answering to a "pure" HTML message.
- Create Reading Confirmation filter action was not working.
- Some MAPI support fixes.
- Mass mailing caused AV when applied to an empty list.
- Hang-ups could happen when backing up/restoring relatively big address books.
- Some cosmetical fixes
- Address Books were not automatically restored
- Bugs with attachment handling in the message editor
- Upon installation for the first time, the Personal Address book was not stored
- "Message base broken" error when deleting an attachment
! MAPI support.
+ 3DES implemented in S/MIME.
+ Certificate is added to Contact by "Add sender's address" action in filter too.
+ When viewing a certificate with missing issuer, you can see this missing certificate in a chain.
+ Signing time is shown.
+ Hint pop-up appears when moving a mouse pointer over a folder name which was shortened in a list of folders of a main window.
+ Import S/MIME certificates from attached signature.
+ It is possible to add S/MIME certificates from attached signatures using "Message|Specials|Add sender to Address Book" (Ctrl+W).
+ Dial-up Monitor has an ability to stay on-line (do not disconnect) after a mail session. It also now has "Minimise Button" and keeps its window position between startups.
* It is possible to move across same-level folders the Folder Tree of a main window using Ctrl+Arrows. If there no folders remains in the same level within a branch, The Bat! don't change scroll position anymore.
* Opening all PIF files from The Bat! is disabled to avoid viruses.
* Prompt to overwrite file associations.
* Print dialogue always invoked to make it possible to cancel printing if pressed occasionally.
* Use Unicode option for LDAP address books (it was Unicode always, but some servers just don't support it).
- Print action of a filter could print a message from a wrong folder if applied manually.
- %COMMENT="sometext" macro didn't work in generic templates and quick templates.
- When receive S/MIME encrypted message and have no Certificate to decrypt it, when click on attachment - nothing had happened.
- Some language untranslated things.
- Macros pop-up was assigned to everything in account properties menu, not only to template text.
- Nothing was displayed if trying do decode S/MIME message without appropriate certificate.
- It was not possible to save to a file an attached signature containing sender's certificate.
- Access violation sometimes happened when displaying encrypted message.
- Message Finder could sometimes have been unrefreshed upon search completion.
- Personal certificates could have been lost if editing personal vCard of Account Properties.
- If you view a signature of message being sending from Outbox and click "View" on a certificate after the message was sent, access violation occurred.
- Main Window could be focused (instead of a window that should be actually focused) when asking for S/MIME password and some other cases.
- When creating an S/MIME signature contentType and signingTime attributes weren't filled.
- Netscape Messenger's signatures couldn't be read
- Fixed a bug that prevented from forwarding messages which had lost attachments.
- PGP 2.6.3 works again!
- Fixed hint window in address book. "Home" titles were displayed for business information.
- MAPI command SendMail was not working properly.
- Icons weren't loaded in Account Properties Dialog when installing The Bat!
- Glyps could not have been loaded at startup. E.g., when using /CheckAll, dial-up monitor queue list had no images.
- A long file name was used for intermediary certificates. It didn't work under 8+3 file systems, e.g. Novell.
- Fixed a bug with PGP decompression that prevented from decrypting messages in some rare cases.
- "Do not send attachment" option of Forward action of a filter didn't work.
- When choosing a file in PGP Preferences dialogue box, file types list was improperly filled.
- Fixed mess with message forward/reply/redirect shortcuts.
- MailTicker was loosing settings when it was hidden.
- Many other small fixes/improvements.
! S/MIME support.
+ Delete Folder confirmation dialogue's new Option "Leave message base files intact".
+ Import of Pegasus Address Book exported to a Tag file.
+ Organisation/Return-Path/Comment fields in the message editor header.
+ %Comment, %Comment="..." macros.
+ %Org="..." macro to overwrite Organisation name in a message.
+ Comments header is shown on the message header pane.
+ Original message creation date/time is now added to the "Created" field of the message header pane.
* Forwarded messages are being sorted in a message list as well as replied messages.
* Receive Mail window is now forced to redraw itself at the end of a mail session.
* Return-Path header is no longer saved if it was not set explicitly.
* A hourglass is displaying when adding an address book.
* Only original message header is sent in the generated reading confirmation message.
* Ctrl+Shift selection is now working in the message list pane.
* %TEXT="10" macro to keep first 10 lines only. %TEXT="10 L" keeps first 10 lines and lines with URLS.
- Copying a message to the same folder could sometimes cause a deadlock.
- Message colour was not displayed on Mail Ticker.
- Freezing while receiving from IMAP server.
- Increased a limit of 40 characters in PGP passphrase change up to 70 characters.
- An empty error message was displayed if a user has cancelled an SMTP session.
- Division by zero exception in HTML viewer.
- Bug with message editor causing losing attachments.
- PGP internal implementation might sometimes not be able to decrypt a message addressed to multiple recipients.
- It was not possible to send anything to an address group if its handle contained high-ASCII characters.
- /CHECK command-line parameter was not working with accounts where checking mail was enabled even when an account it password-protected.
- Folder's identity was not used in favourites menu.
- Sorting Office - if only Sound file name was changed, it was not stored.
- *.MSG/*.EML files were not closed after opening by the Shell open command.
- Filter Export message template was not saved.
- Base64 encoding of headers could cause problems in other e-mail clients.
- POP receiving Cancel button was not working when it should.
- Copy plus cursor fixed.
- SD filters - new search scopes were not remembered right.
- Fixes with Reading Confirmation request.
Version 1.45
+ Support of Reading Confirmation and Confirm Receipt Request compatible with RFC 2298 and RFC 1891 (respectively)
+ Empty subject reminder
+ Add random data from file for PGP key generation
+ Advanced Address options in the filters
+ Shift/Ctrl/Alt keys pressed make Reply button to work different
+ Search in Memo fields
+ Search by colour group
+ %PRIORITY="H/N/L" macro is now working in the message editor
+ Kill filters Advanced page should now work
+ New Abort button in dial-up monitor that terminates (frees) all queued tasks and connections
+ /LOGIN Command Line parameter - the parameters of this command are USER=account_name and PASSWORD=access_password (e.g. /LOGIN;USER=MyAccount;PASSWORD=MyPassword) to avoid login dialogue at startup in multi-user environment
+ Save message template
+ Extended "Export message" action in filters
+ Filter activity time on the Advanced page
+ "Address is not in specific group" filter condition on the Advanced page
* base64 encoding of header fields is now more correct
* Uninstall information is stored more correctly
* Ctrl-Main kbd Plus/Minus were not working in the editor's address grid
* 'Enable Compression' option moved from Message Editor to PGP preferences dialog
* About box has new look
* Redesigned dial-up monitor window
* Possible problems with loading/saving of INI files
* Read-Only attributes are removed automatically (to avoid problems caused by restoring data from a CD)
* Calculation of POP/SMTP total/downloaded/transferred sizes is now more correct
* Files with Content-ID are now automatically extracted too
* Some corrections to the adding attachments routine
* OK/Cancel confirmation of immediate send from editor (it was of Yes/No type before)
* Priority: urgent is now supported
* *.MSG/*.EML files now can be attached without encoding
* It was not possible to search for an empty string (i.e. search for any message with specific attribute)
* A little speed improvement when searching in message text
* Storing visual parameters of Search window
* New automatic send/reply/forward module - it should be more safe, fast and with less errors...
* PGP version, comment block and hash algorithm wasn't put
* Paste quotation now uses initials
* System-independent UTF encoding/decoding
* Automatic search for "Lost" attachments in the current user's attachment directory (useful if an account's home directory changed its place)
- Attachments were not forwarded
- List Index out of bounds error when combining unfinished split message
- Help button in PGP window didn't work
- Attachment size was calculated with 2 extra bytes...
- Fix for late binding of attachments
- Filters were not copied correctly
- /Mailto parameter was not working without a user implicitly set
- Buttons "Wait for completion" confirmation were messed up
- Bugs with copying/opening URLs from HTML viewer
- Dial-up Monitor should now work under Windows NT
- New icons in dial-up monitor
- Bug with displaying of messages with the first textual part having the "filename" parameter set...
- Fixed memory leaks from around the program
- VCF could not be viewed from messages
- List Index out of bounds error when combining unfinished split message
- %COOKIE="file" was not adding "Cookie"
- Logger's window width was not restored
- Filters applied to a message not from the source folders did not update the actual folder.
