33 An exception occurred in the call to ICatalogUpdate::ApplyChanges.
34 Call to ICatalogUpdate::ApplyChanges failed.
35 DeleteSysPackages: Call to CoGetClassObject failed. Error Code = 0x%x
36 MS DTC is a Windows NT system service that Microsoft Transaction Server uses to manage transactions. You can run Transaction Server without starting MS DTC. You will be able to start and stop MS DTC with the Transaction Server Explorer. \n\nDo you want to have the MS DTC service start automatically when the machine is booted?
37 The specified directory:\n\n'%s'\n\nis in the Setup source files directory. Please type a different directory.
38 DeleteSysPackages: Call to CoCreateInstance failed. Error Code = 0x%x
39 Setup has found user-defined packages that are still installed in the Transaction Server environment. If you proceed without removing these packages, setup will be unable to remove all of the Transaction Server keys from the system registry. Do you wish to continue setup without removing these packages?
40 Unable to set evaluation release expiration date.
41 The specified directory:\n\n'%s'\n\nis invalid, incomplete or write protected. Please type a full path with drive letter; for example 'C:\APPS'.
44 The specified directory:\n\n'%s'\n\nis invalid because it contains unrecognized special characters. Please type a different directory.\n
45 Microsoft Transaction Server Setup
46 The destination directory:\n\n'%s'\n\ndoes not exist. Do you want the directory to be created?\n
47 Setup has detected a previous installation of Microsoft Transaction Server that was installed with an incompatible version of Setup. You should uninstall the previously installed version with the previous setup before proceeding. If you choose to continue with setup you may not be able to completely uninstall the product in the future.\n\nDo you want to continue with setup?
48 %s \nError Code = 0x%08x
61438 Password and confirm password do not match.
61442 The user name, domain name, or password you have entered is invalid. If you entered a domain account make sure the user name is prefixed by the domain name. You must also enter a valid password for the specified account.
61443 Unable to initialize security administration.
61444 Failed to read product version.
61445 An unknown error occurred while setting the system package identity.
61446 An exception was thrown while setting the system path variables.
61447 An exception was thrown while installing the DTC service.
61448 An unknown error occurred while updating the system registry.
61449 An unknown error occurred while installing the MTS system package.
61450 An unknown error occurred while removing the MTS system package.
61451 An exception was thrown while updating a legacy DTC install.
61452 An unknown error occurred while making MTS specific changes to the system registry.
61453 An exception was thrown while unregistering the MTS components.
61454 Unable to complete registration of %s due to insufficient memory.
61455 Unable to complete the registration of %s due missing type library information.
61456 Unable to complete the registration of %s due to missing class information.
61457 Unable to complete the registration of %s due to an unknown error.
61458 Unable to load module %s.
61459 Unable to unload module %s.
61460 Unable to locate address of DllRegisterServer in module %s.
61461 Unable locate address of DllUnregisterServer in module %s.
61462 Unable to complete unregistration of %s due to insufficient memory.
61463 Unable to complete the unregistration of %s due to missing typelib information.
61464 Unable to complete the unregistration of %s due to missing class information.
61465 Unable to complete the unregistration of %s due to an unknown error.
61466 Microsoft Transaction Server
61467 Microsoft Transaction Server\Samples
61468 Transaction Server Explorer
61469 Setup
61470 Help
61471 Readme
61472 Bank Client
61473 Hockey
61474 Setup was not able determine the original install path due to registry corruption. The install path dialog will be shown and you must reenter the original install path.
61475 Setup was unable to install the ODBC Driver Manager.
61476 Setup was unable to install the ODBC SQL Server driver.
61477 You must close the system Control Panel before continuing with setup.
61478 An unknown error occurred while installing ODBC.
61479 Unable to retrieve the IIS setup mode.
61480 Microsoft Transaction Server setup was not completed successfully.
61481 An error occurred while setting the identity on the system package.
61482 Removing the MTS system packages...
61483 Updating path variables...
61484 Installing the DTC service...
61485 Registering MTS components...
61486 Installing system packages...
61487 Setting system package identity...
61488 Installing ODBC...
61489 Updating legacy DTC installations...
61490 Unregistering MTS components...
61491 Unable to create the Distributed Transaction Coordinator install directory on the shared disk drive.
61492 Setup was unable to retrieve the list of shared disks for this computer.
61493 Setup has encountered an inconsistency in the version information in %s.
61494 Unable to register the DTC service with the clustered server.
61495 Setup has detected an inconsistency in the system registry entries. The setup mode will be forced into the maintenance mode.
61496 Setup failed to initialize.
61497 Updating MTS registry entries...
61498 The call to QueryInterface failed for ICatalogSession.
61499 An error occurred while try to initialize the catalog session.
61500 An unknown INF error has occurred.
61501 Unable to configure ODBC driver.
61502 Unable to install the ODBC driver.
61503 Unable to initialize the ODBC driver.
61504 Microsoft Transaction Server 2.0
61505 Warning: Mismatched checkpoint initialization and completion functions.
61506 Setup has determined that this installation is running on a clustered server. In order to complete the installation, setup must checkpoint all entries that are made while registering components. Please ensure that all other applications that have the potential to make registry entries are closed at this time.
