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Text File | 1994-05-16 | 34.8 KB | 1,027 lines |
- Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.misc,comp.sys.amiga.datacomm,demon.ip.support.amiga,comp.answers,news.answers
- From: atcpfaq@domino.demon.co.uk (Neil McRae AmiTCP FAQ Admin)
- Followup-To: poster
- Reply-To: Neil McRae AmiTCP FAQ Admin <atcpfaq@domino.demon.co.uk>
- Subject: AmiTCP/IP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 021193BETA PL3]
- Organization: Domino
- Date: Tue, 10 May 1994 07:47:18 +0000
- Summary: This post contains a list of Frequently Asked Questions
- (and their answers) about AmiTCP/IP. It should be read by anyone
- who wishes to post about or use AmiTCP/IP.
- Archive-name: amiga/AmiTCP-Faq
- Posting-Frequency: fortnightly
- Last-modified: 1994/05/08
- Version: 1.04
- AmiTCP/IP Frequently asked Questions and their Answers.
- =======================================================
- This Document is the AmiTCP/IP Frequently Asked Questions and their answers
- (I hope ;-). I decided to create this after I got my Amiga connected
- through AmiTCP/IP, and I found the same questions being asked again and
- again, I also found myself to be answering some of them also :-)
- This FAQ will be posted by myself every 2 weeks to: news.answers,
- comp.answers and comp.sys.amiga.datacomm newsgroups.
- If you have any suggestions, queries or corrections please email me at
- atcpfaq@domino.demon.co.uk
- and I will do my best to answer it. I hope this document is helpful to new
- people and experienced people alike and answers some queries that they may
- have.
- If you want to flame me, mail to nobody@localhost.
- This FAQ is not a guide to TCP/IP, for that look for TCP/IP books in your
- bookstore or search the Internet for Information, which is where most of
- the information came to create this document. It is also not a guide to
- the internet
- I have explained briefly some of the Internet protocols but they are very
- basic explanation and I have only included them because they bear some
- relevance to AmiTCP/IP.
- Mail all spelling errors to must_try_harder@domino.demon.co.uk :-)
- AmiTCP/IP is forewith refered to as AmiTCP.
- "SLIP/PPP or other dialup protocol" will commonly be referred to
- as "dialup" through out.
- Legal Mumbo Jumbo.
- ------------------
- This document is copyright Neil J. McRae. Permission is granted for this
- to be freely distributed UNALTERED, as long as all credits are left intact.
- If you plan to use this file, or any part of it, in a publication you MUST
- contact me first and ask my permission. Any part of this document may be
- quoted on USENET.
- Permission is given for this document to be posted to USENET and to be
- uploaded to any anonymous FTP servers.
- If this document has helped you in some way, then all I ask is that you go
- out and purchase a Genesis album and listen to it atleast once :-)
- Disclaimer.
- -----------
- If you screw up it`s your fault and not mine. This information is provided
- as is and any damage occuring to you or your equipment is your own fault.
- Neil J. McRae disclaims any liability of any kind of damage that may occur
- from use of the information within this FAQ.
- Neil J. McRae also disclaims any liability as to the information's
- accuracy. While much effort has gone into providing accurate data, there
- is no guarantee that I have succeeded.
- Acknowledgments.
- -----------------
- Just a few thanks to a few people who helped me in some way while creating
- this document.
- I`d like to thank the <AmiTCP-Group@hut.fi> who are:
- Pekka Pessi <Pekka.Pessi@hut.fi>
- Jarno Rajahalme <Jarno.Rajahalme@hut.fi>
- Markus Peuhkuri <Markus.Peuhkuri@hut.fi>
- Tomi Ollila <Tomi.Ollila@hut.fi>
- Thanks for doing this guys! Keep up the good work on AmiTCP.
- And thanks also to:
- Oliver Smith <oliver@demon.net>
- Michael B. Smith <mbs@adastra.cvl.va.us>
- Jake Dias <jake@ibmpcug.co.uk>
- James R Grinter <jrg@blodwen.demon.co.uk>
- Graham Walter <gwalter@gwalter.demon.co.uk>
- Wyrd Synapse <wyrd@ministry.demon.co.uk>
- Richard Norman <NORMAN@afas.msfc.nasa.gov>
- Dan Murrell Jnr. <djm2@ra.msstate.edu>
- Matthew Zeier <mzeier@home.interaccess.com>
- Douglas Scott <D.Scott@csu.napier.ac.uk>
- Demon Internet <internet@demon.net>
- Holger Kruse <kruse@cs.ucf.edu>
- All the regulars on #amiga & #GB and all the posters of FAQ`s that made me
- get off my backside and do this :-)
- and finally to Genesis for making kewl music, lets see another Album guys!