- Account changing in the editor did not force address grid to redraw
- Bugs with entering time intervals when the time divider is other than ":"
- Bug with sudden stops at conversion of Pegasus (and other) mailboxes
- Bug with hanging when a template contained a %LANGUAGE="" macro
Version 1.44
+ Possibility to append messages to UNIX-mailbox on export.
+ Quotation prefix length limit setting in message editor properties.
+ Advanced page in Sorting office with additional conditions for a filter.
+ Configurable Add/Delete address filter action.
+ It is now possible to associate a filter with a hotkey.
* Images referenced by "Content-Location" are now shown in HTML.
+ %QClipboard/%QuoteClipboard macro.
+ %OneLine/%SingleLine macro.
+ %QuoteStyle macro
* It is possible to use apostrophes and double quotes in macro parameters.
* Most of confirmation dialogue boxes now use OK/Cancel instead of old Yes/No. It was impossible to cancel such boxes by pressing Escape key.
+ "Save all attachments" command.
* Warning on opening attachments.
* All types of attachments can be deleted.
* Message|Attachment menu in message browser windows.
* File names of text attachments are shown in tabs.
* Actual file names are shown in braces in attachment list.
- PGP key import didn't work - it was always grayed.
- The program could hang while importing a message with a line starting with "begin etc.."
Version 1.42
! New message base engine. The Bat! now must work faster and more reliable
+ Message colour groups added
+ New sorting office actions - Change priority, Set colour group
+ "View | Memo Auto-view/editor" menu option and Memo column in the message list
+ "Navigation|Go to folder" command in the Folder View
+ "Options|Define System Hot-Keys" dialogue
+ Address Book command in the Tray menu
+ Message Editor: "View|Store window position" menu option
+ "Folder | Kill dupes in All folders" menu command
+ "Folder | Browse deleted messages" menu command
+ "Tools | Import messages | From .MSB files"
+ New message attributes - Flagged & Forwarded
+ Flags sub-menu in the Message (and message list local) menu with possibility to change message priority
+ Sorting actions - Flag, Park
+ Added more decent way to browse digests - now all message attachments of a message are browsed in a single Message/Folder View window
+ Possibility to change fonts of message list view
+ VCF/MSG/EML files handling
* "Alternative URL start" can be invoked with the Shift key depressed
* Memo Auto-view stays on the top by default.
* UTF-7 and UTF-8 "character sets" should be supported
* Address selection window: if nothing is in the current address list and OK button/Enter key pressed, the currently selected address is added to the current address list.
* To change the default font script in the message list pane, change the font script of the default colour group.
* Copy/Move operation progress is now if it takes longer than 1.5 sec.
* All "Show kludges/RFC-822 headers" menu commands are renamed to the uniform "RFC-822 headers". The same is done for "Character set/Encoding/Translation" menus - they are now called "Character set"
* Deeply nested messages must be read faster
* Message flagged state and colours in the View|Display|Advanced filtering dialogue
* Ctrl+G now changes the flagged state of a message
* Ctrl+P in message list view should print messages
* Ctrl+Shift+S calls Sorting Office/Filters
* Create reading confirmation is now an action
* Separate digest view column and message list visibility settings
* Import messages from Eudora should work fine now, especially the messages with attachments
* Broken message threads can be repaired by using the References field
* Encoding of large attachments is speeded up a bit
* "Received" time is now imported from UNIX mailboxes
* Changing of active account in the message editor changes the template for a new message.
* It should be possibe now to set redial delay to more than 180 sec
* Text parts of a message larger than 655360 bytes are treated as attachments
* Copy/Delete of messages should be a bit faster now.
- Some bugs with importing/exporting UNIX mailboxes
- It was possible to delete the last Administrative account
- Some bugs with character conversion of printed HTML messages
- "View|Message list" menu option in the Folder View was toggling Toolbar
- "Specials|Create Filter" dialogue was shown in the front of the main window when called from a Folder View
- A bug with recognising first/last name is the last name contained more than one names
- Subject line was ignored in search in headers
- Search|Advanced - Before/After dates were ignored
- Bug with sending the same messages several times
- Bugs with UU-Encoded files converted from the text bodies
- The mess with outgoing attachments must be fixed
- Now the "Delete attachments when the message is deleted from the Trash" option must be always working. Only for files from the account's attachment directory, of course :-)
- Attachments of the "Text/Plain" type are now shown on the attachments pane.
- Message | Copy/Move to folder commands were not working in the separate message view window. Now they are working even for messages from the Mail Dispatcher.
- %FROM="smth", %REPLYTO="smth", %RETURNPATH="smth" macros are no longer cumulative, they just overwrite the previous data
- Character set recognition was not always working in attached messages
- Favourite flag change for address group was often ignored.
- If the next non-empty line after %QUOTES macro in a template was starting with the '=' symbol, quotation was not inserted. The same was with %COOKIE macro (and probably some other macros).
- Attachment flag detection was not working properly. My apologies to those who was detecting HTML messages that way - they are no longer marked as messages with attachments.
- It was not possible to send out messages with empty body.
- Bug with folder default encoding (almost Russian - specific) - must be checked
- Conversion from OE5 should now work correctly
- Some problems connected to networking: checking mail caused automatic dialling even when messages were addressed to local mailboxes and folders configuration is updated automatically when edit/create/delete folders and on exit, plus Account|Refresh folders to do it manually
- Problem with docking the Quick search toolbar
- Renaming address group directly in the address book tree panel had per-session effect
- Invoking address view from a separate viewer window problem
- Tree lines must be drawn correctly on black background
- Potential vulnerability caused by Eudora-like hole is removed
- There were made so many fixes/improvements that we cannot remember all of them to mention individually :-)
Fixes in 1.42f (bugs were introduced in 1.42):
- Bug with some UUE attachments
- Possible security issues caused by X-BAT-FILES header
- Problems with attachments when the account's home or attachment directory is located on a network drive.
- Wrong caret positioning in the message editor
- It was not possible to print the first (by physical position) message in the folder
Version 1.41
+ Added support for PNG image files.
+ New macro %TRACKINGNUMBER (random 32-bit number, in hexadecimal).
+ Forward/redirect of multiple messages is improved.
* Improved speed of entering folders.
- Fixed potential vulnerability of 'X-Bat-Files:'.
- Fixed SMTP authentication when a server supports PLAIN authentication mechanism.
- When a new address entry was entered with a handle, the handle was not working until the next start of the program.
Version 1.39
* Speed of Encryption/Decryption/Digital Signatures greatly improved.
- Fixed few memory leaks.
- Ctrl+R didn't work in message viewer.
+ CHECKLISTBOX in Submission Forms.
- Undo / Cut / Copy / Paste / Select All items of Quick Search pop-up menu didn't work.
* Serial Number is not put in X-Mailer kludge.
+ New macro %TheBatSerialNumber.
Version 1.38
! Improved Dial-up networking support.
! Added help topics about regular expressions and template macros.
+ Macros are now fully-recursive, e.g. %SUBJECT="Replying to your message dated %ODATE %OTIME".
+ New macros: %FOLDERORGANISATION (current folder's organisation field), %SETPATTREGEXP="" (sets regular expression pattern for %REGEXPMATCH macro), %REGEXPMATCH="" (returns substring that matches a pattern set previously by %SETPATTREGEXP macro), %REGEXPBLINDMATCH="" (almost same as %REGEXPMATCH="" macro except matched string/substrings are not returned, they may be further extracted by %SUBPATT="" macro).
+ Shift+Ctrl+Q macro for editing quick templates.
+ %CLEAR macro for Quick templates to remove all text from the editor before inserting a template.
+ DEFTPL, QUEUEOUT, TPL, NFO, BATCH, WORDWRAP in submission forms.
+ %REPLYCOUNTER/%ORERPLYCOUNTER to generate "Re[n]:" text accordingly to the count of replies (can be useful for generated subject fields).
+ %ISSIGNATURE macro inserted into a Quick Template flags that the Quick Template is a signature. When such a template is be used, the current signature is replaced with the template text without change of the caret position.
+ %ACCOUNT="account name" macro to select the active account (not available for automated messages).
+ %LANGUAGE="language id" macro to select the spell checker language.
+ %INSERTPGPKEY="title" macro to insert a PGP public key (from keyring) with specified title. Works with internal PGP implementation only. E.g. use %INSERTPGPKEY="%FROMADDR" to insert your own public key.
