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- Image2Icon
- ⌐ 2000-2001 by Stephan Rupprecht
- All rights reserved.
- Image2Icon is copyrighted 2000/2001 by Stephan Rupprecht.
- All rights reserved. This program is freeware, so no financial
- donations required. Redistribution allowed if the package is
- left unchanged except for addition of new language catalogs.
- The author is not responsible for any damage caused by the
- use or misuse of this documentation and/or the program(s) it
- describes.
- Any Amiga« (compatible) computer with AmigaOS« 3.x,
- newicon.library (for os3.0/3.1 based systems) and 68020+ cpu.
- Image2Icon is yet another conversion tool that creates thumbnail
- icons from pictures.
- The program can be started from a shell as well as from wb. The
- following options/tooltypes are provided:
- FILE/M: the image(s) to convert. If you don't give any, the
- program will add an appicon on which you can drop the pictures
- to convert. By double-clicking the icon the program can be
- terminated.
- MW=MAXWIDTH/N,MH=MAXHEIGHT/N: the maximum size of the icon to
- create. Please note that NewIcons are limited to a maximum
- size of 93x93 pixels, os3.5 icons are limited to 256x256 pixels.
- size of the icon _in percent_ relative to the workbench screen
- size.
- C=CROP/S: disables downscaling.
- IA=IGNOREASPECT/S: ignore the screen aspect ratio when scaling
- the image.
- ABS=ABSOLUTE/S: don't aspect scale when the image becomes
- as destination size instead.
- AX=ASPECTX/N/K,AY=ASPECTY/N/K: allows you to override the
- screen aspect ratio of the workbench screen.
- NI=NEWICON/S: create a NewIcon even when os3.5 is available.
- This option does nothing on a os3.0/os3.1 based system.
- FIP=FREEICONPOS/S: the resulting icon doesn't have a fixed
- position.
- FW=FRAMEWIDTH/N/K,FH=FRAMEHEIGHT/N/K: allows you to add a
- frame around the image.
- T=TRANSPARENT/S: by default, the transparent color (if any) of
- an image is ignored. Thus the resulting icon won't have one
- unless this option was specified.
- OPT=OPTIMIZE/S: optimize the image data, if possible (os3.5).
- FL=FRAMELESS/S: tell workbench not to draw a border around the
- icon (os3.5).
- SS=SHOWSIZE/K: display the image size in the icon. The following
- keywords are recognized:
- F=FONT/K: the font that is used by SHOWSIZE.
- FS=FONTSIZE/N/K: the size of the font.
- FST=FONTSTYLE/K: the style of it, either OUTLINE,SHADOW or
- NORMAL (default)
- AP=APPICON/K: the icon to use as appicon.
- APX=APPICONX/N/K,APY=APPICONY/N/K: its position on the workbench
- screen. You always need to specify both.
- V42=MODEV42/S: when enabled truecolor images will be converted to
- 8bit by the picture.datatype and not by Image2Icon (requires
- picture.datatype v44). You can use this option in combination
- with either REMAPFS or DITHER to improve the quality, but you'll
- probably prefer to stay away from this option as it slows down
- the conversion process without improving the result.
- QU=QUALITY/N/K: the quality of the dithering algorithm to use:
- 0 no dithering is done (quick & dirty)
- 1 dither with a 16x16 Bayer matrix (default, still quick but not so dirty:)
- 2 dto.
- 3 Floyd Steinberg (slowest but best quality)
- GS=GREYSCALE/S: enables greyscale output.
- MP=MAXPENS/N/K: the maximum number of pens/colors to use. If GREYSCALE
- is not enabled, the program will either use 8,12,27,36,64,80,125,150,
- 216 or 252 colors depending on which is next nearest number to the one
- you've specified.
- MD=MAXDEPTH/N/K: the maximum number of bitplanes to use. I2I translates
- this to MAXPENS.
- D=DITHER/S: by default, images with <= 256 colors are remapped to
- their original palette after scaling (ignoring MAXPEN). If you
- enable this option, the images will be dithered instead. This is
- faster but normally results in a thumbnail image with less quality
- as the original palette of the image is not taken into account.
- R=REMAPFS/S: by default, images with <= 256 colors are remapped to
- their original palette after scaling (ignoring MAXPEN). If you
- enable this option, the images will also be dithered using Floyd
- Steinberg dithering.
- P=PLANAR/S: this will create an "old style"/planar image in addition
- to the os3.5/NewIcon image.
- DT=DEFAULTTOOL/K: the default tool of the icon to create.
- SF=STARTFROM/K: how to start the default tool when the user
- double-clicks the icon, this can either be WB, CLI or REXX.
- ST=STACKSIZE/N/K: the default stacksize of the icon (>= 4096 bytes).
- J=JPEG/K: create a jpeg image instead of an icon. If you specify
- JPEG="" the jpeg image will be saved to the same directory
- where the source also exists, the suffix of the image will be
- changed to "_small.jpg", so that the original image does not get
- overwritten. When the image should be saved to a different directory
- simply specify, eg. JPEG="Pictures:%f_thumb.jpg" where %f will
- be replaced by the file name later.