- ----------------------------------------
- Frequently asked Questions.
- ===========================
- Index of questions answered.
- ----------------------------
- 1> What is AmiTCP?
- 2> What is TCP/IP?
- 3> What is the Internet?
- 4> Where can I get AmiTCP?
- 5> Where is the AmiTCP Documentation?
- 6> Where is the list of AmiTCP applications?
- 7> What is the latest version of AmiTCP?
- 8> How do I contact the AmiTCP author`s?
- 9> I think I found a bug in AmiTCP what should I do?
- 10> Is there an AmiTCP mailing list?
- 11> Where are the archives of the AmiTCP Mailing List?
- 12> What do I need to be able to use AmiTCP?
- 13> Are there any alternatives to AmiTCP?
- 14> What is SANA-II?
- 15> What is C/SLIP?
- 16> What is PPP?
- 17> What is Ethernet?
- 18> What is an RFC?
- 19> What is NFS?
- 20> I get a message could not open serial device unit 0 when I run AmiTCP
- after I connect to my SLIP server. I tried quitting Term but my
- connection to my server is terminated.
- a) Why is this?,
- b) How can I fix it? and
- c) How do I stay online?
- 21> Can I use AmiTCP with a dynamic IP address?
- 22> I have connected to my host fine but I cannot connect to any hosts
- outside my University or Network. How can I fix this?
- 23> What mail and news clients can I use with AmiTCP?
- 24> Is there an IRC client for AmiTCP?
- 25> What is NapsaTerm used for?
- 26> Is there a telnet daemon?
- 27> Do I need MultiUser?
- 28> How can I see whats happening with my network connection?
- 29> AmigaELM uses the HOSTNAME but AmiTCP seems to want the fully
- qualified domain name, How can I resolve this problem?
- 30> What is a Domain Name Server? And How do I get one?
- 31> What is are "Domain Names to Search"?
- 32> What is Mosaic?
- 33> Can I setup a Mosaic Server with AmiTCP?
- 34> I've heard Mosaic is only for version 3.0 Amigas. Why?
- and is there an alternative for version 2.x Amigas?
- 35> I only log on for a few seconds to see if I've got mail waiting. Would
- AmiTCP be overkill for those situations?
- 36> I thought Emacs was just a text editor. I've seen it mentioned in a
- few posts. What is it used for?
- 37> My internet provider does offer SLIP accounts for a small
- extra charge. If I change my account to a SLIP account, can I still
- access it the "old" way,
- in case I just want to quickly check my mail or something?
- 38> If I'm using AmiTCP, is my mail and downloaded files being stored
- lomy cal hard drive?
- 39> Am I correct in stating that I can be connected to several different
- computers using several different applications?
- 40> Where can I find more programs for use with AmiTCP?
- 41> What should I do if I have a question that is not answered here?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1> What is AmiTCP?
- AmiTCP is a set of programs that enables the Amiga to connect to a TCP/IP
- network. AmiTCP lets the user use commands such as ftp, telnet from your
- Amiga. AmiTCP also lets remote users connect to your machine from other
- TCP/IP hosts. AmiTCP is a TCP/IP protocol stack for implementing basic
- Internet protocols on top of any SANA-II network device driver, such as
- one for SLIP or Ethernet.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2> What is TCP/IP?
- TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
- TCP/IP is a protocol that allows any system on a network to talk
- "directly" to any other, by passing packets of information back and forth.
- TCP/IP (and its later relative OSI) is usually used over networks built on
- top of Ethernet, Token-Ring, Starlan and other LANS. The Internet uses
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3> What is the Internet?
- An "internet" is a network comprised of computers that talk to each other
- using TCP/IP.
- The "Internet" is a vast network of hundreds of thousands of machines using
- TCP/IP to communicate.
- The Internet grew out of a US government funded project in inter-computer
- communications that grew into an enormous network of systems. One of the
- principle characteristics of this network is that machines are addressed by
- domain names which identify the destination, rather than addresses that are
- constructed out of the route from machine-to-machine-to-machine.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4> Where can I get AmiTCP?