+ %HEADERS macro for inserting original message's headers AKA kludges (%QHEADERS for quoted headers).
+ %QINCLUDE="Quick template handle" macro to include Quick templates in standard templates. Beware of self-recursive quick templates! We did not exclude recursive inclusion because it can be useful with RegExps.
+ "Import Key" item of attachments pop-up menu allows to import PGP-key(s) in either binary or armoured format from attached file.
+ "Allow send/fetch without entering the access password" option in account properties.
+ "Sticky" send/fetch windows' positions option in account properties.
+ "LDIF" option for "/IMPORT" and "/EXPORT" command line parameters to perform import/export operation on address book. Use "B" parameter to specify address book and "G" parameter to to specify the group. Eg: /Import;Ldif;B="MyBook";G="MyGroup";File="C:\MyFile.LDIF"
+ "Mark all messages Read" command in Folder menu.
+ "POP before SMTP" authentication for SMTP servers - see the Advanced SMTP Options dialogue.
+ Clicking on column header in Mail Dispatcher toggles all flags in the column.
+ "Extract files" action for message filters.
+ "Print"+"Print setup" function in the message editor.
+ Message age filter in the MessageTicker ("Messages|Age limits" local menu command).
+ A filter may be executed when a Windows Screen Saver is in either active or inactive state.
+ Special kind of replies (Quoting selection, no quoting, reply to sender) added to Message|Special menu
* The Bat! does not drop the DUN connection on exit if the connection was established from the program.
* JPEG decoder is really fast now.
* Improved diagnostics of SMTP send failures - now the last recipient is logged.
* Captions of Send/Receive/Message Dispatcher windows optimised for Windows Taskbar.
- Text goes to clipboard in correct codepage under WinNT.
- Fixed bug with displaying graphic files.
- Fixed bug with adding extra space lines on Base64 encoding.
- Address auto-view window didn't display photo.
- Fixed "vanishing buttons".
- %FOLDERFROMNAME, %FOLDERFROMADDR, %FOLDERREPLYNAME, %FOLDERREPLYADDR and %FOLDERNAME macros caused AV if used in a new message template and a message was created with no folder selected in a folder tree.
- Fixed minor bugs in macros handling.
- Fixed spellchecker menu behaviour when it was called with keyboard.
- It was not possible to print message headers.
- Bug with saving Quick templates in a password-protected account.
- Bug with cutting signal strings of a Kill filter (reported by Igor Shabalnikov).
- Spell checker suggestion speed was not remembered.
- "Save message" in editor window could reset modified flag without saving a message if destination address was blank (or message could not be saved by other resaon).
Version 1.36
! New images designed by TV4 STUDIOS Ltd.
! Perl-compatible Regular Expressions string matching when searching text in Message Viewer (Find Text), Message Editor (Find Text / Replace Text), Message Finder (see Advanced Tab), Sorting/Office filters (see Options Tab).
+ "VBODYRE" in Submission Forms.
+ New address list macros: %TOLIST, %CCLIST, %BCCLIST, %OTOLIST, %OCCLIST, %OBCCLIST.
+ New action in Sorting Office: Delete the messages from the server.
+ AutoFormat in message editor.
+ Auto formatting options can be quickly toggled using commands from "Utilities" menu of the message editor.
+ "This account is default for mailto: URL" checkbox in account properties.
+ "Send Queued mail" command in the Tray pop-up menu.
+ "Don't use From name for Reply-TO addresses" option.
+ PGP 6.5 plug-in.
+ Added ability to use system-defined colours in message editor.
+ Entering an indexed folder is 2-4 times faster.
+ Editor colours drop-doewn list in "Editor/Viewer Preferences" dialogues box has an additional list of system-defined colours starting with "Windows - ". Also, font style checkboxes are now correctly grayed.
+ "Open This Link" item of pop-up menu of message autoview can open selected text as a link.
+ Status bar of message editor windows is not sensitive to mouse clicks - block type, insert mode, message priority and confirmations can be changed by clicking left mouse button.
+ Floating toolbars in Message Editor and Mail Dispatcher.
+ When forwarding a message in Sorting/Office filters, you may specify different template.
+ You may choose between high-colour and 16-colour images in Options menu.
* Redirect button on Main Window toolbar and Folder Viewer toolbar.
* Fixed positioning of selected item in messages list when changing a folder.
- Exiting The Bat! just after cancelling of an SMTP session caused AV.
- Create reading confirmation in Sorting/Office filters didn't work. Now it works and allows different template.
- Mail Dispatcher always logged an error even upon successful completion of transfer.
- Fixed LDIF/Clipboard problems of the address book.
- Kill duplicates command didn't remove messages from MailTicker.
- Re-send message is now sensitive to the type of delivery set for account.
- "Subject:" could be inserted in the subject line.
- Fixed scroll bars in folder tree (finally).
- Sending a message to selected items from address book group did not work properly and could cause traps.
- It was unable to attach a file containing ';' or ',' characters in the name.
- Fixed invalid highlighting of several email addressed in a line, where one of addresses was terminating by dot character.
- "Wait for the currently incoming message to be completely received" confirmation didn't work - the connection was always broken.
- "Edit Group Properties" dialogue box could cause traps.
- Changing between folders with big amount of messages could consume all virtual memory causing The Bat! to stop responding.
- Fixed some tiny memory leaks.
- Fixed exclamation sounds in Mail Dispatcher. They were always played even if there were no error.
- Ctrl+C in HTML viewer didn't work.
Version 1.35
- Fixed Shift+Ctrl+M shortcut.
- Share and Description fields didn't update after editing Quick Templates.
- Fixed attach window behavour when changing split mode.
- Fixed "division by zero" error when dropping an address to a header.
- Fixed message list hint.
- In templates of a folder properties, after inserting a macro string from the popup menu the string did remain in the clipboard buffer.
- "Options menu" item in "USER ACCESS RIGHTS" of "OPTIONS|NET&ADMIN|PRIVILEGES" wasn't stored.
- From toolbar, it was possible to invoke "Sorting Office/Filters" when it was disabled in "OPTIONS|NET&ADMIN|PRIVILEGES".
- In MESSAGE AUTO VIEW window is parametr "Birthday" was displayed as "Name".
- Fixed scroll bars in folder tree.
Version 1.34
+ SMTP Authentication by RFC 2554 with support LOGIN, PLAIN and CRAM-MD5 authentication mechanisms
+ Address autoview window
+ Outlook Express 5.0 import added to the Import Wizard (some problems are expected though)
- Potential bugs caused by modal windows
- Some problems with MIME forwarding
- Bug with open outgoing messages from "Open reply" window
- Images in HTML viewer could not be displayed
Version 1.33
- Fixed printing bug with HP and some other printers
+ "Follow" button in the search window for focusing a message in the main window
+ Internal (not pluggable) version of PGP and possibility to choose what version of PGP you want to use
- Fixed quoted-printable transfer encoding handling
- Fixed problem with marking message unread
- If a transfer of reply initiated from message editor was cancelled, message text could be lost.
- Fixed problem with refreshing folder information after moving unread messages and changing folder position in the hierarchy.
- Other (mostly cosmetical) fixes
* MIME forwarding is now working
* Some changes with MIME 8-bit symbols in message header handling
* Address Entry properties dialogue is now invoked by Alt+Enter, Ctrl+Enter is used for creating message
* Submissin forms are not modal from now.
Version 1.32
* It is now possible to set separate print settings for each folders.
* Font settings for printing.
+ Message print in filter actions.
- Saving account default column settings is fixed.
* Main window splitting for all modes is done in more accurate way.
+ Two additional split modes.
- Bug with disappearing text of attached messages...
Version 1.31
- Bug with saving folders (appeared in 1.30).
! It is now possible to view HTML messages.
* Mouse wheel now works in HTML viewer.
! Quick Templates are implemented. It is now possible to use multiple templates for one message while you type it! See "Options|Quick templates".
! A brand new message list pane - it is possible to choose what columns should be displayed for a particular folder.
+ Threading in message list pane - by references, by sender, by recipient, by subject.
+ The "Show unread messages in MailTicker" option in folder properties - you can choose messages from particular folders not to appear in the MailTicker.
* The status of folders and message list is now continuously updated during receiving of mail.
* Translation tables are implemented more accurate now - it is possible to define both translations and Windows font script that should be used for displaying messages in a particular character set.
+ It is now possible to search a folder by typing the first character of its name.
* Pop-up menus in Folder/MailTicker message pre-view pane are the same as in the main window.
