201 You must be an Administrator to set ACE/Agent options.
202 ACE/Agent is not properly installed.\n\nCannot enable Remote security.
203 ACE/Agent is not properly installed.\n\nCannot enable Challenge All security.
204 ACE/Agent is not properly installed.\n\nCannot enable Local security.
205 ACE/Agent is not properly installed.\n\nCannot enable Screen Saver security.
206 ACE/Agent is not properly installed.\n\nCannot enable Reserve Password security.
207 ACE/Agent is not properly installed.\n\nCannot enable WebID feature set.
208 Cookie expiration time must be between 1 minute and 1440 minutes (1 day).
209 Discard all changes made in the Local security?
210 Discard all changes made in the Remote security?
211 Discard all changes made in the Web security?
212 Could not find SDTEST.EXE!
213 Reserve Password and confirmation do not match.
214 Reserve Password must be %d to %d characters\nand contain at least one letter and one digit.
215 This option will allow you to uninstall or upgrade\nyour ACE/Agent for Windows NT software.\n\nDo you want to continue?
216 Could not restart system.
217 Protecting individual files is not as efficient\nas protecting directories. Files added in a\nprotected directory are automatically protected.\nIf the number of individually protected files is\ntoo large each URL access will take longer to\nverify. Additionally, the Control Panel may\nrun out of memory if you choose this option and\nyour Web Server contains thousands of files!
218 You must restart your World Wide Web (WWW)\nPublishing Service for the changes to take effect.\nPlease use the Internet Service Manager to do that.
219 Allowing WebID protected pages to be\nviewed without SSL connections exposes\nyour Web Server to replay attacks. We do not\nrecommend using WebID without SSL active.\nIf you do not have a cite certificate yet and you\nwish to use WebID now you can disable this\nfeature. Are you sure you want to do this?
220 Setting the "Challenge All Users" option for Local logins\ncan result in all users being locked out. Make sure\nthat the "Reserve Password" is set and that at least\none administrator can authenticate with SecurID.\nAre you sure you want to set this option now?
221 This station has a domain secret defined. Do you\nwant to override the existing domain secret?
222 You must export the domain secret to allow additional\nstations to participate in the domain cookie\noperations. You can use the export operation\nat a later time to do this.
223 Cannot open domain secret file to read.
224 Cannot read from domain secret file.
225 Cannot create domain secret file.
226 Cannot write to domain secret file.
227 This is not a valid domain secret file.
228 The domain name in the file does not match\nthe domain name configured for this station.\nCannot use this file.
229 Password and confirmation do not match.
230 Invalid password. Could not unlock the\ndomain secret file. Please try again.
231 Please enter a password to lock the file.\nMust be 6 or more characters.
232 Please enter the correct DNS domain name for this station.
233 Failed gethostname() call.\nError: %d.
234 Failed gethostbyname() call.\nError: %d.
235 You have not defined a domain secret for this station yet.\nYou cannot use domain cookies until you import a\ndomain secret or generate a new one. Please use\nthe "Manage Domain Secret" button to do this.
236 Insufficient memory to complete this operation! Exit some applications and try again.
237 ACE/Agent is not properly installed.\n\nCannot enable RAS Logon Greeting.
238 ACE/Agent is not properly installed.\n\nCannot set RAS Logon Greeting text.
239 You must restart your Remote Access Service\nfor the changes to take effect. Please use\nthe Remote Access Admin to do that.
240 If you do not define the text for the Logon Greeting\nyou must disable the Logon Greeting function.
241 ACE/Agent is not properly installed.\n\nCannot disable username resolution for Event Log messages.
242 ACE/Agent is not properly installed.\n\nCannot disable domain prompt.
243 ACE/Agent is not properly installed.\n\nCannot set Default Domain name.
244 Prompting users with an "Invalid Username"\nresponse can be a security risk. This can let\nan attacker guess the usernames at your site.\nAre you sure you want to enable this option?
245 ACE/Agent is not properly installed.\n\nCannot set Validate Username option.
246 The ACE/Server configuration file SDCONF.REC\ncannot be located. Please consult the online\ndocumentation for instructions.
247 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.