- AmiTCP is available from several places:
- Any Aminet mirror :- ftp.wustl.edu, ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk and ftp.luth.se
- And from: ftp.demon.co.uk, ftp.funet.fi via Anonymous FTP.
- Aminet:comm/net/AmiTCP-bin-22.lha
- Aminet:comm/net/AmiTCP-22to23.lha this patches the above file.
- ftp.demon.co.uk:pub/amiga/amitcp/AmiTCP-bin-22.lha
- ftp.demon.co.uk:pub/amiga/amitcp/AmiTCP-22to23.lha
- ftp.funet.fi:pub/amiga/net
- It is also available on Fred Fish Disks:
- The home site for AmiTCP is kampi.hut.fi:AmiTCP/ and this is where the
- current version is available from.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 5> Where is the AmiTCP Documentation?
- The documentation is available in several formats from kampi.hut.fi via
- anonymous FTP.
- kampi.hut.fi:AmiTCP/
- AmiTCP-dvA-20.lha DVI A4 page size
- AmiTCP-dvL-20.lha DVI US Letter page size
- AmiTCP-psA-20.lha Postscript A4 Page Size (recommended =>300 DPI printers)
- AmiTCP-psL-20.lha Postscript US Letter Page Size (again =>300 DPI printers)
- AmiTCP-txt-20.lha Docs in ASCII text format
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6> Where is the list of AmiTCP applications?
- These are available from gopher:
- <gopher://gopher.tky.hut.fi/00/.publish/puhuri/AmiTCP/NetAppList.txt>
- and World Wide Web:
- <http://www.tky.hut.fi/.publish/puhuri/NetAppList.html>
- Updates to this list should be mailed to:
- <Markus.Peuhkuri@hut.fi>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 7> What is the latest version of AmiTCP?
- The latest release version of AmiTCP is version 2.3.
- AmiTCP 2.3 is distributed as a binary patch package to version 2.2 of
- AmiTCP.
- Please note that you should not use any beta version of AmiTCP unless, of
- course you are a beta tester.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 8> How do I contact the AmiTCP author`s?
- The AmiTCP author`s can be Contacted via email at:- amitcp-group@hut.fi
- Please only contact the group on AmiTCP matters, if you have a problem with
- a client or a server with AmiTCP contact the author of that program.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 9> I think I found a bug in AmiTCP what should I do?
- Check it in the newsgroup comp.sys.amiga.datacomm before taking it to the
- authors; make sure they spend their time working on our beloved AmiTCP,
- rather than repeatedly answering the same questions by mail.
- Then once you are SURE that it is a bug and you can reproduce it several
- times mail Amitcp-bugs@hut.fi giving as much information regarding your
- hardware and software setup as possible, with an accurate description of
- the bug and the steps needed to take show the bug`s performance ;-)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 10> Is there an AmiTCP mailing list?
- Yes, it is meant for developers of software for AmiTCP. Please consult the
- file AmiTCP:README.FIRST. ;-)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 11> Where are the archives of the AmiTCP Mailing List?
- (thanks Markus :)
- These are available in two places from gopher the URL is:
- <gopher://gopher.tky.hut.fi/11/.publish/puhuri/AmiTCP/list>
- and also via Anonymous FTP at:
- kampi.hut.fi:AmiTCP/amitcp-listYYYY-MM.gz
- Where YYYY-MM is the year and month.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 12> What do I need to be able to use AmiTCP?
- You need the following Hardware:
- ---------
- An Amiga running AmigaOS 2 or greater, recommended are hard disk and 2MB of
- ram. And some for of Connection to a Network, e.g. a Modem for a Serial
- connection or an Ethernet card for an Ethernet connection. See the FAQ
- What is Ethernet? for information about Ethernet cards.
- You need the following Software:
- ---------
- AmiTCP-bin-22.lha use the installer script to install this, and then
- extract the files from AmiTCP-22to23.lha and copy them over the old
- versions of the files. See above for information on how to obtain these
- files.
- You also need a SANA-II Network driver. A SLIP and CSLIP driver is
- included. See below for more information on SANA-II
- You need the following Information:
- ------------
- NOTE: This information should be sought from your network provider or your
- System/Network Administrator.
- 1) An IP address allocated for you Amiga.
- for example my IP address is
- 2) Destination IP address - only applies if you are using a "point
- to point" protocol such as most dialup protocols.
- Usually this is the address of the equipment you connect to.