- Bug with address book pre-selection in the Address Picker dialogue.
* The Delete key is now functioning in CC and BCC fields in the Address Picker dialogue.
- Search for unread and/or parked messages only was not working correctly.
- Fixed bug with IMAP when messages were deleted off the server disregarding to what was set in Account properties.
* Folder-specific reading confirmation. Don't forget to switch it off for TBUDL.
* To add a cookie from a file, use %COOKIE="filename".
+ All new macros are listed in Miscellaneous sub menu in every template editor.
* Accounts can be dragged in the folder list just like folders.
+ %SUBJECT macro doesn't require %SUBJECT="" before setting of a new subject.
- A lot of small fixes.
Version 1.22
* IMAP Picker Details state (Details) is saved.
* Local delivery allows mailbox name as a destination.
- Fixed account locking.
- It was possible to add a user via Toolbar when machine mose is Non-TCP/IP WorkStation.
- Fixed bug with storing non-ASCII characters in vCard (VCF).
- When maximizing a window after scrolling a text, scrollers disappeared but the text hasn't been re-positioned.
- In message editor, Undo menu item didn't get greyed again when there is nothing more to undo.
- Backspace did erase a character when a block was selected.
* When sending a messages from Message Editor, and error occured, it is displayed in an error box.
+ %SINGLERE macro - for using "Re:" instead of "Re[n]:".
- Fixed SMTP HELO message. The Bat was sending "HELO [mailserver host]" instead of "HELO [client host]".
- Message cursor in messages list box didn't move to the nearest message (it has jumped to the first one) when replying to the last message and the folder has a filter to move messages to replied folder.
- Mail ticker didn't work in 1.21.
- Right mouse button click on the folder tree didn't update the focus.
- Folder View window sometimes raised an additional scroller for entire window with.
- "Bind attachments only while sending out mail" was ignored if attaching using drag-and-drop.
- Fixed cursor painting after scrolling.
- Message filter, when generating a message, could produce invalid Reply-To string if reply-to strings in account/folder properties were empty.
+ PGP v6.0.2 plugin.
- PGP v5.5.3 Preferences option "Encrypt new messages by default" and "Sign new messages by default" was ignored.
- Setting a filter to move messages to folder of another account and deleting destination folder caused Access Violation.
- Changing active account in message editor ignored improperly-entered passwords.
- Fixed some troubles with Large Fonts.
- Fixed autocombine.
* Parked messages are not being combined.
- Message header is now cleared when there are no more messages in the list.
- Fixed MS Outlooks's UUE decoding.
- Fixed nested multipart MIME processing.
Version 1.21
! Command line operation. For more information, see Help chapter "Command Line Parameters".
- Fixed import of Pegasus Mailboxes.
- Number of sent messages is logged correctly.
+ Customisable message header panel.
- On error opening attached file while sending out mail, such message went out without the attachment. Also, on a "Stand-Alone" or "Non-TCP/IP WS", an error box is displayed.
- It was possible to accidentally delete a folder (or remove a special folder) using drag-n-drop.
* Improved POP3 message retrieval to avoid "connection time out".
- Fixed Shift+Ctrl+End shortcut in message editor.
- Fixed a problem with decoding uuencoded attachments sent from MS Outlook.
* Speed of entering a folder increased almost twice.
- Saving an attachment to a full disk didn't cause an error message.
+ Pressing Esc on a folder refreshes it.
* Moving of parked messages asks a confirmation.
- Fixed mailbox importing capabilities.
- Improved URL highlighting.
- Copy Rule in Sorting Office/Filter didn't completely copy a rule.
- When deleting a folder or an account, not all files were deleted.
- Fixed a bug with loading some GIF images.
- Addresses in the address picker (called from message editor) were not sorted.
- Some SMTP error response messages could not be logged.
- /CHECKALL command line parameter could not work properly.
- Other minor fixes.
Version 1.19
+ %ATTACHFILE macro.
* Message base indices are now compressed and work much faster.
- Forward templates in address book didn't work.
- Password protection didn't apply to nested folders and deleted messages.
- Mailbox password could be written to Account Log after unsuccessful connection to POP3 server.
- Outbox folded didn't refresh after Re-Sending a message.
- Fixed trap that ocured when forwarding several messages at a time.
- Words longer than 64 characters caused trap when using SSCE spell checker.
Version 1.18
- Fixed spell checker traps on multiprocessor system.
+ Added KOI8-U charset.
* Some improvements in Digital Key Manager.
- Underscore characters were changed to spaces if using Quoted-Printable encoding.
Version 1.17
! Message base indexes.
- "message/digest" content type wasn't supported.
- Fixed trimming of trailing brackets in user name in address list.
- Fixed short date presentation format to be compliant to current locale.
- Fixed a bug caused by trying to move a message to another folder if the message was already moved by a previous rule with "Continue Processing" option.
- If it was unable to compose the message (e.g. due to Outbox inaccessibility), The Bat! caused GPF.
- If a connection to POP3 has been broken, it was improperly logged as 'Server reports error. The response is: ""'.
* Enhanced folder tree. Expanding/Collapsing items doesn't move the cursor, and lot of other interface improvements.
+ Folder/Browse menu item invokes Folder View window.
- If an original messages was deleted by "Replied messages rule", main window (autoview window and messages list) didn't update properly.
- Fixed some bugs in Uninstall program.
- The Bat! was unable to operate received attachment with illegal characters in name.
+ Account's option "Bind attachments only while sending out mail".
* Messages fonder keeps the history of search strings.
* Message finder allows special character between words. "|" for logical OR, "+" for logical AND and ~ for logical NOT.
- Option "Delete attached files when a message is deleted from Trash folder" was ignored if a filter deleted the message.
* When importing a PGP key and no keys are selected, Import button goes disabled.
- Long strings in message header (more than 32767 characters in "To:" or "Subject:", for example) might cause failures (e.g. in module GDI.EXE or VGA.DRV) under Windows 95 because of 15-bit limitation of Windows 95.
- It was unable to check PGP signature on messages with 8-bit characters.
* In Submission Forms, signer's address is comparing with destination address. Previous versions were comparing name part also.
- Fixed combining multipart messages in password-protected account.
- The templates of an address group were ignored when writing to an individual of the group.
- Fixed vertical scroll bar behaviour in folder list (bug of v1.101-v1.15).
- Fixed position of macro pop-up menu in editor window of message book entry.
- It was unable to use Voice, Fax, Cellular numbers, gender and URLs in vCard.
- It was unable to use colour printing (bug of v1.1-1.15).
- Resending a message what was already stored in Outbox folder caused The Bat! to hang.
+ An ability to remove photo from vCard/Address Book Entry. Click right mouse button on the photo and than "Clear Photo" or press Ctrl+Alt+C when "Change" button is focused.
- When emptying a folder, unread messages wasn't marked as read before moving to Trash.
- Fixed PGP 2.6.3 calls.
* "X-Redirected-By:" was changed to "X-Sender:" for listserv compatibility.
Version 1.15
- Message Finder may not display contents of some messages if searching messages in different folders.
- Application could stop processing to one minute while storing received messages.
* Message storing now is slightly faster.
- Coma is now used instead of semicolon as an address separator.
- Fixed invalid print template with old THEBAT.LNG
- It was able to search messages in password-protected account.
- Fixed processing of default folder encoding.
- It wasn't possible to save some UUEncoded attachment if they were stored in message body.
Version 1.14
- Fixed mass print of address book memos.
! Quick Search in message list. Just start typing.
+ Edit Personal vCard in Account/Properties.
+ Message Editor/Utilities/Attach Personal vCard.
- Fixed "FillRect" bug.
Version 1.101
+ Ability to import addressees' photos from GIF and JPEG format. Quick tip: for best results, crop the picture to 120x144 JPEG.
- Fixes with adding new addressee to the address book.
- Fixed "Printer is not currently printing" error while trying to change rage of pages.
+ Ability to import V-Cards (VCF files) from attachments.
+ V-Card and LDiff now allow photographs.
+ Folder/Kill Dupes. It allows to kill the duplicate messages (with the same "From:", "To:", "Date:" and "Message-ID:") form a folder.
* "Priority" kludge has been changed to "X-Priority" for better compatibility.
* Proportional scroll bars in folder list, address list and some other controls.
Version 1.1
! Dutch, German, French & Italian SSCE Spell Checkers.
