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- AmiDiction.lha Online Dictionary
- AWebcolor2CED.lha Html color selecting from AWeb to CED
- HTMLstrip.lha HTML stripper which can also replace HTML for Ami text codes.
- cablinux.lha Create .CAB (Cabinet) archives
- operclock.lha Weird battclock fix, reboot if stopped clock
- muReset.lha Reset command with muFS support & 726 patch :)
- Bindechex.lha Converts Binary<->Decimal<->Hexadecimal
- Safe.lha V15.8 of virus dicovering system
- Easyreset.lha EasyReset - system reset utility
- GHelp.lha Provides access to all your AmigaGuides and Readme files easily
- amiga13.lha LUnix SDK (binary distribution)
- FindChanges.lha Finds changes made to disk
- tsgui.lha Create or write back image files (ADF) from any disk
- RDBrecov.lha Search lost PFS/SFS partitions on a harddisk
- ASIE.lha ASIE (AMIGA Space Invaders Emulator)
- RAPlay.lha Play/decode RealAudio v1&2 files. (w/src)
- ltools21_demo.lha Dictionary and Document Translator
- Move21.lha Moves Files, For Use With Shell
- DragnDrop14b.lha Update of dragndrop library - got new functions in mailsystem
- fat95.lha Win95/98 compatible file system
- TheMPegEncGUI.lha GUI 4 Ncode, MusicIn, Lame, BladeEnc, Pegase, Mpega, MP3Enc
- JustName.lha A small utility to justify filenames
- DragnDrop14.lha Update of dragndrop library - got new functions in mailsystem
- rmicon.lha ARexx script which deletes .info files (OS3.5+)
- envhandler.lha A happyenv replacement (1.8)
- Image2Icon.lha Creates thumbnail icons 68k+WOS (1.19)
- DblPAL_ME2.lha DBLPAL:768x576 monitor driver for AGA
- Euro72_ME.lha Euro72(79Hz):825x625 monitor driver for AGA
- GhostBusterV2.lha Automatically hides invalid disk icons
- ReqAttack_mgr.lha RAPrefsMUI hungarian catalog (1.82)
- Scion2html.lha WWW browser HTML's from Scion Genealogy dbs's
- Commander.lha Execute commands with pleasure (V1.2)
- UrlBase.lha Universal file based Favorit Link List System
- Sashimi.lha Enhanced drop-in replacement for Sushi, v1.7
- Wipeout.lha Traces and munges memory and detects memory trashing
- DblPal_ME.lha DBLPAL:825x564 monitor driver for AGA
- KillCD0.lha Kill CD0 on CDTV, A570 & CD32 & use other CDFS V1.00
- millibar.lha Millibar Barcode Library v 0.1
- HunkFunc.lha V1.14 display executable file structure
- Dismount.lha Dismounter for volumes and drives
- ReqAttackUpd.lha RAPrefsMUI 1.82
- CopyReplace.lha V1.18 powerful Copy replacement
- xvslibrary.lha External Virus Support Library v33.26
- AddItem.lha Tiny helper to launch programs from tool-menu of Workbench.