- 3) Netmask for you network, usually this only applies for a network such as
- an ethernet or if you are connected to several networks.
- If you are connected via a single dialup connection, e.g. using SLIP or
- PPP, you should use a netmask of
- Note: If you only have the one connection, like most of us, netmasks
- are purely irrelevant.
- 4) A name for your Amiga i.e a nodename- my hostname is domino,
- (which is taken from the Excellent Genesis track Called Domino on The
- Invisible Touch Album :)
- 5) Your domain name - this is usually your providers network name,
- e.g. mine is demon.co.uk, yours may be netcom.net or bbcnc.org.uk
- 6) The _numeric_ address of a Domain Name Server; eg my nameserver is
- this is used to lookup text addresses (e.g.
- domino.demon.co.uk) into dotted-decimal IP addresses (e.g.
- If you don't have access to a name server, you will
- have to use dotted-decimal (or "numeric") IP addresses to connect to
- other hosts, or add regularly used addresses to your AmiTCP:db/hosts
- file. If you have access to a Unix machine, you can copy their file
- "/etc/hosts". You are _highly_ recommended to use a nameserver if you
- have access to one, as this saves disk space, and will save you many
- bundles of hair when your favourite host changes it's _numeric_ IP
- address. (thanks Oliver)
- 7) Default Gateway Address - if you have ethernet, this should be the
- address of your router (the machine with connections to the outside
- world) - if you are using a dialup protocol, this should be the
- same as your destination address. If TCP/IP doesn't have specific
- information on where to send data, it will send it to the default
- gateway, e.g. if your sending mail to your Auntie in New Zealand,
- mai will pass trough this address :-)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 13> Are there any alternatives to AmiTCP?
- The only other freely available TCP/IP stack is AmigaNOS. There is also
- AS225r2 but as I write this is only available to registered Commodore
- Developers.
- There is also AS225r1, which was sold together with the Commodore Arnet and
- Ethernet board. Unlike AS225r2 it is available to the general public -- if
- you manage to get a Commodore Arcnet/Ethernet board.
- This is not SANA2 compatible and does not drive SLIP or PPP.
- Other networking programs include DNET and AmigaUnixWindows, these and
- AmigaNOS are available on Aminet.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 14> What is SANA-II?
- SANA-II is the software interface between AmiTCP and your network
- interface. There are SANA-II drivers for SLIP. CSLIP, the A2060 card and
- the A2065 card and PPP that are freely available. If you are purchasing a
- card to connect your Amiga to a network, e.g. Ethernet, make sure that the
- card has a a SANA-II driver if you are planning to use AmiTCP, with the
- card.
- The SANA-II is the standard Amiga network device driver specification
- released by Commodore-Amiga. The SANA-II specification is available on the
- Aminet, fish disks and other forums.
- (Thanks Jarno)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 15> What is C/SLIP?
- SLIP is Serial Line Internet Protocol
- SLIP is used, most commonly, for connecting a computer to a TCP/IP network
- using a modem. SLIP lets IP packets be sent up and down a serial line.
- CSLIP is an extension of the SLIP protocol, which reduces the typical
- TCP/IP packet-overhead of 40-bytes per packet to 3 or 5 bytes by
- "remembering" a number of active connections and (a) not resending unused
- fields (b) only sending changes to the headers. Since a compression
- algorithm is not used, it does not impair any compression added by your
- modem, and thus presents a significant improvement in packet throughput!
- CSLIP gives much better response in interactive applications such as
- Telnet. (Thanks Oliver and Markus)
- If your providers don't have slip, or if you are your provider, and you
- don't have slip, it is publically available. Ask you System Administrator
- for more information.
- Existing AmiTCP CSLIP drivers will only use CSLIP if it is available on the
- remote end, otherwise they will gracefully degrade to using ordinary SLIP.
- For a detailed description of SLIP and CSLIP consult a book on TCP/IP
- protocols. There is a SLIP faq available in comp.protocols.tcp-ip
- newsgroup.
- SLIP is described in RFC 1055
- CSLIP is described in RFC 1055 & 1144
- A SANA-II C/SLIP interface is included with AmiTCP.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- 16> What is PPP?