* Increased speed of loading large messages with Quoted-Printable encoding.
* Fixed Ctrl/End and Ctrl/PgDn in message editor.
- Multi-line cookies might not work.
- In networking mode, users had the ability to create new accounts and delete existing accounts.
- Fixed quoted-printable encoding handling in message header.
- Context menu button didn't work in message editor.
- Message editor didn't allow apostrophes in address field.
- Check PGP signature / Import PGP key might not work if the lines were wrapped.
+ "Continue Processing" checkbox in Options tab of Sorting Office/Filters dialog. With this option turned on, if the rule match, it continues checking for other rules and can execute multiple rules simultaneously.
+ "Options Menu" checkbox in user access rights of Network and Administration dialog. It allows to a user to operate with "Options" menu except "Network & Administration" & "Dial-up Monitor".
+ %DateEn & %ODateEn, %TimeLongEn & %OTimeLongEn macros. It displays date/time in english, regardless currently installed system language.
+ %OTextSize macro. Size of original message, in bytes.
+ %Charset macro. Allows to change the charset for the message.
+ %Attachments & %OAttachments macro. Displays the list of attached file, with full path names. If there are no attached files in the message, it displays "<none>".
+ Ability to print a range of pages.
* Smarter URL highlighting. It allows coma characters in URL (e.g. "http://www.download.com/PC/Result/TitleDetail/0,4,0-51419,1000.html") and processes dots in the end of URL, e.g. www.ritlabs.com.
+ It is possible to wait for completion of an external program run by filter. You may generate auto-reply message with the results of an external program execution.
! Brand-new Address Book with sharing and LDAP support, personal templates, VCF, LDIFF, photographs, etc.
+ The Bat! can internally display GIF, JPEG, progressive JPEG, WMF, BMP and ICO. This feature can be switched of via Options/Use External Image Viewer.
- Mail dispatcher didn't affect "receive only if message size is greater than" option when calculating free disk space.
- Current folder didn't get updated after "Compress All" / "Purge All".
+ %BLANK macro. This macro is always translating to an empty string and may be used if you wish to have the blank template in a folder.
- It was possible to write a message from password-protected account via address book.
* "O" shortcut has been removed from "OK" buttons in dialog boxes.
- Fixed crash when pressing "Reply All" to a message with 1000 addresses in "To:" field.
- It was unable to print attached message (in .MSG format) after opening it.
- There was %FROMADDR macro in RecipientInfo group of Macros pop-up menu button of account properties dialog.
- Fixed bug with processing coma-separated addresses in address grid of a message editor.
- With password-protected accounts, newly created folders did ignore password protection.
- When making a mouse double-click on an empty line below two non-empty, the wrong selection did occur.
- Fixed access violation error when re-sending a message attached to another one.
- In templates after inserting a macro string from the popup menu the string did remain in the clipboard buffer.
- Fixed header repaint when using Windows Large Fonts.
+ It is now possible to toggle message part tabs with Ctrl+Tab / Ctrl+Shift+Tab.
+ Message size is now shown in message headers.
+ Sender's organisation is now shown in message headers.
! Non-empty outbox folder is now coloured green.
Version 1.043
! New Installer.
! Installed size of The Bat! became almost twice smaller!
+ File Association dialog. If there is no application associated with current extension and it came an attachment with unassociated extension and the user tries to open this attachment, The Bat! invokes File Association dialog.
+ New Macro %WINDOWSMAJORVERSION - Identifies the major version number of the operating system. For example, for Windows NT version 3.51, the major version number is 3; and for Windows NT version 4.0, the major version number is 4. This macro is used in Bug Report template by default.
+ New Macro %WINDOWSMINORVERSION - Identifies the minor version number of the operating system. For example, for Windows NT version 3.51, the minor version number is 51; and for Windows NT version 4.0, the minor version number is 0. This macro is used in Bug Report template by default.
+ New Macro %WINDOWSBUILDNUMBER - Identifies the build number of the operating system. This macro is used in Bug Report template by default.
+ New Macro %WINDOWSCSDVERSION - For Windows NT: contains a null-terminated string, such as "Service Pack 3", that indicates the latest Service Pack installed on the system. If no Service Pack has been installed, the string is empty; for Windows 95: contains a null-terminated string that provides arbitrary additional information about the operating system. This macro is used in Bug Report template by default.
+ New Macro %WINDOWSPLATFORMNAME - Identifies Windows Platform name, e.g. Windows NT, Windows 95 or Windows 98. This macro is used in Bug Report template by default.
+ New Macro %THEBATVERSION - Identifies the version number of The Bat! This macro is used in Bug Report template by default.
+ New Macro %ACCOUNTNAME - Identifies the name of a current account. This macro is used in print template by default.
+ New Macro %FOLDERNAME - Identifies the name of a current folder. This macro is used in print template by default.
+ New Macro %FOLDERFROMNAME - Identifies the name of a user (kludge "From:") for a current account. This macro is used in print template by default.
+ New Macro %FOLDERFROMADDR - Identifies the e-mail address of a user (kludge "From:") for a current account. This macro is used in print template by default.
+ New Macro %FOLDERREPLYNAME - Identifies the name of a user (kludge "Reply-To:") for a current account. This macro is used in print template by default.
+ New Macro %FOLDERREPLYADDR - Identifies the e-mail address of a user (kludge "Reply-To:") for a current account. This macro is used in print template by default.
+ Advanced print template. Print template (Message/Print/Template Tab) allows any macros that are allowed for Account/Folder.
- Fixed insertion of tab characters into text editor.
! Advanced Search (Message Finder/Advanced tab).
Version 1.041
+ Auto-combine feature. Some mailers, like Microsoft Outlook, can split large messages to smaller parts. The Bat! now can automatically combine them.
* Smarter cursor movement on message deletion.
- Fixed "Reply To All".
- Fixed a "Cookie" bug of 1.035.
- Fixed Auto-completion bug in Message Editor.
- Default encoding didn't apply message headers.
Version 1.039
+ Added RETURNPATH template macro.
* Updated German resource.
- Fixed UUEncode attachment name extraction bug of 1.037
- Fixed Reply-To field processing in message forwarder.
Version 1.037
+ Improved submission forms (see http://www.ritlabs.com/the_bat/forms.html).
+ Improved mailing list server functions (see http://www.ritlabs.com/the_bat/mailing_lists.html by Leif Gregory).
- Some fixes with multipart message processing.
* WindowsNT SMTP Server didn't allow to send more then one message.
- Combined delivery didn't work with automatic account checking.
Version 1.036
* The Bat! consumes much less of valuable CPU cycles while flying in system tray.
- Fixed some bugs of 1.035
- Fixed "Invalid Typecast" error
- Using Read Filters could prevent messages from being marked as Read.
- Outbox didn't update on Message/Resend.
Version 1.035
+ New pre-defined fields macros: %FROM="" (Additional "From" sender) and %REPLYTO (Additional "Reply-To" sender).
+ Nested macros. It is now possible to use such expressions as %FROM="%OFROMNAME <%OFROMADDR>"
+ Full support of CSAPI spell checker.
* Interface improvements.
- Quoted recipient mail names and commas in user names are now allowed.
* When SMTP server reports error on a message, The Bat! now continues sending other messages.
* Template editor remembers its position and size.
- Fixed Mail Ticker (tm) settings storage/retrieval.
Version 1.032
* The destination address is displayed in Edit Mail Message Window title.
+ Account deletion procedure gets smarter!
- Some fixes with Tray Icon API.
- Fixed Mail Ticker (tm) settings storage/retrieval.
Version 1.031
- Find Next (F3) string did not carried forward between messages.
- Some minor fixes.
Version 1.029
+ The Bat! can use Internet Explorer 4.0+ notification that the taskbar has been re-created. When The Bat! receives this notification, it assumes that the tray icon "Flying Bat!" has been removed and adds it again.
- Fixed "automatic spell checking On/Off" in message editor.
- Mail sent from non-tcp/ip workstation accounts that is sent out through the server machine didn't move from "outbox" to "sent" without manually refreshing the folders.
- Fixed window focus while retrieving mail.
- Filter action to export the message to a specific file didn't not work properly.
Version 1.028
+ Total message count in subfolders is also displayed as well as unread message count.
- The messages in Finder Window didn't sort after search completion.
- When browsing messages in Finder Window, the current user/folder name is displaying in the bottom line.
- It was possible to delete a folded that contained parked messages.
