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- Short: Millibar Barcode Library v 0.1
- Uploader: stefan.popp@gmx.de ( Stefan Popp )
- Author: Stefan Popp
- Type: dev/c
- This library draws a barcode on a screen or window. In this Version
- only CODABAR is supported.
- The library is FREEWARE.
- I have uses StormC 3.0 to compile this version. I don`t know if
- it will work with gcc ( Maybe you`ll need to change the header files)
- Todo:
- - function to write a barcode directly to file
- - other barcode-types
- - ......
- Stefan Popp
- stefan.popp@gmx.de
- http://members.tripod/stpopp
- Function(s):
- ------------
- int mbc_draw_code_e ( MBC_PAR *par);
- A0
- Parameters:
- typedef struct mbcpar {
- Rastport *rp; /* Rastport of screen or window where
- the barcode should be painted. */
- int *code; /* Pointer to a NULL-terminated string
- with the barcode-string */
- int codetype; /* Type of code. In this version only
- codabar is supported */
- int xpos; /* x-position for the barcode */
- int ypos; /* y-position for the barcode */
- int xscale; /* x-scaling for barcode */
- int yscale; /* length of lines in pixel */
- int drawmode; /* not used */
- } MBC_PAR;
- Current font and color will be used.