- Point to Point Protocol is another way of connecting to your network. It
- is a more robust protocol than SLIP, and addresses many of SLIP`s
- weaknesses. However it is much more difficult than SLIP to implement but
- the advantage over SLIP make it the serial protocol of the future. (this
- is my opinion ;-)
- Again for a detailed description of PPP consult a book on TCP/IP or get the
- PPP faq available via anonymous FTP from
- RTFM.MIT.EDU:/usenet/comp.protocols.ppp/*
- PPP is described in RFCs 1332, 1333, 1334, 1376, 1377, 1548, 1549, 1552
- and 1570 phew!
- As the FAQ was prepared a PPP SANA-II driver was uploaded to Aminet:
- Aminet:comm/net/PPP1_0.lha
- This is a non registered version. A shareware version with many more
- features is also on Aminet but requires a key file which you must pay the
- author $15. I personally plan to register. Consult the documentation for
- more details on this.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17> What is Ethernet?
- (thanks to http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/ :)
- A coaxial cable local area network first described by Metcalfe & Boggs of
- Xerox PARC in 1976. Specified by DEC, INTEL & XEROX (DIX), Now recognised
- as the industry standard. Data is broken into packets. Packets are
- transmitted using the CSMA/CD algorithm until they arrive at the
- destination without colliding with any other. The first contention slot
- after a transmission is reserved for an acknowledge packet. A node is
- either transmitting or receiving at any instant. Bandwidth ~10Mbit/s.
- Disk-Ethernet-Disk transfer rate with TCP/IP is typically 30 kbyte/s. The
- cable is a 50 ohm coaxial cable with multiple shielding.
- EtherNet is described in lots of RFCs. Read the index if you're that keen
- to find out.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 18> What is an RFC?
- RFC are documents that are used to define the Internet standards.
- RFC stands for Request For Comments.
- De facto: Requirement For Conformance. (thanks Michael)
- RFC`s are available from many FTP sites including ftp.wustl.edu,
- ftp.doc.ic.ac.uk and ftp.demon.co.uk. rs.internic.net is the "official"
- place in the United States. ftp.uu.net is the best connected place to get
- them in the USA.
- The file "rfc-index.txt" which should be available on every RFC repository,
- contains an index of all published RFC's
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- 19> What is NFS?
- (From the Sun NFS documentation:)
- NFS is a network file system developed by Sun Microsystems, Inc. The Sun
- Network Filesystem (NFS) protocol provides transparent remote access to
- shared filesystems over local area networks. The NFS protocol is designed
- to be machine, operating system, network architecture, and transport
- protocol independent.
- Again for a detailed description of NFS consult a TCP/IP book.
- There is an AmiTCP NFS client in development but it is not completed yet.
- Please do not post about this, the author will announce when it is ready.
- There is however an Amiga to Amiga NetFS implemetation that is included
- with AmiTCP. This is NOT NFS but lets the Amiga share other Amiga's Disk
- Drives.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 20> I get a message could not open serial device unit 0 when I run AmiTCP
- after I connect to my SLIP server. I tried quitting Term but my connection
- to my server is terminated.
- a) Why is this?, b) How can I fix it? and c) How do I stay online?
- a)
- There are many reasons for this problem. The most common is that the
- serial device in use by another program, for example your comms package.
- (Term, Terminus etc). If you are using a terminal package to dial into
- your TCP/IP server this will give this error. And your modem is not set to
- ignore DTR, so when you quit term the modem hangs up the phone, thus ending
- your Connection.
- b)
- There are many solutions to avoid this problem. I am going to suggest 2.
- The first is to use the Dial in arexx script that in on Aminet, this
- automates the entire connection process, Arexx is used to dial up your
- Server enter your account details and startup AmiTCP when it has connected
- and logged in. The script is very flexible and also handles Dynamic IP
- assign, you may need to modify the script depending on your setup, however
- this is a very straightforward process.
- The script is available from Aminet:
- Aminet:comm/net/amitcp_dial10.lha
- Also there is another dialer program caller dialer. This program acts as a
- go between serial.device and your PPP/SLIP driver. This program dials up
- your hosts and logs the user in and then puts the SANA driver online.
- This is available from Demon:
- ftp.demon.co.uk:pub/amiga/amitcp/dialer_1.lha
- I`m currently using this and I find it excellent.
- I similar type program is gwcslip. Which is by Graham Walter. This is a
- CSLIP SANA driver which dials into your host. It works very similar to the
- above program.
- This program is available from Demon:
- ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/amiga/amitcp/gwslip#?.lha
- Look for the revision number which is part of the filename.