- The text of "Sent" column was shifted several pixels down.
- When creating a reading confirmation message, the destination address was taken from Reply-To instead of X-Confirm-Reading field.
- Fixed invalid WordWrap in Folder View Window.
- Fixed a trap when printing a large messages list while new mail arrives.
+ The Bat! now can print any page of multi-page message.
- Folder Properties/Identity/Organisation field was ignored, its value was always taken from User's General Options.
- 'Decrypt PGP' option from 'Specials' submenu in Folder View window didn't work.
- Emptying a folder with unread messages didn't affect Mail Ticker(tm).
- Fixed 'Privileged instruction' when trying to import a digital key.
+ Added recursive unread message calculation in Mailbox/Folder tree.
- Message body didn't refresh in Outbox AutoView after re-edit it.
- Creating a new folder in root directory and then its deletion caused crash.
- SendTo link used the last user's account when entering as Administrator.
- Users could change global options in Administrative mode.
+ Added highly-improved method of loading Dynamic-Linking Libraries. It saves the amount of memory used by The Bat! by up to three megabytes.
+ Added YaHoo! menu option.
+ Added "How To Register" menu option.
- Fixed on-exit crash.
- Fixed attachment default directory.
- Fixed "List index out of bounds" error when pressing Alt+J on selected text which contained a template of new message with some extra lines.
- The "zoomed" ticker bar was too easily moved off when double-clicking to view mail.
- Selecting "English" as a default language on install could activate the current language on international version of Windows.
- Fixed "Created" time adjustment.
- The "Mail Ticker" contents didn't refresh after message deletion.
- The ticker did allow any user to view any other user's mail an Administrative mode.
- Speed of Address Book increased.
- The newly created accounts could disappear in Administrative mode.
- The order of folders could not be saved.
- Fixed a bug caused by using illegal characters (e.g. "/") in a folder/mailbox name.
- The Address book could not be saved on exit.
- A drop-down list could not fit the window when importing an address book from coma-separated file.
- The message could be automatically read when The Bat! was minimised to tray.
- Some lines in Account Log could not fit the window.
- Filter to move mails from inbox of one account to the inbox of another account could not be created while using the pop-up-menu.
- Low disk space could cause message losses.
- Subj was mixed with From fields in Message Finder.
- When an account (not a folder) was selected in a mailbox/folder list, clicking "From"/"To"/"Subject" fields erased their captions.
- The selection did not clear entirely in AutoView area.
- Low disk space didn't handle when exporting messages to *.MSG files.
- Trying to select from address history a line with more than 200 addressees caused crash.
+ POP3 LazyDelete feature. A message is deleting on POP3 sever after the confirmation that it was successfully stored to a message base.
- Fixed a Message Dispatcher trap when receiving a message after deletion of a large list.
+ The registration code is filling automatically when pressing "Enter Registration Code" on the message, containing the code.
- Fixed Long Filename Mail vulnerability.
- When putting a message with High/Low priority in Outbox and then re-editing it, the priority was set to Normal.
- Fixed IMAP date & IMAP multiply instance bug.
- "Auto-disconnect after mail transmission" feature did ignore IMAP connections.
* Data is now passing to PGP5 API via memory buffers, not temp files.
+ "Re-filter folder" command in the "Tools" menu allows re-filtering messages in a particular folder when, for example, new filters were created.
+ "Manual only" mode for mail filters. This allows applying filters only when the user wishes to do so with the "Re-filter folder" command.
+ "Purge+Compress", "Compress All" and "Purge All" commands in the "Folder" menu.
- Some fixes with multipart digests processing (they should be correctly displayed from now, although some issues remain unresolved yet)
- Multi-page messages weren't printed correctly
- Double click on the Mail Ticker forced the main window appearance if it was minimised
- The number of new messages in subfolders of a complex folder structure was counted incorrectl
- The editor colour settings weren't saved correctly
! SmartScroll. Allows you to see whether a next message exists in scrolling direction
+ Cyrillic Apple Standard Charset support
* Auto Scroll Bars in message editor
- Fixed extra space before 8-bit lines of message header
- Fixed message marking as read while retrieving from server
- The "zoomed" Mail Ticker(tm) bar was too easily moved off when double-clicking to view mail
- The folders were not purged on Windows Shutdown
- "End of search" dialog has changed the focus
- Miscellaneous fixes
Version 1.015
- Fixed flickering while deleting a large message list.
- Message wasn't refreshed after re-edit it.
- The Select all from the Message menu does not work.
- Deleting a root folder could cause traps.
- Font style of a message ticker hasn't been saved.
- Fixed drag cursor when creating a reading confirmation.
- Fixed a memory leak while dragging-dropping messages.
- Fixed socket's shutdown.
- Fixed message ticker clean-up.
- Fixed "SendTo:" URL processing in muli-user environment.
- Fixed minimization animation.
- Fixed clash between tip of the day and enter password dialogues on start-up.
- Fixed editor focusing.
- Fixed execution under Windows NT 3.51 with NewShell.
- Fixed 8-bit headers.
- Fixed import from UNIX-mailboxes.
- Fixed attachment processing on import.
- Fixed "List Out Of Bounds" error message while sending queued mail.
Version 1.011
- "Registration..." dialogue box is not more modal.
+ IntelliMouse wheel support under Windows 95 Earlier Releases and
Windows NT 3.51 with NewShell.
* Smart IntelliMouse wheel-apply.
- The Park Message button didn't work in the View Folder window.
- The Bat! didn't allow system to shut down.
- Fixed traps while closing The Bat!.
- Fixed "Cannot Focus Window" error in sorting properties.
- Folder hierarchy didn't save after moving folders with Alt key.
- The flag "include subfolders" (in search screen) didn't work.
- The Bat! didn't import sorting filters from existing mailbox file.
- Ticker options didn't save.
- Mail Ticker could trap The Bat!.
- Open Reply progress message hasn't been closed.
- Fixed printer spooling troubles.
- "Browse program to be started" dialogue box didn't display .EXE files even though 'Program files' are selected in the File Type drop down.
- Save Draft button didn't have a hint.
* Fixed ISO-8859-2 charset.
- MailBox Import Wizard Window did allow resizing.
- The attachment folded path hasn't been saved.
- Non-TCP/IP workstation did actually require wsock32.dll.
- The position of split controls didn't save on exit.
- Fixed message splitter behaviour.
- Fixed troubles with Time Zone correction.
Version 1.00 Build 1349
+ IMAP4rev1 protocol is now supported.
+ The Tip Of The Day window
+ Message Ticker extends mail notification facilities of The Bat!
+ Floating/dockable toolbars in the main window. You can dock toolbars to any side of the window and to the traditional toolbar place.
+ Additional Configuration toolbar.
+ "Tools | Insert Cookie" menu command in the message editor to insert a cookie wherever you want.
+ Import Wizard helps you to import mailboxes from major e-mail clients: Netscape, MS Mail/Outlook, Eudora and Pegasus Mail. Check out "Tools | Import messages | Import Wizard"
+ Added logo colour auto-adjustment and dithering for 16-color, 256-color and high/true-colour displays.
+ It is now possible to copy message header bar's fields (From/To/Subject).
+ "Tools | Import messages | Import messages " message files allows import of multiple files at a time.
+ Common Speller API spell checker support.
+ Mime/Encode type is now displayed on Open File dialog title.
* Resizing header of Dial-up Monitor / Queue didn't resize the columns.
* Windows 98 is now detecting while creating a bug-reporting template.
* Ctrl+C in Folder Viewer / Message Finder windows now copies the selection into clipboard.
* Pasting a tab character from clipboard has inserted a "box character" instead.
* Some fixes with "Sign when completed" & "Encrypt when completed".
* Support to cc:Mail UUE attachments.
* Print message / Save message for embedded messages.
* Advanced mailto: URL processing.
* Speed of importing address book from INI file has been sufficiently increased.
* Netscape attachments has been stored inside message bodies.
* Interface Language is selecting automatically accordingly to default users' locale.
* Font character set is selected automatically accordingly to default users' locale.
* Alt+Arrows also work in Folder View and Finder windows.
* An error message is displayed on attempt to delete parked message.
* An error message in displayed on unsuccessful attempt to find a reply.
- Fixed case-insensitive username problem in Win95 that caused re-registration.
- "Message | Resend" caused trap if it were no messages selected.
- The Bat! always asked to be the default e-mail client on startup.
