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- ;$VER: AWebNews.installer 1.7
- ;20 Dec 1996 WHMP
- (procedure vertxt
- (cat
- (/(getversion verfile) 65536)
- "."
- (-(getversion verfile) (*(/(getversion verfile) 65536) 65536) )
- )
- )
- (procedure awebpref (if (askbool
- (prompt "\n\n\n\n\nInstall AWebNews in Aweb's ARexx menu ?"
- "\n\nIf you have done this already, do not do it a second time.")
- (help "\n\n\n\n\AWebNews is an online NewsReader program as well as a plug-in."
- "You probably want it in the menu."
- "This should not be done if AWebNews"
- " is already in AWeb's ARexx menu .")
- )
- ;rexxmenu
- ((run
- (cat "echo >>ENV:AWeb/program \""
- "AREX 6;" newsdir "/news.awebrx;AWebNews (Read News)\""
- )
- )
- (run
- (cat "echo >>ENVARC:AWeb/program \""
- "AREX 6;" newsdir "/news.awebrx;AWebNews (Read News)\""
- )
- )
- ))
- (if (askbool
- (prompt "\n\n\n\n\nInstall AWebNews as Aweb's News: plug-in ?"
- "\n\nDo not do this if you already have a News: plug-in installed.")
- (help
- "\n\n\n To change the News: plugin, delete the old setting from inside"
- " AWeb-II first. If you do not have a News: plug-in installed go"
- " ahead with this part of the instalation.")
- )
- ;plugin
- ( (run
- (cat "echo >>ENV:AWeb/network \""
- "NWSC sys:rexxc/rx*N"
- "NWSA " newsdir "/news.awebrx %a\""
- )
- )
- ; current stuff
- (run
- (cat "echo >>ENVARC:AWeb/network \""
- "NWSC sys:rexxc/rx*N"
- "NWSA " newsdir "/news.awebrx %a\""
- )
- )
- ) )
- )
- (set @default-dest "AWeb-II:")
- ; do we have a aweb-II:plugins ?
- ;(if (exists "AWeb-II:plugins" (noreq))
- ;useit
- (set @default-dest "AWeb-II:")
- ;ask user where
- (set efault-dest
- (askdir (prompt ("\nPlease find AWeb-II's plugin drawer .\n"))
- (disk)
- (help "\n\nUsualy the same drawer containing the AWeb-II main program:"
- "\nOften 'AWeb-II:' is assigned to this drawer.")
- (default @default-dest)
- )
- )
- ;what is the proper fix for aborting here?
- (set @default-dest efault-dest )
- ;)
- (if (exists (tackon @default-dest "plugins") (noreq))
- ;plugdir ok
- (set plugdir (tackon @default-dest "plugins"))
- ; are we in plugdir ?
- (if (exists (tackon (pathonly @default-dest) "plugins") (noreq))
- ;pludir ok
- (set plugdir (tackon (pathonly @default-dest) "plugins"))
- ; no plugdir were out here
- (
- (set plugdir @default-dest )
- )
- )
- )
- ;if we have a plugdir we try to install
- (if (exists (tackon plugdir "awebnews") (noreq))
- ;do re install
- (
- (message "\n\n\n\n\n Installing update."
- "\nYour configuration and newsgroup list will be preserved." )
- )
- ;first time install make a drawer
- ((message "\n\n\n\n\nFirst time install Creating AWebNews drawer.")
- (set firsttime "yes")
- (makedir(tackon plugdir "AWebNews")(infos))
- )
- )
- ;drawer ok so copy files
- (set newsdir (tackon plugdir "awebnews"))
- (set @default-dest newsdir)
- ( if
- (< (getversion (tackon newsdir "news.awebrx")) 458764)
- ( if
- (> (getversion (tackon newsdir "news.awebrx"))
- (getversion "news.awebrx")
- )
- ; a newer version exists
- (if (askbool
- (prompt "\n\n\n\n The "
- ((set verfile "news.awebrx")(vertxt ))
- " version of AwebNews you are about to install is"
- " an older version than the one you already have ("
- ((set verfile (tackon newsdir "news.awebrx"))(vertxt ))
- ").\nInstall it anyways?"
- )
- (help "\nThe version you are tring to install seems to be older than the one"
- " you already have in place."
- "\n\nNote: versions dated earlier than 18 Dec 1996 had an imporoper version"
- " string. They are NOT newer than the version you are trying to install." )
- )
- (set nil "yes")
- (exit)
- )
- )
- )
- ( if (=(getversion (tackon newsdir "news.awebrx"))
- (getversion "news.awebrx")
- )
- ; same version
- (if (askbool
- (prompt "\n\n\n\n\n AwebNews "
- ((set verfile "news.awebrx")(vertxt ))
- " is already installed. Install it again?")
- (help "The version you are tring to install seems to be the same one"
- " you already have in place.")
- )
- (set nil "yes")
- (exit)
- )
- )
- ((copyfiles (dest newsdir) (source "AWebNews_doc.html") )
- (copyfiles (dest newsdir) (source "confignews.awebrx") )
- (copyfiles (dest newsdir) (source "news.awebrx") )
- )
- ; copy newsgroups if there are none
- (if (exists (tackon newsdir "newsgroups")(noreq))
- (set nil "yes")
- (copyfiles (dest newsdir) (source "newsgroups") )
- )
- ;try to install in aweb-II prefs.
- (
- awebpref
- )
- (exit)