- c)
- The other is to set you modem to ignore DTR. Start your terminal program,
- Dial into your server, login in as normal, issue what commands you need to
- start up your TCP/IP connection (e.g. sliplogin). When you have started
- up your serving program QUIT your terminal program leaving the call running
- and THEN start AmiTCP by executing AmiTCP:bin/startnet
- NOTE: You MUST ensure that the BAUD RATE your terminal program is using is
- the SAME AS the BAUD RATE YOU have configured your SLIP/CSLIP/PPP driver to
- use.
- PLEASE, remember to set your baud rate to the configuration file of the
- SANA-II device driver you are using. See the documentation inluded with
- your SANA-II driver for more information on this file.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 21> Can I use AmiTCP with a dynamic IP address?
- Yes. You can use the Arexx script on Aminet or follow the above steps but
- before you start AmiTCP you must change your startnet script to you
- assigned IP number. This goes for any other dynamic addresses such as your
- hostname etc.
- Also the PPP driver on Aminet has special options for connecting to dialup
- hosts. Consult the excellent documentation within the archive.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 22> I have connected to my host fine but I cannot connect to any hosts
- outside my University or Network. How can I fix this?
- This is a routing problem, you must add a route to your default gateway
- using the command:
- AmiTCP:bin/route add default your.default.gateways.number
- is my default gateway. Ask your system administrator for this
- number. This command should be already in your startnet script if you have
- followed the Install procedure correctly.
- This could also be because of a firewall, too. That is, the IP traffic
- from your hosts is not passed to the Internet. Your Network provider will
- be able to give you more information on this.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 23> What mail and news clients can I use with AmiTCP?
- There is only one complete Mail and News package called INetUtils by
- Michael B. Smith, I use these and I recommend them to all. These
- utilities work as drop in commands for AUUCP and let you use UUCP compatible
- newsreaders, such as TIN, and UUCP compatible mail readers, such as
- AmigaELM. The faq was posted to USENET using TIN with InetUtils.
- GRn is also available for AMITCP which allows direct connection with your
- news server.
- AmiPOP by Scott Ellis is also included with InetUtils for users who can
- connect to POP mail servers.
- All the above mentioned programs are available on Aminet:
- Aminet:comm/news/
- Aminet:comm/mail/
- Aminet:comm/net/
- Also Gnus can be used with GNU Emacs (albeit a tad slow) works fine for
- reading news, For mail with emacs you still require an external transport
- unit such as InetUtils.
- Gnus was one of the first applications used to test AmiTCP.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 24> Is there an IRC client for AmiTCP?
- The only IRC client that is available is the Emacs lisp one. Which
- requires Emacs. This is available from kampi.hut.fi and works quite well
- :-) Emacs is available on Aminet.
- A Full Amiga Implemetation of Internet Relay Chat is in development, Please
- do not post about this, the author will announce when it is ready.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 25> What is NapsaTerm used for?
- Napsaterm is an rlogin program which can emulate a VT terminal.
- It lets you login to a host that uses the rlogin protocol, It IS NOT a
- telnet client.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 26> Is there a telnet daemon?
- Tnserv on Aminet, however it is an active daemon and also does not use
- the AmiTCP passwd file for password information.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 27> Do I need MultiUser?
- If you plan to use a FTP server and want more than anonymous ftp then you
- will have to install Multiuser at some point. MultiUser is very handy if
- you plan to have you machine on the net all the time. MultiUser is on
- Aminet.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 28> How can I see whats happening with my network connection?
- The command AmiTCP:bin/netstat will show you all the active connections to
- your machine and where they are from, and which port they are connected to.
- For example if you had a connection to port 25 it would mean that your
- Amiga was getting new mail.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 29> AmigaELM uses the HOSTNAME but AmiTCP seems to want the fully
- qualified domain name, How can I resolve this problem?
- (Thanks to Jarno and Michael)
- "You could probably use the variable to "name only", since AmiTCP/IP itself
- does not use the variable at all. Some application programs (e-mail
- programs, etc) might have problems, though. The current standard on the
- various Unix versions is that the HOSTNAME includes the fully qualified
- host name
- (i.e.. with the domain).
- "The next release (3.0) of the AmiTCP/IP fixes this by implementing the
- gethostname() function differently (the name is taken from the name
- server/host database instead of the HOSTNAME variable if possible).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 30> What is a Domain Name Server? And How do I get one?
- A Domain Name Server put simply is a massive address book of the internet,
- It enables the user to use hostnames while not having them in their
- Amitcp:db/hosts file.