61507 Continuing Installation...
61508 Setup was unable to initialize COM. Call to CoInitialize failed.
61509 An exception was thrown while trying to remove the MTS system packages.
61510 Unable to stop service %s.
61511 Timeout has occurred while stopping service %s.
61512 Unable to obtain the location of the Windows Directory.
61513 Unable to set registry values for removing the system packages.
61514 Warning: The currently selected disk drive may not have enough free space to install Transaction Server. Would you like to change your selection?
61515 An error occurred while setting a destination directory ID.
61516 The path you have chosen, %s, is not on a DTC usable shared drive. Please pick another folder for the log file that is on a shared disk in the same resource group as the selected virtual server.
61517 You are attempting to install DTC on a clustered server which has an existing log file that is not on a compatible shared disk. Do you wish to continue with setup? This will create a new log on the shared disk. The data in the old log file will be lost.
61518 Setup queue operation failed.
61519 %s is not a valid drive. Please ensure you are installing to a local hard drive.
61520 Warning: You are about to completely remove Microsoft Transaction Server. All packages including user-defined packages will be lost. Are you sure you want to proceed with this operation?
61521 Setup was unable to remove one of the Transaction Server packages.
61522 Please select a folder on a local hard drive for the MTS installation.
61523 Please select the destination folder for the DTC log. NOTE: This folder must be on a shared drive.
61524 You have entered a value for the install path that is invalid. Please ensure that you have designated a driver letter and have not used any of the following characters in a directory name, /\:*?'"<>|
61525 Setup determined that there are no Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) shared disk resources in the same group as the MSCS cluster network name resource. To continue, Setup requires a shared disk resource. Please use the MSCS Administrator to configure the cluster.
61526 Your system must have Windows NT Service Pack 3 installed in order to run setup.
61527 An exception was thrown while trying to remove one of the MTS packages.
61528 You must install Internet Explorer Version 3.01 before installing Transaction Server.
61529 An exception was thrown while trying to install the license service extender.
61530 Warning: You have entered a path that has a length of %d characters. The maximum path length is %d characters; however, it has been found that paths in excess of %d characters routinely cause problems with setup. If you continue setup may not work properly. Do you wish to choose another install path?
61531 The path you have entered is %d characters long. Please enter a path that has fewer than %d characters.
61532 Failed to start the License Logging Service Extender service.
61533 An error occurred while trying to start the License Logging Service Extender service.
61534 An exception was thrown while trying to start the License Logging Service Extender service.
61535 An exception was thrown while trying to register one of the ADO components.
61536 An exception was thrown while trying to register one of the OLEDB components.
61537 The MTS path listed in the unattended configuration file is invalid.
61538 Unattended mode is not permitted while running setup on a clustered server. Do you wish to continue in interactive mode?
61539 Setup has determined that the DTC installation on this clustered server is incompatible.
61540 Setup has determined that the DTC installation is installed on an incorrect node.
61541 Setup has detected an error in the installation of DTC on this clustered server.
61542 Setup was unable to determine the current state of the DTC installation on this clustered server.
61543 An invalid state was return while attempting to determine the current state of DTC on this clustered server.
61544 Tic-Tac-Toe Client
61545 Setup was unable to find any virtual servers on this node. Please configure a virtual server for DTC and rerun setup.
61546 Installing MTS sample packages...
61547 Setup determined that there are no Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) shared disk resources on any Virtual Servers associated with this node. To continue, Setup requires a shared disk resource. Please use the MSCS Administrator to configure the cluster.
61548 Setup has just completed installation on the first node of this cluster. Please run setup on the other nodes in this cluster at this time. After setup has completed on all other nodes press "OK" to continue.
61549 Setup has determined that the DTC installation on this server was installed by MS SQL Server. In order for this DTC installation to function properly you must reinstall Transaction Server.
61550 Setup was unable to set the location of the ODBC file DSN folder.
61551 Setup was unable to contact the primary MTS node in the cluster to read configuration information. The primary MTS node in the cluster is the node on which MTS was installed first. Please make sure that this node is running then press Retry to continue.
61552 The file %s is busy and cannot be replaced by setup. The replacement of this file may be necessary for the successful completion of setup. Please close all applications that might be using this file and press the Retry button to retry the file copy. Pressing the Abort key will cause setup to quit. You may press Ignore; however, you may experience setup failures later in the installation.
61553 The user account you have entered does not have administration privileges on this machine. Please enter a user account that has local administration privileges.
61554 Microsoft Transaction Server trusted process identities.
61555 Setup was unable to add the MTS Trusted Impersonators group.
61556 Setup must stop the %s service in order to proceed. To do so, please run the cluster administration tool and take offline all the cluster resources dependent on this service. Please ensure that this has been completed, then press OK to continue.
61557 Setup was unable to contact the domain controller for this network. This could be due to network traffic of other associated network problems. Setup must contact the domain controller before continuing.