- It was impossible to send messages to a Address Book Group named with using 8-bit (national) characters.
- Reception of forwarded messages could cause "Invalid character in Base64 line" error.
- Tray Pop-up didn't hide when clicking outside its area.
- When both options "Combined delivery" & "Check new mail on startup" were turned on, The Bat! didn't automatically sent out the Outbox on startup.
- When deleting an account, using "Delete all files related to this account" option deleted all the files, but was leaving the directory structure on your disk.
- Windows build number wasn't displayed properly in bug-report template, it was something like "Windows 95 4.0 Build 67109975 B" instead of "Windows 95 4.0 Build 1111 B"
- Changing Options/Active Account in message editor was giving a possibility to send a message from another The Bat! user account that might have been password-protected.
- When clicking to another user account, and the last read message was unconfirmed, The Bat! has send a confirmation from newly selected account instead of the proper one.
- Pressing Macros button of Folder Properties dialog caused trap.
- Changing active address book from Editor's Add Recipients dialog caused a trap.
- Send To The Bat! from Windows Explorer was rendering file names to 8.3 naming scheme.
- It was not possible to activate the editor control after attaching files using the mouse.
- Fixed Palette Distortion of Logo on 256-color displays.
- Special characters were not decoded while importing address book from INI file.
- Sample control wasn't repainted properly in Editor Preferences Dialog.
- Scrolling messages in Folder Viewer using space bar with messages list turned off caused "Cannot focus invisible window" error.
Version 1.00 Build 1336
+ PGP5 support.
+ "Sign when complete" & "Encrypt when complete" editor options.
- Send/Receive progress forms did hide out when minimising TheBat! Restoring TheBat! didn't show up these forms.
- Now can start minimised from desktop shortcut.
- Fixed dot character processing when receiving messages.
- Fixed tiny memory leaks.
Version 1.00 Build 1334
- Some grammatical fixes of Russian resource.
- Dropping from address menu an address placed the text to the first editor window, not to the current one.
- Fixed some characters in the default KOI8 XLAT table.
- Added PGP sign&encrypt feature.
- Fixed "mailto:" URL problem with MSIE4.
- It's now possible to mark a word in editor by double-clicking it. Also, there has been added a possibility to open URL links in editor window.
* It has been possible e.g., to reply a message twice at a time. Now TheBat! brings up the currently active editor window.
* Find Text (Ctrl+Q F or Ctrl+F) and Find Next Text (Ctrl+L or F3) items added to menus.
- Exiting TheBat! after printing a message caused traps.
- Fixed some cosmetic changes of Build 1332-1333 with transfer progress indicator and language changing.
- "Nothing to send" error box doesn't appear when serving remote mail-boxes.
- Temporary files are deleting instantly, not on exit.
* Added ISO-8859-5 charset.
Version 1.00 Build 1333
* The Bat! now handles Universal Line Ends. It is now possible to receive mail from some RFC-incompatible POP-servers (e.g. pop.hotmail.com), that used LF-only as Line End.
- Pressing 'Cancel' button in "Log on to The Bat!" dialogue box caused crash.
- Fixed invalid space character processing of "mailto:" URL.
* RAS Error dialogs automatically disappear after 5 seconds to proceed attempts.
- Fixed improper 'auto-disconnection'.
Version 1.00 Build 1332
- Fixed bugs of Options/Network & Administration dialogue box. Changing machine mode to "TCP/IP or Dial-Out Server" or "Non-TCP/IP Workstation" caused TheBat! hang on exit and left current settings unsaved.
+ Added "Network & Administration / Allow Local Delivery" mode. It allows several machines working in a local network exchange messages without using SMTP/POP server at all. This feature brings an efficient solution for building corporate mail-exchange networks without using Internet Mail Transfer Protocols. When "Allow Local Delivery" is on, the outgoing messages, addressed to local users, are dispatching directly by putting them to users' message bases, instead of sending them to SMTP server.
- Fixed a bug with sharing violation of USERS.FLD file. It was caused by improper handling of FILE_DELETE_ON_CLOSE mode under Windows NT.
- Fixed a bug caused "List index out of bounds" error while trying to access a message with unexisted charset after purging the list of Options/Xlat Tables.
- Fixed a bug of Build 1331 with improper message encoding on delivery.
* Newly-received messages are importing with "Importing messages..." caption.
- Small fixes with threads processing.
- Fixed a bug with improper processing of kludges that didn't contain a space character between ID and Value.
Version 1.00 Build 1331
- It was possible to send a message from a password-protected account.
* Improved speed of storing incoming and composing outgoing messages.
- Fixed some bugs with attachment processing.
- Many small fixes.
- Emptying trash folder of password-protected account could cause troubles (Graham Foster).
Version 1.00 Build 1328
* Imported messages are now being marked as unread.
- Fixed some POP/SMTP-related on-exit traps.
- Physical absence of Windows Temp directory could cause lot of severe problems.
- Process handles were not closed after executing external PGP application.
- Passing handles to external PGP application could cause The Bat! fail.
- Fixed "Stack Overflow" error, appeared when input line of editor string grid has consisted of a single space character.
+ Possibility to decrypt incoming PGP-encrypted messages (Shift+Ctrl+D). Decrypted messages are placing into Inbox as unread messages.
- Some cosmetic fixes.
* In case of any abuses or bugs detected while using it, please don't
hesitate to write us to:
Information requests : info@thebat.net
Bug reports : bugs@thebat.net
Useful suggestions : wish@thebat.net
Version 1.00 Build 1327
- Fixed launching external applications.
- Fixed empty body & Invalid Base64 processing.
- Better attachment processing.
- %INCLUDE & %PUT template macros.
+ New encoding tables (DOS-866, KOI8-WIN, WIN-KOI8).
- Interface language didn't memorise after set-up.
* Improved address book search. Speed has been significally increased.
Version 1.00 Build 1326
- Fixed the on-exit trap.
- Maximised window has appeared slightly lower.
+ IntellyMouse(tm) Wheel support.
- Fixed trap of "Open Reply", also some fixes with encoding.
* Main window appears on start-up nicer.
- Fixed SMTP/POP window pop-ups.
+ Delete attach item.
Version 1.00 Build 1324
* "Disconnect in progress" doesn't appear.
- Installation could be done improperly.
- Installation could overwrite a user directory.
- Changing encoding could leave Subject field unchanged.
- Content-type of sent out attached files was "application/octet-stream" always. Not it's taking from System Registry.
- "Empty" Folder menu item didn't ask confirmation.
- Fixed the main icon.
- Esc rerfeshed messages list in main window.
- Periodical mailbox checking could annoy while editing mail message.
Version 1.00 Build 1322
* A message, contained a single page of HTML, also displays an attachment.
* Selecting a folder do not select the first message automatically.
- Empty "From Address" and "Reply-To Address" fields of account settings caused improper kludges generation.
- Copy/Move To Folder popup item didn't work in Message Viewer.
- Message Viewer memorises its position.
- Some cosmetic fixes (Igor V. Dorohin).
- Headers has a wrong translation of space character (Thomas Hansen).
- "Tools, Check mail for all accounts" didn't send queued mail even if the "combined delivery" was on (Thomas Hansen).
- "Tools, Send Queued mail from all accounts" caused minimize of main window (Thomas Hansen).
* Inline messages are now decoded (Michael Popov).
- Pressing Alt+Backspace in header fields of Message Editor window caused undo downwards (Peter Gannushkin).
+ Select All in editor window.
* New Icons (Stanislav Polozov).
- Found messages didn't sort.
Version 1.00 Build 1320
- "Full-height Account Tree" mode didn't work after restart.
- Some messages could cause "Invalid BASE64" encoding.
- Opening attached HTML message parts asked a file name to save to.
- Memory leaks.
Version 1.00 Build 1319
- Extra CR/LF were added to the end of each message (Peter Gannushkin).
- Some major fixes with attachment processing (Peter Gannushkin).
* HTML pages are now also shown as attachments.
- Fixed attachment name processing (Karlo Tskitishvili).
- Fixed a procedure of opening a message from the Dispatcher (Ogonyok online team).
- 'Add to Dictionary' editor pop-up command was not working (Kenneth Kwan and others).
- Broken message base could cause traps (Slava Filimonov).
- Fixed message reception from POP servers that did not support UIDL command (Ulrich Peters).
- Main window state was switching to normal in case of unsuccessful connection to POP server.
+ Open/Save file dialogs now support all file types associated in system registry.