- A named implementation is on ftp.demon.co.uk, however as someone who has
- setup his own nameserver, I would recommend that you use someone elses :-)
- DNS is quite a complex system and unless you are running a massive network
- you don`t really need your own.
- For more information on DNS again consult a TCP/IP book.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 31> What is/are "Domain Names to Search"?
- (thanks Jarno :)
- "The "Domain names to search" are the domain names which are appended to a
- given host name on the search. If you have a name "foo" and the domain
- names to search are "bar.edu" and "zip.zop" then the "foo.bar.edu" is tried
- first, and if that fails, the "foo.zip.zop" is tried next. It the name to
- search includes the domain part, it is searched as it is."
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 32> What is Mosaic?
- Mosaic is a client for the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web is a new
- application on the Internet which allows pictures, sounds, animations to be
- viewed from anywhere on the Internet. Amiga Mosaic in on Aminet.
- Aminet:comm/net/Mosaic1.1_AmiTCP.lha
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 33> Can I set up a Mosaic Server with AmiTCP?
- Yes an _excellent_ http daemon (httpd) exists ported by Graham Walter, It
- has been included with AMosaic.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 34> I've heard Mosaic is only for version 3.0 Amigas. Why? and is there
- an alternative for version 2.x Amigas?
- At the moment Mosaic is only available for version 3.0 Amiga`s. This
- because the very nature of Mosaic needs some of the features that are only
- available in version 3 of the Amiga`s OS. That is Inline Datatypes.
- The developers are working on a version for AmigaOS 2.x. It is hoped,
- however, that Commodore will release version 3 though. (thats is CBM are
- saved ;-)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 35> I only log on for a few seconds to see if I've got mail waiting. Would
- AmiTCP be overkill for those situations?
- In this case yes connecting via AmiTCP would be a bit of an overkill.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 36> I thought Emacs was just a text editor. I've seen it mentioned in a
- few posts. What is it used for?
- Emacs is the GOD of all editors :-). It has it`s own programming language
- that lets the user run programs on it. Emacs has gopher, IRC and WWW
- programs that can be used with AmiTCP. And also Gnus for news reading.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 37> My internet provider does offer SLIP accounts for a small extra charge.
- If I change my account to a SLIP account, can I still access it the
- "old" way, in case I just want to quickly check my mail or something?
- The only people who can answer that are your Network providers.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 38> If I'm using AmiTCP, is my mail and downloaded files being stored
- on my local hard drive?
- Yes if you use FTP from your Amiga then the files are transferred DIRECTLY
- to your Amiga`s hard disk drive. No more ZMODEM!!! The same goes for mail,
- news etc.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 39> Am I correct in stating that I can be connected to several different
- computers using several different applications? (thanks Markus :-)
- Yes, this is correct, however, the more connections you have the more
- bandwidth is required/used on your link. For example you could be using
- FTP, while on IRC. OR you could be viewing Mosaic pages while reading
- news.
- However, if there is no traffic on some connections (= are idle), they do
- not use bandwidth at all. So it is the same if you have ten or one
- terminal sessions open if you are just using one (at the time).
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 40> Where can I find more programs for use with AmiTCP?
- Aminet is always the place to look, usually in the comm directory, Also
- look in ftp.demon.co.uk:/pub/amitcp/ this site dedicated to the Internet.
- And look in the applications list available via gopher:
- <gopher://gopher.tky.hut.fi/00/.publish/puhuri/AmiTCP/NetAppList.txt>
- and On the World Wide Web:
- <http://www.tky.hut.fi/.publish/puhuri/NetAppList.html>
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 41> What should I do if I have a question that is not answered here?
- Your best option is to post to USENET in the comp.sys.amiga.datacomm
- newsgroup. Include as much information as possible, what system your
- running, what version of AmiTCP your running, What the problem is. The
- more info you give the better the chance you have of your question being
- answered. Alternatively mail me <atcpfaq@domino.demon.co.uk> or the
- Amitcp-group@hut.fi and we will try to answer your questions.
- This is of course after you have read all the AmiTCP Documentation and any
- additional documentation that comes with the software that you use :-)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- Neil J. McRae <neilm@domino.demon.co.uk>
- AmiTCP FAQ Administrator and contributor.
- ----------------------------------------------------
- | ALL FAQ related information should be mailed to: |
- | atcpfaq@domino.demon.co.uk |
- ----------------------------------------------------