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- ============================================================================
- == xvs.library - The eXternal Virus Support Library ==
- == Copyright ⌐ 1997-99 by Georg H÷rmann ==
- ============================================================================
- 1. Legal Stuff
- --------------
- The entire XVS software package is written and copyright ⌐ 1997-1999 by
- Georg H÷rmann.
- Additional changes and updates during December 1999-2001 are copyright
- ⌐ 1999-2001 Alex van Niel.
- Additional changes and updates during June 2001 and onwards are copyright
- ⌐ 2001-2001 Jan Erik Olausen.
- No parts of this package may be altered by any means (this includes editing,
- reprogramming, crunching, resourceing etc.), except archiving.
- The author is in no way liable for any changes made to any part of the
- package, or consequences thereof as he is in no way liable for damages or
- loss of data directly or indirectly caused by this software.
- Neither fees may be charged nor profits may be made by distributing this
- piece of software. Only a nominal fee for costs of magnetic media may be
- accepted, the amount of DM 4/US $3 shouldn't be exceeded for a disk
- containing XVS. Non-commercial CD manufacturers are allowed to put the
- package on their compilations, too. Outside a single machine environment,
- you are not allowed to reproduce single parts of the package, but you have
- to copy it completely.
- Jan Erik Olausen has the permission from Georg H÷rmann to update the XVS
- package and make any adjustments Jan Erik Olausen thinks are necessary.
- Georg H÷rmann can NOT be held responsible for any changes made by Jan Erik
- Olausen.
- 2. Installation
- ---------------
- The xvs.library contains all the virus recognition and removal code that was
- formerly included in VirusZ. This step has been taken for one major reason:
- VirusZ can be updated fast without releasing the whole package every week by
- releasing a new library version.
- So simply install the library in this archive to your LIBS: drawer to get
- 100% protection against the latest viruses.
- The following chapters contain information mostly for programmers who want
- to write their own viruskillers, so you can skip this if you are not
- interested!
- 3. Why Another Library?
- -----------------------
- As most of you may have noticed, I don't have much time at the moment to add
- all the features you desire to my viruskiller VirusZ II/III. On the other
- hand, there are a lot of talented coders out there who might have the time
- to write a really good viruskiller environment, but don't have all the
- viruses to add them or are not willing to torture themselves with analysing
- all those little bastards.
- That's the point where xvs.library comes in. With this library I want to
- give you a powerful tool to detect and eliminate all sorts of viruses. All
- you have to do (and that's still enough, believe me ;-) is to submit the
- files, sectors or bootblocks you want to have tested to xvs.library.
- In other words: You design a GUI with all the features that are required
- nowadays (ARexx, Locale, etc.) and I support you with my antivirus knowledge
- of the last 7 years!!
- Certainly VirusZ will be developped further-on in the near future, but it's
- always good to have some new rivals that give you new inspiration ;-)
- Note from Alex van Niel:
- Offcourse, developement for VirusCheckerII will also continue. With
- VirusCheckerNG, the xvs.library will replace the brain file. Offcourse,
- all bug reports and new viruses should now be sent to me instead of to
- Georg.
- 4. Features
- -----------
- Currently xvs.library offers you the following functions:
- a. Detect bootblock viruses and install clean bootblocks instead.
- b. Detect manipulated disk sectors and repair them if possible.
- c. Detect infected files and repair them if possible.
- d. Scan all memory regions for active viruses and remove them if any.
- This should be all you need to put up a complete viruskiller. About further
- functions you have to think yourself.
- 5. Hopes And Fears
- ------------------
- I thought quite a long time about the release of XVS to the public as it
- might be some kind of 'sudden death' to my own project VirusZ. All the
- antivirus knowledge of VirusZ has been exported to this library. Anyone
- with just enough programming skills can easily beat the features of my own
- antivirus program by using XVS. But on the other hand, antivirus work is
- always some kind of service to the public and shouldn't be overridden by
- selfish thoughts. And as I won't be able to keep up that service in the
- far future, I will at least give my support to the ones who follow me.
- 6. Author
- ---------
- For bug reports, ideas etc. you can reach me at the following addresses:
- Snail-mail: Jan Erik Olausen
- R°dsveien 5
- N-1671 Krσker°y
- Norway
- e-mail: virusexecutor@c2i.net
- 7. PGP Signatures
- -----------------
- To be able to check if the library in this archive really came straight from
- me, you can use this public key with the .sig files in the archive.
- If you are not sure or do not trust this key, then you can always request
- one straight from me.
- Type Bits/KeyID Date User ID
- pub 1024/EBC1CFA9 2001/05/08 Jan Erik Olausen
- Version: 2.6.3i
- mQCNAzr4QJ4AAAEEANDySUmYjxyDX9tENY5kNmnFa8d3u46+KbwnmgzrevJ/HV6d
- BfARdXrmg+PHarWyEqbpSBbFOETeGAVs+xLtF4FfSTgBabHkv1548i3AMCiKbuLZ
- dY887T+2ivyV0ftvUMC+K+NsLzZS/k6mruHgsPmREZ4zmC1Jiy/rPcXrwc+pAAUR
- tBBKYW4gRXJpayBPbGF1c2VuiQCVAwUQOvhAni/rPcXrwc+pAQEI6wP+MO1ebAOy
- fQ9roJQXklxpuI/CVNONYSqQkf/FzGq+AV+Hc6us8HFskg55Y2oIctIU/+nBfahg
- PHTZWcfD09GIdkKYRfxDd0skkrdEjtb63Ki/ff/EtdK7dNSW6fIliqd1PoCCSKCw
- 59sEP1QB6570ItJ92pmOPZckZVpiy89OHrk=
- =gr6H