Labels:book | box | bulletin board | crt screen | monitor | person | plant | sky | tree | window | windowpane OCR: Request Pattem Repor Analysis Date December 30 966L 10:46:4 AM Internet sites Interse download sIte analyzed: Interse Interse weh srte First date analyzed: July 20. 1996 Last date analyzed: November 6 1996 Request patterns per visit, by wechday Shows the distribution : of the top 10 values "number of Frequests per visit over the analysis period f your goal is to engage users on your site then you wan trore users with a larger number of requests per visit, i.e. the should be stacked tr the right 15% Sunday Monday 10% Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday # of requests per visit ofrequesis Wechday KEpuRs Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Total %ofvisits 5ofvisits $6ofsits 9of ofis 9ofvisi ofvisits ofsi visits 0.19% 1.55/ 13.19% 9.19% 10.4 Q V6 5.22% 59,04 0.01% 2.43% 3.2 ...