* Faster icon recognition.
* Faster address book export to an INI-file.
- It was impossible to store attached file from an editor window.
- Mail Dispatcher could have been loaded abnormally.
- Under Win95, the cursor was jumping to the first message after deletion of the second one.
- Under Win95, selecting a folder did not activate a message.
* Search window can be closed by Escape key.
- Fixed positioning of a Folder View window.
* Improved Dial-Up support.
Version 1.00 Build 1316
+ Updated languages (Russian, Polish, Dutch, Romanian)
- Autoview reswitch.
* Saving address book position
- Broken base scan & message list display could hang up
- Messages have been marked as read when autoview was off
- Fixed cursor overjump under Win95
- Wrapping could occur incorrectly if previously viewed message consisted attachments
- Nested multipart messages did not display properly
- Launching a second instance of the program caused hang ups
- Clicking right mouse button on empty folder caused "List index is out of bounds" error message
- Message that did not contain EOL after the last line have been displayed with wrong extra characters
- Password query form did not work properly
- Fixed "Paste as Quotation from FILE" icon
- Charset change in editor did not occur.
- Doubleclick on e-mail address in viewer has created an editor with emtpy
"To:" field.
Version 1.00 Build 1311
- Alt+F10 does work.
- "Select All" in message autoview (Peter Gannushkin).
- List index out of bounds (Pavel Grodek).
- Drag&Drop attach (Graham Foster).
- Horizontal split line moved up when the main window was maximized on startup.
- Deleting attached file (Stas Polozov).
- Import of empty bodied message (Igor V. Dorohin).
- Folder Viewer positon and size parameters has not been set properly (Serge Matveev, Stas Polozov).
- Message count has not been refreshed when moving messages between different subfolders (Peter C Mertens).
- Folder Viewer positon has not been memorized (Hagai Bar-El).
- Under Windows 95, all the messages within a folder were selected when clicking the folder.
- "Stop" button in message finder.
- Many other fixes.
Version 1.00 Christmas Preview:
+ Copy/Paste functions are added for address pop-up menu
+ "Create Filter" function in File - Specials menu
+ "Open reply" function allows to view replies and original messages (File - Specials menu)
+ Distinction between message creation and reception time
* Address input dialogue for message editor is modified - it is now possible to add addresses to TO, CC and BCC fields
- Bugs difficult to describe, but rather dangerous for the entire program functioning
- Bugs with determining of character width for some fonts
- Ctrl+X in the message editor was working as Delete (instead of cutting text into Clipboard)
Version 1.00 Preview 2:
+ Actions for message filters - see Actions page in Sorting Office configuration dialogue. In short, auto-replies, automatic adding/removing addresses to/from address books, auto-forwarding and many more
+ Filters: it is now possible to move messages into another account's folders
+ Kill filters. There are three ways to determine whether a message must be deleted: by originator, by subject string or by routing information ("Received" kludges) substring.
+ Move and Copy message to another folder commands for doing this using keyboard.
- memory leaks
- some bugs with POP3 retrieval causing leaving new messages on the server without downloading them
- Trumpet Winsock problem ("could not open socket" messages in the log)
- Problem with registering as a mail client for Windows
- Problem with saving newly created account settings
* Results of forced spell checking are now shown
* "Use an existing Dial-up connection" checkbox in the network configuration
* Speed of the whole thing (especially mail retrieval, creating of reading confirmation and new message window opening) is increased (we hope)
Version 1.00 Preview 1:
+ Multi-lingual spell checker engine is now implemented. Two standard lexicons are included in the distribution (American and British English). There are two modes of text checking - while you are typing and standard.
+ Dial-up networking support: it is possible to connect automatically to your ISP whenever you want to send or receive mail and disconnect after mail transfer. Each account can have its own Dial-up networking settings
+ Support of multi-user environment: Administrator/User access privileges, initial logon (if there were any non-administrative accounts defined). See Options|Network & Administration dialogue
+ Account Creation Wizard
+ Full address book is now accessible from message editor: click on Address Book button or Shift+Enter when an address input field is active
+ Reply counter in subjects
+ Three splitting modes for main window (See View submenu)
+ POP3 Password change function: if your mail server supports POPPassd protocol (running on TCP port 106), you are able to change the password of your POP3 mailbox without administrator's help
+ Three new interface languages are added: Swedish, Italian and Lithuanian
* It is now possible to enter both username and password (and store them to use further) when POP3 logon fails or password is required
* When pasting mailto: URL in message editor's address input field, mailto: is stripped so copying URLs from Web browsers is now easier than before
* Parking flag column in message list can be hidden
- Bug with using Help (Help file wasn't found when the active directory was different to The Bat! executable directory).
- UU decoding bug - last bytes could be damaged
- Mail wasn't deleted correctly from separate window message viewer
+ Shift+Get new mail/Send queued mail button on the main window toolbar
invokes fetching/sending mail for all accounts.
+ "New message" command for Tray pop-up menu.
+ When the program is minimized to Tray, the amount of new messages is shown in the icon's hint
+ %SUBJECT="...", %TO="...", %CC="...", %BCC="..." template macros for pre-defining of appropriate fields.
- Ctrl+Z/X/C/V shortcuts weren't working in the message text area
* Some changes with POP3 retrieval
* International interface resources are now placed in the file THEBAT.LNG - the size of the program's executable is sufficiently smaller than before.
Version 1.00.93:
- This is almost a bug-fix version. There are many bugs fixed with POP message retrieval, memory leaks etc. The program became more stable.
* Account folders structure, sorting option and received message information are now saved in ACCOUNT.* files in account's home directory (there will be entire program's configuration saved into one file to make it exportable to other computers)
* Interface is slightly changed. We hope it's now nicer than before...
+ It is now possible to define sender's information for messages for each folder
+ It is possible to define storage options for system folders
* If The Bat! was already running, starting of a new copy of the program will activate the runnig instance and command-line parameters (mailto:<address>) will be passed to it.
+ Help file (Russian for the first time - English one will be available very soon)
(There are some other changes that are missed in this list, but it's
hard to recall them right now)
Version 1.00.90:
+ PGP Support - it's now possible to use the existing version of PGP program installed on your system to verify, sign, encrypt your messages
+ Saving drafts of outgoing messages into outbox
+ German & Dutch language interfaces
* If POP3 server doesn't support UIDL command to determine "freshness" of message, checksums of message headers are used instead. A bit slower, but still useful
* Message text is now wrapped in built-in (not Rich Text) viewer
- Bugs with retrieving messages from some POP3 servers caused improper logon
- Hanging up when a connection is broken
- many other minor (almost cosmetical) bugs
Version 1.00.82:
+ MD-5 POP authorization (APOP command)
+ Parking messages - it's now possible to mark messages so they will not be deleted on Purging/Emptying/Deleting/Moving commands
+ It's now possible to minimize main window into System Tray
+ Pop-up menus added for right mouse click on View/Edit message window
+ Replied flad for messages
- Several bugs with language support
- Bugs with storing address book data
- Fixed auto-justifying in editor
- Reply/Forward of several messages cause endless loop
- Some other minor bugs fixed
Version 1.00.82:
- Bug with receiving mail fixed (finally - it was appearing only Windows NT)
+ Comprehensive Mail Dispatcher
+ Send mail from all accounts
+ Possibility to view the original message text when replying
+ Filters for read and replied messages
+ Reading Confirmation option - it's compatible with Pegasus Mail. There are several actions available for working with confirmation receipt messages
+ Purging and compressing of folders on Exit is now working
* Message IDs are now stored (if POP server supports UIDL command, otherwise LAST command is used and, if it's not supported - old method with Lastread is still working) - this gives the possibility to keep messages on server for a particular period of time and then delete them
* New look-and-feel of message composer window - input grid is used instead of traditional separate input boxes
* Attached files are now deleted from attachment directory if the appropriate option is set
* Simplified the way of forwarding
Version 1.00.70:
+ Account logging.
+ Is is now possible to specify ports for SMTP and POP services
+ Facility to show message header in the message autoview panel
+ Reply to All function
+ Last folder that was active before the program's shutdown is now set active at the next startup.
* Account settings dialogue has been changed (we hope it's a bit nicer now)
* Reply-To field by default is set to originator of the message being forwarded
* When an account is just opened, it moves to the list's top to show maximum amount of its folders.
- Some problems with screen modes where large fonts are used.
- Problems with proper positioning of a new editor/message view window.