- This option requires jpeg.library by Paul Huxham:
- http://www.scouts.org.au/steeplesoftware
- I=ILBM/K: create an ilbm image instead of an icon. Also see
- J=JPEG/K. This option requires picture.datatype v43 or better.
- For 24bit output specify MAXDEPTH=24.
- C=CMAP/K: The ilbm file which palette should be used when
- remapping an image. You should also specify REMAPFS for better
- quality.
- AG=ADDGLOW/S: create an icon with a "glowing" alternate image, this
- option overrides the FRAMEWIDTH and FRAMEHEIGHT options.
- Q=QUIET/S: supresses any output except error messages.
- - the ilbm.datatype that comes with os3.5 doesn't support bw/greyscale
- images produced by BME (PageStream). Please use one of my ilbm.datatypes
- instead (util/dtype/ilbmdt44.lha or util/dtype/ilbmdtPPC.lha).
- - the SHOWSIZE option doesn't work when creating JPEG images or
- 24bit ILBMs. This is not supported yet.
- Olaf Barthel who wrote the dithering code used by this program
- and of course to the people who reported bugs and made suggestions :)
- Also thanks to Dßmaso D. EstΘvez for the spanish doc and
- Raul Silva for the icons.
- 1.0 first public release
- 1.1 added QU=QUALITY/N/K option to select a different dithering
- algorithm. supports HAM images via picture.datatype v44 now.
- 1.2 optionally creates a "old style" image in addition to the
- os3.5/NewIcon one, see PLANAR/S option <John Blyth>. added
- some smoothing code to the scaler, this requires additional
- cpu time but makes the icon look nicer. Please note that I
- had to disable TRANSPARENT/S to make it work correctly. It's
- possible to drop drawers on the appicon, now. This will allow
- you to convert a whole dir in one go.
- 1.3 some datatypes pass an aspect ratio of 0:0 causing a division
- by zero guru (0x80000005), fixed. When dropping a drawer on
- the appicon the program will no longer put up an error requester
- when encountering an unsupported filetype <John Blyth>. added
- MP=MAXPENS/N/K option although it isn't quite useful (IMHO).
- 1.4 added STARTFROM/K, DEFAULTTOOL/K options <Mario Cattaneo>.
- creating NewIcons on a 3.5 based system didn't work, as NewIcon
- and 3.5 image data was saved to disk.
- 1.5 should work on a NewIcons based system finally <Xenomorph>,
- <Rainer M. Herold>.
- 1.6 no longer crashs on small images where the source size is the
- same as the destination size.
- 1.7 added GS=GREYSCALE/S option <Nick Clover>. If QUIET is not given,
- the program will output some status messages to the current
- console window (when started from WB, the WINDOW tooltype must be
- given to see this messages).
- 1.8 added D=DITHER/S,R=REMAPFS/S options. the code to handle EHB pictures
- disappeared somehow, it's now back;) HAM images are supported in-
- dependently from the installed picture.datatype, now. rewrote some
- parts of code to work on chunky buffers instead of bitmaps, this should
- result in a faster thumbnail creation, especially users without an RTG
- software should notice an speed improvement.
- 1.9 the dithering code can use upto 252 colors, now (before 216).
- 1.10 optimized the scaling code a bit, included some nice icons made by
- Raul Silva.
- 1.11 if you start the program from wb or if you drop icons on its appicon,
- a simple gui with a progress bar will be shown.
- 1.12 the progress bar was shown even when QUIET was given. unless
- PLANAR was specified the program has caused several enforcer hits when
- a NewIcon was saved on a os3.0/os3.1 based system.
- 1.13 remapping works much faster, now. Included WarpOS version.
- 1.14 Ooops! The program didn't work when started from wb because it
- waited for the wbmsg twice <Raul Silva>. The WarpUP version is
- a bit faster now as the ppc will be used for scaling and smoothing,
- too (requires more memory!!!).
- 1.15 added JPEG/K,ILBM/K,CMAP/K,MD=MAXDEPTH/N/K options. improved matrix
- dithering and removed 4x4 Bayer matrix.
- 1.16 there was an old bug in the smoothing code messing around with the
- pixel colors, the WOS version never had this problem <Christian
- Effenberger>. Now displays a proper error message when the CMAP
- couldn't be found. The JPEG/K and ILBM/K allow you to specify a
- destination path, now.
- ABS=ABSOLUTE/S options. reimplemented support for images with
- a transparent color.
- 1.18 because of a "misplaced" parenthesis, the 68k version could
- allocate a temporary buffer that was a few bytes too small <Greg>.
- 1.19 the text in the progress bar appears centered again <Greg>.
- Please send bug reports and ideas to:
- Stephan Rupprecht
- Apfeldweg 1
- D44359 Dortmund
- Germany
- Send emails to
- info@stephan-rupprecht.de
- http://stephan-rupprecht.de